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- local scanInterval = 0.2
- local renderInterval = 0.05
- local scannerRange = 8
- local scannerWidth = scannerRange * 2 + 1
- local size = 0.5
- local cellSize = 16
- local offsetX = 75
- local offsetY = 75
- local ores = {
- ["minecraft:diamond_ore"] = 10,
- -- ["minecraft:emerald_ore"] = 10,
- -- ["minecraft:gold_ore"] = 8,
- -- ["minecraft:redstone_ore"] = 5,
- -- ["minecraft:lapis_ore"] = 5,
- -- ["minecraft:iron_ore"] = 2,
- -- ["minecraft:coal_ore"] = 1
- }
- local colours = {
- -- ["minecraft:coal_ore"] = { 150, 150, 150 },
- -- ["minecraft:iron_ore"] = { 255, 150, 50 },
- -- ["minecraft:lava"] = { 150, 75, 0 },
- -- ["minecraft:gold_ore"] = { 255, 255, 0 },
- ["minecraft:diamond_ore"] = { 0, 255, 255 },
- -- ["minecraft:redstone_ore"] = { 255, 0, 0 },
- -- ["minecraft:lapis_ore"] = { 0, 50, 255 },
- -- ["minecraft:emerald_ore"] = { 0, 255, 0 }
- }
- local modules = peripheral.find("neuralInterface")
- if not modules then error("Must have a neural interface", 0) end
- if not modules.hasModule("plethora:scanner") then error("The block scanner is missing", 0) end
- if not modules.hasModule("plethora:glasses") then error("The overlay glasses are missing", 0) end
- local canvas = modules.canvas()
- canvas.clear()
- local block_text = {}
- local blocks = {}
- for x = -scannerRange, scannerRange, 1 do
- block_text[x] = {}
- blocks[x] = {}
- for z = -scannerRange, scannerRange, 1 do
- block_text[x][z] = canvas.addText({ 0, 0 }, " ", 0xFFFFFFFF, size)
- blocks[x][z] = { y = nil, block = nil }
- end
- end
- canvas.addText({ offsetX, offsetY }, "^", 0xFFFFFFFF, size * 2)
- local function scan()
- while true do
- local scanned_blocks = modules.scan()
- for x = -scannerRange, scannerRange do
- for z = -scannerRange, scannerRange do
- local best_score, best_block, best_y = -1
- for y = -scannerRange, scannerRange do
- local scanned = scanned_blocks[scannerWidth ^ 2 * (x + scannerRange) + scannerWidth * (y + scannerRange) + (z + scannerRange) + 1]
- if scanned then
- local new_score = ores[]
- if new_score and new_score > best_score then
- best_block =
- best_score = new_score
- best_y = y
- end
- end
- end
- -- Update our block table with this information.
- blocks[x][z].block = best_block
- blocks[x][z].y = best_y
- end
- end
- sleep(scanInterval)
- end
- end
- local function render()
- while true do
- local meta = modules.getMetaOwner and modules.getMetaOwner()
- local angle = meta and math.rad(-meta.yaw % 360) or math.rad(180)
- for x = -scannerRange, scannerRange do
- for z = -scannerRange, scannerRange do
- local text = block_text[x][z]
- local block = blocks[x][z]
- if block.block then
- local px = math.cos(angle) * -x - math.sin(angle) * -z
- local py = math.sin(angle) * -x + math.cos(angle) * -z
- local sx = math.floor(px * size * cellSize)
- local sy = math.floor(py * size * cellSize)
- text.setPosition(offsetX + sx, offsetY + sy)
- text.setText(tostring(block.y))
- text.setColor(table.unpack(colours[block.block]))
- else
- text.setText(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- sleep(renderInterval)
- end
- end
- parallel.waitForAll(render, scan)
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