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- --{program="tLoader",version="1.10",date="2024-10-22"}
- ---------------------------------------
- -- tLoader by Kaikaku
- -- 2024-10-22, v1.10 UI fix
- -- 2021-04-02, v1.01 tClear added
- -- 2021-03-20, v1.00 initial
- -- TUAPv1FU (tLoader)
- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- DESCRIPTION ----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Loader program to pastebin get
- -- all the other releazed programs.
- -- If in-program info is insufficient
- -- check out YouTube for more details.
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Atm mainly meant for turtles
- --
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- VARIABLES: template --------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local cVersion ="v1.10"
- local cPrgName ="tLoader"
- local cMinFuel =110
- local cSleepTime=0.4
- local cMaxTurns =-1
- local turnCounter =0
- local turnsRemaining =cMaxTurns
- local harvestedStuff=0
- local harvestedStuffTotal=0
- local blnAskForParameters =true
- local blnShowUsage =false
- local blnDebugPrint =false
- local blnTurtle
- local isComputer =false
- local
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- VARIABLES: specific --------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local blnAll = false
- local blnAllA = false
- local blnAllT = false
- local blnAllB = false
- local blnDelete = false
- local singleProg1 = ""
- local singleProg2 = ""
- local singleProg3 = ""
- local counter = 0
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- Data: specific -------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- id, name, pastebin, applicability[t/c/b]
- local array={}
- array={
- "a","AESeeds", "stXEtJ6C","t",
- "a","CabReactor", "knYniUQx","t",
- "a","EndoFeeder", "bMHsGY06","t",
- "a","FlowerPot", "EiBtxqUT","t",
- "a","Harvester", "ZVc6H649","t",
- "a","MilkPower", "e8bs7VnN","t",
- "a","TreeFarm", "Qn008fPa","t",
- "b","9x9", "a5nWDnK6","t",
- "b","Dome", "jEAYUJdZ","t",
- "b","DonkeySanctuary","Xc98RnqU","t",
- "b","Door2x3", "BvavMNTW","t",
- "b","Drone", "A35d84ge","b",
- "b","Chandelier", "bMky9MzP","t",
- "b","HalfTimberHouse","hxeZ5Wui","t",
- "b","Head", "HP3AW3sd","t",
- "b","Mansion", "PfdurUkb","t",
- "b","MobFarm", "unPPhDpQ","t",
- "b","Shuttle", "L1UQ3he3","t",
- "b","TownHouse", "FHw76UHP","t",
- "t","Clear", "07653J4E","t",
- "t","Fireworks", "UYm0CCQ7","t",
- "t","Loader", "TUAPv1FU","b",
- "t","Platform", "fbyxVzSX","t",
- "t","Send", "h3xcC9S1","b",
- "t","WaitFor", "9vzPCd4T","b"}
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- Early UI functions ---------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local function swapColors()
- local backColor=term.getBackgroundColor()
- local textColor=term.getTextColor()
- term.setBackgroundColor(textColor)
- term.setTextColor(backColor)
- end
- local function printUI(strInput)
- if strInput==ni then strInput="" end
- if strInput=="header" then
- term.write("+-------------------------------------") print("+")
- elseif strInput=="line" then
- term.write("+-------------------------------------") print("+")
- elseif strInput=="footer" then
- term.write("+-------------------------------------") print("+")
- else
- term.write("|")
- strInput=strInput.." "
- term.write(string.sub(strInput,1,37))
- print("|")
- end
- end
- local function coloredTextAt(inputText,outputRow,outputCol,textColor,backColor)
- -- writes and colors text to coordinates
- local oldRow, oldCol = term.getCursorPos()
- local oldTextColor=term.getTextColor()
- local oldBackColor=term.getBackgroundColor()
- if textColor==nil then textColor=term.getTextColor() end
- if backColor==nil then backColor=term.getBackgroundColor() end
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(backColor)
- term.setCursorPos(outputRow,outputCol)
- term.write(inputText)
- term.setCursorPos(oldRow, oldCol)
- term.setTextColor(oldTextColor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(oldBackColor)
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- tArgs ----------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local tArgs = {...}
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- -- header
- if #tArgs~=0 then
- blnAskForParameters=false
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku. Enjoy!")
