

May 30th, 2020
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  1. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(
  2. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  3. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  4. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  5. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at androidx.slice.compat.SliceProviderWrapperContainer$SliceProviderWrapper.onBindSlice(
  6. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  7. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  8. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  9. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at androidx.slice.compat.SliceProviderWrapperContainer$
  10. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  11. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at android.content.ContentProvider$
  12. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  13. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  14. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at
  15. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at androidx.slice.Slice.callBindSlice(
  16. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at androidx.slice.Slice.bindSlice(
  17. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at androidx.slice.SliceViewManagerBase$SliceListenerImpl$
  18. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
  19. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  20. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  21. 05-30 23:29:00.019 3508 3530 D StrictMode: ... 1 more
  22. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG :
  23. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : backtrace:
  24. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000203770 /system/lib64/ (btif_a2dp_source_enqueue_callback(BT_HDR*, unsigned long, unsigned int) [clone .cfi]+4) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  25. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000284d20 /system/lib64/ (a2dp_vendor_aptx_send_frames(unsigned long) [clone .cfi]+1076) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  26. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000000000204de8 /system/lib64/ (btif_a2dp_source_audio_handle_timer() [clone .cfi]+340) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  27. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00000000001a7ea8 /system/lib64/ (bluetooth::common::RepeatingTimer::RunTask()+568) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  28. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000000a05bc /system/lib64/ (base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask(char const*, base::PendingTask*)+188) (BuildId: 9df761f1317d0183f61c3df65b280616)
  29. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000000bfb48 /system/lib64/ (base::MessageLoop::RunTask(base::PendingTask*)+308) (BuildId: 9df761f1317d0183f61c3df65b280616)
  30. 05-30 23:29:00.033 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00000000000c00f8 /system/lib64/ (base::MessageLoop::DoDelayedWork(base::TimeTicks*)+488) (BuildId: 9df761f1317d0183f61c3df65b280616)
  31. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00000000000c160c /system/lib64/ (base::MessagePumpDefault::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*)+92) (BuildId: 9df761f1317d0183f61c3df65b280616)
  32. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00000000000e323c /system/lib64/ (base::RunLoop::Run()+84) (BuildId: 9df761f1317d0183f61c3df65b280616)
  33. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000000000019d014 /system/lib64/ (bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread::Run(std::__1::promise<void>)+304) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  34. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #10 pc 000000000019cdc0 /system/lib64/ (bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread::RunThread(bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread*, std::__1::promise<void>) [clone .cfi]+48) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  35. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #11 pc 000000000019ce58 /system/lib64/ (_ZNSt3__114__thread_proxyINS_5tupleIJNS_10unique_ptrINS_15__thread_structENS_14default_deleteIS3_EEEEPFvPN9bluetooth6common17MessageLoopThreadENS_7promiseIvEEESA_SC_EEEEEPvSG_.cfi+100) (BuildId: 0ca0570d598a6f97da4853187d8a91da)
  36. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00000000000e2380 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36) (BuildId: 4c7c1282b76a797812f90d53a4b4894c)
  37. 05-30 23:29:00.034 7530 7530 F DEBUG : #13 pc 0000000000083ab0 /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 4c7c1282b76a797812f90d53a4b4894c)
  38. 05-30 23:29:00.060 3508 3508 D KeyguardClockSwitch: Updating clock: 11:29
  39. 05-30 23:29:00.137 1470 1510 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 327468(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 128(8244KB) LOS objects, 71% free, 10013KB/33MB, paused 111us total 100.086ms
  40. 05-30 23:29:00.179 1470 1517 V MediaPlayer: resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
  41. 05-30 23:29:00.179 1470 1517 V MediaPlayer: cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
  42. 05-30 23:29:00.179 926 3769 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf3841300) at state 4
  43. 05-30 23:29:00.180 7397 7397 V AvrcpMediaPlayerList: onPlaybackConfigChanged(): Configs list size=3
  44. 05-30 23:29:00.180 926 6766 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xf3841300)
  45. 05-30 23:29:00.720 1042 1042 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_07
  46. 05-30 23:29:00.063 1470 1704 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 16 lines
  47. 05-30 23:29:00.066 1470 1704 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_app_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
  48. 05-30 23:29:00.725 1470 7538 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
  49. 05-30 23:29:00.728 1470 1765 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_07 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  50. 05-30 23:29:00.732 1470 1765 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
  51. 05-30 23:29:00.738 1470 1702 I ActivityManager: Showing crash dialog for package u0
  52. 05-30 23:29:00.804 691 691 E Diag_Lib: BluetoothDeathRecipient: Calling HAL close
  53. 05-30 23:29:00.804 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_write: write failed with error(Broken pipe)
  54. 05-30 23:29:00.805 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd 21
  55. 05-30 23:29:00.805 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::close()
  56. 05-30 23:29:00.805 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: Sending HCI Reset
  57. 05-30 23:29:00.806 1470 7393 W AudioService.PlaybackActivityMonitor: client died
  58. 05-30 23:29:00.807 3508 3508 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object disconnected
  59. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 3778 W BluetoothManagerService: Profile service for profile: ComponentInfo{} died.
  60. 05-30 23:29:00.807 3508 3508 D BluetoothA2dp: Unbinding service...
  61. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 3778 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  62. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 3778 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  63. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 1470 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object disconnected
  64. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 1470 D BluetoothA2dp: Unbinding service...
  65. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 3778 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  66. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1470_6 identical 2 lines
  67. 05-30 23:29:00.807 1470 3778 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  68. 05-30 23:29:00.808 3809 3848 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  69. 05-30 23:29:00.808 3881 3881 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object disconnected
  70. 05-30 23:29:00.809 3881 3881 D BluetoothA2dp: Unbinding service...
  71. 05-30 23:29:00.809 691 7442 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  72. 05-30 23:29:00.809 691 7442 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  73. 05-30 23:29:00.809 3881 3912 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  74. 05-30 23:29:00.809 691 7442 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: OnPacketReady: Received event for command sent internally: 03 0c
  75. 05-30 23:29:00.810 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: DataHandler::CleanUp()
  76. 05-30 23:29:00.810 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: Close: Wait for collecting crash dump to finish
  77. 05-30 23:29:00.810 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: DataHandler:: init_status 3
  78. 05-30 23:29:00.810 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: Sending Pre-shutdown command
  79. 05-30 23:29:00.810 648 648 I Zygote : Process 7397 exited due to signal 11 (Segmentation fault)
  80. 05-30 23:29:00.810 3508 3550 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  81. 05-30 23:29:00.810 3809 3848 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  82. 05-30 23:29:00.811 691 7442 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: OnPacketReady: Received event for command sent internally: 08 fc
  83. 05-30 23:29:00.811 3508 3550 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  84. 05-30 23:29:00.811 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_controller: UartController::Cleanup, soc_need_reload_patch=1
  85. 05-30 23:29:00.811 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-async_fd_watcher: StopThread: stopped the work thread
  86. 05-30 23:29:00.812 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ~IbsHandler
  87. 05-30 23:29:00.812 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
  88. 05-30 23:29:00.812 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: Disconnect: discard unsent data
  89. 05-30 23:29:00.812 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: CleanUp:> soc_type: 3, need_reload: 1
  90. 05-30 23:29:00.812 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock off
  91. 05-30 23:29:00.813 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: DeInitTransport: Transport is being closed!
  92. 05-30 23:29:00.815 717 754 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
  93. 05-30 23:29:00.820 1470 1470 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object disconnected
  94. 05-30 23:29:00.820 1470 1470 D BluetoothA2dp: Unbinding service...
  95. 05-30 23:29:00.820 1470 7101 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 7397) has died: psvc PER
  96. 05-30 23:29:00.820 1470 1751 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1002 pid 7397 in 0ms
  97. 05-30 23:29:00.820 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  98. 05-30 23:29:00.821 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  99. 05-30 23:29:00.821 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  100. 05-30 23:29:00.821 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: A2dpSuspended=true
  101. 05-30 23:29:00.821 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  102. 05-30 23:29:00.821 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  103. 05-30 23:29:00.821 743 3449 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 3
  104. 05-30 23:29:00.821 743 3449 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs A2dpSuspended=true
  105. 05-30 23:29:00.821 743 3449 I hash_map_utils: key: 'A2dpSuspended' value: 'true'
  106. 05-30 23:29:00.821 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  107. 05-30 23:29:00.822 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 7200000ms
  108. 05-30 23:29:00.822 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  109. 05-30 23:29:00.822 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  110. 05-30 23:29:00.822 1470 3447 I AS.AudioDeviceBroker: broadcast ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY
  111. 05-30 23:29:00.822 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  112. 05-30 23:29:00.822 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 11000ms
  113. 05-30 23:29:00.823 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 11000ms
  114. 05-30 23:29:00.823 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 11000ms
  115. 05-30 23:29:00.823 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: opening /dev/ttyHS0
  116. 05-30 23:29:00.823 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock on
  117. 05-30 23:29:00.824 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: GetBaudRate: Current Baudrate = 2400 bps
  118. 05-30 23:29:00.824 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: device fd = 13 open @2400 bps
  119. 05-30 23:29:00.825 743 7517 W AudioFlinger: write blocked for 910 msecs, 1 delayed writes, thread 725
  120. 05-30 23:29:00.825 3508 3508 D BluetoothHidHost: Proxy object disconnected
  121. 05-30 23:29:00.825 3508 3508 D BluetoothHidHost: Unbinding service...
  122. 05-30 23:29:00.825 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: state 3
  123. 05-30 23:29:00.825 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: cmd failed (Broken pipe): command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  124. 05-30 23:29:00.825 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd 18
  125. 05-30 23:29:00.825 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: Audiopath start failed (status -1)
  126. 05-30 23:29:00.825 3881 3881 D BluetoothPan: Proxy object disconnected
  127. 05-30 23:29:00.825 3881 3881 D BluetoothPan: Unbinding service...
  128. 05-30 23:29:00.826 3881 3912 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object disconnected
  129. 05-30 23:29:00.826 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothDeviceManager: Lost BluetoothHeadset service. Removing all tracked devices.: BMSL.oSD@ASE
  130. 05-30 23:29:00.826 3881 3881 D BluetoothMap: Proxy object disconnected
  131. 05-30 23:29:00.826 3881 3881 D BluetoothMap: Unbinding service...
  132. 05-30 23:29:00.826 1470 3874 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Message received: LOST_DEVICE.: BMSL.oSD->BRM.pM_2@ASE
  133. 05-30 23:29:00.826 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE=9, arg1=0: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE@ASE
  134. 05-30 23:29:00.826 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentBluetoothRoute: Processing message BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE@ASE
  135. 05-30 23:29:00.826 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Bluetooth active device gone: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE@ASE
  136. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE=1005, arg1=0: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE@ASE
  137. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentBluetoothRoute: Processing message SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE@ASE
  138. 05-30 23:29:00.827 3508 3508 D BluetoothMap: Proxy object disconnected
  139. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_EARPIECE=1001, arg1=0: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@ASE
  140. 05-30 23:29:00.827 3508 3508 D BluetoothMap: Unbinding service...
  141. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentBluetoothRoute: Processing message SWITCH_EARPIECE: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@ASE
  142. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentBluetoothRoute: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@ASE
  143. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@ASE
  144. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_GONE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@ASE
  145. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothDeviceManager: Lost BluetoothHeadset service. Removing all tracked devices.: BMSL.oSD@ASI
  146. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected:
  147. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected:
  148. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 1704 E BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED(1)
  149. 05-30 23:29:00.827 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED=7, arg1=0: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASE
  150. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing message BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASE
  151. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 4 receivers.
  152. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Bluetooth device list changed: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASE
  153. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3882 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: BMSL.oSD->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASE
  154. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 1704 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a311868
  155. 05-30 23:29:00.828 3508 3508 D BluetoothSap: Proxy object disconnected
  156. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: ON > TURNING_OFF
  157. 05-30 23:29:00.828 3508 3508 D BluetoothSap: Unbinding service...
  158. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 1746 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x14000010 } to com.caf.fmradio/.FMMediaButtonIntentReceiver
  159. 05-30 23:29:00.828 3809 3848 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f52cbc2
  160. 05-30 23:29:00.828 3881 7541 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a8bf433
  161. 05-30 23:29:00.828 3508 3865 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@d2d9539
  162. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3447 I AS.BtHelper: setBtScoActiveDevice: 00:22:1E:01:31:64 -> null
  163. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3447 E BluetoothDevice: BT not enabled. Cannot get Bluetooth Class
  164. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3447 E BluetoothDevice: BT not enabled. Cannot get Remote Device name
  165. 05-30 23:29:00.828 1470 3447 W AS.AudioDeviceInventory: handleDeviceConnection() failed, deviceKey=0x10:00:22:1E:01:31:64, deviceSpec=null, connect=false
  166. 05-30 23:29:00.828 743 4459 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x20, state 0, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name format 0x0
  167. 05-30 23:29:00.829 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth is complete send Service Down
  168. 05-30 23:29:00.830 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 4 receivers.
  169. 05-30 23:29:00.830 1470 1704 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: null
  170. 05-30 23:29:00.830 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=32
  171. 05-30 23:29:00.830 3881 7541 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: null
  172. 05-30 23:29:00.830 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: unbindAndFinish(): null mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
  173. 05-30 23:29:00.830 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: TURNING_OFF > OFF
  174. 05-30 23:29:00.830 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  175. 05-30 23:29:00.830 3809 3848 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: null
  176. 05-30 23:29:00.830 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 3
  177. 05-30 23:29:00.830 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=32
  178. 05-30 23:29:00.830 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: 'disconnect' value: '32'
  179. 05-30 23:29:00.830 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: '00:22:1E:01:31:64' value: ''
  180. 05-30 23:29:00.830 3508 3865 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: null
  181. 05-30 23:29:00.830 1470 1704 E BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED(2)
  182. 05-30 23:29:00.831 926 3769 D NuPlayerDriver: pause(0xef32d300)
  183. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  184. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 W BluetoothA2dp: Proxy not attached to service
  185. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  186. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 W BluetoothA2dp: Proxy not attached to service
  187. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  188. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 W BluetoothA2dp: Proxy not attached to service
  189. 05-30 23:29:00.832 3508 3660 E BluetoothDevice: BT not enabled. Cannot get bond state
  190. 05-30 23:29:00.834 3881 3881 D BluetoothSap: Proxy object disconnected
  191. 05-30 23:29:00.834 3508 3508 D BluetoothPan: Proxy object disconnected
  192. 05-30 23:29:00.834 3881 3881 D BluetoothSap: Unbinding service...
  193. 05-30 23:29:00.834 3508 3508 D BluetoothPan: Unbinding service...
  194. 05-30 23:29:00.837 3881 3881 D BluetoothHidHost: Proxy object disconnected
  195. 05-30 23:29:00.837 3881 3881 D BluetoothHidHost: Unbinding service...
  196. 05-30 23:29:00.838 3881 3881 E BluetoothDevice: BT not enabled. Cannot get bond state
  197. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs a2dp_sink_address=00:22:1E:01:31:64;routing=128
  198. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 I hash_map_utils: key: 'routing' value: '128'
  199. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 I hash_map_utils: key: 'a2dp_sink_address' value: '00:22:1E:01:31:64'
  200. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: state 3
  201. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  202. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  203. 05-30 23:29:00.846 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  204. 05-30 23:29:00.849 1470 3447 W AS.AudioDeviceInventory: handleDeviceConnection() failed, deviceKey=0x40:00:22:1E:01:31:64, deviceSpec=null, connect=false
  205. 05-30 23:29:00.849 743 3449 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80000008, state 0, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name format 0x0
  206. 05-30 23:29:00.849 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=-2147483640
  207. 05-30 23:29:00.850 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  208. 05-30 23:29:00.850 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 9 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0
  209. 05-30 23:29:00.850 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: handle_device_switch: device 0x80000008 Disconnected
  210. 05-30 23:29:00.850 690 6160 V sound_trigger_hal: handle_device_switch: device 0x80000008 already disabled
  211. 05-30 23:29:00.850 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0
  212. 05-30 23:29:00.850 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 0
  213. 05-30 23:29:00.850 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 0 kvpairs 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=-2147483640
  214. 05-30 23:29:00.858 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: CleanUp:send out shutdown signal
  215. 05-30 23:29:00.859 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock off
  216. 05-30 23:29:00.859 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: DeInitTransport: Transport is being closed!
