
Bricks & Magic (Beta)

Jun 18th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. Name:Bricks & Magic
  3. Desc: A game where you create bricks using magic! Discord:
  4. by:Eric
  5. Created: 6/18/2018
  6. Updated: 0/0/0
  7. Version: V.
  9. Settings
  10. building cost increase: 116%
  11. building cost refund: 0.01%
  12. spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48,
  13. background:
  14. stylesheet:
  16. Layout
  17. *main
  18. contains:buttons, title
  19. *title
  20. header:Bricks & Magic (V.0.0.5)
  21. *res
  22. contains:Resources
  23. *buttons
  24. contains:Buttons
  25. *stats
  26. contains:tag:stat
  27. *store
  28. contains:buildings, upgrades, res, stats
  29. *buildings
  30. contains:BulkDisplay, Buildings
  31. header:Buildings
  32. tooltip origin:left
  33. *upgrades
  34. contains:tag:upgradesII, Upgrades
  35. header:Upgrades
  36. costs:hide
  37. names:hide
  38. *ownedupgrades
  39. contains:tag:owned
  40. header:Owned Upgrades
  41. in:upgrades
  42. costs:hide
  43. names:hide
  44. *achievs
  45. contains:tag:Achievements
  46. header:Achievements
  47. in:store
  48. *prestige
  49. contains:tag:prestige
  50. header:Prestige Store
  51. in:store
  52. costs:hide
  53. names:hide
  54. *ownedprestige
  55. contains:tag:ownedprestige
  56. header:Owned Prestige Upgrades
  57. in:prestige
  58. costs:hide
  59. names:hide
  60. *achievStats
  61. contains:tag:astats
  63. Buttons
  64. *click
  65. name:Make Bricks
  66. class:bigButton hasFlares
  67. Icon:
  68. on click:yield 1 Bricks
  69. on click:if (have SRGBC and chance(0.0001%)) yield 1 GoldenBricks
  70. on click:if (have LSRGBC and chance(0.000125%)) yield 1 GoldenBricks
  71. on click:multiply yield of GoldenBricks by random(1,3)
  72. tooltip origin:bottom
  73. tooltip class:red
  74. show clicks
  78. Resources
  80. *upgradesII
  81. tag:upgradesII
  82. name:Unlocked
  83. desc:[upgradesII]/19 ([((upgradesII/19)*100)]%)
  85. *WizardGrandmap
  86. name:Wizzard Grandma Yield
  87. desc:How much Wizard Grandmas make every second.
  88. text:[WizardGrandmap:ps] Wizard Grandma/s
  89. always hidden
  90. icon:
  92. *GrandmaDevilp
  93. name:Grandma Devil Yield
  94. desc:How much Grandma Devil make every second.
  95. text:[GrandmaDevilp:ps] Grandma Devil/s
  96. always hidden
  97. icon:
  99. *GoldenBrickProp
  100. name:Golden Brick Yield
  101. desc:How much Golden Bricks make every second.
  102. text:[GoldenBrickProp:ps] Golden Brick/s
  103. always hidden
  104. icon:
  106. *Bricks
  107. name:Bricks
  108. desc:Use magic to make Bricks!
  109. Icon:
  110. show earned
  112. *GoldenBricks
  113. name:Golden Bricks
  114. desc:Use magic to make these Golden Bricks in Various of ways!
  115. Icon:
  116. hidden when 0
  117. show earned
  119. *DiamondBricks
  120. name:Diamond Bricks
  121. desc:Use magic to make Bricks!
  122. Icon:
  123. hidden when 0
  124. show earned
  126. *TEMPLATE
  127. tag:stat
  129. *MinutesII
  130. name:Seconds
  131. desc:Counts every second you have played since you first played!
