
Airship Pirates! #game-ic 4/28/2017

Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Kalos: **LAST TIME; ON DRAG- AIRSHIP PIRATES.** Our heroes went and resupplied at a small fishing village and floating island, having purchased a ton of wood and aetherwood, before departing, hving failed to recruit more pirates as was their secondary goal.
  4. Kalos: Ship Status: Minor damage to all armor/hull systems remain
  5. Kalos: Cargo Manifest:
  7. ```3.75 tons total
  9. 0.25 tons food (125 man days) = $250 3.5 tons remaining
  10. 1.00 ton Textiles $???? 2.5 tons remaining
  11. 1.00 ton wood $200 ($180) 1.5 tons remaining
  12. 1.00 ton aetherwood $1000 (900$) .5 tons remaining
  14. .5 tons spare
  16. 125 cannon shots, not counting against this total
  17. ```
  18. Kalos: it's the morning after having went there and docked, your ship apparrantly unmolested through the night.
  19. Kalos: You heard of a great repair company one at island a bit to the south east of you
  20. Joris: Looks like a good place to visit.
  21. Roger: It's better than flying on piece of wooden junk. And i must remind you, we need replace one cannon.
  22. Roger: Since we lost it.
  23. Brice fridge: _Brice will begin sailingto the South East. After buying material his first order of business is to repair the damage to the ship. We can worry about a cannon after thats fixed._
  24. Kalos: how many of you can sail?
  25. Joris: (I've got airshipman, sailing, and navigation)
  26. Brice fridge: (I got piloting)
  27. Roger: (Same, 11 on sailing and 12 on airshipman)
  28. Kalos: sailors roll sailing at +4, Brice roll navigation and piloting at +4
  29. Joris: !groll (vs 16 to SAIL)
  30. DiscoDude: <@Joris> entered an invalid skill value
  31. Joris: !groll 6 (OOPS)
  32. DiscoDude: <@Joris> rolled 9 (degree -3; failure)
  33. Joris: !groll 16 (DOUBLE OOPS)
  34. DiscoDude: <@Joris> rolled 9 (degree 7; success)
  35. Roger: ((Oh right, Disco dude can do same))
  36. Brice fridge: !groll 16 navigation
  38. !groll 15 piloting
  39. Brice fridge: !groll 16 navigation
  40. DiscoDude: <@Brice fridge> rolled 8 (degree 8; success)
  41. Kalos: itl do one at a time
  42. Brice fridge: !groll 15 piloting
  43. Roger: ((I think i messed up thing, sorry...))
  44. DiscoDude: <@Brice fridge> rolled 10 (degree 5; success)
  45. Kalos: Still need Roger's roll
  46. Brice fridge: (8 nav, and 10 pilot)
  47. Roger: Ah here, just a sec
  48. Roger: !groll 11 sailing
  49. DiscoDude: <@Roger> rolled 6 (degree 5; success)
  50. Roger: Oh, it seems good here.
  51. Roger: (And then i realise, it actually should be 15, but oh well)
  52. Kalos: It'l be a long jaunt through the air, sailing until the end of the night- it'l be dark out by the time you arrive
  53. Kalos: Does <@!Cylle> do anything during this time?
  54. Cylle: (oh, whoop)
  55. Cylle: _practices her airmanship. She feels curiously...rusty at it, despite having spent most her time these past five years on an airship._
  56. Kalos: ---------
  57. Kalos: 4 hours into the trip, a large sky whale breaches a cloud, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/83/7e/e4/837ee431be9f79f76e317c35a4fa3d80.jpg off to your west
  58. Kalos: Its size is hard to judge, as is the distance, there's nothing to really scale it by
  59. Cylle: _whistles at the sight. Once upon a time it would have drawn a more awed reaction from her._
  60. Kalos: Only the clouds which don't tell much for how large they are.
  61. Joris: _freezes at their post and stares at the flying creature- And goes to check the radio. Y'know, just in case._
  62. Roger: **"The whale, rumos said it for good luck. As long, as we don't get closer to it of course"**
  63. Brice fridge: (I wanna do a merchant for how much profits are in a skywhale of average size my merchant is at 12)
  64. Kalos: You've never been a skywhaler- but you've seen things like their hydes being made into sails, apparrantly being blessed with extra power through the winds or some such
