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- #SingleInstance, Off
- #NoEnv
- SetBatchLines, -1
- SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
- global B_Params := []
- Loop, %0%
- B_Params.Push(%A_Index%)
- Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_AhkPath%, 2
- FileEncoding, UTF-8
- Settings :=
- ( LTrim Join Comments
- {
- ; File path for the starting contents
- "DefaultPath": "C:\Windows\ShellNew\Template.ahk",
- ; When True, this setting may conflict with other instances of CQT
- "GlobalRun": False,
- ; Script options
- "AhkPath": A_AhkPath,
- "Params": "",
- ; Editor (colors are 0xBBGGRR)
- "FGColor": 0xEDEDCD,
- "BGColor": 0x3F3F3F,
- "TabSize": 4,
- "Font": {
- "Typeface": "Consolas",
- "Size": 11,
- "Bold": False
- },
- "Gutter": {
- ; Width in pixels. Make this larger when using
- ; larger fonts. Set to 0 to disable the gutter.
- "Width": 40,
- "FGColor": 0x9FAFAF,
- "BGColor": 0x262626
- },
- ; Highlighter (colors are 0xRRGGBB)
- "UseHighlighter": True,
- "Highlighter": "HighlightAHK",
- "HighlightDelay": 200, ; Delay until the user is finished typing
- "Colors": {
- "Comments": 0x7F9F7F,
- "Functions": 0x7CC8CF,
- "Keywords": 0xE4EDED,
- "Multiline": 0x7F9F7F,
- "Numbers": 0xF79B57,
- "Punctuation": 0x97C0EB,
- "Strings": 0xCC9893,
- "A_Builtins": 0xF79B57,
- "Commands": 0xCDBFA3,
- "Directives": 0x7CC8CF,
- "Flow": 0xE4EDED,
- "KeyNames": 0xCB8DD9
- },
- ; Auto-Indenter
- "Indent": "`t",
- ; Pastebin
- "DefaultName": A_UserName,
- "DefaultDesc": "Pasted with CodeQuickTester",
- ; AutoComplete
- "UseAutoComplete": True,
- "ACListRebuildDelay": 500 ; Delay until the user is finished typing
- }
- )
- ; Overlay any external settings onto the above defaults
- if FileExist("Settings.ini")
- {
- ExtSettings := Ini_Load(FileOpen("Settings.ini", "r").Read())
- for k, v in ExtSettings
- if IsObject(v)
- v.base := Settings[k]
- ExtSettings.base := Settings
- Settings := ExtSettings
- }
- Tester := new CodeQuickTester(Settings)
- Tester.RegisterCloseCallback(Func("TesterClose"))
- return
- #If Tester.Exec.Status == 0 ; Running
- ~*Escape::Tester.Exec.Terminate()
- #If (Tester.Settings.GlobalRun && Tester.Exec.Status == 0) ; Running
- F5::
- !r::
- ; Reloads
- Tester.RunButton()
- Tester.RunButton()
- return
- #If Tester.Settings.GlobalRun
- F5::
- !r::
- Tester.RunButton()
- return
- #If
- TesterClose(Tester)
- {
- ExitApp
- }
- /*
- class RichCode({"TabSize": 4 ; Width of a tab in characters
- , "Indent": "`t" ; What text to insert on indent
- , "FGColor": 0xRRGGBB ; Foreground (text) color
- , "BGColor": 0xRRGGBB ; Background color
- , "Font" ; Font to use
- : {"Typeface": "Courier New" ; Name of the typeface
- , "Size": 12 ; Font size in points
- , "Bold": False} ; Bolded (True/False)
- ; Whether to use the highlighter, or leave it as plain text
- , "UseHighlighter": True
- ; Delay after typing before the highlighter is run
- , "HighlightDelay": 200
- ; The highlighter function (FuncObj or name)
- ; to generate the highlighted RTF. It will be passed
- ; two parameters, the first being this settings array
- ; and the second being the code to be highlighted
- , "Highlighter": Func("HighlightAHK")
- ; The colors to be used by the highlighter function.
- ; This is currently used only by the highlighter, not at all by the
- ; RichCode class. As such, the RGB ordering is by convention only.
- ; You can add as many colors to this array as you want.
- , "Colors"
- : [0xRRGGBB
- , 0xRRGGBB
- , 0xRRGGBB,
- , 0xRRGGBB]})
- */
- class RichCode
- {
- static Msftedit := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "Msftedit.dll")
- static IID_ITextDocument := "{8CC497C0-A1DF-11CE-8098-00AA0047BE5D}"
- static MenuItems := ["Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "", "Select All", ""
- , "UPPERCASE", "lowercase", "TitleCase"]
- _Frozen := False
- ; --- Static Methods ---
- {
- return RGB>>16&0xFF | RGB&0xFF00 | RGB<<16&0xFF0000
- }
- ; --- Properties ---
- Value[]
- {
- get {
- GuiControlGet, Code,, % this.hWnd
- return Code
- }
- set {
- this.Highlight(Value)
- return Value
- }
- }
- ; TODO: reserve and reuse memory
- Selection[i:=0]
- {
- get {
- VarSetCapacity(CHARRANGE, 8, 0)
- this.SendMsg(0x434, 0, &CHARRANGE) ; EM_EXGETSEL
- Out := [NumGet(CHARRANGE, 0, "Int"), NumGet(CHARRANGE, 4, "Int")]
- return i ? Out[i] : Out
- }
- set {
- if i
- Temp := this.Selection, Temp[i] := Value, Value := Temp
- VarSetCapacity(CHARRANGE, 8, 0)
- NumPut(Value[1], &CHARRANGE, 0, "Int") ; cpMin
- NumPut(Value[2], &CHARRANGE, 4, "Int") ; cpMax
- this.SendMsg(0x437, 0, &CHARRANGE) ; EM_EXSETSEL
- return Value
- }
- }
- SelectedText[]
- {
- get {
- Selection := this.Selection, Length := Selection[2] - Selection[1]
- VarSetCapacity(Buffer, (Length + 1) * 2) ; +1 for null terminator
- if (this.SendMsg(0x43E, 0, &Buffer) > Length) ; EM_GETSELTEXT
- throw Exception("Text larger than selection! Buffer overflow!")
- Text := StrGet(&Buffer, Selection[2]-Selection[1], "UTF-16")
- return StrReplace(Text, "`r", "`n")
- }
- set {
- this.SendMsg(0xC2, 1, &Value) ; EM_REPLACESEL
- this.Selection[1] -= StrLen(Value)
- return Value
- }
- }
- EventMask[]
- {
- get {
- return this._EventMask
- }
- set {
- this._EventMask := Value
- this.SendMsg(0x445, 0, Value) ; EM_SETEVENTMASK
- return Value
- }
- }
- UndoSuspended[]
- {
- get {
- return this._UndoSuspended
- }
- set {
- try ; ITextDocument is not implemented in WINE
- {
- if Value
- this.ITextDocument.Undo(-9999995) ; tomSuspend
- else
- this.ITextDocument.Undo(-9999994) ; tomResume
- }
- return this._UndoSuspended := !!Value
- }
- }
- Frozen[]
- {
- get {
- return this._Frozen
- }
- set {
- if (Value && !this._Frozen)
- {
- try ; ITextDocument is not implemented in WINE
- this.ITextDocument.Freeze()
- catch
- GuiControl, -Redraw, % this.hWnd
- }
- else if (!Value && this._Frozen)
- {
- try ; ITextDocument is not implemented in WINE
- this.ITextDocument.Unfreeze()
- catch
- GuiControl, +Redraw, % this.hWnd
- }
- return this._Frozen := !!Value
- }
- }
- Modified[]
- {
- get {
- return this.SendMsg(0xB8, 0, 0) ; EM_GETMODIFY
- }
- set {
- this.SendMsg(0xB9, Value, 0) ; EM_SETMODIFY
- return Value
- }
- }
- ; --- Construction, Destruction, Meta-Functions ---
- __New(Settings, Options:="")
- {
- static Test
- this.Settings := Settings
- FGColor := this.BGRFromRGB(Settings.FGColor)
- BGColor := this.BGRFromRGB(Settings.BGColor)
- Gui, Add, Custom, ClassRichEdit50W hWndhWnd +0x5031b1c4 +E0x20000 %Options%
- this.hWnd := hWnd
- ; Enable WordWrap in RichEdit control ("WordWrap" : true)
- if this.Settings.WordWrap
- SendMessage, 0x0448, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
- ; Register for WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY events
- ; NOTE: this prevents garbage collection of
- ; the class until the control is destroyed
- this.EventMask := 1 ; ENM_CHANGE
- CtrlEvent := this.CtrlEvent.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWnd%, %CtrlEvent%
- ; Set background color
- this.SendMsg(0x443, 0, BGColor) ; EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR
- ; Set character format
- VarSetCapacity(CHARFORMAT2, 116, 0)
- NumPut(116, CHARFORMAT2, 0, "UInt") ; cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2)
- NumPut(0xE0000000, CHARFORMAT2, 4, "UInt") ; dwMask = CFM_COLOR|CFM_FACE|CFM_SIZE
- NumPut(FGColor, CHARFORMAT2, 20, "UInt") ; crTextColor = 0xBBGGRR
- NumPut(Settings.Font.Size*20, CHARFORMAT2, 12, "UInt") ; yHeight = twips
- StrPut(Settings.Font.Typeface, &CHARFORMAT2+26, 32, "UTF-16") ; szFaceName = TCHAR
- this.SendMsg(0x444, 0, &CHARFORMAT2) ; EM_SETCHARFORMAT
- ; Set tab size to 4 for non-highlighted code
- VarSetCapacity(TabStops, 4, 0), NumPut(Settings.TabSize*4, TabStops, "UInt")
- this.SendMsg(0x0CB, 1, &TabStops) ; EM_SETTABSTOPS
- ; Change text limit from 32,767 to max
- this.SendMsg(0x435, 0, -1) ; EM_EXLIMITTEXT
- ; Bind for keyboard events
- ; Use a pointer to prevent reference loop
- this.OnMessageBound := this.OnMessage.Bind(&this)
- OnMessage(0x100, this.OnMessageBound) ; WM_KEYDOWN
- OnMessage(0x205, this.OnMessageBound) ; WM_RBUTTONUP
- ; Bind the highlighter
- this.HighlightBound := this.Highlight.Bind(&this)
- ; Create the right click menu
- this.MenuName := this.__Class . &this
- RCMBound := this.RightClickMenu.Bind(&this)
- for Index, Entry in this.MenuItems
- Menu, % this.MenuName, Add, %Entry%, %RCMBound%
- ; Get the ITextDocument object
- VarSetCapacity(pIRichEditOle, A_PtrSize, 0)
- this.SendMsg(0x43C, 0, &pIRichEditOle) ; EM_GETOLEINTERFACE
- this.pIRichEditOle := NumGet(pIRichEditOle, 0, "UPtr")
- this.IRichEditOle := ComObject(9, this.pIRichEditOle, 1), ObjAddRef(this.pIRichEditOle)
- this.pITextDocument := ComObjQuery(this.IRichEditOle, this.IID_ITextDocument)
- this.ITextDocument := ComObject(9, this.pITextDocument, 1), ObjAddRef(this.pITextDocument)
- }
- RightClickMenu(ItemName, ItemPos, MenuName)
- {
- if !IsObject(this)
- this := Object(this)
- if (ItemName == "Cut")
- Clipboard := this.SelectedText, this.SelectedText := ""
- else if (ItemName == "Copy")
- Clipboard := this.SelectedText
- else if (ItemName == "Paste")
- this.SelectedText := Clipboard
- else if (ItemName == "Delete")
- this.SelectedText := ""
- else if (ItemName == "Select All")
- this.Selection := [0, -1]
- else if (ItemName == "UPPERCASE")
- this.SelectedText := Format("{:U}", this.SelectedText)
- else if (ItemName == "lowercase")
- this.SelectedText := Format("{:L}", this.SelectedText)
- else if (ItemName == "TitleCase")
- this.SelectedText := Format("{:T}", this.SelectedText)
- }
- __Delete()
- {
- ; Release the ITextDocument object
- this.ITextDocument := "", ObjRelease(this.pITextDocument)
- this.IRichEditOle := "", ObjRelease(this.pIRichEditOle)
- ; Release the OnMessage handlers
- OnMessage(0x100, this.OnMessageBound, 0) ; WM_KEYDOWN
- OnMessage(0x205, this.OnMessageBound, 0) ; WM_RBUTTONUP
- ; Destroy the right click menu
- Menu, % this.MenuName, Delete
- HighlightBound := this.HighlightBound
- SetTimer, %HighlightBound%, Delete
- }
- ; --- Event Handlers ---
- OnMessage(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd)
- {
- if !IsObject(this)
- this := Object(this)
- if (hWnd != this.hWnd)
- return
- if (Msg == 0x100) ; WM_KEYDOWN
- {
- if (wParam == GetKeyVK("Tab"))
- {
- ; Indentation
- Selection := this.Selection
- if GetKeyState("Shift")
- this.IndentSelection(True) ; Reverse
- else if (Selection[2] - Selection[1]) ; Something is selected
- this.IndentSelection()
- else
- {
- ; TODO: Trim to size needed to reach next TabSize
- this.SelectedText := this.Settings.Indent
- this.Selection[1] := this.Selection[2] ; Place cursor after
- }
- return False
- }
- else if (wParam == GetKeyVK("Escape")) ; Normally closes the window
- return False
- else if (wParam == GetKeyVK("v") && GetKeyState("Ctrl"))
- {
- this.SelectedText := Clipboard ; Strips formatting
- this.Selection[1] := this.Selection[2] ; Place cursor after
- return False
- }
- }
- else if (Msg == 0x205) ; WM_RBUTTONUP
- {
- Menu, % this.MenuName, Show
- return False
- }
- }
- CtrlEvent(CtrlHwnd, GuiEvent, EventInfo, _ErrorLevel:="")
- {
- if (GuiEvent == "Normal" && EventInfo == 0x300) ; EN_CHANGE
- {
- ; Delay until the user is finished changing the document
- HighlightBound := this.HighlightBound
- SetTimer, %HighlightBound%, % -Abs(this.Settings.HighlightDelay)
- }
- }
- ; --- Methods ---
- ; First parameter is taken as a replacement value
- ; Variadic form is used to detect when a parameter is given,
- ; regardless of content
- Highlight(NewVal*)
- {
- if !IsObject(this)
- this := Object(this)
