
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic 4/15/2017

Apr 15th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Ommy|GM: Last time of Psion Hunters, Lily tried to pursue a Psion with a Black Ghost. Who had escaped. Now the group is trying to think up of something to capture them next time.
  4. Ommy|GM: "We got those tangler grenades, right?" Lotus spoke.
  5. Cyril: _holds up a handful. 👍_
  6. Keith: "So. Of course we can use that but... As we can see... He can just use the verticality of the station to bugger off, if he catches wind of trouble. Sure he can't do that when tangled..."
  7. Keith: "But he can do that before he gets tangled."
  8. Ommy|GM: "Well, he's stealing medical supplies, right? There has to be a pattern..."
  9. Ommy|GM: (Anyone wanna give me their research rolls?)
  10. Lily: _doesn't remember learning about stealing medical supplies_
  11. Keith: (I remember)
  12. Keith: (It was quite a bit ago)
  13. Keith: (But I feel like we didn't pay this much attention to that, because we had a psionfinder)
  14. Ommy|GM: (But lotus complicates things a bit with that)
  15. Cyril: (My research is 15 if you wanna use it)
  16. Keith: (Lotus might end getting a job on a psion-only division)
  17. Ommy|GM: (Yeet)
  18. Keith: (My research is 13, can I aid cyril?)
  19. Cyril: (google team, go!)
  20. Runi: "So, spooky guy can jump weird. Do we know anything else about'im?"
  21. Keith: !groll 13 (aid cyril, +1 if sucess, -1 if failure)
  22. DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 11 (degree 2; success)
  23. Keith: (Anyone wanna help cyril?)
  24. Runi: (no research on runi!)
  25. Ommy|GM: (Lily, Miri?)
  26. Keith: ( <@!Runi> , you went through space-university! How did you study?)
  27. Lily: _is atop a building last time I checked, plus has bad research_
  28. Keith: (I suposse we just time-jumped to the moment we were all together... Because watching the psion flee doesn't help anything)
  29. Cyril: (Helps to see where he's heading!)
  30. Keith: (We got a psionfinder for that)
  31. Lily: (it's very low radius)
  32. Lily: (and non-exact)
  33. Miri: (uh. I got no research?)
  34. Miri: (i got Criminology?)
  35. Keith: (Ok! I gues this is it!)
  36. Keith: (With 16, we can either suceed, crit-suceed or crit-fail)
  37. Keith: (So, we can't turn up a blank)
  38. Keith: (Unless...)
  39. Keith: (Task difficulty bumps it below 16, or above)
  40. Runi: (she didn't study)
  41. Runi: (that was her whole 'tragedy')
  42. Runi: (she just partied)
  43. Ommy|GM: Cyril manages to scrap together some info from Keith's and Lotus's help, there is a very slight pattern, barely noticeable though.
  44. Runi: (criminology can be useful for making guesses)
  45. Miri: (should I roll, then?)
  46. Keith: (Well. not anymore)
  47. Cyril: _pulls off some real NUMB3RS shit_
  48. Lily: ( "these bones couldn't have been from a human" )
  49. Ommy|GM: The pattern is there though, and he seems he will be heading for a next hospital near this alleyway. In fact...right across the street if you went through it.
  50. Cyril: _immediately hatches the most obvious plan. "...Tangler ambush?"_
  51. Keith: "Sure... I just wonder how strong is that ghost..."
  52. Keith: "Also, we will have to get him knocked out."
  53. Keith: "Tangled is not enough."
  54. Cyril: "Probably... Pretty strong. Maybe I should load my sedatives into one of the grenade shells."
  55. Runi: "you got neural pacifiers, right?"
  56. Cyril: _glances at Runi. Hopes he doesn't seem crazy, carrying around fifty pounds of suspicious gear._
  57. Runi: "Those are real strong. even work on weapons a lot of the time."
  58. Keith: "Weapons? Huh, I didn't know guns had neural systems..."
  59. Cyril: _nudges Keith. "The person kind."_
  60. Lily: no, weapons
  61. Lily: like what you are becoming
  62. Lily: 😛
  63. Ommy|GM: ( <@Runi> do you want to look up more info about this alvali? )
  64. Keith: ( waiting for the Avali's reaction, with bathed breath )
  65. Ommy|GM: (Where the heck is Kalos)
  66. Runi: (I don't have any research so..)
  67. Runi: (i'm spacey >.>
  68. Keith: ( Also. )
  69. Keith: ( <@!Runi> , first. you can ask your contractor )
  70. Keith: ( <@!Runi> , second...)
  71. Keith: ( Runi - Hoje às 22:43
  72. "Those are real strong. even work on weapons a lot of the time."
