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- ///
- /* Proof: &
- MzNet MzTool [CEX/DEX] [BLES/BLUS] v1.11 -- TECHNICALLY, Version
- PwN3D By BaSs_HaXoR
- Download:
- MAIN SOURCE IN 3 forms: Control27, MAIN, and Constants
- * °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°PwN3D°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°PwN3D°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°PwN3D°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°PwN3D°°°°°°°°°°°°°PwN3D°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°PwN3D°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
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- */
- namespace MzTool
- {
- using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
- using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;
- using MzTool.My;
- using MzTool.My.Resources;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using System.Security.Cryptography;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- [DesignerGenerated]
- public class Main : Form
- {
- private static List<WeakReference> __ENCList = new List<WeakReference>();
- [AccessedThroughProperty("FlatButton1")]
- private FlatButton _FlatButton1;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("FlatClose1")]
- private FlatClose _FlatClose1;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("FlatTabControl1")]
- private FlatTabControl _FlatTabControl1;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("FormSkin1")]
- private FormSkin _FormSkin1;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("RichTextBox1")]
- private RichTextBox _RichTextBox1;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("RichTextBox2")]
- private RichTextBox _RichTextBox2;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("RichTextBox3")]
- private RichTextBox _RichTextBox3;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("TabPage1")]
- private TabPage _TabPage1;
- [AccessedThroughProperty("TabPage2")]
- private TabPage _TabPage2;
- private IContainer components;
- private string CurrentVersion;
- private int GetUpd;
- private string GetVer;
- private string GetVerLink;
- private string ProgramName;
- private string SiteName;
- private string VersionCHK;
- public Main()
- {
- base.Load += new EventHandler(this.Main_Load);
- __ENCAddToList(this);
- this.CurrentVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
- this.ProgramName = "MzTool";
- this.SiteName = "";
- this.InitializeComponent();
- }
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- private static void __ENCAddToList(object value)
- {
- List<WeakReference> list = __ENCList;
- lock (list)
- {
- if (__ENCList.Count == __ENCList.Capacity)
- {
- int index = 0;
- int num3 = __ENCList.Count - 1;
- for (int i = 0; i <= num3; i++)
- {
- WeakReference reference = __ENCList[i];
- if (reference.IsAlive)
- {
- if (i != index)
- {
- __ENCList[index] = __ENCList[i];
- }
- index++;
- }
- }
- __ENCList.RemoveRange(index, __ENCList.Count - index);
- __ENCList.Capacity = __ENCList.Count;
- }
- __ENCList.Add(new WeakReference(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(value)));
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization | MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]
- public void AutoUpdate()
- {
- try
- {
- string str7 = Conversions.ToString(this.getSrc(""));
- string str4 = str7.Substring(0, 0x20);
- string str = str7.Substring(70);
- string str6 = str4;
- string str5 = "741952hheeyy66#cs!9hjv887mxx7@8y";
- string str8 = Conversions.ToString(this.DecryptRJ256(str6, str5, str));
- if (str8.Contains("MSG*"))
- {
- MessageBox.Show(str8.Split(new char[] { '*' })[1]);
- this.Close();
- }
- if (str8.Contains(MyProject.Application.Info.Version.ToString()))
- {
- this.FlatButton1.Enabled = true;
- }
- else if (Interaction.MsgBox("New version available ! Install now ?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "") == MsgBoxResult.Yes)
- {
- this.DoUpdate();
- }
- else
- {
- this.Close();
- }
- }
- catch (Exception exception1)
- {
- ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1);
- Exception exception = exception1;
- MessageBox.Show(exception.Message);
- MessageBox.Show("The connection with the master server cannot be etablished !");
- this.Close();
- ProjectData.ClearProjectError();
- }
- }
- public object DecryptRJ256(string prm_key, string prm_iv, string prm_text_to_decrypt)
- {
- string s = prm_text_to_decrypt;
- RijndaelManaged managed = new RijndaelManaged {
- Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros,
- Mode = CipherMode.CBC,
- KeySize = 0x100,
- BlockSize = 0x100
- };
- byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(prm_key);
- byte[] rgbIV = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(prm_iv);
- ICryptoTransform transform = managed.CreateDecryptor(bytes, rgbIV);
- byte[] buffer4 = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
- byte[] buffer = new byte[buffer4.Length + 1];
- MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer4);
- new CryptoStream(stream, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Read).Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
- return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
- }
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
- {
- try
- {
- if (disposing && (this.components != null))
- {
- this.components.Dispose();
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- base.Dispose(disposing);
- }
- }
- public void DoUpdate()
- {
- WebClient client = new WebClient();
- try
- {
- MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(FileSystem.CurDir() + @"\MzUpdate.exe", MzTool.My.Resources.Resources.MzUpdate, false);
