
Before the war!!!

Mar 10th, 2020
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  1. Master: I just wanted to have fast talk, just you and me. Let's clear our thoughts of every one else for a moment, ok?
  2. Student: Okay : D
  3. Master: /me pats her knee, "want to sit on my knee?"
  4. Student: Heheheheheheheh ^ ^
  5. Student: /me Pounces onto your knees , before wiggling comftly :3
  6. Student: YAYYS YAYYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Master: hehe, cute
  8. Master: /me hugs your little body.
  9. Master: I can be very forgetful, to be proper when giving advice
  10. Student: /me Smudges my face cheek against your face cheek
  11. Student: : D
  12. Master: aw
  13. Master: first off
  14. Student: HIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ ^
  15. Master: what feelings do you get from cuddling?
  16. Master: there
  17. Student: :£
  18. Student: :3
  19. Student: It is strange i am used to getting ignored and spending most of time on death's door but no one ever notitces i fight everyday , non stop and still train on top :D
  20. Master: I see
  21. Student: It's fun though : D
  22. Master: do you like the attention?
  23. Student: I'm not used to it , but i do love it when people say hello !!!!!! : D
  24. Master: oki
  25. Student: That gets me excited , i wanna hello to everyone and hope they have a good day , cuddles are new , but no one offers heheheheheheheheheheheh ^ ^
  26. Student: Esspercily in the db realm , i never got a chance before , Heheheheheheheh De' Kana de etnna used to be my bully when i first started and said me being new , my story , my moves everything would never ever work , now look of today : D
  27. Student: People are always nice , i showed them :3
  28. Master: I respect that alot
  29. Student: : D
  30. Student: I am used to always have a reason to prove , it is so nice to be told to stop and cuddle and stay in lapse with your friends :D
  31. Master: true
  32. Master: I was afraid to ask you to cuddle
  33. Student: YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  34. Student: Gosh you was ? :o
  35. Student: Did i do wrong ? :O
  36. Master: no
  37. Master: I'm gonna be honest with you Student and I need to know if you will think about what I have to say
  38. Student: But Jashin never once have ever doubted me D :
  39. Student: Lots of people do until they fight me or see me fight Jashin didn't need proof : D
  40. Student: He is nice i cross my heart to you : D
  41. Master: I fear cuddling with you, because I'm attracted to you
  42. Master: I don't have an age limit, I have a tolerance limit.
  43. Student: You are really good at fighting me : D
  44. Master: I want to educate you, not hurt you
  45. Student: I don't mind pain : D
  46. Master: ok
  47. Student: It reminds you that you still feel and alive , it shows care :3
  48. Student: To push against the pain to still do your job : D
  49. Master: ok
  50. Master: I agree
  51. Student: Yayys ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : D
  52. Master: tell me what you think about pain?
  53. Student: It's funny
  54. Master: tell me more, if you can
  55. Student: Apart from the pain of still not being able to be seen for me with the ones most important , like what i can do , how far i am on my own , i ascended most in the opened world far from the limitations of the db realm , but what hurts the most is how people see it , if they don't and the ones that do happen to be slightly evil but i am still laying my options : D
  56. Student: Or that could be disapointment , that i tried so hard and it would never make a differernt until i joined some evil legion thingy thing heheheheheheheheheh ^ ^ Then i would be noticed
  57. Student: That's pain something that sucks : D
  58. Student: No matter how hard you try ^ ^
  59. Master: very true
  60. Student: YEAH ! ! ! ! ! : D
  61. Master: how would you feel if, I was a boy irl?
  62. Master: how would that affect you?
  63. Student: It wouldn't : D
  64. Student: Gosh i wouldn't be a good friend if i didn't like you for you D :
  65. Master: that's very kind and thoughtful
  66. Master: /me hugs him close.
  67. Student: That would be mean and i never want to be mean or judgemental , i don't like stuff like that , i don't wanna do what most people turn into , so i keep running away from that path : D