  217. 05-30 23:29:00.959 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager: SetPower: enable: 0
  218. 05-30 23:29:00.959 691 691 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager:
  219. 05-30 23:29:00.959 691 691 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager: bt_power_cherokee enable (0)
  220. 05-30 23:29:00.961 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: controller Cleanup done
  221. 05-30 23:29:00.961 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: DataHandler:: joined Init thread
  222. 05-30 23:29:00.961 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: CleanUp wakelock is destroyed
  223. 05-30 23:29:00.961 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::close, finish cleanup
  224. 05-30 23:29:01.097 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  225. 05-30 23:29:01.097 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  226. 05-30 23:29:01.229 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_RESTART_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE: retry count=1
  227. 05-30 23:29:01.253 648 648 D Zygote : Forked child process 7543
  228. 05-30 23:29:01.259 1470 1750 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {}
  229. 05-30 23:29:01.348 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  230. 05-30 23:29:01.349 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  231. 05-30 23:29:01.365 7543 7543 D BluetoothOppFileProvider: Initialized
  232. 05-30 23:29:01.387 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
  233. 05-30 23:29:01.388 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
  234. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidHostService
  235. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
  236. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
  237. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
  238. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding AvrcpTargetService
  239. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding AvrcpControllerService
  240. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding SapService
  241. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothOppService
  242. 05-30 23:29:01.389 7543 7543 V AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothPbapService
  243. 05-30 23:29:01.431 7543 7543 I : [0530/232901.431148:INFO:com_android_bluetooth_btservice_AdapterService.cpp(628)] hal_util_load_bt_library loaded HAL: btinterface=0x7cf5c5f440, handle=0xc8e8748662e76af9
  244. 05-30 23:29:01.433 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: onCreate()
  245. 05-30 23:29:01.449 7543 7543 D AdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
  246. 05-30 23:29:01.451 7543 7564 I AdapterState: OFF : entered
  247. 05-30 23:29:01.452 7543 7564 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to OFF
  248. 05-30 23:29:01.453 7543 7543 I bt_btif : init: start restricted = 0 ; niap = 0
  249. 05-30 23:29:01.453 7543 7543 D bt_osi_allocation_tracker: canary initialized
  250. 05-30 23:29:01.454 7543 7565 I : [0530/] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_stack_manager_thread
  251. 05-30 23:29:01.455 7543 7565 I bt_stack_manager: event_init_stack is initializing the stack
  252. 05-30 23:29:01.456 7543 7565 I : [0530/] hash_file: Disabled for multi-user
  253. 05-30 23:29:01.456 7543 7565 I : [0530/] read_checksum_file: Disabled for multi-user
  254. 05-30 23:29:01.457 7543 7568 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 7568, thread name alarm_default_ca started
  255. 05-30 23:29:01.457 7543 7569 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 7569, thread name alarm_dispatcher started
  256. 05-30 23:29:01.459 7543 7565 I bt_btif_core: btif_init_bluetooth entered
  257. 05-30 23:29:01.459 7543 7565 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
  258. 05-30 23:29:01.460 7543 7570 I : [0530/] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_jni_thread
  259. 05-30 23:29:01.460 7543 7565 I bt_btif_core: btif_init_bluetooth finished
  260. 05-30 23:29:01.460 7543 7565 I bt_stack_manager: event_init_stack finished
  261. 05-30 23:29:01.461 7543 7543 I bt_osi_wakelock: wakelock_set_os_callouts set to non-native
  262. 05-30 23:29:01.461 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = socket
  263. 05-30 23:29:01.461 7543 7570 E bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller not ready! Unable to return Bluetooth Address
  264. 05-30 23:29:01.461 7543 7570 E BluetoothServiceJni: adapter_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
  265. 05-30 23:29:01.464 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Name is: Redmi Note 5
  266. 05-30 23:29:01.464 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: BT Class:5a020c
  267. 05-30 23:29:01.465 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = sdp
  268. 05-30 23:29:01.469 7543 7543 I BluetoothAdapterService: Phone policy enabled
  269. 05-30 23:29:01.476 7543 7543 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: start()
  270. 05-30 23:29:01.600 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: failure to open ctrl path: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  271. 05-30 23:29:01.600 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: Audiopath start failed (status -1)
  272. 05-30 23:29:01.600 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: 'disconnect' value: '-2147483640'
  273. 05-30 23:29:01.600 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: '00:22:1E:01:31:64' value: ''
  274. 05-30 23:29:01.608 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: A2dpSuspended=false
  275. 05-30 23:29:01.609 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  276. 05-30 23:29:01.609 743 1121 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 3
  277. 05-30 23:29:01.609 743 1121 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs A2dpSuspended=false
  278. 05-30 23:29:01.609 743 1121 I hash_map_utils: key: 'A2dpSuspended' value: 'false'
  279. 05-30 23:29:01.611 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: BT_SCO=off
  280. 05-30 23:29:01.612 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  281. 05-30 23:29:01.612 743 4593 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 3
  282. 05-30 23:29:01.612 743 4593 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs BT_SCO=off
  283. 05-30 23:29:01.612 743 4593 I hash_map_utils: key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'off'
  284. 05-30 23:29:01.613 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: onAudioDevicesAdded
  285. 05-30 23:29:01.613 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 1
  286. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 2
  287. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 18
  288. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: KZ Earphone type: 8
  289. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 15
  290. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 15
  291. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 16
  292. 05-30 23:29:01.614 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: Redmi Note 5 type: 18
  293. 05-30 23:29:01.614 1470 3447 I AS.BtHelper: setBtScoActiveDevice: null -> null
  294. 05-30 23:29:01.615 743 1121 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setForceUse() usage 7, config 0, mPhoneState 0
  295. 05-30 23:29:01.615 1470 1470 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner AudioDeviceBroker (3447) at void$BrokerHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message)( waiters=0 in void for 782ms
  296. 05-30 23:29:01.615 743 6565 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setForceUse() usage 0, config 0, mPhoneState 0
  297. 05-30 23:29:01.616 1470 1470 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 784ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@6f6fde0 m=0
  298. 05-30 23:29:01.616 743 6565 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setForceUse() usage 2, config 0, mPhoneState 0
  299. 05-30 23:29:01.616 1470 1470 W Looper : Slow delivery took 786ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@3c48899 m=0
  300. 05-30 23:29:01.617 1470 3447 I AS.BtHelper: setBtScoActiveDevice: null -> null
  301. 05-30 23:29:01.618 1470 1470 V MediaSessionRecord: Removing dead callback in pushPlaybackStateUpdate, this=org.omnirom.gramophone/Phonograph (userId=0), callback, exception=android.os.DeadObjectException
  302. 05-30 23:29:01.623 1470 7101 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@ba2f75e already registered for pid 4548, callerPackage is
  303. 05-30 23:29:01.626 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Redmi Note 5
  304. 05-30 23:29:01.626 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: Redmi Note 5
  305. 05-30 23:29:01.627 1470 1470 W Looper : Drained
  306. 05-30 23:29:01.629 1470 7540 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@7fe180c already registered for pid 4548, callerPackage is
  307. 05-30 23:29:01.632 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: state 3
  308. 05-30 23:29:01.632 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  309. 05-30 23:29:01.632 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  310. 05-30 23:29:01.633 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  311. 05-30 23:29:01.635 1470 1470 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADR@ASM
  312. 05-30 23:29:01.658 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  313. 05-30 23:29:01.660 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  314. 05-30 23:29:01.662 7543 7543 D BluetoothDatabase: start()
  315. 05-30 23:29:01.664 7543 7543 D BluetoothDatabase: Load Database
  316. 05-30 23:29:01.670 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: setAdapterService() - trying to set service to
  317. 05-30 23:29:01.677 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: onBind()
  318. 05-30 23:29:01.678 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection:
  319. 05-30 23:29:01.678 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1
  320. 05-30 23:29:01.680 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 5 receivers.
  321. 05-30 23:29:01.680 3508 3550 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4d92380
  322. 05-30 23:29:01.680 1470 1704 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@9f9bdc2
  323. 05-30 23:29:01.680 3881 7541 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@470b3f0
  324. 05-30 23:29:01.681 3809 3848 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@a620dd3
  325. 05-30 23:29:01.682 7543 7561 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp:$AdapterServiceBinder@7039bd9
  326. 05-30 23:29:01.683 7543 7562 D BluetoothAdapterService: enable() - Enable called with quiet mode status = false
  327. 05-30 23:29:01.683 7543 7564 I AdapterState: BLE_TURNING_ON : entered
  328. 05-30 23:29:01.683 7543 7564 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to BLE_TURNING_ON
  329. 05-30 23:29:01.683 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state BLE_TURNING_ON to 1 receivers.
  330. 05-30 23:29:01.684 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
  331. 05-30 23:29:01.684 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
  332. 05-30 23:29:01.693 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: bleOnProcessStart()
  333. 05-30 23:29:01.694 7543 7564 I AdapterProperties: init(), maxConnectedAudioDevices, default=5, propertyOverlayed=5, finalValue=5
  334. 05-30 23:29:01.697 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: bleOnProcessStart() - Make Bond State Machine
  335. 05-30 23:29:01.698 7543 7543 I BtGatt.JNI: classInitNative(L876): classInitNative: Success!
  336. 05-30 23:29:01.700 7543 7564 D BluetoothBondStateMachine: make
  337. 05-30 23:29:01.703 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection:
  338. 05-30 23:29:01.703 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 2
  339. 05-30 23:29:01.703 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: continueFromBleOnState()
  340. 05-30 23:29:01.704 7543 7578 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: StableState(): Entering Off State
  341. 05-30 23:29:01.704 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Persisting Bluetooth Setting: 1
  342. 05-30 23:29:01.706 7543 7564 I AdapterState: BLE_TURNING_ON : Unhandled message - USER_TURN_ON
  343. 05-30 23:29:01.708 7543 7543 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
  344. 05-30 23:29:01.709 7543 7573 I BluetoothDatabase: cacheMetadata
  345. 05-30 23:29:01.709 7543 7573 V BluetoothDatabase: cacheMetadata: found device LocalStorage
  346. 05-30 23:29:01.709 7543 7573 V BluetoothDatabase: cacheMetadata: found device 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  347. 05-30 23:29:01.709 7543 7573 V BluetoothDatabase: cacheMetadata: Database is ready
  348. 05-30 23:29:01.709 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  349. 05-30 23:29:01.711 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = gatt
  350. 05-30 23:29:01.713 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  351. 05-30 23:29:01.729 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  352. 05-30 23:29:01.731 7543 7565 I bt_stack_manager: event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack
  353. 05-30 23:29:01.732 7543 7565 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "btif_config_module"
  354. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "btif_config_module"
  355. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "btsnoop_module"
  356. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I : [0530/] start_up: Snoop Logs disabled
  357. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I : [0530/] delete_btsnoop_files: Deleting snoop logs if they exist. filtered = 1
  358. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I : [0530/] delete_btsnoop_files: Deleting snoop logs if they exist. filtered = 0
  359. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "btsnoop_module"
  360. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "hci_module"
  361. 05-30 23:29:01.733 7543 7565 I bt_hci : hci_module_start_up
  362. 05-30 23:29:01.734 7543 7582 I : [0530/] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_hci_thread
  363. 05-30 23:29:01.737 7543 7582 I bt_hci : hci_initialize
  364. 05-30 23:29:01.737 7543 7565 D bt_hci : hci_module_start_up starting async portion
  365. 05-30 23:29:01.741 7543 7582 I bt_hci : hci_initialize: IBluetoothHci::getService() returned 0x7d5148adc0 (remote)
  366. 05-30 23:29:01.741 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::initialize()
  367. 05-30 23:29:01.741 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: DataHandler:: Init()
  368. 05-30 23:29:01.741 691 691 W vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: vendor.qcom.bluetooth.soc set to cherokee
  369. 05-30 23:29:01.741 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: Open init_status 0
  370. 05-30 23:29:01.741 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Init wakelock is initiated
  371. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_controller: soc need reload patch = 1
  372. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager: SetPower: enable: 0
  373. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager:
  374. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager: bt_power_cherokee enable (0)
  375. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager: SetPower: enable: 1
  376. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager:
  377. 05-30 23:29:01.742 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager: bt_power_cherokee enable (1)
  378. 05-30 23:29:01.745 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
  379. 05-30 23:29:01.746 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: Init:> soc_type: 3, need_reload: 1
  380. 05-30 23:29:01.746 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: CleanUp:> soc_type: 3, need_reload: 1
  381. 05-30 23:29:01.746 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock off
  382. 05-30 23:29:01.756 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: opening /dev/ttyHS0
  383. 05-30 23:29:01.757 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock on
  384. 05-30 23:29:01.758 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: GetBaudRate: Current Baudrate = 2400 bps
  385. 05-30 23:29:01.758 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: device fd = 13 open @2400 bps
  386. 05-30 23:29:01.787 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  387. 05-30 23:29:01.790 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  388. 05-30 23:29:01.795 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: CleanUp:send out shutdown signal
  389. 05-30 23:29:01.795 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock off
  390. 05-30 23:29:01.796 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: DeInitTransport: Transport is being closed!
  391. 05-30 23:29:01.823 1470 3447 I AS.BtHelper: setAvrcpAbsoluteVolumeSupported supported=false
  392. 05-30 23:29:01.823 743 6565 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80, state 0, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name format 0x20000000
  393. 05-30 23:29:01.825 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=128
  394. 05-30 23:29:01.826 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  395. 05-30 23:29:01.826 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 0
  396. 05-30 23:29:01.826 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 0 kvpairs 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=128
  397. 05-30 23:29:01.883 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  398. 05-30 23:29:01.883 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  399. 05-30 23:29:01.897 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: opening /dev/ttyHS0
  400. 05-30 23:29:01.898 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock on
  401. 05-30 23:29:01.899 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: GetBaudRate: Current Baudrate = 115200 bps
  402. 05-30 23:29:01.899 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: device fd = 13 open @115200 bps
  403. 05-30 23:29:01.900 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: Init:send out poweron signal
  404. 05-30 23:29:01.900 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock off
  405. 05-30 23:29:01.900 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: DeInitTransport: Transport is being closed!
  406. 05-30 23:29:01.900 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: opening /dev/ttyHS0
  407. 05-30 23:29:01.901 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock on
  408. 05-30 23:29:01.901 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: HW flow control enabled
  409. 05-30 23:29:01.901 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: GetBaudRate: Current Baudrate = 115200 bps
  410. 05-30 23:29:01.901 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: InitTransport: device fd = 13 open @115200 bps
  411. 05-30 23:29:01.901 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: userial clock off
  412. 05-30 23:29:02.001 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: PatchDLManager
  413. 05-30 23:29:02.002 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: IbsHandler
  414. 05-30 23:29:02.002 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: InitInt: tty_fd = 13
  415. 05-30 23:29:02.004 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_address: CMD result: 1
  416. 05-30 23:29:02.004 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: SocInit
  417. 05-30 23:29:02.004 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: SocInit: reserved param
  418. 05-30 23:29:02.004 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: ## userial_vendor_ioctl: UART Flow On
  419. 05-30 23:29:02.010 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Current Product ID : 0x0000000a
  420. 05-30 23:29:02.010 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Current Patch Version : 0x0001
  421. 05-30 23:29:02.010 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Current ROM Build Version : 0x0201
  422. 05-30 23:29:02.010 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Current SOC Version : 0x40020140
  423. 05-30 23:29:02.011 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: PatchVerReq: rsp[CMD_RSP_OFFSET] = 0 , rsp[RSP_TYPE_OFFSET] = 2
  424. 05-30 23:29:02.011 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  425. 05-30 23:29:02.011 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: SocInit: Chipset Version (0x40a22150)
  426. 05-30 23:29:02.011 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: ## userial_vendor_ioctl: UART Flow Off
  427. 05-30 23:29:02.032 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: ## userial_vendor_set_baud: 17
  428. 05-30 23:29:02.032 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: SetBaudRate: in BOTHER
  429. 05-30 23:29:02.033 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: GetBaudRate: Current Baudrate = 3200000 bps
  430. 05-30 23:29:02.033 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_transport: ## userial_vendor_ioctl: UART Flow On
  431. 05-30 23:29:02.033 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  432. 05-30 23:29:02.033 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: SocInit: Baud rate changed successfully
  433. 05-30 23:29:02.033 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: File open /bt_firmware/image/apbtfw11.tlv succeded
  434. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  435. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: TLV Type : 0x1
  436. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Length : 121928 bytes
  437. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Total Length : 121672 bytes
  438. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Patch Data Length : 121648 bytes
  439. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Signing Format Version : 0x1
  440. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Signature Algorithm : 0x2
  441. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Event Handling : 0x3
  442. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Reserved : 0x0
  443. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Product ID : 0x000a
  444. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Rom Build Version : 0x0201
  445. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Patch Version : 0x0002
  446. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Reserved : 0x8000
  447. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Patch Entry Address : 0x209e4
  448. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  449. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: TlvDnldReq: TLV size: 121932, Total Seg num: 501, remain size: 189
  450. 05-30 23:29:02.034 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Event handling type: SKIP_EVT_VSE_CC
  451. 05-30 23:29:02.134 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  452. 05-30 23:29:02.134 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  453. 05-30 23:29:02.384 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: failure to open ctrl path: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  454. 05-30 23:29:02.384 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: Audiopath start failed (status -1)
  455. 05-30 23:29:02.385 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: 'disconnect' value: '128'
  456. 05-30 23:29:02.385 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: '00:22:1E:01:31:64' value: ''
  457. 05-30 23:29:02.400 743 6565 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x71ce54dcc0
  458. 05-30 23:29:02.413 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs exiting=1
  459. 05-30 23:29:02.413 743 6565 I hash_map_utils: key: 'exiting' value: '1'
  460. 05-30 23:29:02.416 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: state 3
  461. 05-30 23:29:02.417 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  462. 05-30 23:29:02.417 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  463. 05-30 23:29:02.417 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  464. 05-30 23:29:02.593 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: FrameHciCmdPkt: Sending EDL_GET_BOARD_ID
  465. 05-30 23:29:02.593 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: HCI-CMD -1: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0x1
  466. 0x23
  467. 05-30 23:29:02.593 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: GetBoardIdReq: Sending EDL_GET_BOARD_ID
  468. 05-30 23:29:02.594 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: GetVsHciEvent: board id 0 0!!
  469. 05-30 23:29:02.594 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  470. 05-30 23:29:02.594 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: /bt_firmware/image/apnv11.b00 File Open Fail
  471. 05-30 23:29:02.594 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: /vendor/bt_firmware/image/apnv11.b00 File Opening from alternate path: Fail
  472. 05-30 23:29:02.594 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: DownloadTlvFile: /bt_firmware/image/apnv11.b00: file doesn't exist, falling back to default file
  473. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: File open /bt_firmware/image/apnv11.bin succeded
  474. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  475. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: TLV Type : 0x4
  476. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Length : 4634 bytes
  477. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  478. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  479. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: TLV Type : 0x2
  480. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Length : 3389 bytes
  481. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  482. 05-30 23:29:02.595 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: BD Address: 97:80:cf:e0:87:94
  483. 05-30 23:29:02.596 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Power Configuration tag_36: 0xff, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x07, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
  484. 05-30 23:29:02.601 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  485. 05-30 23:29:02.601 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: TLV Type : 0x3
  486. 05-30 23:29:02.601 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: Length : 1237 bytes
  487. 05-30 23:29:02.601 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  488. 05-30 23:29:02.603 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ====================================================
  489. 05-30 23:29:02.603 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: TlvDnldReq: TLV size: 4638, Total Seg num: 19, remain size: 21
  490. 05-30 23:29:02.605 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  491. 05-30 23:29:02.636 691 7585 I chatty : uid=1002 bluetooth@1.0-s identical 18 lines
  492. 05-30 23:29:02.637 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  493. 05-30 23:29:02.637 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: SocInit: Download TLV file successfully
  494. 05-30 23:29:02.638 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: BT SoC FW SU Build info: BTFM.CHE.2.1.1.c2-00188-QCACHROMZ-1, 35
  495. 05-30 23:29:02.638 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  496. 05-30 23:29:02.638 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: EnableEnhControllerLog: 0
  497. 05-30 23:29:02.639 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  498. 05-30 23:29:02.639 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadScramblingSupport: Sending GET_SCRAM_FREQUENCIES_CMD
  499. 05-30 23:29:02.640 691 7585 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadCmdCmplEvent: Unexpected event ff received
  500. 05-30 23:29:02.640 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadCmdCmplEvent: Cmd Cmpl received for opcode fc0a
  501. 05-30 23:29:02.640 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: HciReset: HCI RESET
  502. 05-30 23:29:02.644 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager: ReadHciEvent: Expected CC
  503. 05-30 23:29:02.645 691 7588 E vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-async_fd_watcher: ThreadRoutine unable to set SCHED_FIFO for pid 691, tid 7588, error Operation not permitted
  504. 05-30 23:29:02.645 691 7585 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-uart_controller: Init succeded
  505. 05-30 23:29:02.645 691 7585 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-data_handler: Firmware download succeded, soc need reload patch next time=1
  506. 05-30 23:29:02.646 7543 7582 I bt_hci : event_finish_startup
  507. 05-30 23:29:02.646 7543 7565 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "hci_module"
  508. 05-30 23:29:02.647 7543 7590 I : [0530/] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_startup_thread
  509. 05-30 23:29:02.648 7543 7590 I : [0530/] Bluetooth chip preload is complete
  510. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] GATT_Register 81818181-8181-8181-8181-818181818181
  511. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] allocated gatt_if=1
  512. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] GATTS_AddService
  513. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
  514. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] GATT_Register 82828282-8282-8282-8282-828282828282
  515. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] allocated gatt_if=2
  516. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] GATTS_AddService
  517. 05-30 23:29:02.649 7543 7590 I : [0530/] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
  518. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HCI : Level 2
  519. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_L2CAP : Level 2
  520. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM : Level 2
  521. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT : Level 2
  522. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVRC : Level 2
  523. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_A2D : Level 2
  524. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP : Level 2
  525. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM : Level 2
  526. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_HOST : Level 2
  527. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN : Level 2
  528. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP : Level 2
  529. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP : Level 2
  530. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_DEV : Level 2
  531. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP : Level 2
  532. 05-30 23:29:02.650 7543 7590 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF : Level 2
  533. 05-30 23:29:02.651 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_main_thread
  534. 05-30 23:29:02.652 7543 7592 I bt_stack: [] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_module_lifecycle_thread
  535. 05-30 23:29:02.653 7543 7592 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "controller_module"
  536. 05-30 23:29:02.653 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
  537. 05-30 23:29:02.654 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND
  538. 05-30 23:29:02.655 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC
  539. 05-30 23:29:02.667 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  540. 05-30 23:29:02.667 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  541. 05-30 23:29:02.817 7543 7592 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "controller_module"
  542. 05-30 23:29:02.818 7543 7592 I bt_stack: [] Run: message loop finished for thread bt_module_lifecycle_thread
  543. 05-30 23:29:02.820 7543 7590 W bt_btm : btm_decode_ext_features_page: feature page 1 ignored
  544. 05-30 23:29:02.820 7543 7590 W bt_btm : btm_decode_ext_features_page: feature page 2 ignored
  545. 05-30 23:29:02.820 7543 7590 I bt_stack: [] ShutDown: thread bt_module_lifecycle_thread(-1) is already stopped
  546. 05-30 23:29:02.821 7543 7591 I bt_btm_sec: BTM_SecRegister p_cb_info->p_le_callback == 0x0x7cf5c59908
  547. 05-30 23:29:02.821 7543 7591 I bt_btm_sec: BTM_SecRegister btm_cb.api.p_le_callback = 0x0x7cf5c59908
  548. 05-30 23:29:02.821 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] GATT_Register fc25442b-49b4-007c-79da-578b139f42dc
  549. 05-30 23:29:02.821 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] allocated gatt_if=3
  550. 05-30 23:29:02.836 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] VSC advertising will be in use
  551. 05-30 23:29:02.836 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] QuirkAdvertiserZeroHandle in use
  552. 05-30 23:29:02.863 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: BT_PROPERTY_LOCAL_LE_FEATURES: update from BT controller mNumOfAdvertisementInstancesSupported = 16 mRpaOffloadSupported = true mNumOfOffloadedIrkSupported = 32 mNumOfOffloadedScanFilterSupported = 16 mOffloadedScanResultStorageBytes= 10240 mIsActivityAndEnergyReporting = true mVersSupported = 96 mTotNumOfTrackableAdv = 32 mIsExtendedScanSupported = true mIsDebugLogSupported = false mIsLe2MPhySupported = true mIsLeCodedPhySupported = false mIsLeExtendedAdvertisingSupported = false mIsLePeriodicAdvertisingSupported = false mLeMaximumAdvertisingDataLength = 31
  553. 05-30 23:29:02.866 7543 7570 E bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller ready!