  73. Keith - Hoje às 22:44
  74. "Weapons? Huh, I didn't know guns had neural systems..." )
  75. Runi: (oh)
  76. Runi: _kind of squints at keith_
  77. Runi: _isn't sure if he's serious. "B I O-Weapons."_
  78. Runi: "Not the disease kind either."
  79. Keith: "Like... the di-"
  80. Keith: "Right."
  81. Runi: "You can't *not* know what I mean. you're half way there yourself."
  82. Keith: "Eeexcuuuse me?" Keith says, placing a hand on his hip
  84. Runi: "No space alien has your kind of mashup of stuff- Not without some work put in." Runi seems to be looking away almost, busy with another conversation on her implant.
  85. Runi: "Employers told me you had bioplas skin and some vacuum support."
  86. Cyril: _does the Z-snap behind Keith, gets halfway through before giggling_
  87. Keith: "Yeah, so what?"
  88. Keith: "Do I shoot bullets out of my nose?"
  89. Runi: "No. but you might soon."
  90. Cyril: _writes that one down, wow._
  91. Runi: "anyway- Employers, Also, told me, that Our spook has sonic-based attacks or something."
  92. Keith: "What the-"
  93. Runi: "basically, wear earplugs."
  94. Keith: "But, its a ghost... Thing? Jesus Christ..."
  95. Runi: "easier for you lot- you only have 2 ears- I feel half blind if I plug mine."
  96. Runi: "Ghost is actually a new surprise."
  97. Runi: "They've been trying to catch him before they knew about it."
  98. Runi: _suddenly puts on a shocked/surprised expression- before there was any response_
  99. Keith: "Wait- What? Is this some sort of bullshit where we are actually after two of them?!"
  100. Keith: "Wait..."
  101. Keith: "How long they have been them trying to catch him again?"
  102. Runi: _recovers. "'several' was the word they used. They just told us to get the guy and worry about the ghost second.""_
  103. Runi: "Which is weird, because that kind of means the ghost might not be him at all."
  104. Keith: "Is he eating psions or some shit?"
  105. Runi: "or it might work on his subconcious, which is scarrier."
  106. Cyril: "...Uh oh."
  107. Keith: _Keith rubs his temples_
  108. Keith: *"I just wanted to live a quiet life, without the worry of bullshit killing people"*
  109. Keith: "Okay."
  110. Keith: "I believe I have a neural pacifier..."
  111. Runi: "then go sell your space ship and go home, kid."
  112. Runi: "I'm not here bcause I want to go anywhere else."
  113. Keith: "I mean."
  114. Keith: "How can I rest my head, when there ***is*** bullshit killing people?"
  115. Runi: _suddenly got amused. "oh, my sweet summer child."_
  116. Keith: "Oh, *please*, you're gonna judge me for *that* as well?"
  117. Runi: _'s ears gesticulate as much as her hands do, which went to cover her face like she wanted to conceal giggles._
  118. Keith: _Keith sighs **loudly**_
  119. Runi: "I don't intend to be nothing but a bitch, but I'm sorry, that one was hard not to react to."
  120. Runi: "We need to find him again."
  121. Lily: "Let's just go zap this guy already so we can get paid"
  122. Lily: "then you won't have to worry about him killing people, yeah?"
  123. Keith: "Let's stop him before he can cause any more harm, yeah."
  124. Keith: "I mean. We may disagree on the *why*, but we are all on the same boat, after all."
  125. Runi: "They've been chasing him around for a while- going to need something more than a house to visit."
  126. Runi: "better yet- We gotta make sure he doesn't jump ship."
  127. Cyril: "...Don't suppose any of those other teams ever tried dozens of tanglers?"
  128. Lily: "They didn't have me on the team."
  129. Keith: "But we have a station that's kinda curbing our firepower... Just remember that."
  130. Lily: "Lets just get him, if I can touch him, he's ours"
  131. Runi: "I think we need another visit to the space port- claim he stole something trivial, like a set of keys, on ccident."
