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- = Nouns =
- - Case Markers -
- Okap has seven case marking particles: ergative, accusative, locative, allative, ablative, instrumental, and comparative.
- * Ergative - Wu
- This particle marks the agent of a patient-triggered or applicative verb.
- * Accusative - Ke
- This particle marks the patient of an agent-triggered or applicative verb.
- * Locative - Su
- This particle marks a physical or temporal location.
- * Allative - No
- This particle marks a physical, temporal, or abstract target.
- * Ablative - Hit
- This particle marks a physical, temporal, or abstract source.
- * Instrumental - 'I
- This particle marks an instrument or method.
- * Comparative - Cem
- This particle marks a similarity or manner.
- - Possession -
- A possessed noun is marked by the reduplication of its first consonant and vowel.
- - Collectives -
- A collective noun is marked by total reduplication.
- = Pronouns =
- SG 1 =na =ray =ke
- 2 =wi =ne =ta
- PL 1 =nu =ro =ko
- 2 =wu =no =tu
- - Person and Number -
- Okap pronouns have two persons: 1st and 2nd, and two numbers: singular and plural.
- - Case -
- Okap pronouns have three cases: direct, ergative, and accusative.
- * Direct
- The patient of a patient-triggered verb, the agent of an agent-triggered verb, the oblique argument of an applicative verb, the object of a particle, or the possessor of a possessed noun.
- * Ergative
- The agent of a patient-triggered verb.
- * Accusative
- The patient of an agent-triggered verb.
- = Verbs =
- - Voice -
- Okap verbs have five voices: patient-trigger, agent-trigger, causative, final cause, and benefactive.
- * Patient-Trigger - -Ik-
- This voice marks a transitive verb whose agent is ergative and patient is direct.
- * Agent-Trigger - -Ar-
- This voice marks a transitive verb whose agent is direct and patient is accusative.
- * Causative - Ko-
- This voice marks a verb whose agent is ergative, patient is accusative, and causer is direct.
- * Final Cause - Wa-
- This voice marks a verb whose agent is ergative, patient is accusative, and purpose is direct.
- * Benefactive - Su-
- This voice marks a verb whose agent is ergative, patient is accusative, and benefactor is direct.
- - Number -
- A verb with a plural direct argument is marked by the reduplication of its first consonant and vowel.
- - Frequency -
- A verb occurring multiple times is marked by total reduplication.
- = Emotions =
- - Emotives -
- Okap has eight emotives: happy, sad, excited, afraid, loving, angry, proud, and ashamed.
- * Happy - Ci
- * Sad - 'Aw
- * Excited - Ya
- * Afraid - Ku
- * Loving - Ma
- * Angry - Ro
- * Proud - He
- * Ashamed - 'O
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