  68. Student: /me Huggies her tightly :3
  69. Master: I saw your adorable photo
  70. Student: Woahs you really think they are the A word ?
  71. Student: No one ever says that ^ ^
  72. Master: totally
  73. Student: But that one is special like :o only a very few people ever hear that word
  74. Master: :3 you're very special and don't worry because it's true
  75. Student: Gosh thank you :o
  76. Student: Gosh thoughs , how is your day today ?
  77. Master: I was afraid for you, but your confidence is making me feel fuzzy
  78. Master: I wanna be your mommy
  79. Master: I bet you're so sick of hearing that, and I'm so sorry
  80. Student: I haven't seen Rosa in over a year , maybe that's why i never ever see De' Kana de etnna heheheheheheheheheh ^ ^
  81. Student: But she will come back i just know it : D
  82. Student: All of this effort can't be for nothing : D
  83. Student: Just to have one last sit down with her ^ ^
  84. Master: I know how you feel and I will let you hold onto my offer for as long as you want
  85. Student: Gosh thank you
  86. Master: you have good moral code
  87. Student: Wows : D
  88. Master: very
  89. Master: not alot of ppl do anymore and it's sad
  90. Master: I have more cuddle poses
  91. Master: wana try one?
  92. Student: Hehehehehehehehh thank you for wanting to cuddle me ^ ^
  93. Master: absolutely
  94. Student: Woahs : D
  95. Master: I notice you have ap ;3
  96. Master: we could do more
  97. Student: Yeah my friend gave me it because i couldn't enter their room : D
  98. Student: Snd Vip once but that doesn't last forever : D
  99. Master: how sweet
  100. Student: But it was funny having a funny badge
  101. Student: Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ ^
  102. Master: :3
  103. Student: All that i class are my friends are really good i just wish people saw what i always see :D
  104. Master: ok
  105. Master: it's oki to like pain and it's ok to like cuddling with boys, but I worry about you and I don't want you getting hurt.
  106. Student: I cross my heart i wont just drop out ^ ^ , i got this far on my own living in the mind that i will never be good enough and used those doubts to find a way to get up each time , but if you are supporting me , there's no way i can just mess up ^ ^
  107. Master: ok
  108. Student: ^ ^
  109. Master: Do you want to see what's under my shirt?
  110. Student: I like your hair : D
  111. Master: ty
  112. Student: Always always so welcome !!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  113. Student: <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ ^
  114. Master: :3
  115. Student: Yayys happy day : D
  116. Master: are you embarassed? Student? or shy
  117. Student: Heheheheheheheheheheh ^ ^
  118. Master: a little bit of both
  119. Master: :3
  120. Student: You are a super nice person ^ ^
  121. Master: ty, I appreciate that
  122. Master: /me kisses his cheek, sofly.
  123. Master: ;3
  124. Master: I would like some lessons from you
  125. Student: :3
  126. Student: Wows you do ? ! @ D
  127. Student: : D ***
  128. Student: Really me ? ! ^ ^
  129. Master: yes
  130. Student: Wows : D
  131. Master: I want another chance
  132. Student: But i thought
  133. Master: tell me? what you thought
  134. Student: That you didn't think i was good enough and that you thought i was bad ^ ^
  135. Master: I was wrong to not listen
  136. Student: Maybe i was wrong
  137. Student: ^ ^
  138. Student: Heh ^ ^
  139. Master: even if it is, I still want to learn
  140. Master: nobody will accept me either, until I learn
  141. Student: Gosh i promise to do my best for you and if it ever gets to much let me know ^ ^
  142. Master: ty for that
  143. Student: We will train the way you wanna !!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  144. Student: But i will never walk away from you or leave you or let you down : D
  145. Master: yay.
  146. Student: Cross my heart to you
  147. Master: oki
  148. Student: You have nice eat rings ^ ^
  149. Student: Ear ***
  150. Master: ty
  151. Student: Always : D
  152. Master: you're a very handsome little guy
  153. Student: Gosh thank you Master
  154. Student: /me Smudges my face cheek over your face cheeks again :3
  155. Master: I'm gona try a move on you, and I hope you don't get upset
  156. Student: I cross my heart to you
  157. Master: /me places her hand behind your head and leans into you, brushing her bare breasts across your chest and kisses you, pressing her lips against yours.
