
Tackles t rex down cliff

Nov 9th, 2024
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  1. Ishara saw again how different these dinosaurs were from Gaw. This beast’s puny front legs ended in two small claws. Gaw’s were much longer and brawnier, ending in large, powerful hands. And the king dinosaur’s eyes, while certainly fierce, lacked the look of terrible intelligence that shone in Gaw’s eyes.
  2. A furious roar! The larger meat eater leaped back from its feast as a dark, hurtling blur slammed into it. Ishara felt the rubble hard against her belly and chest as she tried to flatten herself into the ground. The young kong was not dead—and it clearly thought this creature had killed its parents. It rained thunderous blows on the flesh eater, slamming its body against a tree and smashing its fists hard into the creature’s head and chest. The dinosaur fought back, but the young kong grappled with it, and they tumbled toward the gaping maw of Skull Mountain. The dinosaur rolled free, roared, and kept the enraged kong away by wildly snapping its jaws and kicking out with its massive hind legs.
  5. Kong: King of Skull Island, Chapter 8
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