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- % GOALS ARE: [goal(goto_dir_step_1,kitchen\=player~1)]
- % BINDING ADDED: kitchen\=player~1
- % planner:'FOUND SOLUTION?~n'.
- % planner:' BINDINGS are SAFE~n'.
- % planner:'FULL PLAN is:~n'.
- plan([ step(start,
- oper('player~1',
- true,
- [],
- [ h(exit(north),garden,kitchen),
- h(in,brklamp,garden),
- h(in,screendoor,garden),
- h(in,'rock~1',garden),
- h(in,'fountain~1',garden),
- h(in,'mushroom~1',garden),
- h(in,'player~1',garden),
- props(garden,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- nouns([here,garden]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(take,f),
- cant_go($ agent,
- up,
- 'You lack the ability to fly.')
- ]),
- h(exit(south),kitchen,garden),
- h(in,'plate~1','sink~1'),
- h(on,'lamp~1','table~1'),
- h(on,'box~1','table~1'),
- h(exit(west),
- kitchen,
- '<unknown>'(exit,exit(west),kitchen)),
- h(exit(east),
- kitchen,
- '<unknown>'(exit,exit(east),kitchen)),
- h(exit(north),
- kitchen,
- '<unknown>'(exit,exit(north),kitchen)),
- h(in,'cabinate~1',kitchen),
- h(in,'sink~1',kitchen),
- h(in,'table~1',kitchen),
- h(in,'crate~1',kitchen),
- props(kitchen,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- nouns([here,kitchen]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(take,f),
- desc = 'cooking happens here'
- ]),
- h(in,'<unknown>'(closed,in,'box~1'),'box~1'),
- h(in,'<unknown>'(closed,in,'cabinate~1'),'cabinate~1'),
- h(in,'<unknown>'(closed,in,'crate~1'),'crate~1')
- ])),
- step(finish,oper('player~1',true,[h(in,'player~1',kitchen)],[])),
- step(goto_dir_step_1,
- oper('player~1',
- goto_dir('player~1',walk,north),
- [ h(in,'player~1',garden),
- h(exit(north),garden,kitchen),
- garden \= 'player~1',
- kitchen \= 'player~1'
- ],
- [h(in,'player~1',kitchen),~(h(in,'player~1',garden))]))
- ],
- [ before(goto_dir_step_1,finish),
- before(start,goto_dir_step_1),
- before(start,finish)
- ],
- [kitchen\='player~1',garden\='player~1'],
- [ causes(start,h(exit(north),garden,kitchen),goto_dir_step_1),
- causes(start,h(in,'player~1',garden),goto_dir_step_1),
- causes(goto_dir_step_1,h(in,'player~1',kitchen),finish)
- ])
- % aXiom(doing,goto_dir('player~1',walk,north)).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vBegin,goto_dir('player~1',walk,north))).
- % aXiom(doing,leaving('player~1',garden,walk,north)).
- % aXiom(doing,terminates(h(_60870,'player~1',garden))).
- % aXiom(doing,arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south)).
- % aXiom(doing,initiates(h(in,'player~1',kitchen))).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vDone,goto_dir('player~1',walk,north))).
- player~1 left walk gardening north
- {{ arriving(kitchen,walk,south) }}
- % player~1 Goals some Satisfied: [h(in,'player~1',kitchen)]. Unsatisfied: [].
- % player~1 @ kitchen: already about todo: goto_dir(player~1,walk,west)
- % aXiom(doing,goto_dir('player~1',walk,west)).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vBegin,goto_dir('player~1',walk,west))).
- % aXiom(doing,leaving('player~1',kitchen,walk,west)).
- % aXiom(doing,terminates(h(_53886,'player~1',kitchen))).
- % aXiom(doing,arriving('player~1',living_room,walk,east)).
- % aXiom(doing,initiates(h(in,'player~1',living_room))).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vDone,goto_dir('player~1',walk,west))).
- player~1 left walk kitchening west
- {{ arriving(living_room,walk,east) }}
- % player~1 @ living_room: already about todo: look(player~1)
- % aXiom(doing,look('player~1')).
- Player~1 notices the living_room: ( volume_capacity is 10000, default_rel is in, ( Nouns: [ here, living_room ] ), ( Adjs: [ locally ] ) and cannot be taken! )
- Player~1 is in living_room and sees: fireplace and videocamera.
- Exits in living_room are: east and south.
- % player~1 @ living_room: already about todo: look(player~1)
- % aXiom(doing,look('player~1')).
- Player~1 notices the living_room: ( volume_capacity is 10000, default_rel is in, ( Nouns: [ here, living_room ] ), ( Adjs: [ locally ] ) and cannot be taken! )
- Player~1 is in living_room and sees: fireplace and videocamera.
- Exits in living_room are: east and south.
- '...verbose...'('nothing over fireplace')
- '...verbose...'('nothing in fireplace')
- '...verbose...'('nothing over fireplace')
- '...verbose...'('nothing in fireplace')
- player~1@spatial> a
- a
- % aXiom(doing,goto_dir('player~1',walk,south)).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vBegin,goto_dir('player~1',walk,south))).
