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- _G._OSNAME = "miniOS"
- _G._OSVER = ""
- _G._OSVERSION = _OSNAME .. " " .. _OSVER
- _G._OSCREDIT = "miniOS by Skye, based off of OpenOS code from OpenComputers.\nminiOS code is under BSD 2-clause license, OpenOS code is under the MIT liecence."
- --component code
- function component_code()
- local adding = {}
- local removing = {}
- local primaries = {}
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- This allows writing instead of writing
- -- component.getPrimary("modem").open(123), which may be nicer to read.
- setmetatable(component, { __index = function(_, key)
- return component.getPrimary(key)
- end})
- function component.get(address, componentType)
- checkArg(1, address, "string")
- checkArg(2, componentType, "string", "nil")
- for c in component.list(componentType, true) do
- if c:sub(1, address:len()) == address then
- return c
- end
- end
- return nil, "no such component"
- end
- function component.isAvailable(componentType)
- checkArg(1, componentType, "string")
- if not primaries[componentType] then
- -- This is mostly to avoid out of memory errors preventing proxy
- -- creation cause confusion by trying to create the proxy again,
- -- causing the oom error to be thrown again.
- component.setPrimary(componentType, component.list(componentType, true)())
- end
- return primaries[componentType] ~= nil
- end
- function component.isPrimary(address)
- local componentType = component.type(address)
- if componentType then
- if component.isAvailable(componentType) then
- return primaries[componentType].address == address
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function component.getPrimary(componentType)
- checkArg(1, componentType, "string")
- assert(component.isAvailable(componentType),
- "no primary '" .. componentType .. "' available")
- return primaries[componentType]
- end
- function component.setPrimary(componentType, address)
- checkArg(1, componentType, "string")
- checkArg(2, address, "string", "nil")
- if address ~= nil then
- address = component.get(address, componentType)
- assert(address, "no such component")
- end
- local wasAvailable = primaries[componentType]
- if wasAvailable and address == wasAvailable.address then
- return
- end
- local wasAdding = adding[componentType]
- if wasAdding and address == wasAdding.address then
- return
- end
- if wasAdding then
- event.cancel(wasAdding.timer)
- end
- primaries[componentType] = nil
- adding[componentType] = nil
- local primary = address and component.proxy(address) or nil
- if wasAvailable then
- computer.pushSignal("component_unavailable", componentType)
- end
- if primary then
- if wasAvailable or wasAdding then
- adding[componentType] = {
- address=address,
- timer=event.timer(0.1, function()
- adding[componentType] = nil
- primaries[componentType] = primary
- computer.pushSignal("component_available", componentType)
- end)
- }
- else
- primaries[componentType] = primary
- computer.pushSignal("component_available", componentType)
- end
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function onComponentAdded(_, address, componentType)
- if not (primaries[componentType] or adding[componentType]) then
- component.setPrimary(componentType, address)
- end
- end
- local function onComponentRemoved(_, address, componentType)
- if primaries[componentType] and primaries[componentType].address == address or
- adding[componentType] and adding[componentType].address == address
- then
- component.setPrimary(componentType, component.list(componentType, true)())
- end
- end
- event.listen("component_added", onComponentAdded)
- event.listen("component_removed", onComponentRemoved)
- end
- --text libary
- function text_code()
- local text = {}
- function text.detab(value, tabWidth)
- checkArg(1, value, "string")
- checkArg(2, tabWidth, "number", "nil")
- tabWidth = tabWidth or 8
- local function rep(match)
- local spaces = tabWidth - match:len() % tabWidth
- return match .. string.rep(" ", spaces)
- end
- local result = value:gsub("([^\n]-)\t", rep) -- truncate results
- return result
- end
- function text.padRight(value, length)
- checkArg(1, value, "string", "nil")
- checkArg(2, length, "number")
- if not value or unicode.len(value) == 0 then
- return string.rep(" ", length)
- else
- return value .. string.rep(" ", length - unicode.len(value))
- end
- end
- function text.padLeft(value, length)
- checkArg(1, value, "string", "nil")
- checkArg(2, length, "number")
- if not value or unicode.len(value) == 0 then
- return string.rep(" ", length)
- else
- return string.rep(" ", length - unicode.len(value)) .. value
- end
- end
- function text.trim(value) -- from
- local from = string.match(value, "^%s*()")
- return from > #value and "" or string.match(value, ".*%S", from)
- end
- function text.wrap(value, width, maxWidth)
- checkArg(1, value, "string")
- checkArg(2, width, "number")
- checkArg(3, maxWidth, "number")
- local line, nl = value:match("([^\r\n]*)(\r?\n?)") -- read until newline
- if unicode.len(line) > width then -- do we even need to wrap?