  158. Student: Woahs i get super special cuddles ? :o
  159. Master: mmhmm
  160. Student: :o Woahs
  161. Master: Did you like that?
  162. Student: Uh-Huhs
  163. Master: :3
  164. Student: I never get that cuddle
  165. Master: oo
  166. Student: Or seen it before
  167. Student: Woahs
  168. Master: we can change that
  169. Student: Gosh thank you for letting me have a special cuddle
  170. Master: I would like to give you more
  171. Master: if that's ok?
  172. Student: Gosh you are to nice to me
  173. Master: you can start giving me lessons anytime you're ready to
  174. Student: Gosh anytime you want
  175. Student: I will always be ready when you are : D
  176. Student: I can't wait to get the chance to train you ^ ^ , i know you will do better than i ever could : D
  177. Master: /me rests her hand on your thigh and looks into your eyes. "ty"
  178. Student: /me Stares into your eyes with a warmth smile " You are always so welcome, gosh i thank you mostly , for a shot , normally if i ever dared offer training i would be laughed at then over looked then i have to fight then they get surprised but you still want me to have a chance " : D
  179. Master: I am becoming more confident, with you.
  180. Student: Wows you are ? : D
  181. Student: I always am grateful for your time ^ ^
  182. Master: what was the thing you told me that made me argue with about rp fighting? can you tell me again.
  183. Master: it'll help me
  184. Student: When you called me the second worse thing ever that i ever got called : D
  185. Student: Heheheheheheheh ^ ^
  186. Master: yes
  187. Master: repost that for me
  188. Master: /me rubs his back, and kisses his nose.
  189. Student: The first is when people assume i was allowed to be part of the db realm , so what gets me is when people say i am just an normal saiyan , second one to ever be mean is calling me an God Modder , but it was because i make all injurys i get cannon : D , so you can always dodge you and your oppoment , or you can take all the attacks or you can choose what to do dodge and what hits , your oppoment choosess if it hits or misses or if they dodged so many , but as long as you explain it i with the attacking combination and when you dodged combinations , as long as you yourself don't do an automatic attack you are still following the rules and not god modding , i get what you meant the other day , but remember i don
  190. Student: Remember i don't fight the people we know , the ones i know have honour and do it proper and they are not from the db realms , there are people out there that fights for fun , to get better and most of all push others further
  191. Student: Not everyone is lazy and cheesy in their moves :3
  192. Master: I am and I'm sorry
  193. Student: Like for me i am known as an striker in fighting , i don't dodge or block but because of that my body withstands way more than De' Kana de etnna could ever , for an example , he is stronger with energy blasts but i am still way faster and i am a better striker , the damage he can unleash with his energy i can match with an single fist , i can punch through energy blasts : D
  194. Student: Gosh never be sorry it is my fault , you are like me you seen nothing but god modders so it is easy to assume ^ ^
  195. Master: yes
  196. Student: I thought that was what everyone was about then i started meeting differernt people , Vampires , i started my training with Vampires , then i had made my way up step by step now i am taking on Demonic Abominations and Demi Gods , and all without the help of De' Kana de etnna or the db realm , i came back not to join but for friends : D
  197. Student: I was an outcast then , just because i proved them wrong doesn't mean anything changes i will always be an outcast : D
  198. Student: And that's A-OKAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  199. Master: that's very brave
  200. Student: You can do it to , you can be own : D
  201. Student: You can be your own ***** : D Like , you can get to the point where you have your own forms and moves and no one else would ever have : D
  202. Student: I can't wait to see how far your limits go ^ ^
  203. Student: I do see you in me : D
  204. Student: Or is it me in you ? Those are so confusing
  205. Master: I like the sound of being in you, ;3
  206. Master: and you being in me
  207. Master: ;3
  208. Student: Heheheheheheheheheheh ^ ^
  209. Master: lol
  210. Student: :3
  211. Master: cute
  212. Student: Yayys happy spirit :3
  213. Master: do you like my breasts?
  214. Student: They are like you really nice person
  215. Student: You are a really nice person
  216. Master: :3
  217. Master: you can rp with them if you want
  218. Student: Thank you for being so nice to me
  219. Master: ty for being so nice to me
  220. Master: I was being so mean
  221. Student: Always forever and ever for you
  222. Master: yay.
  223. Master: I can tell you mean that, a lot
  224. Student: I shouldn't of got all heart broken what you said
  225. Student: You didnt know i'm not part of the db realm or that stuff and i am known to be terrible at explaining stuff , so i really do think sadly it's my fault
  226. Student: And if i didn't try so hard i wouldn't of been so sad heheheheheheheheheh :3
  227. Master: I understand
  228. Student: So all my fault , i swear to you ^ ^
  229. Student: Gosh i'm sorry :o
  230. Master: remember last time, you tried very hard and felt bad because I didn't want to listen to what you had to say. Plss don't feel bad now.
