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- -- +---------------------+------------+---------------------+
- -- | | | |
- -- | | BBPack | |
- -- | | | |
- -- +---------------------+------------+---------------------+
- local version = "Version 1.6.1"
- -- Pastebin uploader/downloader for ComputerCraft, by Jeffrey Alexander (aka Bomb Bloke).
- -- Handles multiple files in a single paste, as well as non-ASCII symbols within files.
- -- Used to be called "package".
- --
- -- pastebin get cUYTGbpb bbpack
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------Variable Declarations------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- local band, brshift, blshift =, bit.brshift, bit.blshift
- local b64 = {}
- for i = 1, 64 do
- b64[i - 1] = ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"):byte(i)
- b64[("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"):sub(i, i)] = i - 1
- end
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------Function Declarations------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
- local function snooze()
- local myEvent = tostring({})
- os.queueEvent(myEvent)
- os.pullEvent(myEvent)
- end
- local function toBase64Internal(inputlist)
- if type(inputlist) ~= "table" then error("bbpack.toBase64: Expected: table or file handle", 2) end
- if then
- local templist, len = {}, 1
- for byte in do
- templist[len] = byte
- len = len + 1
- end
- inputlist.close()
- inputlist = templist
- elseif inputlist.readLine then
- inputlist.close()
- error("bbpack.toBase64: Use a binary-mode file handle", 2)
- end
- if #inputlist == 0 then return "" end
- local curbit, curbyte, outputlist, len = 32, 0, {}, 1
- for i = 1, #inputlist do
- local inByte, mask = inputlist[i], 128
- for j = 1, 8 do
- if band(inByte, mask) == mask then curbyte = curbyte + curbit end
- curbit, mask = curbit / 2, mask / 2
- if curbit < 1 then
- outputlist[len] = b64[curbyte]
- curbit, curbyte, len = 32, 0, len + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if curbit > 1 then outputlist[len] = b64[curbyte] end
- return string.char(unpack(outputlist))
- end
- local function fromBase64Internal(inData)
- if type(inData) ~= "string" and type(inData) ~= "table" then error("bbpack.fromBase64: Expected: string or file handle", 2) end
- if type(inData) == "table" then
- if inData.readLine then
- local temp = inData.readAll()
- inData.close()
- inData = temp
- else
- if inData.close then inData.close() end
- error("bbpack.fromBase64: Use text-mode file handles", 2)
- end
- end
- if #inData == 0 then return {} end
- local curbyte, curbit, outputlist, len = 0, 128, {}, 1
- for i = 1, #inData do
- local mask, curchar = 32, b64[inData:sub(i, i)]
- for j = 1, 6 do
- if band(curchar, mask) == mask then curbyte = curbyte + curbit end
- curbit, mask = curbit / 2, mask / 2
- if curbit < 1 then
- outputlist[len] = curbyte
- curbit, curbyte, len = 128, 0, len + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if curbit > 1 and curbyte > 0 then outputlist[len] = curbyte end
- return outputlist
- end
- local function compressIterator(ClearCode)
- local startCodeSize = 1
- while math.pow(2, startCodeSize) < ClearCode do startCodeSize = startCodeSize + 1 end
- local EOI, ClearCode = math.pow(2, startCodeSize) + 1, math.pow(2, startCodeSize)
- startCodeSize = startCodeSize + 1
- local curstring, len, curbit, curbyte, outputlist, codes, CodeSize, MaxCode, nextcode, curcode = "", 2, 1, 0, {0}, {}, startCodeSize, math.pow(2, startCodeSize) - 1, EOI + 1
- local function packByte(num)
- local mask = 1
- for i = 1, CodeSize do
- if band(num, mask) == mask then curbyte = curbyte + curbit end
- curbit, mask = curbit * 2, mask * 2
- if curbit > 128 or (i == CodeSize and num == EOI) then
- local counter = blshift(brshift(#outputlist - 1, 8), 8) + 1
- outputlist[counter] = outputlist[counter] + 1
- if outputlist[counter] > 255 then
- outputlist[counter], outputlist[counter + 256], len = 255, 1, len + 1
- snooze()
- end
- outputlist[len] = curbyte
- curbit, curbyte, len = 1, 0, len + 1
- end
- end
- end
- packByte(ClearCode)
- return function(incode)
- if not incode then
- if curcode then packByte(curcode) end
- packByte(EOI)
- outputlist[#outputlist + 1] = 0
- return outputlist
- end
- if not curcode then
- curcode = incode
- return
- end
- curstring = curstring .. string.char(incode)
- local thisCode = codes[curstring]
- if thisCode then
- curcode = thisCode
- else
- codes[curstring] = nextcode
- nextcode = nextcode + 1
- packByte(curcode)
- if nextcode == MaxCode + 2 then
- CodeSize = CodeSize + 1
- MaxCode = math.pow(2, CodeSize) - 1
- end
- if nextcode == 4095 then
- packByte(ClearCode)
- CodeSize, MaxCode, nextcode, codes = startCodeSize, math.pow(2, startCodeSize) - 1, EOI + 1, {}
- end
- curcode, curstring = incode, string.char(incode)
- end
- end
- end
- local function compressInternal(inputlist, valRange)
- if type(inputlist) ~= "table" and type(inputlist) ~= "string" then error("bbpack.compress: Expected: table, string or file handle", 2) end
- if not valRange then valRange = 256 end
- if type(valRange) ~= "number" or valRange < 2 or valRange > 256 then error("bbpack.compress: Value range must be a number between 2 - 256.", 2) end
- if type(inputlist) == "table" and inputlist.close then
- local templist
- if inputlist.readAll then
- templist = inputlist.readAll()
- else
- local len = 1
- templist = {}
- for thisByte in do
- templist[len] = thisByte
- len = len + 1
- end
- end
- inputlist.close()
- inputlist = templist
- end
- if type(inputlist) == "string" then inputlist = {inputlist:byte(1, #inputlist)} end
- if #inputlist == 0 then return {} end
- local compressIt = compressIterator(valRange)
- local sleepCounter = 0
- for i = 1, #inputlist do
- compressIt(inputlist[i])
- sleepCounter = sleepCounter + 1
- if sleepCounter > 1023 then
- sleepCounter = 0
- snooze()
- end
- end
- return compressIt(false)
- end
- local function decompressIterator(ClearCode, codelist)
- local startCodeSize = 1
- while math.pow(2, startCodeSize) < ClearCode do startCodeSize = startCodeSize + 1 end
- local EOI, ClearCode = math.pow(2, startCodeSize) + 1, math.pow(2, startCodeSize)
- startCodeSize = startCodeSize + 1
- local lastcounter, curbyte, spot, CodeSize, MaxCode, maskbit, nextcode, codes, gotbytes = codelist[1], codelist[2], 3, startCodeSize, math.pow(2, startCodeSize) - 1, 1, EOI + 1, {}, 1
- for i = 0, ClearCode - 1 do codes[i] = string.char(i) end
- return function()
- while true do
- local curcode, curbit = 0, 1