- local partial = unicode.sub(line, 1, width)
- local wrapped = partial:match("(.*[^a-zA-Z0-9._()'`=])")
- if wrapped or unicode.len(line) > maxWidth then
- partial = wrapped or partial
- return partial, unicode.sub(value, unicode.len(partial) + 1), true
- else
- return "", value, true -- write in new line.
- end
- end
- local start = unicode.len(line) + unicode.len(nl) + 1
- return line, start <= unicode.len(value) and unicode.sub(value, start) or nil, unicode.len(nl) > 0
- end
- function text.wrappedLines(value, width, maxWidth)
- local line, nl
- return function()
- if value then
- line, value, nl = text.wrap(value, width, maxWidth)
- return line
- end
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function text.tokenize(value)
- checkArg(1, value, "string")
- local tokens, token = {}, ""
- local escaped, quoted, start = false, false, -1
- for i = 1, unicode.len(value) do
- local char = unicode.sub(value, i, i)
- if escaped then -- escaped character
- escaped = false
- token = token .. char
- elseif char == "\\" and quoted ~= "'" then -- escape character?
- escaped = true
- token = token .. char
- elseif char == quoted then -- end of quoted string
- quoted = false
- token = token .. char
- elseif (char == "'" or char == '"') and not quoted then
- quoted = char
- start = i
- token = token .. char
- elseif string.find(char, "%s") and not quoted then -- delimiter
- if token ~= "" then
- table.insert(tokens, token)
- token = ""
- end
- else -- normal char
- token = token .. char
- end
- end
- if quoted then
- return nil, "unclosed quote at index " .. start
- end
- if token ~= "" then
- table.insert(tokens, token)
- end
- return tokens
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function text.endswith(s, send)
- return #s >= #send and s:find(send, #s-#send+1, true) and true or false
- end
- return text
- end
- --event code
- function event_code()
- local event, listeners, timers = {}, {}, {}
- local lastInterrupt = -math.huge
- local function matches(signal, name, filter)
- if name and not (type(signal[1]) == "string" and signal[1]:match(name))
- then
- return false
- end
- for i = 1, filter.n do
- if filter[i] ~= nil and filter[i] ~= signal[i + 1] then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function call(callback, ...)
- local result, message = pcall(callback, ...)
- if not result and type(event.onError) == "function" then
- pcall(event.onError, message)
- return
- end
- return message
- end
- local function dispatch(signal, ...)
- if listeners[signal] then
- local function callbacks()
- local list = {}
- for index, listener in ipairs(listeners[signal]) do
- list[index] = listener
- end
- return list
- end
- for _, callback in ipairs(callbacks()) do
- if call(callback, signal, ...) == false then
- event.ignore(signal, callback) -- alternative method of removing a listener
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function tick()
- local function elapsed()
- local list = {}
- for id, timer in pairs(timers) do
- if timer.after <= computer.uptime() then
- table.insert(list, timer.callback)
- timer.times = timer.times - 1
- if timer.times <= 0 then
- timers[id] = nil
- else
- timer.after = computer.uptime() + timer.interval
- end
- end
- end
- return list
- end
- for _, callback in ipairs(elapsed()) do
- call(callback)
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function event.cancel(timerId)
- checkArg(1, timerId, "number")
- if timers[timerId] then
- timers[timerId] = nil
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function event.ignore(name, callback)
- checkArg(1, name, "string")
- checkArg(2, callback, "function")
- if listeners[name] then
- for i = 1, #listeners[name] do
- if listeners[name][i] == callback then
- table.remove(listeners[name], i)
- if #listeners[name] == 0 then
- listeners[name] = nil
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function event.listen(name, callback)
- checkArg(1, name, "string")
- checkArg(2, callback, "function")
- if listeners[name] then
- for i = 1, #listeners[name] do
- if listeners[name][i] == callback then
- return false
- end
- end
- else
- listeners[name] = {}
- end
- table.insert(listeners[name], callback)
- return true
- end
- function event.onError(message)
- local log ="/tmp/event.log", "a")
- if log then
- log:write(message .. "\n")
- log:close()
- end
- end
- function event.pull(...)
- local args = table.pack(...)