- % aXiom(doing,leaving('player~1',living_room,walk,south)).
- % aXiom(doing,terminates(h(_28658,'player~1',living_room))).
- % aXiom(doing,arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,north)).
- % aXiom(doing,initiates(h(in,'player~1',kitchen))).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vDone,goto_dir('player~1',walk,south))).
- player~1 left walk living_rooming south
- {{ arriving(kitchen,walk,north) }}
- % player~1 @ kitchen: already about todo: look(player~1)
- % aXiom(doing,look('player~1')).
- Player~1 notices the kitchen: ( volume_capacity is 10000, default_rel is in, ( Nouns: [ here, kitchen ] ), ( Adjs: [ locally ] ), cannot be taken! and desc is cooking happens here )
- Player~1 is in kitchen and sees: crate, table, sink, cabinate and screendoor.
- Exits in kitchen are: north, south, east and west.
- '...verbose...'('crate is closed from seeing In')
- Player~1 see on table: box and lamp.
- Player~1 see in sink: plate.
- '...verbose...'('nothing on sink')
- '...verbose...'('cabinate is closed from seeing In')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on cabinate')
- '...verbose...'('box is closed from seeing In')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on plate')
- player~1@spatial> s
- s
- % aXiom(doing,goto_dir('player~1',walk,south)).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vBegin,goto_dir('player~1',walk,south))).
- % aXiom(doing,leaving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south)).
- % aXiom(doing,terminates(h(_43492,'player~1',kitchen))).
- % aXiom(doing,arriving('player~1',garden,walk,north)).
- % aXiom(doing,initiates(h(in,'player~1',garden))).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vDone,goto_dir('player~1',walk,south))).
- player~1 left walk kitchening south
- {{ arriving(garden,walk,north) }}
- % player~1 @ garden: already about todo: look(player~1)
- % aXiom(doing,look('player~1')).
- Player~1 notices the garden: ( volume_capacity is 10000, default_rel is in, ( Nouns: [ here, garden ] ), ( Adjs: [ locally ] ), cannot be taken! and {{ cant_go($agent,up,'You lack the ability to fly.') }} )
- Player~1 is in garden and sees: mushroom, fountain, rock, screendoor and brklamp.
- Exits in garden are: north.
- '...verbose...'('nothing in fountain')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on fountain')
- player~1@spatial> n
- n
- % aXiom(doing,goto_dir('player~1',walk,north)).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vBegin,goto_dir('player~1',walk,north))).
- % aXiom(doing,leaving('player~1',garden,walk,north)).
- % aXiom(doing,terminates(h(_44380,'player~1',garden))).
- % aXiom(doing,arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south)).
- % aXiom(doing,initiates(h(in,'player~1',kitchen))).
- % aXiom(doing,status_msg(vDone,goto_dir('player~1',walk,north))).
- player~1 left walk gardening north
- {{ arriving(kitchen,walk,south) }}
- % player~1 @ kitchen: already about todo: look(player~1)
- % aXiom(doing,look('player~1')).
- Player~1 notices the kitchen: ( volume_capacity is 10000, default_rel is in, ( Nouns: [ here, kitchen ] ), ( Adjs: [ locally ] ), cannot be taken! and desc is cooking happens here )
- Player~1 is in kitchen and sees: crate, table, sink, cabinate and screendoor.
- Exits in kitchen are: north, south, east and west.
- '...verbose...'('crate is closed from seeing In')
- Player~1 see on table: box and lamp.
- Player~1 see in sink: plate.
- '...verbose...'('nothing on sink')
- '...verbose...'('cabinate is closed from seeing In')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on cabinate')
- '...verbose...'('box is closed from seeing In')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on plate')
- player~1@spatial> mem
- mem
- [ todo([]),
- model([ holds_at(h(in,'plate~1','sink~1'),43),
- holds_at(h(on,'lamp~1','table~1'),42),
- holds_at(h(on,'box~1','table~1'),42),
- holds_at(h(exit(west),kitchen,living_room),40),
- holds_at(h(exit(east),
- kitchen,
- '<unknown>'(exit,exit(east),kitchen)),
- 40),
- holds_at(h(exit(south),kitchen,garden),40),
- holds_at(h(exit(north),
- kitchen,
- '<unknown>'(exit,exit(north),kitchen)),
- 40),
- holds_at(h(in,screendoor,kitchen),40),
- holds_at(h(in,'cabinate~1',kitchen),40),
- holds_at(h(in,'sink~1',kitchen),40),
- holds_at(h(in,'table~1',kitchen),40),
- holds_at(h(in,'crate~1',kitchen),40),
- holds_at(h(in,'player~1',kitchen),40),
- holds_at(props(kitchen,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- nouns([here,kitchen]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(take,f),
- desc = 'cooking happens here'
- ]),
- 40),
- holds_at(h(exit(north),garden,kitchen),39),
- holds_at(h(in,brklamp,garden),37),
- holds_at(h(in,'rock~1',garden),37),
- holds_at(h(in,'fountain~1',garden),37),
- holds_at(h(in,'mushroom~1',garden),37),
- holds_at(props(garden,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- nouns([here,garden]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(take,f),
- cant_go($ agent,
- up,
- 'You lack the ability to fly.')