  65. Kalos: but your guess is as good as any lay-persons- not very.
  66. Kalos: Moussibly millions from one whale, or merely a few tens of thousands.
  67. Brice fridge: (Are OUR sails cool super whale hide sails?)
  68. Kalos: nope
  69. Kalos: Though the slaying of one of those whales also tend to be an effort involving dozens of airships and a a couple hundred crewmen
  70. Kalos: including the expected loss of a couple of said vessels
  71. Kalos: But hey, it's no cloud-that-hungers.
  72. Joris: !groll 12 (radio)
  73. DiscoDude: <@Joris> rolled 8 (degree 4; success)
  74. Joris: _listens to radio static for a bit, eyeing the skywhale suspiciously before going back to work on the sails._
  75. Brice fridge: (I was already debating how dificult it would be...We would have to find out a lot of things...such as how much it weight, how much we could feasibly carry offship in a net, do we have a net, how hard it likely would be to kill a whale, and would it likely destroy our ships...
  77. My estimated andswers were heavy, not enough, likely not, very, and possibly...so no whale hunting for us right now...)
  79. Brice looks at the whale for a bit debating and decides while it would be nice to take down a skywhale for stuff but decides against it as we are not equipped for it.
  80. Kalos: Oh, no, this thingis likely hevier than you ship
  81. Kalos: Unless its a calf.
  82. Brice fridge: (yeah, but we got a ton of aether wood on board but I figured that would not be enough to help us carry a whale)
  83. Kalos: You've seen some of their bones once arranged along a hull as part of the structure- the bones themself float like aetherwood
  84. Roger: **"We just don't have harpoons to hold beast if you plan attack it, it just escape from us after first shoot."**
  85. Kalos: (or really, like one of a half dozen other materials with similar properites)
  86. Brice fridge: (anyways if I dont see other ships trying to take it down then we are passing it...)
  87. Kalos: You succeeded a secret merchant roll, brice.
  88. Kalos: You can stick around and wait- maybe if you know a guy as a contact you could sell the location of sighting
  89. Cylle: "Magnificent sight, eh, mateys?" Cylle says, airily.
  90. Kalos: that's worth money.
  91. Roger: ((Hi, my mic is messed up and Kalos problem, yeah. Text game today))
  92. Brice fridge: (so, current affairs people to see if I know someone to call who might be able to help with the whale and is close enough to radio?)
  93. Kalos: You don't know any of them well enough to know what frequencies to call on
  94. Kalos: You can continue sailing, unless you have other plans
  95. Brice fridge: (who has the radios skill? would there be a radio channel for this type of thing that I might know from business, sports(unlikely sports) or merchant? Merchant is 12 the others are 11)
  96. Kalos: the whales generally don't attack ships.
  97. Roger: (Ask about radios skill when we have one specialist of this thing right on ship. Kinda funny for me)
  98. Joris: (OH radio skill)
  99. Joris: (Radio is 12 for me, that's one of my jobs)
  100. Joris: (But like, I don't think that'd mean I'd know people)
  101. Kalos: joris can if desired, fish around the myraid of frequencies for a few hours and ask around
  102. Brice fridge: (thats why I was asking if there might be in my 3 skills a chance I might know a general frequency for this stuff, and you could tune in and see if anyone is in range for that)
