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- // (VEX_AI_SIM/robot_controller/include/test.cpp)
- #include "include/robotFunctions.cpp"
- Bot bot;
- class Test{
- private:
- public:
- int systemsTest() {
- int errorCode;
- /* error code list
- error 1: lifting upper arm failed
- error 2: lowering upper arm failed
- error 3: upper arm device not found
- error 4: intake holder activation failed
- error 5: intake holder deactivation failed
- error 6: intake holder device not found
- error 7: spinning intake failed
- error 8: stopping intake failed
- error 9: intake device not found
- error 10: ring clamp activation failed
- error 11: ring clamp deactivation failed
- error 12: ring clamp device(s) not found
- error 13: wing activation failed
- error 14: wing deactivation failed
- error 15: wing device not found
- conveyor stuff
- error 16: sending on emitter failed
- error 17: receiving on receiver failed
- error 18: emitter device not found
- error 19: receiver device not found
- error 20: hook activation failed
- error 21: hook deactivation failed
- error 22: hook device not found
- error 23: drive forward command failed
- error 24: drive backward command failed
- error 25: turn left command failed
- error 26: turn right command failed
- error 27: a left-drive device not found
- error 28: a right-drive device not found
- */
- cout << "MAINBOT: system test script start" << endl;
- errorCode = isTopArmGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isHolderGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isIntakeGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isRingClampGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isEmitterGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isReceiverGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isHookGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- errorCode = isDrivetrainGood();
- outputError(errorCode);
- cout << "MAINBOT: system test script end, tests successful" << endl;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- return errorCode;
- }
- void outputError(int errorID) {
- if (errorID != NULL) {
- cout << "TESTER: warning: system fault, error code " << errorID << endl;
- sim.delay(9999, "sec");
- } else {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- }
- }
- int isTopArmGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("topRingArm") != NULL) {
- bot.topArm(true);
- cout << "TESTER: top arm activation signal sent" << endl;
- if (topRingArm->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- bot.topArm(false);
- cout << "TESTER: top arm deactivation signal sent" << endl;
- if (topRingArm->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: top arm is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 2;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 1;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 3;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isHolderGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("intakeHold") != NULL) {
- bot.holder(true);
- cout << "TESTER: intake holder activation signal sent" << endl;
- if (intakeHold->getTargetPosition() < 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- bot.holder(false);
- cout << "TESTER: intake holder deactivation signal sent" << endl;
- if (intakeHold->getTargetPosition() == 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: intake holder is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 5;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 4;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 6;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isIntakeGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("intakeRoll") != NULL) {
- bot.intake(true);
- cout << "TESTER: intake roller activation signal sent" << endl;
- if (intakeRoll->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- bot.intake(false);
- cout << "TESTER: intake roller deactivation signal sent" << endl;
- if (intakeRoll->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: intake roller is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 8;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 7;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 9;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isRingClampGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("ringClampL") != NULL) {
- bot.clamp(true);
- cout << "TESTER: ring clamp activation signal sent" << endl;
- if (ringClampL->getAcceleration() > 0 && ringClampR->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- bot.clamp(false);
- cout << "TESTER: ring clamp deactivation signal sent" << endl;
- if (ringClampL->getAcceleration() > 0 && ringClampR->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: ring clamp is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 11;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 10;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 12;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isWingGood() {
- int errorCode;
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isConveyorGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("conveyor") != NULL) {
- bot.Conveyor(true);
- cout << "TESTER: conveyor activation signal sent" << endl;
- if (conveyor->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- bot.Conveyor(false);
- cout << "TESTER: conveyor deactivation signal sent" << endl;
- if (conveyor->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: conveyor is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 14;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 13;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 15;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isEmitterGood() {
- int errorCode;
- const char* yes = "systemTest";
- if (robot->getFromDef("emit") != NULL) {
- sim.sendMessage(yes, strlen(yes) + 1);
- cout << "TESTER: testing emitter" << endl;
- if (emit->getChannel() == 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: emitter is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 16;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 18;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isReceiverGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("receiv") != NULL) {
- sim.receive();
- cout << "TESTER: testing receiver" << endl;
- if (receiv->getQueueLength() > 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: receiver is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 17;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 19;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isHookGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("Hook") != NULL) {
- bot.hook(true);
- cout << "TESTER: clamp activation signal sent" << endl;
- if (Hook->getTargetPosition() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- bot.hook(false);
- cout << "TESTER: clamp deactivation signal sent" << endl;
- if (Hook->getTargetPosition() == 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: clamp is good" << endl;
- } else {
- errorCode = 21;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 20;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 22;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- int isDrivetrainGood() {
- int errorCode;
- if (robot->getFromDef("left1") != NULL && robot->getFromDef("left2") != NULL && robot->getFromDef("left3") != NULL) {
- if (robot->getFromDef("right1") != NULL && robot->getFromDef("right2") != NULL && robot->getFromDef("right3") != NULL) {
- sim.moveBot(1);
- cout << "TESTER: drivetrain forward command sent" << endl;
- if (left1->getAcceleration() > 0 && right1->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- sim.moveBot(2);
- cout << "TESTER: drivetrain reverse command sent" << endl;
- sim.delay(50, "msec");
- if (left1->getAcceleration() > 0 && right1->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- sim.moveBot(3);
- cout << "TESTER: drivetrain left command sent" << endl;
- sim.delay(50, "msec");
- if (left1->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- sim.moveBot(4);
- cout << "TESTER: drivetrain right command sent" << endl;
- sim.delay(50, "msec");
- if (right1->getAcceleration() > 0) {
- errorCode = NULL;
- sim.delay(1, "sec");
- cout << "TESTER: drivetrain is good" << endl;
- sim.moveBot(0);
- } else {
- errorCode = 26;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 25;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 24;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 23;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 28;
- }
- } else {
- errorCode = 27;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
- };
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