- for i = 1, CodeSize do
- if band(curbyte, maskbit) == maskbit then curcode = curcode + curbit end
- curbit, maskbit = curbit * 2, maskbit * 2
- if maskbit > 128 and not (i == CodeSize and curcode == EOI) then
- maskbit, curbyte, gotbytes = 1, codelist[spot], gotbytes + 1
- spot = spot + 1
- if gotbytes > lastcounter then
- if curbyte == 0 then break end
- lastcounter, gotbytes = curbyte, 1
- curbyte = codelist[spot]
- spot = spot + 1
- snooze()
- end
- end
- end
- if curcode == ClearCode then
- CodeSize, MaxCode, nextcode, codes = startCodeSize, math.pow(2, startCodeSize) - 1, EOI + 1, {}
- for i = 0, ClearCode - 1 do codes[i] = string.char(i) end
- elseif curcode ~= EOI then
- if codes[nextcode - 1] then codes[nextcode - 1] = codes[nextcode - 1] .. codes[curcode]:sub(1, 1) else codes[nextcode - 1] = codes[curcode]:sub(1, 1) end
- if nextcode < 4096 then
- codes[nextcode] = codes[curcode]
- nextcode = nextcode + 1
- end
- if nextcode - 2 == MaxCode then
- CodeSize = CodeSize + 1
- MaxCode = math.pow(2, CodeSize) - 1
- end
- return codes[curcode]
- else return end
- end
- end
- end
- local function decompressInternal(codelist, outputText, valRange)
- if type(codelist) ~= "table" then error("bbpack.decompress: Expected: table or file handle", 2) end
- if not valRange then valRange = 256 end
- if type(valRange) ~= "number" or valRange < 2 or valRange > 256 then error("bbpack.decompress: Value range must be a number between 2 - 256.", 2) end
- if codelist.readLine then
- codelist.close()
- error("bbpack.decompress: Use binary-mode file handles", 2)
- elseif codelist.readAll then
- codelist = codelist.readAll()
- codelist = {codelist:byte(1, #codelist)}
- elseif then
- local data, len = {}, 1
- while true do
- local amount =
- data[len] = amount
- len = len + 1
- if amount == 0 then break end
- for i = 1, amount do
- data[len] =
- len = len + 1
- end
- snooze()
- end
- codelist = data
- elseif #codelist == 0 then return outputText and "" or {} end
- local outputlist, decompressIt, len = {}, decompressIterator(valRange, codelist), 1
- local sleepCounter = 0
- while true do
- local output = decompressIt()
- if output then
- outputlist[len] = output
- len = len + 1
- else break end
- end
- outputlist = table.concat(outputlist)
- return outputText and outputlist or {outputlist:byte(1, #outputlist)}
- end
- local function uploadPasteInternal(name, content)
- if type(name) ~= "string" or (type(content) ~= "string" and type(content) ~= "table") then error("bbpack.uploadPaste: Expected: (string) paste name, (string or file handle) paste content", 2) end
- if type(content) == "table" then
- if content.readLine then
- local temp = content.readAll()
- content.close()
- content = temp
- else
- if content.close then content.close() end
- error("bbpack.uploadPaste: Use text-mode file handles", 2)
- end
- end
- local webHandle =
- "",
- "api_option=paste&" ..
- "api_dev_key=147764e5c6ac900a3015d77811334df1&" ..
- "api_paste_format=lua&" ..
- "api_paste_name=" .. textutils.urlEncode(name) .. "&" ..
- "api_paste_code=" .. textutils.urlEncode(content))
- if webHandle then
- local response = webHandle.readAll()
- webHandle.close()
- return string.match(response, "[^/]+$")
- else error("Connection to pastebin failed. http API config in ComputerCraft.cfg is enabled, but may be set to block pastebin - or pastebin servers may be busy.") end
- end
- local function downloadPasteInternal(pasteID)
- if type(pasteID) ~= "string" then error("bbpack.downloadPaste: Expected: (string) paste ID", 2) end
- local webHandle = http.get("" .. textutils.urlEncode(pasteID))
- if webHandle then
- local incoming = webHandle.readAll()
- webHandle.close()
- return incoming
- else error("Connection to pastebin failed. http API config in ComputerCraft.cfg is enabled, but may be set to block pastebin - or pastebin servers may be busy.") end
- end
- if shell then
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Main Program ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- if not bbpack then os.loadAPI("bbpack") end
- local args = {...}
- if #args > 0 then args[1] = args[1]:lower() end
- if #args < 1 or not (args[1] == "put" or args[1] == "get" or args[1] == "fileput" or args[1] == "fileget" or args[1] == "mount" or args[1] == "compress" or args[1] == "decompress" or args[1] == "cluster" or args[1] == "update") then
- textutils.pagedPrint("Usage:\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Uploads specified file or directory:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack put [file/directory name]\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Dumps paste into specified file or directory:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack get <pasteID> [file/directory name]\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Writes specified file or directory to archive file:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack fileput [file/directory name] <target file>\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Unpacks archive file to specified file or directory:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack fileget <source file> [file/directory name]\n")
- print("For the above options, if [file/directory name] is omitted the root of the drive will be used instead.\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Enables automatic compression on hdd and compresses all existing files:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack compress\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Disables automatic compression on hdd and decompresses all existing files:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack decompress\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Mounts a given URL as the specified local file:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack mount <URL> <fileName>\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Turns the system into a server for the specified cluster:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack cluster <clusterName>\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Mounts the specified cluster as a drive:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack mount <clusterName>\n")
- textutils.pagedPrint("Updates package, reboots, and instructs all mounted cluster servers to do the same:")
- textutils.pagedPrint("bbpack update\n")
- return
- end
- if (args[1] == "put" or args[1] == "get") and not http then
- print("BBPack's pastebin functionality requires that the http API be enabled.")
