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- # Preliminary Tweaks
- - Disabling the Bethesda Logo movie that plays at the start of the game will reduce the time it takes to get into the game. Simply rename, move, or delete the following file: `C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Data/Video/BGS_Logo.bik` | OR better yet, there are many Must-have mods that do this, like OneTweak and others.
- - Read [this Brief Background Story]( before you start!
- # Playthrough Decisions
- - It is NOT advisable to add more mods during a playthrough, even changing the load order can be bad, so be very careful and make sure you've got everything right before you start a new game.
- - Set `Game Difficulty` to `Adept`, 1 enemy hit = 1 hits on enemy, The difficulty is left for the 'Enemy Enhancer' mod to make opponents tougher, read its pastebin.
- - "If the character dies, completely exit the game and reload the last save. The automatic load erroneously retains data it should not from after the save." For this reason, and since I'm going to be playing casually, If I die, I should exit the game until tomorrow or something, this should make me be more careful not to die + help me play casually.
- - I want to find my objective, I want to look for it around rather than go straight to it using compass! So make the following changes :
- Mod Organizer > 'Desired Profile' > 'Puzzle Jigsaw icon in toolbar' > .INI Editor > skyrimprefs.ini > `bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=0` > `bShowQuestMarkers=0`
- - While playing, Never activate quest markers (Never click a quest's title), it should be immersive to find your way through, only check if all things fail and there is no way to find where to go without the map marker. (NOTE that i'm using 'EBQO' (Even Better Quest Objectives) mod which should make quests' instructions more detailed)
- - Never Reload, don't pickpocket if you can't handle the consequences, NEVER CLICK the quick-load button, in fact unbind it or bind it to something like 'Pause' or another forsaken button! NEVER RELOAD until you die in which case it will reload you.
- - If you want to pickpocket at early stages of the game, just wait until the target is alone, paralyze him and loot him, this will not work at times where NPC is always surrounded by others (Jarl for example), in this case YOU have to work out your pick-pocketing skills elsewhere which give some use to this as well!
- - Never go inside a dungeon that hasn't been cleared before (No 'Cleared' tag), this is for not breaking quests related to the dungeons for example, shouts or anything else.. So don't go into newly discovered dungeons until you do the quest related to them and they get cleared!!
- - Read All Journals, And try reading books from time to time, especially those that are relatively 5 to 10 pages and tell stories. Also, give priority to books that start quests and read them before doing the quest!
- - You are only allowed to be either a vampire or a werewolf, so before I go ahead and install mods, I need to choose which I will play with so that I only install its mods and not the other one, If I decide to go as a Vampire, I don't need to use werewolf's mods and vice versa; Thus, I have to choose right now which to play with while I'm choosing mods. Now, vampires are definitely a LOT stronger than werewolves, BUT they have quite the disadvantages, mainly the fire-weakness and the inability to walk freely under the sun (there is a mod that remedies this because vampires CAN walk under the sun of they wear hoods), while werewolves attack head-on, no strategy, nothing, and in long fights where the enemy has more health, werewolves have the disadvantage, their trump card is the throw attack where throw the enemy and attack before he stands up, also they don't interfere with being a human so they don't have any disadvantages outside. For this playthrough, I have chosen to play as a werewolf, simply because I'm not using mods that make nights pleasurable to walk in like 'Lanterns of Skyrim' or ENBs, etc.. So I'll leave being a werewolf to the next playthrough!
- # Gameplay Issues
- * Get Rich Quick : Becoming rich very quickly by selling stuff (especially at higher levels); Here are mods I'm using that remedies this issue :
- * Simple Taxes: (Depends) At higher levels, you will have to pay more taxes assuming you buy more houses.
- * Loot and Degradation : Tempering a normal sword is not as tempering a Daedric sword, the materials are different hence the price increase.
- * High Level Enemies : At higher levels, enemies will level with me, forcing me to spend money on strong stuff!
- and these are already in Vanilla :
- * Gems : At higher levels, Enchanting becomes a necessity as well as having Filled Gems which could cost money.
- * Fast Travel : Fast traveling is inevitable in the game, because going on a route on and on surely becomes boring at higher levels as you have already seen the route hundreds of times, so carriages will be there to fast travel you, but carriages are expensive, so you'll have to decide between becoming rich and depressed or poor and happy.
