
Fallout 3 YOLO run walkthrough

Feb 10th, 2015
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  1. Fallout 3 YOLO run walkthrough
  3. Original idea and video by MANYATRUENERD YOLO RUN
  8. Starting stats
  9. Strength= 4
  10. Perception=5
  11. Endurance=4
  12. Charisma=1
  13. Intelligence=10
  14. Agility=7
  15. Luck=9
  17. Tags: Explosives
  18. Small Guns
  19. Sneak
  20. The explosives might seem wasteful but trust me on this, IT IS WORTH IT!!!
  22. At age 16 break up the tunnel snake bully of Amata by punching Butch and immediately running to the teacher. This will grant you positive
  24. Karma you will NEED.
  26. First fight let the radroaches attack the guard(VERY IMPT!!!) the guard WILL charge you if you shoot him on sight
  28. ,shoot guard with bb gun. Finish off remaining enemies.
  30. Speech check Butch into saving mum. If Failed kill butch,then save mum for Karma, Kill mom. If success Kill butch first then mum. A
  32. Help fight against radroaches attacking Andy,Agree with friendly guard then sneak kill him. In Atrium sneak kill the girl.
  34. Hide behind the piller behind the room, kill the guards take thier stuff. Go up and carefully kill Radroaches or if the
  36. black guard comes down sneak kill him. Kill both Amata's guard and Dad. Hack and picklock stuff to escape,
  37. kill the radroach in the escape tunnel. After vault door opens, kill the two guards and run back inside for the pure water.
  38. LEVEL UP, Increase Endurance
  39. Sneak-50
  40. Lockpick-20
  41. Repair-25
  42. Rest at guns
  44. Go to springvale , lock pick everything, speech check the lady who owes Moraity money be kind to her then sneak kill her.
  45. NOTE: she is a bit tough so keep a few metres/feet away from her, then VATS her haid when hidden
  46. . Don't get too close to her or else your gun will just glitch past
  47. her head and screw you over. OR just don't bother killing her until you get a better more reliable weapon to do so.
  49. LEVEL UP, Increase Agility
  53. Go to Megaton then
  54. steal ASAP, kill Moriaty for free xp. Fix up the bomb, take strength bobblehead.
  55. LEVEL UP,Educated and Comprehension.
  57. Take hunting rifle. Sneak towards
  58. tenpenny towers. Stop by nearby metro station and barn for rando stuffs. When Done head towards the destroyed
  59. church, avoid at all cost but grab any and all stuff you want outside.
  61. Go to robco hq and finally TPT.Grab assault rifle GET IT FIXED UP, kill Billy and Sheriff for their guns.
  63. Kill a tenpenny security for their armour. Buy schematics for Dart Gun. head to tunnels fight ghouls.
  64. Head to Grayditch kill ants and grab ant mutagen + lab coat. Get naughty nighware as well. Let the ghouls
  65. in tenpenny towers by driving away the bigots do not forget to ask people if they want ghoal nieghbours. Before that
  66. Talk to Herbert and grab his key then kill him in his sleep. Kill Mr Tenpenny and after ghoul come in
  67. Kill the Ghoul leader. BE CAREFUL the friend will try to kill you , booby trap the outside elavator to kill him. Or Avoid him until later.
  69. Go to Tunnels in the building where you stop before greyditch. To kill the Ghoals using silenced weapons while hidden will only make
  70. one ghoal angry at you. Kill all ghoals and loot place. Even the that ghoul guy at the trapped area
  71. GO to Arefu finish quest, mine and throw grenades at the mikelurks. Clear away traps!
  73. go to robco headquarters. Clear out of animals DO NOT GET COCKY!!!! Grab stealthboys
  74. head to springvale school, super duber Mart. Then the Restuarant with the old Lady. HEad to the flooded Metro
  75. Plant Mines at the area and kill all the raiders ahead. Grab luck bobblehead:)
  77. Head to Graydicth grab bottlecap mine schematics for stuff. Head towards Agatha's house
  78. DO the minefield quest for Mira. Then Clear out Yao Gui Tunnels.
  79. head back to spingvale go to the broken bridge clear it of hostiles. After Sniper dies MINE THE PLACE in front
  80. of you as a last resort. Clear out the Metro tunnels be CAREFUL while doing so. Loot and leave. Head back to
  81. Arefu Sneak kill the house before Vault of insane survivors, usually there will be help hopefully. Clear out to
  82. grab science bobblehead. Clear out hamiltons hideaway as well. Go to GNR Plaza, let BOS kill everything
  83. use dart gun to cripple supermutant Behemoith.then vats the shit out of him with the fatman. Grab all the power
  84. armour and energy weapons lost, head to fort independence to strike a deal with the outcasts.