- local seconds, name, filter
- if type(args[1]) == "string" then
- name = args[1]
- filter = table.pack(table.unpack(args, 2, args.n))
- else
- checkArg(1, args[1], "number", "nil")
- checkArg(2, args[2], "string", "nil")
- seconds = args[1]
- name = args[2]
- filter = table.pack(table.unpack(args, 3, args.n))
- end
- local hasFilter = name ~= nil
- if not hasFilter then
- for i = 1, filter.n do
- hasFilter = hasFilter or filter[i] ~= nil
- end
- end
- local deadline = seconds and
- (computer.uptime() + seconds) or
- (hasFilter and math.huge or 0)
- repeat
- local closest = seconds and deadline or math.huge
- for _, timer in pairs(timers) do
- closest = math.min(closest, timer.after)
- end
- local signal = table.pack(computer.pullSignal(closest - computer.uptime()))
- if signal.n > 0 then
- dispatch(table.unpack(signal, 1, signal.n))
- end
- tick()
- if event.shouldInterrupt() then
- lastInterrupt = computer.uptime()
- error("interrupted", 0)
- end
- if not (seconds or hasFilter) or matches(signal, name, filter) then
- return table.unpack(signal, 1, signal.n)
- end
- until computer.uptime() >= deadline
- end
- function event.shouldInterrupt()
- return computer.uptime() - lastInterrupt > 1 and
- keyboard.isControlDown() and
- keyboard.isAltDown() and
- keyboard.isKeyDown(keyboard.keys.c)
- end
- function event.timer(interval, callback, times)
- checkArg(1, interval, "number")
- checkArg(2, callback, "function")
- checkArg(3, times, "number", "nil")
- local id
- repeat
- id = math.floor(math.random(1, 0x7FFFFFFF))
- until not timers[id]
- timers[id] = {
- interval = interval,
- after = computer.uptime() + interval,
- callback = callback,
- times = times or 1
- }
- return id
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return event
- end
- --filesystem code
- function fs_code()
- local fs = {}
- = {}
- --drive mapping table, initilized later
- = {}
- --converts a drive letter into a proxy
- function
- return[letter]
- end
- --finds the proxy associated with the letter
- function
- for l,p in pairs( do
- if p == proxy then return l end
- end
- return nil
- end
- --maps a proxy to a letter
- function, proxy)
-[letter] = proxy
- end
- --finds the address of a drive letter.
- function
- return[letter].address
- end
- --finds the drive letter mapped to an address
- function
- for l,p in pairs( do
- if p.address == address then return l end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function, address)
- --print("mapAddress")
-[letter] = fs.proxy(address)
- end
- function --returns the letter if mapped OR already mapped, false if not.
- --print("autoMap")
- --we get the address and see if it already is mapped...
- local l =
- if l then return l end
- --then we take the address and attempt to map it
- --start at A:
- l = "A"
- while true do
- --see if it is mapped and then go to the next letter...
- if[l] then l = ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_'):match(l..'(.)') else, address) return l end
- --if we got to the end, fail
- if l == "_" then return false end
- end
- end
- function
- local t =
- local p = {}
- for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(p, n) end
- table.sort(p, f)
- local i = 0 -- iterator variable
- local iter = function () -- iterator function
- i = i + 1
- if p[i] == nil then return nil
- else return p[i], t[p[i]]
- end
- end
- return iter
- end
- function
- local i = 0 -- iterator variable
- local proxyIter =
- local iter = function () -- iterator function
- l, p = proxyIter()
- if not l then return nil end
- return l, p.address
- end
- return iter
- end
- = "A" --as the boot drive is A:
- function
- letter = letter:upper()
- if not[letter] then error("Invalid Drive", 2) end
- = letter
- end
- function
- local drive =
- local path
- if string.sub(mixed, 2,2) == ":" then
- drive = string.sub(mixed, 1,1):upper()
- path = string.sub(mixed, 3)
- else
- path = mixed
- end
- return drive, path
- end
- function return end
- function fs.invoke(method, ...) return[][method](...) end
- function fs.proxy(filter)
- checkArg(1, filter, "string")
- local address
- for c in component.list("filesystem") do
- if component.invoke(c, "getLabel") == filter then
- address = c
- break
- end
- if filter:sub(2,2) == ":" then
- if,1)) == c then address = c break end
- end
- if c:sub(1, filter:len()) == filter then
- address = c
- break
- end