  554. 05-30 23:29:02.866 7543 7570 I bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000000
  555. 05-30 23:29:02.868 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Address is:94:87:E0:CF:80:97
  556. 05-30 23:29:02.874 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Name is: Redmi Note 5
  557. 05-30 23:29:02.876 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Scan Mode:20
  558. 05-30 23:29:02.876 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Discoverable Timeout:120
  559. 05-30 23:29:02.878 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Adding bonded device:00:22:1E:01:31:64
  560. 05-30 23:29:02.883 7543 7570 I bt_stack: [] EnableBtQualityReport: is_enable: true
  561. 05-30 23:29:02.883 7543 7570 W bt_stack: [] EnableBtQualityReport: Bluetooth Quality Report is disabled. bqr_prop_evtmask: , bqr_prop_interval_ms:
  562. 05-30 23:29:02.883 7543 7570 I bt_btif_core: btif_enable_bluetooth_evt entered: status 0
  563. 05-30 23:29:02.884 7543 7596 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 7596, thread name btif_sock started
  564. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: Device ID record 1 : primary
  565. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: vendorId = 00e0
  566. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: vendorIdSource = 0001
  567. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: product = 1200
  568. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: version = 1436
  569. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: clientExecutableURL =
  570. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: serviceDescription =
  571. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: documentationURL =
  572. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 D bt_bte_conf: bte_load_did_conf no section named DID2.
  573. 05-30 23:29:02.885 7543 7570 I bt_btif_core: btif_enable_bluetooth_evt finished
  574. 05-30 23:29:02.886 7543 7565 I bt_stack_manager: event_start_up_stack finished
  575. 05-30 23:29:02.893 7543 7564 I AdapterState: BLE_ON : entered
  576. 05-30 23:29:02.893 7543 7564 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to BLE_ON
  577. 05-30 23:29:02.893 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state BLE_ON to 1 receivers.
  578. 05-30 23:29:02.894 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_ON
  579. 05-30 23:29:02.894 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth is in LE only mode
  580. 05-30 23:29:02.894 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: continueFromBleOnState()
  581. 05-30 23:29:02.894 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Persisting Bluetooth Setting: 1
  582. 05-30 23:29:02.894 7543 7564 I AdapterState: TURNING_ON : entered
  583. 05-30 23:29:02.894 7543 7564 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to TURNING_ON
  584. 05-30 23:29:02.894 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state TURNING_ON to 1 receivers.
  585. 05-30 23:29:02.895 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_ON
  586. 05-30 23:29:02.895 1470 1704 W BluetoothManagerService: bluetooth is recovered from error
  587. 05-30 23:29:02.895 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_ON > TURNING_ON
  588. 05-30 23:29:02.896 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: startCoreServices()
  589. 05-30 23:29:02.896 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_ON > TURNING_ON
  590. 05-30 23:29:02.917 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  591. 05-30 23:29:02.918 7543 7543 I HeadsetService: create()
  592. 05-30 23:29:02.918 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  593. 05-30 23:29:02.919 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  594. 05-30 23:29:02.925 7543 7543 I HeadsetService: start()
  595. 05-30 23:29:02.925 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  596. 05-30 23:29:02.927 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  597. 05-30 23:29:02.936 7543 7598 I HeadsetPhoneState: stopListenForPhoneState(), no listener indicates nothing is listening
  598. 05-30 23:29:02.936 7543 7598 W HeadsetPhoneState: startListenForPhoneState, no event to listen
  599. 05-30 23:29:02.944 7543 7543 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: classInitNative: succeeds
  600. 05-30 23:29:02.946 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = handsfree
  601. 05-30 23:29:02.946 7543 7543 I bt_stack: [] GetInterface
  602. 05-30 23:29:02.946 7543 7570 I bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000040
  603. 05-30 23:29:02.947 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5caca30
  604. 05-30 23:29:02.947 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacae8
  605. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacba0
  606. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacc58
  607. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacd10
  608. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7570 I bt_stack: [] btif_hf_upstreams_evt: AG enable/disable event 0
  609. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacdc8
  610. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cace80
  611. 05-30 23:29:02.948 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacf38
  612. 05-30 23:29:02.949 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cacff0
  613. 05-30 23:29:02.949 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  614. 05-30 23:29:02.949 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  615. 05-30 23:29:02.949 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad0a8
  616. 05-30 23:29:02.949 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad160
  617. 05-30 23:29:02.949 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad218
  618. 05-30 23:29:02.959 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_ADAPTER_ACTION_STATE_CHANGED): newState=11
  619. 05-30 23:29:02.964 7543 7543 I A2dpService: create()
  620. 05-30 23:29:02.965 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  621. 05-30 23:29:02.968 7543 7543 I A2dpService: start()
  622. 05-30 23:29:02.968 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  623. 05-30 23:29:02.970 7543 7543 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: classInitNative: succeeds
  624. 05-30 23:29:02.971 7543 7543 I A2dpService: Max connected audio devices set to 5
  625. 05-30 23:29:02.973 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = a2dp
  626. 05-30 23:29:02.973 7543 7543 I btif_av : bt_status_t BtifAvSource::Init(btav_source_callbacks_t *, int, const std::vector<btav_a2dp_codec_config_t> &): max_connected_audio_devices=5
  627. 05-30 23:29:02.973 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: init
  628. 05-30 23:29:02.974 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC
  629. 05-30 23:29:02.974 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated SBC codec priority to 1001
  630. 05-30 23:29:02.974 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC
  631. 05-30 23:29:02.974 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated AAC codec priority to 2001
  632. 05-30 23:29:02.974 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX
  633. 05-30 23:29:02.975 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX codec priority to 3001
  634. 05-30 23:29:02.976 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX-HD
  635. 05-30 23:29:02.977 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX-HD codec priority to 4001
  636. 05-30 23:29:02.977 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC
  637. 05-30 23:29:02.980 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated LDAC codec priority to 5001
  638. 05-30 23:29:02.981 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC SINK
  639. 05-30 23:29:02.981 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC SINK
  640. 05-30 23:29:02.981 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC SINK
  641. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
  642. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac: init: cannot load the decoder
  643. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec LDAC
  644. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX-HD
  645. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX
  646. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec AAC
  647. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec SBC
  648. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec AAC SINK
  649. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec SBC SINK
  650. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: init
  651. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC
  652. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated SBC codec priority to 1001
  653. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC
  654. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated AAC codec priority to 2001
  655. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX
  656. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX codec priority to 3001
  657. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX-HD
  658. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX-HD codec priority to 4001
  659. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC
  660. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated LDAC codec priority to 5001
  661. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC SINK
  662. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC SINK
  663. 05-30 23:29:02.982 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC SINK
  664. 05-30 23:29:02.983 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
  665. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac: init: cannot load the decoder
  666. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec LDAC
  667. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX-HD
  668. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX
  669. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec AAC
  670. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec SBC
  671. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec AAC SINK
  672. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec SBC SINK
  673. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: init
  674. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC
  675. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated SBC codec priority to 1001
  676. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC
  677. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated AAC codec priority to 2001
  678. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX
  679. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX codec priority to 3001
  680. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX-HD
  681. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX-HD codec priority to 4001
  682. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC
  683. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated LDAC codec priority to 5001
  684. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC SINK
  685. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC SINK
  686. 05-30 23:29:02.984 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC SINK
  687. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
  688. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac: init: cannot load the decoder
  689. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec LDAC
  690. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX-HD
  691. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX
  692. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec AAC
  693. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec SBC
  694. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec AAC SINK
  695. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec SBC SINK
  696. 05-30 23:29:02.986 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: init
  697. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC
  698. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated SBC codec priority to 1001
  699. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC
  700. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated AAC codec priority to 2001
  701. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX
  702. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX codec priority to 3001
  703. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX-HD
  704. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX-HD codec priority to 4001
  705. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC
  706. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated LDAC codec priority to 5001
  707. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC SINK
  708. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC SINK
  709. 05-30 23:29:02.987 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC SINK
  710. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
  711. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac: init: cannot load the decoder
  712. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec LDAC
  713. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX-HD
  714. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX
  715. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec AAC
  716. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec SBC
  717. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec AAC SINK
  718. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec SBC SINK
  719. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: init
  720. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC
  721. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated SBC codec priority to 1001
  722. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC
  723. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated AAC codec priority to 2001
  724. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX
  725. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX codec priority to 3001
  726. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX-HD
  727. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX-HD codec priority to 4001
  728. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC
  729. 05-30 23:29:02.988 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated LDAC codec priority to 5001
  730. 05-30 23:29:02.989 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC SINK
  731. 05-30 23:29:02.989 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC SINK
  732. 05-30 23:29:02.989 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC SINK
  733. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
  734. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac: init: cannot load the decoder
  735. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec LDAC
  736. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX-HD
  737. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX
  738. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec AAC
  739. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec SBC
  740. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec AAC SINK
  741. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec SBC SINK
  742. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: init
  743. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC
  744. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated SBC codec priority to 1001
  745. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC
  746. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated AAC codec priority to 2001
  747. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX
  748. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX codec priority to 3001
  749. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec aptX-HD
  750. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated aptX-HD codec priority to 4001
  751. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC
  752. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: updated LDAC codec priority to 5001
  753. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec SBC SINK
  754. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec AAC SINK
  755. 05-30 23:29:02.990 7543 7543 D a2dp_codec: createCodec: codec LDAC SINK
  756. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
  757. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 E a2dp_vendor_ldac: init: cannot load the decoder
  758. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec LDAC
  759. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX-HD
  760. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec aptX
  761. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec AAC
  762. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Source codec SBC
  763. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec AAC SINK
  764. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I a2dp_codec: init: initialized Sink codec SBC SINK
  765. 05-30 23:29:02.991 7543 7543 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_init
  766. 05-30 23:29:02.993 7543 7600 I bt_stack: [] Run: message loop starting for thread bt_a2dp_source_worker_thread
  767. 05-30 23:29:02.994 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_init_delayed
  768. 05-30 23:29:02.994 7543 7570 I bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000048
  769. 05-30 23:29:02.994 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_api_register: AVRCP version used for sdp: "avrcp14"
  770. 05-30 23:29:02.994 7543 7543 D A2dpService: A2DP offload flag set to false
  771. 05-30 23:29:02.995 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_av_rc_create: Skipping RC creation for the old AVRCP profile
  772. 05-30 23:29:02.995 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_api_register: AVRCP version used for sdp: "avrcp14"
  773. 05-30 23:29:02.995 7543 7591 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) bt_main_thread identical 3 lines
  774. 05-30 23:29:02.995 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_api_register: AVRCP version used for sdp: "avrcp14"
  775. 05-30 23:29:02.998 7543 7543 D A2dpService: setA2dpService(): set to:
  776. 05-30 23:29:02.999 7543 7543 D A2dpService: setActiveDevice(null): previous is null
  777. 05-30 23:29:03.002 7543 7543 D A2dpService: updateAndBroadcastActiveDevice(null)
  778. 05-30 23:29:03.008 7543 7543 I BluetoothHidHostServiceJni: classInitNative: succeeds
  779. 05-30 23:29:03.011 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  780. 05-30 23:29:03.013 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = hidhost
  781. 05-30 23:29:03.014 7543 7570 I bt_bta_hh: BTA_HhEnable sec_mask:0x36 p_cback:0x7cf5c5a0f4
  782. 05-30 23:29:03.014 7543 7570 I bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20100048
  783. 05-30 23:29:03.014 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] GATT_Register f8ca63c3-f125-6a1b-e912-6d798b805a03
  784. 05-30 23:29:03.014 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] allocated gatt_if=4
  785. 05-30 23:29:03.018 7543 7543 I BluetoothPanServiceJni: classInitNative(L111): succeeds
  786. 05-30 23:29:03.020 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  787. 05-30 23:29:03.021 7543 7543 D BluetoothPanServiceJni: initializeNative(L116): pan
  788. 05-30 23:29:03.022 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = pan
  789. 05-30 23:29:03.023 7543 7570 D BluetoothPanServiceJni: control_state_callback(L63): state:0, local_role:3, ifname:bt-pan
  790. 05-30 23:29:03.036 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  791. 05-30 23:29:03.038 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapService: start()
  792. 05-30 23:29:03.046 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapAccountLoader: Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_PROVIDER
  793. 05-30 23:29:03.046 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapAccountLoader: Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_IM_PROVIDER
  794. 05-30 23:29:03.046 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: createReceiver()
  795. 05-30 23:29:03.048 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: initObservers()
  796. 05-30 23:29:03.048 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: getEnabledAccountItems()
  797. 05-30 23:29:03.050 7543 7543 D BluetoothMapService: setBluetoothMapService(): set to:
  798. 05-30 23:29:03.052 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  799. 05-30 23:29:03.053 7543 7543 I AvrcpTargetService: User unlocked, initializing the service
  800. 05-30 23:29:03.053 7543 7543 I AvrcpTargetService: Starting the AVRCP Target Service
  801. 05-30 23:29:03.059 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerList: Creating MediaPlayerList
  802. 05-30 23:29:03.063 1470 3936 D MediaSessionService: The callback$Stub$Proxy@e03fc82 is set by
  803. 05-30 23:29:03.064 7543 7543 I AvrcpTargetJni: classInitNative: AvrcpTargetJni initialized!
  804. 05-30 23:29:03.065 7543 7543 D AvrcpNativeInterface: Init AvrcpNativeInterface
  805. 05-30 23:29:03.065 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetJni: initNative
  806. 05-30 23:29:03.065 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] AVRCP Target Service started
  807. 05-30 23:29:03.065 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] Connect to device ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  808. 05-30 23:29:03.065 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] virtual bool bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::AvrcpConnect(bool, const RawAddress &): handle=0000 status= 000000
  809. 05-30 23:29:03.071 7543 7601 D BluetoothMapMasInstance0: Map Service startSocketListeners
  810. 05-30 23:29:03.071 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerList: Initializing MediaPlayerList
  811. 05-30 23:29:03.072 7543 7601 D ObexServerSockets: create(rfcomm = -2, l2capPsm = -2)
  812. 05-30 23:29:03.073 7543 7601 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  813. 05-30 23:29:03.075 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=4, is_server=1, mtu=990, uuid=0x0039, dlci=8, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad2d0
  814. 05-30 23:29:03.076 7543 7601 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  815. 05-30 23:29:03.077 7543 7543 I BluetoothAvrcpControllerJni: classInitNative: succeeds
  816. 05-30 23:29:03.077 7543 7601 D BluetoothAdapter: listenUsingL2capOn: set assigned channel to 4097
  817. 05-30 23:29:03.078 7543 7601 D ObexServerSockets: Succeed to create listening sockets
  818. 05-30 23:29:03.078 7543 7601 D ObexServerSockets0: startAccept()
  819. 05-30 23:29:03.078 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  820. 05-30 23:29:03.079 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  821. 05-30 23:29:03.080 7543 7543 I bt_btif : get_profile_interface: id = avrcp_ctrl
  822. 05-30 23:29:03.080 7543 7601 D BluetoothSdpJni: sdpCreateMapMasRecordNative
  823. 05-30 23:29:03.080 7543 7601 D BluetoothSdpJni: SDP Create record success - handle: 0
  824. 05-30 23:29:03.081 7543 7603 D ObexServerSockets0: Accepting socket connection...
  825. 05-30 23:29:03.081 7543 7604 D ObexServerSockets0: Accepting socket connection...
  826. 05-30 23:29:03.082 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  827. 05-30 23:29:03.082 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  828. 05-30 23:29:03.084 1470 4641 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  829. 05-30 23:29:03.087 7543 7543 V SapService: SapBinder()
  830. 05-30 23:29:03.088 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  831. 05-30 23:29:03.089 7543 7543 V SapService: start()
  832. 05-30 23:29:03.097 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  833. 05-30 23:29:03.104 7543 7543 D BtOppService: setBluetoothOppService(): set to:
  834. 05-30 23:29:03.108 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
  835. 05-30 23:29:03.109 7543 7543 I BluetoothPbapService: setCurrentUser(0)
  836. 05-30 23:29:03.110 7543 7543 I BluetoothPbapService: setUserUnlocked(0)
  837. 05-30 23:29:03.110 7543 7543 I BluetoothPbapService: setUserUnlocked(0)
  838. 05-30 23:29:03.115 7543 7543 D BluetoothPbapService: setBluetoothPbapService(): set to:
  839. 05-30 23:29:03.116 7543 7543 D HeadsetPhoneState: sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mIsSimStateLoaded=false mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=3
  840. 05-30 23:29:03.116 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_A2DP_ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED): device= null
  841. 05-30 23:29:03.117 7543 7543 W AvrcpMediaPlayerList: onAddressedPlayerChanged(Token): Addressed Player changed to a player we didn't have a session for
  842. 05-30 23:29:03.122 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  843. 05-30 23:29:03.125 7543 7543 I AvrcpMediaPlayerList: Adding wrapped media player: org.omnirom.gramophone at key: 1
  844. 05-30 23:29:03.125 7543 7543 I AvrcpMediaPlayerList: onAddressedPlayerChanged: token=org.omnirom.gramophone
  845. 05-30 23:29:03.129 7543 7607 D ObexServerSockets: create(rfcomm = -2, l2capPsm = -2)
  846. 05-30 23:29:03.129 7543 7607 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  847. 05-30 23:29:03.130 7543 7543 I AvrcpMediaPlayerList: setActivePlayer(): setting player to org.omnirom.gramophone
  848. 05-30 23:29:03.130 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=5, is_server=1, mtu=990, uuid=0x003b, dlci=10, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad388
  849. 05-30 23:29:03.133 7543 7607 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  850. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 D AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate
  851. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 I AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate: Creating a one item queue for a player with no queue
  852. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 D AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate state=PlaybackState {state=2, position=19149, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=588322, actions=823, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null}
  853. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetService: onMediaUpdated: track_changed=true state=true queue=true
  854. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 D AvrcpNativeInterface: sendMediaUpdate: metadata=true playStatus=true queue=true
  855. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetJni: sendMediaUpdateNative
  856. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 I bt_stack: [] virtual void bluetooth::avrcp::AvrcpService::SendMediaUpdate(bool, bool, bool) track_changed=1 : play_state=1 : queue=1
  857. 05-30 23:29:03.135 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: onAudioDevicesAdded: Not expecting device changed
  858. 05-30 23:29:03.137 7543 7607 D BluetoothAdapter: listenUsingL2capOn: set assigned channel to 4099
  859. 05-30 23:29:03.137 7543 7607 D ObexServerSockets: Succeed to create listening sockets
  860. 05-30 23:29:03.137 7543 7607 D ObexServerSockets1: startAccept()
  861. 05-30 23:29:03.137 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: onBluetoothReady, state=TURNING_ON, ScanMode=20
  862. 05-30 23:29:03.138 7543 7607 D BluetoothSdpJni: sdpCreatePbapPseRecordNative
  863. 05-30 23:29:03.138 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateUuids() - Updating UUIDs for bonded devices
  864. 05-30 23:29:03.138 7543 7607 D BluetoothSdpJni: SDP Create record success - handle: 1
  865. 05-30 23:29:03.138 7543 7607 D BluetoothPbapService: created Sdp record, mSdpHandle=1
  866. 05-30 23:29:03.139 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  867. 05-30 23:29:03.139 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  868. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileActiveDeviceChanged, activeDevice=null, profile=2
  869. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7543 W BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileActiveDeviceChanged: ignore null A2DP active device
  870. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Scan Mode:21
  871. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7564 I AdapterState: ON : entered
  872. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7564 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to ON
  873. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: Discoverable Timeout:120
  874. 05-30 23:29:03.140 7543 7564 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state ON to 1 receivers.
