

Nov 1st, 2017
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text 1.04 KB | None | 0 0
  1. On chat:
  2. replace all "Fuck" in message with "&c****&7"
  3. replace all "Shit" in message with "&c****&7"
  4. replace all "Crap" in message with "&c****&7"
  5. replace all "Gay" in message with "&c***&7"
  6. replace all "Lesbian" in message with "&c*******&7"
  7. replace all "Dick" in message with "&c****&7"
  8. replace all "Vagina" in message with "&c******"
  9. replace all "Fck" in message with "&c***&7"
  10. replace all "Sucks" in message with "&c*****&7"
  11. replace all "/join" in message with "&c****&7"
  12. replace all "nigga" in message with "&c****&7"
  13. replace all "nigger" in message with "&c******&7"
  14. replace all "fucking" in message with "&c*******&7"
  15. replace all "cancer" in message with "&c******&7"
  16. replace all " u " in message with "you"
  17. replace all " cant " in message with "can't"
  18. replace all " ur " in message with "your"
  19. replace all " xd " in message with "xD"
  20. replace all " <3" in message with "&c♥&7"
  21. replace all " :) " in message with "&e☺&7"
  22. replace all " :D " in message with "&e☺&7 "
  23. replace all " love " in message with "&c♥&7"
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