
minisatip -f -l -l -l all

Feb 11th, 2020
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  1. gx6605s login: root
  2. [root@gx6605s ~]# minisatip -f -l -l -l all
  3. [11/02 12:17:23.085]: The LOG option has changed, please run ./minisatip -h
  4. [11/02 12:17:23.086]: minisatip.c:1044 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 50 bytes at 0xa56e0
  5. [11/02 12:17:23.087]: minisatip version GXAPI_V.1.0.04-91b8f47, compiled with dvbapi version: 0302
  6. [11/02 12:17:23.087]: Built with dvbcsa
  7. [11/02 12:17:23.087]: Built without CI
  8. [11/02 12:17:23.088]: Built with dvbapi
  9. [11/02 12:17:23.088]: Built without AES (OpenSSL)
  10. [11/02 12:17:23.088]: Built with tables processing
  11. [11/02 12:17:23.088]: Built with pmt processing
  12. [11/02 12:17:23.089]: Built without satip client
  13. [11/02 12:17:23.089]: Built with linux dvb client
  14. [11/02 12:17:23.089]: Built without backtrace
  15. [11/02 12:17:23.089]: Built without netceiver
  16. [11/02 12:17:23.090]: Built without ddci
  17. [11/02 12:17:23.090]: Built without t2mi
  18. [11/02 12:17:23.090]: Built for GXAPI
  19. [11/02 12:17:23.092]: New TCP listening socket 3 at 0:0:0:0:554, family 2
  20. [11/02 12:17:23.092]: New TCP listening socket 4 at 0:0:0:0:8080, family 2
  21. [11/02 12:17:23.093]: New UDP socket 5 bound to
  22. [11/02 12:17:23.094]: setting multicast for
  23. [11/02 12:17:23.095]: New UDP socket 6 bound to (mcast:
  24. [11/02 12:17:23.096]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa69e0
  25. [11/02 12:17:23.097]: sockets_add: handle 5 (type 0) returning socket sock 0 [:0] read: 0xfbc8
  26. [11/02 12:17:23.098]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa6af8
  27. [11/02 12:17:23.099]: sockets_add: handle 6 (type 0) returning socket sock 1 [:0] read: 0xfbc8
  28. [11/02 12:17:23.100]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa6c10
  29. [11/02 12:17:23.100]: sockets_add: handle 3 (type 2) returning socket sock 2 [:0] read: 0xf818
  30. [11/02 12:17:23.101]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa6d28
  31. [11/02 12:17:23.102]: sockets_add: handle 4 (type 2) returning socket sock 3 [:0] read: 0xf818
  32. [11/02 12:17:23.102]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa6e40
  33. [11/02 12:17:23.103]: sockets_add: handle -2 (type 0) returning socket sock 4 [:0] read: 0xfbc8
  34. [11/02 12:17:23.104]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa6f58
  35. [11/02 12:17:23.104]: sockets_add: handle -2 (type 0) returning socket sock 5 [:0] read: 0xfbc8
  36. [11/02 12:17:23.105]: set_socket_thread: thread a5000 for sockets 5
  37. [11/02 12:17:23.106]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xa7070
  38. [11/02 12:17:23.106]: sockets_add: handle -2 (type 0) returning socket sock 6 [:0] read: 0xfbc8
  39. [11/02 12:17:23.107]: starting init_all_hw 0
  40. [11/02 12:17:23.108]: adapter.c:74 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 7000 bytes at 0xa7188
  41. [11/02 12:17:23.178]: trying to open [0] adapter 0 and frontend 0
  42. [11/02 12:17:23.179]: opened DVB adapter 0 fe:7 dvr:8
  43. [11/02 12:17:23.191]: GXAPI: Chip detected 6605
  44. [11/02 12:17:23.291]: adapter.c:307 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 72202 bytes at 0xa8ce8
  45. [11/02 12:17:23.293]: deleting pids on adapter 0, sid -1, pids=NULL
  46. [11/02 12:17:23.294]: unable to query frontend, perhaps DVB-API < 5.5 ?