  103. Joris: (Want me to scan the airwaves?)
  104. Kalos: You're not familiar, no. Joris can go scanning. Which also means someone else will have to man the sails
  105. Kalos: and you'll need to follow the whale
  106. Joris: (Joris has the "dreamer" quirk, I guess this gets the -1 for being a long task?)
  107. Kalos: (yep)
  108. Brice fridge: _Brice will ignore the whale. Onwards to fix our ship._
  109. Joris: !groll 11 (radio. gl)
  110. DiscoDude: <@Joris> rolled 11 (degree 0; success)
  111. Joris: (Oh, that works too, ship is more important)
  112. Cylle: "What, we're followin' the beastie? I suppose I can man the wheel."
  113. Kalos: Back to sailing then?
  114. Kalos: (to the island)
  115. Roger: (And i even didn't said about how the hell we should catch whale who will gonna fall into void after being shoot to dead)
  116. Roger: (Yeah, i am totally for keep going. But last word for captain, as usually)
  117. Brice fridge: _Brice will look to cylle and say "nay, we are headin' to repair this vessel. There will be more chances in the future for whales"._
  118. Kalos: 8 more hours later of having some tunes play while you work the ship, the sun begins to set back in the west, dimming as it approaches the horizon
  119. Kalos: the island you're trying to reach not yet visible- perhaps you're not where you thought you were?
  120. Kalos: or it could be just behind some clouds
  121. Kalos: You can continue to navigate towards it, or cut the lights and stop here for the night
  122. Roger: What time is it now?
  123. Brice fridge: (I cant find it with a navigation success of 8..)
  124. Kalos: its like 6-8 pm
  125. Kalos: according to one radio channel, 7:41.
  126. Kalos: (as they read off some news bulletin about crime reports)
  127. Brice fridge: (We rest for the night, I would likely set up some watch for ya know...pirates, sky sharks, rampaging sky squid, and especially giant sky mantis shrimp that may or may not exist...)
  128. Kalos: you going to stay watch for the entire darkness time?
  129. Kalos: or what're you going to schedule?
  130. Roger: (I will volunteer for watch, if you want. My char have insomatic disadvantage anyway)
  131. Roger: (And someone could replace my during night, so i could rest too)
  132. Kalos: cause there's 12 hours of darkness
  133. Roger: (Yeah, better set replace for one of us during night)
  134. Joris: (There's some system where we could all take shifts, right?)
  135. Joris: (I'm sure there's protocol for this :B )
  136. Brice fridge: (alright, so rogers character can keep watch for 4 hours and next I will take watch for 4 hours, and lastly cylles character who has not been helping cause they dont have the skills yet)
  137. Kalos: Everyone good with that plan?
  138. Roger: (I'm not best as night watcher though. Night blindness)
  139. Roger: (And yeah, I am fine)
  140. Joris: (Alright.)
  141. Brice fridge: (yeah, but you can atleast if your attacked by something scream loudly I hope)
  142. Roger: (Or just hope on my hearing sense. Still got that thing)
  143. Kalos: anyone have light sleeper?
  144. Joris: (No, just nightmares :B )
  145. Roger: (Poor batty)
  146. Kalos: how much is night blindness?
  147. Roger: (It double all effect of darkness and at -5 it completely blind)
  148. Roger: (So like -2 works as -4 and etc)
  149. Kalos: wow.
  150. Kalos: You don't see anything
  151. Kalos: Lcukily, it seemed no one came to attack you before Your time came to wake up Brice.
  152. Kalos: (mybe you hit your head against a wall a few times- blind *as a bat*
  153. Joris: (*rude*)
  154. Roger: (It won't be me who hitted by wall, it is wall who was hitted by me)
  155. Brice fridge: (or DID they... anyways I dont got night blindness...or anything else that either helps or hinders me in the dark other than my lantern which I dont feel a need to light)
  156. Kalos: Brice
  157. Kalos: One hour into your shift, you spot a pale blue light in the distance
  158. Roger: (Team of blind night pirates. No wonderful we got crushed in past, haha)
  159. Brice fridge: (anything to roll to know what is?)
  160. Kalos: a orb, bout the size of your thumb when you hold it at arms reach.
  161. Joris: (I'm very much not nightblind)
  162. Kalos: As for what it is... it could be a variety of things. Could be electric lights on a large ship just having emerged from a cloud
  163. Roger: (You got others problem to deal with though)
  164. Kalos: ... Could be a glowing sky beast.
  165. Kalos: More than a few use light at dark hours, but usually after they detected prey.
  166. Brice fridge: _Brice will keep an eye on this strange UFO. If it moves to come closer he will begin waking his crew._
  167. Kalos: For 5 minutes or so, it remains where it is, before suddenly moving about very rapidly., up and down left and right just a little, but not seeming to get closer.
