

Jan 30th, 2013
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  1. [1/21/2013 11:36:41 PM] Milo: Gamzee didn't let that kiss last very long, giving a low rumble at the reciprocation before slowly pulling away. He sent a glance towards his dancestor and Mituna, studying them with half-lidded eyes before tugging Karkat's hand - it was high time they got out of here, went some place a little more, ah.. private. "c'mon, brother, get your walkin' shoes on." Standing and pulling Karkat up with him, the subjuggulator waved dismissively at Kurloz, ruffled the Gemini's hair, and tugged the mutant off with him. "we'll be seeing you motherfuckers around, i'm sure." With that, they were gone. -- Some part of Kurloz worried that perhaps his young bloodmatch was off to do something ridiculous, eat Karkat and bring him into undeath, but it wasn't like the older Capricorn to try to stop anything like that anyhow. Instead, he focussed on Mituna's shooshing, relieved enough with the pair having gone to give low purrs, fingers playing around the other's horns. Good moirail, best matesprit.
  3. [1/22/2013 12:26:58 AM] bangarang: Watching them leave, Mituna's gaze followed them until they were out of sight. Who... were they? Why were they here? Most importantly, why did they make his matesprit look so uncomfortable? "Who... th-thothe guyth... who...?" He'd been pointing after them over Kurloz's shoulder, but he sighed and looked back at the Capricorn, concern evident on his face. His voice lowered and he swallowed. "A-are they... bad...?" Why else would they upset him? "Pleathe don't.. be upthet p..pleathe..." Was it Gam...zee? Gamzee? That made him upset? Or was it the littler Kankri look-alike? Mituna knew almost nothing about them. He'd encountered Gamzee at least once, but aside that.... nothing. Maybe sometime he'd have to give whoever it was that upset his matesprit a piece of his mind. Huff! Hands twitched a little, a quiet whine escaping him. Now he was just worried. "Th-thorry..."
  5. [1/22/2013 1:33:35 AM] Milo: Kurloz shook his head, waving away those concerns. 'Little Me runs the show.' What show he was talking about, Mituna would probably never know or understand, but hopefully it was enough of a hint even for the yellowblood's damaged and sopor-addled brain that the mute was forced to be on the more submissive side of things where Gamzee was concerned. A small smile crept across his face, 'Little Kankri is his worried moirail. Thought I was Little Me. Motherfucker's all sorts of pale.' There would be no more worrying about Gamzee's presence for now, Kurloz ready to focus the entirety of his attention on his matesprit. He displayed this immediately, leaning in to give Mituna tiny kisses from one side of his face to the other, pushing him gently against the pile and climbing atop him. 'Do you feel good?'
  7. [1/22/2013 1:59:44 AM] bangarang: He frowned again with a sigh, nodding in what he hoped came across as understanding. He had a hundred questions still, most of them pertaining to just... why. Why Kurloz had to act like that. It didn't sit right with him but he guessed... there wasn't a lot he could do. Right now, anyway. He nodded again. "H-he wathn't thcary." The little moirail. "I'm g-glad he..." Jerk, twitch. "Nnnff. Thit. F-found him." From what he'd seen it didn't look very pale. Maybe a little more. But that was okay. Surprised sort-of sound left him at the sudden shift in demeanor, the concern he had melting away in the unfortunately short attention span he had. Hands warily gripped at the front of his bee-striped pj shirt, gazing up at his matesprit and nodding once again faintly. "Better," he admitted. He felt better knowing that Kurloz was okay, at least okay now that Gamzee was gone. The sopor was still making him feel a little fuzzy, and since the worry was gone he was once again flooded with the desire to give and get affection. "Y-you're the betht." The tiniest amount of yellow came to his cheeks. "R-red, y-you, I-" He cut himself off, shaking his head. His words were getting silly again.
  9. [1/22/2013 2:36:56 AM] Milo: The mute's smile widened. 'He's nice.' Little Kankri. 'I'd like to have him around more.' With Mituna's consent, of course. Kurloz always had and always would try to make sure his matesprit was comfortable with whatever was going on, no matter what.. Unless, for any reason, it was out-of-place for him to be uncomfortable. Breaking up with his now-ex-matesprit, for example. He waved his hand, however, when the yellowblood stopped speaking - no, keep going, you're doing so well - and planted another kiss, this time on his lips, then trailed away to trace his jawline. Arms came around his neck, holding himself close to the smaller male, happy to have and give such attentions to the best troll in all of space. Hell, he hadn't been this truly /affectionate/ for, well, an immeasurable amount of time now, filled to the brim with nothing but warmth and a desire to be as close as possible.
