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- with tmp_invpositionsum_009 as (
- -- 匹配最大库存量 批次 数量
- select
- row_number() over (partition by stock.cInvCode order by stock.iQuantity desc) as r,
- stock.Autoid,
- stock.cInvCode,
- stock.cBatch,
- stock.iQuantity,
- stock.cFree1,
- batch.cBatchProperty7,
- batch.cBatchProperty10,
- case
- when extra.dw = 'g' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))*1000 --1g=1000mg
- when extra.dw = 'μg' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))*0.001 --1μg=0.001mg
- when extra.dw = 'kg' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))*1000000 --1kg=1000000mg
- when extra.dw = 'ml' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))*1000 --1ml=1000mg
- when extra.dw = 'l' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))*1000000 --1L=1000000mg
- when extra.dw = 'ng' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))*0.001 --1ng=0.001mg
- when extra.dw = 'mg' and extra.isnum='1' then cast(extra.num as numeric(10,4))
- else null
- end as cFree1_tomg,
- count(stock.autoid) over (partition by stock.cInvCode) as "U8总批次数",
- sum(stock.iQuantity) over (partition by stock.cInvCode) as "U8总库存量",
- count(case when DateAdd(yy,1,getdate()) < CONVERT(TIMESTAMP, batch.cBatchProperty10) and stock.cBatch is not null then autoid end ) over (partition by stock.cInvCode) as "U8有效批次",
- sum(case when DateAdd(yy,1,getdate()) < CONVERT(TIMESTAMP, batch.cBatchProperty10) and stock.cBatch is not null then iQuantity end ) over (partition by stock.cInvCode) as "U8有效库存量"
- from InvPositionSum_U8_009 stock with(nolock)
- left join AA_BatchProperty_U8_009 batch with(nolock)
- on stock.cInvCode = batch.cInvCode
- and stock.cbatch = batch.cBatch
- OUTER apply (
- case
- when LEN(stock.cFree1)-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',reverse(stock.cFree1))+1 <0 then ''
- else ISNUMERIC(substring(stock.cFree1,1,LEN(stock.cFree1)-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',reverse(stock.cFree1))+1))
- end as isnum,
- case
- when LEN(stock.cFree1)-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',reverse(stock.cFree1))+1 <0 then stock.cFree1
- else replace(substring(stock.cFree1,1,LEN(stock.cFree1)-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',reverse(stock.cFree1))+1),',','.')
- end as num,
- case
- when PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',reverse(stock.cFree1))-1<1 then stock.cFree1
- else LTRIM(reverse(substring(reverse(stock.cFree1),1,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',reverse(stock.cFree1))-1)))
- end as dw
- )extra
- )
- , tmp_drug_line as (
- -- 药物线
- select
- inv_009.cInvCCode,
- LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.new_cat_no as prd_cat_no,
- LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.prd_en_name,
- LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.prd_cn_name,
- LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.prd_appearance,
- LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.prd_storage,