- if !(this.Settings.UseHighlighter && this.Settings.Highlighter)
- {
- if NewVal.Length()
- GuiControl,, % this.hWnd, % NewVal[1]
- return
- }
- ; Freeze the control while it is being modified, stop change event
- ; generation, suspend the undo buffer, buffer any input events
- PrevFrozen := this.Frozen, this.Frozen := True
- PrevEventMask := this.EventMask, this.EventMask := 0 ; ENM_NONE
- PrevUndoSuspended := this.UndoSuspended, this.UndoSuspended := True
- PrevCritical := A_IsCritical
- Critical, 1000
- ; Run the highlighter
- Highlighter := this.Settings.Highlighter
- RTF := %Highlighter%(this.Settings, NewVal.Length() ? NewVal[1] : this.Value)
- ; "TRichEdit suspend/resume undo function"
- ;
- ; Save the rich text to a UTF-8 buffer
- VarSetCapacity(Buf, StrPut(RTF, "UTF-8"), 0)
- StrPut(RTF, &Buf, "UTF-8")
- ; Set up the necessary structs
- VarSetCapacity(ZOOM, 8, 0) ; Zoom Level
- VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0) ; Scroll Pos
- VarSetCapacity(CHARRANGE, 8, 0) ; Selection
- VarSetCapacity(SETTEXTEX, 8, 0) ; SetText Settings
- NumPut(1, SETTEXTEX, 0, "UInt") ; flags = ST_KEEPUNDO
- ; Save the scroll and cursor positions, update the text,
- ; then restore the scroll and cursor positions
- MODIFY := this.SendMsg(0xB8, 0, 0) ; EM_GETMODIFY
- this.SendMsg(0x4E0, &ZOOM, &ZOOM+4) ; EM_GETZOOM
- this.SendMsg(0x4DD, 0, &POINT) ; EM_GETSCROLLPOS
- this.SendMsg(0x434, 0, &CHARRANGE) ; EM_EXGETSEL
- this.SendMsg(0x461, &SETTEXTEX, &Buf) ; EM_SETTEXTEX
- this.SendMsg(0x437, 0, &CHARRANGE) ; EM_EXSETSEL
- this.SendMsg(0x4DE, 0, &POINT) ; EM_SETSCROLLPOS
- this.SendMsg(0x4E1, NumGet(ZOOM, "UInt")
- , NumGet(ZOOM, 4, "UInt")) ; EM_SETZOOM
- this.SendMsg(0xB9, MODIFY, 0) ; EM_SETMODIFY
- ; Restore previous settings
- Critical, %PrevCritical%
- this.UndoSuspended := PrevUndoSuspended
- this.EventMask := PrevEventMask
- this.Frozen := PrevFrozen
- }
- IndentSelection(Reverse:=False, Indent:="")
- {
- ; Freeze the control while it is being modified, stop change event
- ; generation, buffer any input events
- PrevFrozen := this.Frozen, this.Frozen := True
- PrevEventMask := this.EventMask, this.EventMask := 0 ; ENM_NONE
- PrevCritical := A_IsCritical
- Critical, 1000
- if (Indent == "")
- Indent := this.Settings.Indent
- IndentLen := StrLen(Indent)
- ; Select back to the start of the first line
- Min := this.Selection[1]
- Top := this.SendMsg(0x436, 0, Min) ; EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR
- TopLineIndex := this.SendMsg(0xBB, Top, 0) ; EM_LINEINDEX
- this.Selection[1] := TopLineIndex
- ; TODO: Insert newlines using SetSel/ReplaceSel to avoid having to call
- ; the highlighter again
- Text := this.SelectedText
- if Reverse
- {
- ; Remove indentation appropriately
- Loop, Parse, Text, `n, `r
- {
- if (InStr(A_LoopField, Indent) == 1)
- {
- Out .= "`n" SubStr(A_LoopField, 1+IndentLen)
- if (A_Index == 1)
- Min -= IndentLen
- }
- else
- Out .= "`n" A_LoopField
- }
- this.SelectedText := SubStr(Out, 2)
- ; Move the selection start back, but never onto the previous line
- this.Selection[1] := Min < TopLineIndex ? TopLineIndex : Min
- }
- else
- {
- ; Add indentation appropriately
- Trailing := (SubStr(Text, 0) == "`n")
- Temp := Trailing ? SubStr(Text, 1, -1) : Text
- Loop, Parse, Temp, `n, `r
- Out .= "`n" Indent . A_LoopField
- this.SelectedText := SubStr(Out, 2) . (Trailing ? "`n" : "")
- ; Move the selection start forward
- this.Selection[1] := Min + IndentLen
- }
- this.Highlight()
- ; Restore previous settings
- Critical, %PrevCritical%
- this.EventMask := PrevEventMask
- ; When content changes cause the horizontal scrollbar to disappear,
- ; unfreezing causes the scrollbar to jump. To solve this, jump back
- ; after unfreezing. This will cause a flicker when that edge case
- ; occurs, but it's better than the alternative.
- VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
- this.SendMsg(0x4DD, 0, &POINT) ; EM_GETSCROLLPOS
- this.Frozen := PrevFrozen
- this.SendMsg(0x4DE, 0, &POINT) ; EM_SETSCROLLPOS
- }
- ; --- Helper/Convenience Methods ---
- SendMsg(Msg, wParam, lParam)
- {
- SendMessage, Msg, wParam, lParam,, % "ahk_id" this.hWnd
- return ErrorLevel
- }
- }
- GenHighlighterCache(Settings)
- {
- if Settings.HasKey("Cache")
- return
- Cache := Settings.Cache := {}
- ; --- Process Colors ---
- Cache.Colors := Settings.Colors.Clone()
- ; Inherit from the Settings array's base
- BaseSettings := Settings
- while (BaseSettings := BaseSettings.Base)
- for Name, Color in BaseSettings.Colors
- if !Cache.Colors.HasKey(Name)
- Cache.Colors[Name] := Color
- ; Include the color of plain text
- if !Cache.Colors.HasKey("Plain")
- Cache.Colors.Plain := Settings.FGColor
- ; Create a Name->Index map of the colors
- Cache.ColorMap := {}
- for Name, Color in Cache.Colors
- Cache.ColorMap[Name] := A_Index
- ; --- Generate the RTF headers ---
- RTF := "{\urtf"
- ; Color Table
- RTF .= "{\colortbl;"
- for Name, Color in Cache.Colors
- {
- RTF .= "\red" Color>>16 & 0xFF
- RTF .= "\green" Color>>8 & 0xFF
- RTF .= "\blue" Color & 0xFF ";"
- }
- RTF .= "}"
- ; Font Table
- if Settings.Font
- {
- FontTable .= "{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 "
- FontTable .= Settings.Font.Typeface
- FontTable .= ";}}"
- RTF .= "\fs" Settings.Font.Size * 2 ; Font size (half-points)
- if Settings.Font.Bold
- RTF .= "\b"
- }
- ; Tab size (twips)
- RTF .= "\deftab" GetCharWidthTwips(Settings.Font) * Settings.TabSize
- Cache.RTFHeader := RTF
- }
- GetCharWidthTwips(Font)
- {
- static Cache := {}
- if Cache.HasKey(Font.Typeface "_" Font.Size "_" Font.Bold)
- return Cache[Font.Typeface "_" font.Size "_" Font.Bold]
- ; Calculate parameters of CreateFont
- Height := -Round(Font.Size*A_ScreenDPI/72)
- Weight := 400+300*(!!Font.Bold)
- Face := Font.Typeface
- ; Get the width of "x"
- hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UPtr", 0)
- hFont := DllCall("CreateFont"
- , "Int", Height ; _In_ int nHeight,
- , "Int", 0 ; _In_ int nWidth,
- , "Int", 0 ; _In_ int nEscapement,
- , "Int", 0 ; _In_ int nOrientation,
- , "Int", Weight ; _In_ int fnWeight,
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwItalic,
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwUnderline,
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwStrikeOut,
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwCharSet, (ANSI_CHARSET)
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwOutputPrecision, (OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS)
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwClipPrecision, (CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS)
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwQuality, (DEFAULT_QUALITY)
- , "UInt", 0 ; _In_ DWORD fdwPitchAndFamily, (FF_DONTCARE|DEFAULT_PITCH)
- , "Str", Face ; _In_ LPCTSTR lpszFace
- , "UPtr")
- hObj := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", hDC, "UPtr", hFont, "UPtr")
- VarSetCapacity(SIZE, 8, 0)
- DllCall("GetTextExtentPoint32", "UPtr", hDC, "Str", "x", "Int", 1, "UPtr", &SIZE)
- DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", hDC, "UPtr", hObj, "UPtr")
- DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", hFont)
- DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", 0, "UPtr", hDC)
- ; Convert to twpis
- Twips := Round(NumGet(SIZE, 0, "UInt")*1440/A_ScreenDPI)
- Cache[Font.Typeface "_" Font.Size "_" Font.Bold] := Twips
- return Twips
- }
- EscapeRTF(Code)
- {
- for each, Char in ["\", "{", "}", "`n"]
- Code := StrReplace(Code, Char, "\" Char)
- return StrReplace(StrReplace(Code, "`t", "\tab "), "`r")
- }
- HighlightAHK(Settings, ByRef Code)
- {
- static Flow := "break|byref|catch|class|continue|else|exit|exitapp|finally|for|global|gosub|goto|if|ifequal|ifexist|ifgreater|ifgreaterorequal|ifinstring|ifless|iflessorequal|ifmsgbox|ifnotequal|ifnotexist|ifnotinstring|ifwinactive|ifwinexist|ifwinnotactive|ifwinnotexist|local|loop|onexit|pause|return|settimer|sleep|static|suspend|throw|try|until|var|while"
- , Commands := "autotrim|blockinput|clipwait|control|controlclick|controlfocus|controlget|controlgetfocus|controlgetpos|controlgettext|controlmove|controlsend|controlsendraw|controlsettext|coordmode|critical|detecthiddentext|detecthiddenwindows|drive|driveget|drivespacefree|edit|envadd|envdiv|envget|envmult|envset|envsub|envupdate|fileappend|filecopy|filecopydir|filecreatedir|filecreateshortcut|filedelete|fileencoding|filegetattrib|filegetshortcut|filegetsize|filegettime|filegetversion|fileinstall|filemove|filemovedir|fileread|filereadline|filerecycle|filerecycleempty|fileremovedir|fileselectfile|fileselectfolder|filesetattrib|filesettime|formattime|getkeystate|groupactivate|groupadd|groupclose|groupdeactivate|gui|guicontrol|guicontrolget|hotkey|imagesearch|inidelete|iniread|iniwrite|input|inputbox|keyhistory|keywait|listhotkeys|listlines|listvars|menu|mouseclick|mouseclickdrag|mousegetpos|mousemove|msgbox|outputdebug|pixelgetcolor|pixelsearch|postmessage|process|progress|random|regdelete|regread|regwrite|reload|run|runas|runwait|send|sendevent|sendinput|sendlevel|sendmessage|sendmode|sendplay|sendraw|setbatchlines|setcapslockstate|setcontroldelay|setdefaultmousespeed|setenv|setformat|setkeydelay|setmousedelay|setnumlockstate|setregview|setscrolllockstate|setstorecapslockmode|settitlematchmode|setwindelay|setworkingdir|shutdown|sort|soundbeep|soundget|soundgetwavevolume|soundplay|soundset|soundsetwavevolume|splashimage|splashtextoff|splashtexton|splitpath|statusbargettext|statusbarwait|stringcasesense|stringgetpos|stringleft|stringlen|stringlower|stringmid|stringreplace|stringright|stringsplit|stringtrimleft|stringtrimright|stringupper|sysget|thread|tooltip|transform|traytip|urldownloadtofile|winactivate|winactivatebottom|winclose|winget|wingetactivestats|wingetactivetitle|wingetclass|wingetpos|wingettext|wingettitle|winhide|winkill|winmaximize|winmenuselectitem|winminimize|winminimizeall|winminimizeallundo|winmove|winrestore|winset|winsettitle|winshow|winwait|winwaitactive|winwaitclose|winwaitnotactive"
- , Functions := "abs|acos|array|asc|asin|atan|ceil|chr|comobjactive|comobjarray|comobjconnect|comobjcreate|comobject|comobjenwrap|comobjerror|comobjflags|comobjget|comobjmissing|comobjparameter|comobjquery|comobjtype|comobjunwrap|comobjvalue|cos|dllcall|exception|exp|fileexist|fileopen|floor|func|getkeyname|getkeysc|getkeystate|getkeyvk|il_add|il_create|il_destroy|instr|isbyref|isfunc|islabel|isobject|isoptional|ln|log|ltrim|lv_add|lv_delete|lv_deletecol|lv_getcount|lv_getnext|lv_gettext|lv_insert|lv_insertcol|lv_modify|lv_modifycol|lv_setimagelist|mod|numget|numput|objaddref|objclone|object|objgetaddress|objgetcapacity|objhaskey|objinsert|objinsertat|objlength|objmaxindex|objminindex|objnewenum|objpop|objpush|objrawset|objrelease|objremove|objremoveat|objsetcapacity|onmessage|ord|regexmatch|regexreplace|registercallback|round|rtrim|sb_seticon|sb_setparts|sb_settext|sin|sqrt|strget|strlen|strput|strsplit|substr|tan|trim|tv_add|tv_delete|tv_get|tv_getchild|tv_getcount|tv_getnext|tv_getparent|tv_getprev|tv_getselection|tv_gettext|tv_modify|tv_setimagelist|varsetcapacity|winactive|winexist|_addref|_clone|_getaddress|_getcapacity|_haskey|_insert|_maxindex|_minindex|_newenum|_release|_remove|_setcapacity"
