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- local filesystem = require("filesystem")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local bit32 = require("bit32")
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function _G.getCurrentScript()
- local info
- for runLevel = 0, math.huge do
- info = debug.getinfo(runLevel)
- if info then
- if info.what == "main" then
- return info.source:sub(2, -1)
- end
- else
- error("Failed to get debug info for runlevel " .. runLevel)
- end
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function bit32.merge(number2, number1)
- local cutter = math.ceil(math.log(number1 + 1, 256)) * 8
- while number2 > 0 do
- number1, number2, cutter = bit32.bor(bit32.lshift(, 0xFF), cutter), number1), bit32.rshift(number2, 8), cutter + 8
- end
- return number1
- end
- function bit32.numberToByteArray(number)
- local byteArray = {}
- repeat
- table.insert(byteArray, 1,, 0xFF))
- number = bit32.rshift(number, 8)
- until number <= 0
- return byteArray
- end
- function bit32.numberToFixedSizeByteArray(number, size)
- local byteArray, counter = {}, 0
- repeat
- table.insert(byteArray, 1,, 0xFF))
- number = bit32.rshift(number, 8)
- counter = counter + 1
- until number <= 0
- for i = 1, size - counter do
- table.insert(byteArray, 1, 0x0)
- end
- return byteArray
- end
- function bit32.byteArrayToNumber(byteArray)
- local result = byteArray[1]
- for i = 2, #byteArray do
- result = bit32.bor(bit32.lshift(result, 8), byteArray[i])
- end
- return result
- end
- function bit32.bitArrayToByte(bitArray)
- local result = 0
- for i = 1, #bitArray do
- result = bit32.bor(bitArray[i], bit32.lshift(result, 1))
- end
- return result
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function math.round(num)
- if num >= 0 then
- return math.floor(num + 0.5)
- else
- return math.ceil(num - 0.5)
- end
- end
- function math.roundToDecimalPlaces(num, decimalPlaces)
- local mult = 10 ^ (decimalPlaces or 0)
- return math.round(num * mult) / mult
- end
- function math.getDigitCount(num)
- return num == 0 and 1 or math.ceil(math.log(num + 1, 10))
- end
- function math.shorten(number, digitCount)
- local shortcuts = {
- "K",
- "M",
- "B",
- "T"
- }
- local index = math.floor(math.log(number, 1000))
- if number < 1000 then
- return number
- elseif index > #shortcuts then
- index = #shortcuts
- end
- return math.roundToDecimalPlaces(number / 1000 ^ index, digitCount) .. shortcuts[index]
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- function filesystem.path(path)
- -- return path:match("^(.+%/).") or ""
- -- end
- -- function
- -- return path:match("%/?([^%/]+)%/?$")
- -- end
- function filesystem.extension(path, lower)
- local extension = path:match("[^%/]+(%.[^%/]+)%/?$")
- return (lower and extension) and (unicode.lower(extension)) or extension
- end
- function filesystem.hideExtension(path)
- return path:match("(.+)%..+") or path
- end
- function filesystem.isFileHidden(path)
- if path:match("^%..+$") then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function filesystem.sortedList(path, sortingMethod, showHiddenFiles, filenameMatcher, filenameMatcherCaseSensitive)
- if not filesystem.exists(path) then
- error("Failed to get file list: directory \"" .. tostring(path) .. "\" doesn't exists")
- end
- if not filesystem.isDirectory(path) then
- error("Failed to get file list: path \"" .. tostring(path) .. "\" is not a directory")
- end
- local fileList, sortedFileList = {}, {}
- for file in filesystem.list(path) do
- if not filenameMatcher or string.unicodeFind(filenameMatcherCaseSensitive and file or unicode.lower(file), filenameMatcherCaseSensitive and filenameMatcher or unicode.lower(filenameMatcher)) then
- table.insert(fileList, file)
- end
- end
- if #fileList > 0 then
- if sortingMethod == "type" then
- local extension
- for i = 1, #fileList do
- extension = filesystem.extension(fileList[i]) or "Script"
- if filesystem.isDirectory(path .. fileList[i]) and extension ~= ".app" then
- extension = ".01_Folder"
- end
- fileList[i] = {fileList[i], extension}
- end
- table.sort(fileList, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a[2]) < unicode.lower(b[2]) end)
- local currentExtensionList, currentExtension = {}, fileList[1][2]
- for i = 1, #fileList do
- if currentExtension == fileList[i][2] then
- table.insert(currentExtensionList, fileList[i][1])
- else
- table.sort(currentExtensionList, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a) < unicode.lower(b) end)
- for j = 1, #currentExtensionList do
- table.insert(sortedFileList, currentExtensionList[j])
- end
- currentExtensionList, currentExtension = {fileList[i][1]}, fileList[i][2]
- end
- end