- print("Shut down MineCraft game/server, set http_enable to true in ComputerCraft.cfg, then restart.")
- error()
- end
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Uploading ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- if args[1] == "put" or args[1] == "fileput" then
- local toFile
- if args[1] == "fileput" then toFile = table.remove(args, #args) end
- local uploadName, parent
- if not args[2] then
- print("Full system upload - are you sure? (y/n)")
- if read():sub(1, 1):lower() ~= "y" then
- print("Aborted.")
- error()
- end
- uploadName = os.getComputerLabel()
- if not uploadName then
- print("Enter paste title:")
- uploadName = read()
- end
- args[2] = ""
- end
- local target, output = shell.resolve(args[2]), {}
- uploadName = uploadName or target
- if not fs.exists(target) then
- print("Invalid target.")
- error()
- end
- if fs.isDir(target) then
- local fileList = fs.list(target)
- parent = target
- while #fileList > 0 do
- if fs.isDir(shell.resolve(fs.combine(parent, fileList[#fileList]))) then
- local thisDir = table.remove(fileList, #fileList)
- local newList = fs.list(shell.resolve(fs.combine(parent, thisDir)))
- for i = 1, #newList do fileList[#fileList + 1] = fs.combine(thisDir, newList[i]) end
- if #newList == 0 then output[#output + 1] = thisDir end
- else output[#output + 1] = table.remove(fileList, #fileList) end
- end
- target = output
- output = {}
- else parent, target = "", {target} end
- snooze()
- for i = #target, 1, -1 do
- if fs.combine(parent, target[i]) ~= shell.getRunningProgram() and not (parent == "" and fs.getDrive(target[i]) ~= "hdd") then
- if fs.isDir(fs.combine(parent, target[i])) then
- print(target[i])
- output[#output + 1] = {target[i], true}
- else
- print(target[i])
- output[#output + 1] = {target[i], toBase64Internal(compressInternal(, target[i]), "rb")))}
- snooze()
- end
- end
- end
- if toFile then
- output = textutils.serialize(output)
- if fs.getFreeSpace(shell.dir()) < #output then error("Output "..#output.." bytes, disk space available "..fs.getFreeSpace(shell.dir()).." bytes: file not written.") end
- write("Writing to file \"" .. toFile .. "\"... ")
- toFile =, "w")
- toFile.write(output)
- toFile.close()
- print("Success.")
- else
- write("Connecting to ")
- local response = uploadPasteInternal(uploadName, textutils.serialize(output))
- print("Success.")
- print("Uploaded to paste ID: " .. response)
- print("Run \"bbpack get " .. response .. (parent == "" and "" or " " .. parent) .. "\" to download.")
- end
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Downloading ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- elseif args[1] == "get" or args[1] == "fileget" then
- local incoming
- if args[1] == "fileget" then
- write("Attempting to read from archive... ")
- if not fs.exists(shell.resolve(args[2])) then error("Can't find \"" .. shell.resolve(args[2]) .. "\".") end
- local inFile =[2]), "r")
- incoming = textutils.unserialize(inFile.readAll())
- inFile.close()
- print("Success.")
- else
- write("Connecting to ")
- incoming = textutils.unserialize(downloadPasteInternal(args[2]))
- print("Downloaded.")
- end
- local function getParent(path)
- local pos = #path
- if path:sub(pos,pos) == "/" then pos = pos - 1 end
- while pos > 0 and path:sub(pos,pos) ~= "/" do pos = pos - 1 end
- return pos > 0 and path:sub(1, pos - 1) or ""
- end
- local function writeFile(filePath, fileContent)
- local path = fs.combine(shell.resolve("."), filePath)
- if not fs.exists(getParent(path)) then fs.makeDir(getParent(path)) end
- if fs.getFreeSpace(shell.dir()) < #fileContent then error(path.." "..#fileContent.." bytes, disk space available "..fs.getFreeSpace(shell.dir()).." bytes: file not written.") end
- snooze()
- local myFile =, "wb")
- for i = 1, #fileContent do myFile.write(fileContent[i]) end
- myFile.close()
- snooze()
- end
- args[3] = args[3] or ""
- if args[3] ~= "" and #incoming == 1 then
- print(incoming[1][1] .. " => "..args[3])
- writeFile(args[3], decompressInternal(fromBase64Internal(incoming[1][2])))
- else
- for i = 1, #incoming do
- print(incoming[i][1])
- if type(incoming[i][2]) == "string" then
- writeFile(fs.combine(args[3], incoming[i][1]), decompressInternal(fromBase64Internal(incoming[i][2])))
- else fs.makeDir(fs.combine(shell.resolve("."), fs.combine(args[3], incoming[i][1]))) end
- incoming[i] = nil
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Compress FS ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- elseif args[1] == "compress" then
- bbpack.fileSys(true)
- print("Filesystem compression enabled.")
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Decompress FS ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- elseif args[1] == "decompress" then
- print(bbpack.fileSys(false) and "Filesystem compression disabled." or "Filesystem compression disabled, but space is insufficient to decompress all files.")
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Mount ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- elseif args[1] == "mount" then
- bbpack.fileSys(args[2], args[3] and shell.resolve(args[3]))
- print("Successfully mounted.")
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Cluster ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- elseif args[1] == "cluster" then
- local cluster, protocol = args[2], and args[2]
- rfs.makeDir(cluster)
- for _, side in pairs(rs.getSides()) do if peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then end end
- print("Running as part of cluster \"" .. cluster .. "\"...")