- Process.Start(FileSystem.CurDir() + @"\MzUpdate.exe");
- this.Close();
- }
- catch (Exception exception1)
- {
- ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1);
- Exception exception = exception1;
- MessageBox.Show("Error !");
- this.Close();
- ProjectData.ClearProjectError();
- }
- }
- public bool FileInUse(string sFile)
- {
- bool flag2 = false;
- if (System.IO.File.Exists(sFile))
- {
- try
- {
- using (new FileStream(sFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
- {
- }
- }
- catch (Exception exception1)
- {
- ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1);
- flag2 = true;
- ProjectData.ClearProjectError();
- }
- }
- return flag2;
- }
- private void FlatButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- this.Hide();
- MyProject.Forms.Control27.Show();
- }
- private object getSrc(string url)
- {
- HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url);
- HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
- return new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
- }
- [DebuggerStepThrough]
- private void InitializeComponent()
- {
- ComponentResourceManager manager = new ComponentResourceManager(typeof(Main));
- this.FormSkin1 = new FormSkin();
- this.FlatTabControl1 = new FlatTabControl();
- this.TabPage1 = new TabPage();
- this.RichTextBox2 = new RichTextBox();
- // this.RichTextBox1 = new RichTextBox();
- // this.TabPage2 = new TabPage();
- this.RichTextBox3 = new RichTextBox();
- // this.FlatClose1 = new FlatClose();
- this.FlatButton1 = new FlatButton();
- this.FormSkin1.SuspendLayout();
- this.FlatTabControl1.SuspendLayout();
- this.TabPage1.SuspendLayout();
- this.TabPage2.SuspendLayout();
- this.SuspendLayout();
- this.FormSkin1.BackColor = Color.White;
- this.FormSkin1.BaseColor = Color.FromArgb(60, 70, 0x49);
- this.FormSkin1.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(0x35, 0x3a, 60);
- this.FormSkin1.Controls.Add(this.FlatTabControl1);
- this.FormSkin1.Controls.Add(this.FlatClose1);
- this.FormSkin1.Controls.Add(this.FlatButton1);
- this.FormSkin1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
- this.FormSkin1.FlatColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
- this.FormSkin1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 12f);
- this.FormSkin1.HeaderColor = Color.FromArgb(0x2d, 0x2f, 0x31);
- this.FormSkin1.HeaderMaximize = false;
- Point point2 = new Point(0, 0);
- this.FormSkin1.Location = point2;
- this.FormSkin1.Name = "FormSkin1";
- Size size2 = new Size(520, 0x195);
- this.FormSkin1.Size = size2;
- this.FormSkin1.TabIndex = 0;
- this.FormSkin1.Text = "MzNet \x00a9";
- this.FlatTabControl1.ActiveColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
- this.FlatTabControl1.BaseColor = Color.FromArgb(0x2d, 0x2f, 0x31);
- this.FlatTabControl1.Controls.Add(this.TabPage1);
- this.FlatTabControl1.Controls.Add(this.TabPage2);
- this.FlatTabControl1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10f);
- size2 = new Size(120, 40);
- this.FlatTabControl1.ItemSize = size2;
- point2 = new Point(12, 60);
- this.FlatTabControl1.Location = point2;
- this.FlatTabControl1.Name = "FlatTabControl1";
- this.FlatTabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0;
- size2 = new Size(0x1ef, 300);
- this.FlatTabControl1.Size = size2;
- this.FlatTabControl1.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed;
- this.FlatTabControl1.TabIndex = 3;
- this.TabPage1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(60, 70, 0x49);
- this.TabPage1.Controls.Add(this.RichTextBox2);
- this.TabPage1.Controls.Add(this.RichTextBox1);
- point2 = new Point(4, 0x2c);
- this.TabPage1.Location = point2;
- this.TabPage1.Name = "TabPage1";
- Padding padding2 = new Padding(3);
- this.TabPage1.Padding = padding2;
- size2 = new Size(0x1e7, 0xfc);
- this.TabPage1.Size = size2;
- this.TabPage1.TabIndex = 0;
- this.TabPage1.Text = "Main";
- this.RichTextBox2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0x2d, 0x2f, 0x31);
- this.RichTextBox2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
- this.RichTextBox2.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 20.25f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
- this.RichTextBox2.ForeColor = Color.White;
- point2 = new Point(6, 0x84);
- this.RichTextBox2.Location = point2;
- this.RichTextBox2.Name = "RichTextBox2";
- this.RichTextBox2.ReadOnly = true;
- size2 = new Size(0x1dc, 0x73);
- this.RichTextBox2.Size = size2;
- this.RichTextBox2.TabIndex = 5;
- this.RichTextBox2.Text = "CREDITS :\nMzNet / Renton / Badger41 / iMCSx / Enstone / BadChoicesZ / ChuteAa";
- this.RichTextBox1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0x2d, 0x2f, 0x31);
- this.RichTextBox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
- this.RichTextBox1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 20.25f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
- this.RichTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.White;
- point2 = new Point(6, 6);
- this.RichTextBox1.Location = point2;
- this.RichTextBox1.Name = "RichTextBox1";
- this.RichTextBox1.ReadOnly = true;
- size2 = new Size(0x1dc, 120);
- this.RichTextBox1.Size = size2;
- this.RichTextBox1.TabIndex = 4;
- this.RichTextBox1.Text = "Tool by : MoveZ-LanG [Aka MzNet]\nMzNet on RealityGaming\nWWW.XN--YCE.NET";
- this.TabPage2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(60, 70, 0x49);
- this.TabPage2.Controls.Add(this.RichTextBox3);
- point2 = new Point(4, 0x2c);
- this.TabPage2.Location = point2;
- this.TabPage2.Name = "TabPage2";
- padding2 = new Padding(3);
- this.TabPage2.Padding = padding2;