- table.sort(currentExtensionList, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a) < unicode.lower(b) end)
- for j = 1, #currentExtensionList do
- table.insert(sortedFileList, currentExtensionList[j])
- end
- elseif sortingMethod == "name" then
- sortedFileList = fileList
- table.sort(sortedFileList, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a) < unicode.lower(b) end)
- elseif sortingMethod == "date" then
- for i = 1, #fileList do
- fileList[i] = {fileList[i], filesystem.lastModified(path .. fileList[i])}
- end
- table.sort(fileList, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a[2]) > unicode.lower(b[2]) end)
- for i = 1, #fileList do
- table.insert(sortedFileList, fileList[i][1])
- end
- else
- error("Unknown sorting method: " .. tostring(sortingMethod))
- end
- local i = 1
- while i <= #sortedFileList do
- if not showHiddenFiles and filesystem.isFileHidden(sortedFileList[i]) then
- table.remove(sortedFileList, i)
- else
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return sortedFileList
- end
- function filesystem.directorySize(path)
- local size = 0
- for file in filesystem.list(path) do
- if filesystem.isDirectory(path .. file) then
- size = size + filesystem.directorySize(path .. file)
- else
- size = size + filesystem.size(path .. file)
- end
- end
- return size
- end
- function filesystem.readUnicodeChar(file)
- local byteArray = {string.byte(file:read(1))}
- local nullBitPosition = 0
- for i = 1, 7 do
- if[1], 8 - i), 0x1) == 0x0 then
- nullBitPosition = i
- break
- end
- end
- for i = 1, nullBitPosition - 2 do
- table.insert(byteArray, string.byte(file:read(1)))
- end
- return string.char(table.unpack(byteArray))
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function table.serialize(array, prettyLook, indentationWidth, indentUsingTabs, recursionStackLimit)
- checkArg(1, array, "table")
- recursionStackLimit = recursionStackLimit or math.huge
- local indentationSymbolAdder = string.rep(indentUsingTabs and " " or " ", indentationWidth or 2)
- local equalsSymbol = prettyLook and " = " or "="
- local function serializeRecursively(array, currentIndentationSymbol, currentRecusrionStack)
- local result, nextIndentationSymbol, keyType, valueType, stringValue = {"{"}, currentIndentationSymbol .. indentationSymbolAdder
- if prettyLook then
- table.insert(result, "\n")
- end
- for key, value in pairs(array) do
- keyType, valueType, stringValue = type(key), type(value), tostring(value)
- if prettyLook then
- table.insert(result, nextIndentationSymbol)
- end
- if keyType == "number" then
- table.insert(result, "[")
- table.insert(result, key)
- table.insert(result, "]")
- table.insert(result, equalsSymbol)
- elseif keyType == "string" then
- -- Короч, если типа начинается с буковки, а также если это алфавитно-нумерическая поеботня
- if prettyLook and key:match("^%a") and key:match("^[%w%_]+$") then
- table.insert(result, key)
- else
- table.insert(result, "[\"")
- table.insert(result, key)
- table.insert(result, "\"]")
- end
- table.insert(result, equalsSymbol)
- end
- if valueType == "number" or valueType == "boolean" or valueType == "nil" then
- table.insert(result, stringValue)
- elseif valueType == "string" or valueType == "function" then
- table.insert(result, "\"")
- table.insert(result, stringValue)
- table.insert(result, "\"")
- elseif valueType == "table" then
- if currentRecusrionStack < recursionStackLimit then
- table.insert(
- result,
- table.concat(
- serializeRecursively(
- value,
- nextIndentationSymbol,
- currentRecusrionStack + 1
- )
- )
- )
- else
- table.insert(result, "\"…\"")
- end
- end
- table.insert(result, ",")
- if prettyLook then
- table.insert(result, "\n")
- end
- end
- -- Удаляем запятую
- if prettyLook then
- if #result > 2 then
- table.remove(result, #result - 1)
- end
- table.insert(result, currentIndentationSymbol)
- else
- if #result > 1 then
- table.remove(result, #result)
- end
- end
- table.insert(result, "}")
- return result
- end
- return table.concat(serializeRecursively(array, "", 1))
- end
- function table.unserialize(serializedString)
- checkArg(1, serializedString, "string")
- local result, reason = load("return " .. serializedString)
- if result then
- result, reason = pcall(result)
- if result then
- return reason
- else
- return nil, reason
- end
- else
- return nil, reason
- end
- end
- table.toString = table.serialize
- table.fromString = table.unserialize
- function table.toFile(path, array, prettyLook, indentationWidth, indentUsingTabs, recursionStackLimit, appendToFile)
- checkArg(1, path, "string")
- checkArg(2, array, "table")
- filesystem.makeDirectory(filesystem.path(path) or "")
- local file, reason =, appendToFile and "a" or "w")
- if file then
