
The Exploding Rink #fate_ic 9/18/2020

Sep 18th, 2020
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 8/12
Margen: Margen, content with his shave ice machine, books for the Lardertron.
Ryusui|GM: The Lardertron is revealed beneath the melting ice, yes!
Margen: He digs out a channel down to the touchpad and orders up a heap of dragonfruit (collected from fruit-dragons)
Ryusui|GM: (yessss)
Margen: (oh that's the wrong CS)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: (("CS"?))
Margen: (character sheet)
Margen: He orders some Dragonfruit [Savory‽] From the machine, carefully specifying the correct ingredient
Margen: !f 3 (careful for Savory)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][+][-]]
Ryusui|GM: (woo, SWS)
Margen: (nice!)
Margen gets clobbered by an armload of things that look exactly like the other kind of Dragonfruit but sure as heck don't entirely taste like it.
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((i.e. Earthling Dragonfruit?))
Margen: He cheers from under the pile of biomass which might somehow be meat
Margen: (yep)
Vera: Vera slaps a notepad onto the counter and starts scribbling. It starts as a simple vent-drawing of a dagger pointed at... someone's head. Kinda hard to tell if that's supposed to be Dovelia, the Berylium Chef, or Chairwoman Maalu. She quickly scribbles out the person, though, and glances at the clock.
"Can't waste time like that... An edible dagger? How would that work...?" If she succeeds at CLEVERLY reworking her drawing into a diagram, this may be her most 'out-there' idea yet!
(Does that work?)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((Tried it; not a fan.))
Ryusui|GM: (go for it)
Vera: !f 3 (CLEVER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][ ][+][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: (success)
Vera: (There we go. Anyone want to invoke against me?)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((What do you have?))
Vera: (Two Conditions with free invokes.)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((Spending the free invoke on Drained.))
Ryusui|GM: (that's a tie, then; one more invoke makes it a fail)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((Oh! I was thinking this was an ingredient. I'll keep both invokes for later, then.))
Vera: (And with my Order Up! stunt, I get an extra free invoke upon Success.)
Vera: "I mean, I guess I can make ice that shape... It'd be kinda boring if it was solid - it'd need an opening if it had... a filling..." Her eyebrows shoot up. "Icey pops! I can still do this!" She's done it folks; by adding addendums about a slushy filling and contrasting hilt, she has an Ice-Dagger Diagram [!!] ready to construct. What sort of dish is she going to produce?
Ryusui|GM: "Time to bring the secret sauce!" the Beryllium Chef says, hopping to the Lardertron and punching in an order for...[Spacewater Taffy (Sweet)]?
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Sweet)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 6 [4dF = [+][+][+][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: Out pops a truly tremendous clot of pale pink glittering sweet - almost twice as big as the Beryllium Chef himself. Dovelia watches, a scandalized look on her face, as he hauls the whole thing over to his station. "Two can play at that game," she hisses, and as soon as he's out of the way she punches in an order for [Moondust Fondant (Sweet)]!
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Sweet)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][ ][-]]
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia snickers to herself as the package materializes in her hands. She has an idea where the Beryllium Chef is going with this, and she's going to outdo the House Chef this time on every level.
Ryusui|GM: (i do believe those are both SWS)
Vera: (I think Tako still needs to do something.)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San Starts grabbing up the meat and cheese and sets them on the stove for some Traditional Burrito Fillings.
((Create an Advantage to place a Savory:8 aspect))
Margen: Margen, still wrangling 'fruit', manages to locate a sack to keep them in
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: !f 2
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [+][-][+][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((Spending "Ai Wouldn't Know What Ai'd do Without Yu", both invokes onCleared and Cleaned(?) Counter.))
Ryusui|GM: (that gets you the win)
Vera: (Hmm... Nah, I'd lose that invoke war anyway. But I would put Tako down to practically nothing but fumes... which he can gain back with Confessionals. Gonna be leaving this alone.)