- size2 = new Size(0x1e7, 0xfc);
- this.TabPage2.Size = size2;
- this.TabPage2.TabIndex = 1;
- this.TabPage2.Text = "Changelog";
- this.RichTextBox3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0x2d, 0x2f, 0x31);
- this.RichTextBox3.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
- this.RichTextBox3.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 14.25f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
- this.RichTextBox3.ForeColor = Color.White;
- point2 = new Point(6, 6);
- this.RichTextBox3.Location = point2;
- this.RichTextBox3.Name = "RichTextBox3";
- this.RichTextBox3.ReadOnly = true;
- size2 = new Size(0x1db, 240);
- this.RichTextBox3.Size = size2;
- this.RichTextBox3.TabIndex = 5;
- this.RichTextBox3.Text = manager.GetString("RichTextBox3.Text");
- this.FlatClose1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top;
- this.FlatClose1.BackColor = Color.White;
- this.FlatClose1.BaseColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
- this.FlatClose1.Font = new Font("Marlett", 10f);
- point2 = new Point(490, 12);
- this.FlatClose1.Location = point2;
- this.FlatClose1.Name = "FlatClose1";
- size2 = new Size(0x12, 0x12);
- this.FlatClose1.Size = size2;
- this.FlatClose1.TabIndex = 2;
- this.FlatClose1.Text = "FlatClose1";
- this.FlatClose1.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(0xf3, 0xf3, 0xf3);
- this.FlatButton1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
- this.FlatButton1.BaseColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
- this.FlatButton1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
- this.FlatButton1.Enabled = false;
- this.FlatButton1.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 12f);
- point2 = new Point(0, 0x16e);
- this.FlatButton1.Location = point2;
- this.FlatButton1.Name = "FlatButton1";
- this.FlatButton1.Rounded = false;
- size2 = new Size(520, 0x20);
- this.FlatButton1.Size = size2;
- this.FlatButton1.TabIndex = 1;
- this.FlatButton1.Text = "LET'S GO";
- this.FlatButton1.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(0xf3, 0xf3, 0xf3);
- SizeF ef2 = new SizeF(6f, 13f);
- this.AutoScaleDimensions = ef2;
- // this.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
- size2 = new Size(520, 0x195);
- this.ClientSize = size2;
- this.Controls.Add(this.FormSkin1);
- // this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
- // this.Icon = (Icon) manager.GetObject("$this.Icon");
- this.Name = "Main";
- this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
- this.Text = "MzNet \x00a9";
- this.TransparencyKey = Color.Fuchsia;
- this.FormSkin1.ResumeLayout(false);
- this.FlatTabControl1.ResumeLayout(false);
- this.TabPage1.ResumeLayout(false);
- this.TabPage2.ResumeLayout(false);
- this.ResumeLayout(false);
- }
- private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- if (MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.CurDir() + @"\MzUpdate.exe"))
- {
- while (this.FileInUse(FileSystem.CurDir() + @"\MzUpdate.exe"))
- {
- }
- MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(FileSystem.CurDir() + @"\MzUpdate.exe");
- }
- this.RichTextBox1.SelectAll();
- this.RichTextBox1.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
- this.RichTextBox1.DeselectAll();
- this.RichTextBox2.SelectAll();
- this.RichTextBox2.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
- this.RichTextBox2.DeselectAll();
- this.AutoUpdate();
- }
- private void RichTextBox1_LinkClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- string fileName = "";
- Process.Start(fileName);
- }
- private void RichTextBox1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkClickedEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- internal virtual FlatButton FlatButton1
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._FlatButton1;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- EventHandler handler = new EventHandler(this.FlatButton1_Click);
- if (this._FlatButton1 != null)
- {
- this._FlatButton1.Click -= handler;
- }
- this._FlatButton1 = value;
- if (this._FlatButton1 != null)
- {
- this._FlatButton1.Click += handler;
- }
- }
- }
- internal virtual FlatClose FlatClose1
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._FlatClose1;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._FlatClose1 = value;
- }
- }
- internal virtual FlatTabControl FlatTabControl1
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._FlatTabControl1;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._FlatTabControl1 = value;
- }
- }
- internal virtual FormSkin FormSkin1
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._FormSkin1;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._FormSkin1 = value;
- }
- }
- internal virtual RichTextBox RichTextBox1
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._RichTextBox1;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- LinkClickedEventHandler handler = new LinkClickedEventHandler(this.RichTextBox1_LinkClicked);
- LinkClickedEventHandler handler2 = new LinkClickedEventHandler(this.RichTextBox1_LinkClicked);
- if (this._RichTextBox1 != null)
- {
- this._RichTextBox1.LinkClicked -= handler;
- this._RichTextBox1.LinkClicked -= handler2;
- }
- this._RichTextBox1 = value;
- if (this._RichTextBox1 != null)
- {
- this._RichTextBox1.LinkClicked += handler;
- this._RichTextBox1.LinkClicked += handler2;
- }
- }
- }
- internal virtual RichTextBox RichTextBox2
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._RichTextBox2;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._RichTextBox2 = value;
- }
- }
- internal virtual RichTextBox RichTextBox3