  132. Icon:
  133. show earned
  135. Buildings
  138. *TEMPLATE
  139. tag:stat
  141. *timerbuilding
  142. start with:1 MinutesII
  143. on tick:yield 1 MinutesII
  144. always hidden
  145. *TEMPLATE
  147. *BrickClicks
  148. name:Exploring Dark Magic
  149. desc:<b>Buying this Building unlocks special upgrades in witch allows you to make more Bricks, Golden Bricks, and Diamond Bricks faster per click, as well as unlock other buildings, special upgrades, and more! </b> <i>"So does this mean you will eventually be shitting bricks and other shit out your ass?" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Upgrade this to Unlock Unique Upgrades!</b>
  150. cost increase:117%
  151. req:DMLI
  152. cost:100 Bricks
  153. icon:
  154. show max
  156. *WizardGrandma
  157. name:Wizard Grandma
  158. desc:<b>A Wizard Grandma who roams the sky on her broom using her magic to create small little bricks for you!</b> <i>"Just another wild night, in Wizard City" - Rocket Jump" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.>Highest Tier Upgrade <b>0</b><.>Magic Grandma <//><b>Base Effects:</b><.>Produces <b>0.1</b> Wizard Grandma Per Second.<//><b>Current effects:</b><.>Produces <b>[WizardGrandmap:ps]</b> Wizard Grandmas per second!
  159. on tick:yield 0.1 Bricks
  160. on tick:yield 0.1 WizardGrandmap
  161. cost:1 Bricks
  162. icon:
  163. show max
  165. *GrandmaDevil
  166. name:Grandma Devil
  167. desc:<b>A Grandma Devil who sacrifices Souls to make Bricks!</b> <i>"What? I'm just Soul Searching!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.>Highest Tier Upgrade <b>0</b><.>Magic Grandma <//><b>Base Effects:</b><.>Produces <b>1</b> Grandma Devils Per Second.<//><b>Current effects:</b><.>Produces <b>[GrandmaDevilp:ps]</b> Grandma Devils per second!
  168. on tick:yield 1 Bricks
  169. on tick:yield 1 GrandmaDevilp
  170. req:Sacrificail
  171. cost:500 Bricks
  172. icon:
  173. show max
  175. *GoldenBrickPro
  176. name:Golden Brick Magic Machine
  177. desc:<b>A Golden Magic Brick Building that converts left over magic into Golden Bricks!</b> <i>"Once wasted magic dust is now a Brick Making Fuel!" - Golden Brick Workers!" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.>Highest Tier Upgrade <b>0</b><.>Golden Brick Making <//><b>Base Effects:</b><.>Produces <b>0.001</b> Golden Bricks Per Second.<//><b>Current effects:</b><.>Produces <b>[GoldenBrickProp:ps]</b> Golden Bricks per second!
  178. on tick:yield 0.001 GoldenBricks
  179. on tick:yield 0.001 GoldenBrickProp
  180. req:GCF
  181. cost:10000 Bricks
  182. icon:
  183. show max
  186. Upgrades
  188. //Upgrades
  189. *TEMPLATE
  190. tag:upgrades
  191. on tick:if (have this) hide this
  192. on earn:hide this
  193. on earn:yield 1 upgradesII
  195. *WizardI
  196. name:Wizard School Broom Flying Training
  197. desc: <i>"Today we will learn how to fly on a broom! You must learn how to do this before you can learn how to use it to make bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  198. cost:100 Bricks
  199. passive:multiply yield of WizardGrandma by 3
  200. req:1 WizardGrandma
  201. icon:
  203. *WizardII
  204. name:Wizard School Broom Magic Wand Learning
  205. desc: <i>"Okay class now that you learned how to fly a broom.. (hopefully some what decent), we will now be learning how to use the magic wand while flying the broom!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  206. cost:400 Bricks
  207. passive:multiply yield of WizardGrandma by 3
  208. req:10 WizardGrandma
  209. icon:
  211. *WizardIII
  212. name:Wizard School Testing What We Learn't
  213. desc: <i>"Good, good.. Now go out there and test out what I just tough you before we move onto our next lesson which is about bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  214. cost:4000 Bricks
  215. passive:multiply yield of WizardGrandma by 3
  216. req:25 WizardGrandma
  217. icon:
  219. *WizardIIIV
  220. name:Magic Hat Tutorials
  221. desc: <i>"On to the next phase of the lessons where you learn how to wear and control a magic hat!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  222. cost:20000 Bricks
  223. passive:multiply yield of WizardGrandma by 3
  224. req:50 WizardGrandma