- ]),
- 37),
- holds_at(h(exit(south),living_room,kitchen),28),
- holds_at(h(exit(east),
- living_room,
- '<unknown>'(exit,exit(east),living_room)),
- 25),
- holds_at(h(in,'videocamera~1',living_room),25),
- holds_at(h(in,'fireplace~1',living_room),25),
- holds_at(props(living_room,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- nouns([here,living_room]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(take,f)
- ]),
- 25),
- holds_at(h(in,'<unknown>'(closed,in,'box~1'),'box~1'),6),
- holds_at(h(in,'<unknown>'(closed,in,'cabinate~1'),'cabinate~1'),5),
- holds_at(h(in,'<unknown>'(closed,in,'crate~1'),'crate~1'),2)
- ]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'plate~1',on,depth(1),[]),
- timestamp(46,25),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'box~1',
- in,
- depth(1),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'box~1')),
- timestamp(45,25),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'cabinate~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'cabinate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'cabinate~1')),
- timestamp(44,25),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',in,depth(2),['plate~1']),
- timestamp(43,25),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'table~1',on,depth(2),['box~1','lamp~1']),
- timestamp(42,25),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'crate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'crate~1')),
- timestamp(41,25),
- exits_are('player~1',in,kitchen,[north,south,east,west]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- kitchen,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'player~1',
- 'crate~1',
- 'table~1',
- 'sink~1',
- 'cabinate~1',
- screendoor
- ]),
- timestamp(40,25),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south),
- leaving('player~1',garden,walk,north),
- timestamp(39,25),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,north)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fountain~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fountain~1',in,depth(2),[]),
- timestamp(38,23.1),
- exits_are('player~1',in,garden,[north]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- garden,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'player~1',
- 'mushroom~1',
- 'fountain~1',
- 'rock~1',
- screendoor,
- brklamp
- ]),
- timestamp(37,23),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',garden,walk,north),
- leaving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south),
- timestamp(36,23),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,south)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'plate~1',on,depth(1),[]),
- timestamp(35,18.5),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'box~1',
- in,
- depth(1),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'box~1')),
- timestamp(34,18.5),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'cabinate~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'cabinate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'cabinate~1')),
- timestamp(33,18.5),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',in,depth(2),['plate~1']),
- timestamp(32,18.5),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'table~1',on,depth(2),['box~1','lamp~1']),
- timestamp(31,18.4),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'crate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'crate~1')),
- timestamp(30,18.4),
- exits_are('player~1',in,kitchen,[north,south,east,west]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- kitchen,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'player~1',
- 'crate~1',
- 'table~1',
- 'sink~1',
- 'cabinate~1',
- screendoor
- ]),
- timestamp(29,18.4),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,north),
- leaving('player~1',living_room,walk,south),
- timestamp(28,18.4),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,south)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fireplace~1',in,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fireplace~1',over,depth(2),[]),
- timestamp(27,16.4),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fireplace~1',in,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fireplace~1',over,depth(2),[]),
- timestamp(26,16.4),
- exits_are('player~1',in,living_room,[east,south]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- living_room,
- in,
- depth(3),
- ['player~1','fireplace~1','videocamera~1']),
- timestamp(25,16.4),
- did(look('player~1')),
- exits_are('player~1',in,living_room,[east,south]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- living_room,
- in,
- depth(3),
- ['player~1','fireplace~1','videocamera~1']),
- timestamp(24,16.4),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',living_room,walk,east),
- leaving('player~1',kitchen,walk,west),
- timestamp(23,16.4),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,west)),
- goals_satisfied([h(in,'player~1',kitchen)]),
- goals([]),
- arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south),
- leaving('player~1',garden,walk,north),
- timestamp(22,16.4),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,north)),
- did(goto_loc('player~1',walk,kitchen)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fountain~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fountain~1',in,depth(2),[]),
- timestamp(21,11.6),
- exits_are('player~1',in,garden,[north]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- garden,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'player~1',
- 'mushroom~1',
- 'fountain~1',
- 'rock~1',
- screendoor,
- brklamp
- ]),
- timestamp(20,11.6),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',garden,walk,north),
- leaving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south),