  231. Master: /me hugs him, pulling his face in between her boobs to comfort him.
  232. Student: I shouldn't of been such a dummy , and to you at least , you are a rookie like me , i should of been differerernt ^ ^
  233. Student: /me Smudges my face cheek over you into the giant cuddle
  234. Student: I put you on my thingy thing ^ ^
  235. Master: oh rlly?
  236. Student: YEAH !!!!!!!!!
  237. Master: can I touch it?
  238. Master: ;3
  239. Student: You get more hearts on my bio wall thingy thing ^ ^
  240. Master: that's cuut
  241. Student: ^ ^
  242. Master: :3
  243. Student: YAYYS YAYYS !!!!!!!!!!!!
  244. Student: <3 ^ ^
  245. Master: Do you want to be on my thingy thing?
  246. Student: Wows i can ? : D
  247. Master: yah
  248. Student: Wows : D
  249. Master: I think the name you were thinking of is profile card
  250. Master: but we can call it thingy thing if you want
  251. Master: ;3
  252. Student: Yeah that's the word : D
  253. Student: Heheheheheheheheheheh :3
  254. Student: <3
  255. Master: done
  256. Master: you're my sensei now
  257. Master: so If I perform an attack that gives my opponent a chance to accept my hit, dodge, my hit or block my hit?
  258. Master: it doesn't mean I auto hit? right?
  259. Master: ^.^
  260. Student: Wows : D
  261. Student: Yeahs and you can even dodge some or all , or none , as long as you never auto hit and give your oppoment the benifit of the doubt to keep them a chance , to keep an honourble fight that's the way to go ^ ^
