

Jan 24th, 2013
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  1. [7:09:13 PM] Definitely Jessi: He paced in tight circles around the edge of the bed, making it all the way to one side before he'd turn around and go back to the other side. This couldn't physically be possible. No matter what angle he was looking at his girlfriend from, she was gorgeous. Even more so when she was offering himself up like this, all defenseless and practically shivering. Statistically, there had to be a bad side to her, but no matter how long he stared, she only became more perfect. Silk, ribbon, and rope wove its way around her body, practically immobilizing her upper body and completely baring her to him, it was perfect. When the novelty finally wore off, he inched forward, dragging his fingers down the blonde's chest with barely-there touches. Dirk drew a straight line with his fingers from Roxy’s throat, down her stomach to stop just above her panties. "Not a sound, okay?" His voice was low, a nearly imperceptible whisper. Every nerve in his body hummed to take what he wanted and to do it quickly but Dirk knew better than that. He hoped Roxy was comfortable because this, well, this was going to be a long night.
  2. Pink eyes under luxurious, mile-long lashes watched him pace, her mouth formed into a small, trusting smile. He'd told her to get off her ass, do her makeup up really nice, and cmon over. Which is just what she did. A glass of wine had greeted her, and after a few more of those she'd been done up like this; entirely willing and entirely excited. Wrists were tied to the bedposts with silky pink ribbon, and the rest of her frame was done up elegantly in much of the same. Already pretty aroused from her beau in general, the fingers on her elicited a gasp; stomach tingling from the contact at her pantyline. The request brought a nod from her and she shivered a bit in anticipation. She trusted this man. Loved him with all her heart. Giving this to him was important to her. And dang, if she wasn't fucking excited.
  3. There was a tense moment of silence as he appraised her with a critical glance, hidden behind the shades that perched perpetually on his face. He withdrew his hands completely for a moment and the barest hints of a smirk played over his lips. “Good girl. Now, do you trust me?” The question was rhetoric and no matter what her answer was, he would’ve proceeded anyway. He stepped carefully to his dresser where an effervescent pink blindfold lay dejected. Nimble fingers and careful hands easily fastened it over her matching eyes, accompanied by a few whispered words into her hair. “I trust you won’t screw up but let me repeat it one more time, Rox. Not a single noise or I’ll walk away and leave you here. I’d hate for that to happen, wouldn’t you?” With that, he bit the shell of her ear and pulled back to admire his work. "Gorgeous little fucktoy like you? It'd be a waste to leave you here without playing a little."
  4. Nodding emphatically, she kept up that adoring smile, even as she trembled and strained gently against the bindings. Eyes closed as the blindfold descended, lashes brushing atop her pale cheeks. Head tipped into the words, Roxy biting her bottom lip a little as an excited chill chased down her spine. He was so... fucking good at this. Messing with her, getting her metaphorically hard as hell without doing anything. Her entire body ached with the desire for him, even as he delivered the less than gracious final warning to her. Not a sound. Check. H-he wouldn't really leave her though, right? Just turn the lights back up from their ridiculous 'mood' setting, untie her and punish her by not kissing her for a week. ...right? Another shudder chased down her form at the bite, Roxy nipping the air after him herself as he spoke again. Nnn. She liked being objectified as long as it was by him. Yes, fucktoy. Put her to work.
  5. [8:06:17 PM] Definitely Jessi: The blonde moved with the same fluid grace that he did everything else as he stripped, letting the cloth puddle at his feet before taking his spot on the bed over her. He movements were lethargic but as meticulous as surgeon’s knife as he hovered motionless, admiring every seam and stretch of skin that constituted what every well may have been the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life. Pale, creamy skin stretched out before him and he hummed appreciatively as he pressed butterfly kisses ever few inches along her abdomen. He fought the urge to devour her, instead ghosting his teeth along her skin, nipping gently before his nails would trace angry red marks, deep enough to sting but not draw blood down her sides. Occasionally his fingers danced over the thin fabric of her panties, her wetness widening his smirk by a thin sliver at a time. “Excited, are we?” Then one tantalizing inch at a time, agonizingly slow and loving every extended second, he slipped the fabric over her hips in time with the beat of the sloppy, open-mouthed kisses he rained on her thighs.