- end
- if not address then
- return nil, "no such file system"
- end
- return component.proxy(address)
- end
- function, mode)
- local drive, handle, proxy
- drive, path =
- proxy =
- handle, reason =, mode or 'r')
- if not handle then return nil, reason end
- return {_handle = handle, _proxy = proxy}
- end
- function fs.write(handle, data) return handle._proxy.write(handle._handle, data) end
- function, length) return, length or math.huge) end
- function fs.close(handle) return handle._proxy.close(handle._handle) end
- function fs.isDirectory(path)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- return
- end
- function fs.exists(path)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- return
- end
- function fs.remove(path)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- return
- end
- function fs.copy(fromPath, toPath)
- if fs.isDirectory(fromPath) then
- return nil, "cannot copy folders"
- end
- local input, reason =, "rb")
- if not input then
- return nil, reason
- end
- local output, reason =, "wb")
- if not output then
- fs.close(input)
- return nil, reason
- end
- repeat
- local buffer, reason =
- if not buffer and reason then
- return nil, reason
- elseif buffer then
- local result, reason = filesystem.write(output, buffer)
- if not result then
- filesystem.close(input)
- filesystem.close(output)
- return nil, reason
- end
- end
- until not buffer
- filesystem.close(input)
- filesystem.close(output)
- return true
- end
- function fs.rename(path1, path2)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- return, path2)
- end
- function fs.makeDirectory(path)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- return
- end
- function fs.list(path)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- local i = 0
- local t =
- local n = #t
- return function()
- i = i + 1
- if i <= n then return t[i] end
- return nil
- end
- end
- function fs.get(path)
- local drive
- drive, path =
- drive =
- if not drive then return nil, "no such file system"
- else return drive, path end
- end
- --handle inserted and removed filesystems
- local function onComponentAdded(_, address, componentType)
- if componentType == "filesystem" then
- end
- end
- local function onComponentRemoved(_, address, componentType)
- if componentType == "filesystem" then
-, nil)
- end
- end
- event.listen("component_added", onComponentAdded)
- event.listen("component_removed", onComponentRemoved)
- local function driveInit()
- local boot = fs.proxy(computer.getBootAddress())
- local temp = fs.proxy(computer.tmpAddress())
- = { ["A"]=boot, ["X"]=temp }
- end
- driveInit()
- --return the API
- return fs
- end
- --terminal code
- function terminal_code()
- local term = {}
- local cursorX, cursorY = 1, 1
- local cursorBlink = nil
- --- quick and dirty hacks that allow newer programs to run while not actually writing new code
- term.gpu = function() return component.gpu end
- term.getViewport = function() return 0, 0, component.gpu.getResolution() end
- term.getGlobalArea = function(ignored)
- local w,h,dx,dy = term.getViewport(window)
- return dx+1,dy+1,w,h
- end
- term.pull = event.pull
- term.keyboard = function() return component.keyboard end
- term.screen = function() return term.gpu().getScreen() end
- local function toggleBlink()
- if term.isAvailable() then
- cursorBlink.state = not cursorBlink.state
- if cursorBlink.state then
- cursorBlink.alt = component.gpu.get(cursorX, cursorY)
- component.gpu.set(cursorX, cursorY, "_")
- else
- component.gpu.set(cursorX, cursorY, cursorBlink.alt)
- end
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function term.clear()
- if term.isAvailable() then
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- component.gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
- end
- cursorX, cursorY = 1, 1
- end
- function term.clearLine()
- if term.isAvailable() then
- local w = component.gpu.getResolution()
- component.gpu.fill(1, cursorY, w, 1, " ")
- end
- cursorX = 1
- end
- function term.getCursor()
- return cursorX, cursorY
- end
- function term.setCursor(col, row)
- checkArg(1, col, "number")
- checkArg(2, row, "number")
- if cursorBlink and cursorBlink.state then
- toggleBlink()
- end
- cursorX = math.floor(col)
- cursorY = math.floor(row)
- end
- function term.getCursorBlink()
- return cursorBlink ~= nil
- end
- function term.setCursorBlink(enabled)