- case
- when inv_009.cInvCCode like '0301%' then '非药线'
- when inv_009.cInvCCode like '0302%' then '药物线'
- when inv_009.cInvCCode like '0303%' then '中间体'
- else null
- end "产品线",
- coalesce(so_count_2yearago, 0) "前两年销售次数", --前两年销售次数
- coalesce(so_count_1yearago, 0) "前一年销售次数", --前一年销售次数
- coalesce(so_count_12month, 0) "近一年销售次数", --近一年销售次数
- coalesce(so_iqu_12month, 0) "近一年销售瓶数", --近一年销售瓶数
- coalesce(inq_cus_12monthago, 0) "近一年询价客户数", --近一年询价客户数
- coalesce(inq_12monthago, 0) "近一年询价次数", --近一年询价次数,
- coalesce(so_tomg_iqu_12month, 0) "近一年销售量(mg)", --近一年销售量(mg)
- coalesce(so_iSum_12month, 0) "近一年销售金额",
- coalesce(po_iNatSum_12month, 0) "近一年采购价税合计",
- coalesce(po_iqu_12month, 0) "近一年采购mg",
- coalesce(quo_iqu_12monthago, 0) "近一年询价mg",
- coalesce(so_tomg_iqu_3month, 0) "近三个月销售量(mg)", --近三个月销售量(mg)
- coalesce(so_tomg_iqu_2month, 0) "近两个月销售量(mg)", --近两个月销售量(mg)
- coalesce(so_tomg_iqu_6month, 0) "近半年销售量(mg)", --近半年销售量(mg)
- coalesce(so_iSum_6month, 0) "近半年销售金额",--近半年销售金额
- coalesce(po_iNatSum_6month, 0) "近半年采购价税合计",
- coalesce(po_iqu_6month, 0) "近半年采购mg",
- coalesce(inq_cus_6monthago, 0) "近半年询价客户数",
- coalesce(inq_6monthago, 0) "近半年询价次数",
- coalesce(quo_iqu_6monthago, 0) "近半年询价mg",
- coalesce(inq_cus_3monthago, 0) "近三个月询价客户数",
- coalesce(so_iSum_1month, 0) "近一个月销售金额",
- coalesce(so_tomg_iqu_1month, 0) "近一个月销售量(mg)",
- coalesce(inq_cus_1monthago, 0) "近一个月询价客户数",
- coalesce(inq_1monthago, 0) "近一个月询价次数",
- coalesce(po_iNatSum_1month, 0) "近一个月采购价税合计",
- coalesce(po_iqu_1month, 0) "近一个月采购mg",
- coalesce(quo_iqu_1monthago, 0) "近一个月询价mg",
- ischeck 是否免检,
- case when coalesce(tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8总库存量,0) < (so_tomg_iqu_6month/3) then '是' else '否' end 现存数量是否小于近两个月销售数量,
- case when coalesce(tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8总库存量,0) < (so_tomg_iqu_3month) then '是' else '否' end 现存数量是否小于近三个月销售数量,
- coalesce(tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8总库存量,0) + coalesce(LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.po_iqu_own_afloat, 0) + COALESCE(onprogress_synth_prj.[在途研发量mg],0) 展望库存数量,
- case when coalesce(tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8总库存量,0) + coalesce(LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.po_iqu_own_afloat, 0) + COALESCE(onprogress_synth_prj.[在途研发量mg],0)< (so_tomg_iqu_3month) then '是' else '否' end 展望数量是否小于近三个月销售数量,
- case when DateAdd(yy,1,getdate()) <= tmp_invpositionsum_009.cBatchProperty10 then '是' else '否' end 证书有效期是否大于等于1年,
- cast(tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8有效库存量 as float) U8有效库存量,
- tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8有效批次,
- cast(tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8总库存量 as float) U8总库存量,
- tmp_invpositionsum_009.U8总批次数,
- cast(tmp_invpositionsum_009.iquantity as float)最大库存量,
- tmp_invpositionsum_009.cbatch 最大库存量批号,
- tmp_invpositionsum_009.cBatchProperty10 最大库存量证书过期日期,
- tmp_invpositionsum_009.cBatchProperty7 纯度,
- so_tomg_iqu_6month "目标备货量",
- LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.po_iqu_own_afloat "采购在途量",