- timestamp(19,11.6),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,south)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'plate~1',on,depth(1),[]),
- timestamp(18,10.9),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'box~1',
- in,
- depth(1),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'box~1')),
- timestamp(17,10.9),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'cabinate~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'cabinate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'cabinate~1')),
- timestamp(16,10.8),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',in,depth(2),['plate~1']),
- timestamp(15,10.8),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'table~1',on,depth(2),['box~1','lamp~1']),
- timestamp(14,10.8),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'crate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'crate~1')),
- timestamp(13,10.8),
- exits_are('player~1',in,kitchen,[north,south,east,west]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- kitchen,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'player~1',
- 'crate~1',
- 'table~1',
- 'sink~1',
- 'cabinate~1',
- screendoor
- ]),
- timestamp(12,10.8),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south),
- leaving('player~1',garden,walk,north),
- timestamp(11,10.8),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,north)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fountain~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'fountain~1',in,depth(2),[]),
- timestamp(10,8.9),
- exits_are('player~1',in,garden,[north]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- garden,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'player~1',
- 'mushroom~1',
- 'fountain~1',
- 'rock~1',
- screendoor,
- brklamp
- ]),
- timestamp(9,8.9),
- did(look('player~1')),
- arriving('player~1',garden,walk,north),
- leaving('player~1',kitchen,walk,south),
- timestamp(8,8.9),
- did(goto_dir('player~1',walk,south)),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'plate~1',on,depth(1),[]),
- timestamp(7,7),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'box~1',
- in,
- depth(1),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'box~1')),
- timestamp(6,7),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'cabinate~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'cabinate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'cabinate~1')),
- timestamp(5,7),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',on,depth(2),[]),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'sink~1',in,depth(2),['plate~1']),
- timestamp(4,7),
- notice_children('player~1',see,'table~1',on,depth(2),['box~1','lamp~1']),
- timestamp(3,6.9),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- 'crate~1',
- in,
- depth(2),
- '<unknown>'(closed,in,'crate~1')),
- timestamp(2,6.9),
- exits_are('player~1',in,kitchen,[north,south,east,west]),
- notice_children('player~1',
- see,
- kitchen,
- in,
- depth(3),
- [ 'crate~1',
- 'table~1',
- 'sink~1',
- 'cabinate~1',
- 'player~1',
- screendoor
- ]),
- timestamp(1,6.9),
- did(look('player~1')),
- structure_label(mem('player~1')),
- timestamp(0,6.8),
- goals_skipped([]),
- inst('player~1')
- ]
- player~1@spatial>
- Loading tt0_00022_cycl.qlf ...
- % 612 inferences, 0.227 CPU in 0.227 seconds (100% CPU, 2691 Lips)
- Loading ac_xnl_7166.qlf (this may take 60-120 seconds the very first time) ...
- % 696 inferences, 1.779 CPU in 1.780 seconds (100% CPU, 391 Lips)
- Loading clex_nldata.qlf ...
- % 391,020 inferences, 0.330 CPU in 0.330 seconds (100% CPU, 1183597 Lips)
- % lists:(append/3): Not tracing
- % lists:(list_to_set/2): Not tracing
- % lists:(member_/3): Not tracing
- % ensure_loaded(adv_agents).
- % ensure_loaded(adv_robot_floyd).
- You may start the server with:
- ?- srv_mu.
- % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/nldata/clex_lexicon_user1.nldata:97543
- % init_why(program).
- % adv_server(2666).
- Server is starting on port 2666
- % Thread Status Time Stack use allocated
- % ---------------------------------------------------
- % main running 7.134 21,312 776,168
- % gc running 0.002 744 120,808
- % mu_2666 running 0.000 904 120,808
- % planner:'ORDERING TEST:~n'.
- % unordered was {6,[before(start,finish),before(start,x),before(start,y),before(y,finish),before(x,z)],...(_5782)}
- % ordering is {8,[before(z,finish),before(x,finish),before(x,z),before(start,z),before(y,finish)],...(_6284)}
- % picked [start,x,y,z,finish]
- % picked [start,x,z,y,finish]
- % picked [start,y,x,z,finish]
- % planner:' END ORDERING TEST~n'.
- % iObjectList=['crate~1','apple~1','fireplace~1','videocamera~1','shovel~1','mushroom~1','fountain~1','rock~1','locker~1','shelf~1','table_leg~1','table~1','box~1','bowl~1','flour~1','lamp~1','sink~1','plate~1','cabinate~1','cup~1',screendoor,brklamp,'bag~1',pantry,living_room,kitchen,garden,dining_room,basement,'player~1','floyd~1','coins~1'].
- % create_object('crate~1',[inherit(crate,t),nouns([crate])]).
- % create_object('apple~1',[inherit(apple,t),nouns([apple])]).
- % create_object('fireplace~1',[inherit(fireplace,t),nouns([fireplace])]).
- % create_object('videocamera~1',[inherit(videocamera,t),nouns([videocamera])]).
- % create_object('shovel~1',[inherit(shovel,t),nouns([shovel])]).
- % create_object('mushroom~1',[inherit(mushroom,t),nouns([mushroom])]).
- % create_object('fountain~1',[inherit(fountain,t),nouns([fountain])]).
- % create_object('rock~1',[inherit(rock,t),nouns([rock])]).
- % create_object('locker~1',[inherit(locker,t),nouns([locker])]).
- % create_object('shelf~1',[inherit(shelf,t),nouns([shelf])]).
- % create_object('table_leg~1',[inherit(table_leg,t),nouns([table_leg])]).
- % create_object('table~1',[inherit(table,t),nouns([table])]).
- % create_object('box~1',[inherit(box,t),nouns([box])]).
- % create_object('bowl~1',[inherit(bowl,t),nouns([bowl])]).