- checkArg(1, enabled, "boolean")
- if enabled then
- if not cursorBlink then
- cursorBlink = {}
- = event.timer(0.5, toggleBlink, math.huge)
- cursorBlink.state = false
- elseif not cursorBlink.state then
- toggleBlink()
- end
- elseif cursorBlink then
- event.cancel(
- if cursorBlink.state then
- toggleBlink()
- end
- cursorBlink = nil
- end
- end
- function term.isAvailable()
- return component.isAvailable("gpu") and component.isAvailable("screen")
- end
- function term.readKey(echo)
- local blink = term.getCursorBlink()
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- local ok, name, address, charOrValue, code = pcall(event.pull, "key_down")
- if not ok then
- term.setCursorBlink(blink)
- error("interrupted", 0)
- end
- if name == "key_down" then
- if echo then term.write(charOrValue) end
- term.setCursorBlink(blink)
- end
- end
- function, dobreak)
- checkArg(1, history, "table", "nil")
- history = history or {}
- table.insert(history, "")
- local offset = term.getCursor() - 1
- local scrollX, scrollY = 0, #history - 1
- local function getCursor()
- local cx, cy = term.getCursor()
- return cx - offset + scrollX, 1 + scrollY
- end
- local function line()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- return history[cby]
- end
- local function setCursor(nbx, nby)
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- local cx, cy = term.getCursor()
- scrollY = nby - 1
- nbx = math.max(1, math.min(unicode.len(history[nby]) + 1, nbx))
- local ncx = nbx + offset - scrollX
- if ncx > w then
- local sx = nbx - (w - offset)
- local dx = math.abs(scrollX - sx)
- scrollX = sx
- component.gpu.copy(1 + offset + dx, cy, w - offset - dx, 1, -dx, 0)
- local str = unicode.sub(history[nby], nbx - (dx - 1), nbx)
- str = text.padRight(str, dx)
- component.gpu.set(1 + math.max(offset, w - dx), cy, unicode.sub(str, 1 + math.max(0, dx - (w - offset))))
- elseif ncx < 1 + offset then
- local sx = nbx - 1
- local dx = math.abs(scrollX - sx)
- scrollX = sx
- component.gpu.copy(1 + offset, cy, w - offset - dx, 1, dx, 0)
- local str = unicode.sub(history[nby], nbx, nbx + dx)
- --str = text.padRight(str, dx)
- component.gpu.set(1 + offset, cy, str)
- end
- term.setCursor(nbx - scrollX + offset, cy)
- end
- local function copyIfNecessary()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- if cby ~= #history then
- history[#history] = line()
- setCursor(cbx, #history)
- end
- end
- local function redraw()
- local cx, cy = term.getCursor()
- local bx, by = 1 + scrollX, 1 + scrollY
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- local l = w - offset
- local str = unicode.sub(history[by], bx, bx + l)
- str = text.padRight(str, l)
- component.gpu.set(1 + offset, cy, str)
- end
- local function home()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- setCursor(1, cby)
- end
- local function ende()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- setCursor(unicode.len(line()) + 1, cby)
- end
- local function left()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- if cbx > 1 then
- setCursor(cbx - 1, cby)
- return true -- for backspace
- end
- end
- local function right(n)
- n = n or 1
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- local be = unicode.len(line()) + 1
- if cbx < be then
- setCursor(math.min(be, cbx + n), cby)
- end
- end
- local function up()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- if cby > 1 then
- setCursor(1, cby - 1)
- redraw()
- ende()
- end
- end
- local function down()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- if cby < #history then
- setCursor(1, cby + 1)
- redraw()
- ende()
- end
- end
- local function delete()
- copyIfNecessary()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- if cbx <= unicode.len(line()) then
- history[cby] = unicode.sub(line(), 1, cbx - 1) ..
- unicode.sub(line(), cbx + 1)
- local cx, cy = term.getCursor()
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- component.gpu.copy(cx + 1, cy, w - cx, 1, -1, 0)
- local br = cbx + (w - cx)
- local char = unicode.sub(line(), br, br)
- if not char or unicode.len(char) == 0 then
- char = " "
- end
- component.gpu.set(w, cy, char)
- end
- end
- local function insert(value)
- copyIfNecessary()
- local cx, cy = term.getCursor()
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- history[cby] = unicode.sub(line(), 1, cbx - 1) ..
- value ..
