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- ---------------------------
- -- TurtleFleet Installer --
- ---------------------------
- local width, height = term.getSize()
- local mid_x = math.ceil( width / 2 )
- local mid_y = math.ceil( height / 2 )
- local panel_x, panel_x2, panel_y, panel_y2 = mid_x - 16, mid_x + 16, mid_y - 3, mid_y + 3
- local yes_x = panel_x2 - 9
- local yes_x2 = panel_x2 - 1
- local btn_y = panel_y2
- local btn_y2 = panel_y2 + 2
- local no_x = panel_x + 1
- local no_x2 = panel_x + 9
- local was_installed = false
- local theme = {}
- local git_path = ""
- local fleet_folder = "turtlefleet/"
- local all_files = {
- "computer/computer_startup.lua",
- "turtle/jobs/builder.lua",
- "turtle/jobs/harvester.lua",
- "turtle/jobs/lumberjack.lua",
- "turtle/jobs/miner.lua",
- "turtle/jobs/smelter.lua",
- "turtle/advanced_turtle.lua",
- "turtle/fleet_mode.lua",
- "turtle/pathfind.lua",
- "turtle/turtle_menu.lua",
- "turtle/turtle_startup.lua",
- "utils/update.lua",
- }
- -- Center the text based on the total length
- function print_centered( text, from, to, line, back_color, fore_color )
- back_color = back_color or theme.text_bg
- fore_color = fore_color or theme.text_fg
- local total_length = to - from
- local half_text_length = #text / 2
- local offset = math.ceil( ( ( total_length / 2 ) + from ) - half_text_length )
- term.setCursorPos( offset, line )
- term.setBackgroundColor( back_color )
- term.setTextColor( fore_color )
- term.write( text )
- end
- -- Display a promt for the installation.
- function show_prompt()
- if term.isColor() then
- theme = {
- bg = colors.white,
- text_bg = colors.white,
- text_fg =,
- title_bg = colors.lightBlue,
- title_fg =,
- window_border =,
- window_corners = colors.cyan,
- window_text_fg =,
- here_btn_bg =,
- here_btn_fg =,
- disk_btn_bg = colors.brown,
- disk_btn_fg = colors.yellow,
- text_error =
- }
- else
- theme = {
- bg = colors.white,
- text_bg = colors.white,
- text_fg = colors.gray,
- title_bg = colors.gray,
- title_fg = colors.white,
- window_border = colors.lightGray,
- window_corners = colors.lime,
- window_text_fg = colors.brown,
- here_btn_bg = colors.brown,
- here_btn_fg =,
- disk_btn_bg = colors.brown,
- disk_btn_fg =,
- text_error = colors.white
- }
- end
- term.clear()
- local lastBgColor = term.getBackgroundColor()
- -- Draw the panel.
- paintutils.drawFilledBox( panel_x, panel_y, panel_x2, panel_y2, )
- -- Add a border.
- paintutils.drawBox( panel_x - 1, panel_y - 1, panel_x2 + 1, panel_y2 + 1, theme.window_border )
- paintutils.drawPixel( panel_x - 1, panel_y2 + 1, theme.window_corners )
- paintutils.drawPixel( panel_x2 + 1, panel_y2 + 1, theme.window_corners )
- -- Add box for the headder.
- paintutils.drawFilledBox( panel_x - 1, panel_y - 1, panel_x2 + 1, panel_y + 1, theme.title_bg )
- paintutils.drawLine( panel_x - 1, panel_y - 1, panel_x - 1, panel_y + 1, theme.window_corners )
- paintutils.drawLine( panel_x2 + 1, panel_y - 1, panel_x2 + 1, panel_y + 1, theme.window_corners )
- -- Add the title.
- print_centered( "TurtleFleet Installer", panel_x, panel_x2, panel_y, theme.title_bg, theme.title_fg )
- -- Add the text.
- print_centered( "Where to install?", panel_x, panel_x2, panel_y + 3, nil, theme.window_text_fg )
- -- Button Here
- paintutils.drawFilledBox( yes_x, btn_y, yes_x2, btn_y2, theme.here_btn_bg )
- print_centered( "Here!", yes_x + 1, yes_x2, btn_y + 1, theme.here_btn_bg, theme.here_btn_fg )
- print_centered( "\175" .. " ", yes_x, yes_x2, btn_y2, theme.here_btn_bg, theme.here_btn_fg )
- -- Button Disk
- paintutils.drawFilledBox( no_x, btn_y, no_x2, btn_y2, theme.disk_btn_bg )
- print_centered( "Disk.", no_x + 1, no_x2, btn_y + 1, theme.disk_btn_bg, theme.disk_btn_fg )
- print_centered( "\175" .. " ", no_x, no_x2, btn_y2, theme.disk_btn_bg, theme.disk_btn_fg )
- term.setBackgroundColor( lastBgColor )
- end
- -- Show installing message.