- % create_object('flour~1',[inherit(flour,t),nouns([flour])]).
- % create_object('lamp~1',[inherit(lamp,t),nouns([lamp])]).
- % create_object('sink~1',[inherit(sink,t),nouns([sink])]).
- % create_object('plate~1',[inherit(plate,t),nouns([plate])]).
- % create_object('cabinate~1',[inherit(cabinate,t),nouns([cabinate])]).
- % create_object('cup~1',[inherit(cup,t),nouns([cup])]).
- % create_object(screendoor,[door_to(kitchen),door_to(garden),opened=f,inherit(door,t)]).
- % create_object(brklamp,[inherit(broken,t),name='possibly broken lamp',effect(switch(on),print_(_386,"Switch is flipped")),effect(hit,[print_("Hit brklamp"),setprop($self,inherit(broken,t))]),inherit(lamp,t)]).
- % create_object('bag~1',[inherit(bag,t)]).
- % create_object(pantry,[inherit(place,t),nouns(closet),nominals(kitchen),desc='You\'re in a dark pantry.',dark=t]).
- % create_object(living_room,[inherit(place,t)]).
- % create_object(kitchen,[inherit(place,t),desc='cooking happens here']).
- % create_object(garden,[inherit(place,t),cant_go($agent,up,'You lack the ability to fly.'),cant_go($agent,_880,'The fence surrounding the garden is too tall and solid to pass.')]).
- % create_object(dining_room,[inherit(place,t)]).
- % create_object(basement,[inherit(place,t),desc='This is a very dark basement.',dark=t]).
- % create_object('player~1',[name= $self,inherit(console,t),inherit(humanoid,t)]).
- % create_object('floyd~1',[name='Floyd the robot',powered=f,inherit(autonomous,t),inherit(robot,t)]).
- % create_object('coins~1',[inherit(coins,t)]).
- =============================================
- =============================================
- [ props('coins~1',
- [ nouns([coins,'coins~1']),
- adjs([shiny,physical,thinkable,fully_corporial,measurable]),
- can_be(move,t),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Movable Object',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is corporial'
- ]),
- inherited(object),
- can_be(touch,t),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- cleanliness = clean,
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- inherited(shiny),
- ammount = some,
- inherited(measurable),
- inherited(coins),
- co([inherit(coins,t)])
- ]),
- props('floyd~1',
- [ name = 'Floyd the robot',
- powered = f,
- knows_verbs(eat,f),
- nouns([autonomous,robot,character,autoscan,'floyd~1']),
- inherited(autonomous),
- emitting(see,light),
- mass = 200,
- adjs([ metallic,
- shiny,
- physical,
- partly_noncorporial,
- thinkable,
- noncorporial
- ]),
- desc = 'Your classic robot: metallic with glowing red eyes, enthusiastic but not very clever.',
- can_be(switch,t),
- can_be(examine,t),
- can_be(move,t),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Movable Object',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'direct inheriters are completely noncorporial',
- 'kind is both partly corporial and non-corporial'
- ]),
- inherited(object),
- inherited(shiny),
- has_rel(worn_by,t),
- has_rel(held_by,t),
- volume = 50,
- knows_verbs(examine,t),
- knows_verbs(touch,t),
- has_sense(see),
- inherited(autoscan),
- inherit(fully_corporial,t),
- can_be(touch,f),
- inherited(thinkable),
- isnt(fully_corporial),
- inherited(noncorporial),
- inherited(partly_noncorporial),
- inherited(character),
- effect(switch(on),setprop('floyd~1',powered=t)),
- effect(switch(off),setprop('floyd~1',powered=f)),
- inherited(robot),
- co([ name = 'Floyd the robot',
- powered = f,
- inherit(autonomous,t),
- inherit(robot,t)
- ])
- ]),
- perceptq('floyd~1',[]),
- memories('floyd~1',
- [ structure_label(mem('floyd~1')),
- timestamp(0,7.2),
- goals([]),
- goals_skipped([]),
- goals_satisfied([]),
- model([]),
- todo([look('floyd~1')]),
- inst('floyd~1')
- ]),
- props('player~1',
- [ name = 'player~1',
- adjs([physical,partly_noncorporial,thinkable,noncorporial]),
- nominals([console]),
- nouns([player,humanoid,character,autoscan,'player~1']),
- inherited(console),
- has_rel(worn_by,t),
- has_rel(held_by,t),
- mass = 50,
- volume = 50,
- knows_verbs(eat,t),
- knows_verbs(examine,t),
- knows_verbs(touch,t),
- has_sense(see),
- inherited(autoscan),
- inherit(fully_corporial,t),
- can_be(examine,f),
- can_be(touch,f),
- class_desc([ 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'direct inheriters are completely noncorporial',
- 'kind is both partly corporial and non-corporial'
- ]),
- inherited(thinkable),
- isnt(fully_corporial),
- inherited(noncorporial),
- inherited(partly_noncorporial),
- inherited(character),
- inherited(player),
- can_be(switch(off),f),
- powered = t,
- inherited(humanoid),
- co([name= $self,inherit(console,t),inherit(humanoid,t)])
- ]),
- perceptq('player~1',[]),
- memories('player~1',
- [ structure_label(mem('player~1')),
- timestamp(0,7.2),
- goals([]),
- goals_skipped([]),
- goals_satisfied([]),
- model([]),
- todo([look('player~1')]),
- inst('player~1')
- ]),
- props(basement,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- nouns([here,basement]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(move,f),
- can_be(take,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- desc = 'This is a very dark basement.',
- dark = t,
- co([ inherit(place,t),
- desc = 'This is a very dark basement.',
- dark = t
- ])
- ]),
- props(dining_room,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- nouns([here,dining_room]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(move,f),
- can_be(take,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- co([inherit(place,t)])
- ]),
- props(garden,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- nouns([here,garden]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(move,f),
- can_be(take,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- cant_go($agent,up,'You lack the ability to fly.'),
- co([ inherit(place,t),
- cant_go($agent,up,'You lack the ability to fly.'),
- cant_go($ agent,
- up,
- 'The fence surrounding the garden is too tall and solid to pass.')