  47. [11/02 12:17:23.294]: Detected adapter 0 handle 7 DVB Card Name: Nationalchip GX3211 DVB-C S2
  48. [11/02 12:17:23.295]: Detected delivery system for adapter 0: dvbs2 [6]
  49. [11/02 12:17:23.296]: Detected delivery system for adapter 0: dvbs [5]
  50. [11/02 12:17:23.296]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xba6f8
  51. [11/02 12:17:23.297]: sockets_add: handle 8 (type 5) returning socket sock 7 [:0] read: 0xfb00
  52. [11/02 12:17:23.297]: set_socket_thread: thread a5000 for sockets 7
  53. [11/02 12:17:23.298]: done opening adapter 0 delivery systems: dvbs2 undefined undefined undefined
  54. [11/02 12:17:23.299]: FE 1 mapped to Adapter 0, sys dvbs2
  55. [11/02 12:17:23.299]: done init_hw 1
  56. [11/02 12:17:23.300]: Initializing with 1 devices
  57. [11/02 12:17:23.311]: Starting select_and_execute on thread ID a5000, thread_name main
  58. [11/02 12:17:24.311]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  59. [11/02 12:17:24.312]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 1000 ms
  60. [11/02 12:17:24.312]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  61. [11/02 12:17:25.311]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  62. [11/02 12:17:25.312]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 997 ms
  63. [11/02 12:17:25.312]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  64. [11/02 12:17:25.313]: utils.c:1475 allocation_wrapper malloc allocated 272 bytes at 0xba810
  65. [11/02 12:17:25.314]: sockets_add: handle 9 (type 1) returning socket sock 8 [] read: 0xfb00
  66. [11/02 12:17:26.311]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  67. [11/02 12:17:26.312]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 997 ms
  68. [11/02 12:17:26.312]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  69. [11/02 12:17:27.311]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  70. [11/02 12:17:27.312]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  71. [11/02 12:17:27.312]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  72. [11/02 12:17:27.313]: read HTTP from 9 sid: -1:
  73. [11/02 12:17:27.314]: GET /desc.xml HTTP/1.1
  74. User-Agent: UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Platinum/
  75. Host:
  78. [11/02 12:17:27.315]: reply -> 9 ( CL:1205 [sock_id 8]:
  79. [11/02 12:17:27.315]: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  80. Date: Tue, Feb 11 10:17:27 2020 GMT
  81. Server: minisatip/GXAPI_V.1.0.04-91b8f47
  82. Cache-Control: no-cache
  83. Content-type: text/xml
  84. X-SATIP-RTSP-Port: 554
  85. Connection: close
  86. Content-Length: 1205
  88. <?xml version="1.0"?><root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0" configId="1"><specVersion><major>1</major><minor>1</minor></specVersion><device><deviceType>urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1</deviceType><friendlyName>minisatip</friendlyName><manufacturer>cata</manufacturer><manufacturerURL></manufacturerURL><modelDescription>minisatip for Linux</modelDescription><modelName>minisatip</modelName><modelNumber>1.1</modelNumber><modelURL></modelURL><serialNumber>1</serialNumber><UDN>uuid:11223344-9999-0000-b7ae-00e04c36ba1b</UDN><iconList><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/sm.png</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>120</width><height>120</height><depth>24</depth><url>/lr.png</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/sm.jpg</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>120</width><height>120</height><depth>24</depth><url>/lr.jpg</url></icon></iconList><presentationURL></presentationURL>
  89. <satip:X_SATIPCAP xmlns:satip="urn:ses-com:satip">DVBS2-1</satip:X_SATIPCAP></device></root>
  90. [11/02 12:17:27.317]: minisatip.c:1491 get_sid returns NULL for s_id = -1
  91. [11/02 12:17:27.319]: Requested stream close -1 timeout -1 type -1
  92. [11/02 12:17:27.319]: closing stream -1
  93. [11/02 12:17:27.320]: sockets_del: sock 8 -> handle 9, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  94. [11/02 12:17:27.321]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 9
  95. [11/02 12:17:27.321]: sockets_del: sock 8 Last open socket is at index 8 current_handle 9
  96. [11/02 12:17:27.322]: sockets_add: handle 9 (type 1) returning socket sock 8 [] read: 0xfb00
  97. [11/02 12:17:28.321]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  98. [11/02 12:17:28.322]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  99. [11/02 12:17:28.322]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  100. [11/02 12:17:29.321]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  101. [11/02 12:17:29.321]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  102. [11/02 12:17:29.322]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  103. [11/02 12:17:29.323]: read HTTP from 9 sid: -1:
  104. [11/02 12:17:29.323]: GET /desc.xml HTTP/1.1
  105. Cache-Control: no-cache
