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- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
- *&
- *& Populating the semantic model from a rule, entered as text
- *& In this case, the resulting model will be a template
- *&
- *& The "real" pallets then can be filled by processing the template
- *&
- *& Requires oMeta Core (subroutine pool Z_OMETA_BASE)
- *& See (self contained)
- *&
- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
- report z_semantic_model_example.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Definition of the semantic model:
- * A pallet can be filled with deliveries and/or other pallets
- * The resulting data structure consists of
- * - A table DELIVERY_NUMBERS of placeholder id's for all deliveries in use
- * - A table PALLET_NUMBERS of placeholder id's for all pallets in use
- * - A table PALLETS containing the pallet contents
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- types:
- ty_doc_number(10) type c,
- ty_item_number(6) type c,
- ty_pallet_item_type(2) type c,
- ty_doc_numbers type standard table of ty_doc_number with non-unique default key,
- begin of ty_pallet_item,
- pallet_no type ty_doc_number,
- item_no type ty_item_number,
- type type ty_pallet_item_type,
- content type ty_doc_number,
- end of ty_pallet_item,
- ty_pallets type standard table of ty_pallet_item
- with key pallet_no item_no,
- begin of ty_model,
- pallet_numbers type ty_doc_numbers,
- delivery_numbers type ty_doc_numbers,
- pallets type ty_pallets,
- end of ty_model.
- constants: begin of gc_pallet_item_type,
- pallet type ty_pallet_item_type value 'PA',
- delivery type ty_pallet_item_type value 'DL',
- end of gc_pallet_item_type.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * A "Stop" signal
- class lcx_end_program definition final inheriting from cx_no_check.
- endclass. "lcx_end_program DEFINITION
- load-of-program.
- perform on_load.
- start-of-selection.
- perform start.
- * ---
- form start.
- data: lv_rule type string,
- ls_model type ty_model,
- lv_parse_errors type flag value abap_undefined.
- try.
- while lv_parse_errors ne abap_false.
- perform input_rule
- changing lv_rule.
- perform rule_to_model
- using lv_rule
- changing ls_model lv_parse_errors.
- endwhile.
- perform output_model
- using ls_model.
- catch lcx_end_program.
- endtry.
- endform. "start
- * --- Apply parser to input, populating the semantic model
- form rule_to_model using iv_rule type string
- changing es_model type ty_model
- ev_parse_errors type flag.
- data: lv_error_code type i,
- lv_result type string.
- clear es_model.
- * Bind the semantic model
- perform bind(z_ometa_base)
- using 'pallets.model' es_model.
- * Execute the parser
- perform match(z_ometa_base)
- using 'HandlingUnitDefinition' 'expr' iv_rule
- changing lv_result lv_error_code.
- if lv_error_code <> 0.
- ev_parse_errors = abap_true.
- message 'The rule entered is syntactically incorrect' type 'I'.
- else.
- ev_parse_errors = abap_false.
- perform normalize_model changing es_model.
- endif.
- endform. "rule_to_tree
- * ---
- form normalize_model changing cs_model type ty_model.
- * We would prefer sorted tables with unique key,
- * but JS/ABAP binding currently only allows standard tables
- * Therefore, sort by hand
- sort: cs_model-pallets,
- cs_model-delivery_numbers,
- cs_model-pallet_numbers.
- delete adjacent duplicates from :
- cs_model-delivery_numbers,
- cs_model-pallet_numbers.
- endform. "normalize_model
- * ---
- form output_model using is_model type ty_model.
- call function 'RS_COMPLEX_OBJECT_EDIT'
- exporting
- object_name = 'SEMANTIC MODEL'
- mode = ' '
- changing
- object = is_model
- exceptions
- object_not_supported = 1
- others = 2.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- message id sy-msgid type 'I' number sy-msgno
- with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
- endif.
- endform. "output_model
- * ---
- form on_load.
- try.
- perform set_parser.
- catch lcx_end_program.
- leave program.
- endtry.
- endform. "on_load
- * ---
- form set_parser.
- data: lv_grammar type string,
- lv_result type string,
- lv_error_code type i.
- perform get_grammar_as_string changing lv_grammar.
- perform set_builder.
- perform translate(z_ometa_base)
- using lv_grammar
- changing lv_result lv_error_code.
- perform check_error using 'set parser' lv_error_code.
- endform. "set_parser
- * ---
- form check_error using iv_step type string
- iv_error_code type i.
