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- CABasicAnimationKeyList
- anchorPoint
- backgroundColor
- backgroundFilters
- borderColor
- borderWidth
- bounds
- compositingFilter
- contents
- contentsRect
- cornerRadius
- doubleSided
- filters
- frame
- hidden
- mask
- masksToBounds
- opacity
- position
- shadowColor
- shadowOffset
- shadowOpacity
- shadowPath
- shadowRadius
- sublayers
- sublayerTransform
- transform
- zPosition
- CAEmitterLayer animatable properties:
- emitterPosition
- emitterZPosition
- emitterSize
- CAGradientLayer animatable properties:
- colors
- locations
- endPoint
- startPoint
- CAReplicatorLayer animatable properties:
- instanceDelay
- instanceTransform
- instanceRedOffset
- instanceGreenOffset
- instanceBlueOffset
- instanceAlphaOffset
- CAShapeLayer animatable properties:
- fillColor
- lineDashPhase
- lineWidth
- miterLimit
- strokeColor
- strokeStart
- strokeEnd
- CATextLayer animatable properties:
- fontSize
- foregroundColor
- CATiledLayer animatable properties:
- I feel like tileSize is animatable, but documentation doesn't agree.
- CATransform3D Key-Value Coding Extensions:
- rotation.x
- rotation.y
- rotation.z
- rotation
- scale.x
- scale.y
- scale.z
- scale
- translation.x
- translation.y
- translation.z
- CGPoint keyPaths:
- x
- y
- CGSize keyPaths:
- width
- height
- CGRect keyPaths:
- origin
- origin.x
- origin.y
- size
- size.width
- size.height
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