  11. [1/22/2013 3:00:48 AM] bangarang: Mituna could probably tolerate having the younger Kankri around a little more. He seemed very nice, and quiet. Quieter than Kankri. Not about to go off on a tirade and make Mituna feel bad about himself like Kankri so often did. Nodding in agreement to the statement, he forgot the topic again - a frustrated grunt leaving him. He wanted to keep going, but his words weren't - he couldn't talk right. The kiss was nice and he sighed, hugging Kurloz tightly. "I j-jutht - you're g-good to m-me and? I don't... kn-know - fuck! - how... nnm, t-to be good too. F-for you, t-too red, can't..." In frustration, he chewed on the collar of Kurloz's shirt, rubbing his cheek against him at the same time. He just... He really wished he didn't face such a struggle trying to get the most basic of his goddamn emotions out. Especially when he felt them so strongly. He really wished he hadn't changed so much. And a small part of him wished he hadn't even survived. Kurloz never would have put up with shit like this from Meulin. He didn't want to think about that. Whining, he gripped harder. Stupid, stupid, stupid, frustrating, broken thinkpan. "G-good, I jutht, w-want to be ffffucking good..."
  13. [1/22/2013 4:20:39 AM] Milo: He shook his head, held his matesprit by the shoulders, carefully peeled him away from his chewing and looked at him as though he could peer into the yellowblood's very soul. Then he was sitting up straight again, hands coming away. 'You are good. Better. You're the best.' No matter what, Kurloz always had a positive thing to 'say' to his Mituna. Always. He was there, after all, to chase all that bad away. 'I couldn't ever explain how red I am for you, either. It's okay. We don't have to be able to explain. Better to just feel.' It was always so comforting to Mituna when he knew the mute told him it was okay to not know. Another kiss, then he settled himself atop the other even further, laying over him and just letting him feel the weight of the skin-and-bones troll. Steady hands grabbed shaking ones, then settled them on his bony hips. 'Touch and be calm.'
  15. [1/22/2013 4:45:19 AM] bangarang: Pulling a hand back to wipe some of his own drool off himself he pouted up at him, looking like a punished child for a moment. The best. Was he really? He guessed if Kurloz thought it, he felt okay with the title. Settled down about it for now, at least. He watched the signing fingers, nodding once more. He wanted to explain it, more than anything. Better than his jittery signing, scrambled words, or stupid doodles could convey, anyway. Sighing in a more content way under his weight he let his hands be guided, fingers gently gripping into the fabric. "Thorry." He was bad at being calm, his mind always such a mess of useless activity and noisy jumbles. But his matesprit helped; he always did. "Y-you make... fuck - me h-happy." It was almost an apologetic tone, like he was just so goddamn sorry he ever got upset about anything. It was hard to control himself; what he thought and said and did. One hand, fingers pressing a bit harder, slid up his back; touching every rib he could feel. That was calming in and of itself, in a small way, and he sighed again quietly.
  17. [1/22/2013 5:22:59 AM] Milo: Once hands pressed almost a little too hard against his ribs, feeling with only the right amount of pressure it took him to do so, the mute started up with that vibrating purr, curling his back into the seeking fingers. A small grind signified that he wanted to go just a little bit further, but he held back on doing much more than that, just letting Mituna have whatever control he could grasp, letting him make /decisions of his own/, something Latula never, ever gave him the time of night to do. He, on the other hand, would suggest quietly with small movements, then give the Gemini a chance to come to his own conclusions, even if they weren't the ones Kurloz was suggesting. All that mattered was that Mituna had made a decision, had done something on his own. And that meant more to the Prince than anything else. He didn't need to feel that he was broken and couldn't do things by himself.
  19. [1/22/2013 5:55:24 AM] bangarang: Motions stopped for an instant upon hearing the purr, absorbed for a brief moment in the trance calming himself down had caused. He hadn't been expecting the purr. Or the grind that followed, making his breath catch in his throat a little. He blushed further, always a little too shy to admit that he liked it. He made sexual puns all the time, cursed like there was no tomorrow - but he was much like a kid in that aspect, just finding it something to grin and giggle and feel devious about. Especially with how he'd changed since the incident. Fingers rubbed up and down again, counting the ribs in a mutter under his breath, infrequently sprinkled with foul language. But he couldn't focus anymore, not on that task - other hand nervously came to his face, chewing on his nails. Bits and pieces were clinging together in his mind, the Gemini piecing things together little by little. Fingers fell from his mouth to once again grip and pull at his bee-striped shirt, little whimper sounding. H-he was pretty sure he knew what was going on, and almost more certain he was okay with it. Now he just had to communicate this. Squirming a little under him, he nipped the air, swearing before grinding his palm into his eye. Other hand jerked, gripping harder into the fabric and muscle and pulling his matesprit a little closer. "F-fuck," he whispered. This wasn't working well at all. But he was trying. "C-can...?"
