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- <!--- Navbar ---!>
- <Navbar bg='light' expand='lg' className='mb-3'>
- <Container className='d-flex flex-row'>
- <Navbar.Brand href='#home' className='issue-brand me-auto'>
- Issue Tracker
- </Navbar.Brand>
- <Navbar.Toggle aria-controls='basic-navbar-nav' />
- <Navbar.Collapse id='basic-navbar-nav'>
- <Nav className='d-flex flex-row'>
- <Nav.Link href='#home'>Home</Nav.Link>
- <Nav.Link href='#addIssue'>Add Issue</Nav.Link>
- </Nav>
- </Navbar.Collapse>
- </Container>
- </Navbar>
- <!-- Issue Bar -->
- const IssueBar = ({ progressCount, total, newCount, completedCount }) => {
- return (
- <>
- <Row className='mt-4'>
- <Col>
- {' '}
- <span>Total: </span> {total}
- </Col>
- <Col>
- <span className='text-primary'>New: </span>
- {newCount}
- </Col>
- <Col>
- {' '}
- <span className='text-info'>In Progress: </span>
- {progressCount}
- </Col>
- <Col>
- {' '}
- <span className='text-success'>Completed: </span>
- {completedCount}
- </Col>
- </Row>
- </>
- )
- }
- export default IssueBar
- !-- Add Issue -->
- import { useState, useRef } from 'react'
- import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
- import { Col, Form, Button, Row } from 'react-bootstrap'
- const generateCurrentDate = () => {
- const date = new Date()
- const year = date.getFullYear()
- let month = date.getMonth() + 1
- let day = date.getUTCDate()
- if (month < 10) {
- month = '0' + month
- }
- if (day < 10) {
- day = '0' + day
- }
- console.log(year, month, day)
- return `${year}-${day}-${month}`
- }
- const issue = {
- title: '',
- subTitle: '',
- assignedTo: '',
- start: generateCurrentDate(),
- end: '',
- priority: 'low',
- status: 'new',
- completedPercentage: 0,
- }
- const AddIssue = ({ addIssue }) => {
- const [issueInfo, setIssueInfo] = useState(issue)
- const [errorInfo, setErrorInfo] = useState({
- title: '',
- subTitle: '',
- assignedTo: '',
- start: '',
- end: '',
- completedPercentage: '',
- })
- const handleChange = (evt) => {
- setIssueInfo({
- ...issueInfo,
- []:,
- })
- setErrorInfo({
- ...errorInfo,
- []: '',
- })
- }
- const handleSubmit = (evt) => {
- const { title, subTitle, assignedTo, start, end } = issueInfo
- evt.preventDefault()
- console.log(start)
- //validation part
- if (title === '') {
- setErrorInfo((prevState) => {
- return {
- ...prevState,
- title: 'Title is Required',
- }
- })
- }
- if (subTitle === '') {
- setErrorInfo((prevState) => {
- return {
- ...prevState,
- subTitle: 'SubTitle is Required',
- }
- })
- }
- if (start === '') {
- setErrorInfo((prevState) => {
- return {
- ...prevState,
- start: 'Please provide start Date',
- }
- })
- }
- if (end === '') {
- setErrorInfo((prevState) => {
- return {
- ...prevState,
- end: 'Please provide end Date',
- }
- })
- }
- if (assignedTo === '') {
- setErrorInfo((prevState) => {
- return {
- ...prevState,
- assignedTo: 'Please provide assigned user name',
- }
- })
- }
- //check every field (value) of userInfo obj , if every filed is true result will be true(valid) otherwise false(if any values is false)
- const isValid = Object.values(issueInfo).every((elm) => elm)
- console.log('There is a error')
- //incase valid is true form will be submitted
- if (isValid) {
- // if(errorInfo.values())
- console.log('submitting')
- addIssue({
- id: uuid(),
- ...issueInfo,
- })
- //reset user Info
- setIssueInfo(issue)
- }
- }
- const {
- title,
- subTitle,
- assignedTo,
- start,
- end,
- priority,
- status,
- completedPercentage,
- } = issueInfo
- return (
- <>
- <h1 className='mb-4 mt-4'>Add Issue</h1>
- <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
- <Form.Group as={Row} className='mb-3'>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='title' column>
- Title{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs={9}>
- <Form.Control
- type='text'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='title'
- value={title}
- isInvalid={errorInfo.title}
- placeholder='Enter your task name'
- />
- <Form.Control.Feedback type='invalid' className='d-block'>
- {errorInfo?.title && errorInfo?.title}
- </Form.Control.Feedback>
- </Col>
- </Form.Group>
- <Form.Group className='mb-3' as={Row}>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='subTitle' column>
- Sub Title{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs={9}>
- <Form.Control
- as='textarea'
- rows={2}
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='subTitle'
- value={subTitle}
- isInvalid={errorInfo.subTitle}
- placeholder='Enter your Task details'
- />
- <Form.Control.Feedback type='invalid' className='d-block'>
- {errorInfo?.subTitle}
- </Form.Control.Feedback>
- </Col>
- </Form.Group>
- <Form.Group as={Row} className='mb-3'>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='title' column>
- Assigned To{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs={9}>
- <Form.Control
- type='text'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='assignedTo'
- value={assignedTo}
- isInvalid={errorInfo.assignedTo}
- placeholder='Enter name whom you have assigned to'
- />
- <Form.Control.Feedback type='invalid' className='d-block'>