  168. Kalos: this continues for about 20 seconds, before the light vanishes.
  169. Kalos: 10 seconds later, there's a droning sound, a distnt rumble like thunder stiking continuously
  170. Kalos: and then it's back to the silence of night.
  171. Brice fridge: _Brice will be slightly more worried but hope that it does not target us. It was very far away and we dont have lights on so hopefully it will stay way over there..._
  172. Kalos: The rest of your shift goes unperturbed, your ship floating into a cloud 20 minutes later (or perhaps the cloud floating over your ship) which remains for the rest of the shift
  173. Kalos: 4 Am. Cylle's shift.
  174. Roger: (Cat lady, now somebody can see a thing at least)
  175. Cylle: _strides on deck, sniffing something powdery off the back of her finger, a bottle clenched in her other hand._
  176. Cylle: (so I got Night Vision 2)
  177. Cylle: (mechanically, what does that mean)
  178. Roger: (Ignoring penalty -2 of darkness, that's not bad)
  179. Kalos: Cylle: *nothing happens*
  180. Kalos: two hours into it, you're out of the cloud, so there's something to look at besides 'grey'
  181. Kalos: which is darkness.
  182. Kalos: IE: more dark grey.
  183. Kalos: Your shift ends when The sun rises once again into the heavens from tartaros in the east.
  184. Brice fridge: (so another nav and piloting as well as more sailing rools?)
  185. Kalos: No need to roll
  186. Kalos: After 2 hours hours of sailing, you find that rock- it has a sizable town at it with a light house (which you think you would have seen last night..) and a dozen airships docked at it or about it.
  187. Brice fridge: _Brice will sail in for the smoothest docking he can manage, assuming there is a place to dock and/or nothing that stops us._
  188. Kalos: As you move to dock, no one stops you- A dock boy asks for the docking fee (which is for this ship, a mere 10 dollars)
  189. Kalos: There's actual business going on here- including that repair service a bit of a ways over, but you have to pay before they'll open up their own dock to you.
  190. Joris: (Can I fly over to ask how much repairs would cost? :D )
  191. Kalos: Yep, you can take off and go
  192. Roger: (I don't see reason why not. After all you only person who can fly. I just can jumps from ship, but don't think it is necessary)
  193. Brice fridge: (also dangerous with the endless void of falling till you die of hunger)
  194. Joris: _jumps off the front of the ship, goes along the skyland's "coast" to the repair dock. Tries to find the offices or lobby or something, wherever it looks appropriate to land._
  195. Kalos: don't be silly. thirst will get you first.
  196. Roger: (Don't worry, I will surely jump off from Ship to ship if we gonna do some pirate stuff, yarrr!)
  197. Brice fridge: (assuming you dont have water on you like my character)
  198. Roger: (Even if fail will cost me live, hehe)
  199. Joris: (Is there anything like an air-lifevest, that'll start floating if you pull a cord?)
  200. Brice fridge: (I have a parachute that will slow the fall I can possibly be saved...)
  201. Kalos: (brb)
  202. Roger: (I didn't though about parachute to buy. That actually good idea have one)
  203. Brice fridge: (I also have a grappling hook...I might be able to attempt a throw to hook onto the ship...)
  204. Roger: (Why I didn't think about all this stuff during character creation. Oh I missed so much. But oh well, still could work as meat shield and muscle of team)
  205. Brice fridge: (possibly because your not an impulsive shopper like me who spent litterally every last cent of his starting money on as many different things as possible...Fuck I got a portable camping stove for cooking on the go...)
  206. Roger: (Hehe, yeah, I have another demons inside that ~~kobold~~ lizardfolk *throwed some dices for no reason*)
  207. Joris: (I've mostly got weapons and armor, then some useful gizmos. Like earmuffs. Good for when you don't want to hear everything on the ship.)
  208. Roger: (From equipment I have somewhere on ship sort of Cache. But it holds nothing, but few personal stuff)
  209. Roger: (But Kalos always could say "it has been lost during that attack")
  210. Roger: (Because I didn't waste time of checking for it)
  211. Brice fridge: (I carry all of my stuff on me at all times(other than my radio and large ammount of personal canned food) so I am like...always at a -6 for my purely physical skills like jumping and climbing...)