- local function locFile(path)
- local matches = rfs.find(path .. "*")
- for i = 1, #matches do
- local thisMatch = matches[i]
- if #thisMatch == #path + 3 and thisMatch:sub(1, #path) == path then return thisMatch end
- end
- return nil
- end
- return (function() while true do
- local sender, msg = rednet.receive(protocol)
- if type(msg) == "table" and msg.cluster == cluster then
- local command, par1, par2 = unpack(msg)
- if command == "rollcall" then
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, "rollcallResponse"}, protocol)
- elseif command == "isDir" then
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, rfs.isDir(par1)}, protocol)
- elseif command == "makeDir" then
- rfs.makeDir(par1)
- elseif command == "exists" then
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, type(locFile(par1)) == "string"}, protocol)
- elseif command == "getFreeSpace" then
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, {rfs.getFreeSpace("") - 10000, os.getComputerID()}}, protocol)
- elseif command == "getSize" then
- local path = locFile(par1)
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, path and rfs.getSize(path) or 0}, protocol)
- elseif command == "delete" then
- local path = locFile(par1)
- if path then rfs.delete(path) end
- elseif command == "list" then
- local list = rfs.list(par1)
- for i = 1, #list do
- local entry = list[i]
- if not fs.isDir(fs.combine(par1, entry)) then list[i] = entry:sub(1, -4) end
- end
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, list}, protocol)
- elseif command == "get" then
- local path = locFile(par1)
- if path then
- local file, content =, "rb")
- if file.readAll then
- content = file.readAll()
- else
- content = {}
- local counter = 1
- for byte in do
- content[counter] = byte
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- content = string.char(unpack(content))
- end
- file.close()
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, {tonumber(path:sub(-3)), content}}, protocol)
- end
- rednet.send(sender, {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = msg.uuid, false}, protocol)
- elseif command == "put" then
- local file =, "wb")
- if term.setPaletteColour then
- file.write(par2)
- else
- par2 = {par2:byte(1, #par2)}
- for i = 1, #par2 do file.write(par2[i]) end
- end
- file.close()
- elseif command == "update" then
- local file ="bbpack", "w")
- file.write(downloadPasteInternal("cUYTGbpb"))
- file.close()
- os.reboot()
- end
- end
- end end)()
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Update ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- elseif args[1] == "update" then
- bbpack.update()
- end
- else
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------ Load As API ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- compress = compressInternal
- decompress = decompressInternal
- toBase64 = toBase64Internal
- fromBase64 = fromBase64Internal
- uploadPaste = uploadPasteInternal
- downloadPaste = downloadPasteInternal
- function open(file, mode, valRange)
- if (type(file) ~= "table" and type(file) ~= "string") or type(mode) ~= "string" then error(" Expected: file (string or handle), mode (string). Got: " .. type(file) .. ", " .. type(mode) .. ".", 2) end
- mode = mode:lower()
- local binary, append, read, write, newhandle = mode:find("b") ~= nil, mode:find("a") ~= nil, mode:find("r") ~= nil, mode:find("w") ~= nil, {}
- if not valRange then valRange = 256 end
- if type(valRange) ~= "number" or valRange < 2 or valRange > 256 then error("bbpack.decompress: Value range must be a number between 2 - 256.", 2) end
- if not (append or write or read) then error(" Invalid file mode: " .. mode, 2) end
- if type(file) == "string" then
- if append and rfs.exists(file) then
- local oldfile = open(file, binary and "rb" or "r", valRange)
- if not oldfile then return nil end
- local olddata = oldfile.readAll()
- oldfile.close()
- newhandle = open(file, binary and "wb" or "w", valRange)
- newhandle.write(olddata)
- return newhandle
- end
- file =, (read and "r" or "w") .. "b")
- if not file then return nil end
- else
- if (write and (file.writeLine or not file.write)) or (read and not then error(" Handle / mode mismatch.", 2) end
- local tempfile, keys = {}, {}
- for key, _ in pairs(file) do keys[#keys + 1] = key end
- for i = 1, #keys do
- tempfile[keys[i]] = file[keys[i]]
- file[keys[i]] = nil
- end
- file = tempfile
- end
- if read then
- local data = {}
- if file.readAll then
- local len = 1
- while true do
- local amount =
- data[len] = string.char(amount)
- len = len + 1
- if amount == 0 then break end
- data[len] =
- len = len + 1
- end
- data = table.concat(data)
- data = {data:byte(1, #data)}
- else
- local len = 1
- while true do
- local amount =
- data[len] = amount
- len = len + 1
- if amount == 0 then break end
- for i = 1, amount do
- data[len] =
- len = len + 1
- end
- snooze()
- end
- end
- local decompressIt, outputlist = decompressIterator(valRange, data), ""
- if binary then
- function
- if not outputlist then return nil end
- if type(amount) ~= "number" then
- if #outputlist == 0 then
- outputlist = decompressIt()
- if not outputlist then return nil end
- end
- local result = outputlist:byte(1)
- outputlist = outputlist:sub(2)
- return result
- else
- while #outputlist < amount do
- local new = decompressIt()
- if not new then
- new = outputlist
- outputlist = nil
- if #new > 0 then return new else return end
- end
- outputlist = outputlist .. new
- end
- local result = outputlist:sub(1, amount)
- outputlist = outputlist:sub(amount + 1)
- return result
- end
- end
- function newhandle.readAll()
- if not outputlist then return nil end
- local result, len = {outputlist}, 2
- for data in decompressIt do
- result[len] = data
- len = len + 1
- end
- outputlist = nil
- return table.concat(result)
- end
- else
- function newhandle.readLine()
- if not outputlist then return nil end
- while not outputlist:find("\n") do
- local new = decompressIt()
- if not new then
- new = outputlist
- outputlist = nil
- if #new > 0 then return new else return end
- end
- outputlist = outputlist .. new
- end
- local result = outputlist:sub(1, outputlist:find("\n") - 1)
- outputlist = outputlist:sub(outputlist:find("\n") + 1)
- if outputlist:byte(1) == 13 then outputlist = outputlist:sub(2) end
- return result
- end
- function newhandle.readAll()
- if not outputlist then return nil end
