
Thor Slay Builder

Apr 19th, 2023
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  1. The next day not as much building was done as had
  2. been the case previously. And when the builder realized that the
  3. work was not going to be completed, then the builder got into a
  4. giant rage. But when the Æsir saw for certain that it was a
  5. mountain-giant that they had there, then the oaths were disre-
  6. garded and they called upon Thor and he came in a trice and the
  7. next thing was that Miollnir was raised aloft. Then he paid the
  8. builder’s wages and it wasn’t the sun and moon, instead he
  9. stopped him from living in Giantland and struck the first blow so
  10. that his skull was shattered into fragments and sent him down
  11. beneath Niflhel. But Loki had had such dealings with Svadilfaeri
  12. that somewhat later he gave birth to a foal. It was grey and had
  13. eight legs, and this is the best horse among gods and men. Thus it
  14. says in Voluspa:
  16. Then went all the powers to their judgment seats, most holy.
  17. gods, and deliberated upon this, who had tainted all the sky
  18. with darkness and to die family of giants given Od’s beloved.
  20. Oaths were gone back on, pledged words and promises, all
  21. the solemn vows that passed between them. Thor achieved
  22. this alone, bursting with wrath. He seldom sits idle when he
  23. learns of such things.’
  25. Then spoke Gangieri: ‘What is there to be told about Skid-
  26. bladnir if it is the best of ships? Is there no other ship as good as it
  27. or as big?’
  30. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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