  21. [1/22/2013 6:24:19 AM] Milo: He stiffened the moment Mituna stopped, purr cutting off for just a moment - he was mildly afraid he may have possibly just /scared/ his matesprit, but in moments he'd checked himself, reminded himself not to ill the other's ease. And fingers were moving again, up and down that far-too-prominent ribcage. 'Keep going,' came the slow reply, knowing they were most certainly entirely alone at this point and wouldn't be interrupted. Kurloz just wished, perhaps, that he could stop putting this idea into Mituna's head, scared he'd get his matesprit into the habit of doing 'this' /too much/, but.. The Gemini had spent a near-eternity having all of his decisions made for him, so if his body wanted to pail and he himself was willing, who was Kurloz to deny him or make him calm down about it? His Tunabee deserved as much as his little body wanted at this point, especially with the two of them having finally gotten what they had quietly and practically shyly always wanted. Careful hands made sure Mituna didn't bite his fingers too hard, didn't rub his eye too much, softly guiding away when he needed to and just generally keeping the other safe without any thought put into it; it was just something he naturally /did/ at this point. Another grind was given in response, a wide smile now pulling at his stitches as Kurloz gave a simple nod. Of course we can, anything for you.
  23. [1/22/2013 6:50:38 AM] bangarang: Sometimes the yellowblood just needed that little push. Sometimes he was too shy to ask, or even felt like maybe he didn't deserve it. Which was stupid, it was a stupid thought - but Kurloz hit the nail on the head with Mituna having his pan-damaged life dictacted for him. Latula would give him sly looks or tug him off somewhere, and he knew what it was for. And he liked it. He had enjoyed their time together. But this was different, and exciting, and it just felt much more right this way. He'd had those deeply red feelings for Kurloz for a while, but telling him just always seemed like a bad idea. He'd beaten himself up more than once for it, too - he just hadn't known how to deal with it. Even now it was difficult. Evident in how much of a struggle it was to indeed 'keep going', mind tripping over itself trying to recall anything he'd ever done to Latula in their pailing. Nothing was coming up. But the grind made him grunt a little, and his grip on Kurloz's side kept constant; fingers sliding to his spine now to stroke there. Oher hand gently pet his matesprit's face, whimper slipping out as he nipped the air between them again. Fingers slid from cheek into hair, a twitch making both hands grip a little harder. An apology was offered in the form of a kiss, Mituna squirming again as he cautiously held it. Even with permission given, he was always nervous to tread the waters at first.
  25. [1/22/2013 7:16:21 AM] Milo: And he just kept needing pushes, and pushes, and pushes until he understood that most things were okay. Almost everything he did with Kurloz was okay, if not absolutely everything. That purr rose and rose until his voice was beginning to cut through, breaking severely. He'd done a number on those now-nearly-nothing vocal chords back in the night so very long ago, using them at all afterwards actually proving to be a painful chore. Sometimes, even the mute was surprised how much his body remained the way it had been, how much he /let/ his body remain the way it had been, but just as everyone else would agree, there was something about keeping everything about oneself they'd left the living with that made one feel so much better about still somehow existing. That kiss had the Prince pressing into it, strings nearly cutting into Mituna's lips as his hips began to move suggestively against the Gemini's own, encouraging, opening his mouth as much as he could. For very likely the very first time, this was Mituna's show to run. Kurloz would just nudge the process along.
  27. [1/22/2013 7:32:30 AM] bangarang: It was similar to his own loss, then. When no one was around, sometimes, he'd try to use them, still. His psionics. More than one attempt had left him with a migraine and in a fit of angry tears. He'd never told anyone about these tries, and probably never would. It was embarrassing, and really just made him feel worse about himself. Too much about Mituna had changed, but he'd long since gotten used to being treated the way he was now. It was a far cry from okay, but he dealt with it. What else could he do? For right now, he was preoccupied - carefully exploring the depths of his matesprit's mouth((which was something he really liked to do)), hands fisting in hair and fabric alike as he tried to quell his spasms enough to seem at least a little competent. He just wanted to do a good job. Be something to be proud of. Little body jerked again, but eventually he was moving in gentle, if somewhat twitchy tandem with Kurloz. He was getting warm, and he could feel the Capricorn getting warm, too. Mituna wasn't yet aware that he was put in charge, but the kissing was a little too nice to interrupt just yet anyway. His own tiny purr had been growing, the sound a little clunky. He didn't ever recall making it in regards to his now ex-matesprit.
  29. [1/22/2013 8:00:34 AM] Milo: As Mituna moved into the rhythm the mute slowly tried to set for him, their groins gently pressing together, sliding past each other, pressing again. Yes, this was good. He knew the smaller troll liked to feel the seam where his tongue used to be, liked to feel the gnarled scar where it'd been cut free and liked to just /taste/ him, the difference between them, and Kurloz all-too-happy to grant him that simple pleasure. There was no reason a pair couldn't kiss. The Prince wished they'd chosen to kiss so deeply before. His purr only grew harder, the sound breaking more and more until it was just a thick rumble of air rolling against Mituna's tongue, the moment a vibrating noise came out of the yellowblood's own mouth. Holy shit. Holy shit, he'd done it. Mituna was straight-up purring, and the Capricorn encouraged it as well as he could. Keep going, little man, you're doing perfectly.
