
Zombie's Discord: Example Application

Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. 1. What is your discord username?
  2. Dissemble#6030
  4. 2. How long have you been in the discord?
  5. I've been in the discord for about 3 months, and I started getting active around 2 months ago.
  7. 3. Do you know the rules?
  8. Yes, and I can prove it to you.
  10. 4. How long have you viewed the channel?
  11. I've viewed your channel since it opened- at about 10 or 15 subscribers. To prove it, you used to upload _______ videos (I put the videos in but I don't want people copying that part lol you can look for yourself when you subscribed to see the videos he uploaded.)
  13. 5. How active are you? (How long have you devoted?)
  14. I'm typically on discord for 5-6 hours a day, but I can actively moderate the discord 3-4 of those. (when I'm not doing other things or spending time with family/friends.)
  16. 6. What will you do as a moderator?
  17. (I'm not going to put this part on the application because I know that people will word-for-word mine trying to get staff, which will result in a permanent ban from the discord. You need to elaborate on what staff do and how you can expand on that. How will you be above the rest? What makes you different from your typical Joe who can do basic commands? Share with us what you think individualizes your application and entices us to accept you into the internship position!)
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