  6. [8:15:24 PM] bangarang: She could feel his presence over her, creating another shivering thrum throughout her body. Being unable to see enhanced the excitement tenthfold, the potential danger it presented eliciting a rush of adrenaline through her. He was just... so good at what he did. Good at rustling her, good at loving her and making her feel like the most important thing in the room, even like this. Silent sigh left her at the kisses, skin tingling wherever his lips left. Oh-! She bit back a squeal at the nails, literally biting her lip to keep herself silent. It stung but it felt so good, and after the initial pain it melted and swirled into the pool of pleasure that washed over her. Another nod; god she'd been wet since she got here - and if she hadn't been sworn to silence she could have moaned just at him taking them off, the action entirely sensual. She wished she could see. Roxy wanted to see the look on his face; see what she did to him.
  7. [8:24:26 PM] Definitely Jessi: As much fun as this was, eventually, impatience got the better of him and his fingers played insistently over her slit, brushing pointedly around her clit. His eyes remained trained on her face, gauging every reaction of hers as his hands worked her over. “Having fun yet?” The words came out with a playful edge, one born of amusement and complete adoration. She was absolutely stunning, all disheveled looking. Dirk experimentally slipped a single finger inside, pleased to find that he could then ease two fingers in without much resistance. It was somewhere here that the levee broke and he pulled his fingers out, replacing them with his lips. He pressed a chaste kiss to her sex before sliding up the length of her body and pressing another quick kiss to her lips. “Relax,” he purred before returning to his position in between her legs. His thumbs rubbed comforting circles into her thighs as his tongue swirled and danced relentlessly against her, the heady taste reducing him to a mindless state of euphoria.
  8. [8:32:17 PM] bangarang: Silent hiccup of surprise caught her off guard, biting her lip again and turning her head a little against the bed, trying to distract herself from the feeling that made her want to sigh softly, whimper, or groan in pleasure. The question came and she nodded with difficulty, mouth opening suddenly as he put a finger in her - she caught herself before making a sound, choking it back as her knees bent a little, toes curling into the comforter, back arching just slightly. Soundless whimper left her at the kiss, heavy blush painting her cheeks as she rubbed her face against her strung-up arms. She bit needily into the air after the kiss he gave her, wanting more of his mouth on hers. The command made her nod again, breath in quiet little pants. Pulse and breathing picked up as he resumed eating her out - it took all she had in her not to close her thighs around his head, kick out like a mule, pull against her bindings, and cry out in pleasure. Fuck!
  9. [10:04:46 PM] Definitely Jessi: The quiet rustle of sheets and creak of wood as she strained against the ribbon caught his attention and he glanced up with a devilish smirk. "Careful, I thought I almost heard something." He crawled up the length of her body, careful to brush himself against her every second of the way up until his lips crushed themselves against hers. "I think I know just the thing to help you with that," he growled against her mouth, one hand dragging the blindfold down to lay against her lips. "Open." Then he refasted the blindfold as a makeshift gag and tossed his shades aside for good measure. Lust hazed eyes locked for the briefest of seconds and then he broke away and brought his hands laggingly down her sides, over her hips, slipping down to grip her thighs. His fingers seemed intent on mapping out her entire bodyscape by touch alone until he licked at her one last time, his tongue mimicking sex before a lazy smile played over his features. "You've been a good girl, haven't you Rox? You deserve a little bit of a prize." Then he rose to his knees, lifting her hips along with him. Slowly, with every shred of control in his body, he pressed into her, the tight heat enveloping him and casting stars across his vision. Fuck. A low groan rumbled from his chest and his eyes shut. Fuck.