  31. [1/22/2013 8:28:19 AM] bangarang: He only broke the kiss to turn his head and bite his lip, brows knitting a little as a quiet 'nnn' interrupted his purr for a moment. His chest was heaving a little, and the hand in Kurloz's hair had fell to grip at his own shirt again. Shit. This was almost going a little fast for him; with him in charge he had a hard time telling what needed to go when, or how long it should take to get there. Head a little dizzied he caught another little moan in his throat, his bulge already responding quite well to the onslaught of attention. Fingers on his matesprit's back gripped almost possessively, and he slid them along the fabric. Mituna was so warm. How was Kurloz not warm? He was, to the touch, Mituna could feel it - but he was so much better at keeping his composure than the Gemini. It wasn't fair. Hand swept down his back, curving a little over the moving hip, fingertips twitchily gripping the hem of Kurloz's purple shorts. He didn't know if he wanted those off more, or his own little black boyshorts. When he looked back into Kurloz's eyes, his panting breaths were reflected back at him. "I t-trutht.../ nnn.../ trutht you," he whispered against his lips. It wasn't a warning or any sort-of permission, it was just Mituna expressing his affection and utter, undying infatuation in a way he knew his matesprit would understand.
  33. [1/22/2013 8:58:40 AM] Milo: That was what made this matespritship such a great idea for Mituna to actually act on, to decide on his own with a bit of prompting from Kurloz himself - as long as it took, the Capricorn would be right there to hold his hand through whatever he chose to do. The mute couldn't help but sigh the moment his partner pulled away, his own panting having already started up, face just about as flushed as he felt. Mituna's touch lowered to his shorts and he gave a quiet nod, an affirmation that yes, this was generally what one did next when they wanted, well.. that. 'I trust you too.' Gently, Kurloz pulled back to help the yellowblood wiggle out of his black shorts, slipping them off of him with utmost care should he decide to say no, if anything in his brain or behaviour suggestd he didn't actually want this. The highblood went next, though /he/ exposed himself completely, from his ridged frame to his quite-awake bulge. There was something playful in the look on his face now. His groin shoved itself against Mituna's again. 'Do what you want to do, little bee. I want you to.'
  35. [1/22/2013 6:25:14 PM] bangarang: Smiling at the admission of mutual trust he cooed softly, sound cut off by the quiet groan that made itself heard as his shorts were taken off. It felt good, even if his comfort was compounded slightly by his shirt still being on - he liked it this way, it was so much easier than his normal bodysuit, he didn't know why he didn't run around in a tshirt and underwear more often. Face was a deep yellow flush, Kurloz moving against him once more, the feeling of flesh on flesh maddening. "D-don't, I don't, kn-know, thit, w-want-" frustrated words were cut off by another little whine-moan, boy shuddering. Hands! He had hands. They should be doing something, he didn't know where to put them. Eventually one settled on the bare chest before him, while the other nervously went between them, fingertips brushing his matesprit's bulge. "Ffffffuck, y-you're - I want, y-you, again, p-pleathe-" He never had to ask to be... pailed before, never had to coax it out of his partner. Largely because he'd really only ever asked if he could plow Latula, because that... was how ladytrolls worked. Hand moved from chest to face, touching his cheek, his stitches - before kissing him again. "Pleathe, I w-want it, you."
  37. [1/22/2013 11:11:39 PM] Milo: To be fair, Mituna would probably be stopped by just about anyone if he chose to run about in his unders, trying to catch him before Kankri got to him. Nobody, whether they liked the little Gemini or not, would be so cruel as to leave him as Insufferable bait. He just replied with those broken words with the calmest of expressions, running strings across Mituna's lips. 'You're doing fine. You know what you want. Let yourself have it.' An odd thing to say, but the moment a hand touched his bulge, the Capricorn hissed, lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Mitunas shoulder. The only thing Mituna needed to do was voice what he needed, and when he did, Kurloz was reacting immediately. 'You can have whatever you want.' Fingers trailed downwards once he finished 'speaking', played against his nook, spreading material before they curled inwards. He'd get the shock of 'sudden' penetration as always since his body and mind never matched up, but his movements were slow. There was no reason to scare him, after all.
