
My View on Abortion

Oct 4th, 2014
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  1. An abortion is the removal of cells that have no developed a brain yet.
  2. It has no feelings. It has no emotions. It has no memories. It has NO LIFE.
  3. A fetus is essentially equal to your hair, or your fingernails, or your skin. It has no life of its own, it cannot think and make critical decisions. It is not a life, and by extension it is not a baby.
  5. You can argue all day that "It's a POTENTIAL LIFE", but look at it this way:
  6. - Every egg a woman ovulates is a potential life. By this logic, every wasted egg is a murder.
  7. - Every sperm a man produces is a potential life. By this logic, every dead spermcell is a murder.
  8. - An accidental pregnancy was never intended. So the child was never intended. It makes zero difference if it's born or not, because it wasn't indended to be born in the first place. It would've either ended up in a used condom in the trash bin, or in the waste bin of an abortion clinic. It makes ZERO DIFFERENCE.
  10. You can argue that "What if your parents said you weren't wanted?", but that's EXACTLY what a child resulting from an unwanting pregnancy would hear growing up. I don't hear that, because I WAS wanted. I WAS meant to be born, I WAS supposed to happen.
  12. You can argue that "Just adopt the child!", but then you have a child that will grow up thinking or hearing that
  13. - They weren't wanted by their parents, and was given away. TRAUMATIC.
  14. - The parents couldn't afford having them, and was given away. TRAUMATIC.
  15. - The mother was raped and didn't want the child, and gave it away. TRAUMATIC.
  16. - The father couldn't handle it and left, forcing the mother to give it away. TRAUMATIC.
  17. What I'm saying is that NO MATTER what you tell a child that has been adopted, it will be traumatic to hear that it has been. It will know that it was unwanted in the end, since that's what the whole point of adoption is - to give away unwanted children to other parents. And here's another thing: There's PLENTY of unwanted children in this world, MILLIONS of children up for adoption.
  18. And some of them never DO get adopted, because nobody wants THEM either.
  19. You really want to put a child through that?
  20. You want to put a child through 18 years of feeling they don't belong, and then an adult life of not knowing where to turn? And if they do get adopted, you REALLY want a child to go his or her whole life knowing that they were not supposed to exist?
  22. You can argue that "Well, I don't need to exist then!" Then you're just plain stupid in every way. If you exist at this point in time, it likely means your parents wanted you. If not, ask them. If they say you were an accident, good. You've been traumatized. Now you know what a child would feel like in the above situations.
  24. If any of this still has you thinking that "Nah, it's still wrong", then you ARE a fucking idiot and I would LOVE for you to give me ANY kind of backing evidence as to why it should be banned.
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