- ])
- ]),
- props(kitchen,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- nouns([here,kitchen]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(move,f),
- can_be(take,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- desc = 'cooking happens here',
- co([inherit(place,t),desc='cooking happens here'])
- ]),
- props(living_room,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- nouns([here,living_room]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(move,f),
- can_be(take,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- co([inherit(place,t)])
- ]),
- props(pantry,
- [ volume_capacity = 10000,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- nouns([here,pantry,closet]),
- adjs([locally]),
- can_be(move,f),
- can_be(take,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- nominals(kitchen),
- desc = 'You\'re in a dark pantry.',
- dark = t,
- co([ inherit(place,t),
- nouns(closet),
- nominals(kitchen),
- desc = 'You\'re in a dark pantry.',
- dark = t
- ])
- ]),
- props('bag~1',
- [ nouns([bag,container,'bag~1']),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- opened = f,
- inherited(container),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- volume_capacity = 10,
- inherited(bag),
- co([inherit(bag,t)])
- ]),
- props(brklamp,
- [ name = 'definately broken',
- effect(switch(on),true),
- effect(switch(off),true),
- adjs([dented,broken,shiny,physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- inherited(broken),
- effect(hit,
- [ print_("Hit brklamp"),
- setprop(brklamp,inherit(broken,t))
- ]),
- nouns([lamp,light,brklamp]),
- nominals(brass),
- inherited(shiny),
- can_be(switch,t),
- powered = t,
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- emitting(see,light),
- breaks_into = inherit(broken_lamp,t),
- inherited(lamp),
- co([ inherit(broken,t),
- name = 'possibly broken lamp',
- effect(switch(on),print_(_,"Switch is flipped")),
- effect(hit,
- [ print_("Hit brklamp"),
- setprop($self,inherit(broken,t))
- ]),
- inherit(lamp,t)
- ])
- ]),
- props(screendoor,
- [ door_to(kitchen),
- door_to(garden),
- opened = f,
- nouns([door,screendoor]),
- can_be(take,f),
- can_be(open,t),
- can_be(close,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- can_be(examine,t),
- adjs([thinkable,fully_corporial]),
- class_desc(['kind is normally thinkable','kind is corporial']),
- inherited(thinkable),
- cleanliness = clean,
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- inherited(door),
- co([ door_to(kitchen),
- door_to(garden),
- opened = f,
- inherit(door,t)
- ])
- ]),
- props('cup~1',
- [ nouns([cup,container,'cup~1']),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- opened = f,
- inherited(container),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- inherited(flask),
- inherited(cup),
- co([inherit(cup,t),nouns([cup])])
- ]),
- props('cabinate~1',
- [ nouns([cabinate,container,'cabinate~1']),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- opened = f,
- inherited(container),
- adjs([untakeable,fully_corporial,physical,thinkable]),
- can_be(take,f),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Immobile Object',
- 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is furnature'
- ]),
- inherited(untakeable),
- can_be(touch,t),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- has_rel(on,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- inherited(surface),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(furnature),
- volume_capacity = 10,
- inherited(cabinate),
- co([inherit(cabinate,t),nouns([cabinate])])
- ]),
- props('plate~1',
- [ nouns([plate,'plate~1']),
- has_rel(on,t),
- default_rel = on,
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- inherited(surface),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- volume_capacity = 2,
- breaks_into = shards,
- name = plate,
- inherited(plate),
- co([inherit(plate,t),nouns([plate])])
- ]),
- props('sink~1',
- [ nouns([sink,uncloseable,container,'sink~1']),
- cleanliness = dirty,
- can_be(close,f),
- can_be(open,f),
- opened = t,
- inherited(uncloseable),
- adjs([physical,untakeable,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- inherited(container),
- can_be(move,t),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Movable Object',
- 'kind is an Immobile Object',
- 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is furnature'
- ]),
- inherited(object),
- inherited(flask),
- can_be(take,f),
- inherited(untakeable),
- can_be(touch,t),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- has_rel(on,t),
- inherited(surface),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(furnature),
- volume_capacity = 5,
- inherited(sink),
- co([inherit(sink,t),nouns([sink])])
- ]),
- props('lamp~1',
- [ nouns([lamp,light,'lamp~1']),