- printUI("line")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- print("Starting...")
- end
- for t=1,#tArgs do
- if string.lower(tArgs[t])=="all" then
- blnAll=true
- elseif string.lower(tArgs[t])=="a" then
- blnAllA=true
- elseif string.lower(tArgs[t])=="t" then
- blnAllT=true
- elseif string.lower(tArgs[t])=="b" then
- blnAllB=true
- elseif string.lower(tArgs[t])=="del" then
- blnDelete=true
- elseif string.lower(tArgs[t])=="delte" then
- blnDelete=true
- elseif singleProg1=="" then
- singleProg1 = tArgs[t]
- elseif singleProg2=="" then
- singleProg2 = tArgs[t]
- else
- singleProg3 = tArgs[t]
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- -- basic functions for turtle control -
- ---------------------------------------
- local function spd(s,blnForward)
- if s==nil then s=turtle.currentSlot() end
- if blnForward==nil then blnForward=true end
- ss(s) pd() if blnForward then gf() end
- end
- local function spu(s,blnForward)
- if s==nil then s=turtle.currentSlot() end
- if blnForward==nil then blnForward=true end
- ss(s) pu() if blnForward then gf() end
- end
- local function spf(s,blnBack)
- if s==nil then s=turtle.currentSlot() end
- if blnBack==nil then blnBack=true end
- ss(s) pf() if blnBack then gb() end
- end
- local function waitKey(strText)
- local event, scancode
- write(strText)
- event, scancode = os.pullEvent("key")
- print()
- end
- local function askForInputText(textt)
- local at=""
- -- check prompting texts
- if textt==nil then textt="Enter text:" end
- -- ask for input
- write(textt)
- at=read()
- return at
- end
- local function askForNumber(askText, minValue, maxValue)
- -- gets entered data, ensures it's a number and returns it
- -- keeps asking if entry is not a number
- -- adapts to min and max values
- -- allways writes in screen line 13 (last for turtles)
- -- calls askForInputText
- local blnReask=true
- local returnNumber=nil
- if minValue==nil then minValur=1 end
- if maxValue==nil then maxValue=100 end
- if askText==nil then askText="Key in number and press Enter: " end
- while blnReask do
- term.setCursorPos(1,13)
- returnNumber=askForInputText(askText)
- if returnNumber==nil then
- blnReask=true
- else
- returnNumber=tonumber(returnNumber)
- if returnNumber==nil then
- blnReask=true
- else
- returnNumber=math.floor(returnNumber)
- if returnNumber>maxValue then returnNumber=maxValue end
- if returnNumber<minValue then returnNumber=minValue end
- blnReask=false
- end
- end
- end
- return returnNumber
- end
- local function pressKeyNoSpecials(askText)
- -- excludes ctrl / alt / shifts
- -- catches windows
- -- retruns the key number (if needed at all)
- local tmpEvent, tmpKey
- if askText==nil then askText="Press key to START! (stop w/ ctrl+t) " end
- tmpKey=341
- while tmpKey>=340 and tmpKey<=346 do -- ctrls, alts, shifts
- term.write(askText) tmpEvent, tmpKey = os.pullEvent("key")
- if tmpKey==nil then tmpKey=341 end -- win
- end
- return tmpKey
- end
- local function checkFuel()
- local tmp=turtle.getFuelLevel()
- return tmp
- end
- local function checkTurtle(blnOnlyIdentify)
- if blnOnlyIdentify==nil then blnOnlyIdentify=false end
- -- turtle?
- local turtleOk, turtleVal = pcall(checkFuel)
- if not turtleOk then
- blnTurtle=false
- if not blnOnlyIdentify then
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- printUI("This is a turtle program.")
- printUI(" Please, execute it with a turtle!")
- printUI("footer")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,
- error()
- end
- else
- blnTurtle=true
- end
- end
- local function sleepDots(sec, duration)
- if sec==nil then sec=10 end
- if sec<1 then return end
- if duration==nil then duration=1 end -- shorten durtation for more dots
- for i=1,sec-1 do
- sleep(1*duration)
- term.write(".")
- end
- sleep(1)
- print(".")