- unicode.sub(line(), cbx)
- local len = unicode.len(value)
- local n = w - (cx - 1) - len
- if n > 0 then
- component.gpu.copy(cx, cy, n, 1, len, 0)
- end
- component.gpu.set(cx, cy, value)
- right(len)
- end
- local function onKeyDown(char, code)
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- if code == keyboard.keys.back then
- if left() then delete() end
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.delete then
- delete()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.left then
- left()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.right then
- right()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.home then
- home()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys["end"] then
- ende()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.up then
- up()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.down then
- down()
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.enter then
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- if cby ~= #history then -- bring entry to front
- history[#history] = line()
- table.remove(history, cby)
- end
- return true, history[#history] .. "\n"
- elseif keyboard.isControlDown() and code == keyboard.keys.d then
- if line() == "" then
- history[#history] = ""
- return true, nil
- end
- elseif keyboard.isControlDown() and code == keyboard.keys.c then
- history[#history] = ""
- return true, nil
- elseif not keyboard.isControl(char) then
- insert(unicode.char(char))
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- term.setCursorBlink(true) -- force toggle to caret
- end
- local function onClipboard(value)
- copyIfNecessary()
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- local cbx, cby = getCursor()
- local l = value:find("\n", 1, true)
- if l then
- history[cby] = unicode.sub(line(), 1, cbx - 1)
- redraw()
- insert(unicode.sub(value, 1, l - 1))
- return true, line() .. "\n"
- else
- insert(value)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- term.setCursorBlink(true) -- force toggle to caret
- end
- end
- local function cleanup()
- if history[#history] == "" then
- table.remove(history)
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- if term.getCursor() > 1 and dobreak ~= false then
- print()
- end
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- while term.isAvailable() do
- local ocx, ocy = getCursor()
- local ok, name, address, charOrValue, code = pcall(event.pull)
- if not ok then
- cleanup()
- error("interrupted", 0)
- end
- local ncx, ncy = getCursor()
- if ocx ~= ncx or ocy ~= ncy then
- cleanup()
- return "" -- soft fail the read if someone messes with the term
- end
- if term.isAvailable() and -- may have changed since pull
- type(address) == "string" and
- component.isPrimary(address)
- then
- local done, result
- if name == "key_down" then
- done, result = onKeyDown(charOrValue, code)
- elseif name == "clipboard" then
- done, result = onClipboard(charOrValue)
- end
- if done then
- cleanup()
- return result
- end
- end
- end
- cleanup()
- return nil -- fail the read if term becomes unavailable
- end
- function term.write(value, wrap)
- if not term.isAvailable() then
- return
- end
- value = tostring(value)
- if unicode.len(value) == 0 then
- return
- end
- do
- local noBell = value:gsub("\a", "")
- if #noBell ~= #value then
- value = noBell
- computer.beep()
- end
- end
- value = text.detab(value)
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- if not w then
- return -- gpu lost its screen but the signal wasn't processed yet.
- end
- local blink = term.getCursorBlink()
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- local line, nl
- repeat
- local wrapAfter, margin = math.huge, math.huge
- if wrap then
- wrapAfter, margin = w - (cursorX - 1), w
- end
- line, value, nl = text.wrap(value, wrapAfter, margin)
- component.gpu.set(cursorX, cursorY, line)
- cursorX = cursorX + unicode.len(line)
- if nl or (cursorX > w and wrap) then
- cursorX = 1
- cursorY = cursorY + 1
- end
- if cursorY > h then
- component.gpu.copy(1, 1, w, h, 0, -1)
- component.gpu.fill(1, h, w, 1, " ")
- cursorY = h
- end
- until not value
- term.setCursorBlink(blink)
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return term
- end
- function keyboard_code(keyboard_data)
- local keyboard = {pressedChars = {}, pressedCodes = {}, keys = keyboard_data.keys}
- -- Create inverse mapping for name lookup.