- file:write(table.serialize(array, prettyLook, indentationWidth, indentUsingTabs, recursionStackLimit))
- file:close()
- else
- error("Failed to open file for writing: " .. tostring(reason))
- end
- end
- function table.fromFile(path)
- checkArg(1, path, "string")
- local file, reason =, "r")
- if file then
- local data, reason = table.unserialize(file:read("*a"))
- file:close()
- if data then
- return data
- else
- error("Failed to unserialize file \"" .. path .. "\": " .. tostring(reason))
- end
- else
- error("Failed to open file \"" .. path .. "\" for reading: " .. tostring(reason))
- end
- end
- function table.copy(tableToCopy)
- local function copyTableRecursively(source, destination)
- for key, value in pairs(source) do
- if type(value) == "table" then
- destination[key] = {}
- doTableCopy(source[key], destination[key])
- else
- destination[key] = value
- end
- end
- end
- local result = {}
- copyTableRecursively(tableToCopy, result)
- return result
- end
- function table.size(t)
- local size = 0
- for key in pairs(t) do size = size + 1 end
- return size
- end
- function table.contains(t, object)
- for _, value in pairs(t) do
- if value == object then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function table.indexOf(t, object)
- for i = 1, #t do
- if t[i] == object then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- function table.sortAlphabetically(t)
- table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a < b end)
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function string.brailleChar(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
- return unicode.char(10240 + 128*h + 64*g + 32*f + 16*d + 8*b + 4*e + 2*c + a)
- end
- function string.canonicalPath(str)
- return string.gsub("/" .. str, "%/+", "/")
- end
- function string.optimize(str, indentationWidth)
- str = string.gsub(str, "\r\n", "\n")
- str = string.gsub(str, " ", string.rep(" ", indentationWidth or 2))
- return str
- end
- function string.optimizeForURLRequests(code)
- if code then
- code = string.gsub(code, "([^%w ])", function (c)
- return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c))
- end)
- code = string.gsub(code, " ", "+")
- end
- return code
- end
- function string.unicodeFind(str, pattern, init, plain)
- if init then
- if init < 0 then
- init = -#unicode.sub(str, init)
- elseif init > 0 then
- init = #unicode.sub(str, 1, init - 1) + 1
- end
- end
- a, b = string.find(str, pattern, init, plain)
- if a then
- local ap, bp = str:sub(1, a - 1), str:sub(a,b)
- a = unicode.len(ap) + 1
- b = a + unicode.len(bp) - 1
- return a, b
- else
- return a
- end
- end
- function string.limit(s, limit, mode, noDots)
- local length = unicode.len(s)
- if length <= limit then return s end
- if mode == "left" then
- if noDots then
- return unicode.sub(s, length - limit + 1, -1)
- else
- return "…" .. unicode.sub(s, length - limit + 2, -1)
- end
- elseif mode == "center" then
- local integer, fractional = math.modf(limit / 2)
- if fractional == 0 then
- return unicode.sub(s, 1, integer) .. "…" .. unicode.sub(s, -integer + 1, -1)
- else
- return unicode.sub(s, 1, integer) .. "…" .. unicode.sub(s, -integer, -1)
- end
- else
- if noDots then
- return unicode.sub(s, 1, limit)
- else
- return unicode.sub(s, 1, limit - 1) .. "…"
- end
- end
- end
- function string.wrap(data, limit)
- if type(data) == "string" then data = {data} end
- local wrappedLines, result, preResult, position = {}
- -- Дублируем таблицу строк, шоб не перекосоебить ченить переносами
- for i = 1, #data do
- wrappedLines[i] = data[i]
- end
- -- Отсечение возврата каретки-ебуретки
- local i = 1
- while i <= #wrappedLines do
- local position = string.unicodeFind(wrappedLines[i], "\n")
- if position then
- table.insert(wrappedLines, i + 1, unicode.sub(wrappedLines[i], position + 1, -1))
- wrappedLines[i] = unicode.sub(wrappedLines[i], 1, position - 1)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- Сам перенос
- local i = 1
- while i <= #wrappedLines do
- result = ""
- for word in wrappedLines[i]:gmatch("[^%s]+") do
- preResult = result .. word
- if unicode.len(preResult) > limit then
- if unicode.len(word) > limit then
- table.insert(wrappedLines, i + 1, unicode.sub(wrappedLines[i], limit + 1, -1))
- result = unicode.sub(wrappedLines[i], 1, limit)
- else
- table.insert(wrappedLines, i + 1, unicode.sub(wrappedLines[i], unicode.len(result) + 1, -1))
- end
- break
- else
- result = preResult .. " "
- end
- end
- wrappedLines[i] = result:gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("^%s+", "")
- i = i + 1
- end
- return wrappedLines
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return {loaded = true}
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