
white court traitor

Sep 22nd, 2022
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  1. "I want you to help yourself," I said. "We've both got the same problem."
  2. "And that would be?" she asked.
  3. "Traitors within the organization," I said. "Inciting conflict and destabilizing the balance of power."
  4. She arched a raven black eyebrow. "The Warden is innocent?"
  5. "Only if I can find the guy who set him up."
  6. "You think there's a connection between your traitor and the skinwalker."
  7. "And another connection that led me here," I said. "One of your folk paid that lawyer and rewired her head."
  8. Lara's mouth twisted with distaste. "If that's true, then someone was hideously gauche. One never leaves such obvious and overt blocks behind-and especially not in a contact only one layer removed. Such things call too much attention to themselves."
  9. "So," I said. "A White Court vampire who is gauche, overt, impatient. Oh, and who did not show up to defend the homestead when the skinwalker broke in. And who Thomas recently beat and humiliated in public."
  10. "Madeline," Lara murmured.
  11. "Madeline," I said. "I think whoever is pulling the strings on this operation is using her. I think we need to find her and follow the strings back to the puppeteer."
  14. Turn Coat Chapter 27, Page248-249
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