

Feb 4th, 2022
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Diff 1.03 KB | None | 0 0
  1. + Attempted to balance foregrips.
  2. + SIG SRD 9 has been made bigger. 6 new skins.
  3. + SAI Match Threaded G17 9x19 revamped. 3 new skins.
  4. + Buffed LVOA handguards.
  5. + Better stats previews
  6. + for the strafing camera tilt, make it velocity dependent, not input dependent
  7. + mute menu music in settings
  8. + Added Hensoldt Z24 Fero 4x24mm
  9. + Added Z24 Covers
  10. + Added G3 STANAG claw mount
  11. + Added A.R.M.S. #5 Multibase Mount. All but covers available in 5 skins.
  13. - ingame sounds are muted in the lobby
  14. - slight changes to how holding breath works with running and aiming
  15. - fixed sai handguards breaking if the rail extension is removed
  16. - made gock and makarov recoil less horrible
  17. - fixed dl.sound (insitux)
  18. - removed the additional reverb in afghan
  19. - hopefully fixed grenade throwing breaking with high ping
  20. - Fixed disappearing shipment models
  21. - Fixed Makarov slide
  22. - Fixed some skin names being incorrect and gamepasses not showing
  23. - Fixed weapon setups breaking randomly
  24. - Fixed 2 uis appearing at once after using the weapon switch menu
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