- name = 'shiny brass lamp',
- nominals(brass),
- adjs([shiny,physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- inherited(shiny),
- can_be(switch,t),
- powered = t,
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- emitting(see,light),
- effect(switch(on),setprop('lamp~1',emitting(see,light))),
- effect(switch(off),delprop('lamp~1',emitting(see,light))),
- breaks_into = inherit(broken_lamp,t),
- inherited(lamp),
- co([inherit(lamp,t),nouns([lamp])])
- ]),
- props('flour~1',
- [ nouns([flour,food,'flour~1']),
- can_be(eat,t),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable,measurable]),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- inherited(food),
- ammount = some,
- inherited(measurable),
- inherited(flour),
- co([inherit(flour,t),nouns([flour])])
- ]),
- props('bowl~1',
- [ nouns([bowl,uncloseable,container,'bowl~1']),
- can_be(close,f),
- can_be(open,f),
- opened = t,
- inherited(uncloseable),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- inherited(container),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- inherited(flask),
- volume_capacity = 2,
- breaks_into = shards,
- name = 'porcelain bowl',
- desc = 'This is a modest glass cooking bowl with a yellow flower motif glazed into the outside surface.',
- inherited(bowl),
- co([inherit(bowl,t),nouns([bowl])])
- ]),
- props('box~1',
- [ nouns([box,container,'box~1',cardboard,paper]),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- inherited(container),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- volume_capacity = 11,
- can_be(burn,t),
- inherited(paper),
- inherited(cardboard),
- opened = f,
- inherited(box),
- co([inherit(box,t),nouns([box])])
- ]),
- props('table~1',
- [ has_rel(on,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- inherited(surface),
- adjs(physical),
- default_rel = on,
- inherited(table),
- nouns([table]),
- co([inherit(table,t),nouns([table])])
- ]),
- props('table_leg~1',
- [ inherited(table_leg),
- nouns([table_leg]),
- co([inherit(table_leg,t),nouns([table_leg])])
- ]),
- props('shelf~1',
- [ adjs([physical,untakeable,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- can_be(take,f),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Immobile Object',
- 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is furnature'
- ]),
- inherited(untakeable),
- can_be(touch,t),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- has_rel(on,t),
- default_rel = on,
- cleanliness = clean,
- inherited(surface),
- can_be(examine,t),
- nouns(['shelf~1',shelf]),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(furnature),
- inherited(shelf),
- co([inherit(shelf,t),nouns([shelf])])
- ]),
- props('locker~1',
- [ nouns([locker,container,'locker~1',metal]),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- inherited(container),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- volume_capacity = 13,
- can_be(burn,f),
- inherited(metal),
- opened = f,
- inherited(locker),
- co([inherit(locker,t),nouns([locker])])
- ]),
- props('rock~1',
- [ inherited(rock),
- nouns([rock]),
- co([inherit(rock,t),nouns([rock])])
- ]),
- props('fountain~1',
- [ nouns([fountain,here,'fountain~1',sink,uncloseable,container]),
- volume_capacity = 150,
- adjs([locally,physical,untakeable,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- can_be(move,f),
- has_rel(exit(_),t),
- inherited(place),
- cleanliness = dirty,
- can_be(close,f),
- can_be(open,f),
- opened = t,
- inherited(uncloseable),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- inherited(container),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Movable Object',
- 'kind is an Immobile Object',
- 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is furnature'
- ]),
- inherited(object),
- inherited(flask),
- can_be(take,f),
- inherited(untakeable),
- can_be(touch,t),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- has_rel(on,t),
- inherited(surface),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(furnature),
- inherited(sink),
- inherited(fountain),
- co([inherit(fountain,t),nouns([fountain])])
- ]),
- props('mushroom~1',
- [ name = 'speckled mushroom',
- nouns([food,'mushroom~1',mushroom,fungus,toadstool]),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable,measurable,speckled]),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- ammount = some,
- inherited(measurable),
- inherited(food),
- initial('A speckled mushroom grows out of the sodden earth, on a long stalk.'),
- desc = 'The mushroom is capped with blotches, and you aren\'t at all sure it\'s not a toadstool.',
- can_be(eat,t),
- before(eat,(random(100)=<30,die('It was poisoned!');'yuck!')),
- after(take,
- initial ',' 'You pick the mushroom, neatly cleaving its thin stalk.'),
- inherited(mushroom),