- inv_009.cInvDefine2 负责人,
- ST_iQuantity 原料可用库存,
- onprogress_synth_prj.[在途研发量mg],
- tmp_rd08.[研发入库数量]
- from LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT with(nolock)
- left join Inventory_U8_009 inv_009 with(nolock)
- on LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.new_cat_no = inv_009.cInvCode
- left join tmp_invpositionsum_009 with(nolock)
- on tmp_invpositionsum_009.cInvCode = 'M-' + LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.new_cat_no
- AND tmp_invpositionsum_009.r = 1
- OUTER apply (
- SELECT sum(ST_iQuantity) ST_iQuantity
- FROM LIST_Stock_Surplus_Num_u8_009 with(nolock)
- where cInvCName='cato'
- AND ST_cInvCode='M-'+prd_cat_no
- ) st --可用原料库存
- OUTER apply (
- -- 研发入库
- select
- sum(rd08_d.iQuantity) 研发入库数量
- from RdRecords08_U8_009 rd08_d with(nolock)
- left join RdRecord08_U8_009 rd08_m
- on rd08_d.ID = rd08_m.ID
- where rd08_m.cRdCode = '0110'
- AND rd08_d.cInvCode = 'M-' + prd_cat_no
- ) tmp_rd08
- select
- sum(quantity) as 在途研发量mg
- from Lims_bv_po_synthetic_u8_009 bv_po_synthetic with(nolock)
- left join Lims_bv_product_u8_009 bv_product with(nolock)
- on bv_po_synthetic.product_id =
- where bv_po_synthetic.synthetic_status in (1,2) -- 未开始 在研
- AND bv_product.material_article_no = 'M-' + prd_cat_no
- AND bv_product.brand = 'cato'
- ) onprogress_synth_prj
- where 1=1
- AND LIST_PROD_SO_PO_COLLECT.prd_cat_no not in ('1','0','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10')
- )
- -- SELECT * FROM tmp_drug_line;
- , drug_line_catalog as (
- select
- tmp_drug_line.* ,
- cato_prd.img_url,
- product_pakcage.cost as 最大规格成本,
- product_pakcage.package_value as 最大规格,
- product_pakcage.每毫克成本单价,
- stockup_type."备货潜力标识",
- stockup_type."核心备货标识",
- case
- when stockup_type."核心备货标识" = '是' then '常规备货'
- when stockup_type."备货潜力标识" = '是' then '潜力备货'
- end "备货类型",
- case
- when COALESCE("近一年销售量(mg)", 0) < 200 then 200
- when COALESCE("近一年销售量(mg)", 0) BETWEEN 200 and 500 then "近一年销售量(mg)"
- when COALESCE("近一年销售量(mg)", 0) > 500 then 500
- end '潜力备货规格',
- blacklist.*,
- coalesce(CASE WHEN blacklist.黑名单结束日期 > getdate() THEN '是' ELSE '否' END, '否') 是否黑名单
- from tmp_drug_line
- OUTER apply (
- select TOP 1
- cost,
- package_value,
- cost / COALESCE(cfree1_tomg, 1) 每毫克成本单价
- from t_product_package pkg with(nolock)
- where pkg.brand_name= 'cato'
- AND pkg.is_delete = 1
- AND pkg.cat_no = prd_cat_no
- ORDER BY pkg.cfree1_tomg desc
- )product_pakcage
- OUTER apply (
- '' + img_url img_url
- FROM t_product prd with(nolock)
- WHERE brand_name = 'cato'
- AND is_delete = 1
- AND prd.cat_no = prd_cat_no
- ORDER BY create_time desc
- ) cato_prd
- OUTER apply (
- bl.blacklist_endtime 黑名单结束日期,
- bl.remark 黑名单原因
- FROM stock_up_blacklist bl with(nolock)
- WHERE bl.cat_no = prd_cat_no
- ORDER BY created_at desc
- ) blacklist
- case
- when 近一年询价客户数 >= 10
- or 近半年询价客户数 >= 8
- or 近三个月询价客户数 >= 6
- or 近一个月询价客户数 >= 4
- then '是'
- -- when ${if(len(潜在_近一年询价客户数)=0,"1=0","近一年询价客户数 >= ('"+潜在_近一年询价客户数+"')")}
