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- films (id, name, shortDesc, rectrictionID, hasSubtitles bit, slogan, worldReleaseDate, rfReleaseDate, rating, desc,
- imdbRating, imdbRateCount,
- reviewMinusCount
- reviewPlusCount
- )
- filmFacts (id, filmID, text, ord, isError bit)
- linkedFilms (id, filmID, linkFilmID)
- users (....)
- customers (id, userID, nickname, ... reviewsCount)
- fimlRates (id, rate, created, customerID)
- filmReviews(id, created, customerID, title, text, plus, minus,)
- filmReviewComments (id, reviewID, created, text, customerID)
- ageRestrictions (id, code)
- filmImages (id, url, thumb, isCover, isBackgroud, ord)
- ---
- Справочники для филььма
- audiotracks (id, name, code)
- filmAudiotracks (id, filmID, trackID)
- countries (id, name)
- filmCountries (id, filmID, countryID)
- genres (id, name, code, desc, cnt)
- filmGenres(id, filmID, genreID)
- humans (id, fio, desc, countryID, mainPhotoID)
- humanPhotos (id, url, thumb, humanID, ord)
- filmHumans (id, filmID, humanID, roleID, ord)
- filmRoles (id, name, code) - актер, режиссер, дубляж и т.д.
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