  262. Master: oki
  263. Student: Auto Hitting is for desperate god modders who are lazy ^ ^
  264. Master: yse
  265. Master: yes
  266. Student: It's easy to not get into god modding , i did it : D
  267. Student: So anyone can because i am the dumbest of the dumbs ^ ^
  268. Master: I don't think so
  269. Student: Gosh you always get nicer and nicer to me
  270. Student: I am so grateful for everything
  271. Master: I'm very happy to be here
  272. Student: : D !
  273. Master: everyone has a cause for how everyone thinks, and acts
  274. Student: What drives you ? : D
  275. Student: Why do you want to be the best fighter as you can be ? : D
  276. Master: I want to be a super hero
  277. Master: :3
  278. Student: Love heart eyes i think people say now ^ ^
  279. Master: aww
  280. Student: Heheheheheheheh ^ ^
  281. Master: I want to be big and strong so I protect ppl I love
  282. Student: You are going to be the greatest : D
  283. Master: ty
  284. Master: I need that
  285. Student: I can tell : D
  286. Master: I don't have a lot of confidence
  287. Student: I can tell how great you are going to be
  288. Student: You will put us to shame because you already have better heart : D
  289. Master: sometimes it's very hard for me not hug everyone around me
  290. Student: Heheheheheheh hugs are the best :3
  291. Master: that's so true
  292. Student: I hope i can get hugs forever :3
  293. Master: me too
  294. Student: I hope i can always be lucky enough to have your hugs ^ ^
  295. Master: that's sweet
  296. Master: let me show you the outfits I made
  297. Student: Wows :D
  298. Student: WOAHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  299. Master: yep
  300. Student: You look incredible !!!!!!!!!
  301. Master: ty
  302. Master: I couldn't do it without your help, sensei
  303. Master: wow
  304. Master: wow
  305. Master: ooo
  306. Student: That form takes me back
  307. Master: wow
  308. Master: are you a ss god blue?
  309. Student: : D
  310. Student: Everyone always forgets ^ ^
  311. Master: that's amazing
  312. Master: I believe you do posses that
  313. Student: Ultra Instinc Mystic
  314. Master: Ultra instinct
  315. Master: ii
  316. Master: UIM
  317. Master: wow
  318. Student: I wonder if you ever met the Gohan on here that taught me Instinct and then to combine the two
  319. Student: Ta-Da-Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa all out for UIM :3
  320. Master: ooo
  321. Student: Super UIM :3
  322. Master: wow
  323. Master: I think you're stronger than me
  324. Student: Everyone is always so focused on ***** , ***** they forget about my orginal forms *****
  325. Student: :3
  326. Student: Heheheheheheh i really did start from the bottom then made it one step at a time :3
  327. Student: I just never gave up : D
  328. Student: And by the time everyone saw me again , to them they suddenly wanted me , but i am glad you are differernt
  329. Student: You knew me by me , not what you saw or thought ^ ^
  330. Master: I wanted to get to know you, first
  331. Master: /me pats her knee again, smiling at him
  332. Student: Yayys !!!!!!!!! : D
  333. Master: do you like this avi more than my *****?
  334. Student: I don't mind , i like them for you as they are you ^ ^
  335. Master: that's very nice
  336. Student: And the best part you are not copied you are your own ^ ^
  337. Master: oki
  338. Student: Psst i will teach you how to reach ***** and even what i am in right now ***** : D
  339. Master: I would like that
  340. Student: You would be the only one to learn , people wanted me to be their teachers a lot , but never gave in , to me it was all about i did the work when no one else wanted to help , they saw i lost before i began , so im constantly moving , fighting , improving , making a mark that spreads around for some reason , but i thin i get it just because i was treated bad doesn't mean i should do the same and that i should go from my experiances but still offer those learnings to others : D
  341. Student: So you are the first one i am going to train and teach and everything : D
  342. Master: ok
  343. Master: I gave up many times, and I promise you; I won't give up on you.
  344. Student: I am glad you are my first and only one student i have and ever will ^ ^ <3
  345. Master: wow
  346. Student: We will catch each other : D
  347. Master: oki
  348. Student: ^ ^
  349. Master: /me hugs him, rubbing his back and nuzzles him.
  350. Student: /me Smudges my face into you whilst wrapping my tail around you for a giant cuddle
  351. Student: : D
  352. Master: adorable ^.^
  353. Student: You are amazing person ^ ^
  354. Master: wow
  355. Master: rlly?
  356. Student: Gosh honestly yes : O
  357. Student: I am just so surprised you still wanna hang out with me after being a big prideful big baby after last time ^ ^
  358. Master: I couldn't wait to see you again
  359. Student: : D
  360. Master: you were breaking down, false beliefs I was holding onto
  361. Student: Gosh D : Am i bad ?
  362. Master: not at all
  363. Master: not even a little bit
  364. Student: D :
  365. Student: I didn't mean to upset you either D :
  366. Master: it's fine
  367. Master: I'm better now
  368. Master: you helped me
  369. Student: I'm really sorry
  370. Master: it's oki
  371. Master: I needed that
  372. Student: No you didn't : D
  373. Student: I should of been wiser and went about it differernt
  374. Master: those barriers kept everyone in the DB community from being my friends
  375. Master: I owe you
  376. Student: Jhee i am as flawed as De' Kana de etnna , jheeze
  377. Student: Gosh you never ever owe me ^ ^
  378. Student: I am so grateful you would even give me the time of day
  379. Master: I feel that way about you
  380. Student: Heheheheheheheh i remember the first time we met : D
  381. Master: me too
  382. Student: Best thing to happen to me :3
  383. Master: :3
  384. Student: The first time i ever i built a friendship where i didn't have to fight them at first , everything about you is differernt : D new : D
  385. Student: Special ^ ^
  386. Student: Heheheheheheheh we don't see power levels we see each other : D
  387. Master: right
  388. Student: YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  389. Master: I wanted to spy on Asait, but I saw you both talking and Asait was being nice to you; that's why I joined your conversation.
  390. Master: I wanted to be friends.
  391. Master: right away
  392. Student: WOWS !!!!!!!!!! : D
  393. Student: Asait is always nice to me and i tell him to be nice to others too , he is a great person ^ ^ i just saw it first and i think i rubbed off on him : D
  394. Master: good.
  395. Master: all these cool ppl, you and I know would be so sad if something happend to you.
  396. Student: Gosh you really think so ?
  397. Master: including me
  398. Student: You would ? : o
  399. Student: : O
  400. Master: yah
  401. Student: : O Gosh thank you
  402. Student: They are lucky to have you :3 the newest rookie :3
  403. Master: you're the only reason, I ever gave your dad another chance
  404. Master: I know, there's a good reason.
  405. Student: He is really lucky to have you for a friend :D
  406. Student: I hope he treassures your friendship ^ ^ '
  407. Master: you know, I almost went to your daddy's room and gave myself to him for a chance to do what you and I are doing right now