- local result, len = {outputlist}, 2
- for data in decompressIt do
- result[len] = data
- len = len + 1
- end
- outputlist = nil
- return table.concat(result)
- end
- end
- function newhandle.extractHandle()
- local keys = {}
- for key, _ in pairs(newhandle) do keys[#keys + 1] = key end
- for i = 1, #keys do newhandle[keys[i]] = nil end
- return file
- end
- else
- local compressIt = compressIterator(valRange)
- if binary then
- function newhandle.write(data)
- if type(data) == "number" then
- compressIt(data)
- elseif type(data) == "string" then
- data = {data:byte(1, #data)}
- for i = 1, #data do compressIt(data[i]) end
- else error("bbpackHandle.write: bad argument #1 (string or number expected, got " .. type(data) .. ")", 2) end
- end
- else
- function newhandle.write(text)
- text = tostring(text)
- text = {text:byte(1, #text)}
- for i = 1, #text do compressIt(text[i]) end
- end
- function newhandle.writeLine(text)
- text = tostring(text)
- text = {text:byte(1, #text)}
- for i = 1, #text do compressIt(text[i]) end
- compressIt(10)
- end
- end
- newhandle.flush = file.flush
- function newhandle.extractHandle()
- local output, fWrite = compressIt(false), file.write
- for j = 1, #output do fWrite(output[j]) end
- local keys = {}
- for key, _ in pairs(newhandle) do keys[#keys + 1] = key end
- for i = 1, #keys do newhandle[keys[i]] = nil end
- return file
- end
- end
- function newhandle.close()
- newhandle.extractHandle().close()
- end
- return newhandle
- end
- function lines(file)
- if type(file) == "string" then
- file = open(file, "r")
- elseif type(file) ~= "table" or not file.readLine then
- error("bbpack.lines: Expected: file (string or \"r\"-mode handle).", 2)
- end
- return function()
- if not file.readLine then return nil end
- local line = file.readLine()
- if line then
- return line
- else
- file.close()
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- local function dividePath(path)
- local result = {}
- for element in path:gmatch("[^/]+") do result[#result + 1] = element end
- return result
- end
- local function getGithubRepo(repo)
- local elements = dividePath(repo)
- for i = 1, #elements do if table.remove(elements, 1) == "" then break end end
- if #elements < 2 or elements[3] == "raw" then return end
- repo = elements[1] .. "/" .. elements[2]
- local branch = (elements[3] == "tree") and elements[4] or "master"
- local webHandle = http.get("" .. repo .. "/git/trees/" .. branch .. "?recursive=1")
- if not webHandle then return end
- local json = textutils.unserialize(webHandle.readAll():gsub("\10", ""):gsub(" ", ""):gsub("%[", "{"):gsub("]", "}"):gsub("{\"", "{[\""):gsub(",\"", ",[\""):gsub("\":", "\"]="))
- webHandle.close()
- if json.message == "Not Found" then return end
- local tree, results = json.tree, {}
- for i = 1, #tree do if tree[i].type == "blob" then
- local path, cur = tree[i].path, results
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- for i = 1, #elements - 1 do
- local element = elements[i]
- if not cur[element] then cur[element] = {} end
- cur = cur[element]
- end
- cur[elements[#elements]] = "" .. repo .. "/" .. branch .. "/" .. path
- end end
- if #elements > 4 then for i = 5, #elements do results = results[elements[i]] end end
- return (type(results) == "table") and results
- end
- local configTable = {["webMounts"] = {}, ["githubRepos"] = {}, ["clusters"] = {}, ["compressedFS"] = false}
- if fs.exists(".bbpack.cfg") then
- local file = rfs and".bbpack.cfg", "r") or".bbpack.cfg", "r")
- local input = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll())
- file.close()
- if type(input) == "table" then
- if type(input.webMounts) == "table" then configTable.webMounts = input.webMounts end
- if type(input.githubRepos) == "table" then configTable.githubRepos = input.githubRepos end
- if type(input.clusters) == "table" then configTable.clusters = input.clusters end
- if type(input.compressedFS) == "boolean" then configTable.compressedFS = input.compressedFS end
- end
- end
- local webMountList, clusterList, repoList = configTable.webMounts, configTable.clusters, {}
- for path, url in pairs(configTable.githubRepos) do repoList[path] = getGithubRepo(url) end
- if next(clusterList) then for _, side in pairs(rs.getSides()) do if peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then end end end
- local blacklist = {"bbpack", "bbpack.lua", "startup", "startup.lua", ".settings", ".gif", ".zip", ".bbpack.cfg"}
- if not _G.rfs then
- local rfs, ramdisk = {}, {}
- for key, value in pairs(fs) do rfs[key] = value end
- local function clusterTalk(cluster, answer, ...)
- local target, uuid, result, sender, msg = clusterList[cluster], math.random(1, 0x7FFFFFFF), {}
- for i = 1, #target do rednet.send(target[i], {["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = uuid, unpack(arg)}, and cluster) end
- if answer then
- for i = 1, #target do
- repeat sender, msg = rednet.receive( and cluster) until type(msg) == "table" and msg.cluster == cluster and msg.uuid == uuid
- result[i] = msg[1]
- end
- return result
- end
- end
- _G.fs.list = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if not fs.isDir(path) then error("Not a directory", 2) end
- if fs.getDrive(path) == "hdd" then
- local results = rfs.list(path)
- for i = 1, #results do
- local thisResult = results[i]
- if thisResult:sub(-4) == ".bbp" then results[i] = thisResult:sub(1, -5) end
- end
- for mount in pairs(webMountList) do
- local mountElements = dividePath(mount)
- if #elements == #mountElements - 1 then
- local match = true
- for i = 1, #elements do if elements[i] ~= mountElements[i] then
- match = false
- break
- end end
- if match then results[#results + 1] = mountElements[#mountElements] end
- end
- end
- if path == "" then
- results[#results + 1] = "ram"
- for cluster in pairs(clusterList) do results[#results + 1] = cluster end
- for repo in pairs(repoList) do results[#results + 1] = repo end
- end
- table.sort(results)
- return results
- elseif clusterList[elements[1]] then
- local results = {}
- local lists = clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "list", path)
- for i = 1, #clusterList[elements[1]] do
- local subList = lists[i]
- for i = 1, #subList do
- local found, thisSub = false, subList[i]
- for j = 1, #results do if results[j] == thisSub then
- found = true
- break
- end end
- if not found then results[#results + 1] = thisSub end
- end
- end
- table.sort(results)