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._RichTextBox3;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._RichTextBox3 = value;
- }
- }
- internal virtual TabPage TabPage1
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._TabPage1;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._TabPage1 = value;
- }
- }
- internal virtual TabPage TabPage2
- {
- [DebuggerNonUserCode]
- get
- {
- return this._TabPage2;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized), DebuggerNonUserCode]
- set
- {
- this._TabPage2 = value;
- }
- public class Constants
- {
- public string[] CompletePatchedHash = new string[] {
- "1BFFFFF4", "1C46FFF4", "1C41FFF4", "1C42FFF4", "1C8EFFF4", "1C73FFF4", "1C74FFF4", "1C75FFF4", "1C76FFF4", "1CD3FFF4", "1C21FFF4", "1CA0FFF4", "1CA1FFF4", "1C5BFFF4", "1C2CFFF4", "1C17FFF4",
- "1C36FFF4", "1C47FFF4", "1C51FFF4", "1C62FFF4", "1C63FFF4", "1C37FFF4", "1CB9FFF4", "1CBAFFF4", "1C00FFF4", "1C01FFF4", "1C60FFF4", "1C8DFFF4", "1BF6FFF4", "1C89FFF4", "1CB2FFF4", "1CBFFFF4",
- "1CB3FFF4", "1BFEFFF4", "1C0FFFF4", "1C10FFF4", "1C11FFF4", "1C24FFF4", "1C25FFF4", "1C38FFF4", "1C48FFF4", "1C65FFF4", "1C8FFFF4", "1C99FFF4", "1CC0FFF4", "1CC1FFF4", "1CB4FFF4", "1CB5FFF4",
- "1CC2FFF4", "1CC3FFF4", "1CC4FFF4", "1C1AFFF4", "1C1BFFF4", "1C1CFFF4", "1C1DFFF4", "1C1EFFF4", "1C26FFF4", "1C57FFF4", "1CB0FFF4", "1C7AFFF4", "1BF4FFF4", "1C1EFFF4", "1C5EFFF4", "1C77FFF4",
- "1C78FFF4", "1C81FFF4", "1C94FFF4", "1CA8FFF4", "1CB6FFF4", "1C31FFF4", "1CC7FFF4"
- };
- public string[] highEndWheels = new string[] {
- "Default", "Shadow", "Hypher", "Blade", "Diamond", "Supa Gee", "Chromatic Z", "Mercie Ch.Lip", "Obey RS", "GT Chrome", "Cheetah RR", "Solar", "Split Ten", "Dash VIP", "LozSpeed Ten", "Carbon Inferno",
- "Carbon Shadow", "Carbonic Z", "Carbon Solar", "Cheetah Carbon R", "Carbon S Racer"
- };
- public string[] lowRiderWheels = new string[] { "Default", "Flare", "Wired", "Triple Golds", "Big Worm", "Seven Fives", "Split Six", "Frech Mesh", "Lead Sled", "Turbine", "Super Fin", "Classic Rod", "Dollar", "Dukes", "Low Five", "Gooch" };
- public string[] motorcycleWheels = new string[] { "Stock Wheels", "Speedway", "Street Special", "Racer", "Track Star", "Overlord", "Trident", "Triple Threat", "Stilleto", "Wires", "Bobber", "Solidus", "Ice Shield", "Loops" };
- public string[] muscleWheels = new string[] {
- "Default", "Classic Five", "Dukes", "Muscle Freak", "Kracka", "Azreal", "Mecha", "Black Top", "Drag SPL", "Revolver", "Classic Rod", "Fairlie", "Spooner", "Five Star", "Old School", "El Jefe",
- "Dodman", "Six Gun", "Mercenary"
- };
- public string[] NewTaxi = new string[] {
- "1D16FFF4", "1BFCFFF4", "1BFEFFF4", "1CD4FFF4", "1D2E000C", "1BFFFFF4", "1CE1FFF4", "1BF7FFF4", "1BF8FFF4", "1BF9FFF4", "1BF3FFF4", "1BF4FFF4", "1BFDFFF4", "1CD6FFF4", "1CB8FFF4", "1C02FFF4",
- "1C03FFF4", "1C05FFF4", "1C00FFF4", "1C01FFF4", "1CD7FFF4", "1CD8FFF4", "1C06FFF4", "1C07FFF4", "1D1E000C", "1C08FFF4", "1C0CFFF4", "1C0DFFF4", "1C0EFFF4", "1C04FFF4", "1D21000C", "1C09FFF4",
- "1C0AFFF4", "1C0BFFF4", "1C19FFF4", "1BF2FFF4", "1CD2FFF4", "1BF5FFF4", "1C12FFF4", "1C13FFF4", "1C0FFFF4", "1C10FFF4", "1C11FFF4", "1C14FFF4", "1C15FFF4", "1C16FFF4", "1C17FFF4", "1C18FFF4",
- "1C1AFFF4", "1C1BFFF4", "1C1CFFF4", "1C1DFFF4", "1C1EFFF4", "1BF6FFF4", "1CE2FFF4", "1CE3FFF4", "1C23FFF4", "1C24FFF4", "1C25FFF4", "1C26FFF4", "1D20000C", "1C27FFF4", "1CD5FFF4", "1CE4FFF4",
- "1CE5FFF4", "1CE6FFF4", "1CF6FFF4", "1C1FFFF4", "1C20FFF4", "1C28FFF4", "1BFBFFF4", "1C2AFFF4", "1C29FFF4", "1C2BFFF4", "1CD1FFF4", "1C60FFF4", "1CEDFFF4", "1C2CFFF4", "1CDAFFF4", "1C2EFFF4",
- "1C2FFFF4", "1CF9FFF4", "1CFAFFF4", "1C33FFF4", "1D08FFF4", "1C38FFF4", "1C39FFF4", "1CDBFFF4", "1C34FFF4", "1C35FFF4", "1C36FFF4", "1C30FFF4", "1C31FFF4", "1CEEFFF4", "1C3FFFF4", "1C3AFFF4",
- "1C3BFFF4", "1C3CFFF4", "1C3DFFF4", "1C3EFFF4", "1C40FFF4", "1CDFFFF4", "1C41FFF4", "1C42FFF4", "1C43FFF4", "1C44FFF4", "1C45FFF4", "1C46FFF4", "1CD0FFF4", "1C47FFF4", "1C48FFF4", "1C49FFF4",
- "1D02FFF4", "1D01FFF4", "1D03FFF4", "1D04FFF4", "1D05FFF4", "1BFAFFF4", "1CEBFFF4", "1CECFFF4", "1C4BFFF4", "1C4AFFF4", "1C4CFFF4", "1C4EFFF4", "1C22FFF4", "1CB7FFF4", "1C4DFFF4", "1C2DFFF4",
- "1C4FFFF4", "1C51FFF4", "1C50FFF4", "1CE0FFF4", "1C32FFF4", "1C52FFF4", "1C53FFF4", "1C54FFF4", "1C55FFF4", "1C56FFF4", "1C58FFF4", "1D2C000C", "1CF1FFF4", "1CFBFFF4", "1C57FFF4", "1C59FFF4",
- "1C5AFFF4", "1CF5FFF4", "1C5BFFF4", "1CF3FFF4", "1CF0FFF4", "1C5CFFF4", "1CF8FFF4", "1CE9FFF4", "1C5DFFF4", "1C5EFFF4", "1C5FFFF4", "1D07FFF4", "1C61FFF4", "1C62FFF4", "1C63FFF4", "1C64FFF4",
- "1C65FFF4", "1C66FFF4", "1C67FFF4", "1CEAFFF4", "1BF0FFF4", "1BF1FFF4", "1C68FFF4", "1C69FFF4", "1C6AFFF4", "1C6BFFF4", "1C6CFFF4", "1CDCFFF4", "1C6DFFF4", "1C6EFFF4", "1C6FFFF4", "1C70FFF4",
- "1C71FFF4", "1C73FFF4", "1C74FFF4", "1C75FFF4", "1C76FFF4", "1CD3FFF4", "1C77FFF4", "1C78FFF4", "1C21FFF4", "1CE8FFF4", "1C79FFF4", "1C7AFFF4", "1C72FFF4", "1C7BFFF4", "1C7CFFF4", "1CFCFFF4",
- "1C7DFFF4", "1C7EFFF4", "1C7FFFF4", "1C84FFF4", "1D0DFFF4", "1C80FFF4", "1C81FFF4", "1C82FFF4", "1C83FFF4", "1C85FFF4", "1C86FFF4", "1C88FFF4", "1C87FFF4", "1C89FFF4", "1C8DFFF4", "1C8EFFF4",
- "1C8FFFF4", "1C90FFF4", "1C91FFF4", "1C37FFF4", "1CD9FFF4", "1C8AFFF4", "1C8BFFF4", "1C8CFFF4", "1C92FFF4", "1C93FFF4", "1C94FFF4", "1CCAFFF4", "1CCBFFF4", "1C95FFF4", "1C96FFF4", "1C97FFF4",
- "1C98FFF4", "1CCCFFF4", "1C99FFF4", "1CFEFFF4", "1CFEFFF4", "1C9AFFF4", "1C9BFFF4", "1C9CFFF4", "1C9FFFF4", "1CF2FFF4", "1CA0FFF4", "1CA1FFF4", "1CE7FFF4", "1D1F000C", "1CA2FFF4", "1CA3FFF4",
- "1CF7FFF4", "1CA4FFF4", "1CA5FFF4", "1CA6FFF4", "1CA7FFF4", "1CA8FFF4", "1CA9FFF4", "1CC7FFF4", "1CEFFFF4", "1D00FFF4", "1CAAFFF4", "1D19FFF4", "1CABFFF4", "1CACFFF4", "1CADFFF4", "1CAEFFF4",
