

Oct 29th, 2019
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  4. [spoiler]
  7. Version 50.0
  8. Huge update...
  9. ==================
  10. Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time
  11. Change Log
  12. October 2019
  13. -Jebbalon
  18. ==========================
  19. 2019 Oct 29 - Release Day!
  20. - Here we go!!
  23. - Generated new SEQ file.
  26. - xEdit - Checked for Errors - None found.
  27. - - QuickClean - Found 14 ITMs and 0 UDRs - all clean now!
  30. - Packaging and Upload only things left to do... Enjoy!
  35. ==========================
  36. 2019 Oct 26 to 29
  37. - SOT_Unused folder now has 122 files in it. PSC, PEX as well as others like Backup, and no extension files. All confirmed in CKit as not being used.
  40. - Changed folder for MCMenu splash image(s) from Interface\SkyUI to Interface\SandsOfTimeUDE - menu script updated for this
  43. - Went back to Angarvunde! Medresi worked out fine. Made some changes to the scripts used in the populated feature here...
  44. - - SOT_TriggerBox.psc - Added check for Populated enable object instead of having the object as an enable parent which caused papyrus error.
  45. - - SOT_SummonWitchHeads.psc - Changed odds from 75% to 25% to spawn heads. Multiple OnHits should be enough to trigger this.
  46. - - SOT_FleshBoss.psc - Changed odds of spawning 7 VileSouls during fight to just 3 VileSouls during fight and another 2 OnDeath. It gets crowded in that hall.
  49. - Pride Demons are now functional - Removed all spells, spell perks, and magicka from them. Changed combat style and class to Troll. - The Pride Demon race has the spell attached to their power attacks. They just need to attack like trolls and the fire balls and frost will happen.
  52. - Watchers aka Beholders and Gazers - the issue of looting them seems okay with new meshes. The larger ones die falling forward the loot box is on ground behind them.
  55. - SOTWarehouse is now a thing. In-game you can access with console command [COC SoTWarehouse] - in xEdit you can find it in [Cell - Block 5 - SubBlock 8] and CKit cell view window click list of Interiors and type [T] then scroll up several lines to SOTWarehouse.
  56. - - Inside you will find ... Several enable objects, xMarkers, placed references that are needed for quest items, the holding chests for cities. The spirits for the Spirit Spawning system reside here now along with their resting markers.
  57. - - There are 5 chests containing all SoT items - Armors, Weapons, Robes, Books, and Miscellaneous. (not every item is in there as some are not used in-game and may cause crashes if accessed)
  58. - - There is also a small Arena type area with spawn buttons - click and get a bad guy! - The script attached to the buttons SOT_OnActivateSpawnAtLinkedRef.psc is easy enough to change what mob you want to spawn. 2 of them are not assigned. (Hint: use the conjure spell books in Book chest then have a battle!)
  61. ==========================
  62. 2019 Oct 21 to 25
  63. - Waiting12.psc - Removed casting As Actor from calls to PlaceActorAtMe() - which takes ActorBase and returns Actor - no need to cast. Compiler seems to not care either way. - Added Messages condition for "The Horde Attacks!" Notification
  66. - SandsOfDreams quest that controls the Sandman summon and his dialogue - With changes to GiveRing.psc needed to update the filled properties.
  69. - Started to look into updating MihailMods that we have merged into SoT. Started with Watchers - meshes & textures were in same folders so overwrote with new.
  70. - - May be difficult to update others due to changes in folder structures with the updates Mihail did. Corpus Victims especially.
  73. - Added toggle for Imps - Found in MCMenu Subsidiary Encounters page Fantastic Creatures - All have been linked to enable parent Xmarker SOT_MihailImpEnable found in AAADeleteWhenDoneTestJeremyDUPLICATE001 "TestTony" (cell - block 5 - sub-block 6)
  74. - - This gave me idea to move all SoT related objects to a custom SoT warehouse - will run idea by Tony
  79. ==========================
  80. 2019 Oct 14 to 20
  81. - Angarvunde - Previous changes did not work as intended. Was able to remove all edits SoT made to vanilla Medresi and her quest, the script, scenes and objects. Then I placed a single XMarker in Angarvunde with simple script (SOT_AngarMedresiEssentialScript.psc) that OnLoad will set Medresi to essential and when the quest is past stage 65 will remove that setting.
  84. - Pride Demons - found in Angarvunde. These monsters are based on Trolls but given spells to cast. They were not casting though. Edited them to have the spells referenced in their race record and the combat style to use magic. Needs testing.
