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- local coreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
- -- objects
- local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local drawingUI ="ScreenGui")
- drawingUI.Name = "Drawing"
- drawingUI.IgnoreGuiInset = true
- drawingUI.DisplayOrder = 0x7fffffff
- drawingUI.Parent = coreGui
- -- variables
- local drawingIndex = 0
- local uiStrokes = table.create(0)
- local baseDrawingObj = setmetatable({
- Visible = true,
- ZIndex = 0,
- Transparency = 1,
- Color =,
- Remove = function(self)
- setmetatable(self, nil)
- end,
- Destroy = function(self)
- setmetatable(self, nil)
- end
- }, {
- __add = function(t1, t2)
- local result = table.clone(t1)
- for index, value in t2 do
- result[index] = value
- end
- return result
- end
- })
- local drawingFontsEnum = {
- [0] = Font.fromEnum(Enum.Font.Roboto),
- [1] = Font.fromEnum(Enum.Font.Legacy),
- [2] = Font.fromEnum(Enum.Font.SourceSans),
- [3] = Font.fromEnum(Enum.Font.RobotoMono)
- }
- -- function
- local function getFontFromIndex(fontIndex)
- return drawingFontsEnum[fontIndex]
- end
- local function convertTransparency(transparency)
- return math.clamp(1 - transparency, 0, 1)
- end
- -- main
- local DrawingLib = {}
- DrawingLib.Fonts = {
- ["UI"] = 0,
- ["System"] = 1,
- ["Plex"] = 2,
- ["Monospace"] = 3
- }
- function
- drawingIndex += 1
- if drawingType == "Line" then
- local lineObj = ({
- From =,
- To =,
- Thickness = 1
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local lineFrame ="Frame")
- lineFrame.Name = drawingIndex
- lineFrame.AnchorPoint = ( * 0.5)
- lineFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
- lineFrame.BackgroundColor3 = lineObj.Color
- lineFrame.Visible = lineObj.Visible
- lineFrame.ZIndex = lineObj.ZIndex
- lineFrame.BackgroundTransparency = convertTransparency(lineObj.Transparency)
- lineFrame.Size =
- lineFrame.Parent = drawingUI
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(lineObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "From" then
- local direction = (lineObj.To - value)
- local center = (lineObj.To + value) / 2
- local distance = direction.Magnitude
- local theta = math.deg(math.atan2(direction.Y, direction.X))
- lineFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(center.X, center.Y)
- lineFrame.Rotation = theta
- lineFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(distance, lineObj.Thickness)
- elseif index == "To" then
- local direction = (value - lineObj.From)
- local center = (value + lineObj.From) / 2
- local distance = direction.Magnitude
- local theta = math.deg(math.atan2(direction.Y, direction.X))
- lineFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(center.X, center.Y)
- lineFrame.Rotation = theta
- lineFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(distance, lineObj.Thickness)
- elseif index == "Thickness" then
- local distance = (lineObj.To - lineObj.From).Magnitude
- lineFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(distance, value)
- elseif index == "Visible" then
- lineFrame.Visible = value
- elseif index == "ZIndex" then
- lineFrame.ZIndex = value
- elseif index == "Transparency" then
- lineFrame.BackgroundTransparency = convertTransparency(value)
- elseif index == "Color" then
- lineFrame.BackgroundColor3 = value
- end
- lineObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- lineFrame:Destroy()
- lineObj.Remove(self)
- return lineObj:Remove()
- end
- end
- return lineObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- elseif drawingType == "Text" then
- local textObj = ({
- Text = "",
- Font = DrawingLib.Fonts.UI,
- Size = 0,
- Position =,
- Center = false,
- Outline = false,
- OutlineColor =
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local textLabel, uiStroke ="TextLabel"),"UIStroke")
- textLabel.Name = drawingIndex
- textLabel.AnchorPoint = ( * .5)
- textLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0
- textLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- textLabel.Visible = textObj.Visible
- textLabel.TextColor3 = textObj.Color
- textLabel.TextTransparency = convertTransparency(textObj.Transparency)
- textLabel.ZIndex = textObj.ZIndex
- textLabel.FontFace = getFontFromIndex(textObj.Font)
- textLabel.TextSize = textObj.Size
- textLabel:GetPropertyChangedSignal("TextBounds"):Connect(function()
- local textBounds = textLabel.TextBounds
- local offset = textBounds / 2
- textLabel.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(textBounds.X, textBounds.Y)
- textLabel.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(textObj.Position.X + (if not textObj.Center then offset.X else 0), textObj.Position.Y + offset.Y)
- end)
- uiStroke.Thickness = 1
- uiStroke.Enabled = textObj.Outline
- uiStroke.Color = textObj.Color
- textLabel.Parent, uiStroke.Parent = drawingUI, textLabel
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(textObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "Text" then
- textLabel.Text = value
- elseif index == "Font" then