  875. 05-30 23:29:03.141 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: TURNING_ON > ON
  876. 05-30 23:29:03.141 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(true) to 20 receivers.
  877. 05-30 23:29:03.141 1470 1704 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
  878. 05-30 23:29:03.141 3881 3912 D BluetoothHidHost: Binding service...
  879. 05-30 23:29:03.141 3881 6067 D BluetoothSap: Binding service...
  880. 05-30 23:29:03.142 3508 3550 D BluetoothPan: Binding service...
  881. 05-30 23:29:03.142 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: mLocalIOCapability set to 1
  882. 05-30 23:29:03.142 7543 7570 D AdapterProperties: mLocalIOCapabilityBLE set to 4
  883. 05-30 23:29:03.145 1470 1704 D BluetoothHeadset: onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
  884. 05-30 23:29:03.145 3881 3904 D BluetoothPan: Binding service...
  885. 05-30 23:29:03.145 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Creating new ProfileServiceConnections object for profile: 1
  886. 05-30 23:29:03.145 3508 7539 D BluetoothHeadset: onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
  887. 05-30 23:29:03.145 3881 5870 D BluetoothMap: Binding service...
  888. 05-30 23:29:03.145 3508 3865 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
  889. 05-30 23:29:03.145 3809 3848 D BluetoothHeadset: onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
  890. 05-30 23:29:03.146 3508 6968 D BluetoothHidHost: Binding service...
  891. 05-30 23:29:03.146 3508 7245 D BluetoothMap: Binding service...
  892. 05-30 23:29:03.153 7543 7611 D ObexServerSockets1: Accepting socket connection...
  893. 05-30 23:29:03.158 7543 7612 D ObexServerSockets1: Accepting socket connection...
  894. 05-30 23:29:03.165 1470 1704 D BluetoothHeadset: onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
  895. 05-30 23:29:03.165 3508 7245 D BluetoothSap: Binding service...
  896. 05-30 23:29:03.165 1470 1704 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
  897. 05-30 23:29:03.168 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: failure to open ctrl path: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START
  898. 05-30 23:29:03.169 743 7517 E bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: Audiopath start failed (status -1)
  899. 05-30 23:29:03.172 1470 1704 D BluetoothHeadset: onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
  900. 05-30 23:29:03.172 1470 1704 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: TURNING_ON > ON
  901. 05-30 23:29:03.173 3881 3904 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
  902. 05-30 23:29:03.173 3881 3912 D BluetoothHeadset: onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
  903. 05-30 23:29:03.176 3881 3881 D BluetoothSap: Proxy object connected
  904. 05-30 23:29:03.176 3881 3881 D BluetoothSap: getConnectedDevices()
  905. 05-30 23:29:03.179 7543 7560 V SapService: getConnectedDevices()
  906. 05-30 23:29:03.182 1470 4641 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@5c4b145 already registered for pid 3881, callerPackage is
  907. 05-30 23:29:03.186 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_ADAPTER_ACTION_STATE_CHANGED): newState=12
  908. 05-30 23:29:03.189 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  909. 05-30 23:29:03.189 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs routing=0
  910. 05-30 23:29:03.189 743 7517 I hash_map_utils: key: 'routing' value: '0'
  911. 05-30 23:29:03.190 743 6565 W APM::AudioOutputDescriptor: close client with port ID 217 still active on output 215
  912. 05-30 23:29:03.190 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs closing=true
  913. 05-30 23:29:03.190 743 7517 I hash_map_utils: key: 'closing' value: 'true'
  914. 05-30 23:29:03.193 690 6160 W volume_listener: volume_listener_command invalid command 21
  915. 05-30 23:29:03.193 690 6160 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf23f3d40 command DUMP error: Function not implemented
  916. 05-30 23:29:03.196 1470 7540 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@bf529a8 already registered for pid 3508, callerPackage is
  917. 05-30 23:29:03.199 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received ACTION_UUID for device 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  918. 05-30 23:29:03.199 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: index=0uuid=00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  919. 05-30 23:29:03.199 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: index=1uuid=0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  920. 05-30 23:29:03.200 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: index=2uuid=0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  921. 05-30 23:29:03.200 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: index=3uuid=0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  922. 05-30 23:29:03.200 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: index=4uuid=00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  923. 05-30 23:29:03.200 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: index=5uuid=00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  924. 05-30 23:29:03.200 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processInitProfilePriorities() - device 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  925. 05-30 23:29:03.202 3508 3508 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object connected
  926. 05-30 23:29:03.205 7543 7543 W HearingAidService: getHearingAidService(): service is NULL
  927. 05-30 23:29:03.206 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 2 kvpairs exiting=1
  928. 05-30 23:29:03.206 743 6565 I hash_map_utils: key: 'exiting' value: '1'
  929. 05-30 23:29:03.206 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 1000
  930. 05-30 23:29:03.207 3881 3881 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Current Profiles[]
  931. 05-30 23:29:03.207 3881 3881 D BluetoothMap: getConnectionState(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  932. 05-30 23:29:03.207 3881 3881 W BluetoothMap: Proxy not attached to service
  933. 05-30 23:29:03.207 3881 3881 W BluetoothPbap: Proxy not attached to service
  934. 05-30 23:29:03.207 3881 3881 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: New Profiles[HEADSET, A2DP]
  935. 05-30 23:29:03.208 3508 3508 D BluetoothSap: Proxy object connected
  936. 05-30 23:29:03.209 3508 3508 D BluetoothSap: getConnectedDevices()
  937. 05-30 23:29:03.209 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 1000
  938. 05-30 23:29:03.210 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false
  939. 05-30 23:29:03.210 7543 7560 V SapService: getConnectedDevices()
  940. 05-30 23:29:03.210 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: autoConnect: Initiate auto connection on BT on...
  941. 05-30 23:29:03.211 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 1000
  942. 05-30 23:29:03.211 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: autoConnectHeadset: Connecting HFP with 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  943. 05-30 23:29:03.211 3881 3881 E CachedBluetoothDevice: updating profiles for KZ Earphone, 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  944. 05-30 23:29:03.212 743 7517 I bt_a2dp_hw: suspend_audio_datapath: state 2
  945. 05-30 23:29:03.213 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: adev_close_output_stream: state 2
  946. 05-30 23:29:03.213 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: closing output (state 2)
  947. 05-30 23:29:03.213 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: stop_audio_datapath: state 2
  948. 05-30 23:29:03.213 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP
  949. 05-30 23:29:03.213 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  950. 05-30 23:29:03.213 743 6565 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  951. 05-30 23:29:03.213 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: Class: 240404
  952. 05-30 23:29:03.213 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: UUID:
  953. 05-30 23:29:03.213 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 1000
  954. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  955. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  956. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  957. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  958. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  959. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  960. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 W BluetoothA2dp: Proxy not attached to service
  961. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  962. 05-30 23:29:03.214 7543 7543 I HeadsetService: connect: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, uid/pid=1002/7543
  963. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 D BluetoothMap: Proxy object connected
  964. 05-30 23:29:03.214 3881 3881 D BluetoothMap: getConnectedDevices()
  965. 05-30 23:29:03.216 3508 3508 D BluetoothMap: Proxy object connected
  966. 05-30 23:29:03.216 3508 3508 D BluetoothMap: getConnectedDevices()
  967. 05-30 23:29:03.217 3881 3881 D BluetoothPan: Proxy object connected
  968. 05-30 23:29:03.218 3881 3881 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object connected
  969. 05-30 23:29:03.221 3881 3881 D BluetoothHidHost: Proxy object connected
  970. 05-30 23:29:03.222 3508 3508 D BluetoothPan: Proxy object connected
  971. 05-30 23:29:03.222 3508 3508 D BluetoothHidHost: Proxy object connected
  972. 05-30 23:29:03.227 3508 3660 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Current Profiles[]
  973. 05-30 23:29:03.228 3508 3660 D BluetoothMap: getConnectionState(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  974. 05-30 23:29:03.231 7543 7561 D BluetoothPbapService: getConnectionState: 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  975. 05-30 23:29:03.231 7543 7598 I HeadsetStateMachine: updateAgIndicatorEnableState, no change in indicator state null
  976. 05-30 23:29:03.231 7543 7543 I HeadsetStateMachine: Created state machine name=HeadsetStateMachine state=Disconnected for 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  977. 05-30 23:29:03.232 3508 3660 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: New Profiles[HEADSET, A2DP]
  978. 05-30 23:29:03.233 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 1000
  979. 05-30 23:29:03.233 7543 7598 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: connectHfpNative: device 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  980. 05-30 23:29:03.233 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: autoConnectA2dp: connecting A2DP with 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  981. 05-30 23:29:03.233 7543 7543 D A2dpService: connect(): 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  982. 05-30 23:29:03.234 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 1000
  983. 05-30 23:29:03.234 7543 7543 D A2dpService: Creating a new state machine for 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  984. 05-30 23:29:03.234 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: queue_int_add: adding connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=111F busy=false
  985. 05-30 23:29:03.234 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: btif_queue_connect_next: executing connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=111F busy=false
  986. 05-30 23:29:03.235 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_RemoveServer: handle=2
  987. 05-30 23:29:03.235 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_RemoveServer: handle=3
  988. 05-30 23:29:03.236 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  989. 05-30 23:29:03.236 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  990. 05-30 23:29:03.238 7543 7543 I A2dpStateMachine: make for device 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  991. 05-30 23:29:03.239 3508 3660 E CachedBluetoothDevice: updating profiles for KZ Earphone, 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  992. 05-30 23:29:03.239 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  993. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: E state=Disconnected,parent=
  994. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: Class: 240404
  995. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: UUID:
  996. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: X stateInfo: state=Disconnected,active=false,parent=null
  997. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: E state=Connecting,parent=
  998. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  999. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1000. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: X stateInfo: state=Connecting,active=false,parent=null
  1001. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1002. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: E state=Disconnecting,parent=
  1003. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1004. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1005. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: X stateInfo: state=Disconnecting,active=false,parent=null
  1006. 05-30 23:29:03.241 3508 3660 V CachedBluetoothDevice: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1007. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: E state=Connected,parent=
  1008. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: addStateInternal: X stateInfo: state=Connected,active=false,parent=null
  1009. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: setInitialState: initialState=Disconnected
  1010. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: completeConstruction: E
  1011. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: completeConstruction: maxDepth=1
  1012. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: setupInitialStateStack: E mInitialState=Disconnected
  1013. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=0
  1014. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=0,startingIndex=0,Top=Disconnected
  1015. 05-30 23:29:03.241 7543 7543 D A2dpStateMachine: completeConstruction: X
  1016. 05-30 23:29:03.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=-2
  1017. 05-30 23:29:03.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeEnterMethods: Disconnected
  1018. 05-30 23:29:03.242 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Enter Disconnected(00:22:1E:01:31:64): -2
  1019. 05-30 23:29:03.242 3881 3881 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1020. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1021. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=1
  1022. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Disconnected
  1023. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Disconnected process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): CONNECT
  1024. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Connecting to 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1025. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: connectA2dpNative: sBluetoothA2dpInterface: 0x7cf5c62390
  1026. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 I A2dpService: okToConnect: device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 isOutgoingRequest: true
  1027. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: queue_int_add: adding connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=110A busy=false
  1028. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7599 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false
  1029. 05-30 23:29:03.243 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: btif_queue_connect_next: executing connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=111F busy=true
  1030. 05-30 23:29:03.244 7543 7599 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 1000
  1031. 05-30 23:29:03.244 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1032. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: transitionTo: destState=Connecting
  1033. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter
  1034. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo: null
  1035. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeExitMethods: Disconnected
  1036. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Exit Disconnected(00:22:1E:01:31:64): CONNECT
  1037. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=0
  1038. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7618 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  1039. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=0,startingIndex=0,Top=Connecting
  1040. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeEnterMethods: Connecting
  1041. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Enter Connecting(00:22:1E:01:31:64): CONNECT
  1042. 05-30 23:29:03.245 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connection state 00:22:1E:01:31:64: DISCONNECTED->CONNECTING
  1043. 05-30 23:29:03.246 7543 7543 D BtOppService: start Socket Listeners
  1044. 05-30 23:29:03.246 7543 7543 D BtOppService: stopListeners: mServerSocket is null
  1045. 05-30 23:29:03.246 7543 7543 D ObexServerSockets: create(rfcomm = -2, l2capPsm = -2)
  1046. 05-30 23:29:03.246 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1047. 05-30 23:29:03.247 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=6, is_server=1, mtu=990, uuid=0x003d, dlci=12, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad440
  1048. 05-30 23:29:03.247 7543 7543 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  1049. 05-30 23:29:03.247 7543 7618 D BluetoothSdpJni: sdpCreateSapsRecordNative
  1050. 05-30 23:29:03.247 7543 7618 D BluetoothSdpJni: SDP Create record success - handle: 2
  1051. 05-30 23:29:03.247 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1052. 05-30 23:29:03.248 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=7, is_server=1, mtu=990, uuid=0x003e, dlci=14, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad4f8
  1053. 05-30 23:29:03.248 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapter: listenUsingInsecureL2capOn: port=-2
  1054. 05-30 23:29:03.248 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1055. 05-30 23:29:03.249 7543 7543 W BluetoothAdapter: getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
  1056. 05-30 23:29:03.251 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapter: listenUsingInsecureL2capOn: set assigned channel to 4101
  1057. 05-30 23:29:03.251 7543 7543 D ObexServerSockets: Succeed to create listening sockets
  1058. 05-30 23:29:03.251 7543 7543 D ObexServerSockets2: startAccept()
  1059. 05-30 23:29:03.252 7543 7543 D BluetoothSdpJni: sdpCreateOppOpsRecordNative
  1060. 05-30 23:29:03.252 7543 7543 D BluetoothSdpJni: SDP Create record success - handle: 3
  1061. 05-30 23:29:03.252 7543 7543 D BtOppService: mOppSdpHandle :3
  1062. 05-30 23:29:03.252 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=1, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 0 -> 1
  1063. 05-30 23:29:03.252 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: 00:22:1E:01:31:64: 0 -> 1
  1064. 05-30 23:29:03.253 3881 3881 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1065. 05-30 23:29:03.254 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=2, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 0 -> 1
  1066. 05-30 23:29:03.255 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1067. 05-30 23:29:03.255 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, 0 -> 1
  1068. 05-30 23:29:03.256 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, 0 -> 1
  1069. 05-30 23:29:03.256 7543 7619 D ObexServerSockets2: Accepting socket connection...
  1070. 05-30 23:29:03.256 7543 7621 D ObexServerSockets2: Accepting socket connection...
  1071. 05-30 23:29:03.260 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1072. 05-30 23:29:03.263 3508 3660 I chatty : uid=10155( SysUiBg identical 1 line
  1073. 05-30 23:29:03.264 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1074. 05-30 23:29:03.267 3508 3508 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1075. 05-30 23:29:03.267 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1076. 05-30 23:29:03.272 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1077. 05-30 23:29:03.273 3508 3508 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1078. 05-30 23:29:03.274 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1079. 05-30 23:29:03.277 3508 3660 I chatty : uid=10155( SysUiBg identical 2 lines
  1080. 05-30 23:29:03.278 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1081. 05-30 23:29:03.281 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1082. 05-30 23:29:03.284 3508 3508 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1083. 05-30 23:29:03.286 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1084. 05-30 23:29:03.290 3508 3660 I chatty : uid=10155( SysUiBg identical 1 line
  1085. 05-30 23:29:03.294 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1086. 05-30 23:29:03.294 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  1087. 05-30 23:29:03.296 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1088. 05-30 23:29:03.302 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1089. 05-30 23:29:03.303 3508 3508 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1090. 05-30 23:29:03.305 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1091. 05-30 23:29:03.307 3508 3660 I chatty : uid=10155( SysUiBg identical 1 line
  1092. 05-30 23:29:03.318 3508 3660 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1093. 05-30 23:29:03.337 3508 3508 W BluetoothHeadset: Proxy not attached to service
  1094. 05-30 23:29:03.464 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  1095. 05-30 23:29:03.464 743 6565 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  1096. 05-30 23:29:03.714 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  1097. 05-30 23:29:03.714 743 6565 E bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: failed to connect (Connection refused)
  1098. 05-30 23:29:03.964 743 6565 E bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: failure to open ctrl path: command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP
  1099. 05-30 23:29:03.964 743 6565 E bt_a2dp_hw: stop_audio_datapath: audiopath stop failed
  1100. 05-30 23:29:03.964 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  1101. 05-30 23:29:03.965 743 6565 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: cleanUpEffectsForIo removing stale effect Volume listener for Music, id 107 on closed IO 725
  1102. 05-30 23:29:03.965 743 6565 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: unregisterEffect effect 107 enabled
  1103. 05-30 23:29:03.973 1470 1470 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner AudioDeviceBroker (3447) at void$BrokerHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message)( waiters=0 in void, java.lang.String) for 1.845s
  1104. 05-30 23:29:03.974 3508 3508 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  1105. 05-30 23:29:03.977 1470 1470 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1850ms main h=android.os.Handler$1$1@85aa6b m=0
  1106. 05-30 23:29:03.978 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter address changed to 94:87:E0:CF:80:97
  1107. 05-30 23:29:03.978 3508 3508 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=false
  1108. 05-30 23:29:03.978 3508 3508 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  1109. 05-30 23:29:03.978 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetoothaddress: 94:87:E0:CF:80:97
  1110. 05-30 23:29:03.978 1470 1470 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1106ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@574c3fd m=0
  1111. 05-30 23:29:03.978 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Redmi Note 5
  1112. 05-30 23:29:03.979 1470 1470 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: Redmi Note 5
  1113. 05-30 23:29:03.982 1470 1470 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object connected
  1114. 05-30 23:29:03.983 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState: BPSI.qPS@ASQ
  1115. 05-30 23:29:03.982 1470 1470 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object connected
  1116. 05-30 23:29:03.986 1470 1470 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  1117. 05-30 23:29:03.987 3881 3904 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  1118. 05-30 23:29:03.987 1470 1470 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  1119. 05-30 23:29:03.987 1470 1470 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  1120. 05-30 23:29:03.988 3809 3848 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  1121. 05-30 23:29:03.988 3508 7245 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  1122. 05-30 23:29:03.991 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 changed state to 1: BSR.oR@ASU
  1123. 05-30 23:29:03.992 1470 1470 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  1124. 05-30 23:29:03.993 1470 1470 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=false
  1125. 05-30 23:29:03.993 1470 1470 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  1126. 05-30 23:29:03.994 1470 1470 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADR@ASY
  1127. 05-30 23:29:03.995 1470 1470 W Looper : Drained
  1128. 05-30 23:29:03.995 1470 1470 I Telecom : : - Got BluetoothHeadset: BMSL.oSC@ASc
  1129. 05-30 23:29:03.996 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 6, ringing number ***, ringing type 128, ringing name null
  1130. 05-30 23:29:04.003 1470 3447 I AS.BtHelper: setBtScoActiveDevice: null -> null
  1131. 05-30 23:29:04.006 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: A2dpSuspended=false
  1132. 05-30 23:29:04.007 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  1133. 05-30 23:29:04.016 3508 3772 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 5
  1134. 05-30 23:29:04.023 3508 3772 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 12
  1135. 05-30 23:29:04.253 691 7594 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND
  1136. 05-30 23:29:04.253 691 7594 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
  1137. 05-30 23:29:04.405 691 7584 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
  1138. 05-30 23:29:05.004 3508 3508 D KeyguardClockSwitch: Updating clock: 11:29
  1139. 05-30 23:29:05.556 717 754 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
  1140. 05-30 23:29:05.603 5251 5251 W AudioManager: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
  1141. 05-30 23:29:05.604 5251 5251 W AudioManager: See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
  1142. 05-30 23:29:05.604 1470 7540 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10099/5251$1@8147512 callingPack=org.omnirom.gramophone req=1 flags=0x0 sdk=25
  1143. 05-30 23:29:05.606 926 5900 W AudioTrack: restoreTrack_l(217): dead IAudioTrack, PCM, creating a new one from getTimestampExtended()
  1144. 05-30 23:29:05.606 926 5900 W AudioTrack: restoreTrack_l(217): dead IAudioTrack, PCM, creating a new one from start()
  1145. 05-30 23:29:05.606 926 5900 E AudioTrack: start(217): status -32
  1146. 05-30 23:29:05.607 926 5900 E NuPlayerRenderer: cannot start AudioSink err -32
  1147. 05-30 23:29:05.607 926 5900 D AudioTrack: stop(217): called with 27342 frames delivered
  1148. 05-30 23:29:05.607 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerList: onPlaybackConfigChanged(): Configs list size=3
  1149. 05-30 23:29:05.607 926 5878 D NuPlayer: restartAudio timeUs(19189419), dontOffload(0), createDecoder(1)
  1150. 05-30 23:29:05.611 1470 6970 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@efa3fbb already registered for pid 4548, callerPackage is
  1151. 05-30 23:29:05.612 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerWrapper: onPlaybackStateChanged(): org.omnirom.gramophone : PlaybackState {state=3, position=19189, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=593097, actions=823, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null}
  1152. 05-30 23:29:05.614 1470 6970 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@59a4cd8 already registered for pid 4548, callerPackage is
  1153. 05-30 23:29:05.618 743 1109 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: releaseOutput() no output for client 217
  1154. 05-30 23:29:05.619 926 5900 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 62 is gone.