  132. Runi: "So when he tries to leave, they'll give us a warning- maybe."
  133. Keith: "Who... Who's a good liar?"
  134. Runi: "They won't hold him for long, though."
  135. Miri: "Wait, uh, hold on."
  136. Runi: _'s ears perk towards Miri before the rest of her turns to her. "Whuh?"_
  137. Miri: "Are we...are we seriously talking about telling the local cops to *attempt* to hold this guy on, I dunno, a parking violation?"
  138. Miri: "Doesn't this sound a little like 'suicide mission by proxy' to anyone else?"
  139. Lily: "Sounds like a good idea to me. "
  140. Runi: "You're not wrong."
  141. Lily: "He didn't hurt us, why would he hurt them?"
  142. Runi: "But if he gets on a boat, this search got a lot harder.'
  143. Keith: "But c'mon... It's the port, it's always packed full of cops and guns."
  144. Miri: "Hmm...we *do* have to keep him from getting off this place."
  145. Keith: "Whose suicide is it again?"
  146. Runi: "And true- Walls are made of guns there." (non-literally)
  147. Miri: "If this guy *snaps,* folks are gonna die. I don't think *guns* alone are enough to take this guy."
  148. Keith: _Keiths leans in towards Miri_
  149. Runi: "they better be."
  150. Keith: "There is always enough gun in the universe to kill anyone, anything."
  151. Lily: "Honestly, my main priority is making sure it's not -our- suicide. "
  152. Keith: "That's a good point."
  153. Keith: "If the port security might not hold this guy... Will us?"
  154. Runi: "Hm..." *scratches her chin*
  155. Lily: "We were cops, we kind of still are. We know how the job goes. If those cops were scared of dying for their job, they wouldn't have become cops."
  156. Runi: "the hold isn't so important."
  157. Miri: _rubs her forehead. *"Fine.* But this doesn't *smell* too different from 'capture a psion who hasn't done anything wrong for *science*' to me."_
  158. Runi: "The notification that they're leaving is. Then we can tabulate what ships come in and out off the arrivals and departures"
  159. Keith: "Damn right, Lily. Like I said, 'you can take me out of the force, but you can never take the force out of me'... Nevermind we quit our job for this one..."
  160. Ommy|GM: (He has stolen a **TON** of medical supplies.)
  161. Miri: (for a sympathetic cause ^_^; )
  162. Keith: (not sure about that)
  163. Runi: _adds non-chalantly "also, if they just slaughter the guys at the gate, then we have a big trail to follow."_
  164. Keith: "I'd rather it does not come to this."
  165. Lily: "You know how I like it. Quick, rough, and maybe a little dirty. Let's stop debating and start acting. Who wants to call up to get a hold on this guy?"
  166. Keith: "Hah. Me. Not."
  167. Keith: "Okay. So."
  168. Keith: "We *really* need to knock this guy out, tangling him is not enough."
  169. Keith: "I got the long-term covered."
  170. Miri: "That's what these are for," Miri says, twirling her baton.
  171. Cyril: _holds up syringe-gun-thing._
  172. Miri: "A couple licks and even a Psion shouldn't be able to keep his head up."
  173. Lily: "Like I said. if I can tackle him, he's done."
  174. Cyril: "...Three ways to knock him out should be plenty."
  175. Runi: "I could butter up a a worker at a bar maybe."
  176. Keith: "I ain't got natural-borne zap-zap, and I am not very good at fighting, so I'll be in the back, being a semi-coward."
  177. Runi: "But I'm not so good at straight up lying."
  178. Runi: * ears give it away *
  179. Cyril: (Oh right, I have acting 15. :D )
  180. Runi: (acting is perfect)
  181. Cyril: _took lessons._
  182. Keith: ( holy shit )
  183. Lily: improv classes always pay off
  184. Keith: ( I think that fast-talk and acting are near-interchangable. Fast-talk relies on people not thinking about it too much, tho, so acting might trump fast-talk on this )
  185. Miri: (Miri's got fast draw, not fast talk XD)
  186. Keith: ( I got fast-talk on 12... Don't judge me)
  187. Ommy|GM: (Might I add his next target is by a hospital really close to here?)
  188. Keith: "Oh yeah... By the way, I don't think we will have time to go to the port. so you guys will have to send a message."