  225. icon:
  227. *WizardIIIVV
  228. name:Magic Hat Lessons
  229. desc: <i>"Now that you tried out how to use your magic hat, it is time to put it to the test by yourself!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  230. cost:20000000 Bricks
  231. passive:multiply yield of WizardGrandma by 3
  232. req:100 WizardGrandma
  233. icon:
  235. *DDevilI
  236. name:Hells Magic School
  237. desc: <i>"Any of you by chance woould love to come down here and join my Hells Magic School? I got free candy!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b>
  238. cost:5000 Bricks
  239. passive:multiply yield of GrandmaDevil by 6.66
  240. req:1 GrandmaDevil
  241. icon:
  243. *DDevilII
  244. name:The Wands of Hell
  245. desc: <i>"When you come down here you get your very own Wand that can eventually toucher the useless souls down here!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b>
  246. cost:20000 Bricks
  247. passive:multiply yield of GrandmaDevil by 6.66
  248. req:10 GrandmaDevil
  249. icon:
  251. *DDevilIII
  252. name:Hells Brick Making Hats
  253. desc: <i>"Here is where it gets really hot up in here, these hats you see, they turn you into a great Terpsichore, and you can dance all day to the sounds of you turning screaming souls into bricks!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b>
  254. cost:200000 Bricks
  255. passive:multiply yield of GrandmaDevil by 6.66
  256. req:25 GrandmaDevil
  257. icon:
  259. *DDevilIIII
  260. name:Hells Magic School Failer
  261. desc: <i>"Shit, I may have angered Ancient Egypt Grandma God and now shes gonna be up on my ass!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b><.><b>Summons Ancient Egypt Grandma God!</b>
  262. cost:8000000 Bricks
  263. passive:multiply yield of GrandmaDevil by 6.66
  264. req:50 GrandmaDevil
  265. icon:
  267. *Sacrificail
  268. name:Soul Sacrificial
  269. desc: <i>"You remember me from Heart Clicker, Grandma Clicker, and Grandma Clicker Reborn, don't you?!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Summons the help of Grandma Devil to make even more Bricks!</b>
  270. cost:50000 Bricks
  271. req:25 BrickClicks
  272. icon:
  274. *SRGBC
  275. name:Super Rare Golden Brick Clicks
  276. desc: <i>"Look on the bright side, at least you only need to shit a golden brick every 10,000 clicks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect How the Golden Bricks Work:</b><.><b>You get 1 Golden Brick every 10,000 Clicks!</b><.><b>You get Golden Brick from certain Achievements!</b><.><b>You get Golden Brick from certain Upgrades!</b><.><b>You get Golden Brick a Golden Brick Building!</b>
  277. cost:1 GoldenBricks
  278. req:1 GoldenBricks:earned
  279. icon:
  281. *LSRGBC
  282. name:Less Super Rare Golden Brick Clicks
  283. desc: <i>"Look at you only needing 8,000 clicks now to find a Golden Brick, I guess it is your time to click like hell!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>You get 1 Golden Brick every 8,000 Clicks instead of 10,000 Clicks!</b>
  284. cost:50 GoldenBricks
  285. req:50 GoldenBricks:earned
  286. icon:
  288. *DMLI
  289. name:Exploring Dark Magic
  290. desc: <i>"Enjoy exploring the dark side, who knows who many become your daddy!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Buying this Dark Magic Building lets you unlock several special upgrades!</b>
  291. cost:3 GoldenBricks
  292. req:3 GoldenBricks:earned
  293. icon:
  295. *MagicClicking
  296. name:Manual Dark Magic Clicking I
  297. desc: <i>"Are you not making enough bricks fast enough from clicking? Here, try this and tell me what you think!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Clicking is 10x More Efficient!</b>
  298. cost:1000 Bricks
  299. passive:multiply yield of click by 10
  300. req:1 BrickClicks
  301. icon:
  303. *MagicClickingII
  304. name:Manual Dark Magic Clicking II
  305. desc: <i>"I think by now you should be pretty good and just click, click the magic, and make them, them bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Clicking is 10x More Efficient!</b>
  306. cost:4000 Bricks
  307. passive:multiply yield of click by 10
  308. req:10 BrickClicks
  309. icon:
