

Jun 28th, 2018
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  1. --[[
  2. Here, you adjust settings. Do not touch semicolons(;) unless it's the Prefix inside the quotes.
  3. --]]
  5. return {
  6.     -----------[[ ADMINS ]]-----------------
  7.     Ranks = {
  8.         ["Owner"] = {"RobloxScriptBuilder", "sonicrixlp"}; -- All commands, full power, stops admin, and other ownery things
  9.         ["Admin"] = {"iiSavageKown"}; -- Most commands, can kick, ban, crash, and has power in servers
  10.         ["Member"] = {"iiSavageKown", "iiSavageKown"}; -- Some commands, no kick, ban, crash, shutdown, no real power
  11.         ["Banned"] = {"Noob", "Butt", "JuliusColesV2"}; -- Can't join
  12.         ["Crashed"] = {"TurdHead", "BiggerNoob"}; -- Get's lagged >:D
  13.         ["Muted"] = {"Hacker", "Exploiter"}; -- Can join server, but they can't chat(Great for nooby hackers)
  14.     };
  15.     ----------------------------------------
  17.     -----------[[ SETTINGS ]]---------------
  18.     FUN = true; -- Eveyone likes fun! so why not me true! If your place is a military place and you have no scene of humor you can change it to false
  19.     LagTime = 5; -- The crash command disconnects the player. then the time set here will count down until lag
  20.     Prefix = ";"; -- What you say before a command. The ";" in [ ;kill me ]
  21.     Bet = " "; -- Separates arguments(Cannot be slash or dash or it will become space)
  22.     EnableAdminMenu = true; -- Set true or false if you want to enable the admin menu [Donations give you 10% commition of all money and gives you player points.]
  23.     ServerLocked = false; -- Used to kick non-admins when they join
  24.     MinimumAge = 0; -- How old the player's account age has to be at least to join. If less they will be kicked unless they are an admin. Anything more than 0 will also kick guests.
  25.     --------------------------------------
  27.     -----------[[ ABUSE CONTROL ]]---------------
  28.     DisableAbuse = false; -- Disables abusive command like kill,fling,loopfling,ect... (FOR MEMBER/ADMIN RANK ONLY)
  29.     AbuseList = {"kill", "punish", "respawn", "smoke", "blind", "strobe", "flash", "control", "give", "health", "clone", "loopfling", "fling", "drug", "explode", "ragdoll", "change", "insert", "decal", "taketools", "removetools"}; -- The commands Member/Admin ranks will not be able to say if they start with the characters(If ki was on the list, commands like KIll and KIck will not be executed)
  30.     AbusableGear = {55028088, 73089166, 73089190, 73089204, 73089214, 73089239, 73089259, 58921588, 65347268, 130113146, 139578207, 21001552, 58901335, 36431591, 35268363, 16201421, 16200402, 16200204, 16200373, 60791062, 58880579, 73089204, 73089239, 73089259, 36270159, 36334760, 36738185, 58901481, 58901575, 73089229, 73089214, 35200756, 36068233, 36017373, 35223828, 35201552, 55027987, 35205409, 36738142, 16975388, 35226945, 18474459}; -- All gear(or any insertable asset) that will be blocked if DisableAbuse is enabled, will only apply to member ranks(I.E. Member Player: ;gear me 55028088 will be blocked)
  31.     --------------------------------------
  33.     -----------[[ REMOTE ADMIN ]]---------------
  34.     LinkedAccount = "Admin"; -- This is the account you can make at to control admin remotely(caps sensitive)
  35.     DaddyKey = ""; -- This is the key found at that allows daddy to be sent to logs or errors. Reset the key at 
  36.     --------------------------------------
  38.     -----------[[ VIPS ]]-----------------
  39.     VIPMemberID = 0; -- Put the gamepass ID for people to have member access, leave 0 if you do not want it
  40.     VIPAdminID = 0; -- Put the gamepass ID for people to have admin access, leave 0 if you do not want it
  41.     --------------------------------------
  43.     -----------[[ GROUPS ]]---------------
  44.     GroupID = 0; -- Links group to admin, leave 0 if you do not want to do so
  45.     GroupMemberRank = 0; -- the lowest rank that will get admin commands[Member Rank], If you have linked a group to this DO NOT make 0
  46.     GroupAdminRank = 0; -- the lowest rank that will get admin commands[Admin Rank], If you have linked a group to this DO NOT make 0
  47.     GroupOwnerRank = 0; -- the lowest rank that will get admin commands[Owner Rank], If you have linked a group to this DO NOT make 0
  48.     RankBan = 0; -- if a player is this rank in a group from the GroupID, he/she will be banned from the game.
  49.     --------------------------------------
  51.     -----------[[ BADGES ]]---------------
  52.     BadgeID = 0; -- Leave 0 if you don't want people to have admin when they get a badge[Member Rank], otherwise, put in badge ID
  53.     --------------------------------------
  54. }
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