- -- or ${if(len(潜在_近半年询价客户数)=0,"1=0","近半年询价客户数 >= ('"+潜在_近半年询价客户数+"')")}
- -- or ${if(len(潜在_近三个月询价客户数)=0,"1=0","近三个月询价客户数 >= ('"+潜在_近三个月询价客户数+"')")}
- -- or ${if(len(潜在_近一个月询价客户数)=0,"1=0","近一个月询价客户数 >= ('"+潜在_近一个月询价客户数+"')")}
- -- then '是'
- else '否'
- end '备货潜力标识',
- case
- when 近一年询价客户数 >= 4
- and 近一年询价次数 >= 5
- AND 近一年销售次数 >= 3
- and 近一年销售瓶数 >= 4
- then '是'
- -- when ${if(len(近一年销售次数)=0,"1=1","近一年销售次数 >= ('"+近一年销售次数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年销售瓶数)=0,"1=1","近一年销售瓶数 >= ('"+近一年销售瓶数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年询价客户数)=0,"1=1","近一年询价客户数 >= ('"+近一年询价客户数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年询价次数)=0,"1=1","近一年询价次数 >= ('"+近一年询价次数+"')")}
- -- then '是'
- else '否'
- end '核心备货标识'
- )stockup_type
- )
- select
- drug_line_catalog.*,
- last_po.last_po_cfree1,
- last_po.last_po_iQuantity,
- last_po.last_po_isum
- from drug_line_catalog
- po_d.cFree1 last_po_cfree1,
- po_d.iQuantity last_po_iQuantity,
- po_d.iSum last_po_isum
- FROM PO_Podetails_U8_009 po_d
- LEFT JOIN PO_Pomain_U8_009 po_m
- ON po_d.POID = po_m.POID
- WHERE po_d.cInvCode = 'M-' + drug_line_catalog.prd_cat_no
- ORDER BY po_m.cAuditTime desc
- )last_po
- where 1=1
- and 产品线 in ('药物线')
- and 备货类型 in ('常规备货', '潜力备货')
- -- and 是否黑名单 = '否'
- -- and (
- -- (备货类型 = '常规备货' and 展望数量是否小于近三个月销售数量 = '是')
- -- or (备货类型 = '潜力备货' and (展望库存数量 < case when [近三个月销售量(mg)] > 潜力备货规格 then [近三个月销售量(mg)] else 潜力备货规格 -- -- end))
- -- )
- --------
- -- ${if(len(货号)=0,"","and prd_cat_no like ('%"+trim(货号)+"%')")}
- -- ${if(len(中文名)=0,"","and prd_cn_name like ('%"+trim(中文名)+"%')")}
- -- ${if(len(cas)=0,"","and prd_cas like ('%"+trim(cas)+"%')")}
- -- ${if(len(多货号)=0,"","and prd_cat_no in ('"+Replace(多货号,"\n","','")+"')")}
- -- ${if(len(备货类型) = 0,"","and 备货类型 in ('" + replace(备货类型,",","','") + "')")}
- -- ${if(len(产品线) = 0,"","and 产品线 in ('" + replace(产品线,",","','") + "')")}
- -- ${if(剔除黑名单 = "是","and 是否黑名单 = '否'", "")}
- -- ${if(只显示备货 = "是","and ((备货类型 = '常规备货' and 展望数量是否小于近三个月销售数量 = '是') or (备货类型 = '潜力备货' and (展望库存数量 < case when [近三个月销售量(mg)] > 潜力备货规格 then [近三个月销售量(mg)] else 潜力备货规格 end)))", "")}
- --------
- -- and ${if(len(前一年销售次数)=0,"1=1","前一年销售次数 >= ('"+前一年销售次数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(前两年销售次数)=0,"1=1","前两年销售次数 >= ('"+前两年销售次数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年销售次数)=0,"1=1","近一年销售次数 >= ('"+近一年销售次数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年销售瓶数)=0,"1=1","近一年销售瓶数 >= ('"+近一年销售瓶数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年询价客户数)=0,"1=1","近一年询价客户数 >= ('"+近一年询价客户数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一年询价次数)=0,"1=1","近一年询价次数 >= ('"+近一年询价次数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(现存数量是否小于近两个月销售数量)=0,"1=1","现存数量是否小于近两个月销售数量 in ('"+现存数量是否小于近两个月销售数量+"')")}
- --
- -- and ${if(len(近一个月询价次数)=0,"1=1","近一个月询价次数 > ('"+近一个月询价次数+"')")}
- -- and ${if(len(近一个月询价客户数)=0,"1=1","近一个月询价客户数 > ('"+近一个月询价客户数+"')")}
- --and ${if(len(api)=0,"1=1","API in ('"+api+"')")}
- order by prd_cat_no
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