  311. *MagicClickingIII
  312. name:Manual Dark Magic Clicking III
  313. desc: <i>"As if you need any more clicks per click!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Clicking is 500x More Efficient!</b>
  314. cost:3000000 Bricks
  315. passive:multiply yield of click by 500
  316. req:50 BrickClicks
  317. icon:
  319. *GCF
  320. name:Golden Brick Forger
  321. desc: <i>"Buying this lets you start making Golden Bricks for Special Upgrade and Buildings from left over Magic Dust!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Builds a Golden Brick Forger to make more Golden Bricks!</b>
  322. cost:5 GoldenBricks, 10000 Bricks
  323. req:5 GoldenBricks:earned
  324. icon:
  326. *GCFII
  327. name:More Left Over Magic Dust
  328. desc: <i>"Now that there are more Grandma's making Magic into Bricks, it is time to get serious!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Golden Brick Forger is 2x More Efficient!</b>
  329. cost:5 GoldenBricks
  330. req:1 GoldenBrickPro
  331. icon:
  333. *GCFIII
  334. name:New Magic Age
  335. desc: <i>"It's about that time where magic gets better and more efficient which equals more Bricks and Golden Bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Golden Brick Forger is 2x More Efficient!</b>
  336. cost:10 GoldenBricks
  337. req:10 GoldenBrickPro
  338. icon:
  340. *TEMPLATE
  341. no buy
  342. tag:owned
  344. *WizardI0
  345. name:Wizard School Broom Flying Training
  346. desc: <i>"Today we will learn how to fly on a broom! You must learn how to do this before you can learn how to use it to make bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  347. req:WizardI
  348. icon:
  350. *WizardII0
  351. name:Wizard School Broom Magic Wand Learning
  352. desc: <i>"Okay class now that you learned how to fly a broom.. (hopefully some what decent), we will now be learning how to use the magic wand while flying the broom!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  353. req:WizardII
  354. icon:
  356. *WizardIII0
  357. name:Wizard School Testing What We Learn't
  358. desc: <i>"Good, good.. Now go out there and test out what I just tough you before we move onto our next lesson which is about bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  359. req:WizardIII
  360. icon:
  362. *WizardIIIV0
  363. name:Magic Hat Tutorials
  364. desc: <i>"On to the next phase of the lessons where you learn how to wear and control a magic hat!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  365. req:WizardIIIV
  366. icon:
  368. *WizardIIIVV0
  369. name:Magic Hat Lessons
  370. desc: <i>"Now that you tried out how to use your magic hat, it is time to put it to the test by yourself!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Wizard Grandmas are 3x More Efficient!</b>
  371. req:WizardIIIVV
  372. icon:
  374. *DDevilI0
  375. name:Hells Magic School
  376. desc: <i>"Any of you by chance woould love to come down here and join my Hells Magic School? I got free candy!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b>
  377. req:DDevilI
  378. icon:
  380. *DDevilII0
  381. name:The Wands of Hell
  382. desc: <i>"When you come down here you get your very own Wand that can eventually toucher the useless souls down here!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b>
  383. req:DDevilII
  384. icon:
  386. *DDevilIII0
  387. name:Hells Brick Making Hats
  388. desc: <i>"Here is where it gets really hot up in here, these hats you see, they turn you into a great Terpsichore, and you can dance all day to the sounds of you turning screaming souls into bricks!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b>
  389. req:DDevilIII
  390. icon:
  392. *DDevilIIII0
  393. name:Hells Magic School Failer
  394. desc: <i>"Shit, I may have angered Ancient Egypt Grandma God and now shes gonna be up on my ass!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Grandma Devils are 6.66x More Efficient!</b><.><b>Summons Ancient Egypt Grandma God!</b>
  395. req:DDevilIIII
  396. icon:
  398. *Sacrificail0
  399. name:Soul Sacrificial
  400. desc: <i>"You remember me from Heart Clicker, Grandma Clicker, and Grandma Clicker Reborn, don't you?!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Summons the help of Grandma Devil to make even more Bricks!</b>