  87. - DA09 Dawnbreaker - In a similar vein to Angarvunde, in an effort to remove SoT edits from vanilla stuff. DA09Script.psc was erroring in papyrus for missing SOT_MCMMenu3.psc and the Pause functions in it. The menu script is now SOT_MCMenu5.psc and the SOTPause() and SOTUnpause() functions are now in SOTFunctionsLib.psc (also removed from GiveRing.psc) - But, instead of leaving the edits in the vanilla script I placed an XMarker near where the player talks to Meridia. Its enable parent is DA09SkyPlaneCollision which is enabled only while the player is up in sky talking to Meridia. SOT_DA09_PauseScript.psc has OnLoad() which fires upon enable when cell is loaded then will Pause SoT spawning and when disabled OnUnload() will Unpause spawning. No spawns while up in the air and no vanilla edits!
  90. - Removed an unused vanilla cow. Well.. the ITM edit to it in SoT.
  93. - There is an early version of the Waiting script that is empty - Waiting.psc - This caused an issue while compiling a script for another mod that used a variable with same name. Not catastrophic but will move Waiting.psc to SOT_Unused folder.
  96. - Started going through Sliker90's report to address the issues he brought up. Will post update on that in bug reports.
  97. - - Slayer Chameleon mobs are really tanky.
  98. = They are all minimum level 50 but some were set to 5x player level. So, player at just level 23 they would be maxed at level 111. Changed 5x to 1.5x like the other Slayers.
  99. - - Slayer Chameleon mages are supposed to inherit the bandit mage template but they don't. They're just small, invisible foxes
  100. = Hopefully fixed this - would need testing. - was also an issue on normal Chameleon Mages.
  107. ==========================
  108. 2019 Oct 09 to 14
  109. - Carried over USSEP edits for following NPCs
  110. - - Lord Harkon [02003BA7] after matching USSEP the only edit SoT makes is removing a Summon Gargoyle spell. ?
  111. - - Durnehviir [0200C71A] after matching USSEP the only SoT edit is to add Grave Lord summon spell.
  112. - - Reaver Lord [04026B0C] SoT adds the bandit boss treasure chest script Killme.psc - USSEP though changes his weapon from Stormfang to a Leveled List version of the weapon. Carrying over this edit would make USSEP a master for SoT - not going to do that for this one bandit - so Removed NPC edit from SoT
  115. - Presets Functions (MilkDrinker, AleDrinker, SpartanTrainee, SpartanPreset, HurtMe and Nightmare) moved to SOTFunctionsLib.psc
  116. - - Removed these functions from MCMenu, and GiveRing.psc (witch sets up mod initial state)
  117. - - Did this to consolidate the different versions and cleanup scripts in general.
  118. - - Cleaned up and organized the Preset functions. Should be easier to find and add more to. Sorted by mcmenu pages.
  119. - - In the process of removing presets from MCMenu it became clear that some settings needed to be updated or refreshed more often then not at all. Specifically the Status variables. Menu entries that pull Global values for display directly do not need refreshing. The Status variables which are tied to Globals but do not pull directly from the global when being displayed need to have a separate refresh or update.
  120. - - So, a new function was added to do this. StatusUpdate() simply sets each VariableStatus = VariableGlobal.GetValueInt() As Bool
  121. - - This function is then called in the OnPageReset() Event to keep everything up to date.
  124. - Populated Dungeons - made sure presets had all enabled except for MilkDrinker where all are disabled.
  127. Lots more scripts edited...
  128. - SOT_MCMenu.psc - Removed Preset functions (see above) Added StatusUpdate() to keep status variables refreshed. FISS sections will need update.
  129. - SOTFunctionsLib.psc - Added Preset functions (see above)
  130. - QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617.psc - now points to SOTFunctionsLib.psc for the SpartanPreset upon graduation.
  131. - GiveRing.psc - Removed Preset Functions (see above) - pointed to SOTFunctionsLib.psc for MilkDrinker preset when initializing the mod. Added restriction to complete Unbound quest before this runs. You have to leave Helgen or get out of Alt-Start prison to get message and Sandman Ring of Danger. Also removed about 400 variables from script that are no longer used.