- data: lv_error type string.
- if iv_error_code <> 0.
- perform get_last_error(z_ometa_base) changing lv_error.
- concatenate `Error in step '` iv_step `': ` lv_error
- into lv_error respecting blanks.
- message lv_error type 'I' display like 'I'.
- raise exception type lcx_end_program.
- endif.
- endform. "check_error
- * --- Helper functions for the semantic actions
- form set_builder.
- data: lv_build type string,
- lv_result type string,
- lv_error_code type i.
- * Passing the relevant parts of the input to the model
- * It is here where the ABAP/JS binding syntax (proxy objects) is required
- concatenate
- `function addDelivery(n) {`
- ` return addDocNumber(pallets.model.delivery_numbers,"DL"+n);`
- ` }`
- `function addPallet(n) {`
- ` return addDocNumber(pallets.model.pallet_numbers,"PA"+n);`
- ` }`
- `function buildPallet( id, content ) {`
- ` var p = pallets.model.pallets;`
- ` var wa, i;`
- ` for (i=0;i<content.length;i++) {`
- ` p.appendLine();`
- ` wa = p[p.length-1];`
- ` wa.pallet_no = id;`
- ` wa.item_no = i+1;`
- ` wa.type = content[i].substring(0,2);`
- ` wa.content = content[i];`
- ` }`
- ` return id;`
- ` }`
- `function addDocNumber(table,id) {`
- ` table.appendLine(); `
- ` table[table.length-1] = id;`
- ` return id;`
- ` }`
- into lv_build
- separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
- perform do_it(z_ometa_base) using lv_build changing lv_result lv_error_code.
- perform check_error using 'set builder' lv_error_code.
- endform. "set_builder
- * ---
- form input_rule changing ev_rule type string.
- data: lt_text type jstexttab.
- * Memorize last input (for the error case)
- statics: st_last_text type jstexttab.
- field-symbols: <lv_text> type c.
- if st_last_text is not initial.
- lt_text = st_last_text.
- else.
- perform get_rule_proposal changing lt_text.
- endif.
- * Enter the packing rule in a free text window
- call function 'TERM_CONTROL_EDIT'
- exporting
- titel = 'Please enter rule'
- tables
- textlines = lt_text
- exceptions
- user_cancelled = 1
- others = 2.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- if sy-msgid ne space.
- message id sy-msgid type 'I' number sy-msgno
- with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
- endif.
- raise exception type lcx_end_program.
- endif.
- st_last_text = lt_text.
- * Map table to string
- clear ev_rule.
- loop at lt_text assigning <lv_text>.
- if ev_rule is initial.
- ev_rule = <lv_text>.
- else.
- concatenate ev_rule <lv_text> into ev_rule
- separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
- endif.
- endloop.
- * Ignore packing rules containing only whitespace
- find regex '\S' in ev_rule.
- if sy-subrc ne 0.
- raise exception type lcx_end_program.
- endif.
- endform. "input_rule
- * --- Some lines of oMeta code,
- * defining the syntax AND semantics
- form get_grammar_as_string changing ev_grammar type string.
- concatenate
- `ometa HandlingUnitDefinition <: Parser {`
- ` expr = fullPallet+, `
- ` delivery = ordnum:n ( "Lieferung" | "Lief" | "LF" )`
- ` -> {addDelivery(n)},`
- ` pallet = ordnum:n ( "Palette" | "Pal" | "SSCC" )`
- ` -> {addPallet(n)},`
- ` fullPallet = pallet:s "(" content:c ")"`
- ` -> { buildPallet( s, c ) },`
- ` contentPart = fullPallet | delivery | pallet,`
- ` content = (spaces contentPart)*:xs, `
- ` ordnum = spaces digit+:ds "." -> parseInt(ds.join(''))`
- ` }`
- into ev_grammar
- separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
- endform. "get_grammar_as_string
- * --- Just a proposal for the text popup
- form get_rule_proposal changing ct_text type jstexttab.
- define _add_line.
- append &2 to &1.
- end-of-definition.
- _add_line ct_text :
- `1. Palette (`,
- ` 1. Lieferung`,
- ` 2. Palette`,
- ` )`,
- `2. Palette (`,
- ` 2. Lieferung`,
- ` 3. Palette ( 3. Lieferung )`,
- ` )`.
- endform. "get_rule_proposal
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