  10. [10:18:39 PM] bangarang: Body stilled entirely save her constant tremble as he warned her, swallowing shakily and biting her lip again. Ohgod, his moving didn't help - her skin was on fire wherever she touched, moans bubbling in her throat as she helplessly continued to choke them back. Suddenly the blindfold was gone and she was commanded to open her eyes, mouth still tingling from the unfairly short kiss he'd given her. Opening her eyes filled her vision with him, and they were heavily glazed with lust and need. Her mouth opened at the command; hot pants leaving it before he fastened the blindfold through it. Oh no, this complicated things. Her hands shook against the bindings, her frame tingling as he gripped her hips. Good girl? She'd been good. She'dbeensogood - She almost caught herself making another sound as he nudged into her; eyes squeezing closed and neck craning back to rest her head against the bed. She bit back moan after moan, back arching, knees bending to take all of what he gave. Fuck, let her make noise - breathing was difficult, and she swallowed her labored breathing around the soaked blindfold. Goddamn. Body shining with sweat and trembling, she focused ever fiber of her being on behaving. Good girl. She was a g-good girl.
  11. [10:28:49 PM] Definitely Jessi: Roaming hands drew parallel ruts all over her body, marking her as his as he took his sweet time filling her. She was far from a virgin, but he hardly would've been able to tell with the way her body responded to him. He bit back his own moans as the wet heat threatened to drown him in ecstasy. After a short eternity he bottomed out and their bodies were pressed flush together, a thin sheen of sweat glistening off their skin. He latched an iron grip onto her hips, hard enough to leave ten tiny bruises as he leaned forward, laving her nipples with attention for a fraction of a second before pulling back and letting out a shuddery sigh. He bucked shallowly against her to relieve the tight coil of desire in his stomach before heavy, whispered words dripped from his tongue. "I hope you're listening, my pretty little cumslut. I'm gonna fuck you until you can hardly move, okay? Oh, and you're gonna love every second." If Rox didn't break at least once, he wasn't doing his job right. Fortunately for them both, he was spectacular at his job.
  12. [10:42:35 PM] bangarang: Hands balled into fists, head pressing back further into the mattress as they were flush together, hips on fire from his grip. Jesus fuck. And then her nipples too - and m-moving-! She couldn't take this. Pulling at the ribbon around her wrists she heard the heaboard and bedposts creak, noiseless whimper heating the already impossibly hot blindfold. This wasn't fair. Would she get her retribution? Her chance in the sun to impossibly arouse the infalliable Dirk Strider, and send him spiralling into submission? She fucking hoped so. Head lifted a bit as he started speaking, brows pinched and shallow breaths leaving through her nose. F-fuck, she believed him - No traces of doubt were in her mind whatsoever as she nodded in a dazed way squeezing her thighs around him. Like some bizarre, depraved embrace. She wanted Dirk Strider undone and at her will. This, and possibly only this, is what kept her focused enough to behave. For now.
  13. [10:48:21 PM | Edited 10:49:02 PM] Definitely Jessi: Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, everything was Roxy and the world disappeared around him, leaving him to lose himself in pure sensation. He forced himself to stop and stayed motionless for a moment, drinking in the pleasure-filled limbo. Mangled versions of Roxy's name fell breathy and reverent from his tongue as he started to move, skipping the slow and gentle phase completely. Dirk picked up the pace quickly and in a moment, he was slamming into Roxy, rough, hard, and fast. Pleasure sang up and down Dirk's spine, threatening to turn his limbs to jelly. He rocked his hips forward, thrusting relentlessly, not even bothering to pull all the way out before he was balls deep in his girlfriend again. His kept up a steady rhythm as he leaned forward until his tongue gilded over Roxy's left nipple over and over. His lips slipped upwards, leaving a trail of hungry kisses along her throat until they found her's. Dirk devoured her in messy kisses as he continued to pull himself out quickly and thrust back in faster still. Somehow in the cacophonous beauty of sex Dirk's hands managed to free her lips from their cloth prison and a single word made its way from his mouth without wilting into moans, "Scream."