- , Keynames := "alt|altdown|altup|appskey|backspace|blind|browser_back|browser_favorites|browser_forward|browser_home|browser_refresh|browser_search|browser_stop|bs|capslock|click|control|ctrl|ctrlbreak|ctrldown|ctrlup|del|delete|down|end|enter|esc|escape|f1|f10|f11|f12|f13|f14|f15|f16|f17|f18|f19|f2|f20|f21|f22|f23|f24|f3|f4|f5|f6|f7|f8|f9|home|ins|insert|joy1|joy10|joy11|joy12|joy13|joy14|joy15|joy16|joy17|joy18|joy19|joy2|joy20|joy21|joy22|joy23|joy24|joy25|joy26|joy27|joy28|joy29|joy3|joy30|joy31|joy32|joy4|joy5|joy6|joy7|joy8|joy9|joyaxes|joybuttons|joyinfo|joyname|joypov|joyr|joyu|joyv|joyx|joyy|joyz|lalt|launch_app1|launch_app2|launch_mail|launch_media|lbutton|lcontrol|lctrl|left|lshift|lwin|lwindown|lwinup|mbutton|media_next|media_play_pause|media_prev|media_stop|numlock|numpad0|numpad1|numpad2|numpad3|numpad4|numpad5|numpad6|numpad7|numpad8|numpad9|numpadadd|numpadclear|numpaddel|numpaddiv|numpaddot|numpaddown|numpadend|numpadenter|numpadhome|numpadins|numpadleft|numpadmult|numpadpgdn|numpadpgup|numpadright|numpadsub|numpadup|pause|pgdn|pgup|printscreen|ralt|raw|rbutton|rcontrol|rctrl|right|rshift|rwin|rwindown|rwinup|scrolllock|shift|shiftdown|shiftup|space|tab|up|volume_down|volume_mute|volume_up|wheeldown|wheelleft|wheelright|wheelup|xbutton1|xbutton2"
- , Builtins := "base|clipboard|clipboardall|comspec|errorlevel|false|programfiles|true"
- , Keywords := "abort|abovenormal|activex|add|ahk_class|ahk_exe|ahk_group|ahk_id|ahk_pid|all|alnum|alpha|altsubmit|alttab|alttabandmenu|alttabmenu|alttabmenudismiss|alwaysontop|and|autosize|background|backgroundtrans|base|belownormal|between|bitand|bitnot|bitor|bitshiftleft|bitshiftright|bitxor|bold|border|bottom|button|buttons|cancel|capacity|caption|center|check|check3|checkbox|checked|checkedgray|choose|choosestring|click|clone|close|color|combobox|contains|controllist|controllisthwnd|count|custom|date|datetime|days|ddl|default|delete|deleteall|delimiter|deref|destroy|digit|disable|disabled|dpiscale|dropdownlist|edit|eject|enable|enabled|error|exit|expand|exstyle|extends|filesystem|first|flash|float|floatfast|focus|font|force|fromcodepage|getaddress|getcapacity|grid|group|groupbox|guiclose|guicontextmenu|guidropfiles|guiescape|guisize|haskey|hdr|hidden|hide|high|hkcc|hkcr|hkcu|hkey_classes_root|hkey_current_config|hkey_current_user|hkey_local_machine|hkey_users|hklm|hku|hotkey|hours|hscroll|hwnd|icon|iconsmall|id|idlast|ignore|imagelist|in|insert|integer|integerfast|interrupt|is|italic|join|label|lastfound|lastfoundexist|left|limit|lines|link|list|listbox|listview|localsameasglobal|lock|logoff|low|lower|lowercase|ltrim|mainwindow|margin|maximize|maximizebox|maxindex|menu|minimize|minimizebox|minmax|minutes|monitorcount|monitorname|monitorprimary|monitorworkarea|monthcal|mouse|mousemove|mousemoveoff|move|multi|na|new|no|noactivate|nodefault|nohide|noicon|nomainwindow|norm|normal|nosort|nosorthdr|nostandard|not|notab|notimers|number|off|ok|on|or|owndialogs|owner|parse|password|pic|picture|pid|pixel|pos|pow|priority|processname|processpath|progress|radio|range|rawread|rawwrite|read|readchar|readdouble|readfloat|readint|readint64|readline|readnum|readonly|readshort|readuchar|readuint|readushort|realtime|redraw|regex|region|reg_binary|reg_dword|reg_dword_big_endian|reg_expand_sz|reg_full_resource_descriptor|reg_link|reg_multi_sz|reg_qword|reg_resource_list|reg_resource_requirements_list|reg_sz|relative|reload|remove|rename|report|resize|restore|retry|rgb|right|rtrim|screen|seconds|section|seek|send|sendandmouse|serial|setcapacity|setlabel|shiftalttab|show|shutdown|single|slider|sortdesc|standard|status|statusbar|statuscd|strike|style|submit|sysmenu|tab|tab2|tabstop|tell|text|theme|this|tile|time|tip|tocodepage|togglecheck|toggleenable|toolwindow|top|topmost|transcolor|transparent|tray|treeview|type|uncheck|underline|unicode|unlock|updown|upper|uppercase|useenv|useerrorlevel|useunsetglobal|useunsetlocal|vis|visfirst|visible|vscroll|waitclose|wantctrla|wantf2|wantreturn|wanttab|wrap|write|writechar|writedouble|writefloat|writeint|writeint64|writeline|writenum|writeshort|writeuchar|writeuint|writeushort|xdigit|xm|xp|xs|yes|ym|yp|ys|__call|__delete|__get|__handle|__new|__set"
- , Needle := "
- ( LTrim Join Comments
- ODims)
- ((?:^|\s);[^\n]+) ; Comments
- |(^\s*\/\*.+?\n\s*\*\/) ; Multiline comments
- |((?:^|\s)#[^ \t\r\n,]+) ; Directives
- |([+*!~&\/\\<>^|=?:
- ,().```%{}\[\]\-]+) ; Punctuation
- |\b(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+) ; Numbers
- |(""[^""\r\n]*"") ; Strings
- |\b(A_\w*|" Builtins ")\b ; A_Builtins
- |\b(" Flow ")\b ; Flow
- |\b(" Commands ")\b ; Commands
- |\b(" Functions ")\b ; Functions (builtin)
- |\b(" Keynames ")\b ; Keynames
- |\b(" Keywords ")\b ; Other keywords
- |(([a-zA-Z_$]+)(?=\()) ; Functions
- )"
- GenHighlighterCache(Settings)
- Map := Settings.Cache.ColorMap
- Pos := 1
- while (FoundPos := RegExMatch(Code, Needle, Match, Pos))
- {
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Plain " "
- RTF .= EscapeRTF(SubStr(Code, Pos, FoundPos-Pos))
- ; Flat block of if statements for performance
- if (Match.Value(1) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Comments
- else if (Match.Value(2) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Multiline
- else if (Match.Value(3) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Directives
- else if (Match.Value(4) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Punctuation
- else if (Match.Value(5) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Numbers
- else if (Match.Value(6) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Strings
- else if (Match.Value(7) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.A_Builtins
- else if (Match.Value(8) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Flow
- else if (Match.Value(9) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Commands
- else if (Match.Value(10) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Functions
- else if (Match.Value(11) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Keynames
- else if (Match.Value(12) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Keywords
- else if (Match.Value(13) != "")
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Functions
- else
- RTF .= "\cf" Map.Plain
- RTF .= " " EscapeRTF(Match.Value())
- Pos := FoundPos + Match.Len()
- }
- return Settings.Cache.RTFHeader . RTF
- . "\cf" Map.Plain " " EscapeRTF(SubStr(Code, Pos)) "\`n}"
- }
- class CodeQuickTester
- {
- static Msftedit := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "Msftedit.dll")
- EditorString := """" A_AhkPath """ """ A_ScriptFullPath """ ""%1"""
- OrigEditorString := "notepad.exe %1"
- Title := "NajeebCodeQuickTester"
- __New(Settings)
- {
- this.Settings := Settings
- this.Shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
- this.Bound := []
- this.Bound.RunButton := this.RunButton.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.GuiSize := this.GuiSize.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.OnMessage := this.OnMessage.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.UpdateStatusBar := this.UpdateStatusBar.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.UpdateAutoComplete := this.UpdateAutoComplete.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.CheckIfRunning := this.CheckIfRunning.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.Highlight := this.Highlight.Bind(this)
- this.Bound.SyncGutter := this.SyncGutter.Bind(this)
- Buttons := new this.MenuButtons(this)
- this.Bound.Indent := Buttons.Indent.Bind(Buttons)
- this.Bound.Unindent := Buttons.Unindent.Bind(Buttons)
- Menus :=
- ( LTrim Join Comments
- [
- ["&File", [
- ["&Run`tF5", this.Bound.RunButton],
- [],
- ["&New`tCtrl+N", Buttons.New.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["&Open`tCtrl+O", Buttons.Open.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["Open &Working Dir`tCtrl+Shift+O", Buttons.OpenFolder.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["&Save`tCtrl+S", Buttons.Save.Bind(Buttons, False)],
- ["&Save as`tCtrl+Shift+S", Buttons.Save.Bind(Buttons, True)],
- ["Rename", Buttons.Rename.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["&Publish", Buttons.Publish.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["&Fetch", Buttons.Fetch.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["E&xit`tCtrl+W", this.GuiClose.Bind(this)]
- ]], ["&Edit", [
- ["Find`tCtrl+F", Buttons.Find.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["Comment Lines`tCtrl+K", Buttons.Comment.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["Uncomment Lines`tCtrl+Shift+K", Buttons.Uncomment.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["Indent Lines", this.Bound.Indent],
- ["Unindent Lines", this.Bound.Unindent],
- [],
- ["Include &Relative", Buttons.IncludeRel.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["Include &Absolute", Buttons.IncludeAbs.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["Script &Options", Buttons.ScriptOpts.Bind(Buttons)]
- ]], ["&Tools", [
- ["&Pastebin`tCtrl+P", Buttons.Paste.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["Re&indent`tCtrl+I", Buttons.AutoIndent.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["&AlwaysOnTop`tAlt+A", Buttons.ToggleOnTop.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["Global Run Hotkeys", Buttons.GlobalRun.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["Install Service Handler", Buttons.ServiceHandler.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["Set as Default Editor", Buttons.DefaultEditor.Bind(Buttons)],
- [],
- ["&Highlighter", Buttons.Highlighter.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["AutoComplete", Buttons.AutoComplete.Bind(Buttons)]
- ]], ["&Help", [
- ["Open &Help File`tCtrl+H", Buttons.Help.Bind(Buttons)],
- ["&About", Buttons.About.Bind(Buttons)]
- ]]
- ]
- )
- Gui, New, +Resize +hWndhMainWindow -AlwaysOnTop
- this.AlwaysOnTop := False
- this.hMainWindow := hMainWindow
- this.Menus := CreateMenus(Menus)
- Gui, Menu, % this.Menus[1]
- ; If set as default, check the highlighter option
- if this.Settings.UseHighlighter
- Menu, % this.Menus[4], Check, &Highlighter
- ; If set as default, check the global run hotkeys option
- if this.Settings.GlobalRun
- Menu, % this.Menus[4], Check, Global Run Hotkeys
- ; If set as default, check the AutoComplete option
- if this.Settings.UseAutoComplete
- Menu, % this.Menus[4], Check, AutoComplete
- ; If service handler is installed, check the menu option
- if ServiceHandler.Installed()
- Menu, % this.Menus[4], Check, Install Service Handler
- RegRead, Editor, HKCR, AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command
- if (Editor == this.EditorString)
- Menu, % this.Menus[4], Check, Set as Default Editor
- ; Register for events
- WinEvents.Register(this.hMainWindow, this)
- for each, Msg in [0x111, 0x100, 0x101, 0x201, 0x202, 0x204] ; WM_COMMAND, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONDOWN
- OnMessage(Msg, this.Bound.OnMessage)
- ; Add code editor and gutter for line numbers
- this.RichCode := new RichCode(this.Settings, "-E0x20000")
- RichEdit_AddMargins(this.RichCode.hWnd, 3, 3)
- if Settings.Gutter.Width
- this.AddGutter()
- if B_Params.HasKey(1)
- FilePath := RegExReplace(B_Params[1], "^ahk:") ; Remove leading service handler
- else
- FilePath := Settings.DefaultPath
- if (FilePath ~= "^https?://")
- this.RichCode.Value := UrlDownloadToVar(FilePath)
- else if (FilePath = "Clipboard")
- this.RichCode.Value := Clipboard
- else if InStr(FileExist(FilePath), "A")
- {
- this.RichCode.Value := FileOpen(FilePath, "r").Read()
- this.RichCode.Modified := False
- if (FilePath == Settings.DefaultPath)
- {
- ; Place cursor after the default template text
- this.RichCode.Selection := [-1, -1]
- }
- else
- {
- ; Keep track of the file currently being edited
- this.FilePath := GetFullPathName(FilePath)
- ; Follow the directory of the most recently opened file
- SetWorkingDir, %FilePath%\..