  106. Connection: Keep-Alive
  107. Pragma: no-cache
  108. Accept: text/xml, application/xml
  109. User-Agent: DAFUPnP
  110. Host:
  113. [11/02 12:17:29.324]: reply -> 9 ( CL:1205 [sock_id 8]:
  114. [11/02 12:17:29.325]: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  115. Date: Tue, Feb 11 10:17:29 2020 GMT
  116. Server: minisatip/GXAPI_V.1.0.04-91b8f47
  117. Cache-Control: no-cache
  118. Content-type: text/xml
  119. X-SATIP-RTSP-Port: 554
  120. Connection: close
  121. Content-Length: 1205
  123. <?xml version="1.0"?><root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0" configId="1"><specVersion><major>1</major><minor>1</minor></specVersion><device><deviceType>urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1</deviceType><friendlyName>minisatip</friendlyName><manufacturer>cata</manufacturer><manufacturerURL></manufacturerURL><modelDescription>minisatip for Linux</modelDescription><modelName>minisatip</modelName><modelNumber>1.1</modelNumber><modelURL></modelURL><serialNumber>1</serialNumber><UDN>uuid:11223344-9999-0000-b7ae-00e04c36ba1b</UDN><iconList><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/sm.png</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>120</width><height>120</height><depth>24</depth><url>/lr.png</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/sm.jpg</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>120</width><height>120</height><depth>24</depth><url>/lr.jpg</url></icon></iconList><presentationURL></presentationURL>
  124. <satip:X_SATIPCAP xmlns:satip="urn:ses-com:satip">DVBS2-1</satip:X_SATIPCAP></device></root>
  125. [11/02 12:17:29.327]: minisatip.c:1491 get_sid returns NULL for s_id = -1
  126. [11/02 12:17:29.328]: Requested stream close -1 timeout -1 type -1
  127. [11/02 12:17:29.329]: closing stream -1
  128. [11/02 12:17:29.329]: sockets_del: sock 8 -> handle 9, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  129. [11/02 12:17:29.330]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 9
  130. [11/02 12:17:29.331]: sockets_del: sock 8 Last open socket is at index 8 current_handle 9
  131. [11/02 12:17:30.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  132. [11/02 12:17:30.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 1000 ms
  133. [11/02 12:17:30.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  134. [11/02 12:17:31.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  135. [11/02 12:17:31.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  136. [11/02 12:17:31.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  137. [11/02 12:17:32.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  138. [11/02 12:17:32.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  139. [11/02 12:17:32.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  140. [11/02 12:17:33.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  141. [11/02 12:17:33.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  142. [11/02 12:17:33.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  143. [11/02 12:17:34.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  144. [11/02 12:17:34.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  145. [11/02 12:17:34.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  146. [11/02 12:17:35.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  147. [11/02 12:17:35.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  148. [11/02 12:17:35.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  149. [11/02 12:17:36.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  150. [11/02 12:17:36.331]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 997 ms
  151. [11/02 12:17:36.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  152. [11/02 12:17:37.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  153. [11/02 12:17:37.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  154. [11/02 12:17:37.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  155. [11/02 12:17:38.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  156. [11/02 12:17:38.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  157. [11/02 12:17:38.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  158. [11/02 12:17:39.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  159. [11/02 12:17:39.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  160. [11/02 12:17:39.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  161. [11/02 12:17:40.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  162. [11/02 12:17:40.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  163. [11/02 12:17:40.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  164. [11/02 12:17:41.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  165. [11/02 12:17:41.331]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  166. [11/02 12:17:41.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  167. [11/02 12:17:42.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  168. [11/02 12:17:42.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  169. [11/02 12:17:42.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  170. [11/02 12:17:43.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  171. [11/02 12:17:43.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  172. [11/02 12:17:43.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  173. [11/02 12:17:43.333]: sockets_add: handle 9 (type 1) returning socket sock 8 [] read: 0xfb00
