

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. · It is best practice to put the contact number at the top right corner on the home page in a way that visitors can call directly from there (hyperlink), should they need to
  2. · The contact form should have the “I am not a robot” little square to tick to avoid spam emails. Other options (which are dying out) are to insert a code or a question like: “is it Monday?”
  3. · The map in the contact form is good but international visitors will not necessarily know where you are so perhaps 1 map (static) and one google map for the regional customers would be a good compromise. Other option is to add a map of Europe under the Exports/Global page with dots on locations where you have worked and a dot in X and a dot in London.
  4. · When it comes to News, I am of the opinion that the title should not have the date on it (unless you are going to be dedicated to update this every month at least). I see websites that get dated quickly because the post has a date next to it and it does not get updated regularly.
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