- }
- }
- else
- this.RichCode.Value := ""
- if (this.FilePath == "")
- Menu, % this.Menus[2], Disable, Rename
- ; Add run button
- Gui, Add, Button, hWndhRunButton, &Run
- this.hRunButton := hRunButton
- BoundFunc := this.Bound.RunButton
- GuiControl, +g, %hRunButton%, %BoundFunc%
- ; Add status bar
- Gui, Add, StatusBar, hWndhStatusBar
- this.UpdateStatusBar()
- ControlGetPos,,,, StatusBarHeight,, ahk_id %hStatusBar%
- this.StatusBarHeight := StatusBarHeight
- ; Initialize the AutoComplete
- this.AC := new this.AutoComplete(this, this.settings.UseAutoComplete)
- this.UpdateTitle()
- Gui, Show, w640 h480
- }
- AddGutter()
- {
- s := this.Settings, f := s.Font, g := s.Gutter
- ; Add the RichEdit control for the gutter
- Gui, Add, Custom, ClassRichEdit50W hWndhGutter +0x5031b1c6 -HScroll -VScroll
- this.hGutter := hGutter
- ; Set the background and font settings
- FGColor := RichCode.BGRFromRGB(g.FGColor)
- BGColor := RichCode.BGRFromRGB(g.BGColor)
- VarSetCapacity(CF2, 116, 0)
- NumPut(116, &CF2+ 0, "UInt") ; cbSize = sizeof(CF2)
- NumPut(0xE<<28, &CF2+ 4, "UInt") ; dwMask = CFM_COLOR|CFM_FACE|CFM_SIZE
- NumPut(f.Size*20, &CF2+12, "UInt") ; yHeight = twips
- NumPut(FGColor, &CF2+20, "UInt") ; crTextColor = 0xBBGGRR
- StrPut(f.Typeface, &CF2+26, 32, "UTF-16") ; szFaceName = TCHAR
- SendMessage(0x444, 0, &CF2, hGutter) ; EM_SETCHARFORMAT
- SendMessage(0x443, 0, BGColor, hGutter) ; EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR
- RichEdit_AddMargins(hGutter, 3, 3, -3, 0)
- }
- RunButton()
- {
- if (this.Exec.Status == 0) ; Running
- this.Exec.Terminate() ; CheckIfRunning updates the GUI
- else ; Not running or doesn't exist
- {
- this.Exec := ExecScript(this.RichCode.Value
- , this.Settings.Params
- , this.Settings.AhkPath)
- GuiControl,, % this.hRunButton, &Kill
- SetTimer(this.Bound.CheckIfRunning, 100)
- }
- }
- CheckIfRunning()
- {
- if (this.Exec.Status == 1)
- {
- SetTimer(this.Bound.CheckIfRunning, "Delete")
- GuiControl,, % this.hRunButton, &Run
- }
- }
- LoadCode(Code, FilePath:="")
- {
- ; Do nothing if nothing is changing
- if (this.FilePath == FilePath && this.RichCode.Value == Code)
- return
- ; Confirm the user really wants to load new code
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- MsgBox, 308, % this.Title " - Confirm Overwrite"
- , Are you sure you want to overwrite your code?
- IfMsgBox, No
- return
- ; If we're changing the open file mark as modified
- ; If we're loading a new file mark as unmodified
- this.RichCode.Modified := this.FilePath == FilePath
- this.FilePath := FilePath
- if (this.FilePath == "")
- Menu, % this.Menus[2], Disable, Rename
- else
- Menu, % this.Menus[2], Enable, Rename
- ; Update the GUI
- this.RichCode.Value := Code
- this.UpdateStatusBar()
- }
- OnMessage(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd)
- {
- if (hWnd == this.hMainWindow && Msg == 0x111 ; WM_COMMAND
- && lParam == this.RichCode.hWnd) ; for RichEdit
- {
- Command := wParam >> 16
- if (Command == 0x400) ; An event that fires on scroll
- {
- this.SyncGutter()
- ; If the user is scrolling too fast it can cause some messages
- ; to be dropped. Set a timer to make sure that when the user stops
- ; scrolling that the line numbers will be in sync.
- SetTimer(this.Bound.SyncGutter, -50)
- }
- else if (Command == 0x200) ; EN_KILLFOCUS
- if this.Settings.UseAutoComplete
- this.AC.Fragment := ""
- }
- else if (hWnd == this.RichCode.hWnd)
- {
- ; Call UpdateStatusBar after the edit handles the keystroke
- SetTimer(this.Bound.UpdateStatusBar, -0)
- if this.Settings.UseAutoComplete
- {
- SetTimer(this.Bound.UpdateAutoComplete
- , -Abs(this.Settings.ACListRebuildDelay))
- if (Msg == 0x100) ; WM_KEYDOWN
- return this.AC.WM_KEYDOWN(wParam, lParam)
- else if (Msg == 0x201) ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
- this.AC.Fragment := ""
- }
- }
- else if (hWnd == this.hGutter
- && {0x100:1,0x101:1,0x201:1,0x202:1,0x204:1}[Msg]) ; WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONDOWN
- {
- ; Disallow interaction with the gutter
- return True
- }
- }
- SyncGutter()
- {
- static BUFF, _ := VarSetCapacity(BUFF, 16, 0)
- if !this.Settings.Gutter.Width
- return
- SendMessage(0x4E0, &BUFF, &BUFF+4, this.RichCode.hwnd) ; EM_GETZOOM
- SendMessage(0x4DD, 0, &BUFF+8, this.RichCode.hwnd) ; EM_GETSCROLLPOS
- ; Don't update the gutter unnecessarily
- State := NumGet(BUFF, 0, "UInt") . NumGet(BUFF, 4, "UInt")
- . NumGet(BUFF, 8, "UInt") . NumGet(BUFF, 12, "UInt")
- if (State == this.GutterState)
- return
- NumPut(-1, BUFF, 8, "UInt") ; Don't sync horizontal position
- Zoom := [NumGet(BUFF, "UInt"), NumGet(BUFF, 4, "UInt")]
- PostMessage(0x4E1, Zoom[1], Zoom[2], this.hGutter) ; EM_SETZOOM
- PostMessage(0x4DE, 0, &BUFF+8, this.hGutter) ; EM_SETSCROLLPOS
- this.ZoomLevel := Zoom[1] / Zoom[2]
- if (this.ZoomLevel != this.LastZoomLevel)
- SetTimer(this.Bound.GuiSize, -0), this.LastZoomLevel := this.ZoomLevel
- this.GutterState := State
- }
- GetKeywordFromCaret()
- {
- ;
- static Buffer
- IsUnicode := !!A_IsUnicode
- rc := this.RichCode
- sel := rc.Selection
- ; Get the currently selected line
- LineNum := rc.SendMsg(0x436, 0, sel[1]) ; EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR
- ; Size a buffer according to the line's length
- Length := rc.SendMsg(0xC1, sel[1], 0) ; EM_LINELENGTH
- VarSetCapacity(Buffer, Length << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
- NumPut(Length, Buffer, "UShort")
- ; Get the text from the line
- rc.SendMsg(0xC4, LineNum, &Buffer) ; EM_GETLINE
- lineText := StrGet(&Buffer, Length)
- ; Parse the line to find the word
- LineIndex := rc.SendMsg(0xBB, LineNum, 0) ; EM_LINEINDEX
- RegExMatch(SubStr(lineText, 1, sel[1]-LineIndex), "[#\w]+$", Start)
- RegExMatch(SubStr(lineText, sel[1]-LineIndex+1), "^[#\w]+", End)
- return Start . End
- }
- UpdateStatusBar()
- {
- ; Delete the timer if it was called by one
- SetTimer(this.Bound.UpdateStatusBar, "Delete")
- ; Get the document length and cursor position
- VarSetCapacity(GTL, 8, 0), NumPut(1200, GTL, 4, "UInt")
- Len := this.RichCode.SendMsg(0x45F, >L, 0) ; EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX (Handles newlines better than GuiControlGet on RE)
- ControlGet, Row, CurrentLine,,, % "ahk_id" this.RichCode.hWnd
- ControlGet, Col, CurrentCol,,, % "ahk_id" this.RichCode.hWnd
- ; Get Selected Text Length
- ; If the user has selected 1 char further than the end of the document,
- ; which is allowed in a RichEdit control, subtract 1 from the length
- Sel := this.RichCode.Selection
- Sel := Sel[2] - Sel[1] - (Sel[2] > Len)
- ; Get the syntax tip, if any
- if (SyntaxTip := HelpFile.GetSyntax(this.GetKeywordFromCaret()))
- this.SyntaxTip := SyntaxTip
- ; Update the Status Bar text
- Gui, % this.hMainWindow ":Default"
- SB_SetText("Len " Len ", Line " Row ", Col " Col
- . (Sel > 0 ? ", Sel " Sel : "") " " this.SyntaxTip)
- ; Update the title Bar
- this.UpdateTitle()
- ; Update the gutter to match the document
- if this.Settings.Gutter.Width
- {
- ControlGet, Lines, LineCount,,, % "ahk_id" this.RichCode.hWnd
- if (Lines != this.LineCount)
- {
- Loop, %Lines%
- Text .= A_Index "`n"
- GuiControl,, % this.hGutter, %Text%
- this.SyncGutter()
- this.LineCount := Lines
- }
- }
- }
- UpdateTitle()
- {
- Title := this.Title
- ; Show the current file name
- if this.FilePath
- {
- SplitPath, % this.FilePath, FileName
- Title .= " - " FileName
- }
- ; Show the curernt modification status
- if this.RichCode.Modified
- Title .= "*"
- ; Return if the title doesn't need to be updated
- if (Title == this.VisibleTitle)
- return
- this.VisibleTitle := Title
- HiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows
- DetectHiddenWindows, On
- WinSetTitle, % "ahk_id" this.hMainWindow,, %Title%
- DetectHiddenWindows, %HiddenWindows%
- }
- UpdateAutoComplete()
- {
- ; Delete the timer if it was called by one
- SetTimer(this.Bound.UpdateAutoComplete, "Delete")
- this.AC.BuildWordList()
- }
- RegisterCloseCallback(CloseCallback)
- {
- this.CloseCallback := CloseCallback
- }
- GuiSize()
- {
- static RECT, _ := VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
- if A_Gui
- gw := A_GuiWidth, gh := A_GuiHeight
- else
- {
- DllCall("GetClientRect", "UPtr", this.hMainWindow, "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt")
- gw := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int"), gh := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int")
- }
- gtw := 3 + Round(this.Settings.Gutter.Width) * (this.ZoomLevel ? this.ZoomLevel : 1), sbh := this.StatusBarHeight
- GuiControl, Move, % this.RichCode.hWnd, % "x" 0+gtw "y" 0 "w" gw-gtw "h" gh-28-sbh
- if this.Settings.Gutter.Width
- GuiControl, Move, % this.hGutter , % "x" 0 "y" 0 "w" gtw "h" gh-28-sbh
- GuiControl, Move, % this.hRunButton , % "x" 0 "y" gh-28-sbh "w" gw "h" 28
- }
- GuiDropFiles(hWnd, Files)
- {
- ; TODO: support multiple file drop
- this.LoadCode(FileOpen(Files[1], "r").Read(), Files[1])
- }
- GuiClose()
- {
- if this.RichCode.Modified
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- MsgBox, 308, % this.Title " - Confirm Exit", There are unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?
- IfMsgBox, No
- return true
- }
- if (this.Exec.Status == 0) ; Running
- {
- SetTimer(this.Bound.CheckIfRunning, "Delete")
- this.Exec.Terminate()
- }
- ; Free up the AC class
- this.AC := ""
- ; Release wm_message hooks
- for each, Msg in [0x100, 0x201, 0x202, 0x204] ; WM_KEYDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONDOWN
- OnMessage(Msg, this.Bound.OnMessage, 0)
- ; Delete timers
- SetTimer(this.Bound.SyncGutter, "Delete")
- SetTimer(this.Bound.GuiSize, "Delete")
- ; Break all the BoundFunc circular references
- this.Delete("Bound")
- ; Release WinEvents handler
- WinEvents.Unregister(this.hMainWindow)
- ; Release GUI window and control glabels
- Gui, Destroy
- ; Release menu bar (Has to be done after Gui, Destroy)
- for each, MenuName in this.Menus
- Menu, %MenuName%, DeleteAll
- this.CloseCallback()
- }
- class Paste
- {
- static Targets := {"IRC": "#ahk", "Discord": "discord"}
- __New(Parent)
- {
- this.Parent := Parent
- ParentWnd := this.Parent.hMainWindow
- Gui, New, +Owner%ParentWnd% +ToolWindow +hWndhWnd
- this.hWnd := hWnd
- Gui, Margin, 5, 5
- Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w30 h22 +0x200, Desc: ; 0x200 for vcenter
- Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp w125 h22 hWndhPasteDesc, % this.Parent.Settings.DefaultDesc
- this.hPasteDesc := hPasteDesc
- Gui, Add, Button, x+4 yp-1 w52 h24 Default hWndhPasteButton, Paste
- this.hPasteButton := hPasteButton
- BoundPaste := this.Paste.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hPasteButton%, %BoundPaste%
- Gui, Add, Text, xm y+5 w30 h22 +0x200, Name: ; 0x200 for vcenter
- Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 yp w100 h22 hWndhPasteName, % this.Parent.Settings.DefaultName
- this.hPasteName := hPasteName
- Gui, Add, DropDownList, x+5 yp w75 hWndhPasteChan, Announce||IRC|Discord
- this.hPasteChan := hPasteChan
- PostMessage, 0x153, -1, 22-6,, ahk_id %hPasteChan% ; Set height of ComboBox
- Gui, Show,, % this.Parent.Title " - Pastebin"
- WinEvents.Register(this.hWnd, this)
- }
- GuiClose()
- {
- GuiControl, -g, % this.hPasteButton
- WinEvents.Unregister(this.hWnd)
- Gui, Destroy
- }
- GuiEscape()
- {
- this.GuiClose()
- }
- Paste()
- {
- GuiControlGet, PasteDesc,, % this.hPasteDesc
- GuiControlGet, PasteName,, % this.hPasteName
- GuiControlGet, PasteChan,, % this.hPasteChan
- this.GuiClose()
- Link := Ahkbin(this.Parent.RichCode.Value, PasteName, PasteDesc, this.Targets[PasteChan])
- MsgBox, 292, % this.Parent.Title " - Pasted", Link received:`n%Link%`n`nCopy to clipboard?