- "1CAFFFF4", "1CB0FFF4", "1CB1FFF4", "1D0EFFF4", "2206FFF4", "1CB2FFF4", "1CB9FFF4", "1CBAFFF4", "1CF4FFF4", "1CBBFFF4", "1CBCFFF4", "1CBDFFF4", "1CBEFFF4", "1CBFFFF4", "1CC0FFF4", "1CC1FFF4",
- "1D10FFF4", "1D11FFF4", "1D12FFF4", "1CB4FFF4", "1CB5FFF4", "1CB6FFF4", "1D0FFFF4", "1D09FFF4", "1D0AFFF4", "1D0BFFF4", "1D14FFF4", "1CB3FFF4", "1D13FFF4", "1CCDFFF4", "1CCEFFF4", "1CCFFFF4",
- "1CFDFFF4", "1D2D000C", "1D0CFFF4", "1CC2FFF4", "1CC3FFF4", "1CC4FFF4", "1D18FFF4", "1CDDFFF4", "1D15FFF4", "1D2F000C", "1CDEFFF4", "1D17FFF4", "1CC5FFF4", "1CC6FFF4", "1CC8FFF4", "1C9DFFF4",
- "1C9EFFF4", "1C9EFFF4"
- };
- public string[] NotPatched = new string[] { "1C58FFF4", "1C16FFF4", "1C59FFF4", "1C91FFF4", "1CD1FFF4", "1CCDFFF4", "1CCEFFF4", "1CCFFFF4", "1CD2FFF4", "1CCCFFF4" };
- public string[] offroadWheels = new string[] { "Default", "Raider", "Mugslinger", "Nevis", "Cairnngorm", "Amazon", "Challenger", "Dune Basher", "Five Star", "Rock Crawler", "Mil Spec Steelie" };
- public string[] PatchedCarsHash = new string[] {
- "1BF4FFF4", "1BFEFFF4", "1C31FFF4", "1C46FFF4", "1C48FFF4", "1C7AFFF4", "1C8DFFF4", "1CA3FFF4", "1CC0FFF4", "1CC1FFF4", "1CC4FFF4", "1D10FFF4", "1CA0FFF4", "1CA1FFF4", "1C8EFFF4", "1C81FFF4",
- "1C73FFF4", "1C75FFF4", "1C76FFF4", "1C74FFF4", "1CD3FFF4", "1C77FFF4", "1C78FFF4", "1C21FFF4", "1C41FFF4", "1C42FFF4", "1C65FFF4", "1C22FFF4", "1CB7FFF4", "1C24FFF4", "1C25FFF4", "1C26FFF4",
- "1C1AFFF4", "1C1CFFF4", "1C1BFFF4", "1C1DFFF4", "1C1EFFF4", "1C17FFF4", "1C2CFFF4""Default", "Inferno", "Deep Fice", "Lozspeed Mk.V", "Diamond Cut", "Chrono", "Feroci RR", "FiftyNine", "Mercie", "Synthetic Z", "Organic Type 0", "Endo v.1", "GT One", "Duper 7", "Uzer", "GroundRide",
- "S Racer", "Venum", "Cosmo", "Dash VIP", "Ice Kid", "Ruff Weld", "Wangan Master", "Super Five", "Endo v.2", "Split Six"
- };
- public string[] SUVWheels = new string[] {
- "Default", "VIP", "Benefactor", "Cosmo", "Bippu", "Royal Six", "Fagorme", "Deluxe", "Iced Out", "Cignoscenti", "LowSpeed Ten", "SuperNova", "Obey RS", "LozSpeed Baller", "Extravaganzo", "Split Six",
- "Empowered", "Sunrise", "Dash VIP", "Cutter"
- };
- public string[] tunerWheels = new string[] {
- "Default", "Cosmo", "Super Mesh", "Outsider", "Rollas", "Driftmeister", "Slicer", "El Quatro", "Dubbed", "Five Star", "Slideways", "Apex", "Stanced EG", "Countersteer", "Endo v.1", "Endo v.2 Dish",
- "Gruppe Z", "Choku-Dori", "Chicane", "Saisoku", "Dished Eight", "Fujiwara", "Zokusha", "Battle VIII", "Rally Master"
- };
- public ulong[] vehicleHashes = new ulong[] {
- 0xb779a091L, 0xb2a716a3L, 0x185484e1L, 0x2db8d1aaL, 0x4ff77e37L, 0x4c80eb0eL, 0x5d0aac8fL, 0x63abade7L, 0x6ff6914L, 0x45d56adaL, 0x31f0b376L, 0xb8081009L, 0xa7ff33f5L, 0x9e6b14d6L, 0x94204d89L, 0x9441d8d5L,
- 0x8e9254fbL, 0x806b9cc3L, 0xe82ae656L, 0xcfca3668L, 0x8852855L, 0xc1e908d2L, 0xceea3f4bL, 0x4008eabbL, 0xf9300cc5L, 0xcadd5d2dL, 0x7a61b330L, 0x432aa566L, 0x32b91ae8L, 0xfefd644fL, 0x7b8297c5L, 0x67b3f020L,
- 0x32b29a4bL, 0x8125bcf9L, 0xfd231729L, 0xb44f0582L, 0xf7004c86L, 0xeb70965fL, 0x43779c54L, 0x1f3d44b5L, 0x3fc5d440L, 0xaa699bb6L, 0x898ecceaL, 0xf21b33beL, 0x7405e08L, 0xd756460cL, 0xedd516c6L, 0x2bec3cbeL,
- 0x7074f39dL, 0x9ae6dda1L, 0xafbb2ca4L, 0xc9e8ff76L, 0x98171bd3L, 0x353b561dL, 0x437cf2a0L, 0xd577c962L, 0x2f03547bL, 0x2c75f0ddL, 0xc6c3242dL, 0x44623884L, 0xdff0594cL, 0x6fd95f68L, 0x7b8ab45fL, 0xabb0c0L,
- 0xfcfcb68bL, 0x60a7ea10L, 0x53174eefL, 0x15f27762L, 0x779f23aaL, 0xd0eb2be5L, 0xb1d95da0L, 0x84718d34L, 0x13b57d8aL, 0xc1ae4d16L, 0x67bc037L, 0x1aba13b5L, 0x132d5a1aL, 0xd9927fe3L, 0xc3fba120L, 0x77934ceeL,
- 0xbc993509L, 0x64430650L, 0x3d961290L, 0x107f392cL, 0x698521e3L, 0x806efbeeL, 0xcb44b1caL, 0x4ce68acL, 0x9c669788L, 0x462fe277L, 0xe882e5f6L, 0x810369e2L, 0x9cf21e0fL, 0x39d6779eL, 0xde3d9d22L, 0xd7278283L,
- 0x8fc3aadcL, 0xb5fcf74eL, 0xb2fe5cf9L, 0xffb15b5eL, 0xdcbcbe48L, 0x350d1abL, 0x432ea949L, 0x9dc66994L, 0xe8a8bda8L, 0xfaad85eeL, 0x8911b9f5L, 0x73920f8eL, 0xce23d3bfL, 0x50b0215aL, 0x58e49664L, 0xbc32a33bL,
- 0x3d6aaa9bL, 0xafd22a6L, 0x36dcff98L, 0xe512e79L, 0x264d9262L, 0xd1abb666L, 0x2c634fbdL, 0x742e9ac0L, 0x71cb2ffbL, 0x1dc0ba53L, 0x7836ce2fL, 0x94b395c5L, 0x97fa4f36L, 0x3cc7f596L, 0x9628879cL, 0xa3fc0f4dL,
- 0x34b7390fL, 0x1a7fcefaL, 0x5a82f9aeL, 0x11f76c14L, 0x239e390L, 0x18f25ac7L, 0xb3206692L, 0x34dd8aa1L, 0xb9cb3b69L, 0xdac67112L, 0x3eab5555L, 0x3f119114L, 0x33581161L, 0xf8d48e7aL, 0x206d1b68L, 0x4ba4e8dcL,
- 0xb39b0ae6L, 0x1bf8d381L, 0x250b0c5eL, 0x97e55d11L, 0x81634188L, 0xc1ce1183L, 0x9d0450caL, 0x36848602L, 0xd36a4b44L, 0x84f42e51L, 0x33c9e158L, 0xed7eada4L, 0xd138a6bbL, 0x1c534995L, 0xe62b361bL, 0x6a4bd8f6L,
- 0x35ed670bL, 0xc1632bebL, 0xda288376L, 0x3d8fa25cL, 0xa8e38b01L, 0x506434f6L, 0xe18195b2L, 0x21eee87dL, 0xcfcfeb3bL, 0x885f3671L, 0xc9ceaf06L, 0xe9805550L, 0x6d19ccbcL, 0x809aa4cbL, 0x831a21d5L, 0x59e0fbf3L,
- 0x79fbb0c5L, 0x9f05f101L, 0x71fa16eaL, 0x8a63c7b9L, 0xfdefaec3L, 0xa46462f7L, 0x95f4c618L, 0x1b38e955L, 0x1517d4d9L, 0xf8de29a8L, 0x38408341L, 0x7de35e7dL, 0xa988d3a2L, 0x2c33b46eL, 0xe2e7d4abL, 0x8fb66f9bL,
- 0xbb6b404fL, 0x153e1b0aL, 0x9d96b45bL, 0x174cb172L, 0x6210cbb0L, 0x7341576bL, 0x8cb29a14L, 0x679450afL, 0xd83c13ceL, 0xb802dd46L, 0x8612b64bL, 0xff22d208L, 0xbe819c63L, 0x2ea68690L, 0xb822a1aaL, 0xcd935ef9L,
- 0x7f5c91f1L, 0x2560b2fcL, 0x9a5b1dccL, 0xcabd11e8L, 0xf26ceff9L, 0x4543b74dL, 0x961afef7L, 0x9b909c94L, 0xdc434e51L, 0x2bc345d1L, 0x2ef89e46L, 0xa960b13eL, 0xb9210fd0L, 0x3af8c345L, 0xb52b5113L, 0xd37b7976L,