  39. [1/22/2013 11:48:51 PM] bangarang: "Fffffff- ah! F-fuck!" Nearly squirming away from the sudden feeling of Kurloz's strong fingers in him, his yelp surprised him as much as the intrusion did. He was never ready for it, but it was always such a good shock, such a good feeling. His back arched a little and he whimpered, making a grabbyhand for his matesprit's free hand while he panted, his body trembling unevenly. This is what he wanted. Intimate time with Kurloz. It was all he ever wanted. Even if he was shy, even if he didn't quite work right most of the time... "Nnnh... f-fuck... Y-you... good... ffffhhhnn.." Other hand went to his mouth like it usually did, nursing his fingers through whines, grunts, curses, and little moans. His matesprit always knew how to make him feel so good, and Mituna always felt incredibly inadequate. He wanted to make Kurloz feel good too. It was only fair, and he just cared for him so fucking much. "M-more? C-can... good, feelth... t-touch, you... - /aah.../ - I w-wanna help..." He wanted to sort his thoughts and actions out enough to make this worth it for the Capricorn. Nnnf. Stupid thinkpan.
  41. [1/23/2013 12:02:02 AM] Milo: It would have been worth it even if the yellowblood had simply laid there and taken it, really, but Kurloz would certainly entertain his matesprit if he wanted to do something too. A little nod, then the hand Mituna had taken was guided downwards, held by the back of his hand so his palm could be run over the Capricorn's bones, along his stomach, and lower. Carefully, Kurloz assisted the other with curling his hand around the needy bulge, thick with the mute's blood and already working on dribbling its material onto Mituna's groin. And then he let his matesprit feel lower, a nook easily just as slick as Mituna's prompting a low huff upon being touched. Kurloz released the Gemini's hand at that point, giving him complete freedom to do as he pleased; really, he shouldn't trust the other so much as to let jerky hands touch and grab at his sensitive bits, but this was the troll who had sewn his own mouth shut. Slip-ups wouldn't do a damned thing to him. Fingers moved, slowly working until another could join them, his free hand now holding Mituna's shoulder to keep them both steady. This would make for an interesting experience.
  43. [1/23/2013 12:23:05 AM] bangarang: Blushing deeper as his hand was guided, he smiled a bit as he was allowed to touch. It was hot and it felt nice in his hand, but just as soon as he'd gotten used to the feel of it he was moving again, fingertips brushing his nook gingerly. He tried really hard, focusing as much as he could on concentration so he didn't mess up, didn't hurt his matesprit. That's not... what he wanted to do. His fingers were shaking, rubbing a little before his hand moved to touch his bulge again; hand closing around it again like he'd been shown, wanting to do his best. The only time his hands jerked were when Kurloz added another finger or moved them in just the right way, his spasms accentuated by little gasps or moans. Wet fingers left his mouth to touch Kurloz's face again, an open-mouthed smile panting up at him. "G-good... y-you're... tho good... th-thank you..." Hips twitched needily, whine leaving him. If he could just stay in this buzz of pleasure and closeness and intimacy forever.
  45. [1/23/2013 1:12:49 AM] Milo: Kurloz wouldn't have been able to agree more about wanting to stay this way forever, not so deeply on the brink of pleasure that he'd go mad being stuck there, but just the right amount of enjoyment throughout his entire frame to keep him both relaxed and attentive, just feeling good. He noticed how Mituna immediately moved away the moment he was introduced to his matesprit's nook - that was fine, there was no rush or press for him to touch one thing or the other, but he couldn't stop his hips from jerking as that warm hand grasped his bulge. Oh-- That was--- It'd been terribly long since the Capricorn had had anyone willingly, almost /hesitantly/ touching him, it sent a surge of electricity through his entire frame. It only prompted his fingers within Mituna to move faster, hips grinding against that hot palm, trying to prompt Mituna to stimulate him /more/. One wouldn't believe that Kurloz actually planned on getting his bulge /into/ the yellowblood at this point, seeming to be preoccupied with the feel of a hand he'd never had really groping on his junk like this before. They'd get around to it.
  47. [1/23/2013 1:27:09 AM | Edited 1:37:48 AM] bangarang: Gasp left him as the fingers moved faster, whimper hitting the air as his back arched further. It made his hand still awkwardly for a second; both the one on Kurloz's face and his bulge. But he let out a shuddering breath and continued on, still-trembling fingers moving up and down the slick length. It felt good to help. He liked it. He liked the reaction he got; it made him smile privately and gave him a swell of pride to know that he did something good. Fingers traced the stitches again, breathing still labored as he made brief eye contact. It was pitiful and needy, but helplessly enamored. It broke as Kurloz hit just shy of the sweet little spot in him again, toes curling as the boy's head tipped back to moan; the wandering hand fell to his mouth once more. He had such an oral fixation, which was normal for people with his condition - sometimes he imagined more intimate things taking place with the use of his mouth, and he wondered if he could control himself long enough to do that. But for right now he was perfectly content with the idea of it being /inside/, and he'd work hard to earn it. "G-good," he whispered again hoarsely, stroking the best he could. "T-truth you..."