  132. - Sands of Dreams Quest used for Sandman summons who allows activation of mod and choosing a preset needed the following Topic Info Fragments updated to point to the presets now in SOTFunctionsLib.psc instead of GiveRing.psc
  133. - - TIF_SOT0509929E.psc
  134. - - TIF_SOT0509929F.psc
  135. - - TIF_SOT050992A0.psc
  136. - - TIF_SOT050992A1.psc
  137. - - TIF_SOT050B28BB.psc
  138. - - TIF_SOT30509418E.psc
  141. - SOT_BanditVanilla.psc - added check for None - GetCurrentLocation() can return None for wilderness areas which should be ok to spawn in.
  142. - SOT_VampAttack.psc - Moved StartCombat() out of OnInit() to OnCellLoad()
  143. - SOT_FightMe.psc - Moved StartCombat() out of OnInit() to OnCellLoad()
  144. - SOT_ChameleonPrep.psc - Moved Spell Cast out of OnInit() to OnCellLoad()
  145. - SOT_EscortEndQuest1.psc - Moved LOS register out of OnInit() to OnCellLoad()
  146. - WeaponsDeadly.psc - commented out references to sleep and fast travel properties to clear papyrus errors
  149. - AttackPlayerChameleon package - removed reference to PF_AttackPlayerChameleon_074E9607.psc - Script does not exist - package is not used
  152. - SOT_Skeleton2.psc - Needed to auto fill 18 properties on 2 skeletons
  155. - Angarvunde Dwemer ruin quest - SoT edits dunAngarvundeMadresiScript.psc to keep Madresi alive while SoT punishes player for entering there. USSEP also edits this script so papyrus complains.
  156. - - Instead I made separate quest (SOT_AngarvundeMadresiEssential) to hold Madresi in reference alias that keeps here essential until her quest is past critical stage 65.
  157. - - Our edited dunAngarvundeMadresiScript.psc moved to SOT_Unused folder
  158. - - this will need testing
  161. ==========================
  162. 2019 Oct 04 to 08
  163. Lots of scripts edited for this update - to silence papyrus warnings/errors. - Here is list so far...
  164. - SOT_MCMenu.psc - new menu script along with new SOTMCM5 quest
  165. - - older menu scripts moved to SOT_Unused Folder in with the source scripts.
  166. - SOTGlobalBank.psc - Globals from menu moved here.
  167. - QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617.psc - pointed to new menu quest and SpartanFunction.
  168. - SOT_GetOnPlayer.psc - was running from game start when aliases were not filled.
  169. - WalkingDangers49.psc - Wilderness cells will return None for GetCurrentLocation() - added handler for this.
  170. - GiveRing.psc - Sleep animation and Fast travel references removed.
  171. - SOT_SLMakeInvis.psc - Squad Leader script - was running from game start when aliases were not filled.
  172. - IronTrap.psc - was trying to remove a token ? from player but was pointing to message text.
  175. - Removed Innocent Keyword from 11 npcs - it is no longer used. The quest checks form lists of class keywords and npcs instead.
  178. - Quest WaitingDangers - Removed script SOT_DoomedMan.psc from CursedMan player alias. That script is missing.
  179. - Removed SOT_CursedBow.psc from EnchEbonyBowFrostCursed (xx6CB6EA). That script is missing.
  182. - Properties needed to be auto filled on many of the 47 NPCs with attached script SOT_Falmer.psc
  185. - Removed PF_AttackPlayerChameleon.psc from AttackPlayerChameleon Package. That script is missing and the package is not used.
  188. - SOTCleanup.psc - this script generates some papyrus spam by design. It is noted in the scripts comments. Not sure if there is better way to run that script or add in error trappings.
  191. - Continued refining the MCMenu...
  192. - Tried adding some color in the form of red "Scroll down for more" reminders. This works for vanilla SkyUI menus. For modded menus (ie. Dear Diary) the font color may be overwritten.
  193. - Removed lots of Empty lines to compact the menus some more. Not drastic change.
  194. - Cleaned up the OnConfigInit() and OnVersionUpdate() sections. The init section now contains the current pages list and the version update section has call to init.
  197. - Did some in-game testing (played a little : )
  198. - This generated more papyrus spam to look at - the fun continues.
  201. - - - - -
  202. - During this time I came across a Hearthfires script that was not optimized. It has been reported to the Unofficial Patch team.
  203. - - - - -
  208. ==========================
  209. 2019 Oct 03
  210. - Cleared up several of the CKit error log file items related to SoT. Will post my compiled logs.
  213. - Spirit Faction changed to only be friends with itself. Added Spirits to the dunPrisonerFaction "Prisoners Faction" [fact:000aa784] which should accomplish the same task.