- end
- local function debugPrint(str)
- if blnDebugPrint then print(str) end
- end
- local function inspectFor(blockArray, strDirection)
- if strDirection==nil then strDirection="f" end
- local blnOk, data
- -- inspect
- if strDirection=="d" then blnOk, data = turtle.inspectDown()
- elseif strDirection=="u" then blnOk, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- elseif strDirection=="f" then blnOk, data = turtle.inspect()
- else
- print("Warning: Unknown direction '",strDirection,"' in inspectFor, taking (f)orward instead.")
- strDirection="f"
- blnOk, data = turtle.inspect()
- end
- if then debugPrint("Found:"..string.lower( end
- -- compare
- local i=1
- while blockArray[i]~=nil do
- debugPrint("Compare to:"..string.lower(blockArray[i]))
- if then
- if string.lower( == string.lower(blockArray[i]) then return true end
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- return false -- reached a nil value
- end
- local function handleReport()
- print(" Harvested items this turn: "..harvestedStuff)
- harvestedStuffTotal=harvestedStuffTotal+harvestedStuff
- harvestedStuff=0
- print(" Harvested items total: "..harvestedStuffTotal)
- end
- local function handleTurnCounter()
- -- return true if cMaxTurns is reached, else false
- handleReport()
- if turnsRemaining==0 then return true end
- turnCounter=turnCounter+1
- if cMaxTurns>=0 then
- turnsRemaining=turnsRemaining-1
- term.write("Turn "..turnCounter.."/"..cMaxTurns..":")
- else
- term.write("Turn "..turnCounter..":")
- end
- return false
- end
- local function getFirstEmptySlot(startAt)
- if startAt==nil then startAt=1 end
- if startAt>16 or startAt<1 then return nil end
- for i=startAt,16,1 do
- if gic(i)==0 then return i end
- end
- for i=1,startAt,1 do
- if gic(i)==0 then return i end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function identifyTool(toolSide)
- -- returns name of tool at side toolSide
- -- returns no_tool if there is none
- -- requires at least one empty slot for tool check (throws error)
- if toolSide==nil then toolSide="right" end
- if toolSide~="right" and toolSide~="r" then toolSide="left" end
- local slotNumber = getFirstEmptySlot()
- local slotSelected=turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- local toolName="no_tool"
- if slotNumber==nil then error("Couldn't find empty slot to check tool on side '"..toolSide.."'!") end
- ss(slotNumber)
- -- step 1: get name
- if toolSide=="right" or toolSide=="r" then
- turtle.equipRight()
- else
- turtle.equipLeft()
- end
- -- step 2: get name
- local data = turtle.getItemDetail()
- if data~=nil then end
- -- step 3: re-equipget name
- if toolSide=="right" or toolSide=="r" then
- turtle.equipRight()
- else
- turtle.equipLeft()
- end
- ss(slotSelected)
- return toolName
- end
- -- pre description ------------------------
- local function arrangeArray(inputArray, startAt, endAt, widthAt, maxRows, maxCharacters, numSpacers)
- -- prints array in two columns
- if widthAt==nil then widthAt=4 end -- how many array itmes belong to one "object"
- if widthAt<1 then widthAt=4 end
- if startAt==nil then startAt=1 end -- start with this "object"
- if startAt<1 then startAt=1 end
- if endAt==nil then endAt=#inputArray/widthAt end -- end at this "object"
- if endAt>#inputArray*widthAt then endAt=#inputArray/widthAt end
- if maxRows==nil then maxRows=10 end -- so many rows to display
- if maxRows<1 then maxRows=5 end
- if maxCharacters==nil then maxCharacters=19 end -- so many chars in one column (rest is cut off)
- if maxCharacters<1 then maxCharacters=19 end
- local fillerA=" "--"-"
- if numSpacers==nil then numSpacers=0 end -- so many spaces between both columns
- if numSpacers<1 then numSpacers=0 end
- local fillerB=" "--"x"
- local outputArray={}
- local j=1