- IfMsgBox, Yes
- Clipboard := Link
- }
- }
- class Publish
- {
- __New(Parent)
- {
- this.Parent := Parent
- ParentWnd := this.Parent.hMainWindow
- Gui, New, +Owner%ParentWnd% +ToolWindow +hWndhWnd
- this.hWnd := hWnd
- Gui, Margin, 5, 5
- ; 0x200 for vcenter
- Gui, Add, Text, w245 h22 Center +0x200, Gather all includes and save to file.
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, hWndhWnd w120 h22 Checked Section, Keep Comments
- this.hComments := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, hWndhWnd w120 h22 Checked, Keep Indentation
- this.hIndent := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, hWndhWnd w120 h22 Checked, Keep Empty Lines
- this.hEmpties := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Button, hWndhWnd w120 h81 ys-1 Default, Export
- this.hButton := hWnd
- BoundPublish := this.Publish.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWnd%, %BoundPublish%
- Gui, Show,, % this.Parent.Title " - Publish"
- WinEvents.Register(this.hWnd, this)
- }
- GuiClose()
- {
- GuiControl, -g, % this.hButton
- WinEvents.Unregister(this.hWnd)
- Gui, Destroy
- }
- GuiEscape()
- {
- this.GuiClose()
- }
- Publish()
- {
- GuiControlGet, KeepComments,, % this.hComments
- GuiControlGet, KeepIndent,, % this.hIndent
- GuiControlGet, KeepEmpties,, % this.hEmpties
- this.GuiClose()
- Gui, % this.Parent.hMainWindow ":+OwnDialogs"
- FileSelectFile, FilePath, S18,, % this.Parent.Title " - Publish Code"
- if ErrorLevel
- return
- FileOpen(FilePath, "w").Write(this.Parent.RichCode.Value)
- PreprocessScript(Text, FilePath, KeepComments, KeepIndent, KeepEmpties)
- FileOpen(FilePath, "w").Write(Text)
- }
- }
- class Find
- {
- __New(Parent)
- {
- this.Parent := Parent
- ParentWnd := this.Parent.hMainWindow
- Gui, New, +Owner%ParentWnd% +ToolWindow +hWndhWnd
- this.hWnd := hWnd
- Gui, Margin, 5, 5
- ; Search
- Gui, Add, Edit, hWndhWnd w200
- SendMessage, 0x1501, True, &cue := "Search Text",, ahk_id %hWnd% ; EM_SETCUEBANNER
- this.hNeedle := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Button, yp-1 x+m w75 Default hWndhWnd, Find Next
- Bound := this.BtnFind.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWnd%, %Bound%
- Gui, Add, Button, yp x+m w75 hWndhWnd, Coun&t All
- Bound := this.BtnCount.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWnd%, %Bound%
- ; Replace
- Gui, Add, Edit, hWndhWnd w200 xm Section
- SendMessage, 0x1501, True, &cue := "Replacement",, ahk_id %hWnd% ; EM_SETCUEBANNER
- this.hReplace := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Button, yp-1 x+m w75 hWndhWnd, &Replace
- Bound := this.Replace.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWnd%, %Bound%
- Gui, Add, Button, yp x+m w75 hWndhWnd, Replace &All
- Bound := this.ReplaceAll.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWnd%, %Bound%
- ; Options
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, hWndhWnd xm, &Case Sensitive
- this.hOptCase := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, hWndhWnd, Re&gular Expressions
- this.hOptRegEx := hWnd
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, hWndhWnd, Transform`, &Deref
- this.hOptDeref := hWnd
- Gui, Show,, % this.Parent.Title " - Find"
- WinEvents.Register(this.hWnd, this)
- }
- GuiClose()
- {
- GuiControl, -g, % this.hButton
- WinEvents.Unregister(this.hWnd)
- Gui, Destroy
- }
- GuiEscape()
- {
- this.GuiClose()
- }
- GetNeedle()
- {
- Opts := this.Case ? "`n" : "i`n"
- Opts .= this.Needle ~= "^[^\(]\)" ? "" : ")"
- if this.RegEx
- return Opts . this.Needle
- else
- return Opts "\Q" StrReplace(this.Needle, "\E", "\E\\E\Q") "\E"
- }
- Find(StartingPos:=1, WrapAround:=True)
- {
- Needle := this.GetNeedle()
- ; Search from StartingPos
- NextPos := RegExMatch(this.Haystack, Needle, Match, StartingPos)
- ; Search from the top
- if (!NextPos && WrapAround)
- NextPos := RegExMatch(this.Haystack, Needle, Match)
- return NextPos ? [NextPos, NextPos+StrLen(Match)] : False
- }
- Submit()
- {
- ; Options
- GuiControlGet, Deref,, % this.hOptDeref
- GuiControlGet, Case,, % this.hOptCase
- this.Case := Case
- GuiControlGet, RegEx,, % this.hOptRegEx
- this.RegEx := RegEx
- ; Search Text/Needle
- GuiControlGet, Needle,, % this.hNeedle
- if Deref
- Transform, Needle, Deref, %Needle%
- this.Needle := Needle
- ; Replacement
- GuiControlGet, Replace,, % this.hReplace
- if Deref
- Transform, Replace, Deref, %Replace%
- this.Replace := Replace
- ; Haystack
- this.Haystack := StrReplace(this.Parent.RichCode.Value, "`r")
- }
- BtnFind()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- this.Submit()
- ; Find and select the item or error out
- if (Pos := this.Find(this.Parent.RichCode.Selection[1]+2))
- this.Parent.RichCode.Selection := [Pos[1] - 1, Pos[2] - 1]
- else
- MsgBox, 0x30, % this.Parent.Title " - Find", Search text not found
- }
- BtnCount()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- this.Submit()
- ; Find and count all instances
- Count := 0, Start := 1
- while (Pos := this.Find(Start, False))
- Start := Pos[1]+1, Count += 1
- MsgBox, 0x40, % this.Parent.Title " - Find", %Count% instances found
- }
- Replace()
- {
- this.Submit()
- ; Get the current selection
- Sel := this.Parent.RichCode.Selection
- ; Find the next occurrence including the current selection
- Pos := this.Find(Sel[1]+1)
- ; If the found item is already selected
- if (Sel[1]+1 == Pos[1] && Sel[2]+1 == Pos[2])
- {
- ; Replace it
- this.Parent.RichCode.SelectedText := this.Replace
- ; Update the haystack to include the replacement
- this.Haystack := StrReplace(this.Parent.RichCode.Value, "`r")
- ; Find the next item *not* including the current selection
- Pos := this.Find(Sel[1]+StrLen(this.Replace)+1)
- }
- ; Select the next found item or error out
- if Pos
- this.Parent.RichCode.Selection := [Pos[1] - 1, Pos[2] - 1]
- else
- MsgBox, 0x30, % this.Parent.Title " - Find", No more instances found
- }
- ReplaceAll()
- {
- rc := this.Parent.RichCode
- this.Submit()
- Needle := this.GetNeedle()
- ; Replace the text in a way that pushes to the undo buffer
- rc.Frozen := True
- Sel := rc.Selection
- rc.Selection := [0, -1]
- rc.SelectedText := RegExReplace(this.Haystack, Needle, this.Replace, Count)
- rc.Selection := Sel
- rc.Frozen := False
- MsgBox, 0x40, % this.Parent.Title " - Find", %Count% instances replaced
- }
- }
- class ScriptOpts
- {
- __New(Parent)
- {
- this.Parent := Parent
- ; Create a GUI
- ParentWnd := this.Parent.hMainWindow
- Gui, New, +Owner%ParentWnd% +ToolWindow +hWndhWnd
- this.hWnd := hWnd
- WinEvents.Register(this.hWnd, this)
- ; Add path picker button
- Gui, Add, Button, xm ym w95 hWndhButton, Pick AHK Path
- BoundSelectFile := this.SelectFile.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hButton%, %BoundSelectFile%
- ; Add path visualization field
- Gui, Add, Edit, ym w250 ReadOnly hWndhAhkPath, % this.Parent.Settings.AhkPath
- this.hAhkPath := hAhkPath
- ; Add parameters field
- Gui, Add, Text, xm w95 h22 +0x200, Parameters:
- Gui, Add, Edit, yp x+m w250 hWndhParamEdit
- this.hParamEdit := hParamEdit
- ParamEditBound := this.ParamEdit.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hParamEdit%, %ParamEditBound%
- ; Add Working Directory field
- Gui, Add, Button, xm w95 hWndhWDButton, Pick Working Dir
- BoundSelectPath := this.SelectPath.Bind(this)
- GuiControl, +g, %hWDButton%, %BoundSelectPath%
- ; Add Working Dir visualization field
- Gui, Add, Edit, x+m w250 ReadOnly hWndhWorkingDir, %A_WorkingDir%
- this.hWorkingDir := hWorkingDir
- ; Show the GUI
- Gui, Show,, % this.Parent.Title " - Script Options"
- }
- ParamEdit()
- {
- GuiControlGet, ParamEdit,, % this.hParamEdit
- this.Parent.Settings.Params := ParamEdit
- }
- SelectFile()
- {
- GuiControlGet, AhkPath,, % this.hAhkPath
- FileSelectFile, AhkPath, 1, %AhkPath%, Pick an AHK EXE, Executables (*.exe)
- if !AhkPath
- return
- this.Parent.Settings.AhkPath := AhkPath
- GuiControl,, % this.hAhkPath, %AhkPath%
- }
- SelectPath()
- {
- FileSelectFolder, WorkingDir, *%A_WorkingDir%, 0, Choose the Working Directory
- if !WorkingDir
- return
- SetWorkingDir, %WorkingDir%
- this.UpdateFields()
- }
- UpdateFields()
- {
- GuiControl,, % this.hWorkingDir, %A_WorkingDir%
- }
- GuiClose()
- {
- WinEvents.Unregister(this.hWnd)
- Gui, Destroy
- }
- GuiEscape()
- {
- this.GuiClose()
- }
- }
- class MenuButtons
- {
- __New(Parent)
- {
- this.Parent := Parent
- }
- Save(SaveAs)
- {
- if (SaveAs || !this.Parent.FilePath)
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- FileSelectFile, FilePath, S18,, % this.Parent.Title " - Save Code"
- if ErrorLevel
- return
- this.Parent.FilePath := FilePath
- }
- FileOpen(this.Parent.FilePath, "w").Write(this.Parent.RichCode.Value)
- this.Parent.RichCode.Modified := False
- this.Parent.UpdateStatusBar()
- }
- Rename()
- {
- ; Make sure the opened file still exists
- if !InStr(FileExist(this.Parent.FilePath), "A")
- throw Exception("Opened file no longer exists")
- ; Ask where to move it to
- FileSelectFile, FilePath, S10, % this.Parent.FilePath
- , Rename As, AutoHotkey Scripts (*.ahk)
- if InStr(FileExist(FilePath), "A")
- throw Exception("Destination file already exists")
- ; Attempt to move it
- FileMove, % this.Parent.FilePath, % FilePath
- if ErrorLevel
- throw Exception("Failed to rename file")
- this.Parent.FilePath := FilePath
- }
- Open()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- FileSelectFile, FilePath, 3,, % this.Parent.Title " - Open Code"
- if ErrorLevel
- return
- this.Parent.LoadCode(FileOpen(FilePath, "r").Read(), FilePath)
- ; Follow the directory of the most recently opened file
- SetWorkingDir, %FilePath%\..
- this.Parent.ScriptOpts.UpdateFields()
- }
- OpenFolder()
- {
- Run, explorer.exe "%A_WorkingDir%"
- }
- New()
- {
- Run, "%A_AhkPath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
- }
- Publish()
- { ; TODO: Recycle PubInstance
- if WinExist("ahk_id" this.PubInstance.hWnd)
- WinActivate, % "ahk_id" this.PubInstance.hWnd
- else
- this.PubInstance := new this.Parent.Publish(this.Parent)
- }
- Fetch()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- InputBox, Url, % this.Parent.Title " - Fetch Code", Enter a URL to fetch code from.
- if (Url := Trim(Url))
- this.Parent.LoadCode(UrlDownloadToVar(Url))
- }
- Find()
- { ; TODO: Recycle FindInstance
- if WinExist("ahk_id" this.FindInstance.hWnd)
- WinActivate, % "ahk_id" this.FindInstance.hWnd
- else
- this.FindInstance := new this.Parent.Find(this.Parent)
- }
- Paste()
- { ; TODO: Recycle PasteInstance
- if WinExist("ahk_id" this.PasteInstance.hWnd)
- WinActivate, % "ahk_id" this.PasteInstance.hWnd
- else
- this.PasteInstance := new this.Parent.Paste(this.Parent)
- }
- ScriptOpts()
- {
- if WinExist("ahk_id" this.Parent.ScriptOptsInstance.hWnd)
- WinActivate, % "ahk_id" this.Parent.ScriptOptsInstance.hWnd
- else
- this.Parent.ScriptOptsInstance := new this.Parent.ScriptOpts(this.Parent)
- }
- ToggleOnTop()
- {
- if (this.Parent.AlwaysOnTop := !this.Parent.AlwaysOnTop)
- {
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Check, &AlwaysOnTop`tAlt+A
- Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
- }
- else
- {
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Uncheck, &AlwaysOnTop`tAlt+A
- Gui, -AlwaysOnTop
- }
- }
- Highlighter()
- {
- if (this.Parent.Settings.UseHighlighter := !this.Parent.Settings.UseHighlighter)
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Check, &Highlighter
- else
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Uncheck, &Highlighter
- ; Force refresh the code, adding/removing any highlighting
- this.Parent.RichCode.Value := this.Parent.RichCode.Value
- }
- GlobalRun()
- {
- if (this.Parent.Settings.GlobalRun := !this.Parent.Settings.GlobalRun)
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Check, Global Run Hotkeys
- else
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Uncheck, Global Run Hotkeys
- }
- AutoIndent()
- {
- this.Parent.LoadCode(AutoIndent(this.Parent.RichCode.Value
- , this.Parent.Settings.Indent), this.Parent.FilePath)
- }
- Help()
- {
- HelpFile.Open(this.Parent.GetKeywordFromCaret())
- }
- About()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- MsgBox,, % this.Parent.Title " - About", CodeQuickTester written by GeekDude
- }
- ServiceHandler()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- if ServiceHandler.Installed()
- {
- MsgBox, 36, % this.Parent.Title " - Uninstall Service Handler"
- , Are you sure you want to remove CodeQuickTester from being the default service handler for "ahk:" links?