- return results
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" or repoList[elements[1]] then
- local cur, results = (elements[1] == "ram") and ramdisk or repoList[elements[1]], {}
- for i = 2, #elements do cur = cur[elements[i]] end
- for entry in pairs(cur) do results[#results + 1] = entry end
- table.sort(results)
- return results
- else
- return rfs.list(path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.exists = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if webMountList[path] then
- return true
- elseif clusterList[elements[1]] then
- if #elements == 1 then return true end
- local list = clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "exists", path)
- for i = 1, #list do if list[i] then return true end end
- return false
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" or repoList[elements[1]] then
- local cur = (elements[1] == "ram") and ramdisk or repoList[elements[1]]
- for i = 2, #elements do
- cur = cur[elements[i]]
- if not cur then return false end
- end
- return true
- else
- return rfs.exists(path..".bbp") or rfs.exists(path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.isDir = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if not fs.exists(path) then return false end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if clusterList[elements[1]] then
- if #elements == 1 then return true end
- local list = clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "isDir", path)
- return list[1]
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" or repoList[elements[1]] then
- local cur = (elements[1] == "ram") and ramdisk or repoList[elements[1]]
- for i = 2, #elements do
- cur = cur[elements[i]]
- end
- return type(cur) == "table"
- else
- return rfs.isDir(path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.isReadOnly = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if webMountList[path] or repoList[elements[1]] then
- return true
- elseif clusterList[elements[1]] or elements[1] == "ram" then
- return false
- else
- return rfs.isReadOnly(rfs.exists(path..".bbp") and (path..".bbp") or path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.getDrive = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if clusterList[elements[1]] or elements[1] == "ram" or repoList[elements[1]] then
- return fs.exists(path) and elements[1]
- else
- return rfs.getDrive(rfs.exists(path..".bbp") and (path..".bbp") or path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.getSize = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if webMountList[path] or repoList[elements[1]] then
- return 0
- elseif clusterList[elements[1]] then
- if #elements == 1 then return 0 end
- if not fs.exists(path) then error("No such file", 2) end
- local size, list = 0, clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "getSize", path)
- for i = 1, #clusterList[elements[1]] do size = size + list[i] end
- return size
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" then
- local cur = ramdisk
- for i = 2, #elements do
- cur = cur[elements[i]]
- if not cur then error("No such file", 2) end
- end
- return type(cur) == "string" and #cur or 0
- else
- return rfs.getSize(rfs.exists(path..".bbp") and (path..".bbp") or path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.getFreeSpace = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if clusterList[elements[1]] then
- local size, list = 0, clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "getFreeSpace")
- for i = 1, #clusterList[elements[1]] do size = size + list[i][1] end
- return size
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" then
- return math.huge
- elseif repoList[elements[1]] then
- return 0
- else
- return rfs.getFreeSpace(path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.makeDir = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if fs.exists(path) then
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- return
- else
- error("File exists", 2)
- end
- end
- if clusterList[elements[1]] then
- clusterTalk(elements[1], false, "makeDir", path)
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" then
- local cur = ramdisk
- for i = 2, #elements do
- local next = cur[elements[i]]
- if next then
- cur = next
- else
- cur[elements[i]] = {}
- cur = cur[elements[i]]
- end
- end
- elseif repoList[elements[1]] then
- error("Access denied", 2)
- else
- return rfs.makeDir(path)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.move = function(path1, path2)
- if type(path1) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path1) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type(path2) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type(path2) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path1, path2 = fs.combine(path1, ""), fs.combine(path2, "")
- if not fs.exists(path1) then error("No such file", 2) end
- if fs.exists(path2) then error("File exists", 2) end
- if fs.isReadOnly(path1) or fs.isReadOnly(path2) or (#dividePath(path1) == 1 and fs.getDrive(path1) ~= "hdd") then error("Access denied", 2) end
- if #dividePath(path1) < #dividePath(path2) and path2:sub(#path1) == path1 then error("Can't copy a directory inside itself", 2) end
- -- ... and if we run out of space we'll just let things fall over at the writing level.
- if fs.isDir(path1) then
- fs.makeDir(path2)
- local list = fs.list(path1)
- for i = 1, #list do fs.move(fs.combine(path1, list[i]), fs.combine(path2, list[i])) end
- else
- local input, output =, "rb"),, "wb")
- if input.readAll then
- output.write(input.readAll())
- else
- for byte in do output.write(byte) end
- end
- input.close()
- output.close()
- end
- fs.delete(path1)
- end
- _G.fs.copy = function(path1, path2)
- if type(path1) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path1) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type(path2) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type(path2) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path1, path2 = fs.combine(path1, ""), fs.combine(path2, "")
- if not fs.exists(path1) then error("No such file", 2) end
- if fs.exists(path2) then error("File exists", 2) end
- if fs.isReadOnly(path2) then error("Access denied", 2) end
- if #dividePath(path1) < #dividePath(path2) and path2:sub(#path1) == path1 then error("Can't copy a directory inside itself", 2) end
- -- ... and if we run out of space we'll just let things fall over at the writing level.
