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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # faktor yang bisa menyelamatkan adalah mamam
- # with debug opt - based on
- chomp;
- my $puji = "";
- if (s/^(\d+\s+)//o) { $puji = $1; }
- @X = split;
- if (@X[0] =~ m/^(exit|quit|x|q)/) {
- print STDERR "quiting helper quietly\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- $url = $X[0];
- $referer = $X[1];
- use IO::File;
- $|=1;
- STDOUT->autoflush(1);
- $debug=0; ## recommended:0
- $bypassallrules=0; ## recommended:0
- $sucks=""; ## unused
- $sucks="sucks" if ($debug>=1);
- $timenow="";
- $printtimenow=1; ## print timenow: 0|1
- my $logfile = '/tmp/storeid.log';
- open my $logfh, '>>', $logfile
- or die "Couldn't open $logfile for appending: $!\n" if $debug;
- $logfh->autoflush(1) if $debug;
- while (<>) {
- $timenow=time()." " if ($printtimenow);
- print $logfh "$timenow"."in : $_" if ($debug>=1);
- chop;
- my $myURL = $_;
- @X = split(" ",$myURL);
- $a = $X[0]; ## channel id
- $b = $X[1]; ## url
- $c = $X[2]; ## ip address
- $u = $b; ## url
- if ($bypassallrules){
- $out="$u"; ## map 1:1
- }elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/[a-z]+.*(cdninstagram\.com\/.*)\/(.*(jpeg|gif|jpg|png|ico).*)/){
- $out="OK store-id=http://instagram.squid.internal/" . $2;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^https?:\/\/(.*)\.windowsupdate\.com\/(.*)\/(.*)\/([a-z].*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://windowsupdate.squid.internal/" . $4 ;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^https?:\/\/.*steampowered\.com\/.*\/([0-9]+\/(.*))/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://steampowered.squid.internal/" . $1 . "/" . $2;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*steampowered.*\/(client|depot)\/(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://steampowered.squid.internal/" . $1 . "/" . $2;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*steampowered.*\/(client|depot)\/(.*)\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://steampowered.squid.internal/" . $1 . "/" . $2 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\/(.*\..*(mp4|3gp|flv))\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://video-file.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^http:\/\/.*\.*mediafire\.com.*\/(.*[0-9]+\w+\d+[^\&\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^http:\/\/.*\.*mediafire\.com.*\/(\w+\d+[0-9]+[^\&\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?:\/\/.*\.mediafire\.com\/(.*[0-9]+[^\&\s]*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?:\/\/.*\.(mediafire\.com\/)(.*[0-9]+[^\&\s]*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1 . "/" . $2;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/http.*\.(fbcdn|akamaihd)\.net\/h(profile|photos).*[\d\w].*\/([\w]\d+x\d+\/.*\.[\d\w]{3}).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1 . $2 . "/" . $3 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/http.*\.(fbcdn|akamaihd)\.net\/h(profile|photos).*[\d\w].*\/([\w]\d+x\d+\/.*\.[\d\w]{3}).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $2 . "/" . $3 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^http(.*)static(.*)(akamaihd|fbcdn).net\/rsrc.php\/(.*\/.*\/(.*).(js|css|png|gif))(\?(.*)|$)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $5 . "." . $6 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\%]*(fbcdn|akamaihd)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\%]*net\/rsrc\.php\/(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $2 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(profile|photo|creative).*\.ak\.fbcdn\.net\/((h|)(profile|photos)-ak-)(snc|ash|prn)[0-9]?(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $2 . "fb" . $6 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?:\/\/.*(profile|photo|creative)*.akamaihd\.net\/((h|)(profile|photos|ads)-ak-)(snc|ash|prn|frc[0-9])[0-9]?(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $2 . $5 . $6 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/video\.(.*)\.fbcdn\.net\/(.*?)\/([0-9_]+\.(mp4|flv|avi|mkv|m4v|mov|wmv|3gp|mpg|mpeg)?)(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1 ;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*\.*apple\.com\W+\d+[0-9]*[^\&\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/.*\.apple\.com\/([^\&\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*\.3kingdom\.net)\/(.*patch.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://3kingdom.squid.internal/" . $1 . "/" . $2;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/http.*\.(fbcdn|akamaihd)\.net\/h(profile|photos).*[\d\w].*\/([\w]\d+x\d+\/.*\.[\d\w]{3}).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $2 . "/" . $3 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^http(.*)static(.*)(akamaihd|fbcdn).net\/rsrc.php\/(.*\/.*\/(.*).(js|css|png|gif))(\?(.*)|$)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=" . $5 . "." . $6 ;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*utm.gif.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://google-analytics.squid.internal/__utm.gif";