  216. - Boss chest at Bleak Falls Barrow word wall was trying to enable Spirit1 and an AI package. Spirit1 does not need enabled and you can't enable a package. - looked around but could not find what was supposed to be enabled. Currently it is none.
  221. ==========================
  222. 2019 Oct 02
  223. - Turns out the errors for sot_mcmmenu3 and SpartanDiploma scripts were not what they seemed. sot_mcmmenu3 was actually not being used any longer. Testcmcm.psc was the current copy being used in SOTMCM3 quest that runs the menu. The SpartanDiploma quest and script though were still looking for sot_mcmmenu3.psc and that was throwing those first errors. Even though was wrong script - Moving globals to SOTGlobalBank.psc was good move. Makes the script leaner.
  226. - Created new quest for the menu to run on along with new script. This was easier way to update and combine scripts.
  227. - New menu quest is SOTMCM5 and the new script is SOT_MCMenu.psc - all other menu scripts will be moved to SOT_Unused folder
  228. - SOT_MCMenu script is now version 50 with the following changes...
  229. - GlobalVariables moved to SOTGlobalBank.psc about 350 in all.
  230. - Pointed all the globalvariable references to the GlobalStore
  231. - Removed all calls to UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal() - this does nothing for menu quest. That function is for updating globals while in quests that have dialogue for example. Like if you are asked to get 20 things and you have 5 already then the script can use that function to update the number instantly and display you need 15 more. This can be added back in as a separate function if deemed necessary.
  232. - Added ForcePageReset() commands to end of menu functions. This should refresh pages while navigating the menus.
  233. - Found boolean variable that was being used in more places than intended. ToggleActiveValue is meant only for the activation of mod but was used in several other setting displays. This only affected the display of those settings in the menu not the function of the features.
  234. - Started to clean up the menu pages a bit. Removed some blank lines. This will continue.
  235. - Fixed the mod being able to activate while in Helgen or Alt-Start prison. You have to exit and finish the Unbound quest then activation is unlocked.
  236. - The menu script is just under 9000 lines long. This mod has so much that you would have hard time seeing it all in one play.
  239. - Continuing to check log files - several errors cleared up with the above changes.
  244. ==========================
  245. 2019 Sep 29
  246. - First Papyrus error: "Class sot_mcmmenu3 overflowed the variable count field while linking. The class is marked as invalid. A programmer must adjust the bit field sizes"
  247. - SoT_MCMmenu3 script contains every SoT setting so there are many variables included in this script. Game plan is to utilize the SOTGlobalBank.psc script to hold globals. May require a SOTGlobalBank2 script.
  248. - The count using search for 'Property' was 450 and 'GlobalVariable' was 353 - not sure what the limit is for 'variable count field' but the list of variables at top of script is 1037 lines long. Plus or minus blank lines and other variables defined lower in script, it's safe to say 1024 might be limit.
  249. - SOTGlobalBank already contains 81 variables so there may already be some overlap.
  250. - MCMenu script surgery will begin this week! - Moving those 353 globals should be enough. Will just comment out those lines so as to keep Find/Replace terms.
  253. - Papyrus Error: Unable to link type of variable "::SOTMCM_var" on object "QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617"
  254. Error: Unable to link type of property "SOTMCM" on object "QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617"
  255. Error: Unable to bind script QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617 to SpartanDiploma (1A4975B8) because their base types do not match
  256. - In QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617.psc SOTMCM is set as a property of SOT_MCMMenu3.psc script. It is then used to call the Function Spartan() in that script to graduate the player from mild to full spartan status.
  257. - Issue may stem from the first error above with the variable count field overflow. However, another likely cause is the use of Spartan as another variable in the script.
  258. - To correct this the Function Spartan() will be renamed SpartanFunction() and the Diploma script will be updated to match.
  263. ==========================
  264. 2019 Sep 28
  265. - Installed mod on current game
  268. - Mod removed all spell effects on init. Not desired feature!
  271. - Parsed papyrus log for SoT related warnings/errors
  274. - Opened mod in CKit.
  277. - Parsed CKit warning log for SoT related warnings/errors
  280. - Reported,Mesh for Undead Fire Dragon - needs its own skeleton - the default dragon skeleton does not fit the new mesh well, leaving a collision where neck and nose of dragon would be.
  283. - Reported,Scripts for Dancing swords / summon swords scroll/spell need to be reviewed for optimization - RegisterForSingleUpdate() had 0.01 timer and possibly running on player from mod init.
  286. ======================================
  289. [/spoiler]
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