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- --Version 1.0.3
- --This program will act as a repeater between a turtle and a receiver computer
- --important options are doAcceptPing and arbitraryNumber
- --expected message format: {message, id, distance, fingerprint}
- --added modifications similar to receiver program
- --Config
- local doDebug = false --...
- local arbitraryNumber = 100 --How many messages to keep between deletions
- local saveFile = "QuarryRepeaterSave"
- local expectedFingerprints = {quarry = true, quarryReceiver = true}
- local acceptLegacy = true --This will auto-format old messages that come along
- local doAcceptPing = true --Accept pings. Can be turned off for tight quarters
- local pingFingerprint = "ping"
- local pingSide = "top"
- --Init
- local sentMessages = {} --Table of received message ids
- local counter = 0
- local tempCounter = 0 --How many messages since last delete
- local recentID = 1 --Most recent message ID received, used for restore in delete
- local channels = {} --List of channels to open listen on
- local modem --The wireless modem
- local modemSide --Will not necessarily be set
- --Function Declarations--
- local function debug(...) if doDebug then return print(...) end end --Debug print
- local function newID()
- return math.random(1,2000000000) --1 through 2 billion; close enough
- end
- local function save()
- debug("Saving File")
- local file =, "w")
- file.writeLine(textutils.serialize(channels):gsub("[\n\r]","")) --All the channels
- file.writeLine(counter) --Total number of messages received
- file.writeLine(modemSide) --The side the modem is on, helps for old MC
- return file.close()
- end
- local function addID(id)
- sentMessages[id] = true
- tempCounter = tempCounter + 1
- counter = counter + 1
- recentID = id
- save()
- end
- local function openChannels()
- for a,b in pairs(channels) do
- debug("Checking channel ",b)
- if not modem.isOpen(b) then
- debug("Opening channel ",b)
- end
- end
- end
- local function testPeripheral(periph, periphFunc)
- if type(periph) ~= "table" then return false end
- if type(periph[periphFunc]) ~= "function" then return false end
- if periph[periphFunc]() == nil then --Expects string because the function could access nil
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- local function initModem() --Sets up modem, returns true if modem exists
- if not testPeripheral(modem, "isWireless") then
- if peripheral.getType(modemSide or "") == "modem" then
- modem = peripheral.wrap(modemSide)
- if not modem.isWireless() then --Apparently this is a thing
- modem = nil
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- if peripheral.find then
- modem = peripheral.find("modem", function(side, obj) return obj.isWireless() end)
- end
- return modem and true or false
- end
- return true
- end
- local function addChannel(num, doPrint) --Tries to add channel number. Checks if channel not already added. Speaks if doPrint set to true.
- num = tonumber(num)
- for a, b in pairs(channels) do
- if b == num then
- if doPrint then
- print("Channel "..num.." already added.")
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- if num >= 1 and num <= 65535 then
- table.insert(channels, num)
- if doPrint then
- print("Channel "..num.." added.")
- end
- end
- end
- --Actual Program Part Starts Here--
- if fs.exists(saveFile) then
- local file =,"r")
- channels = textutils.unserialize(file.readLine()) or (print("Channels could not be read") and {})
- counter = tonumber(file.readLine()) or (print("Counter could not be read") and 0)
- modemSide = file.readLine() or (print("Modem Side not read") and "")
- print("Done reading save file")
- file.close()
- end
- while not initModem() do
- print("No modem is connected, please attach one")
- if not peripheral.find then
- print("What side was that on?")
- modemSide = read()
- else
- os.pullEvent("peripheral")
- end
- end
- openChannels()
- sleep(2) --Give users a second to read this stuff.
- local continue = true
- while continue do
- print("\nHit 'q' to quit, 'r' to remove channels, 'p' to ping or any other key to add channels")
- local event, key, receivedFreq, replyFreq, received, dist = os.pullEvent()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- if event == "modem_message" then
- print("Modem Message Received")
- debug("Received on channel "..receivedFreq.."\nReply channel is "..replyFreq.."\nDistance is "..dist)
- if acceptLegacy and type(received) ~= "table" then
- debug("Unformatted message, formatting for quarry")
- received = { message = received, id = newID(), distance = 0, fingerprint = "quarry"}
- end
- debug("Message Properties")
- for a, b in pairs(received) do
- debug(a," ",b)
- end
- if expectedFingerprints[received.fingerprint] and not sentMessages[] then --A regular expected message
- if received.distance then
- received.distance = received.distance + dist --Add on to repeater how far message had to go
- else
- received.distance = dist
- end
- debug("Adding return channel "..replyFreq.." to channels")
- addChannel(replyFreq,false)
- debug("Sending Return Message")
- modem.transmit(receivedFreq, replyFreq, received) --Send back exactly what we got
- addID(
- elseif doAcceptPing and received.fingerprint == pingFingerprint then --We got a ping!
- debug("We got a ping!")
- redstone.setOutput(pingSide, true) --Just a toggle should be fine
- sleep(1)
- redstone.setOutput(pingSide, false)
- end
- if tempCounter > arbitraryNumber then --Purge messages to save memory
- debug("Purging messages")
- sleep(0.05) --Wait a tick for no good reason
- sentMessages = {} --Completely reset table
- sentMessages[recentID] = true --Reset last message (not sure if really needed. Oh well.)
- tempCounter = 0
- end
- print("Messages Received: "..counter)
- elseif event == "char" then
- if key == "q" then --Quitting
- print("Quitting")
- continue = false
- elseif key == "p" then --Ping other channels
- for a,b in pairs(channels) do --Ping all open channels
- debug("Pinging channel ",b)
- modem.transmit(b,b,{message = "I am ping! Wrar!", fingerprint = "ping"})
- sleep(1)
- end
- elseif key == "r" then --Removing Channels
- print("Enter a comma separated list of channels to remove")
- local str = "" --Concatenate all the channels into one, maybe restructure this for sorting?
- for i=1,#channels do
- str = str..tostring(channels[i])..", "
- end
- print("Channels: ",str:sub(1,-2)) --Sub for removing comma and space
- local input =
- local toRemove = {} --We have to use this table because user list will not be in reverse numerical order. Because modifying while iterating is bad...
- for num in input:gmatch("%d+") do
- for a, b in pairs(channels) do
- if b == tonumber(num) then
- debug("Removing ",b)
- table.insert(toRemove, a, 1) --This way it will remove indexes from the back of the table
- modem.close(b)
- break --No use checking the rest of the table for this number
- end
- end
- end
- for i=1, #toRemove do
- table.remove(channels, toRemove[i])
- end
- else --Adding Channels
- print("What channels would you like to open. Enter a comma-separated list.\nAdd only sending channels. Receiving ones will be added automatically.\n")
- local input =
- for num in input:gmatch("%d+") do
- addChannel(num,true)
- end
- sleep(2)
- end
- save()
- openChannels() --This will only open channels if they aren't open
- end
- end
- for i=1, #channels do
- modem.close(channels[i])
- end
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