- if fs.isDir(path1) then
- fs.makeDir(path2)
- local list = fs.list(path1)
- for i = 1, #list do fs.copy(fs.combine(path1, list[i]), fs.combine(path2, list[i])) end
- else
- local input, output =, "rb"),, "wb")
- if input.readAll then
- output.write(input.readAll())
- else
- for byte in do output.write(byte) end
- end
- input.close()
- output.close()
- end
- end
- _G.fs.delete = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- if not fs.exists(path) then return end
- if webMountList[path] then
- webMountList[path] = nil
- local file =".bbpack.cfg", "w")
- file.write(textutils.serialize(configTable))
- file.close()
- elseif clusterList[elements[1]] then
- if #elements == 1 then
- clusterList[elements[1]] = nil
- local file =".bbpack.cfg", "w")
- file.write(textutils.serialize(configTable))
- file.close()
- else
- clusterTalk(elements[1], false, "delete", path)
- end
- elseif repoList[elements[1]] then
- if #elements == 1 then
- repoList[elements[1]], configTable.githubRepos[elements[1]] = nil, nil
- local file =".bbpack.cfg", "w")
- file.write(textutils.serialize(configTable))
- file.close()
- else
- error("Access denied", 2)
- end
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" then
- if #elements == 1 then error("Access denied", 2) end
- local cur = ramdisk
- for i = 2, #elements - 1 do
- cur = cur[elements[i]]
- if not cur then return end
- end
- cur[elements[#elements]] = nil
- else
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- local list = fs.list(path)
- for i = 1, #list do
- local ok, err = pcall(fs.delete, fs.combine(path, list[i]))
- if not ok then error(err:gsub("pcall: ", ""), 2) end
- end
- return rfs.delete(path)
- else
- return rfs.delete(rfs.exists(path..".bbp") and (path..".bbp") or path)
- end
- end
- end
- = function(path, mode)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- if type(mode) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type(mode) .. ")", 2 ) end
- path = fs.combine(path, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- mode = mode:lower()
- local binary, append, read, write = mode:find("b") ~= nil, mode:find("a") ~= nil, mode:find("r") ~= nil, mode:find("w") ~= nil
- if webMountList[path] or clusterList[elements[1]] or elements[1] == "ram" or repoList[elements[1]] then
- if not (append or write or read) then error("Invalid file mode: " .. mode, 2) end
- if read then
- if not fs.exists(path) or fs.isDir(path) then return nil, "No such file" end
- local data
- local handle = {["close"] = function() data = nil end}
- if webMountList[path] then
- local webHandle = http.get(webMountList[path], nil, term.setPaletteColour and true)
- data = webHandle.readAll()
- webHandle.close()
- elseif clusterList[elements[1]] then
- data = {}
- local list = clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "get", path)
- for i = 1, #clusterList[elements[1]] do if list[i] then data[list[i][1]] = list[i][2] end end
- data = table.concat(data)
- data = decompressInternal({data:byte(1, #data)}, true)
- elseif repoList[elements[1]] then
- data = repoList[elements[1]]
- for i = 2, #elements do data = data[elements[i]] end
- local webHandle = http.get(data, nil, term.setPaletteColour and true)
- data = webHandle.readAll()
- webHandle.close()
- else
- data = ramdisk
- for i = 2, #elements do data = data[elements[i]] end
- end
- if #data == 0 then data = nil end
- if binary then
- = function(amount)
- if not data then return nil end
- local result
- if type(amount) ~= "number" then
- result = data:byte(1)
- data = data:sub(2)
- else
- result = data:sub(1, amount)
- data = data:sub(amount + 1)
- end
- if #data == 0 then data = nil end
- return result
- end
- handle.readAll = function()
- if not data then return nil end
- local result = data
- data = nil
- return result
- end
- else
- handle.readLine = function()
- if not data then return nil end
- if data:find("\n") then
- local result = data:sub(1, data:find("\n") - 1)
- data = data:sub(data:find("\n") + 1)
- if data:byte(1) == 13 then data = data:sub(2) end
- return result
- else
- local result = data
- data = nil
- return data
- end
- end
- handle.readAll = function()
- if not data then return nil end
- local result = data
- data = nil
- return result
- end
- end
- return handle
- elseif write or append then
- if webMountList[path] or repoList[elements[1]] then return nil, "Access denied" end
- if fs.isDir(path) then return nil, "Cannot write to directory" end
- fs.makeDir(fs.getDir(path))
- local handle, output, counter = {}, {}, 1
- if binary then
- handle.write = function(data)
- if type(data) ~= "string" and type(data) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #1 (string or number expected, got " .. type(data) .. ")", 2) end
- output[counter] = type(data) == "number" and string.char(data) or data
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- else
- handle.write = function(data)
- output[counter] = tostring(data)
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- handle.writeLine = function(data)
- output[counter] = tostring(data)
- output[counter + 1] = "\n"
- counter = counter + 2
- end
- end
- local ramLink, ramIndex
- if clusterList[elements[1]] and append and fs.exists(path) then
- local data, list = {}, clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "get", path)
- for i = 1, #list do if list[i] then data[list[i][1]] = list[i][2] end end
- data = table.concat(data)
- output[1], counter = decompressInternal({data:byte(1, #data)}, true), 2
- elseif elements[1] == "ram" then
- ramLink = ramdisk
- for i = 2, #elements - 1 do ramLink = ramLink[elements[i]] end
- ramIndex = elements[#elements]
- if (append and not ramLink[ramIndex]) or not append then ramLink[ramIndex] = "" end
- end
- handle.flush = function()
- if clusterList[elements[1]] then
- output, counter = {table.concat(output)}, 1
- local data, segs, pos, totalSpace, thisCluster = string.char(unpack(compressInternal(output[1]))), 1, 1, fs.getFreeSpace(elements[1]), clusterList[elements[1]]
- if fs.exists(path) then totalSpace = totalSpace + fs.getSize(path) end
- if totalSpace < #data then error("Out of space", 2) end
- fs.delete(path)
- local spaceList = clusterTalk(elements[1], true, "getFreeSpace")
- for i = 1, #thisCluster do
- local thisSpace = spaceList[i][1]
- if thisSpace > 0 then
- local segString = tostring(segs)
- rednet.send(spaceList[i][2], {["cluster"] = elements[1], "put", path .. string.rep("0", 3 - #segString) .. segString, data:sub(pos, pos + thisSpace - 1)}, and elements[1])
- pos, segs = pos + thisSpace, segs + 1
- end
- if pos > #data then break end
- end
- else
- output = table.concat(output)
- if append then output = ramLink[ramIndex] .. output end
- ramLink[ramIndex] = output
- output, counter, append = {}, 1, true
- end
- end
- handle.close = function()
- handle.flush()