  1155. 05-30 23:29:05.619 926 5900 I chatty : uid=1013(media) NuPlayerRendere identical 2 lines
  1156. 05-30 23:29:05.620 926 5900 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 62 is gone.
  1157. 05-30 23:29:05.621 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerWrapper: trySendMediaUpdate(): Metadata has been updated for org.omnirom.gramophone
  1158. 05-30 23:29:05.621 7543 7543 D AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate
  1159. 05-30 23:29:05.621 7543 7543 I AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate: Creating a one item queue for a player with no queue
  1160. 05-30 23:29:05.621 7543 7543 D AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate state=PlaybackState {state=3, position=19200, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=593108, actions=823, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null}
  1161. 05-30 23:29:05.622 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetService: onMediaUpdated: track_changed=false state=true queue=false
  1162. 05-30 23:29:05.622 7543 7543 D AvrcpNativeInterface: sendMediaUpdate: metadata=false playStatus=true queue=false
  1163. 05-30 23:29:05.623 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetJni: sendMediaUpdateNative
  1164. 05-30 23:29:05.623 7543 7543 I bt_stack: [] virtual void bluetooth::avrcp::AvrcpService::SendMediaUpdate(bool, bool, bool) track_changed=0 : play_state=1 : queue=0
  1165. 05-30 23:29:05.633 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters:vr_audio_mode_on
  1166. 05-30 23:29:05.633 690 690 I audio_hw_primary: getting vr mode to 0
  1167. 05-30 23:29:05.633 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters: exit: returns - vr_audio_mode_on=false
  1168. 05-30 23:29:05.633 743 1121 I hash_map_utils: key: 'vr_audio_mode_on' value: ''
  1169. 05-30 23:29:05.634 743 1121 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: VR mode is 0, switch to primary output if request is for fast|raw
  1170. 05-30 23:29:05.634 743 1121 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 10 Device 0x2, SamplingRate 44100, Format 0x1000000, Channels 0x3, flags 0x31
  1171. 05-30 23:29:05.634 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: enter: format(0x1000000) sample_rate(44100) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x31) stream_handle(0xf0cd4800) address()
  1172. 05-30 23:29:05.634 690 690 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_output_app_type_cfg Allowing 24 and above bits playback on speaker ONLY at default sampling rate
  1173. 05-30 23:29:05.634 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf0cd4800) picks up usecase (compress-offload-playback)
  1174. 05-30 23:29:05.637 743 1121 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 65536 frames, normal sink buffer size 65536 frames
  1175. 05-30 23:29:05.637 690 6160 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: Using Fix DSP delay
  1176. 05-30 23:29:05.637 690 6160 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: delay in ms is 50
  1177. 05-30 23:29:05.637 743 7630 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71e08e2800 tid=7630 ready to run
  1178. 05-30 23:29:05.638 690 6160 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: Using Fix DSP delay
  1179. 05-30 23:29:05.638 690 6160 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: delay in ms is 50
  1180. 05-30 23:29:05.645 743 1121 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:108 usage:1 not muted
  1181. 05-30 23:29:05.645 690 6160 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: Using Fix DSP delay
  1182. 05-30 23:29:05.645 690 6160 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: delay in ms is 50
  1183. 05-30 23:29:05.653 690 6160 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level
  1184. 05-30 23:29:05.653 743 4459 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x7265ef3fc0
  1185. 05-30 23:29:05.655 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
  1186. 05-30 23:29:05.655 690 690 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: Using Fix DSP delay
  1187. 05-30 23:29:05.655 690 690 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: delay in ms is 50
  1188. 05-30 23:29:05.657 690 690 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level
  1189. 05-30 23:29:05.657 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_volume: called with left_vol=0.023646, right_vol=0.023646
  1190. 05-30 23:29:05.657 690 690 E audio_hw_primary: out_set_compr_volume:ctl for mixer cmd - Compress Playback 8 Volume, left 0.023646, right 0.023646
  1191. 05-30 23:29:05.658 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xf0cd4800):calling compress flush
  1192. 05-30 23:29:05.658 690 690 W audio_hw_primary: out_flush called in invalid state 0
  1193. 05-30 23:29:05.658 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xf0cd4800):out of compress flush
  1194. 05-30 23:29:05.659 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: delay_samples=576;music_offload_avg_bit_rate=320000;music_offload_sample_rate=44100;padding_samples=1600
  1195. 05-30 23:29:05.671 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf0cd4800)usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) devices(0x2) is_haptic_usecase(0)
  1196. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (compress-offload-playback)
  1197. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 44100 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 3 device (speaker)
  1198. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
  1199. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2
  1200. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 44100 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 3 device (speaker)
  1201. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 E audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_enable_hifi_filter: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - HiFi Filter, using default control
  1202. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: updated afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 44100 channels 2,backend_idx 0 usecase = 3 device (speaker)
  1203. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: playback on codec device not supporting native playback set default Sample Rate(48k)
  1204. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
  1205. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0
  1206. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 E msm8974_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device =
  1207. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (74) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
  1208. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
  1209. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1210. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
  1211. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1212. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  1213. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker
  1214. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_output_app_type_cfg Allowing 24 and above bits playback on speaker ONLY at default sampling rate
  1215. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 3
  1216. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 3 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
  1217. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 3 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0
  1218. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D sound_trigger_hal: pcm_transfer_to_barge_in barge in 0, state 0, force idle 0
  1219. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D sound_trigger_hal: pcm_transfer_to_barge_in exit barge in 1, state 0, force idle 0
  1220. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1221. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->out_snd_device speaker
  1222. 05-30 23:29:05.672 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
  1223. 05-30 23:29:05.673 690 7633 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate
  1224. 05-30 23:29:05.673 690 7633 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device PLAYBACK app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 15, sample_rate 48000, snd_device_be_idx 43
  1225. 05-30 23:29:05.673 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
  1226. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate
  1227. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0, app id = 0x11130, sample rate = 48000
  1228. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1229. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1230. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1231. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1232. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1233. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE
  1234. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1235. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1236. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1237. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE
  1238. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0
  1239. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
  1240. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1241. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
  1242. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE
  1243. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
  1244. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2
  1245. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 456
  1246. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology
  1247. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1248. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 15, Topology Id 112fc
  1249. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1250. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE
  1251. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
  1252. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19
  1253. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1254. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
  1255. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  1256. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1257. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0
  1259. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
  1260. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 3 snd_dev 2
  1261. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: compress-offload-playback speaker
  1262. 05-30 23:29:05.674 690 7633 D audio_route: Apply path: compress-offload-playback speaker
  1263. 05-30 23:29:05.675 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  1264. 05-30 23:29:05.675 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map8
  1265. 05-30 23:29:05.675 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1266. 05-30 23:29:05.675 690 7633 E msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: Could not set ctl, error:-22 ch_count:2
  1267. 05-30 23:29:05.675 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: audio_enable_asm_bit_width_enforce_mode: DSP bitwidth feature is disabled.
  1268. 05-30 23:29:05.777 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1269. 05-30 23:29:05.780 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1270. 05-30 23:29:05.799 690 7633 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_set_render_mode:: render mode 0
  1271. 05-30 23:29:05.799 690 7633 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_set_clk_rec_mode:: clk recovery is only supported in STC render mode
  1272. 05-30 23:29:05.799 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1273. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7634 D offload_visualizer: thread enter
  1274. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  1275. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set
  1276. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
  1277. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1278. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE
  1279. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 5
  1280. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
  1281. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1282. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40
  1283. 05-30 23:29:05.800 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xf0cd4800):send new gapless metadata
  1284. 05-30 23:29:05.802 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1285. 05-30 23:29:05.812 926 7627 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
  1286. 05-30 23:29:05.830 926 7627 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
  1287. 05-30 23:29:05.833 690 7633 D audio_hw_primary: No space available in compress driver, post msg to cb thread
  1288. 05-30 23:29:05.833 690 7628 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xf0cd4800):calling compress_wait
  1289. 05-30 23:29:05.843 926 7627 D AudioSink: callbackwrapper: EVENT_UNDERRUN (discarded)
  1290. 05-30 23:29:06.449 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  1291. 05-30 23:29:06.450 691 7588 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
  1292. 05-30 23:29:06.452 691 7588 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
  1293. 05-30 23:29:06.452 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  1294. 05-30 23:29:06.454 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=2 cid=64:0
  1295. 05-30 23:29:06.454 7543 7591 W bt_sdp : SDP - Rcvd conn cnf with error: 0x3a CID 0x40
  1296. 05-30 23:29:06.455 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=2, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x1112, dlci=4, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad5b0
  1297. 05-30 23:29:06.455 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_CreateConnection: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=3, is_server=1, mtu=256, uuid=0x111f, dlci=6, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x7cf5cad668
  1298. 05-30 23:29:06.455 7543 7570 E bt_stack: [] btif_hf_upstreams_evt: self initiated AG open failed for 00:22:1e:01:31:64, status 1
  1299. 05-30 23:29:06.455 7543 7570 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: ConnectionStateCallback 0 for 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1300. 05-30 23:29:06.457 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: queue_int_advance: removing connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=111F busy=true
  1301. 05-30 23:29:06.457 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: btif_queue_connect_next: executing connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=110A busy=false
  1302. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 I btif_av : BtifAvPeer *BtifAvSource::FindOrCreatePeer(const RawAddress &, tBTA_AV_HNDL): Create peer: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 bta_handle=0x41 peer_id=0
  1303. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found
  1304. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 I bt_btif_a2dp: btif_a2dp_on_idle: ## ON A2DP IDLE ## peer_sep = 1
  1305. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found
  1306. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_on_idle: state=STATE_OFF
  1307. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 I bt_bta_av: BTA_AvOpen: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 handle:0x41 use_rc=true sec_mask=0x12 uuid=0x110a
  1308. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 I btif_av : btif_report_connection_state: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=1
  1309. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7570 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: bta2dp_connection_state_callback
  1310. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_save_addr: reset flags old_addr=00:00:00:00:00:00 new_addr=00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1311. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:22:1e:01:31:64 set to 0x102
  1312. 05-30 23:29:06.458 7543 7591 I a2dp_api: A2DP_FindService: peer: 00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID: 0x110b
  1313. 05-30 23:29:06.459 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND
  1314. 05-30 23:29:06.460 7543 7570 D A2dpNativeInterface: onConnectionStateChanged: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:CONNECTING}
  1315. 05-30 23:29:06.460 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC
  1316. 05-30 23:29:06.461 7543 7598 W HeadsetStateMachine: Connecting: currentDevice=00:22:1E:01:31:64, msg=Disconnected
  1317. 05-30 23:29:06.461 7543 7598 I HeadsetStateMachine: updateAgIndicatorEnableState, no change in indicator state null
  1318. 05-30 23:29:06.461 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=65535 cid=65:0
  1319. 05-30 23:29:06.462 7543 7591 W bt_sdp : SDP - Rcvd conn cnf with error: 0x3a CID 0x41
  1320. 05-30 23:29:06.462 7543 7591 I a2dp_api: a2dp_sdp_cback: status: 65521
  1321. 05-30 23:29:06.462 7543 7591 E bt_btif : bta_av_a2dp_sdp_cback: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 A2DP service discovery failed
  1322. 05-30 23:29:06.462 7543 7591 E bt_btif : bta_av_a2dp_sdp_cback: BTA_AV_SDP_DISC_FAIL_EVT: peer_addr=00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1323. 05-30 23:29:06.462 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:22:1e:01:31:64 set to 0x0
  1324. 05-30 23:29:06.462 7543 7591 W bt_avp : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 channel_index=0 sec_mask=0x12
  1325. 05-30 23:29:06.463 7543 7591 W bt_avp : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 result=0
  1326. 05-30 23:29:06.463 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=101
  1327. 05-30 23:29:06.463 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Connecting
  1328. 05-30 23:29:06.463 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1329. 05-30 23:29:06.464 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting: stack event: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:CONNECTING}
  1330. 05-30 23:29:06.464 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1331. 05-30 23:29:06.464 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=65535 cid=66:0
  1332. 05-30 23:29:06.464 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_conn_cback: conn_cback bd_addr: 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1333. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 E bt_btif : bta_av_conn_failed: peer_addr=00:22:1e:01:31:64 open_status=0
  1334. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_av_str_closed: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 handle:65 open_status:3 chnl:64 co_started:0
  1335. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:1
  1336. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
  1337. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_cleanup peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1338. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:22:1e:01:31:64 set to 0x0
  1339. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:00:00:00:00:00 set to 0x0
  1340. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_av_rc_create: Skipping RC creation for the old AVRCP profile
  1341. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 I btif_av : virtual bool BtifAvStateMachine::StateOpening::ProcessEvent(uint32_t, void *): Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : event=BTA_AV_OPEN_EVT(0x2) flags=0x0(None) status=3(FAILED) edr=0x30
  1342. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 E bt_btif : get_connected_device: returning NULL
  1343. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) bt_main_thread identical 4 lines
  1344. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 E bt_btif : get_connected_device: returning NULL
  1345. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 I btif_av : btif_report_connection_state: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=0
  1346. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found
  1347. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp: btif_a2dp_on_idle: ## ON A2DP IDLE ## peer_sep = 1
  1348. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found
  1349. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_on_idle: state=STATE_OFF
  1350. 05-30 23:29:06.465 7543 7591 E bt_btif : btif_rc_get_device_by_bda: device not found, returning NULL!
  1351. 05-30 23:29:06.466 7543 7591 E bt_btif : btif_rc_check_handle_pending_play: p_dev NULL
  1352. 05-30 23:29:06.466 7543 7591 I btif_av : DeleteIdlePeers: Deleting idle peer: 00:22:1e:01:31:64 bta_handle=0x41
  1353. 05-30 23:29:06.475 7543 7570 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: bta2dp_connection_state_callback
  1354. 05-30 23:29:06.476 7543 7570 D A2dpNativeInterface: onConnectionStateChanged: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:DISCONNECTED}
  1355. 05-30 23:29:06.476 7543 7570 I bt_btif_queue: queue_int_advance: removing connection request: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID=110A busy=true
  1356. 05-30 23:29:06.476 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=101
  1357. 05-30 23:29:06.476 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Connecting
  1358. 05-30 23:29:06.476 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1359. 05-30 23:29:06.476 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting: stack event: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:DISCONNECTED}
  1360. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 W A2dpStateMachine: Connecting device disconnected: 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1361. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: transitionTo: destState=Disconnected
  1362. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter
  1363. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo: null
  1364. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeExitMethods: Connecting
  1365. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Exit Connecting(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1366. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=0
  1367. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=0,startingIndex=0,Top=Disconnected
  1368. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeEnterMethods: Disconnected
  1369. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Enter Disconnected(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1370. 05-30 23:29:06.477 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connection state 00:22:1E:01:31:64: CONNECTING->DISCONNECTED
  1371. 05-30 23:29:06.477 3508 3660 I LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Failed to connect HEADSET device
  1372. 05-30 23:29:06.477 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 changed state to 0: BSR.oR@ASg
  1373. 05-30 23:29:06.477 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 0
  1374. 05-30 23:29:06.479 3881 3881 I LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Failed to connect HEADSET device
  1375. 05-30 23:29:06.480 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 0
  1376. 05-30 23:29:06.481 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=1, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 1 -> 0
  1377. 05-30 23:29:06.481 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1378. 05-30 23:29:06.481 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, 1 -> 0
  1379. 05-30 23:29:06.487 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: handleAllProfilesDisconnected: all profiles disconnected for 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1380. 05-30 23:29:06.487 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: handleAllProfilesDisconnected: all profiles disconnected for all devices
  1381. 05-30 23:29:06.489 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, a2dpDisconnected=true, hsDisconnected=true
  1382. 05-30 23:29:06.489 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 1000
  1383. 05-30 23:29:06.490 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: removeAutoConnectFromA2dpSink: device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 PRIORITY_ON
  1384. 05-30 23:29:06.491 7543 7543 D A2dpService: Saved priority 00:22:1E:01:31:64 = 100
  1385. 05-30 23:29:06.491 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: setProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 100
  1386. 05-30 23:29:06.491 7543 7543 D BluetoothDatabase: updateDatabase 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1387. 05-30 23:29:06.491 3881 3881 I LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Failed to connect A2DP device
  1388. 05-30 23:29:06.491 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 0
  1389. 05-30 23:29:06.491 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 1000
  1390. 05-30 23:29:06.491 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: removeAutoConnectFromHeadset: device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 PRIORITY_ON
  1391. 05-30 23:29:06.492 7543 7543 I HeadsetService: setPriority: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, priority=100, uid/pid=1002/7543
  1392. 05-30 23:29:06.492 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: setProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 100
  1393. 05-30 23:29:06.492 7543 7543 D BluetoothDatabase: updateDatabase 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1394. 05-30 23:29:06.493 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=2, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 1 -> 0
  1395. 05-30 23:29:06.493 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: 00:22:1E:01:31:64: 1 -> 0
  1396. 05-30 23:29:06.496 7543 7543 D AvrcpNativeInterface: disconnectDevice: bdaddr=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1397. 05-30 23:29:06.496 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetJni: disconnectDeviceNative
  1398. 05-30 23:29:06.497 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetService: request to disconnect device 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1399. 05-30 23:29:06.497 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::AvrcpService::DisconnectDevice(const RawAddress &): address=00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1400. 05-30 23:29:06.497 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, 1 -> 0
  1401. 05-30 23:29:06.501 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: handleAllProfilesDisconnected: all profiles disconnected for 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1402. 05-30 23:29:06.503 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: handleAllProfilesDisconnected: all profiles disconnected for all devices
  1403. 05-30 23:29:06.504 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, a2dpDisconnected=true, hsDisconnected=true
  1404. 05-30 23:29:06.505 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 100
  1405. 05-30 23:29:06.506 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 100
  1406. 05-30 23:29:06.517 3508 3660 I LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Failed to connect A2DP device
  1407. 05-30 23:29:06.518 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 0
  1408. 05-30 23:29:06.541 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x10
  1409. 05-30 23:29:06.541 7543 7570 D bt_btif_dm: remote version info [00:22:1e:01:31:64]: 9, a, 21c8
  1410. 05-30 23:29:06.550 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0043:0x1780
  1411. 05-30 23:29:06.573 7543 7570 I bt_stack: [] hash_file: Disabled for multi-user
  1412. 05-30 23:29:06.574 7543 7570 I bt_stack: [] write_checksum_file: Disabled for multi-user, since config changed removing checksums.