  401. req:Sacrificail
  402. icon:
  404. *SRGBC0
  405. name:Super Rare Golden Brick Clicks
  406. desc: <i>"Look on the bright side, at least you only need to shit a golden brick every 10,000 clicks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect How the Golden Bricks Work:</b><.><b>You get 1 Golden Brick every 10,000 Clicks!</b><.><b>You get Golden Brick from certain Achievements!</b><.><b>You get Golden Brick from certain Upgrades!</b>
  407. req:SRGBC
  408. icon:
  410. *DMLI0
  411. name:Exploring Dark Magic
  412. desc: <i>"Enjoy exploring the dark side, who knows who many become your daddy!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Buying this Dark Magic Building lets you unlock several special upgrades!</b>
  413. req:DMLI
  414. icon:
  416. *MagicClicking0
  417. name:Manual Dark Magic Clicking I
  418. desc: <i>"Are you not making enough bricks fast enough from clicking? Here, try this and tell me what you think!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Clicking is 10x More Efficient!</b>
  419. req:MagicClicking
  420. icon:
  422. *MagicClickingII0
  423. name:Manual Dark Magic Clicking II
  424. desc: <i>"I think by now you should be pretty good and just click, click the magic, and make them, them bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Clicking is 10x More Efficient!</b>
  425. req:MagicClickingII
  426. icon:
  428. *MagicClickingIII0
  429. name:Manual Dark Magic Clicking III
  430. desc: <i>"As if you need any more clicks per click!" - Grandma Devil" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Clicking is 500x More Efficient!</b>
  431. req:MagicClickingIII
  432. icon:
  434. *GCF0
  435. name:Golden Brick Forger
  436. desc: <i>"Buying this lets you start making Golden Bricks for Special Upgrade and Buildings from left over Magic Dust!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Builds a Golden Brick Forger to make more Golden Bricks!</b>
  437. req:GCF
  438. icon:
  440. *GCFII0
  441. name:More Left Over Magic Dust
  442. desc: <i>"Now that there are more Grandma's making Magic into Bricks, it is time to get serious!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Golden Brick Forger is 2x More Efficient!</b>
  443. req:GCFII
  444. icon:
  446. *GCFIII0
  447. name:New Magic Age
  448. desc: <i>"It's about that time where magic gets better and more efficient which equals more Bricks and Golden Bricks!" - Wizard Grandma" </i> <//><b>Effect:</b><.><b>Golden Brick Forger is 2x More Efficient!</b>
  449. req:GCFIII
  450. icon:
  452. Achievements
  453. *TEMPLATE
  454. no text
  456. *BricksPerSecondI
  457. name:"Brick Noob"
  458. desc:Make <b>"10"</b> Brickss Per Second!
  459. req:10 Bricks per second
  460. Icon:
  462. *BricksPerSecondII
  463. name:"Brick Creator"
  464. desc:Make <b>"100"</b> Brickss Per Second!
  465. req:100 Bricks per second
  466. Icon:
  468. *WizardGrandmaI
  469. name:"Wizard of Waverly Place"
  470. desc:Have <b>"1"</b> Wizard Grandmas
  471. req:1 WizardGrandma
  472. Icon:
  474. *WizardGrandmaII
  475. name:"Wizardry"
  476. desc:Have <b>"10"</b> Wizard Grandmas
  477. req:10 WizardGrandma
  478. Icon:
  480. *WizardGrandmaIII
  481. name:"Wizard Spells"
  482. desc:Have <b>"25"</b> Wizard Grandmas
  483. req:25 WizardGrandma
  484. Icon:
  486. *WizardGrandmaIV
  487. name:"Wizard Talks"
  488. desc:Have <b>"50"</b> Wizard Grandmas
  489. req:50 WizardGrandma
  490. Icon:
  492. *ClickingI
  493. name:"Complex Brick Spell"
  494. desc:<b>"Click 10 Times"</b> <i>"Alla Respendo Reado Bam!" -Wizard Grandma" </i>
  495. req:10 click clicks
  496. icon:
  498. *ClickingII
  499. name:"Right Now"
  500. desc:<b>"Click 100 Times"</b> <i>"Instant Brick Spells!" -Wizard Grandma" </i>
  501. req:100 click clicks
  502. passive:grant 4 GoldenBricks
  503. icon:
  505. *ClickingIII
  506. name:"Bricked"
  507. desc:<b>"Click 500 Times"</b> <i>"If you walk up to me with an attitude, you will get bricked!" -Grandma Devil" </i>
  508. req:500 click clicks
  509. passive:grant 5 GoldenBricks
  510. icon:
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