  212. Joris: (pff oh no)
  213. Brice fridge: (I need to increase my strength at some point :P)
  214. Roger: (Hmmm, how many weigh you stuff got?)
  215. Brice fridge: (I got 110 pounds of stuff which is a heavy load for me...its about 10 away from X heavy...
  216. Roger: (110? Sheesh, what you trying to hold with you? Wait you got strength 14 than?)
  217. Brice fridge: (thats 10 strength...I said it is a heavy load which goes between 60-120 pounds and is encumberance level 3...and for stuff...a lot of stuff...))
  218. Roger: (Oh wait pd? Hah, I thought you lb. That change a things)
  219. Cylle: (pounds = lbs, unless i'm misunderstanding something here?)
  220. Brice fridge: (well according to the sheet that maths things for me with 10 strength I can carry up to 300 pounds on my back...which is where about 60 pounds of it is..)
  221. Kalos: _returns~_
  222. Brice fridge: (actually wait...where about 90 punds is nevermind)
  223. Joris: _flies back onto the ship, chainmail shirt jingling in the breeze. They catch onto one of the crossbars then fall back to the deck. "I talked to the dock-people." They say, gesturing back towards the other pier-ish thing with both wings. "They'll let us in and check the damage for $20, and tell us how much repairs cost after."_
  224. Roger: (Wait wha- gush my tiredness is getting me. Sorry guys, slow thinking now)
  225. Brice fridge: _Brice will simply nod and say "good work joris" and begin piloting in to dock for the repairs._
  226. Kalos: You head on over, and take the ship in to a stop inside of the drydock, which is something approaching a gigantic aircraft hanger crossed with roman colloseum
  227. Kalos: with scaffolds all about
  228. Kalos: They take your dosh, and a few engineers step on aboard.
  229. Kalos: !roll 3d6
  230. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 3d6 for 11 [3d6 = 6, 2, 3]
  231. Kalos: after a little time they come back with a price- 1200 bucks. Which strikes Brice Fridge as a little on the high side...
  232. Kalos: (that's not including the fact that you provided materials)
  233. Cylle: "Whadda ya think, Mr. Fridge? A fair price?"
  234. Roger: (Oh right, we bough wood for that. Smart move captain)
  235. Brice fridge: _"Now, that does seem quite high for the damages...Even if you provide the materials yourself, you would not be trying to take advantage of a business man would you...I have a crew to keep fed" brice says in as nice a way as possible standing in a pose that shows the cool captains sword at his side though not saying or doing much to directly imply he might use it._
  236. Joris: _scoots away a little._
  237. Cylle: "You heard the nice Mr. Fridge," Cylle says, grinning a grin full of sharp teeth. "I do think he's suggesting you're trying to *gouge* us a wee bit."
  238. Cylle: (can I roll Intimidation :3 )
  239. Roger: *yawns while keeping eye on engineers*
  240. Kalos: (you can in fact, roll intimidation. as can brice)
  241. Kalos: (or rather)
  242. Cylle: !groll 10
  243. DiscoDude: <@Cylle> rolled 12 (degree -2; failure)
  244. Cylle: (ow)
  245. Kalos: (one of yyou- the higher one)
  246. Cylle: (oh, okay; mine's 10)
  247. Kalos: (will do a roll, and the other compliments)
  248. Roger: (Prepare for price increases)
  249. Brice fridge: !groll 12
  250. DiscoDude: <@Brice fridge> rolled 9 (degree 3; success)
  251. Kalos: success by 2...
  252. Kalos: !roll 3d6
  253. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 3d6 for 12 [3d6 = 6, 5, 1]
  254. Roger: (Or not...)
  255. Kalos: "This isn't that kind of establishment, Mr Brice." one of the engineers says, staring him back down. "That's the price. take it or leave it."
  256. Brice fridge: (skill monkey, money grubbing, greedy, theif, captain Brice Fridge reporting for duty)
  257. Kalos: (cylle hurt your roll, byw. failure on her complimentary)
  258. Cylle: _takes another sniff. "Looks like he ain't backin' down," she says, shrugging as if she had nothing to do with it._
  259. Brice fridge: _Brice will frown and say "Its over priced, bring out your boss...NOW..."_
  260. Cylle: Now it's Cylle's turn to back off a little.
  261. Joris: _subtly hides behind Cylle._
  262. Brice fridge: !groll 12 for a second intimidate to make him get his boss out
  263. DiscoDude: <@Brice fridge> rolled 13 (degree -1; failure)
  264. Brice fridge: (well fuck me)
  265. Kalos: he turns and leaves
  266. Cylle: "Well," Cylle says, eyebrows raised in alarm, "I *do* think he's going to fetch his boss..."
  267. Kalos: a few dock workers are sitting around on the scaffold/walkway attached to your ship, and they watch him leave. they don't seem to want to have much to do with this.