  1413. 05-30 23:29:06.617 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=67:6016
  1414. 05-30 23:29:06.666 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] add_rfc_l2c_channel: rfcomm data going over l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0044:0x17c0
  1415. 05-30 23:29:06.685 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] port_find_mcb_dlci_port: Cannot find allocated RFCOMM app port for DLCI 6 on 00:22:1e:01:31:64, p_mcb=0x7cf5cadf08
  1416. 05-30 23:29:06.692 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_rfc_dlci: Whitelisting rfcomm channel. L2CAP CID=0x0044 DLCI=0x06
  1417. 05-30 23:29:06.693 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] RFCOMM_RemoveServer: handle=4
  1418. 05-30 23:29:06.693 7543 7591 W bt_btif : new conn_srvc id:5, app_id:1
  1419. 05-30 23:29:06.693 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr: conn_srvc id:5, app_id:1
  1420. 05-30 23:29:06.694 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr ssr:2, lat:1200
  1421. 05-30 23:29:06.694 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] bta_ag_sco_listen: 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1422. 05-30 23:29:06.694 7543 7591 W bt_stack: [] bta_ag_create_sco: device 00:22:1e:01:31:64 is not active, active_device=00:00:00:00:00:00
  1423. 05-30 23:29:06.699 7543 7570 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: ConnectionStateCallback 2 for 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1424. 05-30 23:29:06.704 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0045:0x1801
  1425. 05-30 23:29:06.706 7543 7598 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false
  1426. 05-30 23:29:06.706 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0045:0x1801
  1427. 05-30 23:29:06.708 7543 7598 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 100
  1428. 05-30 23:29:06.715 7543 7598 I HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected: currentDevice=00:22:1E:01:31:64, msg=accept incoming connection
  1429. 05-30 23:29:06.723 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 changed state to 1: BSR.oR@ASk
  1430. 05-30 23:29:06.723 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1431. 05-30 23:29:06.724 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1432. 05-30 23:29:06.725 7543 7591 W bt_sdp : process_service_search_attr_rsp
  1433. 05-30 23:29:06.726 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, 0 -> 1
  1434. 05-30 23:29:06.727 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=1, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 0 -> 1
  1435. 05-30 23:29:06.728 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: 00:22:1E:01:31:64: 0 -> 1
  1436. 05-30 23:29:06.735 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=69:6145
  1437. 05-30 23:29:06.761 7543 7570 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: ConnectionStateCallback 3 for 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1438. 05-30 23:29:06.764 7543 7598 I HeadsetPhoneState: stopListenForPhoneState(), no listener indicates nothing is listening
  1439. 05-30 23:29:06.766 7543 7598 I HeadsetPhoneState: startListenForPhoneState(), subId=1, enabled_events=257
  1440. 05-30 23:29:06.792 1470 6970 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState: BPSI.qPS@ASo
  1441. 05-30 23:29:06.792 1470 6970 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 6, ringing number ***, ringing type 128, ringing name null: BPSI.qPS@ASo
  1442. 05-30 23:29:06.801 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 2
  1443. 05-30 23:29:06.802 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 changed state to 2: BSR.oR@ASs
  1444. 05-30 23:29:06.803 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED=7, arg1=0: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASs
  1445. 05-30 23:29:06.803 1470 3874 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Message received: NEW_DEVICE_CONNECTED.: BSR.oR->BRM.pM_1@ASs
  1446. 05-30 23:29:06.803 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_HFP_ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED): device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 connected
  1447. 05-30 23:29:06.803 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: setHfpActiveDevice(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1448. 05-30 23:29:06.804 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing message BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASs
  1449. 05-30 23:29:06.804 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 2
  1450. 05-30 23:29:06.804 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Bluetooth device list changed: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED@ASs
  1451. 05-30 23:29:06.804 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=1, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 1 -> 2
  1452. 05-30 23:29:06.804 7543 7571 I HeadsetService: setActiveDevice: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, uid/pid=1002/7543
  1453. 05-30 23:29:06.804 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: ADAPTER_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: 00:22:1E:01:31:64: 1 -> 2
  1454. 05-30 23:29:06.806 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, 1 -> 2
  1455. 05-30 23:29:06.806 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false
  1456. 05-30 23:29:06.810 1470 1470 I AS.BtHelper: setBtScoActiveDevice: null -> 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1457. 05-30 23:29:06.811 7543 7598 D HeadsetPhoneState: sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=1 mIsSimStateLoaded=false mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=3
  1458. 05-30 23:29:06.812 7543 7598 I bt_stack: [] PhoneStateChange: idx=1, addr=00:22:1e:01:31:64, active_bda=00:22:1e:01:31:64, num_active=0, prev_num_active0, num_held=0, prev_num_held=0, call_state=BTHF_CALL_STATE_IDLE, prev_call_state=BTHF_CALL_STATE_IDLE
  1459. 05-30 23:29:06.813 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_HFP_ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED): device= 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1460. 05-30 23:29:06.813 743 6565 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x20, state 1, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name KZ Earphone format 0x0
  1461. 05-30 23:29:06.813 743 6565 D APM::HwModule: createDevice: adding dynamic device type:0x20,@:00:22:1E:01:31:64 to module primary
  1462. 05-30 23:29:06.814 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: A2dpSuspended=false
  1463. 05-30 23:29:06.814 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  1464. 05-30 23:29:06.815 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;connect=32
  1465. 05-30 23:29:06.815 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  1466. 05-30 23:29:06.816 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 10 Device 0x20, SamplingRate 8000, Format 0x000003, Channels 0x1, flags 0x1
  1467. 05-30 23:29:06.817 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: enter: format(0x3) sample_rate(8000) channel_mask(0x1) devices(0x20) flags(0x1) stream_handle(0xefd2b800) address()
  1468. 05-30 23:29:06.817 690 690 I audio_hw_utils: PCM offload Fragment size to 1280 bytes
  1469. 05-30 23:29:06.817 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xefd2b800) picks up usecase (compress-offload-playback2)
  1470. 05-30 23:29:06.820 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 320 frames, normal sink buffer size 320 frames
  1471. 05-30 23:29:06.820 690 690 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: Using Fix DSP delay
  1472. 05-30 23:29:06.820 690 690 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: delay in ms is 102
  1473. 05-30 23:29:06.820 743 7640 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71cd066800 tid=7640 ready to run
  1474. 05-30 23:29:06.820 690 690 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: Using Fix DSP delay
  1475. 05-30 23:29:06.820 690 690 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_compress_get_dsp_latency:: delay in ms is 102
  1476. 05-30 23:29:06.821 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xefd2b800) usecase(4: compress-offload-playback2)
  1477. 05-30 23:29:06.821 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit
  1478. 05-30 23:29:06.824 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(4: compress-offload-playback2) kvpairs: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=
  1479. 05-30 23:29:06.832 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 10 Device 0x20, SamplingRate 8000, Format 0x000001, Channels 0x1, flags 0x8001
  1480. 05-30 23:29:06.833 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: enter: format(0x1) sample_rate(8000) channel_mask(0x1) devices(0x20) flags(0x8001) stream_handle(0xefd2e000) address()
  1481. 05-30 23:29:06.833 690 690 E audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: Primary output is already opened
  1482. 05-30 23:29:06.833 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_output_stream: exit: ret -17
  1483. 05-30 23:29:06.833 690 690 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function open_output_stream: File exists
  1484. 05-30 23:29:06.833 743 6565 I AudioHwDevice: openOutputStream(), HAL returned sampleRate 8000, Format 0x1, channelMask 0x1, status -61
  1485. 05-30 23:29:06.833 743 6565 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice() could not open output for device 20
  1486. 05-30 23:29:06.836 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(4: compress-offload-playback2) kvpairs: closing=true
  1487. 05-30 23:29:06.843 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(4: compress-offload-playback2) kvpairs: exiting=1
  1488. 05-30 23:29:06.844 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  1489. 05-30 23:29:06.844 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream: enter:stream_handle(compress-offload-playback2)
  1490. 05-30 23:29:06.844 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xefd2b800) usecase(4: compress-offload-playback2)
  1491. 05-30 23:29:06.844 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit
  1492. 05-30 23:29:06.850 690 690 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
  1493. 05-30 23:29:06.850 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
  1494. 05-30 23:29:06.850 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (compress-offload-playback)
  1495. 05-30 23:29:06.853 743 1121 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80000008, state 1, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name KZ Earphone format 0x0
  1496. 05-30 23:29:06.854 743 1121 D APM::HwModule: createDevice: adding dynamic device type:0x80000008,@:00:22:1E:01:31:64 to module primary
  1497. 05-30 23:29:06.855 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;connect=-2147483640
  1498. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  1499. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 8 rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1500. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: handle_device_switch: device 0x80000008 Connected
  1501. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: swtich_device
  1502. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: swtich_device exit
  1503. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 V sound_trigger_hal: handle_device_switch: Exit
  1504. 05-30 23:29:06.856 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1505. 05-30 23:29:06.857 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000008) stream_handle(0xf2401a80) io_handle(206) source(1) format 1
  1506. 05-30 23:29:06.857 690 690 W audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_input_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
  1507. 05-30 23:29:06.863 743 7642 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71c62e3580 tid=7642 ready to run
  1508. 05-30 23:29:06.863 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf2401a80) usecase(20: audio-record)
  1509. 05-30 23:29:06.865 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=00:22:1E:01:31:64=
  1510. 05-30 23:29:06.866 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf2401a80) usecase(20: audio-record)
  1511. 05-30 23:29:06.867 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000008) stream_handle(0xf0c3f080) io_handle(214) source(1) format 1
  1512. 05-30 23:29:06.867 690 6160 W audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_input_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
  1513. 05-30 23:29:06.874 743 7643 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71c6334ac0 tid=7643 ready to run
  1514. 05-30 23:29:06.875 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf0c3f080) usecase(20: audio-record)
  1515. 05-30 23:29:06.876 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=00:22:1E:01:31:64=
  1516. 05-30 23:29:06.876 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf0c3f080) usecase(20: audio-record)
  1517. 05-30 23:29:06.892 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  1518. 05-30 23:29:06.892 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  1519. 05-30 23:29:06.894 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0046:0x1841
  1520. 05-30 23:29:06.938 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  1521. 05-30 23:29:07.069 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  1522. 05-30 23:29:07.069 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  1523. 05-30 23:29:07.071 7543 7591 E bt_btm : btm_acl_role_changed: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 tBTM_SEC_DEV:0x4c7f4608 rs_disc_pending=0
  1524. 05-30 23:29:07.071 7543 7591 I bt_bta_dm: handle_role_change: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 info:0x10 new_role:0x0 dev count:1 hci_status=0
  1525. 05-30 23:29:07.071 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_check_av:0
  1526. 05-30 23:29:07.074 7543 7570 W bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: unhandled event (14)
  1527. 05-30 23:29:07.080 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf2401a80)
  1528. 05-30 23:29:07.080 690 6160 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_check_ec_ref_enable: EC Reference is disabled
  1529. 05-30 23:29:07.080 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 16 rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1530. 05-30 23:29:07.080 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1531. 05-30 23:29:07.080 690 6160 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_ec_ref_status: update audio echo ref status false
  1532. 05-30 23:29:07.080 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf2401a80) usecase(20: audio-record)
  1533. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_conn_cback: conn_cback bd_addr: 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1534. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_sig_chg: AVDT_CONNECT_IND_EVT: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 selected lcb_index 0
  1535. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_av_rc_create: Skipping RC creation for the old AVRCP profile
  1536. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:22:1e:01:31:64 set to 0x102
  1537. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:0
  1538. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : new conn_srvc id:18, app_id:0
  1539. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr: conn_srvc id:5, app_id:1
  1540. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr: conn_srvc id:18, app_id:0
  1541. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr ssr:2, lat:1200
  1542. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I btif_av : BtifAvPeer *BtifAvSource::FindOrCreatePeer(const RawAddress &, tBTA_AV_HNDL): Create peer: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 bta_handle=0x41 peer_id=0
  1543. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found
  1544. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp: btif_a2dp_on_idle: ## ON A2DP IDLE ## peer_sep = 1
  1545. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 W bt_btif : btif_av_get_peer_sep: No active peer found
  1546. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_on_idle: state=STATE_OFF
  1547. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: BTA_AvOpen: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 handle:0x41 use_rc=true sec_mask=0x12 uuid=0x110a
  1548. 05-30 23:29:07.082 7543 7591 I btif_av : btif_report_connection_state: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=1
  1549. 05-30 23:29:07.085 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf0c3f080)
  1550. 05-30 23:29:07.085 690 6160 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_check_ec_ref_enable: EC Reference is disabled
  1551. 05-30 23:29:07.086 1470 1470 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 277ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@5a13c69 m=0
  1552. 05-30 23:29:07.087 1470 1470 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 is now the preferred BT device for HFP: BSR.oR@ASw
  1553. 05-30 23:29:07.087 1470 1470 W Looper : Slow delivery took 277ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@844e6ee m=0
  1554. 05-30 23:29:07.088 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT=8, arg1=0: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT@ASw
  1555. 05-30 23:29:07.088 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing message BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT@ASw
  1556. 05-30 23:29:07.088 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Bluetooth active device present: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT@ASw
  1557. 05-30 23:29:07.089 1470 3882 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_BLUETOOTH=1002, arg1=0: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH@ASw
  1558. 05-30 23:29:07.089 1470 3882 I Telecom : QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing message SWITCH_BLUETOOTH: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH@ASw
  1559. 05-30 23:29:07.089 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH@ASw
  1560. 05-30 23:29:07.089 1470 3882 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentBluetoothRoute: BSR.oR->CARSM.pM_BT_ACTIVE_DEVICE_PRESENT->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH@ASw
  1561. 05-30 23:29:07.086 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 16 rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1562. 05-30 23:29:07.090 690 6160 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 1
  1563. 05-30 23:29:07.090 690 6160 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_ec_ref_status: update audio echo ref status false
  1564. 05-30 23:29:07.090 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf0c3f080) usecase(20: audio-record)
  1565. 05-30 23:29:07.092 7543 7570 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: bta2dp_connection_state_callback
  1566. 05-30 23:29:07.093 1470 1470 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@AS0
  1567. 05-30 23:29:07.093 7543 7570 D A2dpNativeInterface: onConnectionStateChanged: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:CONNECTING}
  1568. 05-30 23:29:07.093 1470 1470 W Looper : Drained
  1569. 05-30 23:29:07.093 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: onAudioDevicesAdded
  1570. 05-30 23:29:07.093 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: KZ Earphone type: 7
  1571. 05-30 23:29:07.093 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: KZ Earphone type: 7
  1572. 05-30 23:29:07.093 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: onAudioDevicesAdded: Not expecting device changed
  1573. 05-30 23:29:07.094 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=101
  1574. 05-30 23:29:07.094 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Disconnected
  1575. 05-30 23:29:07.094 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Disconnected process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1576. 05-30 23:29:07.094 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Disconnected: stack event: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:CONNECTING}
  1577. 05-30 23:29:07.094 7543 7599 I A2dpService: okToConnect: device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 isOutgoingRequest: false
  1578. 05-30 23:29:07.094 7543 7599 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false
  1579. 05-30 23:29:07.095 7543 7599 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 100
  1580. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Incoming A2DP Connecting request accepted: 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1581. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: transitionTo: destState=Connecting
  1582. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter
  1583. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo: null
  1584. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeExitMethods: Disconnected
  1585. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Exit Disconnected(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1586. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=0
  1587. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=0,startingIndex=0,Top=Connecting
  1588. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeEnterMethods: Connecting
  1589. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Enter Connecting(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1590. 05-30 23:29:07.096 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connection state 00:22:1E:01:31:64: DISCONNECTED->CONNECTING
  1591. 05-30 23:29:07.098 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1592. 05-30 23:29:07.099 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1593. 05-30 23:29:07.099 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 1
  1594. 05-30 23:29:07.100 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=2, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 0 -> 1
  1595. 05-30 23:29:07.101 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, 0 -> 1
  1596. 05-30 23:29:07.138 717 754 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
  1597. 05-30 23:29:07.150 7543 7543 D BluetoothRemoteDevices: Updated device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 battery level to 90%
  1598. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: Invalid drawable added to LayerDrawable! Drawable already belongs to another owner but does not expose a constant state.
  1599. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: java.lang.RuntimeException
  1600. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$ChildDrawable.<init>(
  1601. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$LayerState.<init>(
  1602. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1603. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1604. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.applyImageTint(
  1605. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.updateDrawable(
  1606. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.setImageDrawable(
  1607. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$Adapter.getView(
  1608. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1609. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$000(
  1610. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$
  1611. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  1612. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1613. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1614. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1615. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1616. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$
  1617. 05-30 23:29:07.164 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1618. 05-30 23:29:07.165 1470 7540 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: listcurrentCalls: BPSI.lCC@AS4
  1619. 05-30 23:29:07.179 7543 7598 I HeadsetStateMachine: processVendorSpecificAt: unsupported command: +CSRSF=0,0,0,1,0,0,0
  1620. 05-30 23:29:07.192 926 3769 D NuPlayerDriver: pause(0xef32d300)
  1621. 05-30 23:29:07.193 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerList: onPlaybackConfigChanged(): Configs list size=3
  1622. 05-30 23:29:07.193 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: copl(0xf0cd4800):pause compress driver
  1623. 05-30 23:29:07.194 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerWrapper: onPlaybackStateChanged(): org.omnirom.gramophone : PlaybackState {state=2, position=20573, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=594682, actions=823, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null}
  1624. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
  1625. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1626. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE
  1627. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0
  1628. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
  1629. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1630. 05-30 23:29:07.195 690 690 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40
  1631. 05-30 23:29:07.195 1470 7540 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@dc7078f already registered for pid 4548, callerPackage is
  1632. 05-30 23:29:07.199 1470 4641 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@b883625 already registered for pid 4548, callerPackage is
  1633. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 V AvrcpMediaPlayerWrapper: trySendMediaUpdate(): Metadata has been updated for org.omnirom.gramophone
  1634. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 D AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate
  1635. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 I AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate: Creating a one item queue for a player with no queue
  1636. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 D AvrcpMediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate state=PlaybackState {state=2, position=20573, buffered position=0, speed=1.0, updated=594682, actions=823, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null}
  1637. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetService: onMediaUpdated: track_changed=false state=true queue=false
  1638. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 D AvrcpNativeInterface: sendMediaUpdate: metadata=false playStatus=true queue=false
  1639. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetJni: sendMediaUpdateNative
  1640. 05-30 23:29:07.201 7543 7543 I bt_stack: [] virtual void bluetooth::avrcp::AvrcpService::SendMediaUpdate(bool, bool, bool) track_changed=0 : play_state=1 : queue=0
  1641. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: Invalid drawable added to LayerDrawable! Drawable already belongs to another owner but does not expose a constant state.