- local tmpString=""
- local tmpSpaces=""
- local tmpSpacer=""
- for i=1,maxCharacters,1 do
- tmpSpaces=tmpSpaces..fillerA
- end
- for i=1,numSpacers,1 do
- tmpSpacer=tmpSpacer..fillerB
- end
- for i=startAt*widthAt-(widthAt-1),endAt*widthAt,widthAt do
- --print(inputArray[i]..inputArray[i+1])
- tmpString=inputArray[i]..inputArray[i+1]..tmpSpaces
- tmpString=string.sub(tmpString,1,maxCharacters)
- if outputArray[j]==nil then outputArray[j]="" tmpString=tmpString..tmpSpacer end
- outputArray[j]=outputArray[j]..tmpString
- j=j+1
- if j>maxRows then j=1 end
- end
- return outputArray
- end
- local function printArray(iArray)
- for i=1,#iArray,1 do
- term.write(i)
- if iArray[i]~=nil then print(iArray[i]) else print() end
- end
- end
- local function countProgramTypes()
- local countA=0
- local countB=0
- local countT=0
- for i=1,#array,4 do
- if array[i]=="a" then
- countA=countA+1
- elseif array[i]=="b" then
- countB=countB+1
- elseif array[i]=="t" then
- countT=countT+1
- end
- end
- return countA,countB,countT,countA+countB+countT
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- main: description ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- checkTurtle(true)
- local iPage=0
- if blnAskForParameters then
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- local iPageMax=3
- local event, key, isHeld
- local blnLoop=true
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax.."+)")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("This program can load all other")
- printUI(" programs released by Kaikaku.")
- printUI("No need to remember any other")
- printUI(" pastebin codes than: TUAPv1FU")
- printUI("You can select single programs")
- printUI(" or groups of programs (e.g. all")
- printUI(" builder programs). Or load by ")
- printUI(" paramter call: tLoader bDrone")
- printUI("footer")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("TUAPv1FU",25,7,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("tLoader bDrone",19,11,baseColor)
- pressKeyNoSpecials("Press key for next (stop w/ ctrl+t) ")
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax.."+)")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("How to remember TUAPv1FU?")
- printUI(" T = To It took ")
- printUI(" U = YOU quite a ")
- printUI(" A = All while ")
- printUI(" P = Programs and a ")
- printUI(" v = version temp ban")
- printUI(" 1 = one to get ")
- printUI(" FU = FU**?! this ")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("footer")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("TUAPv1FU",18,4,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("T",4,5,baseColor) coloredTextAt("T",9,5,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("U",4,6,baseColor) coloredTextAt("YOU",9,6,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("A",4,7,baseColor) coloredTextAt("A",9,7,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("P",4,8,baseColor) coloredTextAt("P",9,8,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("v",4,9,baseColor) coloredTextAt("v",9,9,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("1",4,10,baseColor) coloredTextAt("one",9,10,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("FU",4,11,baseColor) coloredTextAt("FU",9,11,baseColor)
- pressKeyNoSpecials("Press key for next (stop w/ ctrl+t) ")
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- local aa,bb,tt,ss = countProgramTypes()
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax.."+)")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("Select load mode:")
- printUI(" 1 = select one from list (1)")
- printUI(" 2 = all automation programs ("..aa..")")
- printUI(" 3 = all building programs ("")")
- printUI(" 4 = all tool programs ("")")
- printUI(" 5 = all programs ("..(#array/4)..")")