- {errorInfo?.assignedTo && errorInfo?.assignedTo}
- </Form.Control.Feedback>
- </Col>
- </Form.Group>
- <Form.Group as={Row} className='mb-3'>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='start' column>
- Start{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Control
- type='date'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='start'
- value={start}
- isInvalid={errorInfo.start}
- placeholder='Enter Start date'
- />
- <Form.Control.Feedback type='invalid' className='d-block'>
- {errorInfo?.start && errorInfo?.start}
- </Form.Control.Feedback>
- </Col>
- <Col xs={6}>
- <Row>
- <Col xs={2}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='end' column>
- End{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs={10}>
- <Form.Control
- type='date'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='end'
- value={end}
- isInvalid={errorInfo.end}
- placeholder='Enter End Date'
- />
- <Form.Control.Feedback type='invalid' className='d-block'>
- {errorInfo?.end && errorInfo?.end}
- </Form.Control.Feedback>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- </Col>
- </Form.Group>
- <Form.Group className='mb-3'>
- <Row>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='priority' column>
- priority{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs='auto'>
- <Form.Check
- type='radio'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='priority'
- value='high'
- label='High'
- checked={priority === 'high'}
- />
- </Col>
- <Col xs='auto'>
- <Form.Check
- type='radio'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='priority'
- label='Medium'
- value='medium'
- checked={priority === 'medium'}
- />
- </Col>
- <Col xs='auto'>
- <Form.Check
- type='radio'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='priority'
- label='Low'
- value='low'
- checked={priority === 'low'}
- />
- </Col>
- <Form.Text className='muted'></Form.Text>
- </Row>
- </Form.Group>
- <Form.Group className='mb-3'>
- <Row>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='status' column>
- Status{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs='auto'>
- <Form.Check
- type='radio'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='status'
- label='New'
- value='new'
- checked={status === 'new'}
- />
- </Col>
- <Col xs='auto'>
- <Form.Check
- type='radio'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='status'
- label='In Progress'
- value='inProgress'
- checked={status === 'inProgress'}
- />
- </Col>
- <Col xs='auto'>
- <Form.Check
- type='radio'
- onChange={handleChange}
- name='status'
- label='Completed'
- value='completed'
- checked={status === 'completed'}
- />
- </Col>
- <Form.Text className='muted'></Form.Text>
- </Row>
- </Form.Group>
- <Form.Group>
- <Row>
- <Col xs={3}>
- <Form.Label htmlFor='title' column>
- Completed In percentage{' '}
- </Form.Label>
- </Col>
- <Col xs='4'>
- <Form.Range
- value={completedPercentage}
- name='completedPercentage'
- onChange={handleChange}
- />
- </Col>
- <Col xs={1}>{completedPercentage}</Col>
- <Form.Text className='muted'></Form.Text>
- </Row>
- </Form.Group>
- <Button variant='primary' size='md' type='submit'>
- Submit Issue
- </Button>
- </Form>
- </>
- )
- }
- export default AddIssue
- <!-- css-->
- @import url(';400;500&display=swap');
- body {
- font-family: 'Recursive', sans-serif !important;
- }
- form label {
- font-style: italic;
- }
- .issue-brand {
- font-family: 'Lobster', cursive;
- font-size: 1.5rem !important;
- margin-right: auto !important;
- }
- import { useState } from 'react'
- import IssueBar from './IssueBar'
- import IssueNav from './IssueNav'
- import AddIssue from './AddIssue'
- import Issues from './Issues'
- import './index.css'
- import { Col, Row, Container } from 'react-bootstrap'
- //uncontrolled component
- <!-- App JS--?
- function App() {
- const [issues, setIssues] = useState([
- {
- id: 'e83fa1e5-9941-4258-9e31-8fadced461ad',
- title: 'Sample Task Title',
- subTitle: 'Sample Task Description',
- assignedTo: 'samim',
- start: '2022-09-03',
- end: '2022-03-16',
- priority: 'medium',
- status: 'completed',
- completedPercentage: 10,
- },
- ])
- const [total, setTotal] = useState(0)
- const [newCount, setNewCount] = useState(0)
- const [progressCount, setProgressCount] = useState(0)
- const [completedCount, setCompletedCount] = useState(0)
- const addIssue = (issue) => {
- setIssues([...issues, issue])
- setTotal((prevTotal) => {
- return prevTotal + 1
- })
- if (issue.status === 'new') {
- setNewCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1)
- }
- if (issue.status === 'inProgress') {
- setProgressCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1)
- }
- if (issue.status === 'completed') {
- setCompletedCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1)
- }
- }
- return (
- <Row>
- <IssueNav />
- <Col xs={{ span: 10, offset: 2 }}>
- <Container>
- <AddIssue addIssue={addIssue} />
- <IssueBar
- completedCount={completedCount}
- total={total}
- progressCount={progressCount}
- newCount={newCount}
- />
- <Issues issues={issues} />
- </Container>
- </Col>
- </Row>
- )
- }
- export default App
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