
DayZ element data keys

Jul 23rd, 2015
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  1. ['1866 Slug']=0,
  2. ['currentweapon_3']=0,
  3. ['Full Gas Canister']=0,
  4. ['Baseball Bat']=0,
  5. ['9x18mm Cartridge']=0,
  6. ['supporter']=0,
  7. ['admin']=0,
  8. ['12 Gauge Pellet']=0,
  9. ['logedin']=0,
  10. ['Small Casing']=0,
  11. ['Metallic Stick']=0,
  12. ['Heat Pack']=0,
  13. ['AllowFire']=0,
  14. ['Watch']=0,
  15. ['Lee Enfield']=0,
  16. ['SKS Blueprint']=0,
  17. ['banditskilled']=0,
  18. ['PDW Blueprint']=0,
  19. ['Hand Saw']=0,
  20. ['IR Goggles']=0,
  21. ['Box of Matches']=0,
  22. ['lootname']=0,
  23. ['5.56x45mm Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  24. ['2Rnd. Slug Blueprint']=0,
  25. ['Tear Gas']=0,
  26. ['temperature']=0,
  27. ['parent']=0,
  28. ['12 Gauge Pellet Blueprint']=0,
  29. ['Binoculars']=0,
  30. ['Optics']=0,
  31. ['Raw Meat']=0,
  32. ['Ghillie Suit']=0,
  33. ['M9 SD']=0,
  34. ['Sa58V CCO Blueprint']=0,
  35. ['Small Box']=0,
  36. ['SKS']=0,
  37. ['Tissue']=0,
  38. ['Bizon PP-19']=0,
  39. ['Bandaid']=0,
  40. ['Drugs']=0,
  41. ['Can (Ravioli)']=0,
  42. ['Can (Milk)']=0,
  43. ['Vitamins']=0,
  44. ['Barbed Wire']=0,
  45. ['Sheet']=0,
  46. ['Grenade Blueprint']=0,
  47. ['Cables']=0,
  48. ['Bolt']=0,
  49. ['Mechanical Supplies']=0,
  50. ['GPS']=0,
  51. ['Survivor Clothing']=0,
  52. ['food']=0,
  53. ['Thread']=0,
  54. ['clickedButton']=0,
  55. ['Soda Can (Mountain Dew)']=0,
  56. ['seestarget']=0,
  57. ['SVD Dragunov']=0,
  58. ['Tent']=0,
  59. ['9.3x62mm Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  60. ['Survivor Clthng. Blueprint']=0,
  61. ['zombiestotal']=0,
  62. ['.45 ACP Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  63. ['Short Gun Barrel']=0,
  64. ['pain']=0,
  65. ['Gun Barrel']=0,
  66. ['BotTeam']=0,
  67. ['thirst']=0,
  68. ['Golf Club']=0,
  69. ['Radio Device Blueprint']=0,
  70. ['Sardines']=0,
  71. ['Toolbox Blueprint']=0,
  72. ['Can (Peas)']=0,
  73. ['brokenbone']=0,
  74. ['Civilian Clthng. Blueprint']=0,
  75. ['Parachute Blueprint']=0,
  76. ['Mosin 9130']=0,
  77. ['SPAZ-12 C. Shtgn. Blueprint']=0,
  78. ['Can (Stew)']=0,
  79. ['alivetime']=0,
  80. ['Grenade']=0,
  81. ['Tent Blueprint']=0,
  82. ['Wire Fence Blueprint']=0,
  83. ['currentweapon_1']=0,
  84. ['Binoculars Blueprint']=0,
  85. ['Medic Kit Blueprint']=0,
  86. ['G17']=0,
  87. ['Bolt Blueprint']=0,
  88. ['Sawn-Off Shotgun']=0,
  89. ['Remington 870 Blueprint']=0,
  90. ['Civilian Clothing']=0,
  91. ['Windscreen Glass']=0,
  92. ['.303 British Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  93. ['M4']=0,
  94. ['9x19mm Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  95. ['Sharp Metal']=0,
  96. ['Medic Kit']=0,
  97. ['Wooden Stick']=0,
  98. ['San Fierro Carrier Keycard']=0,
  99. ['infection']=0,
  100. ['Tank Parts']=0,
  101. ['SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun']=0,
  102. ['Civilian Clothing (Female)']=0,
  103. ['Engine']=0,
  104. ['IR Goggles Blueprint']=0,
  105. ['9x18mm Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  106. ['Survivor Clothing (Female)']=0,
  107. ['CZ 550']=0,
  108. ['9x19mm SD Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  109. ['Nails']=0,
  110. ['headshots']=0,
  111. ['playerZombies']=0,
  112. ['Tear Gas Blueprint']=0,
  113. ['Machete']=0,
  114. ['FN FAL Blueprint']=0,
  115. ['Pasta']=0,
  116. ['Blaze 95 D. R. Blueprint']=0,
  117. ['G36C Blueprint']=0,
  118. ['Camouflage Clthng. Blueprint']=0,
  119. ['Crowbar Blueprint']=0,
  120. ['follow_shooting']=0,
  121. ['Sawn-Off Shtgn. Blueprint']=0,
  122. ['M1911']=0,