- setmetatable(keyboard.keys, {
- __index = function(tbl, k)
- if type(k) ~= "number" then return end
- for name,value in pairs(tbl) do
- if value == k then
- return name
- end
- end
- end
- })
- local function getKeyboardAddress(address)
- return address or term.keyboard().address
- end
- local function getPressedCodes(address)
- address = getKeyboardAddress(address)
- return address and keyboard.pressedCodes[address] or false
- end
- local function getPressedChars(address)
- address = getKeyboardAddress(address)
- return address and keyboard.pressedChars[address] or false
- end
- function keyboard.isAltDown(address)
- checkArg(1, address, "string", "nil")
- local pressedCodes = getPressedCodes(address)
- return pressedCodes and (pressedCodes[keyboard.keys.lmenu] or pressedCodes[keyboard.keys.rmenu]) ~= nil
- end
- function keyboard.isControl(char)
- return type(char) == "number" and (char < 0x20 or (char >= 0x7F and char <= 0x9F))
- end
- function keyboard.isControlDown(address)
- checkArg(1, address, "string", "nil")
- local pressedCodes = getPressedCodes(address)
- return pressedCodes and (pressedCodes[keyboard.keys.lcontrol] or pressedCodes[keyboard.keys.rcontrol]) ~= nil
- end
- function keyboard.isKeyDown(charOrCode, address)
- checkArg(1, charOrCode, "string", "number")
- checkArg(2, address, "string", "nil")
- if type(charOrCode) == "string" then
- local pressedChars = getPressedChars(address)
- return pressedChars and pressedChars[utf8 and utf8.codepoint(charOrCode) or charOrCode:byte()]
- elseif type(charOrCode) == "number" then
- local pressedCodes = getPressedCodes(address)
- return pressedCodes and pressedCodes[charOrCode]
- end
- end
- function keyboard.isShiftDown(address)
- checkArg(1, address, "string", "nil")
- local pressedCodes = getPressedCodes(address)
- return pressedCodes and (pressedCodes[keyboard.keys.lshift] or pressedCodes[keyboard.keys.rshift]) ~= nil
- end
- local function onKeyDown(_, address, char, code)
- if keyboard.pressedChars[address] then
- keyboard.pressedChars[address][char] = true
- keyboard.pressedCodes[address][code] = true
- end
- end
- local function onKeyUp(_, address, char, code)
- if keyboard.pressedChars[address] then
- keyboard.pressedChars[address][char] = nil
- keyboard.pressedCodes[address][code] = nil
- end
- end
- local function onComponentAdded(_, address, componentType)
- if componentType == "keyboard" then
- keyboard.pressedChars[address] = {}
- keyboard.pressedCodes[address] = {}
- end
- end
- local function onComponentRemoved(_, address, componentType)
- if componentType == "keyboard" then
- keyboard.pressedChars[address] = nil
- keyboard.pressedCodes[address] = nil
- end
- end
- for address in component.list("keyboard", true) do
- onComponentAdded("component_added", address, "keyboard")
- end
- event.listen("key_down", onKeyDown)
- event.listen("key_up", onKeyUp)
- event.listen("component_added", onComponentAdded)
- event.listen("component_removed", onComponentRemoved)
- return keyboard
- end
- local function printProcess(...)
- local args = table.pack(...)
- local argstr = ""
- for i = 1, args.n do
- local arg = tostring(args[i])
- if i > 1 then
- arg = "\t" .. arg
- end
- argstr = argstr .. arg
- end
- return argstr
- end
- function print(...)
- term.write(printProcess(...) .. "\n", true)
- end
- function printErr(...)
- local c = component.gpu.getForeground()
- component.gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000)
- print(...)
- component.gpu.setForeground(c)
- end
- function printPaged(...)
- argstr = printProcess(...) .. "\n"
- local i = 0
- local p = 0
- function readline()
- i = string.find(argstr, "\n", i+1) -- find 'next' newline
- if i == nil then return nil end
- local out = argstr:sub(p,i)
- p = i + 1
- return out
- end
- local function readlines(file, line, num)
- local w, h = component.gpu.getResolution()
- num = num or (h - 1)
- --num = num or (h)
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- for _ = 1, num do
- if not line then
- line = readline()
- if not line then -- eof
- return nil
- end
- end
- local wrapped
- wrapped, line = text.wrap(text.detab(line), w, w)
- term.write(wrapped .. "\n")
- end
- term.setCursor(1, h)
- term.write("Press enter or space to continue:")
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- return true
- end
- local line = nil
- while true do
- if not readlines(file, line) then
- return
- end
- while true do
- local event, address, char, code = event.pull("key_down")
- if component.isPrimary(address) then
- if code == keyboard.keys.q then
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- term.clearLine()
- return
- elseif code == or code == keyboard.keys.pageDown then
- term.clearLine()
- break
- elseif code == keyboard.keys.enter or code == keyboard.keys.down then
- term.clearLine()
- if not readlines(file, line, 1) then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --load programs
- function loadfile(file, mode, env)
- local handle, reason =
- if not handle then
- error(reason, 2)
- end
- local buffer = ""
- repeat
- local data, reason =
- if not data and reason then
- error(reason)
- end
- buffer = buffer .. (data or "")
- until not data
- filesystem.close(handle)
- if mode == nil then mode = "bt" end
- if env == nil then env = _G end
- return load(buffer, "=" .. file)
- end
- function dofile(file)
- local program, reason = loadfile(file)
- if program then
- local result = table.pack(pcall(program))
- if result[1] then
- return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
- else
- error(result[2])
- end
- else
- error(reason)
- end
- end
- --set up libs
- event = event_code()
- component_code()
- text = text_code()
- filesystem = fs_code()
- fs = filesystem
- keyboard = keyboard_code(dofile("keyboard.lua"))
- term = terminal_code()
- -- set up other functions...