  408. Student: Woahs you did ? you wanted to cuddle him ? ^ ^
  409. Master: so I could cuddle with you
  410. Student: Wows really ?
  411. Master: yes
  412. Student: You really wanted to let me have your cudldes that much ? : o
  413. Student: Wows but i am just me :O
  414. Master: :3 well, little guy; you have lots of potential
  415. Student: : O
  416. Student: I think i like you more than vegeterian cheesy pizza itself
  417. Master: that's very sweet
  418. Master: I bet it's delicious
  419. Student: Your fault for being the greatest :3
  420. Master: hehehe
  421. Student: IT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
  422. Master: I can live with that
  423. Student: Heheheheheheheh :3
  424. Master: ;3
  425. Student: <3
  426. Student: Woot woots ^ ^
  427. Master: /me holds his hands in hers and presses her lips softly on each of hands and places them on both of her breasts.
  428. Student: /me Stares into your eyes
  429. Master: /me returns his look, grinning with desire for him.
  430. Student: Hehs
  431. Master: I'm gonna enlighten you
  432. Master: I wiill teach you so much
  433. Student: Gosh i'm sorry
  434. Master: why are you sorry?
  435. Master: being chosen to be enlightened is an honor
  436. Student: Gosh thank you so much
  437. Student: It's a honour to me worthy in your heart :o
  438. Master: /me rubbing his back, the things I will show you; or say might make you feel sad and that's oki, but promise that you ask me if you need me to explain anything
  439. Student: Gosh i am so grateful for you
  440. Student: Thank you : o
  441. Master: yvw
  442. Master: can I rp with your thingy thing?
  443. Student: Huh you wanna ?
  444. Student: Me ?
  445. Master: yes
  446. Student: I ever done fighting , please forgive me
  447. Master: it's oki
  448. Master: it works alot like fighting
  449. Master: you can do whatever you want to me, after I give you permission and I can accept it, alter it, or block it.
  450. Master: I'm not lazy about that
  451. Master: /me rubs his back and pinches his butt. ;3
  452. Student: Woahs
  453. Student: Heheheheheheheh
  454. Student: You are not lazy :3 , you are the opposite of lazy
  455. Master: ty
  456. Master: /me hugs him close
  457. Student: /me Huggies her tightly and clinglinly <3
  458. Master: :3
  459. Master: in our own world we can have anything
  460. Master: outside of it, I'm your student
  461. Master: you didn't see my boobs, and I def didn't let you put your thingy thing in me, ;3
  462. Master: that's our secret
  463. Student: Woahs : D
  464. Student: Gosh anything for you
  465. Student: /me Crosses my heart
  466. Student: No one would ever beleive me anyway , i am useless , i focused on fighting so much it became everything : D
  467. Student: But i don't ever wanna betray you D:
  468. Master: I trust you
  469. Student: It means so much to me for your trust ^ ^ , i trust you
  470. Student: Gosh thank you for including me with you :o
  471. Master: :3
  472. Master: always
  473. Master: /me pulls her pants off revealing herself to you.
  474. Student: Woahs giant place
  475. Student: Wow it is go huge in here : O
  476. Master: follow me
  477. Master: :3
  478. Student: Wows : D how does anyone get a place like this , it's incredible : o
  479. Master: I know someone that made this
  480. Master: she wanted me to have it
  481. Master: are you oki?
  482. Master: /me floats in the air, with her legs folded and spread; revealing herself with her fingers.
  483. Master: I like it when guys, rubs the thingy thing in my slit, it drives me and all women wild.
  484. Master: remember that it's not always a good idea to rush it in.
  485. Master: But on occasion, I won't complain
  486. Student: <3 :o
  487. Student: Woahs you do ?
  488. Student: Okays i can do , it is like fighting :3 ish
  489. Student: Ish
  490. Master: yep
  491. Master: /me runs and jumps into the bed, laying on her back waiting for Student to follow.
  492. Master: Do you like the artwork in here?
  493. Student: Heheheheheh i do !!!!!!!!!!! magic
  494. Master: nice
  497. We explored many things together, and I never threatened or forced myself on anyone and everything was out of love.
  498. Online relationships built on trust and honesty and not on force and manipulation can handle any criticism.
  499. He and I loved each other and respected each other and because of people like Ana, I may never see him again.
  500. He asked me to stop picking on her and begged me to keep her secret, like he kept mine; but I can no longer allow her to put me in with her and anyone else' claim that I was anything like her. Ana will pay!!! with her life.
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