- IfMsgBox, Yes
- {
- ServiceHandler.Remove()
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Uncheck, Install Service Handler
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MsgBox, 36, % this.Parent.Title " - Install Service Handler"
- , Are you sure you want to install CodeQuickTester as the default service handler for "ahk:" links?
- IfMsgBox, Yes
- {
- ServiceHandler.Install()
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Check, Install Service Handler
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultEditor()
- {
- Gui, +OwnDialogs
- if !A_IsAdmin
- {
- MsgBox, 48, % this.Parent.Title " - Change Editor", You must be running as administrator to use this feature.
- return
- }
- RegRead, Editor, HKCR, AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command
- if (Editor == this.Parent.EditorString)
- {
- MsgBox, 36, % this.Parent.Title " - Remove as Default Editor"
- , % "Are you sure you want to restore the original default editor for .ahk files?"
- . "`n`n" this.Parent.OrigEditorString
- IfMsgBox, Yes
- {
- RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command,, % this.Parent.OrigEditorString
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Uncheck, Set as Default Editor
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MsgBox, 36, % this.Parent.Title " - Set as Default Editor"
- , % "Are you sure you want to install CodeQuickTester as the default editor for .ahk files?"
- . "`n`n" this.Parent.EditorString
- IfMsgBox, Yes
- {
- RegWrite REG_SZ, HKCR, AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command,, % this.Parent.EditorString
- MsgBox, %ErrorLevel%
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Check, Set as Default Editor
- }
- }
- }
- Comment()
- {
- this.Parent.RichCode.IndentSelection(False, ";")
- }
- Uncomment()
- {
- this.Parent.RichCode.IndentSelection(True, ";")
- }
- Indent()
- {
- this.Parent.RichCode.IndentSelection()
- }
- Unindent()
- {
- this.Parent.RichCode.IndentSelection(True)
- }
- IncludeRel()
- {
- FileSelectFile, AbsPath, 1,, Pick a script to include, AutoHotkey Scripts (*.ahk)
- if ErrorLevel
- return
- ; Get the relative path
- VarSetCapacity(RelPath, A_IsUnicode?520:260) ; MAX_PATH
- if !DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\PathRelativePathTo"
- , "Str", RelPath ; Out Directory
- , "Str", A_WorkingDir, "UInt", 0x10 ; From Directory
- , "Str", AbsPath, "UInt", 0x10) ; To Directory
- throw Exception("Relative path could not be found")
- ; Select the start of the line
- RC := this.Parent.RichCode
- Top := RC.SendMsg(0x436, 0, RC.Selection[1]) ; EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR
- TopLineIndex := RC.SendMsg(0xBB, Top, 0) ; EM_LINEINDEX
- RC.Selection := [TopLineIndex, TopLineIndex]
- ; Insert the include
- RC.SelectedText := "#Include " RelPath "`n"
- RC.Selection[1] := RC.Selection[2]
- }
- IncludeAbs()
- {
- FileSelectFile, AbsPath, 1,, Pick a script to include, AutoHotkey Scripts (*.ahk)
- if ErrorLevel
- return
- ; Select the start of the line
- RC := this.Parent.RichCode
- Top := RC.SendMsg(0x436, 0, RC.Selection[1]) ; EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR
- TopLineIndex := RC.SendMsg(0xBB, Top, 0) ; EM_LINEINDEX
- RC.Selection := [TopLineIndex, TopLineIndex]
- ; Insert the include
- RC.SelectedText := "#Include " AbsPath "`n"
- RC.Selection[1] := RC.Selection[2]
- }
- AutoComplete()
- {
- if (this.Parent.Settings.UseAutoComplete := !this.Parent.Settings.UseAutoComplete)
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Check, AutoComplete
- else
- Menu, % this.Parent.Menus[4], Uncheck, AutoComplete
- this.Parent.AC.Enabled := this.Parent.Settings.UseAutoComplete
- }
- }
- /*
- Implements functionality necessary for AutoCompletion of keywords in the
- RichCode control. Currently works off of values stored in the provided
- Parent object, but could be modified to work off a provided RichCode
- instance directly.
- The class is mostly self contained and could be easily extended to other
- projects, and even other types of controls. The main method of interacting
- with the class is by passing it WM_KEYDOWN messages. Another way to interact
- is by modifying the Fragment property, especially to clear it when you want
- to cancel autocompletion.
- Depends on CQT.ahk, and optionally on HelpFile.ahk
- */
- class AutoComplete
- {
- ; Maximum number of suggestions to be displayed in the dialog
- static MaxSuggestions := 9
- ; Minimum length for a word to be entered into the word list
- static MinWordLen := 4
- ; Minimum length of fragment before suggestions should be displayed
- static MinSuggestLen := 3
- ; Stores the initial caret position for newly typed fragments
- static CaretX := 0, CaretY := 0
- ; --- Properties ---
- Fragment[]
- {
- get
- {
- return this._Fragment
- }
- set
- {
- this._Fragment := Value
- ; Give suggestions when a fragment of sufficient
- ; length has been provided
- if (StrLen(this._Fragment) >= 3)
- this._Suggest()
- else
- this._Hide()
- return this._Fragment
- }
- }
- Enabled[]
- {
- get
- {
- return this._Enabled
- }
- set
- {
- this._Enabled := Value
- if (Value)
- this.BuildWordList()
- else
- this.Fragment := ""
- return Value
- }
- }
- ; --- Constructor, Destructor ---
- __New(Parent, Enabled:=True)
- {
- this.Parent := Parent
- this.Enabled := Enabled
- this.WineVer := DllCall("ntdll.dll\wine_get_version", "AStr")
- ; Create the tool GUI for the floating list
- hParentWnd := this.Parent.hMainWindow
- Gui, +hWndhDefaultWnd
- Relation := this.WineVer ? "Parent" Parent.RichCode.hWnd : "Owner" Parent.hMainWindow
- Gui, New, +%Relation% -Caption +ToolWindow +hWndhWnd
- this.hWnd := hWnd
- Gui, Margin, 0, 0
- ; Create the ListBox control withe appropriate font and styling
- Font := this.Parent.Settings.Font
- Gui, Font, % "s" Font.Size, % Font.Typeface
- Gui, Add, ListBox, x0 y0 r1 0x100 AltSubmit hWndhListBox, Item
- this.hListBox := hListBox
- ; Finish GUI creation and restore the default GUI
- Gui, Show, Hide, % this.Parent.Title " - AutoComplete"
- Gui, %hDefaultWnd%:Default
- ; Get relevant dimensions of the ListBox for later resizing
- SendMessage, 0x1A1, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id" this.hListBox ; LB_GETITEMHEIGHT
- this.ListBoxItemHeight := ErrorLevel
- VarSetCapacity(ListBoxRect, 16, 0)
- DllCall("User32.dll\GetClientRect", "Ptr", this.hListBox, "Ptr", &ListBoxRect)
- this.ListBoxMargins := NumGet(ListBoxRect, 12, "Int") - this.ListBoxItemHeight
- ; Set up the GDI Device Context for later text measurement in _GetWidth
- this.hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UPtr", this.hListBox, "UPtr")
- SendMessage, 0x31, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id" this.hListBox ; WM_GETFONT
- this.hFont := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hDC, "UPtr", ErrorLevel, "UPtr")
- ; Record the total screen width for later user. If the monitors get
- ; rearranged while the script is still running this value will be
- ; inaccurate. However, this will not likely be a significant issue,
- ; and the issues caused by it would be minimal.
- SysGet, ScreenWidth, 78
- this.ScreenWidth := ScreenWidth
- ; Pull a list of default words from the help file.
- ; TODO: Include some kind of hard-coded list for when the help file is
- ; not present, or to supplement the help file.
- for Key in HelpFile.GetLookup()
- this.DefaultWordList .= "|" LTrim(Key, "#")
- ; Build the initial word list based on the default words and the
- ; RichCode's contents at the time of AutoComplete's initialization
- this.BuildWordList()
- }
- __Delete()
- {
- Gui, % this.hWnd ":Destroy"
- this.Visible := False
- DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hDC, "UPtr", this.hFont, "UPtr")
- DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", this.hListBox, "UPtr", this.hDC)
- }
- ; --- Private Methods ---
- ; Gets the pixel-based width of a provided text snippet using the GDI font
- ; selected into the ListBox control
- _GetWidth(Text)
- {
- MaxWidth := 0
- Loop, Parse, Text, |
- {
- DllCall("GetTextExtentPoint32", "UPtr", this.hDC, "Str", A_LoopField
- , "Int", StrLen(A_LoopField), "Int64*", Size), Size &= 0xFFFFFFFF
- if (Size > MaxWidth)
- MaxWidth := Size
- }
- return MaxWidth
- }
- ; Shows the suggestion dialog with contents of the provided DisplayList
- _Show(DisplayList)
- {
- ; Insert the new list
- GuiControl,, % this.hListBox, %DisplayList%
- GuiControl, Choose, % this.hListBox, 1
- ; Resize to fit contents
- StrReplace(DisplayList, "|",, Rows)
- Height := Rows * this.ListBoxItemHeight + this.ListBoxMargins
- Width := this._GetWidth(DisplayList) + 10
- GuiControl, Move, % this.hListBox, w%Width% h%Height%
- ; Keep the dialog from running off the screen
- X := this.CaretX, Y := this.CaretY + 20
- if ((X + Width) > this.ScreenWidth)
- X := this.ScreenWidth - Width
- ; Make the dialog visible
- Gui, % this.hWnd ":Show", x%X% y%Y% AutoSize NoActivate
- this.Visible := True
- }
- ; Hides the dialog if it is visible
- _Hide()
- {
- if !this.Visible
- return
- Gui, % this.hWnd ":Hide"
- this.Visible := False
- }
- ; Filters the word list for entries starting with the fragment, then
- ; shows the dialog with the filtered list as suggestions
- _Suggest()
- {
- ; Filter the list for words beginning with the fragment
- Suggestions := LTrim(RegExReplace(this.WordList
- , "i)\|(?!" this.Fragment ")[^\|]+"), "|")
- ; Fail out if there were no matches
- if !Suggestions
- return true, this._Hide()
- ; Pull the first MaxSuggestions suggestions
- if (Pos := InStr(Suggestions, "|",,, this.MaxSuggestions))
- Suggestions := SubStr(Suggestions, 1, Pos-1)
- this.Suggestions := Suggestions
- this._Show("|" Suggestions)
- }
- ; Finishes the fragment with the selected suggestion
- _Complete()
- {
- ; Get the text of the selected item
- GuiControlGet, Selected,, % this.hListBox
- Suggestion := StrSplit(this.Suggestions, "|")[Selected]
- ; Replace fragment preceding cursor with selected suggestion
- RC := this.Parent.RichCode
- RC.Selection[1] -= StrLen(this.Fragment)
- RC.SelectedText := Suggestion
- RC.Selection[1] := RC.Selection[2]
- ; Clear out the fragment in preparation for further typing
- this.Fragment := ""
- }
- ; --- Public Methods ---
- ; Interpret WM_KEYDOWN messages, the primary means of interfacing with the
- ; class. These messages can be provided by registering an appropriate
- ; handler with OnMessage, or by forwarding the events from another handler
- ; for the control.
- WM_KEYDOWN(wParam, lParam)
- {
- if (!this._Enabled)
- return
- ; Get the name of the key using the virtual key code. The key's scan
- ; code is not used here, but is available in bits 16-23 of lParam and
- ; could be used in future versions for greater reliability.
- Key := GetKeyName(Format("vk{:02x}", wParam))
- ; Treat Numpad variants the same as the equivalent standard keys
- Key := StrReplace(Key, "Numpad")
- ; Handle presses meant to interact with the dialog, such as
- ; navigational, confirmational, or dismissive commands.
- if (this.Visible)
- {
- if (Key == "Tab" || Key == "Enter")
- return False, this._Complete()
- else if (Key == "Up")
- return False, this.SelectUp()
- else if (Key == "Down")
- return False, this.SelectDown()
- }
- ; Ignore standalone modifier presses, and some modified regular presses
- if Key in Shift,Control,Alt
- return
- ; Reset on presses with the control modifier
- if GetKeyState("Control")
- return "", this.Fragment := ""
- ; Subtract from the end of fragment on backspace
- if (Key == "Backspace")
- return "", this.Fragment := SubStr(this.Fragment, 1, -1)
- ; Apply Shift and CapsLock
- if GetKeyState("Shift")
- Key := StrReplace(Key, "-", "_")
- if (GetKeyState("Shift") ^ GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"))
- Key := Format("{:U}", Key)
- ; Reset on unwanted presses -- Allow numbers but not at beginning
- if !(Key ~= "^[A-Za-z_]$" || (this.Fragment != "" && Key ~= "^[0-9]$"))
- return "", this.Fragment := ""
- ; Record the starting position of new fragments
- if (this.Fragment == "")
- {
- CoordMode, Caret, % this.WineVer ? "Client" : "Screen"
- ; Round "" to 0, which can prevent errors in the unlikely case that
- ; input is received while the control is not focused.