- 0xf4e1aa15L, 0x9a9fd3dfL, 0xc2974024L, 0xdb4388e4L, 0x48ceced3L, 0x50732c82L, 0x3412ae2dL, 0x4fb1a214L, 0xb79c1bf5L, 0x9baa707cL, 0x72935408L, 0x3e48bf23L, 0x1fd824afL, 0xcfb3870cL, 0x2b6dc64aL, 0x17df5ec2L,
- 0xa7ede74dL, 0x5c23af9bL, 0x82e499faL, 0x6827cf72L, 0xf337ab36L, 0x66b4fc45L, 0x8b13f083L, 0x81794c70L, 0x2dff622fL, 0x39da2754L, 0xef2295c9L, 0x42f2ed16L, 0x16e478c1L, 0x29b0da97L, 0xb1d80e06L, 0x8f0e3594L,
- 0x744ca80dL, 0xc3ddfdceL, 0xd46f4737L, 0x22eddc30L, 0xc703db5fL, 0x2e19879L, 0xc7824e5eL, 0x761e2ad3L, 0x1bb290bcL, 0x5b42a5c4L, 0x690a4153L, 0x86cf7cddL, 0x73b1c3cbL, 0xb12314e0L, 0xe5a2d6c6L, 0x7be032c6L,
- 0x6a59902dL, 0x7cab34d0L, 0x61d6ba8cL, 0x843b73deL, 0x562a97bdL, 0x782a236dL, 0xcbb2be0eL, 0xa1da3c91L, 0x8548036dL, 0x2a72beabL, 0x72435a19L, 0xaf62f6b2L, 0x4339cd69L, 0xb67597ecL, 0xe823fb48L, 0x1149422fL,
- 0x967620beL, 0x1ed0a534L, 0x34e6bf6bL, 0x7f2153dfL, 0x142e0dc3L, 0xf79a00f7L, 0x9c429b6aL, 0xcec6b9b7L, 0x9f4b77beL, 0x1f3766e3L, 0x69f06b57L, 0x3e5f6b8L, 0xbd1b39c3L, 0xb8e2ae18L, 0x2d3bd401L, 0x58b3979cL,
- 0x5852838L, 0xeb298297L, 0xdc60d2bL
- };
- public string[] vehicleNames = new string[] {
- "Adder (0xB779A091)", "Jester (0xB2A716A3)", "Turismo (0x185484E1)", "Alpha (0x2DB8D1AA)", "Vestra (0x4FF77E37)", "Airbus (0x4C80EB0E)", "Airtug (0x5D0AAC8F)", "Akuma (0x63ABADE7)", "Albany (0x06FF6914)", "Ambulance (0x45D56ADA)", "Annihilator (0x31F0B376)", "Armytanker (0xB8081009)", "Armytrailer (0xA7FF33F5)", "Armytrailer2 (0x9E6B14D6)", "Asea (0x94204D89)", "Asea2 (0x9441D8D5)",
- "Asterope (0x8E9254FB)", "Bagger (0x806B9CC3)", "Baletrailer (0xE82AE656)", "Baller (0xCFCA3668)", "Baller2 (0x08852855)", "Banshee (0xC1E908D2)", "Barracks (0xCEEA3F4B)", "Barracks2 (0x4008EABB)", "Bati (0xF9300CC5)", "Bati2 (0xCADD5D2D)", "Benson (0x7A61B330)", "Bfinjection (0x432AA566)", "Biff (0x32B91AE8)", "Bison (0xFEFD644F)", "Bison2 (0x7B8297C5)", "Bison3 (0x67B3F020)",
- "BeeJay XL (0x32B29A4B)", "Blazer (0x8125BCF9)", "Blazer2 (0xFD231729)", "Blazer3 (0xB44F0582)", "Blimp (0xF7004C86)", "Blista (0xEB70965F)", "Bmx (0x43779C54)", "Boattrailer (0x1F3D44B5)", "Bobcatxl (0x3FC5D440)", "Bodhi2 (0xAA699BB6)", "Boxville (0x898ECCEA)", "Boxville2 (0xF21B33BE)", "Boxville3 (0x07405E08)", "Buccaneer (0xD756460C)", "Buffalo (0xEDD516C6)", "Buffalo2 (0x2BEC3CBE)",
- "Bulldozer (0x7074F39D)", "Bullet (0x9AE6DDA1)", "Burrito (0xAFBB2CA4)", "Burrito2 (0xC9E8FF76)", "Burrito3 (0x98171BD3)", "Burrito4 (0x353B561D)", "Burrito5 (0x437CF2A0)", "Bus (0xD577C962)", "Buzzard (0x2F03547B)", "Buzzard2 (0x2C75F0DD)", "Cablecar (0xC6C3242D)", "Caddy (0x44623884)", "Caddy2 (0xDFF0594C)", "Camper (0x6FD95F68)", "Carbonizzare (0x7B8AB45F)", "Carbonrs (0x00ABB0C0)",
- "Cargobob (0xFCFCB68B)", "Cargobob2 (0x60A7EA10)", "Cargobob3 (0x53174EEF)", "Cargoplane (0x15F27762)", "Cavalcade (0x779F23AA)", "Cavalcade2 (0xD0EB2BE5)", "Cheetah (0xB1D95DA0)", "Coach (0x84718D34)", "Cogcabrio (0x13B57D8A)", "Comet2 (0xC1AE4D16)", "Coquette (0x067BC037)", "Cruiser (0x1ABA13B5)", "Crusader (0x132D5A1A)", "Cuban800 (0xD9927FE3)", "Cutter (0xC3FBA120)", "Daemon (0x77934CEE)",
- "Dilettante (0xBC993509)", "Dilettante2 (0x64430650)", "Dinghy (0x3D961290)", "Dinghy2 (0x107F392C)", "Dloader (0x698521E3)", "Docktrailer (0x806EFBEE)", "Docktug (0xCB44B1CA)", "Dominator (0x04CE68AC)", "Double (0x9C669788)", "Dubsta (0x462FE277)", "Dubsta2 (0xE882E5F6)", "Dump (0x810369E2)", "Dune (0x9CF21E0F)", "Duster (0x39D6779E)", "Elegy2 (0xDE3D9D22)", "Emperor (0xD7278283)",
- "Emperor2 (0x8FC3AADC)", "Emperor3 (0xB5FCF74E)", "Entityxf (0xB2FE5CF9)", "Exemplar (0xFFB15B5E)", "F620 (0xDCBCBE48)", "Faggio2 (0x0350D1AB)", "Fbi (0x432EA949)", "Fbi2 (0x9DC66994)", "Felon (0xE8A8BDA8)", "Felon2 (0xFAAD85EE)", "Feltzer2 (0x8911B9F5)", "Firetruk (0x73920F8E)", "Fixter (0xCE23D3BF)", "Flatbed (0x50B0215A)", "Forklift (0x58E49664)", "Fq2 (0xBC32A33B)",
- "Freight (0x3D6AAA9B)", "Freightcar (0x0AFD22A6)", "Freightcont1 (0x36DCFF98)", "Freightcont2 (0x0E512E79)", "Freightgrain (0x264D9262)", "Freighttrailer (0xD1ABB666)", "Frogger (0x2C634FBD)", "Frogger2 (0x742E9AC0)", "Fugitive (0x71CB2FFB)", "Fusilade (0x1DC0BA53)", "Futo (0x7836CE2F)", "Gauntlet (0x94B395C5)", "Gburrito (0x97FA4F36)", "Graintrailer (0x3CC7F596)", "Granger (0x9628879C)", "Gresley (0xA3FC0F4D)",
- "Habanero (0x34B7390F)", "Handler (0x1A7FCEFA)", "Hauler (0x5A82F9AE)", "Hexer (0x11F76C14)", "Hotknife (0x0239E390)", "Infernus (0x18F25AC7)", "Ingot (0xB3206692)", "Intruder (0x34DD8AA1)", "Issi2 (0xB9CB3B69)", "Jackal (0xDAC67112)", "Jb700 (0x3EAB5555)", "Jet (0x3F119114)", "Jetmax (0x33581161)", "Journey (0xF8D48E7A)", "Khamelion (0x206D1B68)", "Landstalker (0x4BA4E8DC)",
- "Lazer (0xB39B0AE6)", "Lguard (0x1BF8D381)", "Luxor (0x250B0C5E)", "Mammatus (0x97E55D11)", "Manana (0x81634188)", "Marquis (0xC1CE1183)", "Maverick (0x9D0450CA)", "Mesa (0x36848602)", "Mesa2 (0xD36A4B44)", "Mesa3 (0x84F42E51)", "Metrotrain (0x33C9E158)", "Minivan (0xED7EADA4)", "Mixer (0xD138A6BB)", "Mixer2 (0x1C534995)", "Monroe (0xE62B361B)", "Mower (0x6A4BD8F6)",
- "Mule (0x35ED670B)", "Mule2 (0xC1632BEB)", "Nemesis (0xDA288376)", "Ninef (0x3D8FA25C)", "Ninef2 (0xA8E38B01)", "Oracle (0x506434F6)", "Oracle2 (0xE18195B2)", "Packer (0x21EEE87D)", "Patriot (0xCFCFEB3B)", "Pbus (0x885F3671)", "Pcj (0xC9CEAF06)", "Penumbra (0xE9805550)", "Peyote (0x6D19CCBC)", "Phantom (0x809AA4CB)", "Phoenix (0x831A21D5)", "Picador (0x59E0FBF3)",
- "Police (0x79FBB0C5)", "Police2 (0x9F05F101)", "Police3 (0x71FA16EA)", "Police4 (0x8A63C7B9)", "Policeb (0xFDEFAEC3)", "Policeold1 (0xA46462F7)", "Policeold2 (0x95F4C618)", "Policet (0x1B38E955)", "Polmav (0x1517D4D9)", "Pony (0xF8DE29A8)", "Pony2 (0x38408341)", "Pounder (0x7DE35E7D)", "Prairie (0xA988D3A2)", "Pranger (0x2C33B46E)", "Predator (0xE2E7D4AB)", "Premier (0x8FB66F9B)",