  1642. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: java.lang.RuntimeException
  1643. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$ChildDrawable.<init>(
  1644. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$LayerState.<init>(
  1645. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1646. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1647. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.applyImageTint(
  1648. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.updateDrawable(
  1649. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.setImageDrawable(
  1650. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$Adapter.getView(
  1651. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1652. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$000(
  1653. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$
  1654. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  1655. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1656. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1657. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1658. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1659. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$
  1660. 05-30 23:29:07.211 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1661. 05-30 23:29:07.225 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  1662. 05-30 23:29:07.233 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1663. 05-30 23:29:07.235 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1664. 05-30 23:29:07.251 690 690 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
  1665. 05-30 23:29:07.252 743 1109 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x71e08e2800
  1666. 05-30 23:29:07.338 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1667. 05-30 23:29:07.340 3508 3508 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|org.omnirom.gramophone|1|null|10099
  1668. 05-30 23:29:08.182 691 7594 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND
  1669. 05-30 23:29:08.183 691 7594 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
  1670. 05-30 23:29:08.334 691 7584 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
  1671. 05-30 23:29:09.084 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_link_role_ok: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 hndl:0x41 role:0 conn_audio:0x0 bits:2 features:0x865b
  1672. 05-30 23:29:09.084 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:22:1e:01:31:64 set to 0x102
  1673. 05-30 23:29:09.084 7543 7591 I a2dp_api: A2DP_FindService: peer: 00:22:1e:01:31:64 UUID: 0x110b
  1674. 05-30 23:29:09.085 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
  1675. 05-30 23:29:09.089 691 691 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
  1676. 05-30 23:29:09.089 691 691 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND
  1677. 05-30 23:29:09.090 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC
  1678. 05-30 23:29:09.094 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
  1679. 05-30 23:29:09.094 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
  1680. 05-30 23:29:09.117 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0047:0x1882
  1681. 05-30 23:29:09.119 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0047:0x1882
  1682. 05-30 23:29:09.135 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0048:0x18c3
  1683. 05-30 23:29:09.136 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x0049:0x1904
  1684. 05-30 23:29:09.140 7543 7591 W bt_sdp : process_service_search_attr_rsp
  1685. 05-30 23:29:09.146 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=71:6274
  1686. 05-30 23:29:09.147 7543 7591 I a2dp_api: a2dp_sdp_cback: status: 0
  1687. 05-30 23:29:09.147 7543 7591 D bt_bta_av: SetAvdtpVersion: AVDTP version for 00:22:1e:01:31:64 set to 0x102
  1688. 05-30 23:29:09.147 7543 7591 W bt_avp : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 channel_index=0 sec_mask=0x12
  1689. 05-30 23:29:09.147 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_conn_cback: conn_cback bd_addr: 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1690. 05-30 23:29:09.147 7543 7591 W bt_avp : AVDT_ConnectReq: address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 result=0
  1691. 05-30 23:29:09.155 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::AcceptorControlCb(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, const RawAddress *): handle=0000 result=000000 addr=00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1692. 05-30 23:29:09.155 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::AcceptorControlCb(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, const RawAddress *): Connection Opened Event
  1693. 05-30 23:29:09.155 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::AcceptorControlCb(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, const RawAddress *): Performing SDP on connected device. address=00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1694. 05-30 23:29:09.155 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] virtual bool bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpLookup(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback)
  1695. 05-30 23:29:09.156 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] Connect to device ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  1696. 05-30 23:29:09.156 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] virtual bool bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::AvrcpConnect(bool, const RawAddress &): handle=0x01 status= 000000
  1697. 05-30 23:29:09.157 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=73:6404
  1698. 05-30 23:29:09.162 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x004a:0x1942
  1699. 05-30 23:29:09.163 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x004a:0x1942
  1700. 05-30 23:29:09.167 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x004b:0x1984
  1701. 05-30 23:29:09.184 7543 7591 W bt_sdp : process_service_search_attr_rsp
  1702. 05-30 23:29:09.191 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=75:6532
  1703. 05-30 23:29:09.192 7543 7570 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: bta2dp_audio_config_callback
  1704. 05-30 23:29:09.192 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=74:6466
  1705. 05-30 23:29:09.193 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t): SDP lookup callback received
  1706. 05-30 23:29:09.193 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t): Device 00:22:1e:01:31:64 supports remote control
  1707. 05-30 23:29:09.193 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t): Device 00:22:1e:01:31:64 peer avrcp version=0x0104
  1708. 05-30 23:29:09.193 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t): Device 00:22:1e:01:31:64 supports metadata
  1709. 05-30 23:29:09.193 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t) Get Supported categories
  1710. 05-30 23:29:09.193 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t)Get Supported categories SDP ATTRIBUTES != null
  1711. 05-30 23:29:09.194 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t): Device 00:22:1e:01:31:64 supports remote control target
  1712. 05-30 23:29:09.194 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] void bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCb(const RawAddress &, bluetooth::avrcp::ConnectionHandler::SdpCallback, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *, uint16_t): Device 00:22:1e:01:31:64 peer avrcp target version=0x0100
  1713. 05-30 23:29:09.199 7543 7570 D A2dpNativeInterface: onCodecConfigChanged: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CODEC_CONFIG_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:0, codecStatus:{mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}}
  1714. 05-30 23:29:09.203 7543 7570 D AvrcpTargetJni: volumeDeviceConnected
  1715. 05-30 23:29:09.203 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=101
  1716. 05-30 23:29:09.203 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Connecting
  1717. 05-30 23:29:09.203 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1718. 05-30 23:29:09.204 7543 7570 D AvrcpNativeInterface: deviceConnected: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64 absoluteVolume=false
  1719. 05-30 23:29:09.204 7543 7570 I AvrcpTargetService: deviceConnected: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64 absoluteVolume=false
  1720. 05-30 23:29:09.204 7543 7570 D AvrcpVolumeManager: deviceConnected: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64 absoluteVolume=false
  1721. 05-30 23:29:09.214 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting: stack event: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CODEC_CONFIG_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:0, codecStatus:{mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}}
  1722. 05-30 23:29:09.222 7543 7570 D AvrcpTargetJni: getCurrentPlayStatus
  1723. 05-30 23:29:09.222 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x004c:0x19c2
  1724. 05-30 23:29:09.222 7543 7570 D AvrcpNativeInterface: getPlayStatus
  1725. 05-30 23:29:09.222 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Config: null->{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1726. 05-30 23:29:09.223 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] whitelist_l2c_channel: Whitelisting l2cap channel. conn_handle=1 cid=0x004c:0x19c2
  1727. 05-30 23:29:09.225 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1728. 05-30 23:29:09.226 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1729. 05-30 23:29:09.229 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:0
  1730. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr: conn_srvc id:5, app_id:1
  1731. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr: conn_srvc id:18, app_id:0
  1732. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 W bt_btif : bta_dm_pm_ssr ssr:2, lat:1200
  1733. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1734. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 I bt_bta_av: bta_av_chk_start: peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 channel:64 bta_av_cb.audio_open_cnt:1 role:0x0 features:0x865b start:false
  1735. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 I btif_av : virtual bool BtifAvStateMachine::StateOpening::ProcessEvent(uint32_t, void *): Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : event=BTA_AV_OPEN_EVT(0x2) flags=0x0(None) status=0(SUCCESS) edr=0x3
  1736. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 I btif_av : btif_report_connection_state: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=2
  1737. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1738. 05-30 23:29:09.230 7543 7591 E bt_btif : btif_rc_get_device_by_bda: device not found, returning NULL!
  1739. 05-30 23:29:09.231 7543 7591 E bt_btif : btif_rc_check_handle_pending_play: p_dev NULL
  1740. 05-30 23:29:09.231 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1741. 05-30 23:29:09.231 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Selectable Capability: {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1742. 05-30 23:29:09.233 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Selectable Capability: {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1743. 05-30 23:29:09.234 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Selectable Capability: {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1744. 05-30 23:29:09.236 7543 7570 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: bta2dp_connection_state_callback
  1745. 05-30 23:29:09.236 7543 7570 D A2dpNativeInterface: onConnectionStateChanged: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:CONNECTED}
  1746. 05-30 23:29:09.236 7543 7599 D A2dpService: broadcastCodecConfig(00:22:1E:01:31:64): {mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}
  1747. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1748. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=101
  1749. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Connecting
  1750. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1751. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connecting: stack event: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:CONNECTED}
  1752. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: transitionTo: destState=Connected
  1753. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter
  1754. 05-30 23:29:09.242 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo: null
  1755. 05-30 23:29:09.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeExitMethods: Connecting
  1756. 05-30 23:29:09.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Exit Connecting(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1757. 05-30 23:29:09.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=0
  1758. 05-30 23:29:09.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=0,startingIndex=0,Top=Connected
  1759. 05-30 23:29:09.243 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: invokeEnterMethods: Connected
  1760. 05-30 23:29:09.243 7543 7599 I A2dpStateMachine: Enter Connected(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1761. 05-30 23:29:09.245 7543 7570 D AvrcpTargetJni: getCurrentPlayStatus
  1762. 05-30 23:29:09.245 7543 7570 D AvrcpNativeInterface: getPlayStatus
  1763. 05-30 23:29:09.247 7543 7599 D A2dpService: enableOptionalCodecs(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1764. 05-30 23:29:09.248 7543 7599 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1765. 05-30 23:29:09.249 7543 7599 I A2dpCodecConfig: enableOptionalCodecs: already using optional codec aptX
  1766. 05-30 23:29:09.249 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connection state 00:22:1E:01:31:64: CONNECTING->CONNECTED
  1767. 05-30 23:29:09.251 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Playing state : device: 00:22:1E:01:31:64 State:PLAYING->NOT_PLAYING
  1768. 05-30 23:29:09.253 3508 3660 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 2
  1769. 05-30 23:29:09.254 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_A2DP_ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED): device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 connected
  1770. 05-30 23:29:09.254 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: setA2dpActiveDevice(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1771. 05-30 23:29:09.254 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1772. 05-30 23:29:09.254 3881 3881 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, newProfileState 2
  1773. 05-30 23:29:09.255 7543 7543 D AdapterProperties: PROFILE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: profile=2, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, 1 -> 2
  1774. 05-30 23:29:09.255 7543 7571 D A2dpService: setActiveDevice(00:22:1E:01:31:64): previous is null
  1775. 05-30 23:29:09.255 7543 7571 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: setActiveDeviceNative: sBluetoothA2dpInterface: 0x7cf5c62390
  1776. 05-30 23:29:09.255 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] bool BtifAvSource::SetActivePeer(const RawAddress &, std::promise<void>): peer: 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1777. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] btif_a2dp_source_restart_session: old_peer_address=00:00:00:00:00:00 new_peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 is_streaming=false state=STATE_OFF
  1778. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_startup: state=STATE_OFF
  1779. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] btif_a2dp_source_start_session: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=STATE_STARTING_UP
  1780. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_startup_delayed: state=STATE_STARTING_UP
  1781. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_setup_codec: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=STATE_STARTING_UP
  1782. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7591 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_audio_tx_flush_req: state=STATE_STARTING_UP
  1783. 05-30 23:29:09.256 7543 7600 I bt_stack: [] init
  1784. 05-30 23:29:09.257 7543 7600 I bt_stack: [] listManifestByInterface_cb returns 0 instance(s)
  1785. 05-30 23:29:09.257 7543 7600 W bt_stack: [] IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory not declared
  1786. 05-30 23:29:09.257 7543 7600 W bt_stack: [] init: BluetoothAudio HAL for A2DP session=A2DP_SOFTWARE_ENCODING_DATAPATH is invalid?!
  1787. 05-30 23:29:09.257 7543 7600 W bt_stack: [] btif_a2dp_source_startup_delayed: Using legacy HAL
  1788. 05-30 23:29:09.258 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_audio_tx_flush_event: state=STATE_RUNNING
  1789. 05-30 23:29:09.258 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_setup_codec_delayed: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=STATE_RUNNING
  1790. 05-30 23:29:09.258 7543 7570 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: bta2dp_audio_config_callback
  1791. 05-30 23:29:09.258 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update: sample_rate=48000 bits_per_sample=16 channel_count=2
  1792. 05-30 23:29:09.258 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: aptx_init_framing_params: sleep_time_ns = 14000000
  1793. 05-30 23:29:09.258 7543 7600 I bt_stack: [] btif_a2dp_source_start_session_delayed: peer_address=00:22:1e:01:31:64 state=STATE_RUNNING
  1794. 05-30 23:29:09.260 7543 7571 D A2dpService: Switch A2DP devices to 00:22:1E:01:31:64 from null
  1795. 05-30 23:29:09.260 7543 7571 D A2dpService: updateAndBroadcastActiveDevice(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1796. 05-30 23:29:09.260 7543 7571 D AvrcpTargetService: volumeDeviceSwitched: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1797. 05-30 23:29:09.260 7543 7571 D AvrcpVolumeManager: volumeDeviceSwitched: mCurrentDevice=null device=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1798. 05-30 23:29:09.260 7543 7570 D A2dpNativeInterface: onCodecConfigChanged: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CODEC_CONFIG_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:0, codecStatus:{mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}}
  1799. 05-30 23:29:09.264 7543 7571 D A2dpService: broadcastCodecConfig(00:22:1E:01:31:64): {mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}
  1800. 05-30 23:29:09.266 7543 7571 D AvrcpVolumeManager: getVolume: Returning volume 7
  1801. 05-30 23:29:09.267 1470 3447 I AS.AudioDeviceBroker: setBluetoothA2dpDeviceConnectionStateSuppressNoisyIntent state=2 addr=00:22:1E:01:31:64 prof=2 supprNoisy=true vol=7
  1802. 05-30 23:29:09.267 1470 3447 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1803. 05-30 23:29:09.270 7543 7638 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1804. 05-30 23:29:09.270 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileStateChanged, device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, 1 -> 2
  1805. 05-30 23:29:09.270 7543 7543 D BluetoothAdapterService: isQuetModeEnabled() - Enabled = false
  1806. 05-30 23:29:09.270 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: connectOtherProfile: already scheduled callback for 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1807. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=101
  1808. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: processMsg: Connected
  1809. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connected process message(00:22:1E:01:31:64): STACK_EVENT
  1810. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7543 D AvrcpNativeInterface: sendMediaUpdate: metadata=false playStatus=true queue=false
  1811. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: handleMessage(MESSAGE_A2DP_ACTION_ACTIVE_DEVICE_CHANGED): device= 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1812. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7543 D AvrcpTargetJni: sendMediaUpdateNative
  1813. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7543 I bt_stack: [] virtual void bluetooth::avrcp::AvrcpService::SendMediaUpdate(bool, bool, bool) track_changed=0 : play_state=1 : queue=0
  1814. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: processProfileActiveDeviceChanged, activeDevice=00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2
  1815. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : HandlePlayPosUpdate
  1816. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7570 D AvrcpTargetJni: getCurrentPlayStatus
  1817. 05-30 23:29:09.271 7543 7570 D AvrcpNativeInterface: getPlayStatus
  1818. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: Connected: stack event: A2dpStackEvent {type:EVENT_TYPE_CODEC_CONFIG_CHANGED, device:00:22:1E:01:31:64, value1:0, codecStatus:{mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}}
  1819. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Config: {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}->{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1820. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1821. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1822. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1823. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1824. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Local Capability: {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1825. 05-30 23:29:09.272 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Selectable Capability: {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1826. 05-30 23:29:09.273 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Selectable Capability: {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1827. 05-30 23:29:09.273 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: A2DP Codec Selectable Capability: {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}
  1828. 05-30 23:29:09.275 7543 7570 D AvrcpTargetJni: getCurrentPlayStatus
  1829. 05-30 23:29:09.275 7543 7591 I bt_stack: [] 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : PlaybackStatusNotificationResponse: Not sending notification due to no state update 00:22:1e:01:31:64
  1830. 05-30 23:29:09.275 7543 7570 D AvrcpNativeInterface: getPlayStatus
  1831. 05-30 23:29:09.276 7543 7599 D A2dpService: broadcastCodecConfig(00:22:1E:01:31:64): {mCodecConfig:{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x2(48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0},mCodecsLocalCapabilities:[{codecName:LDAC,mCodecType:4,mCodecPriority:5001,mSampleRate:0xf(44100|48000|88200|96000),mBitsPerSample:0x7(16|24|32),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX HD,mCodecType:3,mCodecPriority:4001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x2(24),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}],mCodecsSelectableCapabilities:[{codecName:aptX,mCodecType:2,mCodecPriority:3001,mSampleRate:0x3(44100|48000),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:AAC,mCodecType:1,mCodecPriority:2001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x2(STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}, {codecName:SBC,mCodecType:0,mCodecPriority:1001,mSampleRate:0x1(44100),mBitsPerSample:0x1(16),mChannelMode:0x3(MONO|STEREO),mCodecSpecific1:0,mCodecSpecific2:0,mCodecSpecific3:0,mCodecSpecific4:0}]}
  1832. 05-30 23:29:09.276 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 100
  1833. 05-30 23:29:09.277 743 6565 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setForceUse() usage 1, config 0, mPhoneState 0
  1834. 05-30 23:29:09.277 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 100
  1835. 05-30 23:29:09.277 743 6565 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80, state 1, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name KZ Earphone format 0x20000000
  1836. 05-30 23:29:09.277 7543 7599 D A2dpStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  1837. 05-30 23:29:09.278 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 100
  1838. 05-30 23:29:09.278 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: setAutoConnectForA2dpSink: device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 PRIORITY_AUTO_CONNECT
  1839. 05-30 23:29:09.278 7543 7543 D A2dpService: Saved priority 00:22:1E:01:31:64 = 1000
  1840. 05-30 23:29:09.279 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: setProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=2, priority = 1000
  1841. 05-30 23:29:09.279 7543 7543 D BluetoothDatabase: updateDatabase 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1842. 05-30 23:29:09.279 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 100
  1843. 05-30 23:29:09.280 7543 7543 I BluetoothPhonePolicy: setAutoConnectForHeadset: device 00:22:1E:01:31:64 PRIORITY_AUTO_CONNECT
  1844. 05-30 23:29:09.280 7543 7543 I HeadsetService: setPriority: device=00:22:1E:01:31:64, priority=1000, uid/pid=1002/7543
  1845. 05-30 23:29:09.280 7543 7543 V BluetoothDatabase: setProfilePriority: 00:22:1E:01:31:64, profile=1, priority = 1000
  1846. 05-30 23:29:09.280 7543 7543 D BluetoothDatabase: updateDatabase 00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1847. 05-30 23:29:09.281 7543 7591 W bt_stack: [] 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : 00:22:1e:01:31:64: No update to play position
  1848. 05-30 23:29:09.281 690 6160 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;connect=128
  1849. 05-30 23:29:09.282 690 6160 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  1850. 05-30 23:29:09.283 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 18 Device 0x80, SamplingRate 0, Format 00000000, Channels 0, flags 0
  1851. 05-30 23:29:09.283 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: opening output
  1852. 05-30 23:29:09.283 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1853. 05-30 23:29:09.283 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  1854. 05-30 23:29:09.283 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 19
  1855. 05-30 23:29:09.283 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_OPEN_EVT
  1856. 05-30 23:29:09.283 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY
  1857. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2, flags=0x0(None)
  1858. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY, status 0 ##
  1859. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY DONE
  1860. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1861. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1862. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1863. 05-30 23:29:09.284 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1864. 05-30 23:29:09.284 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1865. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1866. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1867. 05-30 23:29:09.284 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_write_output_audio_config: sent output codec config: sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1868. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_feeding_update_req: state=STATE_RUNNING
  1869. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1870. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_audio_feeding_update_event: state=STATE_RUNNING
  1871. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1872. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1873. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update: sample_rate=48000 bits_per_sample=16 channel_count=2
  1874. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: aptx_init_framing_params: sleep_time_ns = 14000000
  1875. 05-30 23:29:09.284 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1876. 05-30 23:29:09.284 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1877. 05-30 23:29:09.284 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1878. 05-30 23:29:09.284 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: Output stream config: format=0x1 sample_rate=48000 channel_mask=0x3 buffer_sz=7680
  1879. 05-30 23:29:09.292 691 7588 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
  1880. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: Invalid drawable added to LayerDrawable! Drawable already belongs to another owner but does not expose a constant state.