  268. Roger: **"You really bad at dealing with othersss than buying thingsss, aren't you captain?"**
  269. Brice fridge: "I refuse to take a bad deal, never over pay for something and always get a discount if possible"
  270. Brice fridge: _Brice will begin looking around to try and find any management or boss of that person._
  271. Roger: **"Whatever you sssay, cap"** - said Roger, still keep tracking those Engineers on ship
  272. Kalos: he's still making his way to the office below
  273. Kalos: he hasn't even reached the door quite yet.
  274. Brice fridge: _Brice will instead wait. If he is getting his boss fine._
  275. Kalos: he enters the door, out of sight now. Maybe in 5 minutes he'll return with his boss
  276. Kalos: some elevator music plays
  277. Cylle: _files her nails._
  278. Roger: **"Hey, you"** - said Roger to one of Engineer -**"Cap didn't actually tell how this place called. Can you tell how town called and what kingdom or empire or whatever isss it?"**
  279. Kalos: The engineer isn't here- do you mean a dockworker?
  280. Roger: I guess than dockworker, whatever
  281. Roger: Anyone who not crew and hear me
  282. Kalos: "We're on Tarse Island, North of the Valrasian mainland- You lost or something?" He puts his gloves in his lap
  283. Kalos: Brice, this isn't where you thought you were. You're about...
  284. Kalos: 900 miles east of where you thought you were, in a very similar formation of islands.
  285. Roger: **"Just a little amnessia about lassst few monthsss. Thanksss for info, mate. Don't tell it to my cap"**
  286. Cylle: (to be clear, even Cylle would've thought this?)
  287. Kalos: (Mhm- he made the navigation rolls so I'm telling it to him. also, captain)
  288. Kalos: See map for displacement
  289. Brice fridge: (ima just continue waiting for the boss)
  290. Cylle: "...ye gods, that's...*way* off course," Cylle mutters. "How the devil did we end up out here?"
  291. Kalos: This also explains why the island was farther out than you thought.
  292. Kalos: 5 minutes have passed, and his boss emerges from the door
  293. Kalos: He looks remarkably like Brice, but its only a coincidence, surely.
  294. Joris: _squints, looks between Brice and the stranger. Hrmmmrm._
  295. Kalos: he reaches to a microphone on the wall, and clears his through audible through a PA system. before saying very professionally
  296. Kalos: "We will not be serving you at this establishment- please leave. Thank you." before there's a click as he puts it back into its place.
  297. Joris: _turns to Brice and quietly applauds._
  298. Brice fridge: _to the boss " Is this the kind of business I should tell everyone about this fine establishment? First over charging and then refusing service...I shall begin radioing everyone, I am sure that you dont mind the publicity"_
  299. Roger: *loudly laught after that message*
  300. Kalos: he walks back inside
  301. Cylle: _looks at Brice as if he's gone off the deep end._
  302. Cylle: ...and takes an extra-big sniff of her special stuff, because she has a feeling she's going to *need* it.
  303. Brice fridge: _Brice will begin checking around town for the competition. Anyone else who can repair the ship._
  304. Kalos: You could probably hire some carpenters and stuff, but the town's not big enough to support two seperate ship repair businesses.