- "Primo (0xBB6B404F)", "Proptrailer (0x153E1B0A)", "Radi (0x9D96B45B)", "Raketrailer (0x174CB172)", "Rancherxl (0x6210CBB0)", "Rancherxl2 (0x7341576B)", "Rapidgt (0x8CB29A14)", "Rapidgt2 (0x679450AF)", "Ratloader (0xD83C13CE)", "Rebel (0xB802DD46)", "Rebel2 (0x8612B64B)", "Regina (0xFF22D208)", "Rentalbus (0xBE819C63)", "Rhino (0x2EA68690)", "Riot (0xB822A1AA)", "Ripley (0xCD935EF9)",
- "Rocoto (0x7F5C91F1)", "Romero (0x2560B2FC)", "Rubble (0x9A5B1DCC)", "Ruffian (0xCABD11E8)", "Ruiner (0xF26CEFF9)", "Rumpo (0x4543B74D)", "Rumpo2 (0x961AFEF7)", "Sabregt (0x9B909C94)", "Sadler (0xDC434E51)", "Sadler2 (0x2BC345D1)", "Sanchez (0x2EF89E46)", "Sanchez2 (0xA960B13E)", "Sandking (0xB9210FD0)", "Sandking2 (0x3AF8C345)", "Schafter2 (0xB52B5113)", "Schwarzer (0xD37B7976)",
- "Scorcher (0xF4E1AA15)", "Scrap (0x9A9FD3DF)", "Seashark (0xC2974024)", "Seashark2 (0xDB4388E4)", "Seminole (0x48CECED3)", "Sentinel (0x50732C82)", "Sentinel2 (0x3412AE2D)", "Serrano (0x4FB1A214)", "Shamal (0xB79C1BF5)", "Sheriff (0x9BAA707C)", "Sheriff2 (0x72935408)", "Skylift (0x3E48BF23)", "Space Docker (0x1FD824AF)", "Speedo (0xCFB3870C)", "Speedo2 (0x2B6DC64A)", "Squalo (0x17DF5EC2)",
- "Stanier (0xA7EDE74D)", "Stinger (0x5C23AF9B)", "Stingergt (0x82E499FA)", "Stockade (0x6827CF72)", "Stockade3 (0xF337AB36)", "Stratum (0x66B4FC45)", "Stretch (0x8B13F083)", "Stunt (0x81794C70)", "Submersible (0x2DFF622F)", "Sultan (0x39DA2754)", "Suntrap (0xEF2295C9)", "Superd (0x42F2ED16)", "Surano (0x16E478C1)", "Surfer (0x29B0DA97)", "Surfer2 (0xB1D80E06)", "Surge (0x8F0E3594)",
- "Taco (0x744CA80D)", "Tailgater (0xC3DDFDCE)", "Tanker (0xD46F4737)", "Tankercar (0x22EDDC30)", "Taxi (0xC703DB5F)", "Tiptruck (0x02E19879)", "Tiptruck2 (0xC7824E5E)", "Titan (0x761E2AD3)", "Tornado (0x1BB290BC)", "Tornado2 (0x5B42A5C4)", "Tornado3 (0x690A4153)", "Tornado4 (0x86CF7CDD)", "Tourbus (0x73B1C3CB)", "Towtruck (0xB12314E0)", "Towtruck2 (0xE5A2D6C6)", "Tr2 (0x7BE032C6)",
- "Tr3 (0x6A59902D)", "Tr4 (0x7CAB34D0)", "Tractor (0x61D6BA8C)", "Tractor2 (0x843B73DE)", "Tractor3 (0x562A97BD)", "Trailerlogs (0x782A236D)", "Trailers (0xCBB2BE0E)", "Trailers2 (0xA1DA3C91)", "Trailers3 (0x8548036D)", "Trailersmall (0x2A72BEAB)", "Trash (0x72435A19)", "Trflat (0xAF62F6B2)", "Tribike (0x4339CD69)", "Tribike2 (0xB67597EC)", "Tribike3 (0xE823FB48)", "Tropic (0x1149422F)",
- "Tvtrailer (0x967620BE)", "Utillitruck (0x1ED0A534)", "Utillitruck2 (0x34E6BF6B)", "Utillitruck3 (0x7F2153DF)", "Vacca (0x142E0DC3)", "Vader (0xF79A00F7)", "Velum (0x9C429B6A)", "Vigero (0xCEC6B9B7)", "Voltic (0x9F4B77BE)", "Voodoo2 (0x1F3766E3)", "Washington (0x69F06B57)", "Youga (0x03E5F6B8)", "Zion (0xBD1B39C3)", "Zion2 (0xB8E2AE18)", "Ztype (0x2D3BD401)", "Bravado Paradise(0x58B3979C)",
- "Canis Kalahri(0x05852838)", "BF Bifita(0xEB298297)", "Speeder Speed Boat(0x0DC60D2B)"
- };
- }
- }
- }
- private void btnSetMaxUpgrades_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- try
- {
- byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 120 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x10L)), buffer);
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 20L)), buffer);
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x18L)), buffer);
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x1cL)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 140L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 2, 4 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0xc4L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 2 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x6cL)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 4 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 80L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 3 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x58L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 4 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x60L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 3 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x54L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 5 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 100L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 160L)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 13 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0x5cL)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 5 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory(Convert.ToUInt32(decimal.Subtract(new decimal(this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex)), decimal.One)), buffer);
- buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory(Convert.ToUInt32(decimal.Add(new decimal(this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex)), 124M)), buffer);
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" MZTOOL "));
- this.turboCheck.Checked = true;
- this.crewEmblemCheck.Checked = true;
- this.insuranceCheck.Checked = true;
- this.refreshVehicle();
- this.updateVehicleParameters(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex);
- }
- catch (Exception exception1)
- {
- ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1);
- Exception exception = exception1;
- ProjectData.ClearProjectError();
- }
- }
- private void bulletProofTiresCheck_CheckedChanged(object sender)
- {
- int num2 = 0x10;
- int num = 0;
- if (this.bulletProofTiresCheck.Checked)
- {
- num = 2;
- }
- if (this.insuranceCheck.Checked)
- {
- num2 = 4;
- }
- byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, (byte) num, (byte) num2 };
