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- ;Outdated! Find version 2 here:
- ;Basic Installer w/ GUI by Noahc3 (PSquishyP on Pastebin)
- ;HTTP File Downloader by Bruttosozialprodukt
- ;Built with Autohotkey
- ;Installer Version 1.1
- ;major.minor.fix
- ;Source Code available at
- ;Instruction Set Codes:
- ;mkdir: Makes new directory at ~workingdir~/[Given Directory] unless it already exists
- ;rmdir: Removes directory at ~workingdir~/[Given Directory] unless it contains files (aka the folder must be empty otherwise it wont be deleted)
- ;rmdirF: Removes directory at ~workingdir~/[Given Directory] even if it has files in it
- ;del: Deletes file at ~workingdir~/[Given Directory]
- ;
- ;Otherwise, you can leave a literal URL for it to be downloaded.
- ;PreInit
- #NoEnv
- SendMode Input
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
- ; Bundle title image when compiled, and extract image on launch if ran as an EXE
- FileInstall, brunchExpansion.png, %A_ScriptDir%\brunchExpansion.png, 0
- ;Download instruction set (1.1+)
- DownloadFile("", "brunchDownloads.txt")
- ;Set default radio selection
- directorySelected = 1
- ;Default text for custom directory edit
- selectedCustomDirectory = Breakfast Special Install Directory
- ;Build GUI
- Gui, Show , w480 h300, Breakfast Special: Brunch Expansion Installer
- ;Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10 w250 Center,Breakfast Special: Brunch Expansion Installer
- Gui, Add, Edit, w300 h19 x50 y140 vCustomDirectory, %selectedCustomDirectory%
- Gui, Add, Edit, w375 h19 x50 y90 vCurrentDirectory ReadOnly, %A_ScriptDir%
- Gui, Add, Button, x50 y200 w375 h50 gINSTALL vINSTALL,Install
- Gui, Add, Button, x350 y139 w75 h21 gBROWSE vBROWSEBUTTON,Browse
- Gui, Add, Radio, x50 y70 gDirectorySelect1 vDirectorySelect1 checked, Use This Directory
- Gui, Add, Radio, x50 y120 gDirectorySelect2 vDirectorySelect2, Use Custom Directory
- Gui, Add, Picture, x70 y10 w325 h-1, brunchExpansion.png
- ;Create but instantly hide the install complete message
- Gui, Add, Text, x10 y90 w460 Center vInstallComplete,Installation Complete. The mods and configs were added to your game.
- Gui, Add, Button, x365 y270 w100 h21 gFINISH vFINISH,Finish
- GuiControl, hide, InstallComplete
- GuiControl, hide, FINISH
- ;Disable the Custom Directory edit and the browse button by default
- GuiControl, disable, CustomDirectory
- GuiControl, disable, BROWSEBUTTON
- ;Instantly delete extracted logo once loaded into memory
- FileDelete, brunchExpansion.png
- ;Loop for developer commands, blank in public releases
- Loop
- {
- }
- return
- ;When Radio 1 is selected, enable Current Directory text box and set selected directory to 1, disable Custom Directory options
- DirectorySelect1:
- {
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- GuiControl, disable, CustomDirectory
- GuiControl, disable, BROWSEBUTTON
- GuiControl, enable, CurrentDirectory
- directorySelected = 1
- }
- return
- ;When Radio 2 is selected, enable the Custom Directory edit and browse button and set selected directory to 2, disable Current Directory options
- DirectorySelect2:
- {
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- GuiControl, enable, CustomDirectory
- GuiControl, enable, BROWSEBUTTON
- GuiControl, disable, CurrentDirectory
- directorySelected = 2
- }
- return
- ;When browse is pressed, handle folder selection
- {
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- FileSelectFolder, vFolderSelected, C:, 3, Select Breakfast Special Installation Folder
- GuiControl, Text, CustomDirectory, %vFolderSelected%
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- }
- return
- ;When install is pressed, begin installation
- {
- ;Set error count to 0
- errors = 0
- ;Check which radio was selected and set install directory based on that.
- if directorySelected = 1
- {
- downloadTo = %A_ScriptDir%
- }
- else if directorySelected = 2
- {
- downloadTo = %vFolderSelected%
- }
- ;Make sure that the directory the user selected exists, and that it contains a mods and config folder. If any errors occur, send user back to installer.
- IfNotExist, %downloadTo%
- {
- MsgBox, 0, Error, The install folder you selected does not exist.
- errors = errors + 1
- }
- if errors > 0
- {
- return
- }
- IfNotExist, %downloadTo%\mods
- {
- MsgBox, 0, Error, The mods folder is missing. Please make sure you have installed the pack before running this and have selected the correct install directory.
- errors = errors + 1
- }
- if errors > 0
- {
- return
- }
- IfNotExist, %downloadTo%\config
- {
- MsgBox, 0, Error, The config folder is missing. Please make sure you have installed the pack before running this and have selected the correct install directory.