  14. [10:59:23 PM] bangarang: Arm jerked uselessly as she tried to cover her mouth with a hand, shoulder popping in the process. Fucking shit she couldn't take this - every thrust made her choke almost painfully, keeping every sound she could at bay. Her body, under incredible amounts of duress tremored beneath his touch; tears forming in her eyes and ruining her makeup. She'd sweatted off a good portion of it by now anyway; beads rolling down her forehead with how much energy she was using to keep quiet. Head went crazy as he paid close attention to her nipple again, the tickle making one of her hands jerk again and again with every pass. Every kiss he left burned a hole in her and she whipped her head back and forth, willing with everything she had to be able to do something, anything. Suddenly her mouth was free; Roxy gasping loudly until the command was issued. Which she followed without further prompting - everything she'd held back came out of her in a rush, a near-shattering cry leaving her as her head was thrown back against the bed. Fuck. F-fuck yes. Thank you. Holding back had hurt.
  15. [1/24/2013 11:07:07 PM] Definitely Jessi: The wanton moans turned to screams that echoed in Dirk's head on loop. He swore to god that Roxy's voice was the most pornographic thing he'd ever heard and he mentally chastised himself for not thinking to record this earlier. Every little jerk or movement on Roxy's part wracked Dirk with an unadulterated rush of overwhelming rapture. His vocabulary dissolved into "fuck" "Rox" and a myriad of assorted quiet moans and groans. His chest rose and fell erratically as he pistoned in and out Roxy as fast as his body would let him. She gripped him in a way that made thought completely unintelligible and begged him to bury himself in her again and again. He complied all too willingly, his muscles burning from the exertion and his moans barely stifled now. After a moment he gave up his self control, setting the air alight with his own vocalizations. The sounds melded together, a lewd harmony that sang to Dirk to rail her and urged him to move imposibly faster. Feral growls filled the air and his eyes shut against the deluge of bliss.
  16. [1/24/2013 11:21:14 PM] bangarang: Unsure if she was allowed to talk yet or not, she simply refused to hold back any more of her moans, cries, whines, or gasps. Of which there were many - every thrust in that hit just the right way created a shrill sound from her; sharp cry or gasp that was... yes, pretty pornographic. She wouldn't have been able to form words anyway, she realized - anything that sounded remotely like English just collapsed into gasps, the closest thing sounding very nearly like a keening 'yes'. Maybe a 'ffffuh-' in there too. Her own chest heaved, straining against the ribbon bindings painfully. The sweat trapped had soaked the binding, making it tighter; making it bite into her skin. Fucking Dirk Strider - filled her impossibly, all heat and precision and unfairness. She'd get him. She would. Hitting a sweet spot she whimpered loudly, toes curling as her thighs tightened around him again. She loved this boy, even if he did taunt her like this. Roxy Lalonde would get her chance to give him his come-uppance. Just wait.
  17. [1/24/2013 11:35:24 PM] Definitely Jessi: Time seemed to slow for a few tenuous seconds and he felt himself nearly slip over the edge but before that could happen he withdrew from her, letting out a quiet sigh of loss when he pulled out. He shot her a slight grin and made his way up the bed, positioning himself in front of her face. "Open up," he urged before pressing his cock toward her lips. "If you do a good job, I might just let you come," he mused, more to himself than to her as his fingers carded through her hair and tugged just enough for her to feel it. The subsequent heat was welcome and he almost melted then and there. Good as he might've been, she was just as skilled and he never once doubted that. Already as riled up as he was, it took only a few thrusts and every muscle in his body tensed, his nerves humming in near-overload as he came. He was momentarily blinded by the white that flashed before his eyes as he pumped his cum into her mouth. Quiet, breathy pants accompanied his wind-down from the orgasm induced high and he hurriedly returned to his place between her legs. "Such a good little slut, so obedient," he noted with approval. Then, a new determination flooded his system and he lapped at her sex with a vengeance, intent on bringing her to the same exultation he'd experienced. He looked up at her, his momentary glance radiating a quiet intensity. "Don't come until I say so," he said casually before returning to his task and adding a few fingers to the mix.