- * Training : A real money sink, at higher levels, a single course could cost more than 5000 Septims, you can train whenever you want, because believe me, you will struggle to get the money for Harvard
- * Expensive arrows : At higher level, NPCs will require either a lot of low-damage arrows or numerous high-damage arrows, both of which are going to cost a lot of money to get.
- # Install Steps
- NOTE : These are NOT the exact steps you should follow by order, NO, these steps have to be followed, but NOT necessarily in the EXACT order mentioned! Also, it's VERY recommended to watch a couple videos on the tools' -installation, usage- before doing it (learn from others' mistakes), I also _strongly_ advise **against** putting ANYTHING external MANUALLY (Copy/Paste) into the Data Folder, give it to Mod Organizer and let it handle the Data folder, It's cleaner and neater.
- - ## STEP-Guide
- Open ['Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition']( (The version I currently have is [here](, and follow the steps in there LITERALLY, especially the preliminary configuration parts.
- Following are some notes considering some parts of the guide that you need to keep in mind.
- 0. I assume you already have the list of mods that you're planning on using!
- Important Note: Never Extract BSAs files, Never. I've discussed this with some modders and from my knowledge, it's better for performance not to extract BSA files.
- 1. [Official Bethesda Content](
- - Install Skyrim and Everything From Steam to `D:\` or anywhere else, NOT `C:\Program files`, because making changes to the 'Program Files' folder requires admin rights, and could cause problems!
- - BEFORE you proceed, Install Mod Organizer **!!Important!!**, so that some of the following steps can be managed by MO, which is a very cool thing. Also, make sure you install it outside `/Program Files/` Directory. You can put it in `D:\Games\Mod Organizer\` or somewhere, if you've already installed it in `/Program Files/`, no big deal, it's never posed any problems to me.
- 2. [Script Extenders](
- - You CAN install the SKSE scripts files at this time. To do so : Do NOT copy the scripts directly to the Data Folder, instead, install them using Mod Organizer just like any other mod. You will get something like [this](
- 3. [Tools](
- - I recommend doing as I did and keep all the portable tools in a folder next to Skyrim, like [this](
- - Concerning DDSopt, Read and follow the full STEP page [here](; From what I've read, There are already some 'Already optimized Vanilla textures' that you can choose from, I used the STEP one now, and since I'm not using any Heavy-Texture mods, I'm not concerned with its optimization, If you are, read the part about optimizing Mods textures.
- 4. [Extract 'Dialogue Views' and 'Script Source](
- - Don't do it this way, (If you haven't done so already), Install the "Scripts.rar" as a Mod in Mod-Organizer, It's cleaner and since you're going to be launching CreationKit from MO, It's the same only cleaner and neater!
- Just like installing a mod, Install `D:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts.rar` (Creation Kit Scripts) via MO and put it right after the DLCs in the modList in MO.
- The result should be something like [this]( and [this](
- 5. [Papyrus Compiler Fix For 64-bit Systems](
- - Don't do this, I don't like editing and compiling scripts in CK anyway, because all the changes are saved permanelty, It's a better and cleaner idea to 'Compile Papyrus Scripts Externally using NotePad++', for that, read "How to Compile Papyrus Scripts Externally using NotePad++" in the 'Useful Resources' Stylesheet.
- 6. [Configure Mod Organizer](
- - Do NOT enable 'BSA Extractor' Plugin, It's buggy, and I will not even extract BSA files. So no need!
- 7. [Create The Skyrim Revisited Profile](
- - You can set the name of the profile to anything you want.
- - Categories are not important, It's just a nuisance as YOU have chosen the mod, so you know on the fly what it does. Don't set them, I won't.
- - Result should be something like [this](
- 8. [Clean The Bethesda ESMs](
- - The Official ESMs are NOT managed by Mod Organizer, So why should I clean them via Mod Organizer, It actually creates a nasty Error in MO's log files, Don't follow the guide in this one, Instead Clean the ESMs the old way straight from TES5Edit, the process should be something like [this](, or you can check this [video](
- - Remember :
- > "Dawnguard.esm must also be cleaned twice to remove all duplicate records."