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\/(.*\..*(mp4|3gp|flv))\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://video-file.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^http:\/\/[a-z0-9]{4}\.reverbnation\.com\/.*\/([0-9]*).*/) {
- $out="" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/c2lo\.reverbnation\.com\/audio_player\/ec_stream_song\/(.*)\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://reverbnation.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\.c\.android\.clients\.google\.com\/market\/GetBinary\/GetBinary\/(.*\/.*)\?.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://playstore-android.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/([a-z])[0-9]?(\.gstatic\.com.*|\.wikimapia\.org.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://gstatic.squid.internal/" . $2;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^https?:\/\/.*(|\/(.*)\/([a-z0-9]+)(-[a-z]-[a-z]-[a-z]+)?\/(.*\.(jpg|png))/){
- $out="OK store-id=http://googleusercontent.squid.internal/" . $5;
- } elsif ($_ =~ m/^https?:\/\/([a-z0-9.]*)(\.doubleclick\.net|\.quantserve\.com|.exoclick\.com|interclick.\com|\.googlesyndication\.com|\.auditude\.com|.visiblemeasures\.com|yieldmanager|cpxinteractive)(.*)/){
- $out="OK store-id=http://ads.squid.internal/" . $3;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^http\:\/\/.*\.4shared\.com\/download\/(.*)\/.*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://4shared.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://ziddu.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^https:\/\/.*googleapis\.com\/.*\.*\/v2\/code\.google\.com\/([^\&\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://googlecode-download.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*\.*)\W+(aclst\.com).*\.*(mp3.*?)\.*\.*(\w+\d+.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://yt-mp3converter.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*\.*filehippo\.com\/)([^\&\s]*).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://filehippo-download.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://cdn.yimg.squid.internal/" . $3;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt)).*/) {
- $out="OK store-id=http://speedtest.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif (($u =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^https?:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) {
- @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5); $y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./;
- $out="OK store-id=http://filehippo.squid.internal/" . $3;
- } elsif ($u[1] =~ m/^http:\/\/.*dlink__[23]Fdownload_[23]F([\w\d-]+)_3Ftsid.*/) {
- $1 =~ s/_5F/_/g;
- $out="OK store-id=http://4shared.squid.internal/" . $1;
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*ptracking.*/){
- @video_id = m/[&?]video_id\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- @cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
- open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
- print FILE "@video_id";
- close FILE;
- }
- $out="ERR";
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*stream_204.*/){
- @docid = m/[&?]docid\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- @cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
- open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
- print FILE "@docid";
- close FILE;
- }
- $out="ERR";
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*youtube.*player_204.*/){
- @v = m/[&?]v\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- @cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- unless (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
- open FILE, ">/tmp/@cpn";
- print FILE "@v";
- close FILE;
- }
- $out="ERR";
- }elsif ($url =~ m/^https?:\/\/.*\.googlevideo\.com\/videoplayback\?.*/) {
- @id = m/[\&?|\%?|\s?]id=([^\&\%\s]+)/;
- @range = m/[\&?|\%?|\s?]range=([^\&\%\s]+)/;
- @itag = m/[\&?|\%?|\s?]itag=([^\&\%\s]+)/;
- @mime = m/[\&?|\%?|\s?]mime=([^\&\%\s]+)/;
- @clen = m/[\&?|\%?|\s?]clen=([^\&\%\s]+)/;
- if ($referer =~ m/^https?\:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/(watch\?v\=|embed\/|v\/)(.*)/) {
- $v = $2;
- } else { $v = $id[0] }
- $out = "" . $v . "@range@itag@mime@clen";
- } elsif ($u=~ m/^https?\:\/\/.*(youtube|googlevideo).*videoplayback.*/){
- @itag = m/[&?](itag\=[0-9]*)/;
- @range = m/[&?](range\=[^\&\s]*)/;
- @cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- @mime = m/[&?](mime\=[^\&\s]*)/;
- @id = m/[&?]id\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- if (defined(@cpn[0])){
- if (-e "/tmp/@cpn"){
- open FILE, "/tmp/@cpn";
- @id = <FILE>;
- close FILE;}
- }
- $out="OK store-id=http://video-srv.squid.internal/id=@id@mime@range";
- } else {
- $out="ERR";
- }
- print $logfh "$timenow"."out: $a $out\n" if ($debug>=1);
- print "$a $out\n";
- }
- if ($out =~ m/^http:\/\/.*/) {
- print $puji, "OK store-id=$out\n";
- } else {
- print $puji, "ERR\n";
- close $logfh if ($debug);
- }
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