  189. Cyril: (Yeah, my first idea was an ambush)
  190. Lily: _could sex appeal the result but, yeah :B_
  191. Keith: "a *message*, anyone? It's not that hard, right?"
  192. Keith: "Like, the hospital we need to go is fucking in front of us, right now."
  193. Cyril: "So, the plan is, to say this guy broke some law to get them to bring him in for holding?"
  194. Ommy|GM: (Stakeout anyone?)
  195. Cyril: "Or are we gonna do the ambush?"
  196. Keith: "ambush is plan A"
  197. Keith: "Port thing is... Plan B?"
  198. Runi: "We could just sit outside and wait- doubt they're going to let us come in all armed."
  199. Keith: "But. like. We *should* set up Plan B NOW."
  200. Keith: "Because it needs only a message, right?"
  201. Ommy|GM: "Well I'm staying here." Lotus pipped up
  202. Runi: "Cyril, if you think you're up for it, send it. Be ready to provide a face memory. maybe what the key looks like."
  203. Cyril: _sighs and starts leading everyone to the hospital who's going! Needs to do something, jeez. "Alright, you guys surround the horpital or whatever, I'll call the folks."_
  204. Cyril: "...Wait, do we know this guy's name?"
  205. Keith: _Follows Cyril_
  206. Keith: "Well... I think we've been... Told?"
  207. Keith: "Should be on your implant."
  208. Cyril: ( <@!Ommy|GM> what's this kevin's name)
  209. Runi: Kevin. Duh
  210. Ommy|GM: (Levin Kon)
  211. Keith: "So... Is there any way we can ask people to let us in... And set up shop in the storage room or whatever?"
  212. Cyril: _gets everything ready- Has face-pictures from either seeing the guy or their mission document, and, pictures of the ship's keys from somewhere or other. Calls the spaceport-police nonemergency line, gets out those acting lessons._
  213. Keith: "I mean... That's a crazy proposition, right?"
  214. Keith: "But it would be *so good*, tho..."
  215. Cyril: "If you can give 'em enough evidence, they might go for it."
  216. Cyril: (Have diplomacy or anything? :B )
  217. Keith: ( yes, at 13)
  218. Keith: (Kinda alright levels of Diplomacy)
  219. Cyril: (Same as me, so, guess you should do it)
  220. Keith: _looks at the hospital's name, and then contacts it_
  221. Keith: (Good thing about Diplomacy, being diplomatic means that you don't piss people off, even if you don't get what you want)
  222. Keith: (Should I just roll? Should we play it out?)
  223. Ommy|GM: (I should roll it)
  224. Ommy|GM: (13 right?)
  225. Keith: (Yes. I will present the proofs we have, the correlations we managed to draw... Point out that hospitals are getting stolen in the station, and that we are bounty-hunters after the criminal who did it.)
  226. Keith: (I mean, this is all pretty much true, and beliavable)
  227. Cyril: (Sorry for slowing things down, I'm having a hard time keeping track of plans x.x )
  228. Ommy|GM: The story was believable and they would let you through or notify you.
  229. Keith: "Alright, I got their support. we can set up shop outside, and possibly inside. I'll also ask them to notify us if something of the sort, of someone stealing meds, happens."
  230. Keith: "I have *no idea* where to place myself for this... You guys might have better ideas for yourselves, tho... I hope."
  231. Keith: "So...? Who's gonna watch from up-above? Is anyone gonna be inside? C'mon guys, ideas?"
  232. Cyril: "Where are their storage rooms? I know what to do with the tanglers."
  233. Runi: "I could go for the roof."
  234. Runi: "I can jump off if things get feathery."
  235. Keith: "They *might* need to use the storage room, before our target appears, can you arrange for it to not blow up in innocent's faces, Cyril?"
  236. Cyril: "Yeah, they're smartgrenades! Just gotta go... Buy some tiny cameras to watch through, I guess. I'm sure there's a space-radioshack around here."
  237. Keith: <@!Cyril> I think this is a thing in Ultratech, i think
  238. Cyril: (I mean, tiny remote cameras are a thing *now*, they're just expensive)
  239. Keith: Something on media, perhaps?
  240. Cyril: _will just find those in the book, will assume he can find stores around the station :P_
  241. Runi: (you can in fact, get tiny cameras)
  242. Runi: (gotta find a camera store tho)
  243. Keith: "Okay, <@!Lily> , <@!Miri> ?"
  244. Keith: "You too got ideas?"
  245. Lily: "Traps aren't really my thing."
  246. Miri: "You know I *totally* have a remote camera we could use if we need it," Miri says with a mischievous grin.
  247. Keith: "You can literally choose where you can stand, while this all goes down."
  248. Miri: "Stands out a little, though..."
  249. Cyril: "Your head is pretty big for a spy camera."
  250. Cyril: "...Although, in a hospital..."
  251. Keith: _Keith facepalms_
  252. Keith: "Oh my God..."
  253. Miri: (so can someone TL;DR me what's happening? been a little distracted)
  254. Keith: (We have permission by the hospital to... act our duties.)
  255. Keith: (We are setting up an ambush)
  256. Cyril: (Stakeout in the hospital that Kevin is stealing supplies from. Cyril called the port authority, time will tell if they're gonna nab the guy first.)