- this.CaretX := Round(A_CaretX), this.CaretY := Round(A_CaretY)
- }
- ; Update fragment with the press
- this.Fragment .= Key
- }
- ; Triggers a rebuild of the word list from the RichCode control's contents
- BuildWordList()
- {
- if (!this._Enabled)
- return
- ; Replace non-word chunks with delimiters
- List := RegExReplace(this.Parent.RichCode.Value, "\W+", "|")
- ; Ignore numbers at the beginning of words
- List := RegExReplace(List, "\b[0-9]+")
- ; Ignore words that are too small
- List := RegExReplace(List, "\b\w{1," this.MinWordLen-1 "}\b")
- ; Append default entries, remove duplicates, and save the list
- List .= this.DefaultWordList
- Sort, List, U D| Z
- this.WordList := "|" Trim(List, "|")
- }
- ; Moves the selected item in the dialog up one position
- SelectUp()
- {
- GuiControlGet, Selected,, % this.hListBox
- if (--Selected < 1)
- Selected := this.MaxSuggestions
- GuiControl, Choose, % this.hListBox, %Selected%
- }
- ; Moves the selected item in the dialog down one position
- SelectDown()
- {
- GuiControlGet, Selected,, % this.hListBox
- if (++Selected > this.MaxSuggestions)
- Selected := 1
- GuiControl, Choose, % this.hListBox, %Selected%
- }
- }
- }
- class ServiceHandler ; static class
- {
- static Protocol := "ahk"
- Install()
- {
- Protocol := this.Protocol
- RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\%Protocol%,, URL:AHK Script Protocol
- RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\%Protocol%, URL Protocol
- RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\%Protocol%\shell\open\command,, "%A_AhkPath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "`%1"
- }
- Remove()
- {
- Protocol := this.Protocol
- RegDelete, HKCU, Software\Classes\%Protocol%
- }
- Installed()
- {
- Protocol := this.Protocol
- RegRead, Out, HKCU, Software\Classes\%Protocol%
- return !ErrorLevel
- }
- }
- class WinEvents ; static class
- {
- static _ := WinEvents.AutoInit()
- AutoInit()
- {
- this.Table := []
- OnMessage(2, this.Destroy.bind(this))
- }
- Register(ID, HandlerClass, Prefix="Gui")
- {
- Gui, %ID%: +hWndhWnd +LabelWinEvents_
- this.Table[hWnd] := {Class: HandlerClass, Prefix: Prefix}
- }
- Unregister(ID)
- {
- Gui, %ID%: +hWndhWnd
- this.Table.Delete(hWnd)
- }
- Dispatch(Type, Params*)
- {
- Info := this.Table[Params[1]]
- return (Info.Class)[Info.Prefix . Type](Params*)
- }
- Destroy(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd)
- {
- this.Table.Delete(hWnd)
- }
- }
- WinEvents_Close(Params*) {
- return WinEvents.Dispatch("Close", Params*)
- } WinEvents_Escape(Params*) {
- return WinEvents.Dispatch("Escape", Params*)
- } WinEvents_Size(Params*) {
- return WinEvents.Dispatch("Size", Params*)
- } WinEvents_ContextMenu(Params*) {
- return WinEvents.Dispatch("ContextMenu", Params*)
- } WinEvents_DropFiles(Params*) {
- return WinEvents.Dispatch("DropFiles", Params*)
- }
- AutoIndent(Code, Indent = "`t", Newline = "`r`n")
- {
- IndentRegEx =
- ( LTrim Join
- Catch|else|for|Finally|if|IfEqual|IfExist|
- IfGreater|IfGreaterOrEqual|IfInString|
- IfLess|IfLessOrEqual|IfMsgBox|IfNotEqual|
- IfNotExist|IfNotInString|IfWinActive|IfWinExist|
- IfWinNotActive|IfWinNotExist|Loop|Try|while
- )
- ; Lock and Block are modified ByRef by Current
- Lock := [], Block := []
- ParentIndent := Braces := 0
- ParentIndentObj := []
- for each, Line in StrSplit(Code, "`n", "`r")
- {
- Text := Trim(RegExReplace(Line, "\s;.*")) ; Comment removal
- First := SubStr(Text, 1, 1), Last := SubStr(Text, 0, 1)
- FirstTwo := SubStr(Text, 1, 2)
- IsExpCont := (Text ~= "i)^\s*(&&|OR|AND|\.|\,|\|\||:|\?)")
- IndentCheck := (Text ~= "iA)}?\s*\b(" IndentRegEx ")\b")
- if (First == "(" && Last != ")")
- Skip := True
- if (Skip)
- {
- if (First == ")")
- Skip := False
- Out .= Newline . RTrim(Line)
- continue
- }
- if (FirstTwo == "*/")
- Block := [], ParentIndent := 0
- if Block.MinIndex()
- Current := Block, Cur := 1
- else
- Current := Lock, Cur := 0
- ; Round converts "" to 0
- Braces := Round(Current[Current.MaxIndex()].Braces)
- ParentIndent := Round(ParentIndentObj[Cur])
- if (First == "}")
- {
- while ((Found := SubStr(Text, A_Index, 1)) ~= "}|\s")
- {
- if (Found ~= "\s")
- continue
- if (Cur && Current.MaxIndex() <= 1)
- break
- Special := Current.Pop().Ind, Braces--
- }
- }
- if (First == "{" && ParentIndent)
- ParentIndent--
- Out .= Newline
- Loop, % Special ? Special-1 : Round(Current[Current.MaxIndex()].Ind) + Round(ParentIndent)
- Out .= Indent
- Out .= Trim(Line)
- if (FirstTwo == "/*")
- {
- if (!Block.MinIndex())
- {
- Block.Push({ParentIndent: ParentIndent
- , Ind: Round(Lock[Lock.MaxIndex()].Ind) + 1
- , Braces: Round(Lock[Lock.MaxIndex()].Braces) + 1})
- }
- Current := Block, ParentIndent := 0
- }
- if (Last == "{")
- {
- Braces++, ParentIndent := (IsExpCont && Last == "{") ? ParentIndent-1 : ParentIndent
- Current.Push({Braces: Braces
- , Ind: ParentIndent + Round(Current[Current.MaxIndex()].ParentIndent) + Braces
- , ParentIndent: ParentIndent + Round(Current[Current.MaxIndex()].ParentIndent)})
- ParentIndent := 0
- }
- if ((ParentIndent || IsExpCont || IndentCheck) && (IndentCheck && Last != "{"))
- ParentIndent++
- if (ParentIndent > 0 && !(IsExpCont || IndentCheck))
- ParentIndent := 0
- ParentIndentObj[Cur] := ParentIndent
- Special := 0
- }
- if Braces
- throw Exception("Segment Open!")
- return SubStr(Out, StrLen(Newline)+1)
- }
- ; Modified from
- ExecScript(Script, Params="", AhkPath="")
- {
- static Shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
- Name := "\\.\pipe\AHK_CQT_" A_TickCount
- Pipe := []
- Loop, 3
- {
- Pipe[A_Index] := DllCall("CreateNamedPipe"
- , "Str", Name
- , "UInt", 2, "UInt", 0
- , "UInt", 255, "UInt", 0
- , "UInt", 0, "UPtr", 0
- , "UPtr", 0, "UPtr")
- }
- if !FileExist(AhkPath)
- throw Exception("AutoHotkey runtime not found: " AhkPath)
- if (A_IsCompiled && AhkPath == A_ScriptFullPath)
- AhkPath .= " /E"
- if FileExist(Name)
- {
- Exec := Shell.Exec(AhkPath " /CP65001 " Name " " Params)
- DllCall("ConnectNamedPipe", "UPtr", Pipe[2], "UPtr", 0)
- DllCall("ConnectNamedPipe", "UPtr", Pipe[3], "UPtr", 0)
- FileOpen(Pipe[3], "h", "UTF-8").Write(Script)
- }
- else ; Running under WINE with improperly implemented pipes
- {
- FileOpen(Name := "AHK_CQT_TMP.ahk", "w").Write(Script)
- Exec := Shell.Exec(AhkPath " /CP65001 " Name " " Params)
- }
- Loop, 3
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "UPtr", Pipe[A_Index])
- return Exec
- }
- DeHashBang(Script)
- {
- AhkPath := A_AhkPath
- if RegExMatch(Script, "`a)^\s*`;#!\s*(.+)", Match)
- {
- AhkPath := Trim(Match1)
- Vars := {"%A_ScriptDir%": A_WorkingDir
- , "%A_WorkingDir%": A_WorkingDir
- , "%A_AppData%": A_AppData
- , "%A_AppDataCommon%": A_AppDataCommon
- , "%A_LineFile%": A_ScriptFullPath
- , "%A_AhkPath%": A_AhkPath
- , "%A_AhkDir%": A_AhkPath "\.."}
- for SearchText, Replacement in Vars
- StringReplace, AhkPath, AhkPath, %SearchText%, %Replacement%, All
- }
- return AhkPath
- }
- UrlDownloadToVar(Url)
- {
- xhr := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- xhr.Open("GET", url, false), xhr.Send()
- return xhr.ResponseText
- }
- ; Helper function, to make passing in expressions resulting in function objects easier
- SetTimer(Label, Period)
- {
- SetTimer, %Label%, %Period%
- }
- SendMessage(Msg, wParam, lParam, hWnd)
- {
- ; DllCall("SendMessage", "UPtr", hWnd, "UInt", Msg, "UPtr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam, "UPtr")
- SendMessage, Msg, wParam, lParam,, ahk_id %hWnd%
- return ErrorLevel
- }
- PostMessage(Msg, wParam, lParam, hWnd)
- {
- PostMessage, Msg, wParam, lParam,, ahk_id %hWnd%
- return ErrorLevel
- }
- Ahkbin(Content, Name="", Desc="", Channel="")
- {
- static URL := ""
- Form := "code=" UriEncode(Content)
- if Name
- Form .= "&name=" UriEncode(Name)
- if Desc
- Form .= "&desc=" UriEncode(Desc)
- if Channel
- Form .= "&announce=on&channel=" UriEncode(Channel)
- Pbin := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- Pbin.Open("POST", URL, False)
- Pbin.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
- Pbin.Send(Form)
- return Pbin.getResponseHeader("ahk-location")
- }
- ; Modified by GeekDude from
- UriEncode(Uri, RE="[0-9A-Za-z]") {
- VarSetCapacity(Var, StrPut(Uri, "UTF-8"), 0), StrPut(Uri, &Var, "UTF-8")
- While Code := NumGet(Var, A_Index - 1, "UChar")
- Res .= (Chr:=Chr(Code)) ~= RE ? Chr : Format("%{:02X}", Code)
- Return, Res
- }
- CreateMenus(Menu)
- {
- static MenuName := 0
- Menus := ["Menu_" MenuName++]
- for each, Item in Menu
- {
- Ref := Item[2]
- if IsObject(Ref) && Ref._NewEnum()
- {
- SubMenus := CreateMenus(Ref)
- Menus.Push(SubMenus*), Ref := ":" SubMenus[1]
- }
- Menu, % Menus[1], Add, % Item[1], %Ref%
- }
- return Menus
- }
- Ini_Load(Contents)
- {
- Section := Out := []
- loop, Parse, Contents, `n, `r
- {
- if ((Line := Trim(A_LoopField)) ~= "^;|^$")
- continue
- else if RegExMatch(Line, "^\[(.+)\]$", Match)
- Out[Match1] := (Section := [])
- else if RegExMatch(Line, "^(.+?)=(.*)$", Match)
- Section[Trim(Match1)] := Trim(Match2)
- }
- return Out
- }
- GetFullPathName(FilePath)
- {
- VarSetCapacity(Path, A_IsUnicode ? 520 : 260, 0)
- DllCall("GetFullPathName", "Str", FilePath
- , "UInt", 260, "Str", Path, "Ptr", 0, "UInt")
- return Path
- }
- RichEdit_AddMargins(hRichEdit, x:=0, y:=0, w:=0, h:=0)
- {
- static WineVer := DllCall("ntdll.dll\wine_get_version", "AStr")
- VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
- if (x | y | w | h)
- {
- if WineVer
- {
- ; Workaround for bug in Wine 3.0.2.
- ; This code will need to be updated this code
- ; after future Wine releases that fix it.
- NumPut(x, RECT, 0, "Int"), NumPut(y, RECT, 4, "Int")
- NumPut(w, RECT, 8, "Int"), NumPut(h, RECT, 12, "Int")
- }
- else
- {
- if !DllCall("GetClientRect", "UPtr", hRichEdit, "UPtr", &RECT, "UInt")
- throw Exception("Couldn't get RichEdit Client RECT")
- NumPut(x + NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int"), RECT, 0, "Int")
- NumPut(y + NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int"), RECT, 4, "Int")
- NumPut(w + NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int"), RECT, 8, "Int")
- NumPut(h + NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int"), RECT, 12, "Int")
- }
- }
- SendMessage(0xB3, 0, &RECT, hRichEdit)
- }
- ;
- ; Based on code from fincs' Ahk2Exe -
- ;
- PreprocessScript(ByRef ScriptText, AhkScript, KeepComments=1, KeepIndent=1, KeepEmpties=0, FileList="", FirstScriptDir="", Options="", iOption=0)
- {
- SplitPath, AhkScript, ScriptName, ScriptDir
- if !IsObject(FileList)
- {
- FileList := [AhkScript]
- ; ScriptText := "; <COMPILER: v" A_AhkVersion ">`n"
- FirstScriptDir := A_WorkingDir
- IsFirstScript := true
- Options := { comm: ";", esc: "``" }
- OldWorkingDir := A_WorkingDir
- SetWorkingDir, %FirstScriptDir%
- }
- IfNotExist, %AhkScript%
- if !iOption
- Util_Error((IsFirstScript ? "Script" : "#include") " file """ AhkScript """ cannot be opened.")