- value = math.clamp(value, 0, 3)
- textLabel.FontFace = getFontFromIndex(value)
- elseif index == "Size" then
- textLabel.TextSize = value
- elseif index == "Position" then
- local offset = textLabel.TextBounds / 2
- textLabel.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(value.X + (if not textObj.Center then offset.X else 0), value.Y + offset.Y)
- elseif index == "Center" then
- local position = (
- if value then
- camera.ViewportSize / 2
- else
- textObj.Position
- )
- textLabel.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(position.X, position.Y)
- elseif index == "Outline" then
- uiStroke.Enabled = value
- elseif index == "OutlineColor" then
- uiStroke.Color = value
- elseif index == "Visible" then
- textLabel.Visible = value
- elseif index == "ZIndex" then
- textLabel.ZIndex = value
- elseif index == "Transparency" then
- local transparency = convertTransparency(value)
- textLabel.TextTransparency = transparency
- uiStroke.Transparency = transparency
- elseif index == "Color" then
- textLabel.TextColor3 = value
- end
- textObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- textLabel:Destroy()
- textObj.Remove(self)
- return textObj:Remove()
- end
- elseif index == "TextBounds" then
- return textLabel.TextBounds
- end
- return textObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- elseif drawingType == "Circle" then
- local circleObj = ({
- Radius = 150,
- Position =,
- Thickness = .7,
- Filled = false
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local circleFrame, uiCorner, uiStroke ="Frame"),"UICorner"),"UIStroke")
- circleFrame.Name = drawingIndex
- circleFrame.AnchorPoint = ( * .5)
- circleFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
- circleFrame.BackgroundTransparency = (if circleObj.Filled then convertTransparency(circleObj.Transparency) else 1)
- circleFrame.BackgroundColor3 = circleObj.Color
- circleFrame.Visible = circleObj.Visible
- circleFrame.ZIndex = circleObj.ZIndex
- uiCorner.CornerRadius =, 0)
- circleFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(circleObj.Radius, circleObj.Radius)
- uiStroke.Thickness = circleObj.Thickness
- uiStroke.Enabled = not circleObj.Filled
- uiStroke.ApplyStrokeMode = Enum.ApplyStrokeMode.Border
- circleFrame.Parent, uiCorner.Parent, uiStroke.Parent = drawingUI, circleFrame, circleFrame
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(circleObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "Radius" then
- local radius = value * 2
- circleFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(radius, radius)
- elseif index == "Position" then
- circleFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(value.X, value.Y)
- elseif index == "Thickness" then
- value = math.clamp(value, .6, 0x7fffffff)
- uiStroke.Thickness = value
- elseif index == "Filled" then
- circleFrame.BackgroundTransparency = (if value then convertTransparency(circleObj.Transparency) else 1)
- uiStroke.Enabled = not value
- elseif index == "Visible" then
- circleFrame.Visible = value
- elseif index == "ZIndex" then
- circleFrame.ZIndex = value
- elseif index == "Transparency" then
- local transparency = convertTransparency(value)
- circleFrame.BackgroundTransparency = (if circleObj.Filled then transparency else 1)
- uiStroke.Transparency = transparency
- elseif index == "Color" then
- circleFrame.BackgroundColor3 = value
- uiStroke.Color = value
- end
- circleObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- circleFrame:Destroy()
- circleObj.Remove(self)
- return circleObj:Remove()
- end
- end
- return circleObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- elseif drawingType == "Square" then
- local squareObj = ({
- Size =,
- Position =,
- Thickness = .7,
- Filled = false
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local squareFrame, uiStroke ="Frame"),"UIStroke")
- squareFrame.Name = drawingIndex
- squareFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
- squareFrame.BackgroundTransparency = (if squareObj.Filled then convertTransparency(squareObj.Transparency) else 1)
- squareFrame.ZIndex = squareObj.ZIndex
- squareFrame.BackgroundColor3 = squareObj.Color
- squareFrame.Visible = squareObj.Visible
- uiStroke.Thickness = squareObj.Thickness
- uiStroke.Enabled = not squareObj.Filled
- uiStroke.LineJoinMode = Enum.LineJoinMode.Miter
- squareFrame.Parent, uiStroke.Parent = drawingUI, squareFrame
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(squareObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "Size" then
- squareFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(value.X, value.Y)
- elseif index == "Position" then
- squareFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(value.X, value.Y)
- elseif index == "Thickness" then
- value = math.clamp(value, 0.6, 0x7fffffff)
- uiStroke.Thickness = value
- elseif index == "Filled" then
- squareFrame.BackgroundTransparency = (if value then convertTransparency(squareObj.Transparency) else 1)
- uiStroke.Enabled = not value