  174. [11/02 12:17:44.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  175. [11/02 12:17:44.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  176. [11/02 12:17:44.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  177. [11/02 12:17:45.331]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  178. [11/02 12:17:45.332]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  179. [11/02 12:17:45.332]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  180. [11/02 12:17:45.333]: read HTTP from 9 sid: -1:
  181. [11/02 12:17:45.333]: GET /desc.xml HTTP/1.1
  182. Host:
  183. Connection: close
  186. [11/02 12:17:45.334]: reply -> 9 ( CL:1205 [sock_id 8]:
  187. [11/02 12:17:45.335]: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  188. Date: Tue, Feb 11 10:17:45 2020 GMT
  189. Server: minisatip/GXAPI_V.1.0.04-91b8f47
  190. Cache-Control: no-cache
  191. Content-type: text/xml
  192. X-SATIP-RTSP-Port: 554
  193. Connection: close
  194. Content-Length: 1205
  196. <?xml version="1.0"?><root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0" configId="1"><specVersion><major>1</major><minor>1</minor></specVersion><device><deviceType>urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1</deviceType><friendlyName>minisatip</friendlyName><manufacturer>cata</manufacturer><manufacturerURL></manufacturerURL><modelDescription>minisatip for Linux</modelDescription><modelName>minisatip</modelName><modelNumber>1.1</modelNumber><modelURL></modelURL><serialNumber>1</serialNumber><UDN>uuid:11223344-9999-0000-b7ae-00e04c36ba1b</UDN><iconList><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/sm.png</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/png</mimetype><width>120</width><height>120</height><depth>24</depth><url>/lr.png</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>48</width><height>48</height><depth>24</depth><url>/sm.jpg</url></icon><icon><mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype><width>120</width><height>120</height><depth>24</depth><url>/lr.jpg</url></icon></iconList><presentationURL></presentationURL>
  197. <satip:X_SATIPCAP xmlns:satip="urn:ses-com:satip">DVBS2-1</satip:X_SATIPCAP></device></root>
  198. [11/02 12:17:45.337]: minisatip.c:1491 get_sid returns NULL for s_id = -1
  199. [11/02 12:17:45.338]: Requested stream close -1 timeout -1 type -1
  200. [11/02 12:17:45.339]: closing stream -1
  201. [11/02 12:17:45.339]: sockets_del: sock 8 -> handle 9, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  202. [11/02 12:17:45.340]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 9
  203. [11/02 12:17:45.341]: sockets_del: sock 8 Last open socket is at index 8 current_handle 9
  204. [11/02 12:17:46.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  205. [11/02 12:17:46.342]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 1000 ms
  206. [11/02 12:17:46.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  207. [11/02 12:17:47.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  208. [11/02 12:17:47.341]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  209. [11/02 12:17:47.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  210. [11/02 12:17:48.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  211. [11/02 12:17:48.342]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  212. [11/02 12:17:48.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  213. [11/02 12:17:49.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  214. [11/02 12:17:49.342]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  215. [11/02 12:17:49.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  216. [11/02 12:17:50.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  217. [11/02 12:17:50.342]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  218. [11/02 12:17:50.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  219. [11/02 12:17:51.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  220. [11/02 12:17:51.342]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 997 ms
  221. [11/02 12:17:51.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  222. [11/02 12:17:52.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  223. [11/02 12:17:52.341]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 998 ms
  224. [11/02 12:17:52.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  225. [11/02 12:17:53.341]: GXAPI TS read: GxAVWaitEvents Problem...