  123. ['currentweapon_2']=0,
  124. ['ALICE Pack']=0,
  125. ['zombiesalive']=0,
  126. ['bleeding']=0,
  127. ['Machete Blueprint']=0,
  128. ['Golf Club Blueprint']=0,
  129. ['5.56x45mm Cartridge']=0,
  130. ['Empty Water Bottle']=0,
  131. ['Soda Can (Pepsi)']=0,
  132. ['Frank & Beans']=0,
  133. ['Baseball Bat Blueprint']=0,
  134. ['Revolver Blueprint']=0,
  135. ['Wood Pile']=0,
  136. ['9x19mm SD Cartridge']=0,
  137. ['Hunting Knife Blueprint']=0,
  138. ['Desert Eagle Blueprint']=0,
  139. ['loot']=0,
  140. ['Shovel Blueprint']=0,
  141. ['Morphine']=0,
  142. ['Compass']=0,
  143. ['.303 British Cartridge']=0,
  144. ['Bizon PP-19 Blueprint']=0,
  145. ['Hatchet']=0,
  146. ['Pistachios']=0,
  147. ['Assault Pack (ACU)']=0,
  148. ['Sporter 22']=0,
  149. ['Parachute']=0,
  150. ['gender']=0,
  151. ['FN FAL']=0,
  152. ['blood']=0,
  153. ['MP5A5 Blueprint']=0,
  154. ['BotWeapon']=0,
  155. ['Road Flare']=0,
  156. ['G17 Blueprint']=0,
  157. ['AK-47']=0,
  158. ['M9 SD Blueprint']=0,
  159. ['M1911 Blueprint']=0,
  160. ['DMR Blueprint']=0,
  161. ['SVD Dragunov Blueprint']=0,
  162. ['String']=0,
  163. ['Metal Plate']=0,
  164. ['zombie']=0,
  165. ['Wire Fence']=0,
  166. ['Sporter 22 Blueprint']=0,
  167. ['Lee Enfield Blueprint']=0,
  168. ['AK-47 Blueprint']=0,
  169. ['5.45x39mm Cartridge Blueprint']=0,
  170. ['CZ 550 Blueprint']=0,
  171. ['M4 Blueprint']=0,
  172. ['Area 69 Keycard']=0,
  173. ['humanity']=0,
  174. ['1866 Slug Blueprint']=0,
  175. ['owner']=0,
  176. ['Tire']=0,
  177. ['Baked Beans']=0,
  178. ['Czech Backpack']=0,
  179. ['Water Bottle']=0,
  180. ['Backpack (Coyote)']=0,
  181. ['Empty Gas Canister']=0,
  182. ['British Assault Pack']=0,
  183. ['9.3x62mm Cartridge']=0,
  184. ['playerCol']=0,
  185. ['murders']=0,
  186. ['Empty Soda Can']=0,
  187. ['Microchips']=0,
  188. ['daysalive']=0,
  189. ['Cloth']=0,
  190. ['Group']=0,
  191. ['Czech Vest Pouch']=0,
  192. ['Camouflage Clothing']=0,
  193. ['NV Goggles']=0,
  194. ['Toolbox']=0,
  195. ['Map']=0,
  196. ['Gun Powder']=0,
  197. ['PDW']=0,
  198. ['Gun Stock']=0,
  199. ['Soda Can (Cola)']=0,
  200. ['DMR']=0,
  201. ['Scrap Metal']=0,
  202. ['MRE']=0,
  203. ['Crossbow']=0,
  204. ['skin']=0,
  205. ['status']=0,
  206. ['Needle']=0,
  207. ['Revolver']=0,
  208. ['G36C']=0,
  209. ['Ghillie Suit Blueprint']=0,
  210. ['Mosin 9130 Blueprint']=0,
  211. ['5.45x39mm Cartridge']=0,
  212. ['slothbot']=0,
  213. ['Blood Bag']=0,
  214. ['.45 ACP Cartridge']=0,
  215. ['Blaze 95 Double Rifle']=0,
  216. ['Glue']=0,
  217. ['MP5A5']=0,
  218. ['2Rnd. Slug']=0,
  219. ['target']=0,
  220. ['Can (Corn)']=0,
  221. ['Painkiller']=0,
  222. ['zombieskilled']=0,
  223. ['lastzombiespawnposition']=0,
  224. ['Shovel']=0,
  225. ['currentCol']=0,
  226. ['player']=0,
  227. ['Radio Device']=0,
  228. ['spawnedzombies']=0,
  229. ['Hatchet Blueprint']=0,
  230. ['cold']=0,
  231. ['leader']=0,
  232. ['Can (Chowder)']=0,
  233. ['Winchester 1866']=0,
  234. ['NV Goggles Blueprint']=0,
  235. ['Trail Mix']=0,
  236. ['jumping']=0,
  237. ['Handle']=0,
  238. ['Can (Pork)']=0,
  239. ['Crowbar']=0,
  240. ['Road Flare Blueprint']=0,
  241. ['Crossbow Blueprint']=0,
  242. ['9x19mm Cartridge']=0,
  243. ['Bandage']=0,
  244. ['Desert Eagle']=0,
  245. ['controller']=0,
  246. ['Can (Fruit)']=0,
  247. ['Survival ACU']=0,
  248. ['Winchester 1866 Blueprint']=0,
  249. ['bandit']=0,
  250. ['Cooked Meat']=0,
  251. ['Hunting Knife']=0,
  252. ['Sa58V CCO']=0,
  253. ['Duct Tape']=0,
  254. ['Main Rotary Parts']=0,
  255. ['MAX_Slots']=0,
  256. ['Remington 870']=0,
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