- elseif index == "Visible" then
- squareFrame.Visible = value
- elseif index == "ZIndex" then
- squareFrame.ZIndex = value
- elseif index == "Transparency" then
- local transparency = convertTransparency(value)
- squareFrame.BackgroundTransparency = (if squareObj.Filled then transparency else 1)
- uiStroke.Transparency = transparency
- elseif index == "Color" then
- uiStroke.Color = value
- squareFrame.BackgroundColor3 = value
- end
- squareObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- squareFrame:Destroy()
- squareObj.Remove(self)
- return squareObj:Remove()
- end
- end
- return squareObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- elseif drawingType == "Image" then
- local imageObj = ({
- Data = "",
- DataURL = "rbxassetid://0",
- Size =,
- Position =
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local imageFrame ="ImageLabel")
- imageFrame.Name = drawingIndex
- imageFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
- imageFrame.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Stretch
- imageFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- imageFrame.Visible = imageObj.Visible
- imageFrame.ZIndex = imageObj.ZIndex
- imageFrame.ImageTransparency = convertTransparency(imageObj.Transparency)
- imageFrame.ImageColor3 = imageObj.Color
- imageFrame.Parent = drawingUI
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(imageObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "Data" then
- -- later
- elseif index == "DataURL" then -- temporary property
- imageFrame.Image = value
- elseif index == "Size" then
- imageFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(value.X, value.Y)
- elseif index == "Position" then
- imageFrame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(value.X, value.Y)
- elseif index == "Visible" then
- imageFrame.Visible = value
- elseif index == "ZIndex" then
- imageFrame.ZIndex = value
- elseif index == "Transparency" then
- imageFrame.ImageTransparency = convertTransparency(value)
- elseif index == "Color" then
- imageFrame.ImageColor3 = value
- end
- imageObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- imageFrame:Destroy()
- imageObj.Remove(self)
- return imageObj:Remove()
- end
- elseif index == "Data" then
- return nil -- TODO: add error here
- end
- return imageObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- elseif drawingType == "Quad" then
- local quadObj = ({
- PointA =,
- PointB =,
- PointC =,
- PointD =,
- Thickness = 1,
- Filled = false
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local _linePoints = table.create(0)
- _linePoints.A ="Line")
- _linePoints.B ="Line")
- _linePoints.C ="Line")
- _linePoints.D ="Line")
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(quadObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "PointA" then
- _linePoints.A.From = value
- _linePoints.B.To = value
- elseif index == "PointB" then
- _linePoints.B.From = value
- _linePoints.C.To = value
- elseif index == "PointC" then
- _linePoints.C.From = value
- _linePoints.D.To = value
- elseif index == "PointD" then
- _linePoints.D.From = value
- _linePoints.A.To = value
- elseif (index == "Thickness" or index == "Visible" or index == "Color" or index == "ZIndex") then
- for _, linePoint in _linePoints do
- linePoint[index] = value
- end
- elseif index == "Filled" then
- -- later
- end
- quadObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- for _, linePoint in _linePoints do
- linePoint:Remove()
- end
- quadObj.Remove(self)
- return quadObj:Remove()
- end
- end
- return quadObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- elseif drawingType == "Triangle" then
- local triangleObj = ({
- PointA =,
- PointB =,
- PointC =,
- Thickness = 1,
- Filled = false
- } + baseDrawingObj)
- local _linePoints = table.create(0)
- _linePoints.A ="Line")
- _linePoints.B ="Line")
- _linePoints.C ="Line")
- return setmetatable(table.create(0), {
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end,
- __newindex = function(_, index, value)
- if typeof(triangleObj[index]) == "nil" then return end
- if index == "PointA" then
- _linePoints.A.From = value
- _linePoints.B.To = value
- elseif index == "PointB" then
- _linePoints.B.From = value
- _linePoints.C.To = value
- elseif index == "PointC" then
- _linePoints.C.From = value
- _linePoints.A.To = value
- elseif (index == "Thickness" or index == "Visible" or index == "Color" or index == "ZIndex") then
- for _, linePoint in _linePoints do
- linePoint[index] = value
- end
- elseif index == "Filled" then
- -- later
- end
- triangleObj[index] = value
- end,
- __index = function(self, index)
- if index == "Remove" or index == "Destroy" then
- return function()
- for _, linePoint in _linePoints do
- linePoint:Remove()
- end
- triangleObj.Remove(self)
- return triangleObj:Remove()
- end
- end
- return triangleObj[index]
- end,
- __tostring = function() return "Drawing" end
- })
- end
- end
- return DrawingLib
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