  226. [11/02 12:17:53.342]: WARNING: read on socket id 7, handle 8, took 999 ms
  227. [11/02 12:17:53.342]: ignoring error on sock_id 7 handle 8 type 5 error 95 : Operation not supported
  228. [11/02 12:17:53.343]: Requested adapter 0 close due to timeout 30 sec, result 1 max_rtime 2246
  229. [11/02 12:17:53.344]: closing DVR socket 8 pos 7 aid 0
  230. [11/02 12:17:53.344]: closing adapter 0  -> fe:7 dvr:8, sock:7, fe_sock:-1
  231. [11/02 12:17:53.345]: adapter.c:1101: get_adapter returns NULL for adapter_id 0
  232. [11/02 12:17:53.345]: adapter.c:871: get_adapter returns NULL for adapter_id 0
  233. [11/02 12:17:53.347]: done closing adapter 0
  234. [11/02 12:17:53.348]: sockets_del: sock 7 -> handle 8, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  235. [11/02 12:17:53.348]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 8
  236. [11/02 12:17:53.349]: sockets_del: sock 7 Last open socket is at index 7 current_handle 8
  237. [11/02 12:24:10.997]: select_and_execute[0]: Close on socket 5 (sid:-1) from - type udp errno 0
  238. [11/02 12:24:10.999]: sockets_del: sock 0 -> handle 5, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  239. [11/02 12:24:11.000]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 5
  240. [11/02 12:24:11.001]: sockets_del: sock 0 Last open socket is at index 6 current_handle 5
  241. [11/02 12:24:11.001]: Delete socket 0 done: sid -1
  242. [11/02 12:24:11.002]: select_and_execute[1]: Close on socket 6 (sid:-1) from - type udp errno 0
  243. [11/02 12:24:11.004]: sockets_del: sock 1 -> handle 6, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  244. [11/02 12:24:11.004]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 6
  245. [11/02 12:24:11.005]: sockets_del: sock 1 Last open socket is at index 6 current_handle 6
  246. [11/02 12:24:11.006]: Delete socket 1 done: sid -1
  249. ^C[11/02 12:32:44.702]: select_and_execute: select() error 4: Interrupted system call
  250. [11/02 12:32:44.702]: The main loop ended, run_loop = 0
  251. [11/02 12:32:44.703]: Closing...
  252. [11/02 12:32:44.703]: sockets_del: sock 6 -> handle -2, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  253. [11/02 12:32:44.703]: sockets_del: sock 6 Last open socket is at index 6 current_handle -2
  254. [11/02 12:32:44.704]: sockets_del: sock 5 -> handle -2, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  255. [11/02 12:32:44.704]: sockets_del: sock 5 Last open socket is at index 5 current_handle -2
  256. [11/02 12:32:44.704]: sockets_del: sock 4 -> handle -2, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  257. [11/02 12:32:44.705]: sockets_del: sock 4 Last open socket is at index 4 current_handle -2
  258. [11/02 12:32:44.705]: sockets_del: sock 3 -> handle 4, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  259. [11/02 12:32:44.706]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 4
  260. [11/02 12:32:44.706]: sockets_del: sock 3 Last open socket is at index 3 current_handle 4
  261. [11/02 12:32:44.706]: sockets_del: sock 2 -> handle 3, sid -1, overflow bytes 0, allocated 0, used 0, unsend packets 0
  262. [11/02 12:32:44.707]: sockets_del: closing socket handle 3
  263. [11/02 12:32:44.707]: sockets_del: sock 2 Last open socket is at index 2 current_handle 3
  264. [11/02 12:32:44.708]: adapter.c:1469 allocation_wrapper free called with argument 0xa8ce8
  265. [11/02 12:32:44.708]: Exit OK.
  266. [root@gx6605s ~]#
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