  18. [1/24/2013 11:48:46 PM] bangarang: A needy gasp filled the air as he withdrew, a moan following it. The feeling of emptiness overwhelmed her, and she found herself pining for his cock in her. Wish was about to be granted though as he shimmied up her chest - the hand in her hair made her moan on contact(she could have fucking come right there), a hiss leaving her mouth as he tugged. Fffffffffffucking hell. Mouth was open and welcoming to his dick, lips closing around it lovingly and doing her job dilligently. An she braced herself for his finish; closing her eyes and making sure to relax herself so she didn't fucking choke or anything. The hotness that followed elicited a few flat whimpers, swallowing all offered and pating as her mouth was freed, and opened. Obedient, yes, she was good - good girl, obedient girl, willing to do anything for a pat on the head. She loved him. With all her heart. Ohfuck - Back arched again as he started eating her out once more, thighs trembling with the need to orgasm as he fingered her as well. Godfuckingshitdammit. Her head was swimming; needy noises leaving her, pleas without words spilling constantly from her mouth. Hands pulled at the bindings harder than they had been, ribbon biting into her already sore wrists. She wanted to touch him so badly. Rake her fingers through his hair, drag her nails down his shoulderblades. Make him feel half as good as she did now.
  19. [1/24/2013 11:53:57 PM] Definitely Jessi: His fingers dipped and stroked and his tongue lapped and lathed all in perfect synchronization, an unparalleled rhythm catered to harmonize with her every gasp and moan. He worked like his life depended on it, and every twitch of a muscle was aimed at the metaphorical artery, aimed to kill. Then. Silence. Everything stopped and all physical contact was severed, the taut strings of connection dissipated in a second and he was gone. It took every bit of speed he'd had left in him but the blindfold had been replaced with a new one (bright orange, not that it mattered with her eyes shut) and the pink one returned to its place in her mouth. His fingers longed to feel her skin beneath them but he abstained, instead bringing his lips to her ear and with a single drawled word and an amused grin, he spoke: "Cum."
  20. [12:03:54 AM] bangarang: Head thrashing back and forth on the bed, she felt every muscle in her body protest. She was sore and exhausted, and she wanted nothing more than to tear Dirk's face off. Because he was too good at this; too good at getting her worked up, touching every part of her that needed and wanted to be touched. And when he stopped she cried out in anguish, thrashing again and begging with her sounds that she needed more, needed him - body quaked unevenly, eyes and mouth suddenly cut off again but it did't matter - that whispered word sent a shudder through her body; thighs pressing together as she was hit with the long-put-off orgasm. Head exploded. She cried out beautifully, tears rolling from her eyes as she rode it out, tremor after tremor chasing down her spine. She panted heavily through the binding, body going limp, shivers still racing through her.
  21. [12:09:22 AM] Definitely Jessi: And just like that, everything ended, the heated tension in the air settled out and the air became breathable again. Dirk collapsed beside his lover and rested for a moment before reaching over her body to undo the silky ribbon that bound her in place. "You alright?" His voice was soft now, gone was the edge of need that his words had been laced with before. He pressed an assortment of tender kisses to her cheeks and wiped at the tears that wove wet trails down her face. "You did so great, you're so beautiful," he murmured into her hair as he wound his arms around her. It was all true, she was hot and perfect and he would never be quite sure how he managed to land her, but he thanked whatever God would listen that he did. He pulled at the blankets at the foot of the bed and tugged one over her body before pressing against her, devoid of lust. "I love you."
  22. [12:21:23 AM] bangarang: Still trembling she shakily removed her blindfold and the gag in her mouth as her arms were undone, body feeling like a heavy piece of lead. Panting as she nodded, she was barely able to lift her arms to turn towards him, curling her body against his. That had been... a stressful workout. A perfect combination of sensual, sexy, and just borderline scary. It unnerved her when he got that way; it worked her up and sent her reeling. But at the end of it, she always knew it'd end like this. Roxy was the one caught up in a net of denial, not sure how Dirk Strider consistently came to her and rocked her world. Willingly. Accidentally smearing her makeup against him she nuzzled weakly into his neck, shivering again as the blanket touched her; skin still alive. Too tired to smile she sighed, whispered "I love you, too." returned. With all her fucking heart, forever and fucking ever.
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