  49. [3:48:29 AM] Milo: He knew when the other twitched so hard and stopped like that that it was because his fingers were /just that close/ to the spot he was still trying to get the hang of finding within his partner's nook. A toothy grin and a little crook of his digits were followed by pressing /just/ that bit deeper, finally able to /feel/ that hidden collection of nerves. Kurloz rubbed carefully, stimulating from the inside, before twisting his fingers and working on getting his matesprit ready to accept his bulge. For Kurloz, the foreplay was just as precious, just as thoroughly enjoyed as the process of pailing itself; he could toy with the yellowblood for hours if Mituna gave any indication that that was all he wished of his Prince. Eventually, they pulled out, the Capricorn rutting into the other's hand as he waited for the signal to move on.
  51. [4:31:54 AM] bangarang: Mituna's little cries pitched as Kurloz actually found the spot in him; back arching further, gasps deeper. Like this he didn't trust himself to keep his hand on Kurloz's bulge like he had; far too afraid of causing him damage. He instead brought both his hands to his person, the one still on his shirt, gripping the fabric. The other wiped up his own face, pushing hair out of the way briefly before he was at his fingers again. Anything to be quieter. Because... wow. Obviously his bulge was one thing but fingers were another entirely, able to move independently from one another and just... Fuck. He whimpered loudly as the digits left, mumbling something wetly around his orally-fixated fingers. Mituna did love the foreplay, but sometimes it was a little too much for the Gemini. Maybe one day he'd shyly request they fool around for as long as Mituna could stand it before he was a begging, whiny mess. Eyes flashed up to his matesprit, tongue slowing it's job on his very drooly digits. His chest was heaving, and there was a slight undertone of a whimper in each breath. "D-do it," he urged softly. He was getting better at asking for what he wanted - knowing what he wanted. What a precious child.
  53. [5:55:47 AM] Milo: And he knew when he was overwhelming his little Tunabee, always backing off when those cries signified he ought to. He never minded that his matesprit tended to have such a thing for putting his fingers in his mouth since the accident, quietly accepting and readily leaning in to kiss around saliva-wet fingers, slickening his strings while lips glided across his face. With Mituna's needy request, Kurloz knew his now-disabled parter was perfectly capable of responding, of knowing what he needed. The mute was more than happy to follow suit, taking only a moment to situate himself. His material-slippery bulge made its way into that equally soaked nook more easily than ever, though Kurloz still took his time, trying to stay slow, keeping himself from distressing the yellowblood with too much stimulation at once; he liked to think he was a very good fill for Mituna's red quadrant, better than Latula had ever been. Once their bodies were pressed flush together, he paused, waited, looking down at his squirming partner with hazy adoration. Signed, 'Red.'
  55. [6:14:11 AM] bangarang: A long, frustrated, but very much satisfied noise left him as he was nudged into like that, head rolling back and forth gently atop the pile he lay on. Incongruent babble left his mouth, impeded by the intrusion. Fuck. Fuuuucking fuck. It was hard to prepare himself whenever they pailed; he of course was obviously smart enough to know what foreplay led to - but readying his mind was a lot more challenging than readying his body, so the surprise was always... well, a surprise. Mituna would agree whole-heartedly that Kurloz was much better suited to be his matesprit than Latula; the Gemini harbored no negativity towards her whatsoever, many times iterating that he felt like taking care of him was too much for her. He was a handful, he was a challenge. He didn't like holding her back. Not that he didn't feel like he was holding Kurloz back ((because he did)), but he also felt like somehow, in some way, he was doing a good by being there for his matesprit. Because sometimes Mituna could see when he was troubled or down, and without saying anything he was always willing to 'rail and do his best to help him. Even if Mituna still felt like a hinderance, he made up for those bad feelings by trying his hardest at... being a moirail. And now, a matesprit. It was hard to explain and even harder to try and think about. A keening, wanting, loving sound left him as Kurloz stopped, and even through his short breaths he managed a genuine smile. He took his fingers out of his mouth long enough to jerkily sign 'happy' back at him. Because he was happy, and Kurloz made him happy. Wet fingers touched his face, touched stitches and cheek and fell back against his chest. Crept to his smiling mouth. The afterlife wasn't really all that bad. Not when he could share it with Kurloz.
  57. [7:35:03 AM] Milo: Kurloz's smile couldn't get any wider at that signed reply, reaching both arms around and beneath his matesprit to pull him tight against his chest, hug him with careful but firm force, just letting his love flow through to the smaller troll. They didn't simply pail, they /made love/, acting like a pair of young things even though they'd been in this place for a near-eternity; choosing to share this quadrant with Mtuna was the best thing he'd ever done and he simply couldn't fathom a time when they /weren't/ acting like giddy young things together. Feeling the warmth the lower blood's natural heat had to offer, Kurloz supported himself on his forearms, releasing his partner to simply lean over him as he began moving. Gently, carefully, he let the quiet in-out motions grow smooth, holding a pace that would keep his Mituna writhing, keep him comfortably needy - just the right stimulation to /not/ result in a major breakdown. Dead-white eyes never left the Gemini's face, watching as closely as he ever had. If anything would keep him going or change what he was doing or even stop altogether, it woud be conveyed by simple emotion. For now, though, rather than work up into a brutal pounding, Kurloz was content to let his hips roll and flow. Messiahs, but that boy was so motherfuckin' beautiful beneath him.