- for key in pairs(handle) do handle[key] = function() end end
- end
- return handle
- end
- else
- if (write or append) and rfs.isReadOnly(path) then return nil, "Access denied" end
- for i = 1, #blacklist do
- local check = blacklist[i]
- if path:sub(-#check):lower() == check then return, mode) end
- end
- if read then
- return rfs.exists(path .. ".bbp") and open(path .. ".bbp", mode) or, mode)
- elseif configTable.compressedFS then
- if rfs.getDrive(elements[1]) and rfs.getDrive(elements[1]) ~= "hdd" then
- return, mode)
- elseif append then
- if rfs.exists(path) then
- local file, content =, binary and "rb" or "r")
- if file.readAll then
- content = file.readAll()
- else
- content = {}
- for byte in do content[#content + 1] = byte end
- content = string.char(unpack(content))
- end
- file.close()
- rfs.delete(path)
- file = open(path .. ".bbp", binary and "wb" or "w")
- file.write(content)
- return file
- else return open(path .. ".bbp", mode) end
- elseif write then
- if rfs.exists(path) then rfs.delete(path) end
- return open(path .. ".bbp", mode)
- end
- else
- if append then
- if rfs.exists(path .. ".bbp") then
- local file = open(path .. ".bbp", binary and "rb" or "r")
- local content = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- rfs.delete(path .. ".bbp")
- file =, binary and "wb" or "w")
- if file.writeLine or term.setPaletteColour then
- file.write(content)
- else
- content = {string.byte(1, #content)}
- for i = 1, #content do file.write(content[i]) end
- end
- return file
- else return, mode) end
- elseif write then
- if rfs.exists(path .. ".bbp") then rfs.delete(path .. ".bbp") end
- return, mode)
- end
- end
- error("Unsupported mode", 2)
- end
- end
- _G.fs.find = function(path)
- if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(path) .. ")", 2 ) end
- local pathParts, results, curfolder = {}, {}, "/"
- for part in path:gmatch("[^/]+") do pathParts[#pathParts + 1] = part:gsub("*", "[^/]*") end
- if #pathParts == 0 then return {} end
- local prospects = fs.list(curfolder)
- for i = 1, #prospects do prospects[i] = {["parent"] = curfolder, ["depth"] = 1, ["name"] = prospects[i]} end
- while #prospects > 0 do
- local thisProspect = table.remove(prospects, 1)
- local fullPath = fs.combine(thisProspect.parent,
- if ==[thisProspect.depth]) then
- if thisProspect.depth == #pathParts then
- results[#results + 1] = fullPath
- elseif fs.isDir(fullPath) and thisProspect.depth < #pathParts then
- local newList = fs.list(fullPath)
- for i = 1, #newList do prospects[#prospects + 1] = {["parent"] = fullPath, ["depth"] = thisProspect.depth + 1, ["name"] = newList[i]} end
- end
- end
- end
- return results
- end
- _G.rfs = rfs
- end
- update = bbpack and bbpack.update or function()
- for cluster, ids in pairs(clusterList) do for i = 1, #ids do
- rednet.send(ids[i], {["cluster"] = cluster, "update"}, and cluster)
- end end
- local file ="bbpack", "w")
- file.write(downloadPasteInternal("cUYTGbpb"))
- file.close()
- os.reboot()
- end
- fileSys = bbpack and bbpack.fileSys or function(par1, par2)
- if type(par1) == "boolean" or (type(par1) == "string" and type(par2) == "boolean") then
- -- Compress / decompress hdd contents.
- local list
- if type(par1) == "boolean" then
- list = rfs.list("")
- configTable.compressedFS = par1
- else
- list = {par1}
- par1 = par2
- end
- while #list > 0 do
- local entry = list[#list]
- list[#list] = nil
- if rfs.getDrive(entry) == "hdd" and not webMountList[entry] then
- if rfs.isDir(entry) then
- local newList, curLen = rfs.list(entry), #list
- for i = 1, #newList do list[curLen + i] = fs.combine(entry, newList[i]) end
- else
- local blacklisted = false
- for i = 1, #blacklist do
- local check = blacklist[i]
- if entry:sub(-#check):lower() == check then
- blacklisted = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not blacklisted then
- if par1 and entry:sub(-4) ~= ".bbp" then
- -- Compress this file.
- local file, content =, "rb")
- if file.readAll then
- content = file.readAll()
- else
- content = {}
- local counter = 1
- for byte in do
- content[counter] = byte
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- content = string.char(unpack(content))
- end
- file.close()
- content = compressInternal(content)
- if rfs.getFreeSpace(entry) + rfs.getSize(entry) < #content then return false end
- rfs.delete(entry)
- snooze()
- file = .. ".bbp", "wb")
- if term.setPaletteColor then
- file.write(string.char(unpack(content)))
- else
- for i = 1, #content do file.write(content[i]) end
- end
- file.close()
- snooze()
- elseif not par1 and entry:sub(-4) == ".bbp" then
- -- Decompress this file.
- local file = open(entry, "rb")
- local content = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- if rfs.getFreeSpace(entry) + rfs.getSize(entry) < #content then return false end
- rfs.delete(entry)
- snooze()
- file =, -5), "wb")
- if term.setPaletteColor then
- file.write(content)
- else
- content = {content:byte(1, #content)}
- for i = 1, #content do file.write(content[i]) end
- end
- file.close()
- snooze()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif type(par1) == "string" and type(par2) == "string" then
- -- New web mount.
- local url, path = par1, fs.combine(par2, "")
- local elements = dividePath(path)
- local repo = getGithubRepo(url)
- if repo then
- if #elements > 1 then error("bbpack.mount: Github repos must be mounted at the root of your file system", 2) end
- repoList[path] = repo
- configTable.githubRepos[path] = url
- else
- if fs.getDrive(elements[1]) and fs.getDrive(elements[1]) ~= "hdd" then error("bbpack.mount: web mounts must be located on the main hdd", 2) end
- local get = http.get(url)
- if not get then error("bbpack.mount: Can't connect to URL: "..url, 2) end
- get.close()
- webMountList[path] = url
- end
- elseif type(par1) == "string" then
- -- New cluster mount.
- local cluster, uuid = par1, math.random(1, 0x7FFFFFFF)
- for _, side in pairs(rs.getSides()) do if peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then end end
- rednet.broadcast({["cluster"] = cluster, ["uuid"] = uuid, "rollcall"}, and cluster)
- clusterList[cluster] = nil
- local myTimer, map = os.startTimer(5), {}
- while true do
- local event, par1, par2 = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "timer" and par1 == myTimer then
- break
- elseif event == "rednet_message" and type(par2) == "table" and par2.cluster == cluster and par2.uuid == uuid and par2[1] == "rollcallResponse" then
- map[#map + 1] = par1
- end
- end
- if #map == 0 then error("bbpack.mount: Can't connect to cluster: " .. cluster, 2) end
- clusterList[cluster] = map
- end
- local file =".bbpack.cfg", "w")
- file.write(textutils.serialize(configTable))
- file.close()
- return true
- end
- end
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