Vera: (Describe your victory, Tako.)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San struggles to get the stove working. After a few seconds of fiddling, Mel gives it a swift kick and the flames burst to life, catching Tako-San off-guard.
"Thank yu for the percussive maintenance."
"No prob."
Vera: (Exchange turnover?)
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 9/12
Ryusui|GM: "And now, it is a day for fresh vegetable!" The Beryllium Chef returns to the Lardertron one last time. Clearly he has quite an extravagant dish - or whatever it is he's making - in mind. The order he punches in is for [Several Citrus Fruits (Sour)] - it's not clear at all how the Lardetron might respond to such a nonspecific request!
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Sour)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][-][ ][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (and that's a regular success~)
Ryusui|GM: The Lardertron seems to steam a bit at the request, though that could just be the sublimating remnants of the ice. Finally it fires a cosmolemon at the Beryllium Chef's vacantly grinning face, then several lazerlimes, a neo-proto-orange, and then more of the same rapid-fire. "Hoo-yeah! Is a bargain price!" Finally, he bolts back to his station with his ridiculously-sized cargo of ingredients.
Vera: (I assume the added Opposition was from the 'unusual' (read; poorly worded) request?)
Ryusui|GM: (oh wait, yeah, it shoulda been an SWS, my bad)
Vera: "Okay." Vera slaps herself. "Okay. I'm starting with the Hollowed-Out Ice-Dagger Pops - COOL:7. I only got one shot at this, so if I fck it up now instead of later, I'll be able to change gears immediately."
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((I recently started watching a streamer by the screen-name "RitualNeo" and I'm imagining their protogen avatar's face plastered onto an orange.))
Vera: !f 2 (COOL)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][-][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: All the while, Dovelia is preparing her [Moondust Fondant] for use. She stares, she glares, and then she bolts for the Lardertron, never to be outdone. She's clearly formulating plans, intending to match the Beryllium Chef move for move wherever the hell he's going with this, and punches in an order for something more her speed - some [Fresh Exoplanetary Bok Choi (Bitter)].
Vera: (HMMM. I want to invoke here, but I'm worried someone will clobber me in an invoke war.)
Ryusui|GM: !f 2
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for -1 [4dF = [ ][-][-][-]]
Ryusui|GM: (shit, now i have no choice but to invoke XD)
Ryusui|GM: (gonna pop her high concept for a reroll)
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Bitter)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [ ][-][-][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (and i'll take the tie~)
Vera: (It's a win, not a tie.)
Ryusui|GM: (oh, whoop, forgot the lardertron is +0, thank you for co-GMing XD)
Vera: (Ah, screw it; spending my comet-tail boost, plus both free invokes and a fate point on the recipe for the win.)
Ryusui|GM: (i'ma let you have it)
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia grins like a maniac as the vegetables land in her hands, giving off faint purple smoke, leaves faintly wriggling of their own accord. Her plan is simple: pay close attention to what the Beryllium Chef does, then do it her way.
Vera: It was a miracle she was able to rework her scribbles into something cohesive enough to follow. The fact that her station had the handheld carving and grinding tools necessary to carve and hollow out a dagger weren't. After a minute of getting used to the feel, she quickly gets to work carving out her weapons of choice (taste).
Margen: Margen, still at the Lardertron, punches in a code for a specific vintage of sugar syrup made from the
other kind of Dragonfruit (Sir Stanton and the Dragon's Tropical Topping Formula Seventeen, specifically) (Careful 3 for s w e e t)
Margen: !f 3 (careful)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][ ][-]]
Margen: (the Lardertron is 2, right?)
Ryusui|GM: (0, so this is an SWS)
Margen: (nice!)
Margen: Instead of receiving a small bottle of sugar sauce, he instead gets a Balthazar-sized quantity.
It is difficult for him to lift.*
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: While the fillings simmer, Tako-San has Mel take him to the Lard-o-Tron to get some Jalapeño Hot-Sauce.
((Flashily Create an Advantage against Mediocre (+0) difficulty))
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [ ][+][+][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((Success with style.))