- co([inherit(mushroom,t),nouns([mushroom])])
- ]),
- props('shovel~1',
- [ inherited(shovel),
- nouns([shovel]),
- co([inherit(shovel,t),nouns([shovel])])
- ]),
- memories('videocamera~1',
- [ structure_label(mem('videocamera~1')),
- timestamp(0,7.1),
- goals([]),
- goals_skipped([]),
- goals_satisfied([]),
- model([]),
- todo([look('videocamera~1')]),
- inst('videocamera~1')
- ]),
- perceptq('videocamera~1',[]),
- props('videocamera~1',
- [ can_be(switch,t),
- effect(switch(on),setprop('videocamera~1',powered=t)),
- effect(switch(off),setprop('videocamera~1',powered=f)),
- powered = t,
- has_sense(see),
- breaks_into = broken_videocam,
- inherited(videocamera),
- nouns([videocamera]),
- co([inherit(videocamera,t),nouns([videocamera])])
- ]),
- props('fireplace~1',
- [ nouns([fireplace,uncloseable,container,'fireplace~1']),
- has_rel(on,f),
- has_rel(over,t),
- can_be(close,f),
- can_be(open,f),
- opened = t,
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- inherited(container),
- inherited(uncloseable),
- volume_capacity = 20,
- adjs([untakeable,fully_corporial,physical,thinkable]),
- can_be(take,f),
- class_desc([ 'kind is an Immobile Object',
- 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is furnature'
- ]),
- inherited(untakeable),
- can_be(touch,t),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- cleanliness = clean,
- inherited(surface),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(furnature),
- inherited(fireplace),
- co([inherit(fireplace,t),nouns([fireplace])])
- ]),
- props('apple~1',
- [ inherited(apple),
- nouns([apple]),
- co([inherit(apple,t),nouns([apple])])
- ]),
- props('crate~1',
- [ nouns([crate,container,'crate~1',wooden]),
- default_rel = in,
- has_rel(in,t),
- opened = f,
- inherited(container),
- adjs([physical,fully_corporial,thinkable]),
- can_be(move,t),
- can_be(touch,t),
- cleanliness = clean,
- class_desc([ 'kind is corporial',
- 'kind is normally thinkable',
- 'kind is an Movable Object'
- ]),
- inherited(fully_corporial),
- can_be(examine,t),
- inherited(thinkable),
- inherited(object),
- volume_capacity = 13,
- breaks_into = splinters,
- can_be(burn,t),
- inherited(wooden),
- inherited(crate),
- co([inherit(crate,t),nouns([crate])])
- ]),
- h(in,'apple~1','crate~1'),
- h(in,'crate~1',kitchen),
- h(in,'fireplace~1',living_room),
- h(in,'videocamera~1',living_room),
- h(in,'shovel~1',basement),
- h(in,'mushroom~1',garden),
- h(in,'fountain~1',garden),
- h(in,'rock~1',garden),
- h(in,'locker~1',pantry),
- h(in,'shelf~1',pantry),
- h(reverse(on),'table~1','table_leg~1'),
- h(on,'box~1','table~1'),
- h(in,'bowl~1','box~1'),
- h(in,'flour~1','bowl~1'),
- h(in,'table~1',kitchen),
- h(on,'lamp~1','table~1'),
- h(in,'sink~1',kitchen),
- h(in,'plate~1','sink~1'),
- h(in,'cabinate~1',kitchen),
- h(in,'cup~1','cabinate~1'),
- type_props(food,
- [can_be(eat,t),inherit(object,t),inherit(measurable,t)]),
- type_props(door,
- [ can_be(take,f),
- can_be(open,t),
- can_be(close,t),
- opened = t,
- nouns(door),
- inherit(fully_corporial,t)
- ]),
- structure_label(istate),
- h(in,'floyd~1',pantry),
- h(in,'player~1',kitchen),
- h(worn_by,'watch~1','player~1'),
- h(held_by,'bag~1','player~1'),
- h(in,'coins~1','bag~1'),
- h(held_by,'wrench~1','floyd~1'),
- h(exit(south),pantry,kitchen),
- h(exit(north),kitchen,pantry),
- h(exit(down),pantry,basement),
- h(exit(up),basement,pantry),
- h(exit(south),kitchen,garden),
- h(exit(north),garden,kitchen),
- h(exit(east),kitchen,dining_room),
- h(exit(west),dining_room,kitchen),
- h(exit(north),dining_room,living_room),
- h(exit(east),living_room,dining_room),
- h(exit(south),living_room,kitchen),
- h(exit(west),kitchen,living_room),
- h(in,screendoor,kitchen),
- h(in,screendoor,garden),
- h(in,brklamp,garden)
- ]
- =============================================
- Welcome to Marty's Prolog Adventure Prototype
- =============================================
- % player~1 @ kitchen: already about todo: look(player~1)
- % aXiom(doing,look('player~1')).
- Player~1 notices the kitchen: ( volume_capacity is 10000, default_rel is in, ( Nouns: [ here, kitchen ] ), ( Adjs: [ locally ] ), cannot be taken! and desc is cooking happens here )
- Player~1 is in kitchen and sees: crate, table, sink, cabinate and screendoor.
- Exits in kitchen are: north, south, east and west.
- '...verbose...'('crate is closed from seeing In')
- Player~1 see on table: box and lamp.
- Player~1 see in sink: plate.
- '...verbose...'('nothing on sink')
- '...verbose...'('cabinate is closed from seeing In')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on cabinate')
- '...verbose...'('box is closed from seeing In')
- '...verbose...'('nothing on plate')
- player~1@spatial>
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