  257. Miri: (so we're going after him instead of the Black Ghost guy, or...?)
  258. Cyril: (This is black ghost guy, I thought?)
  259. Keith: (I mean, they never seen apart before.)
  260. Keith: (Just...)
  261. Keith: (We never saw the ghost *before*, as well)
  262. Lily: theory is it's two bad bitches working together )
  263. Keith: (yeah, that)
  264. Lily: but it's ok, we are the baddest of bitches)
  265. Keith: "I mean, Lily, where you are going to be when this all goes down?"
  266. Cyril: (We're six bad bitches)
  267. Keith: (yeah, and most of us even got pussies! So we're really a buncha bitches!)
  268. Keith: "Like. Lily, are you going to just be standing outside the hospital, inside the hospital? Inside the *Storage room*? Anywhere? Everywhere? <@!Miri> as well?"
  269. Miri: "I dunno...maybe I could hide inconspicuously in a vent or something."
  270. Miri: "Pretty hard to hide all *this,* but I could *try...*"
  271. Keith: "I mean, Lily and I are prime vent candidates ourselves..."
  272. Cyril: "I think, we should all stick together wherever the biggest storage space is... If they hit one of the other ones, I'll blow the tanglers, then we can charge in."
  273. Cyril: "Simple. With people in vents, lots of things that could go wrong, you know?"
  274. Miri: _shrugs._
  275. Miri: "More of a plan than I've got."
  276. Keith: " <@!Runi> can give us backup from up above... I wonder if there's a good place where she has a good angle..."
  277. Runi: _is currently looking for fire escapes and other ways to get up_
  278. Keith: " <@!Lily> , how about we two get on the vents?"
  279. Lily: "You just want me to yourself, dont' you?"
  280. Keith: "Okay, *one* of us can get on the vents, geez..."
  281. Keith: "Rock, paper, scisors, <@!Lily> ?"
  282. Keith: (1d3, 1,2,3 = Rock, paper, scisors.)
  283. Lily: "testy, we can both take the vent, I'm kidding"
  284. Cyril: (You could just both go, stay in teams :B )
  285. Cyril: (Yeah that)
  286. Keith: "Heh. To be honest, it is not you was wrong or anything."
  287. Runi: (is there a way up, <@!Ommy|GM> ?)
  288. Lily: (we'll get on cyril :B )
  289. Cyril: _carries Lily and Keith on his back while he sets up cameras and tanglers in the smaller storage rooms, pretends not to notice the extra weight._
  290. Cyril: (So: Are most of the people going to stake out the biggest storage area, ready to run to the other rooms to catch tangled psions if they turn up there? Or should we spread out?)
  291. Keith: (Well, I'll be somewhere inside the vents... Ready to just go either way or the other)
  292. Runi: _will be on the roof, similarly_
  293. Miri: (yeah, sounds good to me)
  294. Lily: is
  295. Lily: ommy even here?
  296. Miri: (Miri will just try her damnedest to stand inconspicuously inside one of the storage rooms XD)
  297. Miri: (uh)
  298. Keith: ( Yeah, <@!Ommy|GM> , C'mon man, show some signs of life)
  299. Cyril: _would use the new "provide cover" subroutines of his shapeshifting armor, but, all he has programmed in right now is a wall of foliage. Wouldn't help._
  300. Ommy|GM: (Oh shit)
  301. Keith: (Oh shit indeed.)
  302. Ommy|GM: (It's almost 9...)
  303. Keith: ( You want to end now? )
  304. Ommy|GM: (Was dowsing a bit)
  305. Ommy|GM: (Yeah)
  306. Lily: well, yooka laylee will finish downloading in five minutes
  307. Keith: ( <@!Ommy|GM> , at least hit the !end, please.)
  308. Keith: ( And give us our points, I suppose.)
  309. Ommy|GM: !end
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