- errors = errors + 1
- }
- if errors > 0
- {
- return
- }
- ;If no errors are detected, hide installer GUI components;
- GuiControl, Hide, CustomDirectory
- GuiControl, Hide, CurrentDirectory
- GuiControl, Hide, BROWSEBUTTON
- GuiControl, Hide, INSTALL
- GuiControl, Hide, DirectorySelect1
- GuiControl, Hide, DirectorySelect2
- instruction =
- instructionDir =
- readLine = 0
- downloadsFinished = 0
- while downloadsFinished = 0
- {
- IfNotExist, brunchDownloads.txt
- {
- MsgBox, 52, Error, The instruction set was deleted or malformed. Would you like to redownload the instruction set?
- IfMsgBox Yes
- DownloadFile("", "brunchDownloads.txt")
- IfNotExist, brunchDownloads.txt
- {
- MsgBox, 0, Error, The instruction set is still missing or malformed. Please check your internet connection and rerun the installer.
- IfMsgBox OK
- {
- FileDelete, brunchExpansion.png
- FileDelete, brunchDownloads.txt
- ExitApp
- }
- }
- else
- FileDelete, brunchDownloads.txt
- FileDelete, brunchExpansion.png
- ExitApp
- return
- }
- ;Check instructions from downloaded instruction set
- readLine += 1
- FileReadLine, instruction, brunchDownloads.txt, %readLine%
- readLine += 1
- FileReadLine, instructionDir, brunchDownloads.txt, %readLine%
- ;Handle current instructions using instruction codes
- if instruction = end
- {
- downloadsFinished = 1
- EndInstallation()
- break
- }
- else if instruction = del
- {
- FileDelete, %downloadTo%%instructionDir%
- }
- else if instruction = mkdir
- {
- IfNotExist, %downloadTo%%instructionDir%
- {
- FileCreateDir, %downloadTo%%instructionDir%
- }
- }
- else if instruction = rmdir
- {
- FileRemoveDir, %downloadTo%%instructionDir%, 0
- }
- else if instruction = rmdirF
- {
- FileRemoveDir, %downloadTo%%instructionDir%, 1
- }
- else
- {
- DownloadFile(instruction, downloadTo . instructionDir)
- }
- }
- }
- return
- EndInstallation()
- {
- ;When installation finishes, show install complete message and finish button.
- GuiControl, show, InstallComplete
- GuiControl, show, FINISH
- return
- }
- ;File Downloader by Bruttosozialprodukt
- DownloadFile(UrlToFile, SaveFileAs, Overwrite := True, UseProgressBar := True) {
- ;Check if the file already exists and if we must not overwrite it
- If (!Overwrite && FileExist(SaveFileAs))
- Return
- ;Check if the user wants a progressbar
- If (UseProgressBar) {
- ;Initialize the WinHttpRequest Object
- WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
- ;Download the headers
- WebRequest.Open("HEAD", UrlToFile)
- WebRequest.Send()
- ;Store the header which holds the file size in a variable:
- FinalSize := WebRequest.GetResponseHeader("Content-Length")
- ;Create the progressbar and the timer
- Progress, H80, , Downloading..., %UrlToFile%
- SetTimer, __UpdateProgressBar, 100
- }
- ;Download the file
- UrlDownloadToFile, %UrlToFile%, %SaveFileAs%
- ;Remove the timer and the progressbar because the download has finished
- If (UseProgressBar) {
- Progress, Off
- SetTimer, __UpdateProgressBar, Off
- }
- Return
- ;The label that updates the progressbar
- __UpdateProgressBar:
- ;Get the current filesize and tick
- CurrentSize := FileOpen(SaveFileAs, "r").Length ;FileGetSize wouldn't return reliable results
- CurrentSizeTick := A_TickCount
- ;Calculate the downloadspeed
- Speed := Round((CurrentSize/1024-LastSize/1024)/((CurrentSizeTick-LastSizeTick)/1000)) . " Kb/s"
- ;Save the current filesize and tick for the next time
- LastSizeTick := CurrentSizeTick
- LastSize := FileOpen(SaveFileAs, "r").Length
- ;Calculate percent done
- PercentDone := Round(CurrentSize/FinalSize*100)
- ;Update the ProgressBar
- Progress, %PercentDone%, %PercentDone%`% Done, Downloading... (%Speed%), Downloading %SaveFileAs% (%PercentDone%`%)
- Return
- }
- <^<!l::
- ;Debug enabler
- InputBox, vDebug, Debug Password, Enter Debug Password, HIDE, 300, 150,
- if vDebug = rainbows
- {
- debugEnabled = 1
- MsgBox, 0, Debug Enabled, Debug Hotkeys Enabled,
- }
- else
- {
- MsgBox, 0, Incorrect, Specified Password was Incorrect,
- }
- return
- ;Handle close of installer if the user closes the GUI or presses finish.
- FileDelete, brunchExpansion.png
- FileDelete, brunchDownloads.txt
- ExitApp
- GuiClose:
- FileDelete, brunchExpansion.png
- FileDelete, brunchDownloads.txt
- ExitApp
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