  305. Brice fridge: _Brice shall begin asking about carpenters. Anyone who will work appart from that company._
  306. Brice fridge: !groll 12 streetwise
  307. DiscoDude: <@Brice fridge> rolled 12 (degree 0; success)
  308. Kalos: do you undock the ship and leave?
  309. Kalos: or do you just walk out the door while it's still there?
  310. Brice fridge: I think I would take the ship to the normal dock.
  311. Joris: (Yeah, let's take the ship and head out.)
  312. Kalos: You take it out, and go back there- you don't need to pay the fee twice for docking, either
  313. Roger: (Thank you for saving mighty 10 dollars)
  314. Kalos: indeed
  315. Kalos: /roll 3d6
  316. Kalos: !roll 3d6
  317. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 3d6 for 9 [3d6 = 5, 1, 3]
  318. Kalos: You find some carpenters without any problem
  319. Kalos: They think its a bit strange you come to them for fixing a ship, but one of them has a look
  320. Kalos: he quotes you a price: 850 bucks and two days starting tomorrow.
  321. Kalos: (not including wood)
  322. Brice fridge: _"1000 dollars 1 day and start now we have the materials"_
  323. Roger: *coughs*
  324. Roger: **"1000 for one job? Holy moly, captain."**
  325. Roger: **"Sssorry for that, just don't sssee your logic anymore"**
  326. Brice fridge: "Its cheaper than that company...and far more fair...Also asking them to finish it faster... That requires more money".
  327. Kalos: "That's not a deal we can take, we're already working on something."
  328. Kalos: "Not to mention we can't do it in one day."
  329. Brice fridge: "very well 2 days it is. I would rather be gone sooner but I also need that hole fixed.
  330. Kalos: "If I were a less honest man I'd take your deal and say we were delayed."
  331. Roger: **"It could be good lesson for our captain, however"**
  332. Brice fridge: "It's a deal then. Guess we are sticking around for 2 days crew".
  333. Kalos: "3. we have a customer we aren't going to reject. for 3 days"
  334. Kalos: "We'll start tomorrow. your ship still seems sound, but I'm no airship mechanic."
  335. Kalos: "so you can sleep in that."
  336. Brice fridge: "alright, well then we got a deal...850 and in 3 days it is finished".
  337. Roger: **"Captain, WOOD! WE GOT WOOD IN CARGO! And I have feel like you couldn't sssell it easily, better offer it for discount"**
  338. Brice fridge: "Discounts not needed for this deal. Better to save the wood for if we need it".
  339. Joris: _flits back up onto the ship, still able to listen with those crazy bat-ears. Can't say they're annoyed with the delay, maybe this'll give them some time to poke around and figure out what happened to them, at least a little more._
  340. Roger: **"Asss... you wish, captain"**
  341. Cylle: _shrugs. "Can't be helped, I suppose." She wanders off in search of the nearest vendor of fine liquors and illicit substances._
  342. Kalos: "We'll do it without the wood, and we can take some of yours as payment afterwards if you like the deal."
  343. Kalos: "probably go down to 300 or so. we won't be using tons of wood."
  344. Brice fridge: "hm...Alright, then...Thats a much better deal. Anyways, I will be heading back to the ship to look over some godawful handwriting".
  346. (I will try to make some sense of some of the papers again maybe I can find something out this time. Information analysis is still a 10)
  347. Kalos: _rolls_
  348. Kalos: not a clue what they say.
  349. Joris: (Does it really take information analysis to just... read papers?)
  350. Kalos: they're written really weird
  351. Brice fridge: (its to understand business papers as well as that the handwriting is bad)
  352. Joris: (Dangit.)
  353. Roger: (Taking the fact it's like decrypting the previous captain signature - YES)
  354. Kalos: not only is the hand writing bad but he just uses weird wording
  355. Kalos: and references
  356. Brice fridge: (anyways that will be taking up most of my time for the rest of the day, other people feel free to do stuff...)
  357. Roger: **"Joris, wanna take a walk in town? Seems like captain isss fine with that."**
  358. Roger: **"Our last walk wasss... interesting"**
  359. Joris: _pulls wings up around their front like a cloak. "Uh. Last time we went for a walk... Yeah."_
  360. Joris: "Interesting isn't the word I would use."
  361. Roger: **"Dunno, make a fun from ssscared people interesssting"**
  362. Roger: **"Kinda ivny wasssn't with you. But oh well, I guess I go alone, sssee ya"**
  363. Roger: *Roger decide to look for place when he can play some gamble games. So long time without risk of losing everything was like agony for him*