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) (this.getVehicleAddr(this.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) + ((ulong) 0xc4L)), buffer);
- }
- private ulong ByteAtoULong(byte[] memory)
- {
- ulong num2;
- foreach (byte num3 in memory)
- {
- num2 = Convert.ToUInt64(decimal.Add(decimal.Multiply(new decimal(num2), 256M), new decimal(num3)));
- }
- return num2;
- }
- private void changeWheels(int index)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Clear();
- switch (index)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- int num10 = this.Constant.sportWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int i = 0; i <= num10; i++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.sportWheels[i].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- int num11 = this.Constant.muscleWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int j = 0; j <= num11; j++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.muscleWheels[j].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- int num12 = this.Constant.lowRiderWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int k = 0; k <= num12; k++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.lowRiderWheels[k].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- int num13 = this.Constant.SUVWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int m = 0; m <= num13; m++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.SUVWheels[m].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- int num14 = this.Constant.offroadWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int n = 0; n <= num14; n++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.offroadWheels[n].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- int num15 = this.Constant.tunerWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int num6 = 0; num6 <= num15; num6++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.tunerWheels[num6].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 6:
- {
- this.motoWheelBack.Items.Clear();
- int num16 = this.Constant.motorcycleWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int num7 = 0; num7 <= num16; num7++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.motorcycleWheels[num7].ToString());
- this.motoWheelBack.Items.Add(this.Constant.motorcycleWheels[num7].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- case 7:
- {
- int num17 = this.Constant.highEndWheels.Length - 1;
- for (int num8 = 0; num8 <= num17; num8++)
- {
- this.wheelTypeBox.Items.Add(this.Constant.highEndWheels[num8].ToString());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private void cmbCrouchSpeed_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ulong num = (ulong) Convert.ToInt32("4125F1A8", 0x10);
- if (this.radioBLUS.Checked)
- {
- num = (ulong) Convert.ToInt32("4125F1A8", 0x10);
- }
- if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 0)
- {
- byte[] buffer = this.HexToByteArray("3F800000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 1)
- {
- byte[] buffer2 = this.HexToByteArray("40000000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer2);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 2)
- {
- byte[] buffer3 = this.HexToByteArray("41200000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer3);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 3)
- {
- byte[] buffer4 = this.HexToByteArray("42C80000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer4);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 4)
- {
- byte[] buffer5 = this.HexToByteArray("447A0000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer5);
- }
- }
- private void cmbSwimSpeed_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ulong num = (ulong) Convert.ToInt32("4125F188", 0x10);
- if (this.radioBLUS.Checked)
- {
- num = (ulong) Convert.ToInt32("4125F188", 0x10);
- }
- if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 0)
- {
- byte[] buffer = this.HexToByteArray("3F800000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 1)
- {
- byte[] buffer2 = this.HexToByteArray("40000000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer2);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 2)
- {
- byte[] buffer3 = this.HexToByteArray("41200000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer3);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 3)
- {
- byte[] buffer4 = this.HexToByteArray("42C80000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer4);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 4)
- {
- byte[] buffer5 = this.HexToByteArray("447A0000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer5);
- }
- }
- private void cmbWalkSpeed_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ulong num = (ulong) Convert.ToInt32("4125F18C", 0x10);
- if (this.radioBLUS.Checked)
- {
- num = (ulong) Convert.ToInt32("4125F18C", 0x10);
- }
- if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 0)
- {
- byte[] buffer = this.HexToByteArray("3F800000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 1)
- {
- byte[] buffer2 = this.HexToByteArray("40000000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer2);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 2)
- {
- byte[] buffer3 = this.HexToByteArray("41200000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer3);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 3)
- {
- byte[] buffer4 = this.HexToByteArray("42C80000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer4);
- }
- else if (this.cmbWalkSpeed.SelectedIndex == 4)
- {
- byte[] buffer5 = this.HexToByteArray("447A0000");
- this.PS3.SetMemory((uint) num, buffer5);
- }
- }
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