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- ContextAction = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
- _G.NoKillList={}
- _G.AimBotting=false
- _G.AimAtTorso=false
- _G.AimAtMurderer=false
- _G.RayCasting=true
- _G.TeamCheck=true
- _G.AimAtSheriff = false
- _G.clickLagSwitch = false
- _G.cast=workspace.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList
- local function PiercingCast(p0,p1,ignore)
- local Part
- local i=0
- repeat
- i=i+1
- local cond=(p1-p0).magnitude<999
- Part,p0=_G.cast(workspace,_G.ray(p0,cond and p1-p0 or (p1-p0).unit*999),ignore)
- if Part then
- if Part.CanCollide==false or Part.Transparency==1 then
- ignore[#ignore+1]=Part
- Part=nil
- end
- elseif cond or i>_G.MAX_ITERATIONS then
- break
- end
- until Part
- return Part,p0
- end
- local Camera=Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
- if game.PlaceId == 186976759 then
- if game.Workspace.Camera:FindFirstChild("PlayerInfoModel") then
- for i, c in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if c:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- c.ProByGod:Remove()
- end
- end
- for i, v in pairs (game.Workspace.Camera.PlayerInfoModel:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == "Friend" then
- for i, w in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if w.Name == v.Main.Data.Nickname.Text then
- if not w:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- thyGodlyPro ="StringValue", w)
- thyGodlyPro.Name = "ProByGod"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Camera") then
- if game.Workspace.Camera.FieldOfView ~= 100 then
- game.Workspace.Camera.FieldOfView = 100
- end
- end
- wait(0.1)
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.WalkSpeedMaster.Disabled == false then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.WalkSpeedMaster.Disabled = true
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 12
- end
- wait(0.1)
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed == 0 then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 12
- end
- if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("HUD") then
- if game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B4.Transparency ~= 1 or game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B1.Visible == true then
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B1.Transparency = 1
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B1.Visible = false
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B2.Transparency = 1
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B2.Visible = false
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B3.Transparency = 1
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B3.Visible = false
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B4.Transparency = 1
- game.CoreGui.HUD.Type1.Scoping.B4.Visible = false
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.AimBotting or AutoAimBot then
- local p=game.Players:GetPlayers()
- local d,t=-1
- local c=Camera.CoordinateFrame
- for i=1,#p do
- local ch=p[i].Character
- if p[i]~=Player
- and ch:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- and ch:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- and ch.Humanoid.Health>0
- and not (_G.TeamCheck and Player.TeamColor==p[i].TeamColor or _G.NoKillList[p[i].Name] or ch:FindFirstChild'ForceField') then
- local tp=_G.AimAtTorso and ch.Torso.Position or ch.Torso.CFrame*,1.5,0)
- local HitPart=PiercingCast(c.p,tp,{Camera,Player.Character})
- if not (_G.RayCasting and HitPart) or ch:IsAncestorOf(HitPart) then
- if _G.AimAtMurderer == true and p[i].Backpack:FindFirstChild("Knife") and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- elseif _G.AimAtMurderer == true and ch:FindFirstChild("Knife") and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- elseif _G.AimAtSheriff == true and p[i].Backpack:FindFirstChild("Gun") and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- elseif _G.AimAtSheriff == true and ch:FindFirstChild("Gun") and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- elseif _G.AimAtSheriff == true and p[i].Backpack:FindFirstChild("Revolver") and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- elseif _G.AimAtSheriff == true and ch:FindFirstChild("Revolver") and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- elseif _G.AimAtMurderer == false and _G.AimAtSheriff == false and not p[i]:FindFirstChild("ProByGod") then
- local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector)
- if m==m and m>d then
- d,t=m,tp
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if t then
- end
- end
- end)
- myAimbot = game.CoreGui.RobloxGui
- _G.myAimbot = myAimbot
- myAimbotMessage ="Hint", myAimbot)
- _G.myAimbotMessage = myAimbotMessage
- myAimbotMessage.Name = "$*&*#&*($(*()))"
- myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- local m=game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- m.Button2Down:connect(function()
- _G.AimBotting=true
- end)
- m.Button2Up:connect(function()
- _G.AimBotting=false
- end)
- ContextAction:BindAction("torso", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- _G.AimAtTorso=not _G.AimAtTorso
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.P)
- ContextAction:BindAction("raycast", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- _G.RayCasting=not _G.RayCasting
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.Q)
- ContextAction:BindAction("_G.TeamCheck", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- _G.TeamCheck=not _G.TeamCheck
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.M)
- ContextAction:BindAction("hidedddd", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- if _G.myAimbotMessage.Parent == _G.myAimbot then
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Parent = game.Geometry
- else
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Parent = _G.myAimbot
- end
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.Home)
- ContextAction:BindAction("autoaim", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- AutoAimBot=not AutoAimBot
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.K)
- ContextAction:BindAction("murderaim", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- _G.AimAtMurderer=not _G.AimAtMurderer
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.V)
- ContextAction:BindAction("sherrifaim", function(_, ImputState)
- if ImputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- _G.AimAtSheriff=not _G.AimAtSheriff
- _G.myAimbotMessage.Text="Aiming for: "..(_G.AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." | RayCastCheck: "..tostring(_G.RayCasting).." | TeamCheck: "..tostring(_G.TeamCheck).." | AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot).." | Aim at Murderer: "..tostring(_G.AimAtMurderer).." | Aim at Sheriff: "..tostring(_G.AimAtSheriff)
- end
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.C)
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