

Sep 21st, 2011
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  1. Started GET "/app/flex" for at Wed Sep 21 17:21:20 -0400 2011
  2. [Barista] Compiling all scripts for barista
  3. [Barista] Compiling all coffeescripts
  4. [Barista] Copying all javascripts
  5. Processing by ProductController#flex as HTML
  6. Checking for logout request
  7. Not a logout request, checking for cookie
  8. rh_sso cookie = ''
  9. Clearing out login_workflow since user didn't actually login
  10. ---------------
  11. setup_login_workflow
  12. ---------------
  13. Called from: /home/fotios/li/site/app/controllers/product_controller#set_workflow
  14. Workflow:
  15. Referrer:
  16. Workflow:
  17. ---------------
  18. ---------------
  19. workflow_redirect
  20. ---------------
  21. Called from: /home/fotios/li/site/app/controllers/product_controller#flex
  22. wf:
  23. ---------------
  24. Rendered layouts/_flashes.html.haml (1.1ms)
  25. Rendered layouts/_stylesheets.html.haml (0.9ms)
  26. Rendered layouts/_head.html.haml (4.1ms)
  27. Rendered layouts/_main_navigation.html.haml (2.5ms)
  28. Rendered layouts/_header.html.haml (8.3ms)
  29. Rendered layouts/_footer.html.haml (5.9ms)
  30. Rendered layouts/_javascripts.html.haml (1.0ms)
  31. Rendered shared/_omniture_code.html.haml (2.2ms)
  32. Rendered layouts/_flashes.html.haml (0.8ms)
  33. Rendered login/_signin_form.html.haml (6.7ms)
  34. Rendered layouts/_close_button.html.haml (1.0ms)
  35. Rendered layouts/_signin_dialog.html.haml (11.0ms)
  36. Rendered user/_signup_form.html.haml (64.3ms)
  37. Rendered layouts/_close_button.html.haml (1.2ms)
  38. Rendered layouts/_signup_dialog.html.haml (67.9ms)
  39. Rendered layouts/application.html.haml (109.6ms)
  40. Rendered product/flex.html.haml within layouts/product (174.3ms)
  41. Completed 200 OK in 177ms (Views: 176.2ms)
  44. Started POST "/app/login/ajax" for at Wed Sep 21 17:21:28 -0400 2011
  45. [Barista] Compiling all scripts for barista
  46. [Barista] Compiling all coffeescripts
  47. [Barista] Copying all javascripts
  48. Processing by LoginController#ajax as JS
  49. Parameters: {"errorUrl"=>"", "authenticity_token"=>"joG2jeOIztGMCFu4O8j0hG/uqRsStAd9Hgr/7KYQWQo=", "utf8"=>"✓", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"[email protected]", "redirectUrl"=>""}
  50. Checking for logout request
  51. Not a logout request, checking for cookie
  52. rh_sso cookie = ''
  53. ---------------
  54. setup_login_workflow
  55. ---------------
  56. Called from: /home/fotios/li/site/app/controllers/login_controller#ajax
  57. Workflow:
  58. Referrer:
  59. Workflow: /app/express
  60. ---------------
  61. Non integrated environment - faking login
  62. Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 1.0ms)
  65. Started GET "/app" for at Wed Sep 21 17:21:28 -0400 2011
  66. [Barista] Compiling all scripts for barista
  67. [Barista] Compiling all coffeescripts
  68. [Barista] Copying all javascripts
  69. Processing by HomeController#index as HTML
  70. Checking for logout request
  71. Not a logout request, checking for cookie
  72. rh_sso cookie = 'test'
  73. User has an authenticated session
  74. Session ticket matches current ticket
  75. User [email protected] is missing access. Requesting access...
  76. Non integrated environment - adding role
  77. Access request successful for user [email protected]
  78. Index controller
  79. Session workflow in HomeController#index: /app/express
  80. ---------------
  81. workflow_redirect
  82. ---------------
  83. Called from: /home/fotios/li/site/app/controllers/home_controller#index
  84. wf: /app/express
  85. ---------------
  86. Redirecting to workflow: /app/express
  87. Redirected to
  88. Completed 302 Found in 3ms
  91. Started GET "/app/express" for at Wed Sep 21 17:21:28 -0400 2011
  92. [Barista] Compiling all scripts for barista
  93. [Barista] Compiling all coffeescripts
  94. [Barista] Copying all javascripts
  95. Processing by ProductController#express as HTML
  96. Checking for logout request
  97. Not a logout request, checking for cookie
  98. rh_sso cookie = 'test'
  99. User has an authenticated session
  100. Session ticket matches current ticket
  101. ---------------
  102. setup_login_workflow
  103. ---------------
  104. Called from: /home/fotios/li/site/app/controllers/product_controller#set_workflow
  105. Workflow:
  106. Referrer:
  107. Workflow:
  108. ---------------
  109. Rendered layouts/_flashes.html.haml (0.9ms)
  110. Rendered layouts/_stylesheets.html.haml (0.8ms)
  111. Rendered layouts/_head.html.haml (3.8ms)
  112. Rendered layouts/_main_navigation.html.haml (3.3ms)
  113. Rendered layouts/_header.html.haml (52.6ms)
  114. Rendered layouts/_footer.html.haml (6.3ms)
  115. Rendered layouts/_javascripts.html.haml (1.2ms)
  116. Rendered shared/_omniture_code.html.haml (2.3ms)
  117. Rendered layouts/_flashes.html.haml (0.9ms)
  118. Rendered login/_signin_form.html.haml (7.2ms)
  119. Rendered layouts/_close_button.html.haml (1.2ms)
  120. Rendered layouts/_signin_dialog.html.haml (10.9ms)
  121. Rendered user/_signup_form.html.haml (10.6ms)
  122. Rendered layouts/_close_button.html.haml (1.2ms)
  123. Rendered layouts/_signup_dialog.html.haml (14.1ms)
  124. Rendered layouts/application.html.haml (100.1ms)
  125. Rendered product/express.html.haml within layouts/product (138.6ms)
  126. Completed 200 OK in 144ms (Views: 140.8ms)
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