- else return
- cmtBlock := false, contSection := false
- Loop, Read, %AhkScript%
- {
- tline := Trim(A_LoopReadLine)
- RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, "^[ \t]+", indent)
- if !cmtBlock
- {
- if !contSection
- {
- if StrStartsWith(tline, Options.comm) && !KeepComments
- continue
- else if (tline = "" && !KeepEmpties)
- continue
- else if StrStartsWith(tline, "/*")
- {
- if KeepComments
- ScriptText .= A_LoopReadLine "`n"
- cmtBlock := true
- continue
- }
- }
- if StrStartsWith(tline, "(") && !IsFakeCSOpening(tline)
- contSection := true
- else if StrStartsWith(tline, ")")
- contSection := false
- ttline := RegExReplace(tline, "\s+" RegExEscape(Options.comm) ".*$", "")
- if !contSection && RegExMatch(ttline, "i)^#Include(Again)?[ \t]*[, \t]?\s+(.*)$", o)
- {
- IsIncludeAgain := (o1 = "Again")
- IgnoreErrors := false
- IncludeFile := o2
- if RegExMatch(IncludeFile, "\*[iI]\s+?(.*)", o)
- IgnoreErrors := true, IncludeFile := Trim(o1)
- if RegExMatch(IncludeFile, "^<(.+)>$", o)
- {
- if IncFile2 := FindLibraryFile(o1, FirstScriptDir)
- {
- IncludeFile := IncFile2
- goto _skip_findfile
- }
- }
- StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_ScriptDir`%, %FirstScriptDir%, All
- StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_AppData`%, %A_AppData%, All
- StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_AppDataCommon`%, %A_AppDataCommon%, All
- StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_LineFile`%, %AhkScript%, All
- if InStr(FileExist(IncludeFile), "D")
- {
- SetWorkingDir, %IncludeFile%
- continue
- }
- _skip_findfile:
- IncludeFile := Util_GetFullPath(IncludeFile)
- AlreadyIncluded := false
- for k,v in FileList
- if (v = IncludeFile)
- {
- AlreadyIncluded := true
- break
- }
- if(IsIncludeAgain || !AlreadyIncluded)
- {
- if !AlreadyIncluded
- FileList.Insert(IncludeFile)
- PreprocessScript(ScriptText, IncludeFile, KeepComments, KeepIndent, KeepEmpties, FileList, FirstScriptDir, Options, IgnoreErrors)
- }
- }else if !contSection && ttline ~= "i)^FileInstall[, \t]"
- {
- if ttline ~= "^\w+\s+(:=|\+=|-=|\*=|/=|//=|\.=|\|=|&=|\^=|>>=|<<=)"
- continue ; This is an assignment!
- ; workaround for `, detection
- EscapeChar := Options.esc
- EscapeCharChar := EscapeChar EscapeChar
- EscapeComma := EscapeChar ","
- EscapeTmp := chr(2)
- EscapeTmpD := chr(3)
- StringReplace, ttline, ttline, %EscapeCharChar%, %EscapeTmpD%, All
- StringReplace, ttline, ttline, %EscapeComma%, %EscapeTmp%, All
- if !RegExMatch(ttline, "i)^FileInstall[ \t]*[, \t][ \t]*([^,]+?)[ \t]*(,|$)", o) || o1 ~= "[^``]%"
- Util_Error("Error: Invalid ""FileInstall"" syntax found. Note that the first parameter must not be specified using a continuation section.")
- _ := Options.esc
- StringReplace, o1, o1, %_%`%, `%, All
- StringReplace, o1, o1, %_%`,, `,, All
- StringReplace, o1, o1, %_%%_%,, %_%,, All
- ; workaround for `, detection [END]
- StringReplace, o1, o1, %EscapeTmp%, `,, All
- StringReplace, o1, o1, %EscapeTmpD%, %EscapeChar%, All
- StringReplace, ttline, ttline, %EscapeTmp%, %EscapeComma%, All
- StringReplace, ttline, ttline, %EscapeTmpD%, %EscapeCharChar%, All
- ScriptText .= (KeepIndent ? indent : "") (KeepComments ? tline : ttline) "`n"
- }else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#CommentFlag\s+(.+)$", o)
- Options.comm := o1, ScriptText .= (KeepIndent ? indent : "") (KeepComments ? tline : ttline) "`n"
- else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#EscapeChar\s+(.+)$", o)
- Options.esc := o1, ScriptText .= (KeepIndent ? indent : "") (KeepComments ? tline : ttline) "`n"
- else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#DerefChar\s+(.+)$", o)
- Util_Error("Error: #DerefChar is not supported.")
- else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#Delimiter\s+(.+)$", o)
- Util_Error("Error: #Delimiter is not supported.")
- else
- ScriptText .= (contSection ? A_LoopReadLine : (KeepIndent ? indent : "") (KeepComments ? tline : ttline)) "`n"
- }else{
- if KeepComments
- ScriptText .= A_LoopReadLine "`n"
- if StrStartsWith(tline, "*/")
- cmtBlock := false
- }
- }
- Loop, % !!IsFirstScript ; equivalent to "if IsFirstScript" except you can break from the block
- {
- static AhkPath := A_IsCompiled ? A_ScriptDir "\..\AutoHotkey.exe" : A_AhkPath
- IfNotExist, %AhkPath%
- break ; Don't bother with auto-includes because the file does not exist
- ; Auto-including any functions called from a library...
- ilibfile = %A_Temp%\_ilib.ahk
- IfExist, %ilibfile%, FileDelete, %ilibfile%
- AhkType := AHKType(AhkPath)
- if AhkType = FAIL
- Util_Error("Error: The AutoHotkey build used for auto-inclusion of library functions is not recognized.", 1, AhkPath)
- if AhkType = Legacy
- Util_Error("Error: Legacy AutoHotkey versions (prior to v1.1) are not allowed as the build used for auto-inclusion of library functions.", 1, AhkPath)
- tmpErrorLog := Util_TempFile()
- RunWait, "%AhkPath%" /iLib "%ilibfile%" /ErrorStdOut "%AhkScript%" 2>"%tmpErrorLog%", %FirstScriptDir%, UseErrorLevel
- FileRead,tmpErrorData,%tmpErrorLog%
- FileDelete,%tmpErrorLog%
- if (ErrorLevel = 2)
- Util_Error("Error: The script contains syntax errors.",1,tmpErrorData)
- IfExist, %ilibfile%
- {
- PreprocessScript(ScriptText, ilibfile, KeepComments, KeepIndent, KeepEmpties, FileList, FirstScriptDir, Options)
- FileDelete, %ilibfile%
- }
- StringTrimRight, ScriptText, ScriptText, 1 ; remove trailing newline
- }
- if OldWorkingDir
- SetWorkingDir, %OldWorkingDir%
- }
- IsFakeCSOpening(tline)
- {
- Loop, Parse, tline, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
- if !StrStartsWith(A_LoopField, "Join") && InStr(A_LoopField, ")")
- return true
- return false
- }
- FindLibraryFile(name, ScriptDir)
- {
- libs := [ScriptDir "\Lib", A_MyDocuments "\AutoHotkey\Lib", A_ScriptDir "\..\Lib"]
- p := InStr(name, "_")
- if p
- name_lib := SubStr(name, 1, p-1)
- for each,lib in libs
- {
- file := lib "\" name ".ahk"
- IfExist, %file%
- return file
- if !p
- continue
- file := lib "\" name_lib ".ahk"
- IfExist, %file%
- return file
- }
- }
- StrStartsWith(ByRef v, ByRef w)
- {
- return SubStr(v, 1, StrLen(w)) = w
- }
- RegExEscape(String)
- {
- return "\Q" StrReplace(String, "\E", "\E\\E\Q") "\E"
- }
- Util_TempFile(d:="")
- {
- if ( !StrLen(d) || !FileExist(d) )
- d:=A_Temp
- Loop
- tempName := d "\~temp" A_TickCount ".tmp"
- until !FileExist(tempName)
- return tempName
- }
- Util_GetFullPath(path)
- {
- VarSetCapacity(fullpath, 260 * (!!A_IsUnicode + 1))
- if DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", path, "uint", 260, "str", fullpath, "ptr", 0, "uint")
- return fullpath
- else
- return ""
- }
- Util_Error(txt, doexit=1, extra="")
- {
- throw Exception(txt, -2, extra)
- }
- ; Based on code from SciTEDebug.ahk
- AHKType(exeName)
- {
- FileGetVersion, vert, %exeName%
- if !vert
- return "FAIL"
- StringSplit, vert, vert, .
- vert := vert4 | (vert3 << 8) | (vert2 << 16) | (vert1 << 24)
- exeMachine := GetExeMachine(exeName)
- if !exeMachine
- return "FAIL"
- if (exeMachine != 0x014C) && (exeMachine != 0x8664)
- return "FAIL"
- if !(VersionInfoSize := DllCall("version\GetFileVersionInfoSize", "str", exeName, "uint*", null, "uint"))
- return "FAIL"
- VarSetCapacity(VersionInfo, VersionInfoSize)
- if !DllCall("version\GetFileVersionInfo", "str", exeName, "uint", 0, "uint", VersionInfoSize, "ptr", &VersionInfo)
- return "FAIL"
- if !DllCall("version\VerQueryValue", "ptr", &VersionInfo, "str", "\VarFileInfo\Translation", "ptr*", lpTranslate, "uint*", cbTranslate)
- return "FAIL"
- oldFmt := A_FormatInteger
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
- wLanguage := NumGet(lpTranslate+0, "UShort")
- wCodePage := NumGet(lpTranslate+2, "UShort")
- id := SubStr("0000" SubStr(wLanguage, 3), -3, 4) SubStr("0000" SubStr(wCodePage, 3), -3, 4)
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, %oldFmt%
- if !DllCall("version\VerQueryValue", "ptr", &VersionInfo, "str", "\StringFileInfo\" id "\ProductName", "ptr*", pField, "uint*", cbField)
- return "FAIL"
- ; Check it is actually an AutoHotkey executable
- if !InStr(StrGet(pField, cbField), "AutoHotkey")
- return "FAIL"
- ; We're dealing with a legacy version if it's prior to v1.1
- return vert >= 0x01010000 ? "Modern" : "Legacy"
- }
- GetExeMachine(exepath)
- {
- if !(exe := FileOpen(exepath, "r"))
- return
- exe.Seek(60), exe.Seek(exe.ReadUInt()+4)
- return exe.ReadUShort()
- }
- class HelpFile
- {
- static BaseURL := "ms-its:" A_AhkPath "\..\AutoHotkey.chm::/docs/"
- static Cache := {"Syntax": {}}
- GetPage(Path)
- {
- static xhttp := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
- html := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
- Path := this.BaseURL . RegExReplace(Path, "[?#].+")
-"GET", Path, True), xhttp.send()
-, html.write(xhttp.responseText), html.close()
- while !(html.readyState = "interactive" || html.readyState = "complete")
- Sleep, 50
- return html
- }
- GetLookup()
- {
- if this.Lookup
- return this.Lookup
- ; Scrape the command reference
- this.Commands := {}
- try
- Page := this.GetPage("commands/index.htm")
- try ; Windows
- rows := Page.querySelectorAll(".info td:first-child a")
- catch ; Wine
- try
- rows := Page.body.querySelectorAll(".info td:first-child a")
- catch ; IE8
- {
- rows := new this.HTMLCollection()
- trows := Page.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].children[0].children
- loop, % trows.length
- rows.push(trows.Item(A_Index-1).children[0].children[0])
- }
- loop, % rows.length
- for i, text in StrSplit((row := rows.Item(A_Index-1)).innerText, "/")
- if RegExMatch(text, "^[\w#]+", Match) && !this.Commands.HasKey(Match)
- this.Commands[Match] := "commands/" RegExReplace(row.getAttribute("href"), "^about:")
- ; Scrape the variables page
- this.Variables := {}
- try
- Page := this.GetPage("Variables.htm")
- try ; Windows
- rows := Page.querySelectorAll(".info td:first-child")
- catch ; Wine
- try
- rows := Page.body.querySelectorAll(".info td:first-child")
- catch ; IE8
- {
- rows := new this.HTMLCollection()
- tables := Page.getElementsByTagName("table")
- loop, % tables.length
- {
- trows := tables.Item(A_Index-1).children[0].children
- loop, % trows.length
- rows.push(trows.Item(A_Index-1).children[0])
- }
- }
- loop, % rows.length
- if RegExMatch((row := rows.Item(A_Index-1)).innerText, "(A_\w+)", Match)
- this.Variables[Match1] := "Variables.htm#" row.parentNode.getAttribute("id")
- ; Combine
- this.Lookup := this.Commands.Clone()
- for k, v in this.Variables
- this.Lookup[k] := v
- return this.Lookup
- }
- Open(Keyword:="")
- {
- Lookup := this.GetLookup()
- Suffix := Lookup[Keyword] ? Lookup[Keyword] : "AutoHotkey.htm"
- Run, % "hh.exe """ this.BaseURL . Suffix """"
- }
- GetSyntax(Keyword:="")
- {
- ; Generate this.Commands
- this.GetLookup()
- ; Only look for Syntax of commands
- if !(Path := this.Commands[Keyword])
- return
- ; Try to find it in the cache
- if this.Cache.Syntax.HasKey(Keyword)
- return this.Cache.Syntax[Keyword]
- ; Get the right DOM to search
- Page := this.GetPage(Path)
- Root := Page ; Keep the page root in memory or it will be garbage collected
- if RegExMatch(Path, "#\K.+", ID)
- Page := Page.getElementById(ID)
- try ; Windows
- Nodes := page.getElementsByClassName("Syntax")
- catch ; Wine
- try
- Nodes := page.body.getElementsByClassName("Syntax")
- catch ; IE8
- Nodes := page.getElementsByTagName("pre")
- try ; Windows
- Text := Nodes.Item(0).innerText
- catch ; Some versions of Wine
- Text := Nodes.Item(0).innerHTML
- ; Cache and return the result
- this.Cache.Syntax[Keyword] := StrSplit(Text, "`n", "`r")[1]
- return this.Cache.Syntax[Keyword]
- }
- class HTMLCollection
- {
- length[]
- {
- get
- {
- ; Rounding MaxIndex produces a similar effect
- ; to this.Length(), but doesn't trigger recursion
- return Round(this.MaxIndex())
- }
- }
- Item(i)
- {
- return this[i+1]
- }
- }
- }
- #R::Reload
- #S::Suspend
- #P::Pause
- ESC::ExitApp
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