- printUI(" ")
- printUI(" d = delete old programs (off)")
- printUI("footer")
- term.write("Press key 1,2,3,4,5 to select mode")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Select load mode",2,4,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("1",4,5,baseColor) coloredTextAt("list", 24,5,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("2",4,6,baseColor) coloredTextAt("a", 12,6,
- coloredTextAt("3",4,7,baseColor) coloredTextAt("b", 12,7,
- coloredTextAt("4",4,8,baseColor) coloredTextAt("t", 12,8,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("5",4,9,baseColor) coloredTextAt("all", 8,9,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("d",4,11,baseColor) coloredTextAt("(off)",28,11,baseColor)
- while blnLoop do -- option selection example --<< example to check for 1,2,3,4
- event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key")
- if key~=nil then
- if keys.getName(key)=="one"
- or keys.getName(key)=="two"
- or keys.getName(key)=="three"
- or keys.getName(key)=="four"
- or keys.getName(key)=="five" then
- blnLoop=false
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="d" then
- if blnDelete then
- blnDelete=false
- coloredTextAt("(off)",28,11,baseColor)
- else
- blnDelete=true
- coloredTextAt("(on) ",28,11,baseColor)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if keys.getName(key)=="two" then blnAllA=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="three" then blnAllB=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="four" then blnAllT=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="five" then blnAll=true
- end
- if keys.getName(key)=="one" then
- local cRowCount=8
- local iNumber
- local iNumberLast
- local blnSelectionDone=false
- --local function arrangeArray(inputArray, startAt, endAt, widthAt, maxRows, maxCharacters, numSpacers)
- local testArray = arrangeArray(array,1,nil,4,#array/4,16,1)
- local numberPages = math.ceil(#testArray/cRowCount)
- iPageMax=iPageMax+numberPages
- for j=1,#array/4,cRowCount do
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- iNumber=1
- iNumberLast=1
- for i=j,j+cRowCount-1,1 do
- if testArray[i]~= nil then
- printUI(" "..iNumber.." = "..testArray[i])
- coloredTextAt(iNumber,4,3+iNumber,baseColor)
- if string.sub(testArray[i],1,1)=="a" then coloredTextAt("a" ,8,3+iNumber,
- elseif string.sub(testArray[i],1,1)=="b" then coloredTextAt("b" ,8,3+iNumber,
- elseif string.sub(testArray[i],1,1)=="t" then coloredTextAt("t" ,8,3+iNumber,
- end
- iNumberLast=iNumberLast+1
- else
- printUI()
- end
- iNumber=iNumber+1
- end
- printUI("footer")
- if iPage<iPageMax then
- term.write("Select program (1-"..(iNumberLast-1).."), other key = next ")
- else
- term.write("Select program (1-"..(iNumberLast-1).."), other key = EXIT ")
- end
- blnLoop=true
- local iArray
- while blnLoop do
- event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key")
- if key~=nil then
- if keys.getName(key)=="one" and iNumberLast>1 then
- iArray=1
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="two" and iNumberLast>2 then
- iArray=1+1*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="three" and iNumberLast>3 then
- iArray=1+2*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="four" and iNumberLast>4 then
- iArray=1+3*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="five" and iNumberLast>5 then
- iArray=1+4*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="six" and iNumberLast>6 then
- iArray=1+5*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="seven" and iNumberLast>7 then
- iArray=1+6*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="eight" and iNumberLast>8 then
- iArray=1+7*4
- iArray=iArray+(iPage-3-1)*4*cRowCount
- singleProg1=array[iArray]..array[iArray+1]
- blnSelectionDone=true
- end
- blnLoop=false
- end
- end
- if blnSelectionDone then break end
- end
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- MAIN -----------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- ---- step 1: pastebin get ----
- print("step 1: pastebin get...")
- local i=1
- while array[i]~=nil do
- if blnAll
- or (blnAllA and array[i]=="a")
- or (blnAllT and array[i]=="t")
- or (blnAllB and array[i]=="b")
- or string.lower(singleProg1)==string.lower(array[i]..array[i+1])
- or string.lower(singleProg2)==string.lower(array[i]..array[i+1])
- or string.lower(singleProg3)==string.lower(array[i]..array[i+1]) then
- print("-- "..array[i]..array[i+1].." --")
- if blnDelete then
- print("Deleting current version")
-"delete "..array[i]..array[i+1])
- end
- print("pastebin get "..array[i+2].." "..array[i]..array[i+1]))
- counter=counter+1
- sleep(cSleepTime)
- end
- i=i+4
- end
- if counter~=0 then
- sleepDots(6,0.2)
- ---- step 2: finishing stuff / report ----
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("step 2: report")
- if counter==1 then
- print("1 program downloaded/updated/tried :)")
- else
- print(counter.." programs downloaded/updated/tried :)")
- end
- end
- print()
- printUI("header")
- --1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("If in-program info is insufficient,")
- printUI("you can check out YouTube for further")
- printUI("explanations. Just search for the")
- printUI("program name and ComputerCraft.")
- printUI("Enjoy! Kaikaku ")
- coloredTextAt("Kaikaku",9,9,baseColor)
- printUI("footer")
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