  85. Kill the vampires at metro station, go to the metro station. head to slavers buy kids from guy
  86. go to little lamplight .Stealth boy towards Rivet City and DuKovs Place,kill him and grab his stuff.
  88. Go to the Oasis and finish Harolds Quest, use mines and Shotgun often in the face of enemies to get the barkskin perk.
  90. Head towards towards rivet city by swimming there!
  91. avoid Land unless absloutely necessary. Go to the Metro Station beneath rivet city. Kill all raiders. Stealth boy
  93. towards the museams, Clear out the museum of histories feral ghoals. Grab lincons rifle.
  94. Finish replicated Man Quest to grab unique plasma rifle out Harrick to the slave guys.
  96. head toward museum of tech, use bottlecap mines ALWAYS , finish jinks quest. Go to Jury Metro Station for assault rifle later!!!
  97. Fix up the satellite for three dog. Go to rockos gas station to find the victory rifle don't forget to kill raiders at North place
  98. and the campgrounds Go to Canteberry Commons and finish the quest, kill ant lady and give her armour to metal guy,
  99. Clear the place out of robots and loot, Invest in the caravans of fallout 3 for repair stuff. Head to creak canyon to the east of robco HQ.
  100. Kill all raiders and grab Bottlecap schmeatics in the yao gui den. Finish the abraham lincoln quest for free xp. kill all the slaver in there.
  101. Travel to the water purifier and clear out the super mutants.
  103. LEVEL UP take tag skills and up medicine skill for cyborg perk. The Basement as well.
  105. Stop over to the republic of Dave to grab perception bobbleheadTrade and head to paradise falls.
  106. Sneak toward the drowned mans crossing, clear out raiders, Stop a WKLK station head into drain pipe for bobblehead, head towards
  107. the Sniper Chapel and kill the guy there for the reservist rifle.
  108. Go to Deathclaw Sanctuary and ONLY GET THE BOBBLEHEAD THAT IS ALL.
  109. Note jack the Ripper appears only AFTER the waters of life quest AND DIsappears completely if you
  110. do kill all the Deathclaws previosly. Trade stuff and Head to Girdershade and go towards the tranquility lane place.
  111. DOn't do the quest yet just clear the place out then head to Evergreen Mills. Clear Out Evergreen Mills and get the terrible shotgun and bobblehead
  112. Level Up Increase Melee for the Ninja perk ASAP.Finish Tranquility Lane Do all the bad stuff then activate failsafe afterwards.
  113. Afterwards follow dad and finish up the vault 82 to grab the violin thingy, kill the Deathclaws at old olney along the way.
  114. DO NOT FORGET to give her the sheet music and ask for a reward which is the blackkawk!!!!
  116. Get xp, finish up the waters of life quest. when in the seweres particularly the last part of the sewers the bad guys hide upstairs and lop nuka
  117. grenades carefully. At the bottom of the small staircase DO NOT USE shishkabob or any other weapon that ignites Gas.
  118. Killl ghouls and picklock safe leave the BOS dude to deal with the ghouls alone, loot after turrets kill the zombies
  119. Head back to Megaton after the power armour training and Tesla Coil Armour on, Start the trouble on the homefront quest.
  120. Just kill the Overseer and get the free xp. Head back to Deathclaw Santuary Deal with the hellfire troops by using run and gun tactics
  121. HAve the sewer grate thing in between you and them. Grab jack and Vengence.As well as their hellfire Armour Repair till full DR.
  122. Continue with picking up the trail. At little Lamplight
  123. Get Mcreedy to open up Murder Pass first, Then go and talk the Joseph to open up the backdoor entrance. Use Bottlecap mines always
  125. Free fawkes kill the other evil experiments first by hacking, let fawkes tank the enemies and help by standing back and shooting them.
  126. Let heim grab the geck and get captured by the enclave. Kill everyone involed in the first floor before heading to the second one.
  127. Use Stealthboys when needed. Escape and head to paradise Falls. Kill Everyone there for fun, kill everyone in Arefu and TPT.
  128. Pay For Charions Contract make him wait in the citadel and fetch him later. At the Final level kill Everyone and let Charion save everyone.
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