- - I Highly doubt anything can go wrong, so Don't Check 'BackUp Plugins', after all, if something goes wrong, you can just check for Integrity to restore it.
- 9. [Optimizing The Bethesda Textures](
- - There is absolutely no reason to Optimize them yourself, other people have already Optimized them a lot more carefully than you will and have uploaded their work for others to use, I recommend [Optimized Vanilla Textures](
- 10. [ENB Series Graphics Modification](
- - Doesn't concern me for this playthrough, if it does for you, I suggest researching this ENB installation thingy more thoroughly and to choose one yourself!
- 11. [Initial INI Tweaks](
- - `SKSE.ini` : Process should be something like [this](
- - `Skyrim.ini` AND `SkyrimPrefs.ini` : Process should be something like [this](
- 12. [The Dovahkiin Comes](
- - Do NOT start downloading Mods right now, go over the mods listed under section 4 '[The Dovahkiin Comes](' just like SkyrimGems, Note what needs to be noted and move on to the next sections, the reason behind this is that the ModList should be 100% Finished before Installing mods, actually Installing Mods should be one of the very last steps to avoid the hassle of changing minds and having to remove a mod as a result.
- 13. [Post Install INI Tweaks](
- - `SKSE.INI` : Skip this one, I'm not using 2K mods.
- - `Skyrim.ini` : I'm not using '[Skyrim Flora Overhaul](
- )', so don't do this.
- - `SkyrimPrefs.ini` : I'm not using '[Vivid Weathers](
- )'
- 14. [Conflict Resolution](
- - The way things are is that if a mod for example adds an ability to a race and another mod adds another ability to the same race, only one of the mods will have its ability make it into the game, to see both abilities in the game you need to make a patch. The only way where one mod has to override another is when they both change the exact same values.
- - Another scenario where this conflict-resolution is Important is when for example you have 2 mods, B after A, but you prefer just one record from A over B and want to have it in-game, in this case, you have to tweak it in TES5Edit.
- - Thus, This step is not a preference, It's a must, otherwise, you shouldn't be surprised by a CTD. In this section, You MUST read about TES5Edit, the meaning of the colors and how to solve conflicts. You can check quickly for conflicting mods via LOOT.
- - The STEP guide include this video : Which is a nice watch, here also an updated version of it :
- - It's advisable not to extract BSA archives, for performace and for load order. **But**, Having said that, There is a problem in ModOrganizer, it concerns mods who have their files packed in BSA archives. You see, ModOrganizer doesn't go into the BSA archive and check their content, it just treats them as single files.
- The problem with this is that you might have for example 2 mods with BSA archives, that edit and override the same script. So obviously they conflict with each other because they use the same script. But ModOrganizer will never warn you about such thing, why ? because like I said, it doesn't go into BSA archives to see and index their content.
- This is a HUGE problem for conflict resolution, because there could be a huge alarming conflict of files between mods and you will never even know about it to make a patch or handle it.
- I've made a simple program to handle this problem, watch [this video]( to learn how to solve this problem with BSA archives.
- 15. [Wrye Bash](
- - Skip the 'Tweak Settings' settings, In fact, Uncheck 'Tweak Settings'. Wrye Bash is not meant for that stuff, you should use mods if you want to use one of the settings.
- 16. [In-Game Configuration](
- - I advise not taking these "Recommended Settings" seriously, especially since he doesn't cite the reasons. the author have chosen these settings based on HIS preferences and based on the mods he's mentioned in his list, yours might be different, so don't!
- Now that we have finished the guide, Let's start doing OUR stuff:
- 1. Download '[Process Lasso Pro](' (I doubt you don't already have it), It's an awesome program, run Skyrim, Open 'Process Lasso' and right-click on TESV.exe and :
- 1. Select 'Classify as a High Performance process'.
- 2. Set its priority to Always -> High.
- 3. Set its 'CPU Affinity' to Always -> Avoid non-physical cores. This is reported as to be better to give only the real cores to handle the load, don't want the logical ones.