Margen: (nice)
Ryusui|GM: (flavor it!)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: As the two approach the devise, Tako-San impatiently leaps onto the touch screen and strategically flails around such that they manage to deftly operate the inputs with no latency.
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 10/12
Ryusui|GM: "Now!" the Beryllium Chef says, triumphantly holding up a hammer. "Let's get cooking!"
Ryusui|GM: It's hard to tell which of his skills he's leveraging here - exploration, survival, or culinary(?) - but he sets to work assembling the crystalline bones he's created!
Ryusui|GM: (aiming to create [Authentic Iceasaurus Rex Skeleton (Cool): 8])
Ryusui|GM: !f 4 (Cool)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+4 for 3 [4dF = [-][-][+][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: (spending both invokes on the bones, and an extra FATE Point besides)
Vera: (Not gonna use the invoke on the comet-tail ice? Or is that aspect cleared when you made the bones?)
Ryusui|GM: (OH! I forgot the invoke, whoops!)
Ryusui|GM: (one invoke on the ice, then, and two from the bones XD)
Ryusui|GM: Somehow...somehow the finished skeleton is even taller than it looked by the size and number of the bones the Beryllium Chef carved. How so relatively little ice could make such a titanic display is not clear at all, but clearly the Beryllium Chef has his secrets. He looks at his work with a vacant expression of pride, hands on his hips.
Ryusui|GM: Somehow...somehow the finished skeleton is even taller than it looked by the size and number of the bones the Beryllium Chef carved. How so relatively little ice could make such a titanic display is not clear at all, but clearly the Beryllium Chef has his secrets. He looks at his work with a vacant expression of pride, hands on his hips.
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: Once the two returning to their station, Tako-San downs the entire thing of hot-sauce and Mel picks him up and shakes him like a bar-drink mixer before squeezing out his contents, now in the form of Methoxyphenol Octo-Regurgitate.
((Create an Advantage for a Spicy:8 side aspect))
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: Once the two returning to their station, Tako-San downs the entire thing of hot-sauce and Mel picks him up and shakes him like a bar-drink mixer before squeezing out his contents, now in the form of Methoxyphenol Octo-Regurgitate.
((Create an Advantage for a Spicy:8 side aspect))
Vera: (Now that's an inspired dish aspect! XD)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: !f 2
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [ ][ ][-][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((Not risking a hostile invoke to bring this entire thing down after wasting everything, so I'll let it fail.))
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: Unfortunately, Mel squeezed a little too hard and it splatters everywhere!
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia ducks just in time to avoid getting it in her face. She looks desperately at her ice blocks and sighs with relief; no damage. "Watch where you're aiming!" she shouts, waving her fist in the air, then sets to work assembling her blocks into something...stunning.
Ryusui|GM: (attempting to make [Glittering Ice Castle (Cool): 8])
Ryusui|GM: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [ ][-][+][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: (right, so...both invokes on the ice blocks, both invokes on the comet tail ice, and i'm good :3)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((That's foreboding.))
Margen: "That's something you don't see every day" Margen gasps as he finally navigating back to station with his absolutely massive bottle of dense sugar-slime and sack of whatever those things are. He prepares to grind his Crystal Shard into Purest Driven Comet-Tail Sno-Cones.
Margen: (he's referring to Tako-san being used as a shaker)
Ryusui|GM: Her icework isn't as tall as the Beryllium Chef's; she'll have to concede that point. But it is vastly more elaborate. What she's created is a beautifully sculpted palace of ice, as large as a fancy wedding cake. This, she reflects, is not truly Chater cuisine; this is her own personal refinement of it.
Ryusui|GM: (roll it, <@!Margen>)
Margen: (I'm actually not sure what to shoot for, maybe 5?)
Ryusui|GM: (it's your call; keep your FATE Points and aspects in mind)
Margen: Right
Ryusui|GM: (remember that the House Chef and Dovelia both have main aspects of 8)
Margen: (wOw)
Vera: (So does Tako. Meanwhile, I'm only just trailing with a 7.)