- os.sleep = function(timeout)
- checkArg(1, timeout, "number", "nil")
- local deadline = computer.uptime() + (timeout or 0)
- repeat
- event.pull(deadline - computer.uptime())
- until computer.uptime() >= deadline
- end
- os.exit = function(code)
- error({[1]="INTERRUPT", [2]="EXIT", [3]=code})
- end
- --set up terminal
- if term.isAvailable() then
- component.gpu.bind(component.screen.address)
- component.gpu.setResolution(component.gpu.getResolution())
- component.gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- component.gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- term.clear()
- end
- print("Starting " .. _OSNAME .. "...\n")
- print(_OSCREDIT .. "\n")
- --clean up libs
- event_code, component_code, text_code, fs_code, terminal_code, keyboard_code = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
- --map the drives
- for address, componentType in component.list() do
- if componentType == "filesystem" then end
- end
- miniOS = {}
- local function interrupt(data)
- --print("INTERRUPT!")
- if data[2] == "RUN" then return miniOS.runfile(data[3], table.unpack(data[4])) end
- if data[2] == "ERR" then error("This error is for testing!") end
- if data[2] == "EXIT" then return data[3] end
- end
- local function runfile(file, ...)
- local program, reason = loadfile(file)
- if program then
- local targs = {...}
- local traceback
- local result = table.pack(xpcall(program,
- function(err) traceback = debug.traceback(nil, 2); return err end,
- ...))
- --local result = table.pack(pcall(program, ...))
- if traceback then
- local function dropsame(s1,s2)
- t1,t2={},{}
- for l in s1:gmatch("(.-)\n") do t1[#t1+1] = l end
- for l in s2:gmatch("(.-)\n") do t2[#t2+1] = l end
- for i = #t1,1,-1 do
- if t1[i] == t2[i] then
- t1[i] = nil
- t2[i] = nil
- else
- break
- end
- end
- os1,os2 = "",""
- for k,v in ipairs(t1) do
- os1 = os1 .. v .. "\n"
- end
- for k,v in ipairs(t2) do
- os2 = os2 .. v .. "\n"
- end
- return os1,os2
- end
- traceback = dropsame(traceback, debug.traceback(nil, 2)) .. "\t..."
- end
- if result[1] then
- return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
- else
- if type(result[2]) == "table" then if result[2][1] then if result[2][1] == "INTERRUPT" then
- result = {interrupt(result[2])}
- --if not result[1] then
- --error(result[2], 3)
- --else
- --return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
- --end
- return
- end end end
- error(result[2] .. "\n" .. traceback, 3)
- end
- else
- error(reason, 3)
- end
- end
- local function kernelError()
- printErr("\nPress any key to try again.")
- term.readKey()
- end
- function miniOS.saferunfile(...)
- local r = {pcall(runfile, ...)}
- if not r[1] then
- local c = component.gpu.getForeground()
- component.gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000)
- printPaged(r[2])
- component.gpu.setForeground(c)
- end
- return r
- end
- function miniOS.runfile(...)
- local r = miniOS.saferunfile(...)
- return table.unpack(r, 2, r.n)
- end
- local function tryrunlib(lib)
- local ret
- local opt = {lib .. ".lua", lib}
- for _,o in ipairs(opt) do
- if fs.exists(o) then
- return miniOS.runfile(o)
- end
- end
- error("Can't find the library specified: `" .. lib .. "`", 3)
- end
- function require(lib)
- return _G[lib] or _G[string.lower(lib)] or tryrunlib(lib)
- end
- local function shellrun(...)
- local success = miniOS.saferunfile(...)[1]
- if not success then
- printErr("\n\nError in running command interpreter.")
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- miniOS.freeMem = computer.freeMemory()
- --start command and keep it running.
- local fallback_drive =
- if filesystem.exists("autoexec.bat") then shellrun("command.lua", "autoexec.bat") else shellrun("command.lua") end
- while true do
- miniOS.freeMem = computer.freeMemory()
- print()
- if not shellrun("command.lua", "-c") then printErr("Will restart command interpreter..."); kernelError() end
- end
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