  59. He shivered as he was hugged close like that, arms - arm, rather - wrapping around his matesprit tightly. The shift in his position sent jolts down his spine, the way it moved certain /other/ things around too. It felt good, so fuckin good - "F-fuck," he breathed under his breath with a smile, feeling overwhelmed with the rush of positive emotion and just the utmost care Kurloz was taking with him. It his mind were in any state to multitask he might fuckin' cry, just appreciating with everything he had that he had someone so good to look after him, take care of him, hug and love and pail him(('make love' - the romanticism of the sentiment would have made a more sound Mituna wibble with delight)) when he wanted or needed it. Hand stayed on the Capricorn's shoulder as he leaned back again, his quiet whimpers at every roll should have been testament enough to just how perfect Kurloz was at this. Writhe he did - panting at the form above him, urging him on for more. It was a bad idea though, he wanted it but didn't - it was just... he was going so perfectly slow and it was so maddening... How much was too much? He didn't want to have a spastic panic attack or anything but he wondered. Sticky fingers curled against his cheek, more babbles heard from him. "Nnnh, f-fuck, th-thith... nnnhgg..." Eyes were slivered above heavily blushing cheeks, Mituna /wanting/ to keep them open to watch his matesprit, the figure above him that was treating him so well - and would forever. "Perf-fect, fuck, ccccockthucker-" No, Kurloz was the immaculate one; the beautiful, perfect one. He'd never say, but he'd had a flushcrush on him since even before they were dead, even before the accident - he just always seemed so untouchable, way too cool for Mituna. Entirely out of his league. If he were a bitter troll, he'd wonder if it was because of his accident that he went past 'out of his league' and into 'pathetic enough for.' As such he was not bitter, and thanked his lucky stars that they had each other now. The past didn't matter. They were both broken, and perfect for each other.
  61. [11:34:16 PM | Edited 11:34:28 PM] Milo: The purpleblood wished he could truly /tell/ his Mituna how much he adored him, how red he was and how much he wanted to spend eternity longer doing everything his partner needed from him, but even if he could speak with his mouth, there simply wouldn't be a word, a phrase, or anything that could even come close. Every little movement had him wincing, the feel of being hilted within the warmer male almost too much for him to take, overstimulated and unable to do more than jerk his hips until he grew used to the tight heat clenching down on him. Mituna, watching as closely as he could in his own world of hypersensitivity, would easily be able to see how this particular pailing was affecting the mute, eyes closed and face twitching with each surge of feeling. He could get lost in this, happy to let his mind fall, senses blur, movement finally smoothing out. Growing faster. He couldn't stop to sign anything, allowing himself an approach he'd often used with Meulin - never, however, had she not been under his influence during. Kurloz grasped the Gemini writhing and babbling underneath him, and all of a sudden, Mituna's mind would be invaded with the moans of a once-very-familiar voice. It belonged to the Capricorn, chucklevoodoos grasping his matesprit's thinkpan just enough to let him 'hear' those panted groans, breathy words of affection, deep sounds of absolute pleasure. That voice practically growled, /you're/ perfect, thrusts speeding up while the voice just repeated itself, stitched mouth just running over Mituna's face, trail haphazard in his increasing lack of awareness.
  63. [12:05:41 AM] bangarang: Mituna found himself in a similar predicament. Even if he could piece his thoughts together coherently, he didn't have them. How much he cared for Kurloz, how much he loved him and how red he felt - it transcended anything the Gemini could ever comprehend. He whined, drooly hand sliding over his forehead again, into his hair, gripping the black mop in an effort to calm himself. He was getting - not uncomfortable, but Kurloz was pushing limits he wasn't used to having pushed. Eyes widened at the sudden grab, the utterance of a question leaving him before - before... he heard the voice. Worried whimper sounded from him before he was aware he'd made it, hands gripping his matesprit's arms tightly. In between the moans and sounds of his own he heard Kurloz, heard the voice he hadn't in what felt like forever. Almost instantly his eyes filled with tears, the Gemini squirming below him with the increased speed. B-but he - "H-hear," he whined, shaking his head with a smile that was hard to bring to that pale face these days. He was crying - sobbing was a little more accurate - shaking his head as his head and body was assaulted from multiple aggressors. "Y-you, hear you - fuck, m-mithed you, t-too long-" He'd missed listening to him, hearing him and having his then-moirail talk to him about anything and everything. It was the most amazing thing in the entire world to him. Knees lifted a little, squeezing around Kurloz's hips, toes curling. He couldn't focus on him anymore, couldn't focus on anything - a little overwhelmed, but Mituna wanted it. Wanted to be able to handle it. After such a great gift from Kurloz, after hearing him again - being a good boy was the least he could do for him. "H-hear you... m-matethprit... mine..." Distracted words were a wibbly, sobby mess. He was so fucking /happy/.