Margen: (Alrighty then)
Vera: (Shooting high is the name of the game with Hapax and the Chairwoman both presiding.)
Margen: (gonna go for 7 and hope for the best, I have a prep and an invoke)
Ryusui|GM: (remember also that your main aspect caps your side and plating aspects)
Vera: (Roll it!)
Margen: (oh I have 3 FP apparently)
Margen: (OH)
Margen: (I'm going to go for 8)
Vera: (2 minutes left, go go go!)
Margen: !f 2 (cool vs 8)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][+][ ][-]]
Margen: (Whup that's atrocious)
Ryusui|GM: (you need three invokes for a win here)
Vera: (You have like 4 invokes available.)
Ryusui|GM: (a tie is a win on this)
Margen: (oh ok right SWSs)
Vera: (He was shooting for 8, not 7, but it's a moot point since he has 4 free invokes that are relevant.)
Margen: (wait what's the 4th??)
Margen: (Or was the ice 2?)
Vera: (The ice has 2, yes.)
Margen: (oh perfect)
Ryusui|GM: (that was your bonus for winning the quick-fire)
Ryusui|GM: (flavor it and then let's finish XD)
Ryusui|GM: (wait, <@!Vera>, you haven't gone this exchange, i think?)
Vera: (Yeah, I have it typed up, but didn't want to post while other people were taking their turn.)
Margen: (In that case...)
Margen drops the crystal on the table and it shatters, throwing off a million reflections heavy with whispers of untold power. He shrugs as it wails slightly as if forged from the ghosts of space, and loads it into the shaver.
Vera: Vera looks between her mise-en-place and the center arena.
"Do I have enough...? I can't afford to screw up plating, so I need a generous time-block for that, but... okay, screw it, we're doing the abridged substitute version of the Prince's recipe. I'm making these daggers Filled with (Faux) Sanguine Sangria Granita Slush - BITTER:3, crossing my fingers, and praying I don't get crucified back home for not using real Bloody Wound vintage."
Ryusui|GM: In that state, it takes no effort at all to grind it into a fine crystalline slush, perfect for making culinary wizardry.
Vera: !f 3 (BITTER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][-][+][+]]
Vera: (*fist-pump)
Ryusui|GM: (thassa win!)
Vera: She just dumps manischewitz and citrus into a blender, sets it to blast while feeding in trace amounts of pig's blood, dumps it through a strainer onto a freezing sheet, and shoves it into a freezer, planning to scrape the resulting ice straight back into the blender to make it slushy enough to pour into the daggers. Seems replacing Bloody Wound with a mix of pedestrian blood and sweet-wine isn't the
only sin she's committing against the M-named vampiric prince's recipe - a blender of all things! Twice!
Ryusui|GM: "It's down to the wire for Battle Comet!" Holly chirps. "The Beryllium Chef and Dovelia seem to have it out for each other" - cut to a side-by-side shot of the two, Dovelia's gritting her teeth in determination, the Beryllium Chef idly flossing his - "but with talent like Vera, Tako, and unexpected Quick-Fire winner Margen in play, it's still
anybody's game!"
Ryusui|GM: (last lines, <@&627978553669058562>?)
Margen: "I have no idea if this is going to work!"
Vera: Despite kicking herself for having to make such an egregious reduction of the full recipe, Vera can't help but smile at this point as her gaze darts around for the next thing to do; in spite of the pain, in spite of the scrambling, she can't help but feel
alive since coming here.
Vera: (And I'm good.)
Ryusui|GM: (<@!;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾>?)
;}"÷™+╎®^★█¬ˇ¾: ((I'm Good (+3).))
Ryusui|GM: "Just you wait, you small blue
piece of draftbeast dung," Dovelia hisses. "I'll show you* who's queen of Kitchen Arena..."
Ryusui|GM: The Beryllium Chef's idle flossing dislodges one of his teeth, which immediately grows back. He holds it in his hand, looks at it in surprise for a second, then turns to the camera and grins: "Who wants to see my tooth collection?"
Ryusui|GM: !end

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