
Zilla vs Squids

Mar 18th, 2023
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  1. As it turned out, Zilla had survived the attack and followed HEAT to the South Seas, where he saved the crew from a massive squid attack. As it turned out, the thing that had chased the squids from their habitat made itself known: a giant crustacean which Randy Hernandez later dubbed CRUSTACEOUS REX, although Victor “Animal” Palotti suggested the name “Giant Walking Crab Cake.” The former stuck.
  2. Crustaceous Rex is a relentless foe, although it is not specifically aggressive towards humans. In fact, the only time it actively chased people was when Nick and French operative Monique DuPre lead the monster into the nearby jungle with a truckload of highway tar. The kaiju was feeding on tar-and-tar-like-substances like that produced by the giant squids, and after Zilla burned up its food supply, it was left with little recourse.
  4. C-Rex Bio
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