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- """
- requirements
- pip install pytube
- usage:
- name the python file as you want: for example
- copy the playlist url it should be like the following url:
- in command line type the following:
- python <here paste the playlist url>
- """
- import urllib.request
- import urllib.error
- import re
- import sys
- import time
- import os
- from pytube import YouTube
- class progressBar:
- def __init__(self, barlength=25):
- self.barlength = barlength
- self.position = 0
- self.longest = 0
- def print_progress(self, cur, total, start):
- currentper = cur / total
- elapsed = int(time.clock() - start) + 1
- curbar = int(currentper * self.barlength)
- bar = '\r[' + '='.join(['' for _ in range(curbar)]) # Draws Progress
- bar += '>'
- bar += ' '.join(['' for _ in range(int(self.barlength - curbar))]) + '] ' # Pads remaining space
- bar += bytestostr(cur / elapsed) + '/s ' # Calculates Rate
- bar += getHumanTime((total - cur) * (elapsed / cur)) + ' left' # Calculates Remaining time
- if len(bar) > self.longest: # Keeps track of space to over write
- self.longest = len(bar)
- bar += ' '.join(['' for _ in range(self.longest - len(bar))])
- sys.stdout.write(bar)
- def print_end(self, *args): # Clears Progress Bar
- sys.stdout.write('\r{0}\r'.format((' ' for _ in range(self.longest))))
- def getHumanTime(sec):
- if sec >= 3600: # Converts to Hours
- return '{0:d} hour(s)'.format(int(sec / 3600))
- elif sec >= 60: # Converts to Minutes
- return '{0:d} minute(s)'.format(int(sec / 60))
- else: # No Conversion
- return '{0:d} second(s)'.format(int(sec))
- def bytestostr(bts):
- bts = float(bts)
- if bts >= 1024 ** 4: # Converts to Terabytes
- terabytes = bts / 1024 ** 4
- size = '%.2fTb' % terabytes
- elif bts >= 1024 ** 3: # Converts to Gigabytes
- gigabytes = bts / 1024 ** 3
- size = '%.2fGb' % gigabytes
- elif bts >= 1024 ** 2: # Converts to Megabytes
- megabytes = bts / 1024 ** 2
- size = '%.2fMb' % megabytes
- elif bts >= 1024: # Converts to Kilobytes
- kilobytes = bts / 1024
- size = '%.2fKb' % kilobytes
- else: # No Conversion
- size = '%.2fb' % bts
- return size
- def getPageHtml(url):
- try:
- yTUBE = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
- return str(yTUBE)
- except urllib.error.URLError as e:
- print(e.reason)
- exit(1)
- def getPlaylistUrlID(url):
- if 'list=' in url:
- eq_idx = url.index('=') + 1
- pl_id = url[eq_idx:]
- if '&' in url:
- amp = url.index('&')
- pl_id = url[eq_idx:amp]
- return pl_id
- else:
- print(url, "is not a youtube playlist.")
- exit(1)
- def getFinalVideoUrl(vid_urls):
- final_urls = []
- for vid_url in vid_urls:
- url_amp = len(vid_url)
- if '&' in vid_url:
- url_amp = vid_url.index('&')
- final_urls.append('' + vid_url[:url_amp])
- return final_urls
- def getPlaylistVideoUrls(page_content, url):
- playlist_id = getPlaylistUrlID(url)
- vid_url_pat = re.compile(r'watch\?v=\S+?list=' + playlist_id)
- vid_url_matches = list(set(re.findall(vid_url_pat, page_content)))
- if vid_url_matches:
- final_vid_urls = getFinalVideoUrl(vid_url_matches)
- print("Found",len(final_vid_urls),"videos in playlist.")
- printUrls(final_vid_urls)
- return final_vid_urls
- else:
- print('No videos found.')
- exit(1)
- #function added to get audio files along with the video files from the playlist
- def download_Video_Audio(path, vid_url, file_no):
- try:
- yt = YouTube(vid_url)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error:", str(e), "- Skipping Video with url '"+vid_url+"'.")
- return
- try: # Tries to find the video in 720p
- #video = yt.get('mp4', '720p')
- video = yt.streams.filter(progressive = True, file_extension = "mp4").first()
- except Exception: # Sorts videos by resolution and picks the highest quality video if a 720p video doesn't exist
- video = sorted(yt.filter("mp4"), key=lambda video: int(video.resolution[:-1]), reverse=True)[0]
- print("downloading", yt.title+" Video and Audio...")
- try:
- bar = progressBar()
- print("successfully downloaded", yt.title, "!")
- except OSError:
- print(yt.title, "already exists in this directory! Skipping video...")
- try:
- os.rename(yt.title+'.mp4',str(file_no)+'.mp4')
- aud= 'ffmpeg -i '+str(file_no)+'.mp4'+' '+str(file_no)+'.wav'
- final_audio='lame '+str(file_no)+'.wav'+' '+str(file_no)+'.mp3'
- os.system(aud)
- os.system(final_audio)
- os.remove(str(file_no)+'.wav')
- print("sucessfully converted",yt.title, "into audio!")
- except OSError:
- print(yt.title, "There is some problem with the file names...")
- def printUrls(vid_urls):
- for url in vid_urls:
- print(url)
- time.sleep(0.04)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3:
- print('USAGE: python playlistURL OR python playlistURL destPath')
- exit(1)
- else:
- url = sys.argv[1]
- directory = os.getcwd() if len(sys.argv) != 3 else sys.argv[2]
- # make directory if dir specified doesn't exist
- try:
- os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
- except OSError as e:
- print(e.reason)
- exit(1)
- if not url.startswith("http"):
- url = 'https://' + url
- playlist_page_content = getPageHtml(url)
- vid_urls_in_playlist = getPlaylistVideoUrls(playlist_page_content, url)
- # downloads videos and audios
- for i,vid_url in enumerate(vid_urls_in_playlist):
- download_Video_Audio(directory, vid_url, i)
- time.sleep(1)
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