- function show_installing()
- local _x = panel_x + 1
- local _x2 = panel_x2 - 1
- local _y = panel_y2
- local _y2 = panel_y2 + 2
- paintutils.drawFilledBox( _x, _y, _x2, _y2, theme.disk_btn_bg )
- print_centered( "Installing...", _x + 1, _x2, _y + 1, theme.disk_btn_bg, theme.disk_btn_fg )
- end
- -- Install the software on the current turtle or computer.
- function install_here()
- fs.delete( "turtlefleet" )
- fs.delete( "startup" )
- local to_install = {}
- for i = 1, #all_files do
- to_install[ git_path .. all_files[ i ] ] = fleet_folder .. all_files[ i ]
- end
- to_install[ git_path .. "startup.lua" ] = "startup.lua"
- install_files( to_install )
- was_installed = true
- end
- -- Install the files on a disk for easy mass install.
- function install_disk()
- fs.delete( "/disk/main_startup" )
- fs.delete( "/disk/turtlefleet" )
- fs.delete( "/disk/startup" )
- local to_install = {}
- for i = 1, #all_files do
- to_install[ git_path .. all_files[ i ] ] = "/disk/" ..fleet_folder .. all_files[ i ]
- end
- to_install[ git_path .. "startup.lua" ] = "/disk/main_startup.lua"
- to_install[ git_path .. "disk_startup.lua" ] = "/disk/startup.lua"
- install_files( to_install )
- was_installed = true
- end
- -- Install the file from the dictionary.
- function install_files( files_to_install )
- local i = 1
- for git_file, local_file in pairs( files_to_install ) do
- local f = local_file, "w" )
- local w, m = http.get( git_file )
- if w then
- f.write( w.readAll() )
- f.flush()
- f.close()
- local file_count = 0
- for _ in pairs( files_to_install ) do file_count = file_count + 1 end
- display_progress( i, file_count, local_file )
- i = i + 1
- else
- display_error( "Can't load '" .. local_file .. "' : " .. m )
- end
- end
- end
- -- Display a progress bar.
- function display_progress( current, max, current_file )
- local bar_width = 20
- local progress = math.floor( current * bar_width / max )
- local bar = ""
- local bar_fg = ""
- local bar_bg = ""
- for i = 1, bar_width do
- if i <= progress then
- bar = bar .. string.char( 128 )
- bar_fg = bar_fg .. "0"
- bar_bg = bar_bg .. "b"
- else
- bar = bar .. string.char( 127 )
- bar_fg = bar_fg .. "3"
- bar_bg = bar_bg .. "0"
- end
- end
- local total_length = panel_x2 - panel_x
- local position_x = total_length / 2 - #bar / 2
- term.setCursorPos( panel_x + position_x, panel_y + 4 )
- term.setBackgroundColor( )
- term.setTextColor( theme.text_fg )
- if #current_file > 20 then
- write( "..." .. string.sub( current_file, -17 ) )
- else
- write( current_file .. ( string.rep( " ", 20 - #current_file ) ) )
- end
- term.setCursorPos( panel_x + position_x, panel_y + 3 )
- term.blit( bar, bar_fg, bar_bg )
- end
- -- Display an error if a file is not found.
- function display_error( message )
- term.setCursorPos( 1, height )
- term.setTextColor( theme.text_error )
- term.write( message )
- term.setTextColor( theme.text_fg )
- end
- -- Show the prompt and listen to events.
- show_prompt()
- while ( true ) do
- local event, p1, p2, p3, p4 = os.pullEvent()
- -- If key pressed.
- if ( event == "key" ) then
- if keys.getName( p1 ) == 'h' then
- show_installing()
- install_here()
- break
- end
- if keys.getName( p1 ) == 'd' then
- show_installing()
- install_disk()
- break
- end
- end
- -- If clicked.
- if ( event == "mouse_click" ) then
- local x = p2
- local y = p3
- local here_was_clicked = x >= yes_x and x <= yes_x2 and y >= btn_y and y <= btn_y2
- if ( here_was_clicked ) then
- show_installing()
- install_here()
- break
- end
- local disk_was_clicked = x >= no_x and x <= no_x2 and y >= btn_y and y <= btn_y2
- if disk_was_clicked then
- show_installing()
- install_disk()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- Show the end message.
- function show_end()
- local txt = "Installation Completed!"
- local total_length = panel_x2 - panel_x
- local position_x = total_length / 2 - #txt / 2
- term.setCursorPos( panel_x + position_x + 1, panel_y + 4 )
- write( txt )
- local _x = panel_x + 1
- local _x2 = panel_x2 - 1
- local _y = panel_y2
- local _y2 = panel_y2 + 2
- paintutils.drawFilledBox( _x, _y, _x2, _y2, theme.window_text_fg )
- print_centered( "Press Enter to reboot.", _x + 1, _x2, _y + 1, theme.window_text_fg, theme.text_bg )
- end
- show_end()
- read()
- os.reboot()
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