- 2. Before Anything, Open 'Skyrim Launcher' from MO and set the [following settings](, If you have GTX1180 or higher, you can crank up the values to the max :rocket: .. Don't worry, the changes won't reset the .ini file, meaning that the values you have added/changed so far won't be affected! Also, Invoke 'NVidia Inspector' and set the 'Frame Limiter' for 'Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim' Profile to 30 (60 if you have a nice GPU), your GPU and CPU will thank you for that, because they will stay cool.
- 3. Now, at this point, you should already know exactly how to use all the tools thoroughly, from MO, TES5Edit to Wrye Bash, If not, You should do watch videos about the tools and read the mod's personal notes so that you know what you choose when installing the mods.
- 4. It is now time to start Installing Mods, Finally! Start with the tools, those who reside outside 'Data' folder and not installed via MO, this includes [ENBoost](
- ), [SKSE Plugin Preloader](
- ) and all other plugins and patches.
- 5. Now you can start downloading and Installing mods from the ModList, here are some rules to go by:
- - ## Installing Mods
- * The typical Download-Install of a mod is this :
- - Go to the Mod's Nexus page
- - Download the mod manually
- - In MO, Click 'Install Mod' in the Upper left corner
- - Select the mod archive file
- - Customize the files and folders, uncheck what you don't want
- * When a mod requires downloading multiple archives, don't installl each archive individually. Instead, merge all into one mod. [Here's how](
- * Start with the essential ones, The USLEEP and patches for example.
- * **Never** Unpack The BSAs, to help with conflict resolving, use the 'BSA Faker', check [this video]( on how to use it. In brief, this is how you will usually use it :
- 1. Use MO's Filter window to only show Mods that '<Contains BSA>'.
- 2. For each mod that has a BSA file, Create Dummy files for it.
- 3. Before you test-start the game, rename all dummy files.
- 4. When you finish testing the game, unRename all dummy files.
- 5. When you're finished, delete all dummy files.
- * Using BSA Faker, Create Dummy files for every mod you install that has a BSA file.
- * To check for file conflicts that you should care about, Un-check the above mods's files that you don't care about them being overwritten (e.i, USLEEP, Bethesda's Data, Optimized Textures), doing so will leave only the mods that you want to have their resources in the game so you can check who's overwriting who and solve the conflicts.
- * LOOT's conflict checker is a nice fast way to check for plugins conflict, you can then use TES5Edit to pinpoint the conflict. When doing so, also load the merged patches in TES5Edit, this way you can see if a merged patch resolved a conflict or didn't (in which case, you should be bothered)
- * Set .bsa file to open automatically with 'BSA Browser'!
- * MorOrganizer can tell you what's the latest version of a mod, so upon installing you don't have to keep checking the modPage, check it [here]( Set this to the Mod's Latest Version not the file (Mod can have multiple files), so that when the Mod's updated, you have to check what's changed.
- * When you need to add an executable, you don't have to do it manually, [here's an example](
- * Every time you install a mod, sort it using LOOT and re-order the mod in MO's left pane to mimic its position among the ESPs, this is very important.
- * There's a limit of 255 esp files that you can have, when you hit that limit. you should start filtering mods and see whose esp should be removed or merged! The first thing you can start by doing is to look at mods who only have a dummy esp (an esp file whose only purpose is to load the BSA file, they are empty, 0 bytes). Start with those and with the ones that have the smallest BSA files and extract their BSAs so that there's no need for their esp, and remove it.
- * While installing mods in MO, Make sure it says 'Looks good' here, some mod aren't package correctly and won't work if not fixed, the .esp file must always be in the top directory in the mod files.
- 6. Now that you're done installing mods, you need to take care of all minor conflicts (major conflicts should normally have been resolved while choosing mods) that may be in your mods, read the guide 'Conflict Resolution' in the Resources section for this, and apply that to each and every mod. After making any changes, note them in the mod's note for future references and possible updates.
- 7. When you've finished installing all mods; in MO, uncheck 'Creation Kit Scripts' and 'SKSE Scripts', they were only used for testing and should not make it to the end-game.
- You can test the final result before starting, just download a save mod and go around testing this and that!
- 8. Finally, Start a new game, when you're past Helgen, you can bring up the MCM and configure mods that need MCM configuration. Enjoy!
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