
Dethroner BOTL Speech

Jul 29th, 2020
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  1. [16:37:58] #Dethroner*: Everyone.
  2. [16:38:11] #Dethroner*: You all are living in what is the equivalent to
  3. [16:38:24] #Dethroner*: a Boruto sequel to a Naruto Prequel
  4. [16:38:37] #Dethroner*: aka: This era quite blatantly... sucks.
  5. [16:38:49] #Dethroner*: You need to bring the excitement back
  6. [16:38:54] #Dethroner*: we need to bring the excitement back
  7. [16:39:06] #Dethroner*: and hence there will be a few competitions coming back
  8. [16:39:13] #Dethroner*: The one which we are bringing back is the iconic
  9. [16:39:17] #Dethroner*: Battle Of The Leagues
  10. [16:39:19] #Dethroner*: BOTL
  11. [16:39:29] #Dethroner*: Which was consistently won by players like
  12. [16:39:31] #Dethroner*: Sabella
  13. [16:39:33] #Dethroner*: Kaiser
  14. [16:39:36] #Dethroner*: Balto
  15. [16:39:38] #Dethroner*: Suspense
  16. [16:39:40] #Dethroner*: Arkenciel
  17. [16:39:54] #Dethroner*: Right now, we need to build the competition levels.
  18. [16:40:00] #Dethroner*: The way it works is that
  19. [16:40:08] #Dethroner*: Every league has 3 reps that they choose
  20. [16:40:13] #Dethroner*: to rep the league in the competition
  21. [16:40:27] #Dethroner*: it's a tour between all the reps
  22. [16:40:46] #Dethroner*: We will be holding BOTL in 2/2.5 hours
  23. [16:41:05] #Dethroner*: 1.5-2 hours*
  24. [16:41:18] #Dethroner*: Every league is to give 3 reps to AllianceDominatrix
  25. [16:41:30] #Dethroner*: she will be handling the rep system and the leagues that are participating
  26. [16:41:37] #Dethroner*: We are bringing the fun back
  27. [16:41:57] #Dethroner*: so let's go, we're going to add multiple leagues for the first BOTL of the new Era
  28. [16:42:04] #Dethroner*: and slowly step by step
  29. [16:42:12] #Dethroner*: we will return to our former Glory
  30. Deth Chat is disabled.
  31. Anyone may talk now. The speech is over.
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