

Aug 28th, 2015
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  1. So, i was talking with a friend about GDQ, and one of us said something like "Why don't we go to AGDQ 2015?" And here were are! That's what I'm gonna try to do.
  3. We thought about everything, dates, place to stay, how much would everything cost, etc... and It's an actual viable plan. Dates work perfectly for me, and I'm really hype about it!
  5. But there's a small detail that COULD stop me from going (and it's really the only one). Its the money.
  7. I'm a student without a job (currently looking for one but didnt get anything in a few months). Hopefully I'll get one in the next months, but until then I don't have any income. That's the reason I'm writing this. I don't really like what I'm doing, not gonna lie, but I would really love to go to AGDQ. There are just sooo many people I want to know, and I want to feel how it is to speedrun there, as well as watching the top speedrunners of all games while being next to them. But as I said, money is an issue for me, so any help I can get would be HUGE. I love you anyways (just by staying here or even reading this, it's important for me) but now I can't refuse any help.
  9. I will try to submit both Pokemon Pearl and an Indie game called Ib to see if i can run it there, but ofc I will go regardless if they get in or not.
  11. Thanks again for reading this, and I will love you forever if you can help me. If you can't thats also fine, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to it.
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