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- <SimbaLion> if you want, join #gunfurries, they can help.
- <RingtailedFox> nah, don't want to talk to ammosexuals. i disagree with "guns equal freedo"
- <RingtailedFox> *freedom
- <SimbaLion> So you don't want a discussion, you want to rant. A discussion requires fair exchange of ideas.
- <RingtailedFox> i disagree. what's to discuss?
- <SimbaLion> Then why are you trying to stir the pot
- <RingtailedFox> you want me to agree that the only way to be free is to have a gun. i disargee
- <SimbaLion> I don't want anything
- <RingtailedFox> you started by making that claim, then ending the discussion when you saw that people agreed with me
- <RingtailedFox> so, what's to discuss?
- <SimbaLion> you're clearly trolling me.. :(
- <RingtailedFox> you bowed out ebcuase you were outnumbered, and now y9ou want me to go to a room where I'LL be outnumbered
- <RingtailedFox> no, i'km not trolling
- <RingtailedFox> i just disagree with you on guns
- <RingtailedFox> don't know how that means i'm trolling you
- <SimbaLion> You are trolling, you must not know what trolling is.
- <RingtailedFox> what's your definition of it?
- <SimbaLion> are you really so fascinated by this conversation
- <RingtailedFox> the one in #techfurs, or the one were havign in here? becuase, i can say yes to both.
- <RingtailedFox> well, you accuse me of trolling, then don''t explain how, or even define it.
- <SimbaLion> you're having one conversation, it doesn't involve #techfurs, you were having it on your own, and you still are..
- <SimbaLion> I say this as a friend, as best I can
- <RingtailedFox> if i were trolling, i would be insulting and harassing others, saying very disgusting things and just beign as unpleasant as possible
- <SimbaLion> not always
- <RingtailedFox> i don't like doing that. i hate rudeness and mean behaviour
- <SimbaLion> now that we've slowed down, if you are curious about why guns are important to freedom, ask gun people. They are likely to point you to online stuff to read, rather than waste their time debating it. Then you can form your own opinion. But hear both sides at least.
- <RingtailedFox> i have
- <SimbaLion> then all this is in vain. I'd be more willing to engage if I hadn't had the same debate a thousand times over the years with other people. it gets boring after years..
- <RingtailedFox> the thing is, i'm just tired of gun advocates saying its a duty to shoot "n-words" or that clive bundy has a right from god to not pay his taxes and aim his guns at law enforcement... and the texas open-carry movement. holy crap. no.
- <RingtailedFox> i know
- <SimbaLion> crazy people are crazy no matter what group they belong to
- <RingtailedFox> yeah, but it seems like the crazies are just crawling out of the woodwork on the pro-gun side of thinsg
- <SimbaLion> you sound just as crazy but from the other side
- <RingtailedFox> no
- <SimbaLion> crazy people are never aware of how they appear
- <RingtailedFox> if i were just as crazy as them, i'd be saying to ban hunting rifles and police officers guns
- <SimbaLion> :p
- <RingtailedFox> i'm fine with both
- <SimbaLion> Yeah see I was right
- <RingtailedFox> how? you made a strawman argument
- <SimbaLion> no I just don't feel like beating you up about it
- <RingtailedFox> created a fictional construct of what you wanted me to be, then debated me
- <RingtailedFox> beating me up for disagreeing with you? seems a little extreme
- <SimbaLion> something compels you
- <RingtailedFox> you seem to really want me to like guns as much as you do... i''m not telling you to throw your guns away
- <SimbaLion> well I never said that
- <RingtailedFox> today i learned something....ii thought only the religious proselytize and evangelize...
- <SimbaLion> something is compelling these ideas in your mind
- <RingtailedFox> yeah. all the gun violence in my area
- <RingtailedFox> what compels you to want me to love guns so much?
- <SimbaLion> if you say so, it's your mind :p
- <RingtailedFox> what makes you feel you can't be free unless you are holding a gun 24/7, even in your sleep?
- <RingtailedFox> i'd liek to hear THAT compelling argument
- <SimbaLion> I'm done
- * RingtailedFox shrugs
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