  364. Kalos: You could go right to a gambling den- plenty of those.
  365. Roger: Oh yes, that sound like place for Roger
  366. Cylle: (well, hell, how about Cylle's quest for inebriation takes her to that same darn place)
  367. Kalos: Likely
  368. Kalos: Opium may be provided
  369. Joris: _looks around. Oh no, all the other furred critters leaving. They wrap wings tighter and skitter off to follow._
  370. Kalos: while everyone else goes to vice the night away like proper pirates.
  371. Kalos: what is Brice doing?
  372. Joris: _'s original plan was to pester the carpenters with questions about what kind of wood is this and why don't they make floating chairs. But, wouldn't want to be left alone._
  373. Roger: (Technically, captain also stays on ship)
  374. Joris: (Oh right. With all Brice's stinginess, I feel like he wouldn't like gambling :B )
  375. Kalos: you totally can make floating chairs
  376. Kalos: but if you do you mightpush one up
  377. Kalos: and it'l just keep going
  378. Roger: (Wait, your character also have this disadvantage?)
  379. Kalos: for a while
  380. Joris: (Floating chair sounds perfect for a batman)
  381. Brice fridge: (actually he is greedy and techincally avoids losing money but I dont have miserly and i do have the gambling skill...
  383. On the ship I said I was spending the day looking at those papers even if I cant make sense of them I can only try...)
  384. Kalos: The others: the gambling den actually does have a few other critters- They're a stigmitized minority around here. Human lands being surrounded by more distant islands where the reverse case is true
  385. Kalos: everyone roll gambling
  386. Cylle: !groll 10
  387. DiscoDude: <@Cylle> rolled 9 (degree 1; success)
  388. Joris: (What's the default?)
  389. Cylle: (looks like IQ-2?)
  390. Kalos: IQ-5. however if you're highly familiar with a game it's +5
  391. Kalos: like poker or whatever
  392. Roger: !groll 10
  393. DiscoDude: <@Roger> rolled 7 (degree 3; success)
  394. Joris: _watches for a bit to figure out what the heck is going on. Not much of a gambler. Makes sure to bet as little money as is reasonable._
  395. Joris: !groll 8
  396. DiscoDude: <@Joris> rolled 12 (degree -4; failure)
  397. Cylle: _grins and throws herself wholeheartedly into a game with a big crowd around the table, preferably a dice roller of some sort._
  398. Kalos: eventually, all of you lose 5 bucks to Roger
  399. Cylle: (XD)
  400. Kalos: whom takes in 30 bucks.
  401. Kalos: This seems to be a fair place to cut the session for now- You all gambling the next two nights away, and we'll pick up next session with post-repairs!
  402. Roger: **"Someone fail, sssomeone winsss.**
  403. Joris: _needs to find a bingo table. >:I_
  404. Brice fridge: (on the second day I wanna gamble)
  405. Roger: No matter what, Roger gonna win with his lucky chart.
  406. Kalos: go ahead and make rolls now
  407. Kalos: day 2
  408. Brice fridge: !groll 12
  409. DiscoDude: <@Brice fridge> rolled 6 (degree 6; success)
  410. Kalos: go go go
  411. Kalos: oh shit
  412. Roger: !groll 10
  413. DiscoDude: <@Roger> rolled 13 (degree -3; failure)
  414. Joris: (Does this count as a familiar game? :B )
  415. Kalos: roll vs base
  416. Kalos: !groll 11
  417. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 7 (degree 4; success)
  418. Kalos: !groll 11
  419. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 10 (degree 1; success)
  420. Kalos: !groll 11
  421. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 8 (degree 3; success)
  422. Joris: !groll 8
  423. DiscoDude: <@Joris> rolled 4 (degree 4; critical success!)
  424. Kalos: !groll 11
  425. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 10 (degree 1; success)
  426. Joris: (CRIT?!)
  427. Roger: I bet just forgot bring it with himself.
  428. Kalos: everyone loses 5 bucks bur Joris
  429. Kalos: whom gains 80
  430. Kalos: everyone else is confused where more money came from
  431. Joris: _makes an excited beeping sound! Very annoying. Uses a wing to sweep in the coins._
  432. Roger: 25 proffits. Heck yeah
  433. Roger: And there is others players I believe
  434. Kalos: !end
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