  1881. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: java.lang.RuntimeException
  1882. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$ChildDrawable.<init>(
  1883. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$LayerState.<init>(
  1884. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1885. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1886. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.applyImageTint(
  1887. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.updateDrawable(
  1888. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.widget.ImageView.setImageDrawable(
  1889. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$Adapter.getView(
  1890. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1891. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$000(
  1892. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$
  1893. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  1894. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1895. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1896. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1897. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1898. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at$
  1899. 05-30 23:29:09.334 3508 3508 W LayerDrawable: at
  1900. 05-30 23:29:09.535 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
  1901. 05-30 23:29:09.536 743 7651 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71c62e3840 tid=7651 ready to run
  1902. 05-30 23:29:09.537 743 7651 I bt_a2dp_hw: suspend_audio_datapath: state 3
  1903. 05-30 23:29:09.538 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND
  1904. 05-30 23:29:09.538 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_started_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2 flags=0x0(None) ready=0
  1905. 05-30 23:29:09.538 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND, status 0 ##
  1906. 05-30 23:29:09.538 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND DONE
  1907. 05-30 23:29:09.538 743 7651 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  1908. 05-30 23:29:09.540 743 7651 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs a2dp_sink_address=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1909. 05-30 23:29:09.540 743 7651 I hash_map_utils: key: 'a2dp_sink_address' value: '00:22:1E:01:31:64'
  1910. 05-30 23:29:09.541 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1911. 05-30 23:29:09.541 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1912. 05-30 23:29:09.541 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1913. 05-30 23:29:09.541 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=false): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1914. 05-30 23:29:09.541 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1915. 05-30 23:29:09.541 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_parameters: get parameters result = sup_formats=AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
  1916. 05-30 23:29:09.542 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1917. 05-30 23:29:09.542 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1918. 05-30 23:29:09.542 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1919. 05-30 23:29:09.542 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=false): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1920. 05-30 23:29:09.542 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1921. 05-30 23:29:09.542 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_parameters: get parameters result = sup_sampling_rates=44100|48000;
  1922. 05-30 23:29:09.542 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1923. 05-30 23:29:09.542 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1924. 05-30 23:29:09.542 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1925. 05-30 23:29:09.542 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=false): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1926. 05-30 23:29:09.542 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1927. 05-30 23:29:09.542 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_parameters: get parameters result = sup_channels=AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
  1928. 05-30 23:29:09.544 743 7651 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs closing=true
  1929. 05-30 23:29:09.544 743 7651 I hash_map_utils: key: 'closing' value: 'true'
  1930. 05-30 23:29:09.547 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 2 kvpairs exiting=1
  1931. 05-30 23:29:09.547 743 6565 I hash_map_utils: key: 'exiting' value: '1'
  1932. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: adev_close_output_stream: state 2
  1933. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: closing output (state 2)
  1934. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: stop_audio_datapath: state 2
  1935. 05-30 23:29:09.548 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP
  1936. 05-30 23:29:09.548 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP, status 0 ##
  1937. 05-30 23:29:09.548 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP DONE
  1938. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  1939. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd 19
  1940. 05-30 23:29:09.548 7543 7648 W bt_btif : poll : channel detached remotely
  1941. 05-30 23:29:09.548 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: CTRL CH DETACHED
  1942. 05-30 23:29:09.548 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_CLOSE_EVT
  1943. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 18 Device 0x80, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 0x3, flags 0
  1944. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: opening output
  1945. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1946. 05-30 23:29:09.548 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  1947. 05-30 23:29:09.549 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 19
  1948. 05-30 23:29:09.549 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_OPEN_EVT
  1949. 05-30 23:29:09.549 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY
  1950. 05-30 23:29:09.549 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2, flags=0x0(None)
  1951. 05-30 23:29:09.549 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY, status 0 ##
  1952. 05-30 23:29:09.549 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY DONE
  1953. 05-30 23:29:09.550 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1954. 05-30 23:29:09.550 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1955. 05-30 23:29:09.550 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1956. 05-30 23:29:09.550 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1957. 05-30 23:29:09.550 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1958. 05-30 23:29:09.550 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1959. 05-30 23:29:09.550 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1960. 05-30 23:29:09.551 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_write_output_audio_config: sent output codec config: sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1961. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7648 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_feeding_update_req: state=STATE_RUNNING
  1962. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1963. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_audio_feeding_update_event: state=STATE_RUNNING
  1964. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  1965. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update: sample_rate=48000 bits_per_sample=16 channel_count=2
  1966. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: aptx_init_framing_params: sleep_time_ns = 14000000
  1967. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  1968. 05-30 23:29:09.551 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  1969. 05-30 23:29:09.551 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1970. 05-30 23:29:09.551 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  1971. 05-30 23:29:09.551 743 6565 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: Output stream config: format=0x1 sample_rate=48000 channel_mask=0x3 buffer_sz=7680
  1972. 05-30 23:29:09.802 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
  1973. 05-30 23:29:09.804 743 7653 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71c62e3ec0 tid=7653 ready to run
  1974. 05-30 23:29:09.806 743 7653 I bt_a2dp_hw: suspend_audio_datapath: state 3
  1975. 05-30 23:29:09.807 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND
  1976. 05-30 23:29:09.807 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_started_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2 flags=0x0(None) ready=0
  1977. 05-30 23:29:09.807 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND, status 0 ##
  1978. 05-30 23:29:09.807 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND DONE
  1979. 05-30 23:29:09.807 743 7653 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  1980. 05-30 23:29:09.820 743 6565 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x7265ef3fc0
  1981. 05-30 23:29:09.821 743 6565 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
  1982. 05-30 23:29:09.823 743 6565 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: not muting track:109 usage:0 for service UID 1041
  1983. 05-30 23:29:09.824 743 6565 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: not muting track:110 usage:0 for service UID 1041
  1984. 05-30 23:29:09.826 743 7654 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71c6334880 tid=7654 ready to run
  1985. 05-30 23:29:09.858 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(3: compress-offload-playback) kvpairs: routing=0
  1986. 05-30 23:29:09.874 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: A2dpSuspended=false
  1987. 05-30 23:29:09.874 690 690 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  1988. 05-30 23:29:09.875 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 5
  1989. 05-30 23:29:09.875 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs A2dpSuspended=false
  1990. 05-30 23:29:09.875 743 4459 I hash_map_utils: key: 'A2dpSuspended' value: 'false'
  1991. 05-30 23:29:09.877 1470 3447 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1992. 05-30 23:29:09.878 1470 3446 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner AudioDeviceBroker (3447) at void$BrokerHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message)( waiters=0 in boolean for 602ms
  1993. 05-30 23:29:09.886 7543 7617 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(00:22:1E:01:31:64)
  1994. 05-30 23:29:09.893 1470 1470 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@AS8
  1995. 05-30 23:29:09.893 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: onAudioDevicesAdded: size: 1
  1996. 05-30 23:29:09.893 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: onAudioDevicesAdded
  1997. 05-30 23:29:09.893 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: onAudioDevicesAdded: address=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  1998. 05-30 23:29:09.894 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: KZ Earphone type: 8
  1999. 05-30 23:29:09.894 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: switchVolumeDevice: Set Absolute volume support to false
  2000. 05-30 23:29:09.894 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: getVolume: Returning volume 7
  2001. 05-30 23:29:09.894 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: switchVolumeDevice: savedVolume=7
  2002. 05-30 23:29:09.896 743 4459 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80, state 0, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name KZ Earphone format 0x20000000
  2003. 05-30 23:29:09.898 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=128
  2004. 05-30 23:29:09.898 690 690 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  2005. 05-30 23:29:09.898 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 5
  2006. 05-30 23:29:09.898 743 1108 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;disconnect=128
  2007. 05-30 23:29:09.898 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: 'disconnect' value: '128'
  2008. 05-30 23:29:09.898 743 1108 I hash_map_utils: key: '00:22:1E:01:31:64' value: ''
  2009. 05-30 23:29:09.901 743 4459 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x71c62e3ec0
  2010. 05-30 23:29:09.906 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs exiting=1
  2011. 05-30 23:29:09.906 743 4459 I hash_map_utils: key: 'exiting' value: '1'
  2012. 05-30 23:29:09.911 743 7653 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs closing=true
  2013. 05-30 23:29:09.911 743 7653 I hash_map_utils: key: 'closing' value: 'true'
  2014. 05-30 23:29:09.913 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 2 kvpairs exiting=1
  2015. 05-30 23:29:09.913 743 4459 I hash_map_utils: key: 'exiting' value: '1'
  2016. 05-30 23:29:09.914 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: adev_close_output_stream: state 2
  2017. 05-30 23:29:09.914 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: closing output (state 2)
  2018. 05-30 23:29:09.914 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: stop_audio_datapath: state 2
  2019. 05-30 23:29:09.914 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP
  2020. 05-30 23:29:09.914 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP, status 0 ##
  2021. 05-30 23:29:09.914 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP DONE
  2022. 05-30 23:29:09.914 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  2023. 05-30 23:29:09.914 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd 19
  2024. 05-30 23:29:09.914 7543 7648 W bt_btif : poll : channel detached remotely
  2025. 05-30 23:29:09.914 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: CTRL CH DETACHED
  2026. 05-30 23:29:09.915 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_CLOSE_EVT
  2027. 05-30 23:29:09.919 743 4459 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80, state 1, address 00:22:1E:01:31:64 name KZ Earphone format 0x20000000
  2028. 05-30 23:29:09.920 690 690 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: 00:22:1E:01:31:64=;connect=128
  2029. 05-30 23:29:09.920 690 690 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  2030. 05-30 23:29:09.920 743 4459 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 18 Device 0x80, SamplingRate 0, Format 00000000, Channels 0, flags 0
  2031. 05-30 23:29:09.920 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: opening output
  2032. 05-30 23:29:09.921 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2033. 05-30 23:29:09.921 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  2034. 05-30 23:29:09.921 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 19
  2035. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_OPEN_EVT
  2036. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY
  2037. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2, flags=0x0(None)
  2038. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY, status 0 ##
  2039. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY DONE
  2040. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2041. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2042. 05-30 23:29:09.921 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2043. 05-30 23:29:09.921 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2044. 05-30 23:29:09.921 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2045. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2046. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2047. 05-30 23:29:09.922 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_write_output_audio_config: sent output codec config: sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2048. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_feeding_update_req: state=STATE_RUNNING
  2049. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2050. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_audio_feeding_update_event: state=STATE_RUNNING
  2051. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2052. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update: sample_rate=48000 bits_per_sample=16 channel_count=2
  2053. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: aptx_init_framing_params: sleep_time_ns = 14000000
  2054. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2055. 05-30 23:29:09.922 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2056. 05-30 23:29:09.923 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2057. 05-30 23:29:09.923 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2058. 05-30 23:29:09.923 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: Output stream config: format=0x1 sample_rate=48000 channel_mask=0x3 buffer_sz=7680
  2059. 05-30 23:29:10.174 743 4459 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
  2060. 05-30 23:29:10.178 743 7657 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71ce54d780 tid=7657 ready to run
  2061. 05-30 23:29:10.180 743 7657 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 3 kvpairs a2dp_sink_address=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  2062. 05-30 23:29:10.180 743 7657 I hash_map_utils: key: 'a2dp_sink_address' value: '00:22:1E:01:31:64'
  2063. 05-30 23:29:10.180 743 7657 I bt_a2dp_hw: suspend_audio_datapath: state 3
  2064. 05-30 23:29:10.181 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND
  2065. 05-30 23:29:10.181 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_started_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2 flags=0x0(None) ready=0
  2066. 05-30 23:29:10.181 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND, status 0 ##
  2067. 05-30 23:29:10.181 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND DONE
  2068. 05-30 23:29:10.181 743 7657 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  2069. 05-30 23:29:10.183 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2070. 05-30 23:29:10.183 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2071. 05-30 23:29:10.183 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2072. 05-30 23:29:10.183 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=false): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2073. 05-30 23:29:10.183 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2074. 05-30 23:29:10.183 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_parameters: get parameters result = sup_formats=AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
  2075. 05-30 23:29:10.184 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2076. 05-30 23:29:10.184 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2077. 05-30 23:29:10.184 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2078. 05-30 23:29:10.184 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=false): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2079. 05-30 23:29:10.184 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2080. 05-30 23:29:10.184 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_parameters: get parameters result = sup_sampling_rates=44100|48000;
  2081. 05-30 23:29:10.185 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2082. 05-30 23:29:10.185 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2083. 05-30 23:29:10.185 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2084. 05-30 23:29:10.185 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=false): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2085. 05-30 23:29:10.185 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2086. 05-30 23:29:10.185 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_parameters: get parameters result = sup_channels=AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
  2087. 05-30 23:29:10.188 743 7657 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs closing=true
  2088. 05-30 23:29:10.189 743 7657 I hash_map_utils: key: 'closing' value: 'true'
  2089. 05-30 23:29:10.193 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 2 kvpairs exiting=1
  2090. 05-30 23:29:10.193 743 4459 I hash_map_utils: key: 'exiting' value: '1'
  2091. 05-30 23:29:10.194 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: adev_close_output_stream: state 2
  2092. 05-30 23:29:10.195 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_close_output_stream: closing output (state 2)
  2093. 05-30 23:29:10.195 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: stop_audio_datapath: state 2
  2094. 05-30 23:29:10.195 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP
  2095. 05-30 23:29:10.195 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP, status 0 ##
  2096. 05-30 23:29:10.195 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP DONE
  2097. 05-30 23:29:10.196 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  2098. 05-30 23:29:10.196 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd 19
  2099. 05-30 23:29:10.196 7543 7648 W bt_btif : poll : channel detached remotely
  2100. 05-30 23:29:10.196 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: CTRL CH DETACHED
  2101. 05-30 23:29:10.196 743 4459 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0x7265e29600, module 18 Device 0x80, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 0x3, flags 0
  2102. 05-30 23:29:10.196 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_CLOSE_EVT
  2103. 05-30 23:29:10.196 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: opening output
  2104. 05-30 23:29:10.196 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: starting up or recovering from previous error: command=A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2105. 05-30 23:29:10.197 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 256)
  2106. 05-30 23:29:10.197 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 19
  2107. 05-30 23:29:10.197 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_OPEN_EVT
  2108. 05-30 23:29:10.197 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY
  2109. 05-30 23:29:10.197 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2, flags=0x0(None)
  2110. 05-30 23:29:10.197 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY, status 0 ##
  2111. 05-30 23:29:10.197 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_CHECK_READY DONE
  2112. 05-30 23:29:10.198 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2113. 05-30 23:29:10.198 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2114. 05-30 23:29:10.198 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2115. 05-30 23:29:10.198 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2116. 05-30 23:29:10.198 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2117. 05-30 23:29:10.198 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2118. 05-30 23:29:10.198 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2119. 05-30 23:29:10.200 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_write_output_audio_config: sent output codec config: sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2120. 05-30 23:29:10.200 7543 7648 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_feeding_update_req: state=STATE_RUNNING
  2121. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_SET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2122. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7600 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_audio_feeding_update_event: state=STATE_RUNNING
  2123. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG
  2124. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder_update: sample_rate=48000 bits_per_sample=16 channel_count=2
  2125. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7600 D a2dp_vendor_aptx_encoder: aptx_init_framing_params: sleep_time_ns = 14000000
  2126. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG, status 0 ##
  2127. 05-30 23:29:10.201 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_GET_OUTPUT_AUDIO_CONFIG DONE
  2128. 05-30 23:29:10.201 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec config (update_stream_config=true): sample_rate=0x2 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2129. 05-30 23:29:10.201 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_read_output_audio_config: got output codec capability: sample_rate=0x3 bits_per_sample=0x1 channel_mode=0x2
  2130. 05-30 23:29:10.202 743 4459 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_open_output_stream: Output stream config: format=0x1 sample_rate=48000 channel_mask=0x3 buffer_sz=7680
  2131. 05-30 23:29:10.250 691 7594 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND
  2132. 05-30 23:29:10.250 691 7594 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
  2133. 05-30 23:29:10.401 691 7584 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
  2134. 05-30 23:29:10.453 743 4459 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
  2135. 05-30 23:29:10.455 743 7659 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71ce54dd80 tid=7659 ready to run
  2136. 05-30 23:29:10.458 743 7659 I bt_a2dp_hw: suspend_audio_datapath: state 3
  2137. 05-30 23:29:10.459 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND
  2138. 05-30 23:29:10.459 7543 7648 I btif_av : btif_av_stream_started_ready: Peer 00:22:1e:01:31:64 : state=2 flags=0x0(None) ready=0
  2139. 05-30 23:29:10.459 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND, status 0 ##
  2140. 05-30 23:29:10.459 7543 7648 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_recv_ctrl_data: a2dp-ctrl-cmd : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_SUSPEND DONE
  2141. 05-30 23:29:10.460 743 7659 I bt_a2dp_hw: skt_disconnect: fd -1
  2142. 05-30 23:29:10.480 743 4459 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x7265ef3fc0
  2143. 05-30 23:29:10.481 743 4459 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
  2144. 05-30 23:29:10.484 743 4459 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: not muting track:111 usage:0 for service UID 1041
  2145. 05-30 23:29:10.485 717 754 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
  2146. 05-30 23:29:10.486 743 4459 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: not muting track:112 usage:0 for service UID 1041
  2147. 05-30 23:29:10.487 743 7661 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x71ce59e8c0 tid=7661 ready to run
  2148. 05-30 23:29:10.504 1470 3446 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner AudioDeviceBroker (3447) at void$BrokerHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message)( waiters=0 in boolean for 625ms
  2149. 05-30 23:29:10.504 1470 4613 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner AudioDeviceBroker (3447) at void$BrokerHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message)( waiters=1 in void for 610ms
  2150. 05-30 23:29:10.504 1470 4613 I AS.BtHelper: setAvrcpAbsoluteVolumeSupported supported=false
  2151. 05-30 23:29:10.505 1470 1470 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER, bluetoothName=KZ Earphone }, a2dp=true
  2152. 05-30 23:29:10.505 1470 1470 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=KZ Earphone, description=Bluetooth audio, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO , presentationDisplay=null }
  2153. 05-30 23:29:10.505 3508 3508 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER, bluetoothName=KZ Earphone }, a2dp=true
  2154. 05-30 23:29:10.505 3508 3508 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=KZ Earphone, description=Bluetooth audio, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO , presentationDisplay=null }
  2155. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: onAudioDevicesAdded
  2156. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7571 D BluetoothActiveDeviceManager: Audio device added: KZ Earphone type: 8
  2157. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: onAudioDevicesAdded: size: 1
  2158. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: onAudioDevicesAdded: address=00:22:1E:01:31:64
  2159. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: switchVolumeDevice: Set Absolute volume support to false
  2160. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: getVolume: Returning volume 7
  2161. 05-30 23:29:10.508 7543 7543 D AvrcpVolumeManager: switchVolumeDevice: savedVolume=7
  2162. 05-30 23:29:10.509 1470 4613 I AS.BtHelper: setAvrcpAbsoluteVolumeSupported supported=false
  2163. 05-30 23:29:10.510 1470 1470 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADR@ATA
  2164. 05-30 23:29:10.510 1470 1470 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@ATE
  2165. 05-30 23:29:10.525 3508 3772 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 7
  2166. 05-30 23:29:10.531 3508 3772 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 7
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