  65. [7:15:18 AM] Milo: His movements were fluid and fast, chucklevoodoos giving Mituna as much of his voice as he could, mental praises and showering him with affection. A low noise, You don't know how long I've waited for this, then he was downright /babbling/ at his matesprit, telling him all manner of secrets, running off a whole book of who-knows-what. All the while, he was inching closer to the finish that Kurloz was honestly somewhat afraid to have; he could only barely remember what had happened that first time and it /scared/ him. Arms hooked under the other's knees, curling Mituna just a little more to thrust himself as deep as possible, having changed to a language entirely different in his head, ancient words the Messiahs subtly taught all of their hosts. His finish was approaching fast, taking him by surprise as he suddenly held his matesprit against the ground, hips stuttering with what could easily be described as a bellow echoing through Mituna's damaged 'pan, like he was laying claim to the yellowblood under him. Material filled the Gemini to an extent, then Kurloz pulled back, pulled out, frotting against his partner's bulge as he rode the rest of his finish out. When that became too much on his oversensitive bulge, his hand expertly assisted his lover in finishing himself, squeezing and pumping until the other seized, fell over the edge to join him on the other side. Mituna's entire groin was slippery with thick amonts of purple and yellow material by the time they were both entirely done, now grazing his stitches lazily along the jaw before him, voice having fallen into nothing more than an adoring whisper. He knew Mituna wouldn't mind the mess, wouldn't mind being cleaned up for as long as it took for the two of them to find their jelly-weak bones again and, honestly, kid looked senselessly attractive so covered like that. Kurloz urged him up after a time, signed, "Red. Clean up." His affections paired with a suggestion, then he left. When he returned, he'd washed his lower bits, carrying a wet towel to dab his poor matesprit clean, and when that was done, the only thing left to do was push the messed-on clothes out of the way and snuggle into Mituna's side. Messiahs, he was just the most beautiful thing.
  67. [7:45:50 AM] bangarang: It was like being told by your custodian that they were proud of you, how Mituna felt, hearing him like this - even if he hadn't been damaged, the voice he heard was something that would move him to gross tears. He ate all of it up, replying to the best of his abilities with shaky, jumbled words; the infrequent-but-many noises of sexual protest his body was forcing from him scattered intermittently. It was magical - dare he say it, a fucking goddamn /miracle/, listening to his matesprit as they pailed. This moment was probably beyond anything Mituna could ever even imagine. Not once had he ever thought he would be /listening/ to his /matesprit/ - the matesprit he would have chosen from the beginning had he the chance, the matesprit he wanted to please and be good or more than anything in the entire world - listening to his matesprit as they engaged in an act so fucking perfect it literally moved him to tears. Goddamn wiggler. He grunted a little as his back was bent to allow for deeper penetration, hands sliding up Kurloz's arms before one fell to his mouth again. He was too /loud/, too /vocal/ - he bit his knuckle and dug his claws into the Capricorn's shoulder just to brace himself against his sound and the overwhelming feeling. The words in his head were different but still a brilliant addition, adding to the noisy orchestra that was constantly his thinkpan. But - oh - held so tightly like that nearly startled him, teeth biting into his finger and drawing blood. Nervous cry left him; the sexual pleasure and pain compounded his ability to comprehend anything else, and he moaned pitifully as Kurloz released into him. It was too much, too much - hands jerked against himself, the one having pulled from his matesprit's shoulder to grip his shirt, pulling at it anxiously as he writhed and panted heavily. Too much touching, too much feeling. Sobs were inconsistent, jolts of electricity flying through him when he was brought to his own spastic orgasm. "F-fffuck, nnh-! Fuck!" Breathy shrieks sounded, Mituna finally bringing himself to an uneven tremble, waves of aftershocks bringing nervous twitches and hums to his form. His skin was so alive, he could barely feel the kisses to his jaw. His body was a little locked up, fingers gripping his shirt so tightly he might tear it. But he was smiling, he was so unbelievably fucking happy - no amount of mess could take that from him. Eyes were still leaking, pan probably overloaded and unable to process the command to stop. But even still crying it had been from happiness, so it wasn't cause for concern. By the time Kurloz got up he was breathing normally, allowing himself to bask still in the feeling. Hesitant hand moved to feel the fluid between his legs, warm blush spreading. He liked that. Mituna felt wickedly embarrassed, too, when he'd brought his hand to his mouth again senselessly because of his little habit - and tasted it. The embarrassment came in when he liked /that/, too. Cooing at Kurloz as he cleaned him up, he let himself be stripped before grabbyhands were made at his matesprit; once joined he nuzzled into him happily; exhaustedly. "B-betht friend, r-red, red betht f-friend."
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